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File: a5f4129327f12f0⋯.jpg (131.56 KB,989x1200,989:1200,D5KZmmrUcAAepid.jpg)

 No.21706 [Last50 Posts]

She's the best and her smile makes my heart warm. Recently she's been really active on Instagram which is nice.

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File: a1f161e89d8b9ac⋯.mp4 (126.46 KB,480x852,40:71,59467863_2194463407301662_….mp4)


you can, but it will probably die out

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File: 626a6154b7ec7e7⋯.jpg (179.54 KB,1080x1920,9:16,605090b1f8cc57b18a3fea2e3b….jpg)

Why do you think she's getting surgery?

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fix her fucked up face

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Too bad she's best looking girl making ASMR by a large margin

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you must be elise herself

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File: 69ffb2d8340f0ca⋯.png (2.64 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20190723-201937.png)

Turns out it was just her wisdom teeth. I want to see her puffy cheeks.

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Huh? Who goes to get their fucking wisdom teeth removed and goes around telling people "I'm going for surgery, wish me luck" like they're about to get a heart transplant? Strange sympathy seeking behavior.

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where is this from?

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She posts stuff like this pretty regularly on her Instagram story

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File: 26cf71ce942b960⋯.jpg (588.68 KB,1080x1993,1080:1993,20190728_211158.jpg)

I hope she feels better soon :(

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elise the misandrist knows what brings in the big views. I have a feeling she'd open an OnlyFans but then she'd have to swallow… her pride.

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She's gonna open an Onlyfans and then say it's "empowering" or some stupid feminist nonsense, then she'll bitch and moan about people leaking her shit and call everyone a misogynist racist lol.

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I really don't see her doing that, she gets offended if a man comments on her video. She isn't going to go nude. I'm surprised she even did that tattoo video.

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“She gets offended if a man comments on her video…”


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All Men Are Bastards

Get with the times

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Pretty much, even the tame ones are posted on her instagram story.

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You'd be surprised the lengths some women will go to to get back at the patriarchy. The whole video is just showing her skin.

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If all men are baxters then why appeal to the "male gaze"?

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She changed the thumbnail of the video! LOL! Was she receiving harassment, or is she lurking here like she did with /asmr/? It doesn't change the content of the video, only how many views it receives based on clickbait. Instead of trying to hide your actions when you get called out, how about having some integrity? Don't post something you'd be ashamed of later.

I can't upload images here and don't know if imgur links work. I saved a screenshot in case Elise decided to pull a fast one.


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Because she knows it gets clicks and she can excuse it saying she is just tattoos and anyone taking it a different way is a sexist. bit harder to do that with onlyfans and not have people see right through it

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Wish Youtube would delete videos with suggestive thumbnails, as part of their policies to protect children from harmful material. Then ASMRtists wouldn't be allowed to pull this crap for views. It would separate real ASMR from porn.

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she literally looks like Michael Jackson

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It looks like a blue bear giving her boob an uppercut.

I wonder what color her nipples are. :^)

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shes fuggin cuuute

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She's fuggin criiinge! A feminist man-hater and a hypocrite who uses clickbait to attract men. You should see her latest Instagram photo. She needs to do something about those eyebrows.

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I really don't get why people like her here. She looks like a dude and her personality is a dumpster fire.

Maybe it's just one or two guys who have a fetish for hatefucking obnoxious radical feminists, that's enough to keep a thread going.

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she has a pleasant voice and she sometimes funny, but seems to be an anxious, restless, annoying woman in real life.

maybe something to do with her family history, her vietnamese mother was adopted by a french couple at an orphanage. she is somewhat rootless

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She doesn't actually hate men she is just bitter

These are chicks you can easily set straight if you say the right things and make them cum

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She's already set straight, she hates inferior creatures that are men, she's brave, intelligent and independent. I love you Elise - my Queen.

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She has been with numerous men and she's still a radical feminist. No one has set her straight. It says on her Instagram "À bas le patriarcat!" which in Google translation means "Down with the patriarchy!"

