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File: 3d889cbb0414825⋯.jpg (240.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,9b2e8ba5_a48b_40ad_9146_b4….jpg)

15cd3b No.2545

So this guy posted the collection on tumblr shortly before tumblr went apeshit on adult content. I've tried to see if he ever reposted it on Twitter and I've asked him about it on FA but he has never responded or reposted it anywhere.

So if you guys have pictures from his collection that would be very nice.

I'll start with my own contribution.

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05b283 No.2551

It's all his shit still on Furaffinity?

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13564f No.2601


No, back a while he had some contest where some people would gain exclusive access to a collection of pictures.

Nearly like 8 years later he decided it's been enough time to upload the collection, but like I said he put it on tumblr before they started cracking down on 18+ content

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1a92ac No.2627

File: 4be01a7338e6548⋯.jpg (65.48 KB,600x450,4:3,28189478_600_1533142515.jpg)

Not from the collection but whateves.

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