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Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 7a1ab4afc2b1ca0⋯.jpg (233.05 KB,791x542,791:542,no_salvation_outside_Churc….jpg)

9aa920 No.45

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

There is no salvation outside the Church.

This is straight from the Vicar of Christ, guided by the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, God.

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9aa920 No.47

File: 020fe89e865b450⋯.jpg (130.41 KB,900x646,450:323,luther_in_hell_egbert_van_….jpg)

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9aa920 No.48

There is no salvation outside the church… and it appears there is very little in it.

The actual faith is found in the legitimate Magisterium of the Church. There are teachings we ignored, and teachings we corrupted.

That is, Jesus gave the Keys to Heaven to Saint Peter, thus only the Magisterium can define faith and morals.

Not Personal revelations like Fatima, or Our Lady of Mount Carmel

You can't ignore the faith because it offends the Jews

You can't ignore the faith because the government will persecute you or tax the church how many pieces of silver did it take to sell the faith which should be most precious to us?

We are like the Jews who turned from the Torah and the excellent Law of Moses to the Babylonian Talmud, then we wonder why we get a false Pope who is trying to destroy the faith. I see more glory given to Mary than to the Triune God. Communion of Saints? Absolutely part of the faith and found in the Book of Job. When you are in mortal sin, Saints can intercede and pray to God for you. But if you spend more time praying and even giving glory to the Blessed Virgin than you do the Father, you're doing it wrong! God himself gave us the Lord Prayer.

If we had remained true to the faith the world wouldn't be as wicked as it is.

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