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File: f7abee80a85602d⋯.jpg (141.77 KB,715x959,715:959,__original_drawn_by_salpin….jpg)

2a0ddf No.1 [View All]

I'm glad someone resurrected that board

will dump from time to time if anyone is interested

252 posts and 477 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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925a6a No.10085

File: 81cb79caf9106ec⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1650x1153,1650:1153,4CAB97F3_1ECB_4345_9FDE_5….jpeg)

File: 192777f14aa1b15⋯.png (486.99 KB,1050x1023,350:341,FE584DA3_A272_455B_923A_86….png)

File: 0ae36dfd15c588d⋯.jpeg (226.58 KB,582x800,291:400,9B6DDF9E_2C19_4723_A36D_7….jpeg)

File: 92b5765842ebe0f⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,3397x1852,3397:1852,C5384556_B566_472D_B6BA_1….jpeg)

File: 5194f9ffa6a6a28⋯.jpeg (1021.7 KB,1500x1250,6:5,FAC0C953_1A07_4624_BC90_4….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10087

File: c46a09d8cae8f17⋯.jpeg (2.15 MB,3214x2286,1607:1143,53A6D3FF_14C0_487A_AEDD_7….jpeg)

File: f69788ee02678f9⋯.jpeg (898.38 KB,3300x2550,22:17,4E3F0769_CF91_4E85_8E2D_9….jpeg)

File: 1babd261df407fc⋯.jpeg (2.47 MB,2884x2156,103:77,9E385F24_C4C5_47DB_BB9F_5….jpeg)

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File: 04c5832590e0139⋯.jpeg (740.13 KB,2127x2325,709:775,F5EECF40_862D_4AA9_8A7C_D….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10088

File: c27eac7f68f299a⋯.jpeg (393.63 KB,774x612,43:34,E5A2F5D6_5A89_470A_9863_2….jpeg)

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File: 9e924c901d2de98⋯.jpeg (2.83 MB,3509x2550,3509:2550,EA36176B_3F79_4160_838B_5….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10089

File: 6bd03122b15e06b⋯.jpeg (617.13 KB,1037x768,1037:768,F74E7110_E56D_4B1D_974F_7….jpeg)

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File: 322e3f10f531303⋯.jpeg (433.94 KB,787x601,787:601,769FEF32_66D8_49A7_96D5_3….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10090

File: fb015d55d3e84e4⋯.jpeg (234.17 KB,1600x1001,1600:1001,55D1A9B5_20C9_4941_AFFB_5….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10091

File: 416f22faa96ab80⋯.jpeg (316.66 KB,602x757,602:757,CE0A72B6_D90A_4060_89DB_D….jpeg)

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File: 67f7852375916b0⋯.jpeg (643.31 KB,1001x768,1001:768,C688358C_7C82_4F5A_ABF8_6….jpeg)

File: 487319b3d10c8cb⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,2351x3158,2351:3158,1FB7738C_A414_4FC3_A304_D….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10092

File: 38f0b2e50723157⋯.jpeg (2.21 MB,3300x2100,11:7,9A88C207_6A6A_47A5_A233_5….jpeg)

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File: a605ee3925f8c48⋯.jpeg (247.37 KB,1600x1238,800:619,37C31B47_2924_44C8_B12F_0….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10093

File: 2f218a315001c62⋯.jpeg (212.67 KB,1600x1016,200:127,F8CC763F_D9B9_48DB_A876_F….jpeg)

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File: 4127275fbaac1f7⋯.jpeg (2.59 MB,3928x2408,491:301,99893BEA_45FA_4056_B7BF_1….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10094

File: fa33a86f5e2093c⋯.jpeg (284.85 KB,1600x1163,1600:1163,F9307DC3_15F7_4157_BD2A_6….jpeg)

File: 407f093020454b4⋯.jpeg (2.43 MB,3464x2010,1732:1005,DB288D4F_D52F_4286_A986_8….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10095

File: 8e9beb8f4852784⋯.jpeg (950.29 KB,1500x1500,1:1,767ADB0C_0CE0_47BE_ACFF_E….jpeg)

File: f272d378830e210⋯.gif (10.37 MB,1182x720,197:120,D17A5731_06A7_4A7F_ACE3_87….gif)

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925a6a No.10097

File: 673485370ca98d1⋯.jpeg (293.42 KB,1280x1021,1280:1021,47F3F8C3_3514_4C75_8407_B….jpeg)

