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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: 4de2fe8d4be9f4e⋯.jpg (254.83 KB,1920x1080,16:9,archdioces_of_seattle_2.jpg)

2ce9d4 No.40

The novus ordo takes the Holy Eucharist in the hand, says the mass in Latin, and claims that there are other Churches of Christ other than the Catholic Church. They're an anathema per the council of Trent. To be sure, that's not something you inhale with if you has Asthma, an anthema is cursed, damned and sent to hell by Almighty God, and outside the Church.

The FSSP and now the SSPX are in communion or trying to be in communion with these false beliefs: they, too, are thus an anthema.

The SSPV and the other branch with the original mass of Trent don't keep these beliefs. But the other two say that they're not priests and bishops because they've been excommunicated.

Well, then maybe we were not worthy of the promises of Christ and there is no Church.

I don't see a path to heaven at this point. Those under Bishop Sanborn seem to have the correct faith, but under the correct faith you'd be better to be an unbaptised pagan than anyone who was properly baptized. Pagans were allowed to keep their pagan spouses. It was also a time when fathers ruled the house and could command their children to be catechized - not effective, I know, but the Church never took fault in themselves for failure to convert a kid, but they're more than willing to find fault in a parent.

There is no path to heaven.

I see people at mass looking at their phones and goofing around with the collection basket. What is this! As I'm contemplating Father's homily on the Body of Christ and the Holy Eucharist, he looks me straight in the eye and says people need to pay attention! I am paying attention! I'm lamenting that he's holding my sins and I can't take the Holy Eucharist.

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of the FSSP/SSPX making irrational, false arguments because they really want access to the Church buildings controlled by the Vatican. I'm tired of priests who think that Saint Aquinas has the keys to heaven, not Saint Peter. Saint Aquinas found everything to be a mortal sin. Nobody seems to have the actual faith.

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2ce9d4 No.41

I had two personal revelations; one 10 years ago and another 3-4 years ago.

I didn't understand them then, but now I do. But those are personal, and for me.

The Church didn't keep the faith. Even the "traditionalist" preach against the faith and have murdered parts of it with silence.

The alter of Saint Peter has been desecrated and profaned by Bergoglio.

Study the Papal Encyclicals. The faith is mostly in them. Defend the faith, even against Bishops who preach something else.

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2ce9d4 No.42

File: a1d5267b4ca5641⋯.png (2.1 MB,984x2048,123:256,Pope_Saint_Gregory_VII_Jew….png)

It isn't as simple as the Latin Mass vs. the Novus Ordo sacrilege.

The Catholic belief is the Latin Mass per the council of Trent. You can safely rule out all Novus Ordo as sacrilege per the infallible and indefectable teachings of the church.

If it was only so easy!

It's the entire belief of the Catholic faith!

There is no mention of the sin of associating with Jews, which was banned by the Council of Basel, because it would not only offend modern sensibilities, but because it would bring persecution of the faith by the government which is run by Jews.

Marion veneration has been allowed to become almost heretical, where they elevate the Blessed Virgin to God like status because of a few saints. We don't get our faith from saints, but from the teachings from the Chair of Saint Peter. I've heard litanies that put the suffering of the Blessed Virgin above the sacrifice of Christ. This is not Catholic! There is only one litany that is sanctioned by the Church; the Litany of the Holy Ghost. Pray to the Blessed Virgin for grace, as she is the patron saint of giving grace. That is appropriate.

Belief in Scapulars has become Heresy Many believe that wearing the brown scapular will save them from going to hell. This is wicked and of the devil. I heard the late Father Gruner repeat this falsehood. I've seen a mug shot of the smug son of El Chappo, arrested after a bloody shoot out, wearing a brown scapular. Nothing that you wear can get you into heaven. Nothing! The only path to heaven is avoiding mortal sin and dying in a state of sanctifying grace. Jesus Christ gave the keys to heaven to Saint Peter and his successors, not to his mother. Doing what is required to wear the scapular worthily will gain you an indulgence but that means you must already be in a state of sanctifying grace.

Saint Aquinas cannot replace the Infallible Popes Saint Aquinas teaches us about a lot of sins that offend our Lord, but Saint Aquinas is not infallible. Church teaching is that Saint Aquinas is right unless a Pope says different, and most traditional seminaries are taught the teachings of Saint Aquinas and not the Popes. Saint Aquinas is right, all these things he teaches as sins are offensive to God, but they are not mortal sins. Only Saint Peter can declare what is or is not a mortal sin because only Saint Peter holds the keys to heaven.