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But she still cries about men on her instagram story. All she wants is some good dick

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Also looks like she is seeing a guy and notice she is happier

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How do you know she’s seeing someone?

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She's had dick and it didn't change her attitude. No man can stand to be with her in a relationship.

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Just guessing by her instagram. in her recent photos she is a lot happier than before and it's mostly her either eating across from someone or some architecture pics from travelling. Before she'd post ugly selfies with her unshaven armpits and shit like that. She also stopped ranting and posting all the pervy comments she gets on her story a couple months ago. It could just be coincidence, I'm not saying I know for a fact.


That's the thing, she likely got pump and dumped which just exacerbated her hatred. You can tell she is not completely over men because 1. Biology wouldn't allow it, even the biggest feminists eventually admit they need a man 2. She used to occasionally repost 'relatable' memes about chad texting her and shit like that. It was rare but I saw it a few times. This might sound hollow coming from an 8kun anon but I can tell you a lot of young women are becoming like this. The dynamic is a lot less straight forward, they are confused between 20 different lifestyles and are attacking men out of both fear and envy. They are intentionally trying to be obnoxious as a 'shit test' I guess you would call it because they believe the ones who aren't offended by their attitude are higher value. I'm not saying you have to put up with it if you don't want to. That would be retarded especially for elise who is nothing special. Just explaining her thought process from past experience.

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I think you're assuming a lot from a couple photos of a woman smiling. I could probably go through Elise's Instagram and dig up a photo where she appears to be having fun while being single. She uploaded that tattoo video a month ago where she teased some underboob in the thumbnail. Why do that if you're dating someone? Men pump and dump women because they don't want to be in a long term relationship with someone who's ridden the carousel, if you know what I mean. The Chads often take advantage of girls they think are slutty and not marriage material. It's understandable that a lot of guys don't want Chad's sloppy seconds, so they kick girls like Elise to the curb. Radical feminism has hurt women by teaching them to embrace the carousel lifestyle and have no shame about being Chad's disposable fleshlight. Elise is a bad role model for young women by being a radical feminist instead of being conservative. Young women are just wasting the better parts of their youth being pumped and dumped.

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Can we say that Ms.Elise is somewhat superior to other Asmrtists?

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She went on a mad one on her instagram story. Sorry that the translation is not great.

>Having a "yellow fever" is racist. Recently, a man told me that he "couldn't find black women or white women attractive" - ​​he himself said "I have yellow fever." Fucking disgusting imo. Most white men who live in Asia exclusively have sex with Asian girls and usually travel to Asia to fuck Asian girls.

>Yeah, I think it's disgusting. There is no other word. When you've conditioned yourself to the point of having a racial fetish it's really serious. It disgusts me. So the guys who have this kind of pb don't even bother to speak to me.

>And the comments of the style "I think Vietnamese / Thai (insert South Asian language) sounds ugly" will frankly fuck you too.

>But what exactly do you like about Asian women? What's with the eyes flanged? Because you think they're tighter? Because they're more docile, submissive, cute? They have less hair, they are leaner? And I'm not talking about the next level, those who go so far as to give you a ranking by country

>"me it's only Korea, Japan and at the limit China"

>"Les viets is still the most beautiful. Finally I like that Asians anyway but the viets are beautiful naturally not like the japs ​​who put on a ton of makeup"

>"No but you have to admit that South Asians are not as beautiful as the others…

>"yeah I like to fuck Jap but the problem is that they are immature. They have to be here. The 22-year-old girls have 12 years in their head. Yeah nan but me it's just for sex eh"

>I haven't even been in Japan for a month and I'm already fart a cable in fact. So the consequence of all this is just that I'm going to stop talking to the French cismecs here because frankly I can't.

>Honestly I'm at a point where I literally lost all hope of meeting a normal French guy, and by normal I mean decent, that is to say at the very least anti-racist and sensitive to the feminist cause ?! Aren't there guys who can talk about anything other than sex? Yes yes I understand you fuck a lot, Me Too! Can we move on?

>Brief déso for this little rant #sorrynotsorry

>Thank you for your support without you it would be really difficult in this new country.

