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 No.1089 [View All]

Let's have this thread again. It was bumped off and lost to the ether due to recent events that should remain unspoken of.

Weapons that you just can't play without. Maybe it's elitism, but if you're not using the disciplinary action, then what the fuck are you doing?
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Escape Plan is sometimes useful AGAINST me because once I see a soldier pull it out, I get tunnel vision and make it a priority to nail him with hitscan or what have you. Sometimes it ends disastrously, sometimes it ends with a single minicrit peck followed by death.
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File: 1412046167559.gif (2.62 KB,256x239,256:239,1399242681104.gif)

Using my Conscientious Objector with pic. related

I do the same thing.
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File: 1412078332062.jpg (104.25 KB,1366x768,683:384,Alien Medic.jpg)

When I go Medic, I can't live without my Amputator or Quick-Fix. Healed tons of HP with both of them!
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File: 1412078419824.jpg (92.36 KB,1366x768,683:384,A Soldier.jpg)

I also adore my Beggar's Bazooka as well. I'm experimenting with what Banner to use with it and I usually do best with the Buff Banner. the Backup doesn't really do much for me although it helps a ton in MvM
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Huh, that's an older screenshot, as now I have an Australium Gold Hornblower and the Mutton Chops and Pipe is Strange.
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File: 1412082568374.png (55.65 KB,512x512,1:1,Backpack_Loch-n-Load.png)

Fuck sentries.
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>feeling it is absolutely necessary to screencap your loadouts
>replying to your own post being insecure about what items you now have
what the fuck is the matter with you
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I like using the righteous bison for all the dumbass pyros who wait at midrange for rocket reflects. It makes me laugh, some of the cockiest ones basically forget to cause damage when they get tunnel vision. can't reflect lasers, and you can't stop me from splashing the walls, ceiling, and floor…
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Oh, I love the righteous bison! It's hard to go to nowadays with the buffed concheror or plain old shotgun, but its annoying hitbox and penetrative qualities really makes it stand out for me.
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I like Darwin's Danger shield when sniping in pubs because tryhard kids get pissed off at it
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You seem to be confused, its the tryhards that use the DDS
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For top lel, find a server with lots of snipers on each team and go vacc medic. Only good use I have for that medigun now that I think about it.
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I can't even kill you faggots with a fully charged pissgun or machina.
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File: 1414459797256.png (61.72 KB,512x512,1:1,blackbox.png)

THIS fucking has been my salvation. I used to play the old tf2 (Back when pyro didn't have airblast and the demoman still had 6 rounds in his grenade launcher), and I could wreck an army as soldier, but my killstreaks would always tragically be cut short if there weren't supplies around. Considering my fighting style, this weapon doesn't even have a downside; The survivability of a soldier with this equipped is exceptional, and it's far more handy than the Concherer, considering most of the time you'll die before you get to actually launch the damn thing effectively.

Suffering from afterburn? No problem. Tons of scouts harrassing you, chipping off your HP? No problem. No medkits anywhere? No problem.

Literally the best thing to ever happen to me in tf2.
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File: 1414464791652.png (178.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,My_Engie.png)

this load out, god damn this load out.

the amount of pure hate i get from using this load out is pure magic I love it.

Out of all the weapons though that gunslinger is my favorite and i always use it.
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>Can't manage your 200 HP pool responsibly enough to drag yourself to an HP kit? No Problem.
>Don't know where health pickups are on a map? No problem.

that is the second shitterest weapon out of all of the weapons for the easiest class, I hope you know
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File: 1414600832533.png (445.09 KB,1073x739,1073:739,Sticky_Jumper.png)

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>killstreak frontier justice
>not strange
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Not the anon but it doesn't need to be strange to have a killstreak.
I prefer having the game tell everyone on the server that i killed 15 people in a row rather having a weapon with orange text and an insignificant number underneath it that people will see for a second
I do killstreak my stranges though because I've had my stranges forever.
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I use stranges so I can gauge my own progress with a weapon or class. A strange killstreak would have been much better.
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I agree that the DA is a hell of a weapon, but my main is a roaming solder and I can't help but use the gunboats and the glorious Market Gardener. It's just too much fun to use. When you know how to rocket jump, it's easy to deny any class that isn't overheated, soldier, or heavy. It's so satisfying to see someone drop to 195 points of crit damage. Also, gunboats change how you can play soldier drastically.
But when the team needs me to be more defensive, I'll switch to a banner or a shotgun with the escape plan.
Also, stock rawket lawnchair ftw
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killstreak on an unique item is wasted imo. he got himself a professional killstreak kit, and could have easily gotten a strange frontier justice, bp price is only 2 ref.
i don't mind people who play without stranges, but it rustles my jamongos when a killstreak kit is added to an unique/vintage/genuine weapon.
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>Implying health kits will always be there
>implying mini-crits and crits won't fuck your health to single digits
>implying 200 hp is enough to walk your ass halfway across a map with second to slowest movement speed in the game.

