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/tingles/ - ASMR


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Honestly good at ASMR. Smooth and rhythmic, very nice to listen to her streams as long as she isn't talking too much. But seems like an OnlyFans is imminent


Talks about it from 26:30 minutes

I kinda thought/hoped she would never jump on this wagon given her faith and morals. Then again she just divorced her husband, has a smoking body and a legion of simps ready to shower her in cash if she sells out so I guess I shouldn't be surprised

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What faith? In her avatar on Twitch she's wearing devil horns. Not very Christian.

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Her father is a minister and she regularly talks about prayer but she's newly divorced and dresses like a whore so like a lot of Christians she isn't very consistent

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It's considered uncool in today's society to be Christian, and so people (especially women) who aren't getting dopamine hits from their relationship with God will compromise their faith for that precious dopamine on social media. All of this is part of a larger effort to destroy traditional Western values through demoralization.

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