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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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92dc51 No.20

I came to the same conclusions right up to about 35:30 where they talk about electing a new Pope, having decided that the seat is empty.

Faterh Cekada says that there is no need to judge a heretical Pope, because such a Pope is already judged.

Okay, but that's dogging the question: if you believe there is no Pope, the church is required to hold a conclave and elect a new Pope to fill the seat.

There has been as many as 3 Popes at once for even smaller reasons than denying that there's a Catholic God, who are an anthema for changing the cannon of the mass, who put the Holy Mother Church on the same level as half naked Pagans, who have dragged Pagan idols before the alter of God (which destroys the alter and it must be re-sanctified), for denying that the Holy Mother Church is the One True Faith and that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, etc.

The Church needs a true pontiff least you get the present crisis where there are all sorts of factions of traditional Catholics trying to deal with the problem.

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92dc51 No.21

Yes, I know that Stephen Heiner needed to wear a microphone (Father's voice booms and Mr. Heiner's voice is faint and echos), that I came to hear Father Cekada's teach, not Mr. Heiner, and Mr. Heiner shouldn't try and interrupt Father and talks over him.

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92dc51 No.22

At about minute 42, the get into Fatima.

Church teaching is clear that such apperations may be worthy of belief, but we're not required to believe them as they are private revelations. They are judged by the Church to be worthy of belief if they don't contradict Catholic dogma.

Regarding Fatima, I have to issues:

1) If it is the will of Jesus Christ to punish the world, then SO BE IT! God's will. Just as Christ accepted the will of the Father over His divine sacrifice on the cross, I accept the will of the Son whatever it may be. If I die, I die.

2) I find it hard to believe that all this hinges on the the failure of the concecration of Russia, which is returning to the Orthodox faith Yeah, many Orthodox are heretical, but the fact of Filioque and the Orthodox heresy of not admitting that the Bible clearly states that the Holy Ghost comes from both the Father and the Son just pales when considering dragging that Pachamama idol before the alter of God and denying that the Catholic Church is the one true faith!

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