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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: a548536f5279e6b⋯.png (154.6 KB,500x500,1:1,FSSP_Rosary_Fraternity_Pub….png)

4290b2 No.2

I admit my aesthetic sense is not very good, but I like the idea of this rosary.

The Hail Mary beads are blue, the color of the Blessed Virgin. But I think it would be better if they were light blue.

The Our Father beads are nearly white. The other color of Our Lady is white and indicates purity.

I like the Saint Benedict cross. It reminds us of the sacrifice. While I get the artistic intent of other crosses, this reminds us of the sacrifice of our Lord.

The center has a depiction of the Blessed Virgin on one side, and the three tears and keys of Saint Peter which is the crest of the FSSP, on the reverse. The Rosary is Our Lady's so it is good that the center is about the Blessed virgin. What is your idea of a good rosary?

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4290b2 No.38

File: 4191a1f16b6b723⋯.png (678.32 KB,1186x667,1186:667,Screenshot_2020_07_20_New_….png)

I go to mass early to get a good pew in the back where I belong and to pray the rosary.

We pray the Apostle's creed to remind us of the basics of our faith.

We pray the Our Father to give glory to God, to submit to God's will on Earth and Heaven, to ask for what we need to live on Earth and more importantly for our supernatural needs, we ask for forgiveness of our sins and promise to forgive those who sin against us, and we pray that we are not tempted and to be delivered from evil.

In the Hail Mary we ask the blessed Virgin, who is the patron saint of graces, to pray for us.

In the Glory Be we give glory to our Triune God and praise that his will be done in Heaven and on Earth.

In the Hail Holy Queen we ask for the Blessed Virgin to pray for mercy for us, and to give us the graces to be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Yes, I leave out the Fatima prayer. First of all, Fatima is a personal revelation that the Church said was worthy of belief. However, as the Church was infiltrated and corrupted the mass, they also corrupted the Fatima personal revelation, with Pope John-Paul II going so far as to replace Sister Lucy with an imposter. That is deceit that I can't abide by. So, we don't know what the 3rd prophesy is, nor is it essential to our faith. And I don't agree with the part "Lead all souls to heaven", only "Lead all who will follow the LORD to heaven".

The original Rosary was 15 decades and the Psalms were recited. It was made easier (and shorter to 5 decades) so people would pray it. Lately, the rosary prayers have been given a whole lot of "add ons" that make it less likely that it will be prayed; prayers before, prayers after, prayers inserted.

Best to keep it simple and to listen to your own prayers. If you don't listen to your prayers, why would God or the Saints?

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