File: 1ecaea1a7aa54c3⋯.png (4.07 MB,3508x3293,3508:3293,2DFB3692_9DA8_4C1C_87D6_42….png)

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File: 60e2b3da45d82fc⋯.png (3.04 MB,3331x4237,3331:4237,A18FA8D8_25F3_4A70_A301_45….png)

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925a6a No.10098

File: c658df9825d2027⋯.png (6.61 MB,2480x2788,620:697,D612FD0A_006E_4FE5_941E_C3….png)

File: ffbabb85648945b⋯.png (7.15 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,A2810959_DF0F_4654_AACD_D6….png)

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925a6a No.10099

File: b89822942c9b9a4⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x1363,1280:1363,62DBD629_1A3B_4995_B676_9B….png)

File: 9cf7c679e528844⋯.png (3.62 MB,2480x3508,620:877,B9E0F92F_84A4_4441_BDC1_35….png)

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File: 102eb17ecaefe3e⋯.png (4.09 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,DA816218_6C11_4513_BBB6_57….png)

File: cdc3061b5b7b367⋯.png (1.74 MB,1280x1466,640:733,C41ADEC2_C09E_48CB_89D6_E5….png)

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925a6a No.10124

File: 1a3347eae7fcabd⋯.png (1.5 MB,2510x896,1255:448,72F57EAA_C56B_4B80_846D_BE….png)

File: 33c4eb8207266cf⋯.png (2.22 MB,2010x1604,1005:802,096E81D6_36D5_4DF6_A217_3C….png)

File: 9be7abe1f6f31b7⋯.png (2.47 MB,2927x1335,2927:1335,EAD0CC68_ABFA_4A17_BFE3_52….png)

File: bc1b59bf069ef62⋯.png (2.43 MB,2927x1335,2927:1335,745C3B70_3F86_44B6_B617_F2….png)

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925a6a No.10125

File: 25197a97f8965d0⋯.jpeg (2.42 MB,3284x2494,1642:1247,EC3AB14D_31D9_4F80_A4A8_A….jpeg)

File: e3069788683c469⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB,1636x2452,409:613,95B15F27_7565_4147_95BD_9….jpeg)

File: f34eb914a1c1581⋯.png (693.08 KB,1620x1966,810:983,1D90AFB4_1675_4B12_97E3_4F….png)

File: 247fb0435546a4d⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1590x1414,795:707,E2236BA2_2229_44B4_B0C4_C….jpeg)

File: 8beecaeed5f97d4⋯.jpeg (118.92 KB,921x880,921:880,FE48795B_82AB_482A_B7FD_F….jpeg)

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925a6a No.10126

File: e250bbbf8a17573⋯.jpeg (238.51 KB,1024x1365,1024:1365,B41B7422_C35F_491C_AA0D_7….jpeg)

File: 281a6bbd38c50a7⋯.jpeg (145.63 KB,628x696,157:174,A09E5B67_85AE_463E_8C9C_1….jpeg)

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2348e3 No.10186



Do you have a source for the third and first pictures respectively?

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925a6a No.10189

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925a6a No.10192

File: 45ff244746ab7f1⋯.png (4.44 MB,3300x2156,75:49,B7ACE535_87FE_4056_9867_85….png)

File: 3c3ac028bc551ea⋯.jpeg (172.6 KB,1600x974,800:487,8E804FB6_8FFC_4ECF_82CC_B….jpeg)

File: 340c12f362a4cf0⋯.jpeg (174.85 KB,1600x938,800:469,8E737482_6A0B_4E51_9DEF_E….jpeg)

File: d6ea4cc9e24838f⋯.png (1.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,4C71AD86_D2EB_452A_8472_16….png)

File: 8f26266c06c1ead⋯.png (772.54 KB,3048x2200,381:275,E6658723_8FA1_4A35_8097_B8….png)

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2348e3 No.10193



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182642 No.10197

File: 5a8b561ec87f3f7⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,90761E8D_1376_4466_87FC_C4….png)

File: e2e68033e1bf517⋯.png (1.08 MB,2000x1551,2000:1551,6DB3B857_52FD_4C11_BCB9_D0….png)

File: 9f27e37310a333f⋯.png (559.98 KB,1024x709,1024:709,3A826BCE_974D_45BC_8DEF_FC….png)

File: cfa4427d862ce87⋯.png (4.66 MB,3500x3000,7:6,07BDD0AA_3440_42E5_B45F_88….png)

