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File: ac7e0883354ac1a⋯.png (594.2 KB,1115x1194,1115:1194,degdlip_858fc726_dd35_4365….png)

File: 6ed8197c978755e⋯.jpg (168.24 KB,976x1280,61:80,1510805294_bluebun_oc_bunt….jpg)

File: c31b658e5f4bd5f⋯.png (694.38 KB,920x1150,4:5,somewhatnatural_occurrence….png)

File: c991b92fc3fb7f8⋯.png (572.37 KB,950x1050,19:21,help_wanted_oc_by_repulsio….png)

199c29 No.15574

you guys have any fav OCs you see around this 'community'?

here's a few of my favs

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8eeb49 No.15617

My own oc i guess

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199c29 No.16627


you gonna post it, or

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71824c No.16659

File: 8b979b5c6d44ef5⋯.jpg (903.88 KB,3508x2480,877:620,SKIP_AND_ASH_FINAL_ART.jpg)

Ashley Brimstone

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6643f1 No.16660

File: c46ab08b07b0a7c⋯.jpg (165.83 KB,1280x960,4:3,kitchy_koo_re_upload_by_yo….jpg)

I think this guy's style is more of an acquired taste but I love this clown bitch.

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c9ff73 No.16666

File: 5d67bd47ca501a6⋯.png (2.89 MB,3000x3000,1:1,commission_the_teasing_art….png)

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c9ff73 No.16679

File: 86bbb8639fc2c38⋯.jpg (886.75 KB,1223x1555,1223:1555,CaliDestroyed.jpg)

File: f48371ebaacb1af⋯.jpg (256.32 KB,1600x1110,160:111,CaliDestroyed2.jpg)

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19919a No.16688

File: 991a97528e5456d⋯.png (2.16 MB,2469x1482,823:494,Owen_Caught_in_a_Web.png)

File: 75bf8200e40140e⋯.png (1.68 MB,4000x2600,20:13,Owen_Ref_Private.png)


silver haired boy. Went through redeisgn recently.so throwing a ref too

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