Marion apparitions are held higher than the Dogma of the Church. Such personal revelations are "worthy of belief" but if they conflict with Catholic Dogma, they are judged false and not worthy of belief. The whole Brown Scapular movement ran into this problem; as it was reported, it was heresy. You don't need Fatima, Akita, Our Lady of Good Success, etc to tell you that the Vatican is in apostasy. Church Dogma from the Chair of Saint Peter says Sodomy is a sin, pagan idols are a sin, claims that there are paths to heaven outside the Church is heresy and cursed, the Holy Eucharist in the hand is cursed, saying the Roman Rite in anything but Latin is Cursed.

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2ce9d4 No.43

Until we go back to the faith of the Holy Mother Church

One Lord, one faith, one baptism. Ephesians 4:5

We have to find the Church that teaches the Catholic faith. They need to reconcile the teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas with the infallible teachings from the Chair of Saint Peter. I've met too many good priest, well schooled in the Summa, who don't know they've committed apostasy by saying that the Novus Ordo mass is valid. It's not valid, and saying it is valid is heresy and makes them an anathema but they don't know this because their "traditional" Seminaries don't teach the faith, they teach Aquinasism.

Saint Thomas hits the nail on the head and identifies almost everything we do as sins offensive to God. What he's missed is that these are not mortal sins, as God has promised not to damn us for them per the Holy Ghost working through the Chair of Saint Peter.

I grow tired of going to Mass and hearing the latest fad homily about "you didn't know that this and that are mortal sins so you're going to hell", yet the Catechism of Pope Saint Pious X says they're NOT. They are temptations, occasions of sin and not sin themselves. How do you know they're false teachings? Consider Christ, Our Lord and Our God, tried to and did convert women of ill repute. According to Aquinasism, the Lord committed a mortal sin just by associating with them. The Lord God of Heaven and Earth did not sin!

So we have no Pope, and the Remnant is hard to find.

The FSSP and SSPX seem to say that the Novus Ordo mass, which is wicked sacrilege according to the Council of Trent, is okay. Anathema.

The Sanbornist rejects the Novus Ordo mass, but commits the sin of Aquinasism and is silent on the Church teachings on the Jews.

None of them has the courage to teach the true Catholic faith!

Why do they fear to teach the true faith?

I suspect because the Jewish rulers will persecute them and tax them. Because they will lose Church property and Church doors will be closed by wicked bishops. Even Archbishop Lefebvre, who knew first hand of the wickedness of the Novus Ordo, denied the Church teaching and tried to reconcile with those who are an anathema to the Church! I also think, at this time, the Remnant is incredibly small and priest and bishop is worried that they won't have enough parishioners to support a decent Church.

I'd rather a true mass in a barn than a false mass with false faith before the alter of Saint Peter. The wicked Bergoglio desecrated that alter anyway. No statue or magnificent cathedral will save you; only keeping the true faith - all of it - and getting the true sacraments will save you.

Which brings me to the point: my sede priest says that the confession and sacraments given to me by my past FSSP priest are invalid, and I must repeat everything. If the measure of a valid priest is did he have error in his faith, then who is the Sede priest to throw stones at the FSSP priest? Remember the Church when persecuted was reduced to giving mass in the catacombs. The sacraments are no less beneficial because they are given in a humble place. Christ gave us the Holy Sacrifice of the mass in a dining room!

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2ce9d4 No.44

They're not above taking a book e.g. the 1958 2nd edition of Father Cogan's Catechism, which bears an imprimatur from 1958, and then "updating" it to fit the Novus Ordo religion e.g. "New material Copyright 1993 by Tan Books".

I didn't realize it was corrupted until I started watching Father Jenkin's Catechism series, where he mentions and corrects it.

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2ce9d4 No.50

The Catholic faith is found in the public revelations revealed by the Holy Ghost to the Magisterium of the Church and not so much in private revelations, which the church as said are "worthy of belief" but not a required belief. You don't have to believe in Fatima, for example. To me, it is suspicious; too much talk about the consecration of Russia and it addresses the great apostasy that was planned by the Freemason infiltrators that Pope Pius X already knew about.

There are folks out there, even priest like the late Father Grunier of the Fatima Foundation, who believed that wearing the brown scapular would save the person who wore it from hell. No, the only way to heaven is the sacrament of penance. The present crisis in the Church is because, like the Jews at the time of Christ who lost the Torah for the Talmud, we've lost the Magisterium for personal revelations.

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2ce9d4 No.53

File: 7bebb769f3b5b97⋯.jpg (340.95 KB,888x1116,74:93,Groucho_Marx_portrait.jpg)

I wasn't raised Catholic. I was raised to believe that the Catholic faith was the one true faith, but that it had fallen; that the Gates of Hell had prevailed against the Church because the faithful had lost the faith. I remember hearing that they were still saying the Tridentine mass in France under some ex-communicated Bishop but that meant that he wasn't a bishop anymore at all.