File: 3ef8551f66c0388⋯.jpeg (928.63 KB,1500x1124,375:281,BEF4C76C_9A95_4AAA_A7E3_0….jpeg)


no problem

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182642 No.10200

File: 79d760a2d6909f0⋯.jpeg (219.43 KB,1024x2485,1024:2485,FCD1997B_4EC2_43A6_82F8_1….jpeg)

File: ba605922610e7c2⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,4171x2923,4171:2923,686B2B01_DAD2_462B_8CA0_F….jpeg)

File: a8f53f800153f93⋯.jpeg (376.23 KB,1172x1868,293:467,128A5D9D_D9BA_4D89_B203_6….jpeg)

File: a22153069eccd14⋯.png (3.16 MB,1615x2349,1615:2349,D9FCA75A_9477_4993_9307_93….png)

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113e47 No.10221

File: 893b78a5cd84cf9⋯.jpeg (137.32 KB,1024x704,16:11,F60E2509_47CE_4756_A886_8….jpeg)

File: 06c3b62be5751ca⋯.jpeg (199.03 KB,1024x1448,128:181,6604468C_16C2_4630_AB2F_7….jpeg)

File: 60dc34d18134192⋯.jpeg (91.75 KB,1024x725,1024:725,E7FADA9C_5D6E_4F23_8B96_9….jpeg)

File: 916459037867b71⋯.jpeg (187.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,F85F6D3F_CDE9_4141_B4F3_A….jpeg)

File: 2d2bd6d6f655539⋯.jpeg (206.05 KB,1024x1572,256:393,B845FF8F_6119_4B20_9FB4_B….jpeg)

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113e47 No.10222

File: 2a937448e5042d7⋯.jpeg (174.81 KB,1024x1122,512:561,15B1F00E_6DE6_47B8_B1E3_3….jpeg)

File: 984360867699f55⋯.jpeg (182.72 KB,1024x1211,1024:1211,052079BA_D690_4DCA_A9FA_8….jpeg)

File: ab7bf7a3e5425fc⋯.png (1.52 MB,1920x1480,48:37,7E4DA90E_427A_4B21_8099_DF….png)

File: 2d95d019216f065⋯.jpeg (69.82 KB,1024x577,1024:577,BCC9AA02_7976_4DFF_A89E_C….jpeg)

File: bdb3ad143bc4ea9⋯.png (1.19 MB,916x1338,458:669,37683EAC_00CB_4B41_81D8_87….png)

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113e47 No.10223

File: 0a29608444baf76⋯.jpeg (490.37 KB,1535x2922,1535:2922,478F7366_4611_4D3B_8307_F….jpeg)

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113e47 No.10224

File: f1cc24779f34b53⋯.png (11.88 MB,5787x4092,1929:1364,2ED80EEC_AC5E_457D_A9D7_34….png)

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113e47 No.10225

File: f163259c0c72a5e⋯.png (6.11 MB,2550x3507,850:1169,1BB3EB1B_9860_46E3_A840_17….png)

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113e47 No.10226

File: e0b6b8a959c984c⋯.png (6.07 MB,5787x4092,1929:1364,73551B4C_730C_4103_A57E_A7….png)

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113e47 No.10227

File: 83fe5962711eccc⋯.png (942.67 KB,736x1039,736:1039,9ABCC966_7D47_4709_8800_A4….png)

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758e8f No.10241

File: 78c650cf539cfc6⋯.jpg (841.9 KB,2262x2160,377:360,birthday_give_away_mugi_by….jpg)


Mugi = Thinking man's choice.

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2348e3 No.10256


Never watched K-on, but she is the one I'd go for. That Bebob picture is a good one.

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626a6a No.10257

File: 56cc5413f16ba44⋯.jpeg (237.32 KB,2152x1053,2152:1053,9023920B_51A9_4E63_92E5_4….jpeg)

File: 684acedc4b52a71⋯.png (5.55 MB,5250x2200,105:44,01D76D15_AE28_4EDA_B07E_FC….png)

File: 64814d122c391f3⋯.png (2.78 MB,1805x1209,1805:1209,305B90DC_38E2_4714_81E0_49….png)

File: 76dcc44e6411a4e⋯.jpeg (402.96 KB,1028x676,257:169,28362E60_0E86_4384_9935_1….jpeg)

File: c2a0531f42616de⋯.jpeg (79.33 KB,786x1003,786:1003,F0E0174A_4B9B_4308_8EB5_A….jpeg)

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626a6a No.10262

File: 9a52f844fd8c79e⋯.png (2.26 MB,2480x2297,2480:2297,CF87AE81_A0F4_4461_BF6E_87….png)

