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File: 1cfb0e3a1561031⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.27 KB,760x428,190:107,1513069304_f_f_b_3620_mp4_….jpg)

159bbb No.3402

A logn time ago, when 8chan wasn't been deleted, it was a post about leya, one of the most popular actress from the fetish studio call Russian Fetish. So, everybody maybe remeber this clip of her acting in a feminism video. I am wondering, who is really her?

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bcc68f No.3406


i saw this post on the old 8chan. She's one of my favorite lees and when i saw the video of her on the train i thought the same thing. It is disappointing but honestly feminists would be a really fun group to tickle

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b05a2d No.3419

Being feminist doesn't really rule out being kinky or getting off from being submissive. The most masochistic woman I've ever known identifies as feminist, but not in the bedroom.

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8f7597 No.3420

She's a deadringer for the feminist who made Russian headlines for spilling acid or something on manspreaders on the subway. Pretty sure it wasn't her though.

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674d28 No.3422

File: f559d6610563166⋯.gif (1.01 MB,480x270,16:9,Sarky_happy.gif)

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c4be47 No.3423

I remember the thread, it wasn't her but they did look very similar.

She's one of my favs tho!

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500a10 No.3432


go away james

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d04faa No.3984

She's not ugly so no, she's not a feminist

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a93567 No.3986

It was probably a publicity stunt considering how it was covered. The whole thing seemed incredibly staged and filmed each incident from beginning to end.

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