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Into a really unlikable person. Wtf happened to her ? She looks like a degenerate to, used to be so pretty. Her and Ben are strange.

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Yeah. She gradually became more and more of a fucking cunt over the last three years.

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Gibi is almost 30 years old. Her looks are naturally starting to fade. It is called the wall and it's normal for most women. Those strange vibes come from embracing the liberal ideology. From making friends with LGBT and sex workers. ASMR has been reduced to porn. To OF models making mouth sounds and pretending to be our girlfriends.

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I agree. Gibi is starting to hit the wall. She should do porn before it’s too late.

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As long as her husband does not appear in the porn, which you know would happen. We don't want Gibi to become the next Karuna.

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But that's not true, if you look at her face and body she looks the exact same, like has barley aged. The wall is not always the second you turn 30, it varies from woman to woman. The problem with gibi is the tattoos and crazy hair dye and trendy fashion sense, remove all that and she looks the exact same. The problem is woke tiredness and being rich. And then there is the personality change, she seems angry. I think she is still beautiful without a doubt but she seems damaged in some way.

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I'm sorry but that dude doesn't have the testosterone levels to put on a performance in bed worth watching. It would have to be Chad meat, obviously. I don't know of gibi has ever even been banged like that, crazy to think about. I bet she is still really tight.

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Beautiful girl no doubt, she has a really nice skinny body, her eyes are unreal to. Shame what happend to her legs but, they are still shaped nicely. She is aging well in my opinion, husband looks sus honestly though.

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Your penis has made you blind to the truth. Women look worse with age and Gibi is no exception. I prefer pre-2020 Gibi to woke gay Gibi.

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Everyone says that lol

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Yeah because it's true, dude is probably hung like a feild mouse, gina needs that Chad pipe, not some low testosterone beta-queer, fucking makes me sick every time that dufus appears in her videos. What a waste of a beautiful woman

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No she hasn't, this is cringe as fuck. Get a life my god

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Literally everyone can see that she has changed but you

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she's not gonna fuck you my guy

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hopefully she'll pull a Cloveress by the age of 40, fingers crossed.

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Hopefully she will release lesbian porn to prove she's gay, or a video with 4 big guys to prove she's straight.

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I'm still hopeful she'll off herself after doing the porn shit

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At least Sarah/Karuna has always been upfront about being a ho, Gina hides that shit, badly I might add, to maintain some mama bear type of bullshit personality

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Did you guys see her post the latest tattoo? She got a cringe devil tattoo or some shit. At least Angie turned to Heysus. Gibi should just do LonelyFans like a normal hoe and stop ruining her body with silly ink doodles.

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I can't even tell what I'm looking at. Why even tattoo that shit? I hope she gets a neck tat when her legs are fully ruined

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I think vaGina might have legit mental issues like BPD. She also could be coping with being almost 30 and still hasn't gotten preggers yet. She needs a big muscular bull to show her husband how it's done.

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I'm pretty sure they all the asmr girls have bpd

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all the vtubers too

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