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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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ab406c No.33

I'm still contemplating the Rules for this board.

After looking at the sewage that has become the board/christian/ I think it best to delete the obvious troll posters (e.g. "The Book of Chad" and ) and those post made by Protestants who come here to spread falsehoods and rail against the Church.

I need to research if we are even allowed to try and convert Heretics, Jews and pagans. The council of Basel says we need the bishop's permission to do so, and allowing them to even ask questions may be disobedience to the Magisterium and against our faith.

I am more interested in the conversion of the low hanging fruit - other Catholics, to traditional Catholicism.

Why here?"

Why here, of all places? Because the Catholic Faith will be censored and banned just about anywhere else.

1) Sodomy is a mortal sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

2) Marriage is between one man and one woman and is for your entire life, no divorce!

3) Sex is God's power of Creation and for the purpose of raising children only. No contraception, no sterilization, no voluptuousness.

4) Association with Jews is forbidden.

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