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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: 03f53dd7747b5c6⋯.jpg (2.65 MB,1487x2100,1487:2100,26575207.jpg)

File: 73248edc0c771ce⋯.jpg (136.35 KB,640x480,4:3,2134169.jpg)

09398b No.16447

Couldn't hold in your laughter? Five more minutes of tickling. Let go of the bar? A pit full of tickling tentacle awaits. Finally giving in to the hidden machine tickling you? Suffer embarassment for causing a ruckus in public.

Scenes of desperation where the victim tries to resist the ticklish feeling always gets me. I can't believe it's a niche theme.

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67b68f No.16484

File: 6dfc33cd2b8421a⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,640x512,5:4,TK3.jpg)

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eb9e38 No.16488

File: f13fab9e41f51ca⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,854x480,427:240,BurnUpExcess.mp4)

File: 5cf263ee12be85d⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,480x360,4:3,goddess.mp4)

File: a0cc30895779d32⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB,640x360,16:9,lucy_sub.mp4)

File: e6a2742c3abbcf5⋯.mp4 (984.27 KB,640x358,320:179,WonderEgg.mp4)

I'm with you OP, there needs to be way more content for this. But I don't think it's actually that niche, it's just that it's way easier for artists to do the same basic girl in stocks picture over and over.

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c08c2d No.16491

File: 349fe324746da4a⋯.jpg (638.47 KB,1036x2160,259:540,GirlsOnGuys.jpg)

"And the answer was…B. Which means that the blue team gets the first point, and the reds get their thirty second forfeit."

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9d40c4 No.16669


If there's one thing dubs do right it's tickle scenes

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eb3b2e No.16673


Specially cuz the japs don't seem to understand tickling elicits laughter, not fake moaning.

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eb9e38 No.16675


3 out of 4 of those were in Japanese and I'd say the laughter was really well done, but there are times when the dub ends up way better. That first one is much better in English, and so is the Digimon Frontier scene. I've also heard some really good dubs in other languages, but finding those is usually almost impossible even if they exist.

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8d2740 No.16694

File: 24873be7e44df30⋯.jpg (91.47 KB,575x431,575:431,IMG_1987.JPG)

File: f070768178f98bf⋯.jpg (575.78 KB,700x1218,50:87,annieissue3page07.jpg)

File: 6cc596b1c9fd9dd⋯.jpg (90 KB,652x951,652:951,imelda.jpg)

File: 5336f9523dbc1fb⋯.jpg (458.5 KB,720x1012,180:253,lusciousnet_lusciousnet_00….jpg)

File: 023e8ce8b6bd515⋯.jpg (418.75 KB,1280x1954,640:977,04.jpg)

This is one of my biggest turn ons with this fetish. Both this and interrogation for information.

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