>>1515Yep, I hate that too. It's so unfunny. I hate it when people use it on forums too.
Sometimes I have a good time spamming on valve servers because new players recognize my skillz (I'm not b4nny but the average skill of TF2 is dogshit) and I'll spam a bind after every kill highlighting that, I am MVP and people will get really irritated. New players will sometimes copy me or straight up ask me to teach them.
Because of new players eager to learn I've given away a lot of essential playstyle items like the flaregun, gunboots, tide turner, huntsman and the degreaser. I've also taught a LOT of people how to rocket jump.
I have a policy of not adding people from pubs to my friends list but often I'll run into players I've mentored and they get a laugh out of how mad people are getting at me.