>Thanks for being here for me you guys you don't know how much it means to me

She is mad because she is trying to date a white man and they all have yellow fever. So hypocritical.

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Has Elise ever considered dating another mutt instead of aiming high for a pure bred? Not to be mean or anything Elise, but it sounds like you have some internalized racism and possibly some daddy issues if you think white men are better, or at least better to suit your (big white cock) needs.

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Not that anon but I don’t see why she doesn’t move to a more diverse country where she can increase her odds to get a bf. Like move to the UK, US , Canada, or hell move to Australia for fucks sake.

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rootless, restless, annoying cunt ms. elise is.

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>Fucking disgusting imo. Most white men who live in Asia exclusively have sex with Asian girls and usually travel to Asia to fuck Asian girls.

>Honestly I'm at a point where I literally lost all hope of meeting a normal French guy

I miss being able to post images here, there are certain kinds of laughter you can really only express with a face.

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top jej, she's gonna cat lady hard

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Elise hates chinks and loves white cocks.

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but white cocks don't want Elise…

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The Kung Flu has made them flaccid.

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I think we could redpill Elise on issues of national socialism, if we could find her a stable white man. You can tell by her mannerisms and her public rants such as the ones posted on Instagram that she identifies more as a white person. It's not like she's going out of her way to make ASMR for the Asian market. We just need someone to take one for the team, to put up with her hairy puts long enough to make her an honest woman. Are there any men here willing to step up to the challenge?

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*her hairy pits

Her legs might also be hairy but I haven't seen them.

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<prey for me I'm going into surgery

>by surgery she means getting wisdom teeth pulled

Women are all about the drama. Fuck this ugly bitch but not literally.

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She's on Instagram complaining about yellow fever. I'm honestly feeling blackpilled about females right now.

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she should be ignored. no comment about her, no link, that's all.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Bitch had plastic surgery. I hope she gets an infection and dies of sepsis.

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>spends 1 year in korea

>feminism, plastic surgery, hairy armpits

what is going on in korea? jesus

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Whish I could post pictures here. A koreabro gave some great insight into how absolutley batshit crazy koreans are a while ago. They are let by a feminist cult and that's only surface layer. North Korea is truly best korea.

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>plastic surgery

Wait what? When did she get that?

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Needs to trim down the DSL. Maybe get some lip-osuction. The reverse of a lip injection.

How long until she becomes Michael Jackson?

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>trim down the dsl

what else does she have going for her?

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She has a nice butt. There was a pic on the old /asmr/ that showed her from behind.

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If she has natural DSL, why get rid of it? It's not fake and cartoonish looking like when junkie Karuna got lip implants. I like Elise's DSL and the few times I fapped to her, I imagined her sucking me off.


Yes. She does have a nice butt. I like to think of meeting her in a dark alley on a rainy night and giving her deep anal for 40k Korean won. The smell of fresh kimchi and raw sewage fills the air as I splooge inside her hungry butt hole.

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She says in the video she wants to be a beauty queen, while she is high and being honest. Beauty queens don't have DSL unless they're the bimbo types. Elise can be a bitch, but she isn't a bimbo. The lips and Groucho Marx eyebrows distract from her other features. It's because she's mixed race.

You realize Elise is probably lurking here right? If you wanted to win Elise over, you should try being a little more subtle.

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a comment on youtube:

"The interracial dating statistics are clear that whites tend to stick to their own more and show a stronger preference for their own race whilst asian women choose white men ahead of all other groups including asian men."

Elise's answer:

"Pls kindly wait for the English version before shitting over the comment section with laughable ignorance & undeniable idiocy "

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Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

she wishes she were a real asian girl so she could get some white dick like all her friends

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>If she has natural DSL, why get rid of it?

because women hate themselves and god and want to destroy beauty things

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all her recent anger I think she needs to dicked down. why would she get plastic surgery if she didn't want to impressed males ? Someone pls dick down elise her "I HATE MEN' persona is so lame you can tell she loves sex.