Good fucking god. It's like you didn't even think before you wrote any of that shit. Get on my level, scrub.
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He had a poor argument but the point still stands: black box is shit and promotes spam and lone wolves.
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>promotes spam
Yeah, god forbid you shoot at the enemy repeatedly in a shooting game.

Everyone complains about the black box, but no one ever brings up legit reasons as to why it's bad. Maybe they're just angry that they constantly fall victim to it, like the backburner. I'd say dead ringer but those guys are pretty easy to figure out, even if they're a pain in the ass to kill sometimes.
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If you have a normal rocket launcher and are near your base and low on health, you'll seek healing. With black box, you'll spam enemies from so far away that you won't kill, just annoy and leech health. I don't think that's really helpful to your team.

It's bad to use for yourself because minus one rocket in clip, nothing more to it. Better to kill someone than be empty with 45 more health. Soldier's biggest weakness is his relatively short time before needing to reload. Decreasing to 3 rockets makes that weakness considerably larger.
And to be biased I don't use it or any other launcher after converting to original master race.
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I use the concheror instead, OP. The speed boost is nice, but the only place I can find myself reliably helping my teammates move is when we're starting up or something. Instead, the constant +2 health with the speedboost charge effect is more valuable.

Plus escape plan to move fast during escapes, but I'm thinking of changing that to a more dedicated melee weapon.
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Most enemies I come across can be killed with two or three hits anyways, but in a direct combat situation (or while under severe stress), you wouldn't get many chances to load up a full clip anyway. In that sense, the weapon doesn't have any real downsides in active combat. The only real downside is that there's no upside if you have a medic on you and you're not heavily injured. If you're going to be empty with 45 heath, then so be it, because you'd be empty with 45 less health otherwise. You can use other weapons as supplements, you know.
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File: 1415879619010.png (599.77 KB,646x526,323:263,1415640628618.png)

Yeah I think the black box is a crutch TBH. It's good for new players.

Yep, it's a weapon for pubstars
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I still have yet to see anyone say anything actually consistent or coherent in terms to why the Black Box is bad. So far the argument is "It's bad because I said so even though I'm constantly proven wrong". I'll wait for better explanations.
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File: 1430601573275.png (89.35 KB,512x512,1:1,Best Minigun.png)

I don't get it.

Why does everyone hate this weapon?

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>Little baby cannot escape you

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30% longer spin up and -25% damage makes heavy have a more difficult fight against soldiers, demomen, heavies, and sentries. It only helps against scouts and pyros, which aren't generally too difficult unless they surprise you, and then the longer spin up makes its only advantage moot. If they remove the spin up penalty, maybe it'd be good.

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File: 1430768628286.jpg (2.56 KB,225x225,1:1,homewrecker.jpg)

>respawn, back to go guard engi

>step on tele, it winds up

>suddenly sapped

>crouch and smash

>switch back to flamer and spin while teleporting

>run around until spy lights up

>switch back to hammer of justice, chase spy, gain on corners, relight as necessary until finally able to connect hammer to face

It's only a viable form of fucking around with one enemy spy and no good soldiers, but it's gratifying anyways. Also seeing the sapper, killing the spy first, and then saving the sentry as the engi makes it in to save the dispenser and fix it up in time for the rush the spy already signaled to his team.


It's good, just don't hit people riiiiight before they go into close-range combat, it takes a second to realize what happened and it can throw you off.


I find the Direct Hit is usually faster and more to the point, if a little riskier.


What were you expecting from a weeb?


Fair is fair…

I like the Flare Gun for all the dumbass soldiers who abuse the righteous bison thinking it'll make them invulnerable to pyros at midrange. Better find something to hide behind while you puff your crutch back up, kek


Ooh! Another excellent application for the flare gun. Do you unscope and try to run, or do you try to nail me before I get off the second flare? Either way, better not fuck up, it's shot vs shot if you didn't notice me before the first flare, and I can move around.


The reasons for using the flaregun just won't stop stacking up ITT.

Dear Medirocket Man:

Thank you for using this crutch. Your clan has provided me with hours of enjoyment. You see, whenever I catch sight of a Black Box, I always make sure to tag the owner with a flare, just to counter any benefit they might gain. Soldier being slow, all you can do at long range is spam at my feet or hope I stay close to a wall. If you rocket jump towards me, I will eat or reflect your spam and throw more flares at you, then fuck you while you reload. I know where the healthkits are and I can outrun you to grab them. I don't care if I live or die, and I'm coming to harvest your killstreak.

Now what can you do to prevent this? Well, you can run and find a scout to splash and leech off of until you stop burning, but I'm just going to follow you in a roundabout way, picking up any health I see, and flare you again not long after the afterburn wears off. If you never come for me, I'm going to keep harassing you until you end up fighting a Heavy or something, then I'm going to toast you from behind.


It's basically just a counter for the number of morons who went after the mini first instead of ganging up on you and then taking it down.


Pan or caber?


Don't you ever get airblasted back up and toasted on your way down? If not, I'm disappointed in my fellow pyros.


The Backburner is also retarded bullshit.

Dead Ringer just makes spies more fun to play with, no matter what class you are.


People said lots of consistent, coherent things, you just whined and pretended not to understand.

