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Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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297cec No.3

What are you reading for Lent?

You don't have to do any reading for Lent, but this book is very good and on topic. Father Gorman tells us the context of what was known so long ago and are not included in the Gospels. It helps us to remember the Sacrifice of Our Lord.

Has 1959 Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.

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297cec No.13

The Chapter Christ Returned to Pilate is slanted against Pilate, tho. It fails to consider that Pilate condemned Jesus, who Pilate knew to be innocent and the Sanhedrin were bearing false witness, because if he didn't there would have been an insurrection and thousands of people would have died on both the Jewish and Roman side, and the Emperor would be very angry. Pilate's motive was that Christ would literally suffer and die for them all. And Pilate may not have been questioning Jesus out of fear, but for a clue to convince the Jews not to resort to violence if Jesus was allowed to go free. That is, something to get the Jews to repent of their sins.

Of course, the Jews believe they're meant to rule this world and can treat the rest of humanity as put there for their use and amusement. Which, interestingly enough, is what Satan used to tempt Jesus in the desert. Satan has that power.

What to you think was behind Pilate's decision to crucify Christ? .

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297cec No.14

One of the striking things is that as the Sanhedrin plotted to murder Jesus with by crafting their false witness, a clear disobedience to the the commandments against false witness and murder, they massaged their piety by standing outside the gate of Fort Antonia to tell their wicked lies to Pilate. Why? Because if they stepped inside, they'd be too unclean to eat the Passover meal!

Talk about those with planks in their eyes and splinters of others!

You see a lot of this false piety today. Protestants willingly and deliberately bear false witness about the Catholic faith, and then posture about their piety.

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297cec No.25


>What to you think was behind Pilate's decision to crucify Christ? .

I shall tell you what I think and you can tell me I'm wrong.

I disagree with Father Gorman that Pilate was weak.

John 19:10-11

10 Pilate therefore saith to him: Speakest thou not to me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and I have power to release thee?

11 Jesus answered:Thou shouldst not have any power against me, unless it were given thee from above. Therefore, he that hath delivered me to thee, hath the greater sin.

God the Father Almighty clearly gave the Lamb of God up for sacrifice for our sins. This was the supernatural act which in this world was the act of Pilate, knowing that Jesus was innocent, gave up Jesus as a sacrifice to avoid a civil war that would see many Jews and Romans killed. This had to happen, and God the Father Almighty gave Pilate this power and worked through him. It had to be a sacrifice for us, simple murder by the wicked Jews was not enough.

Feel free to say I'm wrong and tell me your reasoning.

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