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/traditionalcatholics/ - Traditional Catholics

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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File: e02c4c59bd0d21f⋯.png (121.55 KB,294x441,2:3,An_Answer_Key_to_A_Primer_….png)

fb0423 No.10

You should learn the Language of the Church. It helps to read the 20 true papal encyclicals that are the indefectable faith of the Catholic Church and to read the Bible - the Latin Vulgate.

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fb0423 No.12

File: a28d193f28f6480⋯.jpg (6.51 KB,196x293,196:293,a_primer_of_ecclesiastical….jpg)

Forgot the first book in the series and the dictionary

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fb0423 No.23

Another option is the Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata series available from Hackett Publishing.


At the time of this post, the CD was replaced with the $39.95/year subscription for the course. You can choose between the classical reading and the Ecclesiastical reading of the text. You want Ecclesiastical reading but you knew that. The book itself will not teach pronunciation and if you want to follow the Mass you need to be able to understand spoken Ecclesiastical Latin.

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fb0423 No.24

File: e9dbf8cc9258db0⋯.jpg (88.32 KB,1135x503,1135:503,Lingua_Latina_Pars_1_Famil….jpg)

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