File: 10c7f77420c9ff1⋯.png (796.09 KB,1028x1052,257:263,4289F9E2_1A70_497D_B35B_A0….png)

File: 72e295482bf2362⋯.png (6.94 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,E82B1BB0_B958_4B86_B256_20….png)

File: 83a2d76c928d35e⋯.png (638.31 KB,1028x956,257:239,FEF104E6_BDF9_48DA_BE1D_C9….png)

File: c151c580c5d13ef⋯.png (797.96 KB,1024x1347,1024:1347,1D697A34_7404_4A64_9A81_55….png)

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626a6a No.10263

File: d029c8cf6b3fcd6⋯.png (7.81 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,80358072_3C12_422D_B199_E5….png)

File: b9974ca0da4bff6⋯.png (5.26 MB,2480x3508,620:877,2D91490B_7D00_4379_BF8D_5A….png)

File: 3ff77e97fe2e19f⋯.png (696.78 KB,1024x1229,1024:1229,C25D3F9F_44BC_4AE9_95B0_0B….png)

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626a6a No.10264

File: cf1c638ce633ee5⋯.png (6.82 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,7E37D41F_18BC_4234_AB4C_D8….png)

File: ff748c1c0d43d34⋯.png (4.33 MB,3508x4961,3508:4961,72B5F475_A7C2_4C48_A623_F9….png)

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626a6a No.10265

File: 9ed70df28bb35d3⋯.png (3.25 MB,3300x2200,3:2,6A24164B_344B_4363_94E2_23….png)

File: 486620ebe2c5de0⋯.png (3.86 MB,3300x2200,3:2,91FE78F1_772F_4296_9077_0A….png)

File: 6af6b235508f441⋯.png (3.33 MB,3300x2200,3:2,ED5D2F0E_E140_47E9_BDBB_C3….png)

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626a6a No.10266

File: 3739899de8c2a77⋯.png (4.47 MB,3260x3440,163:172,E2587BC1_A646_488C_90BC_95….png)

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626a6a No.10287

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626a6a No.10297

File: 4e5e167ba2a1af0⋯.png (1.81 MB,1888x2034,944:1017,56B7E376_42A8_4911_9DE7_9F….png)

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626a6a No.10298

File: 267057c21553b5b⋯.png (1.7 MB,1600x1200,4:3,0B46DE5C_1985_434F_BDD4_B9….png)

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898d4f No.10318

File: 1bc6c6c151fad38⋯.png (2.02 MB,1280x1728,20:27,80070C2B_9D1F_45B9_8B6A_99….png)

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ec172f No.11095

File: 02bb7705296083a⋯.jpeg (73.36 KB,839x953,839:953,DADA354E_67C3_4759_A8A5_8….jpeg)

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9f88ba No.12187

File: 8ba9d47c4207de7⋯.mp4 (102.59 KB,384x560,24:35,744481c668582d79.mp4)

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4e9672 No.12263

File: 291c1d8154801e3⋯.mp4 (449.43 KB,800x1040,10:13,126217_0.mp4)

File: d355f832f943d74⋯.mp4 (123 KB,800x1040,10:13,257650_0.mp4)

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4e9672 No.12266

File: 93d57610bd29add⋯.png (795.47 KB,1200x1600,3:4,87243269_p2.png)

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8ec757 No.12270


Never thought I'd see something more wrong than Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita itself, but there it is.

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aa2d5f No.12310

File: 56a0cba7a9e5bfa⋯.jpg (118.56 KB,683x1024,683:1024,5IG1IT6utYY.jpg)

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File: 7c66d15db1e0760⋯.jpg (128.68 KB,700x969,700:969,17_1_.jpg)


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aa2d5f No.12311

File: e283ea03321cce5⋯.jpg (274.04 KB,1280x1013,1280:1013,the_joint_tickling_arc_by_….jpg)

File: f6695eaa37b1520⋯.jpg (210.21 KB,1280x1076,320:269,make_sure_to_smile_comm_by….jpg)

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51fddc No.12345

File: 393ce62c2fcbcaf⋯.jpg (255.75 KB,750x919,750:919,img_2416_1.jpg)

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492c04 No.12382

File: 8975723f8523eea⋯.png (2.72 MB,1769x2200,1769:2200,8CAB07BC_AF03_4299_8E99_99….png)

File: 6f76da805c421b2⋯.png (1.24 MB,813x982,813:982,80801577_7EB2_4AFD_89F8_6C….png)

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