It's bad because it's nonsensically overpowered while simultaneously making you less of a team player in a game that's about working closely with a team.


Most Heavy players are rage heavies or full-on scrubs. They want to be Heavy for moar dakka and so they can have their mom pocket medic them or whatever and feel strong and invincible. Planning ahead to gain an advantage? Playing defensively? Covering their ass? Helping out their team as a whole? Many Heavy player never even think of any of that. It is truly a wonderful weapon for the thinking Heavy, especially in his proper place on defense and especially without a Medic. Properly used at a chokepoint or cap, the kill feed will be covered in Heavy assists.

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File: 1432132267446.jpg (47.76 KB,268x268,1:1,steamworkshop_tf2_engineer….jpg)


>tfw no qt pyro defending your buildings

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File: 1432190126399.jpg (12.46 KB,300x330,10:11,1424155067709.jpg)

>tfw playing defensive spy

>get some good picks and a five man chain-stab

>two or three teammates go spy

>red's frontline breaks, no dispenser or support

>whole enemy team goes pyro

>get rolled

every fucking time.

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I was in a game the other day and the engi was apparently just completely fucking around somewhere else, I had to take the sappers off his sentry and dispenser, flame the spy, take the sapper back off the sentry, kill the spy, and then take the sappers off both of them again. The whole killfeed was just me and sappers and the sentry still almost died.

And then the black box soldiers are like "murrhurr pyro where were you to put me out muh killstreak is ruined do u even into defense".


It's too bad your teammates had to follow you, otherwise you would have just set up the enemy team for immediately getting raped by heavy/medics, engis, scouts.

Either way gg

Legit non-facestab backstabs are honestly the best death for a pyro because you know you totally deserved to die for letting it happen, even if the spy dropped down behind you.

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File: 1432883867473.png (206.55 KB,512x512,1:1,Hello, SlashTF2.png)

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pls explain

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That's a close up of the Solemn Vow

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Holy fuck is this true. Same thing seems to happen when I go on a streak as spy. I've been playing engineer a fair amount recently and the same shit happens:

>Playing engi

>Set up a solid nest in a prime location

> the enemy team starts walking into my sentry and getting ganked

> Spies begin targeting my nest but I just wipe them out

> I manage to top score as the engineer

>Suddenly one or two gibus engineers appear and place a sentry two inches away from mine

>They start leeching metal off my dispenser to build it

> Our offensive line breaks down and I get to watch my fellow engineers stare blankly as my stuff gets sapped


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File: 1433973465735.jpg (16.72 KB,480x360,4:3,goldrush.jpg)


I had a somewhat similar experience recently. I had a level 3 sentry in this spot and I was down below in the ravine. As I was walking back towards spawn, a pair of hatless engies walked up to the ledge and deployed their sentries right next to mine IN UNISON. It was strange to see the synced animation as both guns came online. It's gotta be one of the strangest things I've ever seen.

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File: 1434456275628.png (22.89 KB,250x176,125:88,250px-Shotgun_IMG.png)

i can't play pyro worth a shit with these. i tend to roam around as a pyro, so the backscratcher is perfect because health pack boost. my aim is absolute shit with any flare gun, so the shotgun has saved me a lot.

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my hl team is having our pyro run the rake on him for steel week because he's gonna be playing with the flank.

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rip your medics back

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the detonator

good lord is that thing good

>every map has at least a couple worthwhile jumps and hiding places

>air bursting flares on scouts and soldiers makes not-being-on-fire impossible

>hitting shitters who try to abuse cover around corners

>wide area spy - checking

>demomen still forget it breaks stickies

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>Now what can you do to prevent this?

Kill you, because judging by the rest of your points, you're completely shit at the game.

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>Well, you can run and find a scout to splash and leech off of until you stop burning, but I'm just going to follow you in a roundabout way, picking up any health I see

Or I'll just walk into range via a different path, dodge your flares, or even ignore you altogether, depending on the scenario. If you're using the flaregun at it's effective range, you're probably not a real threat anyway.

> but I'm just going to follow you in a roundabout way, picking up any health I see,

If you advance towards my position with a flaregun, you're going to die. If not, there goes your entire plan. I can reach useable medkits before you could ever hope to. It's not like I'm going to walk ten miles across the fucking map, TOWARDS THE ENEMY NO LESS, to go find some or something.

>If you never come for me, I'm going to keep harassing you until you end up fighting a Heavy or something,

So basically you plan on being dead weight while I complete my team's objectives. Good to know you're intent on being useless.

Nothing you've said is even remotely valid, because your strategies are no more effective than they would be on a standard rocket launcher soldier or a soldier with any other primary. I've dealt with your kind before. Faking out your airblast and dodging your pitiful flares is piss easy. I suggest you uninstall the game so you don't burden anyone on your future teams with your shit strategies.

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File: cbd2d1ff2ef5c0a⋯.png (59.42 KB,250x187,250:187,250px-Detonator_RED.png)

Playing as pyro (God forbid) without the detonator

Too versatile to do without, maps open up so much and give pyro a fun flank-and-burn playstyle

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