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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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fc489d No.11

Just a reminder that Protestants are not able to defend their religion against the truth of the one true church established by Jesus Christ.

There are 2000 different Protestant religions, some that are "almost right" and on the extreme end, those that are straight out of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What they all have in common is a love of sin.

Anglicans wanted to divorce and remarry as well as looting the Church

Martin Luther wanted to marry a nun, allowed bigamy and was funded by German princes and their diabolical bids for power.

Some didn't want to do "good works"

Most wanted to sin without having to confess or repent.

You can't reason with them; like most people, they are swayed by their bias into believing what they want, and what they want is sin. Then they abuse reason to rationalize it - some passage where the Lord says "Go and sin no more" becomes just "Go", a passage that says "not by works alone" becomes "you don't need to do works at all". Their ability to both say "sola scriptura and then deny scripture itself shows a very discombobulated mind. Most of them are not just Christians who don't know about the true faith, they're lost souls clinging to the lies of Satan.

Only the Catholic Church considers the whole Bible, Apostolic tradition and objective fact as sources of revelation and have produced one true faith.

And the fact is, every sin declared by God is forbidden for your own good and well being, as well as for your entry into heaven.

There is no clear path to heaven for protestants, and you can't convert them. Remember, if you could pray for their salvation, the wickedness of Protestantism would have ended 500 years ago. They don't want to be saved, they believe they can love both God and sin.

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