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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: c5eb826adc587ab⋯.png (787.04 KB,680x398,340:199,Council_of_Basel_Ferrara_F….png)

4ecd37 No.27

In this Church Council, the Holy Mother Church instructs the faithful in regard to dealing with Jews, pagans and Heretics (e.g. Protestants). This is an indefectable and infallable teaching of the Church.

[Decree on Jews and neophytes]

The holy general synod of Basel, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit, representing the universal church, for an everlasting record. This holy synod following in the footsteps of our saviour Jesus Christ, desires in deepest charity that all may acknowledge the truth of the gospel and thereafter abide in it faithfully. By these salutary instructions it desires to provide measures whereby Jews and other infidels may be converted to the orthodox faith and converts may remain steadfastly in it. It therefore decrees that all diocesan bishops should depute persons well trained in scripture, several times a year, in the places where Jews and other infidels live, to preach and expound the truth of the catholic faith in such a way that the infidels who hear it can recognize their errors. They should compel infidels of both sexes who have reached the age of discretion, to attend these sermons under pain both of being excluded from business dealings with the faithful and of other apposite penalties. But the bishops and the preachers should behave towards them with such charity as to gain them for Christ not only by the manifestation of the truth but also by other kindnesses. The synod decrees that Christians of whatever rank or status who in any way impede the attendance of Jews at these sermons, or who forbid it, automatically incur the stigma of being supporters of unbelief.

Since this preaching will be more fruitful in proportion to the linguistic skill of the preachers, we decree that there must be faithful observance of the constitution of the council of Vienne, which ordered the provision in certain universities of teachers of the Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Chaldean languages. So that this may be more adhered to, we wish that the rectors of these universities should add to what they swear to on taking office, that they will endeavour to observe the said constitution. It should be clearly laid down, at the councils of the provinces in which these universities are situated, that the teachers of the said languages are to be adequately recompensed.

Furthermore, renewing the sacred canons, we command both diocesan bishops and secular powers to prohibit in every way Jews and other infidels from having Christians, male or female, in their households and service, or as nurses of their children; and Christians from joining with them in festivities, marriages, banquets or baths, or in much conversation, and from taking them as doctors or agents of marriages or officially appointed mediators of other contracts. They should not be given other public offices, or admitted to any academic degrees, or allowed to have on lease lands or other ecclesiastical rents. They are to be forbidden to buy ecclesiastical books, chalices, crosses and other ornaments of churches under pain of the loss of the object, or to accept them in pledge under pain of the loss of the money that they lent. They are to be compelled, under severe penalties, to wear some garment whereby they can be clearly distinguished from Christians. In order to prevent too much intercourse, they should be made to dwell in areas, in the cities and towns, which are apart from the dwellings of Christians and as far distant as possible from churches. On Sundays and other solemn festivals they should not dare to have their shops open or to work in public.

Source: https://www.papalencyclicals.net/councils/ecum17.htm


Commands both diocesan bishops and secular powers to:

Prohibit in every way Jews and other infidels from having Christians, male or female, in their households and service, or as nurses of their children;

Prohibit Christians from joining with them in festivities, marriages, banquets or baths,

Prohibit Christians from joining with them in conversation,

Prohibit Christians from taking them as doctors or agents

Prohibit Christians from marriages or officially appointed mediators of other contracts.

Prohibit Jews from being given other public offices

Prohibit Jews from being or admitted to any academic degrees

Prohibit Jews from being allowed to have on lease lands or other ecclesiastical rents.

Jews are forbidden to buy or accept ecclesiastical books, chalices, crosses and other ornaments of churches under pain of the loss of the object

Jews are to be compelled, under severe penalties, to wear some garment whereby they can be clearly distinguished from Christians.

In order to prevent too much intercourse, Jews should be made to dwell in areas, in the cities and towns, which are apart from the dwellings of Christians and as far distant as possible from churches.

On Sundays and other solemn festivals Jews should not dare to have their shops open or to work in public.

Comment: if we had follow Church teaching, we wouldn't be Sodom 2.0 today. Remember, God made his commandments out of love for us, not because he's making irrational demands. God gave us the Church because of his love for us, and guides the church to do things that, to our small intellects, may seem "smart" but will lead to the loss of many souls.

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