So when I heard that the Tridentine mass was still being said I had to investigate. But I spent decades not living as a Catholic, and my life was pretty messed up with things that a protestant wouldn't call a sin at all but were unacceptable to the Holy Mother Church as taught before Vatican II e.g. marrying outside the Church, as if Novus Ordo women were inside the Church, I guess.

Similar to Groucho, I didn't want to belong to any religion that would have me as a member.* I was surprised when the FSSP priest forgave my sins. When Father Stinson removed a priest for condemning Bergoglio's sacrilege of bringing a pagan idol before the very alter of Saint Peter (That kind of wickedness is why the Temple of Solomon was destroyed!!), I knew something was wrong; this wasn't right. The FSSP was pushing a false religion.

Looking around I was fortunate enough to find a true Catholic religion as it was under Pope Pius XII. Yes, they wouldn't have me because of my marriage and my children not being raised catholic. All I have to do is end my marriage and convert my children. Converting my children will be impossible.

I see people in the pews who must be in the same situation. How are they members of the church? Not all of them could have converted back to the true faith and converted all their children. Same thing with the line for confession! I see hardly anyone in line for confession even after Father gives one of those "Just about everything is a mortal sin" homilies the Sunday before. Then I had an epiphany; they were not being honest! Like many Jews at the time of Christ, it was all going through the motions and not living the faith.

Sure, Father's wrong because Saint Aquinas confused allowing one's self to be exposed to temptation as a mortal sin. Reading a bad book is not a mortal sin! Pope Saint Pius X said that bad books should be avoided, but reading them is not a sin. If they cause you to sin, then you were a fool to read them but reading them in and of themselves is not a mortal sin. At the worst, they are a venial sin. You can check this against the Magisterium of the Church. It's the Magisterium that determines who gets into heaven and who doesn't, that means the Magisterium decides what is and isn't a mortal sin, and Saint Aquinas is not the Magisterium. Pope Saint Pius X is! And while the Magisterium says Saint Aquinas is right, they put the condition that he's right unless the Pope says different and the Popes have said different. The keys of Saint Peter are held by the Chair of Saint Peter and no one else

*Yes, I got the joke, it had to do with his being Jewish.

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2ce9d4 No.54

Another Sunday and another homily on how we're all damned. He's one of those who say everything is a mortal sin. He thinks it is enough just to say we're damned, and not tell us how to stop what he says is mortal sin.

He said we don't listen to him. That's not the case at all! It's not like the Catholic Church has existed since 1964! It didn't. There's only a dozen or so places in the US that offer the correct mass even today! He condemns us as if the faith has been teaching for the last 60 years, and it has not!.

He's not preaching the faith. He's preaching hell and damnation like a baptist minister. He offers no path, gives no guidance and reminds us that his duty as a priest is to tell us we're going to hell.

You know, saying the mass incorrectly is just one sign that a priest is not of the faith. And that's the point, they have to preach the true faith in its entirety, and not some "you're all damned" rubbish born out of his frustration at a tiny parish. Christ himself never preached the Gospel like this!

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2ce9d4 No.67

Going by what Father Jenkins of the SSPV said on his video, I don't think there is a Catholic Church left. No one is keeping the faith as handed down by the True successors of Saint Peter as promised by the Lord Jesus. Father Jenkins was all about Fatima, but we don't need any "Marion revelations" and the faith is given to us by the Popes as guided by the Holy Ghost, not Saint Mary. Jesus did not say he'd send the Paraclete to guide the Pope, or maybe bypass the church all together and send His Mother.

It's odd to me that of all the "Catholic" books out there most are written about this or that belief that is not canon. The closest book like this is "The Sources of Catholic Dogma" by Fr. Denzinger, but the infallible is mixed with the fallible. But there are dozens of books out there about Fatima, and Fatima even if it was worthy of belief is not required to be believed, and I don't believe it.

1) The threat of the Godless communist (mostly Jews) was well known at the time.

2) Pope Pius X had already addressed the Modernist/Freemason corruption of the Church

Thus, Fatima told us nothing new.


1) Saint Mary would never claim to have stayed the will of God. God's will be done!

2) Saying her heart will prevail? No! All things come from God and God alone. God will prevail. Saint Mary would never say this.

Thus, this "apparition" is false.

Then on the 3rd prophesy: we don't know it. Stop gossiping about it as if we do, and it wouldn't matter anyway just keep the true faith as taught by the Magisterium of the Chair of Saint Peter.

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