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/tikilounge/ - BIG KAHUNA'S Tiki Lounge

Exotic drinks served mid the relaxing decor of a South Pacific paradise

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File: 1417404910297.png (158.09 KB,412x308,103:77,4460 - pointing stone_cold….png)


Fuck you tikis I will have my revenge.
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There's a pineapple stuck on your finger, Mahu :^)

for dubs

you must point this way >
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File: 1417433438752.png (350.46 KB,400x298,200:149,4476 - fuck_you microphone….png)

Fuck you, this is about revenge not dubs
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Ke ho'okomu nei Kumukahi i ka'ino :^)
You're getting mighty angry, mahu!

You're even flipping off a delicious tropical fruit!

I suggest you take a delicious refreshing drink and calm down!
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File: 1417438965668.jpg (1.27 MB,927x1696,927:1696,Austinentrance.jpg)

That's it you smug tiki prick. I'm gonna pull this fruit down and shove it up your fruity little ass.
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File: 1417439139984.jpg (10.44 KB,85x85,1:1,stone-cold-beer.jpg)

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please stop vandalizing my fruit
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File: 1417440049902.gif (1.86 MB,300x170,30:17,ipSjy.gif)

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File: 1417440682723.jpg (158.19 KB,733x717,733:717,wrestlemania-xix1.jpg)

Steve, you seem all too eager to play with fruit! Well The Rock is tired of watching you play with fruit. The People are tired of watching you play with fruit. So Steve, it looks like The Rock is going to have to unleash a can of whoop ass right here right now, on the real fruit in this ring.
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File: 1417440715265.jpg (39.97 KB,642x361,642:361,austin_rocked.jpg)

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Thank you, the Rock, you have saved my board :^)
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This makes me giggle more than it should.
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