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Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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cf1fed No.28

This is a video by the late Rev. Anthony Cekada, a Sedevacantist, making his argument against Pope Francis being a true pope.

I was having problems reconciling the Sede position with Vatican ONE.

Seems that a clear heresy, like dragging that filthy Pachamama idol before the alter of God like Bergoglio did, doesn't require a "trial"; Vatican 1 is based on the fact that such a public heretic is excommunicated and removed from the Papacy by God.

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cf1fed No.29

File: 8282cb1563e7f1d⋯.png (414.72 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

When Vatican I discussed the infalibility of the Pope, the question of what happens if the Pope is a heretic.

This is the answer and the basis for the doctrine of Papal infallibility. The church is indefectable and infallible, thus not even a Pope can defy Church dogma.

Popes can be wicked and remain Pope (e.g. the 5 bad Popes) but they absolutely cannot be heretics.

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cf1fed No.30

File: 8565c75fabc7137⋯.png (596.86 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

File: 783dc448bb49180⋯.png (661.76 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

Wow. This is powerful.

the whole idea that a trial is needed to determine the Heresy of a pope is debunked by the Papal Bull of Pope Paul IV. Any defect from the Catholic faith removes such a Pope from any power or authority.

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cf1fed No.31

Father Cekada makes a reference cannon 151 of the 1917 Code of Cannon law, but it's in Latin.

Canon 151

(1983 CIC249 154)

An office that is vacant by law but that perchance is still held by another illegitimately can be conferred provided that, duly according to the

sacred canons, this possession is declared not to be legitimate and that mention of this declaration is made in the letter of conferral.

My personal comment is that you have to listen to each argument and rebuttal of these theologians and check their sources to see who is right. Each side says the other is in mortal sin (against Sedes: mortal sins of disobedience to a heretical pope and Vatican 1 telling is that those who say the seat is empty are an anathema to the church. Against backing Pope Francis the mortal sin of disobeying church dogma, the actual faith of the Church.)

Following the faith of the church is disobedience to Pope Francis, thus mortal sin.

Following Pope Francis is heresy, thus a mortal sin.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Which raises the possibility that we have become a wicked people undeserving of the promises of Christ, thus all damned.

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cf1fed No.32

File: 6d3581a2b4c4a8d⋯.png (1.37 MB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

File: 566338e254e8c74⋯.png (225.97 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

File: 69811833861eacf⋯.png (296.29 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

File: ee13e2ebbac5575⋯.png (284.24 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

File: caff68682f92c3d⋯.png (316.13 KB,949x534,949:534,Rev_Anthony_Cekada_Stuck_i….png)

Okay, he proves Bergoglio is not Pope here.

A public heretic cannot become Pope. This I knew, but I couldn't point to a heresy Bergoglio committed before becoming Pope. This is in his Bergoglio's book, which he wrote with a Jew.

Done. QED.

God's law.

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