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File: 1412432976721.jpg (66.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,440_screenshots_2014-10-02….jpg)

 No.1246 [View All]

Because the old one was lost under the influx of Beethovens.
31 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Holy shit.

What server is that?
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IP pls
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File: 1420010108971.jpg (63.87 KB,1024x576,16:9,440_screenshots_2014-10-31….jpg)

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File: 1420238012799.png (497.26 KB,1296x574,648:287,ye.png)

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File: 1420894451755.jpg (178.7 KB,1366x768,683:384,danse magnifique.jpg)

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File: 1420894466888.jpg (338.75 KB,1680x1056,35:22,come with me if you want t….jpg)

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File: 1420894493011.jpg (16.26 KB,553x712,553:712,emoji.jpg)

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File: 1420956174591.jpg (148.52 KB,1176x664,147:83,440_screenshots_2015-01-03….jpg)

korea severs
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File: 1421662916116.jpg (109.31 KB,1024x576,16:9,440_screenshots_2015-01-18….jpg)

emphasis on fuck
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File: 1421965489046.jpg (246.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2014-11-15_00001.jpg)

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File: 1422197913388.jpg (251.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2014-05-21_00003.jpg)

yer wankers
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File: 1422198017507.jpg (387.54 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2014-06-14_00002.jpg)

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File: 1422593958722.jpg (374.4 KB,1680x1050,8:5,thats it. thats the game.jpg)

oh boy have i been waiting for the right moment to post this gem
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File: 1422754458475.jpg (286.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2013-01-02_00001.jpg)

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File: 1422754526794.jpg (98.94 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2013-12-04_00001.jpg)

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File: 1423217411320.jpg (149.23 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2015-02-06_00001.jpg)

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>update your drivers
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>virtual tea parties
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File: 1424362551298.jpg (172.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,gopnik af.jpg)

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File: 1433908533814.jpg (180.77 KB,1024x768,4:3,2015-02-16_00002.jpg)

I don't even know what could have caused this to happen.

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File: 1433964092113.png (14.35 KB,350x401,350:401,obama.png)


>lemme just repair your sentry real quick

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File: 1433967453771.jpg (47.16 KB,951x540,317:180,m'lady.JPG)

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File: 1433967474811.jpg (89.4 KB,956x542,478:271,medic.JPG)

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File: 1434335533139.jpg (152.67 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-03-04_00001.jpg)


best one so far tbh

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>0 current domiations


Oh yeah you raped those scrubs alright.

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File: 1434402450226.jpg (154.74 KB,1366x768,683:384,2015-05-04_00003.jpg)

Possibly Engineer's greatest invention.

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File: 1434661014947.jpg (350.88 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2015-06-17_00002.jpg)

>trying to shoot through windows

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File: 1434734006156.jpg (154.44 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-03-29_00002.jpg)

>Thanks fer stan-*snap*

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File: 1434845599260.jpg (265.25 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2015-06-20_00001.jpg)

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Cranial conspiracy when it isn't full moon

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File: 1434997822531.jpg (159.6 KB,1024x768,4:3,civilian army.jpg)

When Scream Fortress came out last year there was a brief period in all of TF2 where everyone somehow, including MvM robots, went civilian mode. It was a nice moment, then I crashed. I don't have any pictures of the robots but I have this one of doomsday event.

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File: 1435099244833.jpg (251 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-03-31_00002.jpg)

also notice the dead one at the bottom of the stairs

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File: 1435250410066.jpg (10.36 KB,156x205,156:205,1427488580824.jpg)


>[LGBT] Suzu the furry

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What the fuck, is that Thai porn?

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File: 1435627002209.jpg (96.05 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-05-23_00001.jpg)

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File: 1435687060877.jpg (119.99 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-05-01_00002.jpg)

the shit-eating grin of a hacker

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Put your name as Kim Jong Un then go back in there.

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File: 1435834019293.jpg (192.99 KB,1366x768,683:384,440_screenshots_2012-10-27….jpg)

Looks like I'm going to be thrown back into the game with the new update.

I have $10.16 on my account and it's probably going to be gone by the ed of the day

I want off the ride

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File: 1436040571591.jpg (206.01 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-04-15_00001.jpg)

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File: 1436163211968.jpg (189.25 KB,1600x900,16:9,2014-12-28_00001.jpg)

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File: 1436597513539.jpg (347.91 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2015-07-06_00034.jpg)

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File: 1436705448273.jpg (143.57 KB,1600x900,16:9,2015-03-14_00001.jpg)

this used to happen all the time

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All kinds of autism infest this game son, all kinds.

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File: 1436982247652.jpg (5.92 KB,200x200,1:1,fuck.jpg)

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That hat, mask and backpack actually works better together than one might think

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File: 1440656335248.jpg (40.37 KB,546x500,273:250,2015-08-26_00001.jpg)


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File: 1441209650844.jpg (14.45 KB,183x232,183:232,1386100068846.jpg)

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>With BLUs you lose!

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File: 1452018261798.png (59.91 KB,390x127,390:127,yeah that sounds about rig….png)

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