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That's what I was saying before. She is clearly just bitter. God speed to the lucky guy who has to put up with this shit.

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Not that anon but I understand how she feels. Everyone on this board should understand some of us have a hard time getting our dicks wet.

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Yeah but you don't see me hating all women. I'm chaotic evil, not some sort of Korean femcel.

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Fair enough.

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Elise believes that only Jews and non-whites can experience racism. No amount of dick will cure that level of stupidity.

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Shitlise can go to the fuckin hell.

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>"Pls kindly wait for the English version before shitting over the comment section with laughable ignorance & undeniable idiocy

Not an argument.

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this is her level. this is what she is capable of

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We should trick Elise into doing an Onlyfans since she is about “female empowerment and shit lol.

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She has a second cringe channel now

>dates obvious chads

>whines that they're chads

I hate this cunt

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>lives in Japan

>dates white American soldiers

Literally fucking the oppressive white male occupiers. What a joke this girl is. Just like her mom, betraying her own people and jumping on the white man's dick. Bonus hilarity is that the American soldier was from Hiroshima of all places. You can't make this stuff up.

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don't watch her shit, just ignore her. if you accidentality click her video then leave a dislike and exit out. this chick is cancer

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Is she literally dating a American soldier in Japan?

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Never mind I saw her video just now lol. Why are women like this?

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wow still reading here too

hi elise

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I don’t even think she comes on this dead website anymore, anon.

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She screenshotted the previous posts and posted them on her IG story

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Yeah but those were from when this website was 8chan. I doubt she comes to this dead thread these days.

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no they were literally the last posts

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No it wasn’t because I was on that thread before this website got nuked.

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she screencapped these 3 posts, what are you talking about?




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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elise's videos would be improved without the feminism. Feminist theories don't prepare women for their inability to pair bond when they have sex outside of marriage. Deep down I think she wants some dick from a trad Chad, but she is ashamed to admit it, which leads to her acting out these weird roleplays.

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she will never have a decent partner.

she doesn't deserve one, to be honest

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I thought you were talking about some of the comments she screenshoted back when this website was called 8chan. But whatev this is not her first time screenshoting comments from this site.

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Why do so many women nowadays believe in astrology? Is this like the religion of thots? I just checked Elise's Insta and she's talking about Mercury Retrograde. Between this, tarot, and witchcraft, I think the ASMR community has a persecution complex where they see themselves as gypsies.

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that's what happens when you refuse to serve men and pop out babies. you start listening to the sky

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I hate women so fucking much bros…

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Yet my penis loves them. It's the greatest internal conflict.

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maybe dont jerk off to sissy hypno everyday and you might have some self control

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did someone say self control?

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So in real life she is a kind of model living in japan?

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thats just her friends thing i think

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speaking of this i'm kinda feeling bad since yesterday when i read this thread.

I was really impressed by her speaking level in english french korean and other languages she speak on her videos and also by her culture on litterature and history as for instance french revolution and art. And i was really not paying attention to the fact that she was oriented as feminist in her historicals rp

And i think as an incel it's the first time i found a woman that interesting and to be honest i also find her face pretty symetrical and quite desirable…

But reading this thread make me feel like falling off a building and i can't help thinking that everything said here as the fact that she juste want a trad chad BWC in her hairy butthole is not false. And this make me really disapointed by myself

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Elise is part white on her dad's side. Most females have a daddy complex, so of course she wants a BWC in her hairy butthole. But it's not worth jumping off the Freedom Tower over. There are plenty of other pseudo-intellectual feminists out there. Maybe it doesn't bother me because I'm not into (part) Asian chicks. It would give me a boner though if Elise confessed that she wanted to make white babies.

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elise no doubt can be beautiful but her attitude is more saddening than it is frustrating. such a shame i can completely understand how the anon above felt when he got pilled on her

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Laura was an underrated talent and a natural beauty that left us too soon…

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eww just found out that she had plastic surgery done. what the fuck

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What did she have worked on?

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Not sure but probably lips

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this is her best video so far, a true masterpiece

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She has a new Jap bf in Japan it seems.

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