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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 041db6828a4803c⋯.jpg (36.75 KB,172x232,43:58,christ.jpg)

94668b No.51

It's not just saying the Latin mass properly. The N.O. mass is just the most outrageous sign of heresy.

There's the rest of the faith as well e.g. the FSSP are forced to say that the N.O. is a valid mass when it is clearly heresy. They've compromised the faith, and I suspect it is so they can use churches in the N.O. bishop's control.

Many Catholic priests became martyrs rather than bend the knee to the wicked King Henry VIII and become sin loving Anglicans. I know of just one FSSP priest who refused the false N.O. under Bergoglio.

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94668b No.52

File: 22120559f23299c⋯.jpg (137.34 KB,860x700,43:35,Christ_driving_Merchants_f….jpg)

I learned a lot about the Catholic faith from reading the Papal Encyclicals, but the hints about where to look were on YouTube.

Some of the YouTube videos, regardless of subject, shamelessly drone on with drivel to get a longer view. Many videos are clickbait style. Some Catholic ones are no different. Always there are comments where people say how great the video is, but never any questions. Seems really odd! Are they afraid to ask a question?

One even compared banning the Tridentine Mass to banning the Rosary. That comparison of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass to prayer beads was an abomination! If you hold the Rosary higher than the Mass, you're just not Catholic.

A lot of that going on with some Catholic videos. Because of this Bergoglio disaster where he's doing Satan's work and phasing out the Roman Rite for his Freemason abomination he calls a "mass", lots of pseudo "Trad Catholics" YouTube channels are trying to capitalize on it. Oh, whatever shall we do! The Latin Mass is so beautiful!!

Well, yes it is, but that's beside the point. It's a True Mass, and cannot be changed, not even one word of it. Why? To prevent the very God Damned thing that Bergoglio is doing, corrupting the Holy Sacrifice of the mass! Anyway, one of them had a very shameless pitch for money that reminds me of Matthew 21:13. As the protestants like to say, "What would Jesus Do?" I'm sure that actions involving whips and violence are not out of the question here.

And none of these Videos come to the correct conclusion: Begoglio (aka "Pope" Francis) is an anathema. That means Jesus Christ, our Lord and Our God, has cursed him, making him outside the Church. The faithful are to shun him, not listen to him. No way in heaven, earth or hell is Bergoglio a Pope. To do as Bergoglio says is to become a heretic and anathema yourself. And that is what the FSSP is being asked to do!

Which is ironic, because they're running videos of the English Martyrs as well.

But they need Begoglio's churches, so they will renounce their faith. The SSPX may do the same thing as part of their dealings with the devil. Gotta have nice churches to get the money I guess.

The early Christians had Mass in homes and even in the catacombs - better the true mass and true faith in a barn than a corrupted mass and false faith in a cathedral.

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94668b No.55

The Papal Encyclicals, which are the infallible gift of God the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete sent by our Lord Jesus Christ who is true God and true Man, are the Catholic faith defined.

No where in the faith defined does it say that eating meat on Friday or not fasting is a mortal sin. If anything, it is a venial sin of disobedience to the Church and falls under the 4th commandment. It is not grave, so not mortal. Yet, some "Catholic Priests" say it is a mortal sin. This is not the faith.

No where does it say that failure to say the Rosary every day is a mortal sin. It says that it is good to pray the Rosary. ''Yet, some "Catholic Priests" say it is a mortal sin of omission. This is not the faith

It says that associating with Jews, heretics and pagans is forbidden as a sin of disobedience against the Church. ''Yet, no "Catholic Priests" today will dare say this is a mortal sin. This is a mortal sin of omission on the part of these priests for not teaching the faith!

Personal revelations are not the required faith, the faith that you have to believe to be Christian. Some personal revelations the church says are worthy of belief, but today many pray and give more glory and veneration to Marion apperations than they do to God. I seriously doubt Fatima, for example: I doubt the Blessed Virgin would say pray to her to stop the will of God. That's just wrong first because the Mother of God would never try and stop God's will, and secondly because This is borderline paganism; you pray to Mary the Blessed Virgin for grace, as she is the patron saint of graces. She never issued a "get out of hell free" scapular, wearing a piece of brown cloth will never save you from hell and claiming it will is a moral sin and heresy.

These priests preach a religion that is not Catholic. I can see why the Protestants get confused. The religion as practiced offends the Lord, just like the Protestant religions.

The Bible is full of examples of how when the faithful lost the religion of God, they were cursed until the returned to the faith

And this is where we are now.

Not the SSPX or FSSP, as they say that the Tridentine Mass need not be said and that the Novus Ordo "Mass", which is cursed by the Council of Trent, can be said!

Not the Sanbornist, as they have made up false sins and don't preach the faith.

My last hope is with the SSPV.

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94668b No.56

The Papal Encyclicals, which are the infallible gift of God the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete sent by our Lord Jesus Christ who is true God and true Man, are the Catholic faith defined.

No where in the faith defined does it say that eating meat on Friday or not fasting is a mortal sin. These are penance for sin, not a sin themselves. If anything, it is a venial sin of disobedience to the Church and falls under the 4th commandment. It is not grave, so not mortal. Yet, some "Catholic Priests" say it is a mortal sin. This is not the faith.

No where does it say that failure to say the Rosary every day is a mortal sin. It says that it is good to pray the Rosary. ''Yet, some "Catholic Priests" say it is a mortal sin of omission. This is not the faith

It says that associating with Jews, heretics and pagans is forbidden as a sin of disobedience against the Church. ''Yet, no "Catholic Priests" today will dare say this is a mortal sin. This is a mortal sin of omission on the part of these priests for not teaching the faith!

Personal revelations are not the required faith, the faith that you have to believe to be Christian. Some personal revelations the church says are worthy of belief, but today many pray and give more glory and veneration to Marion apperations than they do to God. I seriously doubt Fatima, for example: I doubt the Blessed Virgin would say pray to her to stop the will of God. That's just wrong first because the Mother of God would never try and stop God's will, and secondly because This is borderline paganism; you pray to Mary the Blessed Virgin for grace, as she is the patron saint of graces. She never issued a "get out of hell free" scapular, wearing a piece of brown cloth will never save you from hell and claiming it will is a moral sin and heresy.

These priests preach a religion that is not Catholic. I can see why the Protestants get confused. The religion as practiced offends the Lord, just like the Protestant religions.

The Bible is full of examples of how when the faithful lost the religion of God, they were cursed until the returned to the faith

And this is where we are now.

Not the SSPX or FSSP, as they say that the Tridentine Mass need not be said and that the Novus Ordo "Mass", which is cursed by the Council of Trent, can be said!

Not the Sanbornist, as they have made up false sins and don't preach the faith.

My last hope is with the SSPV.

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