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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: 77558eb0df72f04⋯.jpeg (279.88 KB,1280x1067,1280:1067,3D1DA633_1FEA_4A04_B2C9_6….jpeg)

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33fb0c No.14283

Haven’t seen a lot of people talking about this artist. Does a lot of over the top and kinky furry tickling scenarios, similar to artists like Caroo. Patreon exclusive content is preferred to post.

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110d2a No.14286

Hmm not bad.

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4ec901 No.14288

File: 486607f3076589e⋯.png (231.6 KB,300x300,1:1,1515695660379.png)


the only thing I remember of this person is their twitter rants about how noncon tickling scenarios are immoral and disgusting and how animal licking/pokemon pics are bestiality. They also hate Caroo because of his CMC pics, thinks hes a nonce cause drawing them as adults doesn't count.

(granted I hate caroo, too, but for completely different reasons)

As for their art, the feet they draw always look gross to me and all the characters they draw look like inflatable pool toys

So by all mean post patreon exclusive content, cause fuck 'em

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33fb0c No.14290

File: 9bfcb357abcc9e5⋯.png (63.63 KB,352x352,1:1,EABE443D_D3DB_41FA_AF45_6B….png)


That is funny as hell because they make noncon art all the time. I’m asking if anyone has any patreon content from them because they will just post nothing for like 6 months at a time and then say “sorry anxiety issues”. I’m not giving a cent to some lazy ass tranny that is pretty hit or miss with their art, but damn when the artist hits they really do hit.

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