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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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1b9396 No.49


Seems "Pope" Francis is trying to destroy the true Latin mass. Well, not true, as they purges the prayer for the wicked Jews from the mass in 1962 and added Saint Joseph to the prayers (which they did just to show that they could change the mass) and thus brought damnation upon themselves.

Freemason infiltrators like Bergoglio will, eventually, rub out any remnant of the Catholic Faith. The True faith teaches us that anyone what so ever changes as much as one word of the Roman Rite they are an anathema; outside the church, cursed by God Almighty, and you're not to associate with them.

That's why I left the FSSP; they associate with the Pope and will not renounce the false belief that the Novus Ordo "mass" is valid. It is not. It brings a curse upon you.

Same can be said about the SSPX under it's current leadership. The SSPX wants to be in communion with the anti-pope.

I think the only Hope and last remnant of the church lies in the SSPV. I heard Father Jenkins say something that intrigued me.

Reminder that personal revelations, e.g. Fatima, "Immaculate Heart" etc are worthy of belief but not part of the faith that must be believed. Too much of these personal revelations have replaced the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church. We are suffering this calamity of the Church because we lost too much of the faith. We have to repent and get back to the true beliefs brought to us by the Holy Ghost through the Magisterium and so without fear of offending the wicked of this era or persecution of the state via taxation of churches and other persecutions.

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1b9396 No.57

I look at YouTube, and see all the FSSP, SSPX and even some Novus Ordo screaming at the sky because Bergoglio has condemned the Tridentine mass to a slow death and require all Catholics to become cursed by God Almighty by saying that the Novus Ordo mass is valid.

It would be funny if it wasn't so nauseating. Seriously, they're like the Sadducees who obeyed the law of the Talmud and never set one foot into Fort Antonia when they murdered our Lord Jesus Christ with their filthy lies. So much for the 10 Commandments of God Almighty! It falls for some irrational belief that a blasphemous heretic is the Vicar of Christ.

No rational person could believe that a blasphemer who dragged a pagan fertility goddess before the Alter of Saint Peter is the Vicar of Christ. And saying that the Novus Ordo is valid brings the curse of God upon the head of anyone who says it is.

Why? Is it about access to the Churches?

That would be the saddest reason for committing blasphemy. Saint Peter himself died because he refused to admit that the emperor was a god, and these people admit pagan gods and become heretics because wicked bishops hold the keys to the Church doors, and the keys to hell itself!

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