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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 6655bafe94fd4da⋯.jpg (100.88 KB,424x626,212:313,The_raccolta.jpg)

5f1f43 No.5

So you died with no mortal sin on your soul, but you still have the punishment in purgatory for your sins that prevents you from going straight to heaven. You will go to heaven, of course. Eventually. You don't want to be in purgatory at all, much less "that guy" who's been there the longest that the Church Militant (the living Church, not the organization that goes by that name) prays for on Sunday

Well, by following the Indulgences in the Raccolta you can cut down your time in temporal punishment.

I must have read. Get your soul all nice and clean by confession, contrition and penance and then work on that time out you don't want to get by saying the rosary, the Little Office and other acts that grant indulgences.

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