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/tf/ - Transformation & Transgender

Transformers! Robots in disguise!!!

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File: 1411413162912.jpg (454.74 KB,1000x707,1000:707,I wish for this to stop co….jpg)

 No.43 [View All]

Dump any furry tf here. Human to: full furry, animal, anything in between, etc.
200 posts and 538 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 1471361664142-0.jpg (312.38 KB,1280x787,1280:787,146353375148.jpg)

File: 1471361664143-1.jpg (316.01 KB,1280x787,1280:787,146353375149.jpg)

File: 1471361664143-2.jpg (258.46 KB,1280x787,1280:787,146353375150.jpg)

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File: 99e8927aba12f9e⋯.jpg (723.52 KB,844x1280,211:320,1438128620.madamsquiggles_….jpg)

File: 121077bb3b2c78f⋯.jpg (625.56 KB,812x1280,203:320,1439781326.madamsquiggles_….jpg)

File: 58d99bdb57e61aa⋯.png (834.01 KB,874x1500,437:750,tumblr_oblw18a1x81tv72c9o1….png)

I recently learned about Madam Squiggles on FA; her stuff is excellent if you don't mind the preg.

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File: 9f52367f41d042c⋯.jpg (201.12 KB,610x870,61:87,1232501918.nojo_play09.jpg)

File: 4536b6b83b6fbe4⋯.jpg (57.93 KB,497x643,497:643,1231984047.nojo_play02.jpg)

File: a82f910293159c5⋯.jpg (185.2 KB,562x804,281:402,1231984108.nojo_play03.jpg)

File: cb4aadd95e18fd9⋯.jpg (346.64 KB,637x872,637:872,1231984265.nojo_play04.jpg)

File: ff0311e53362b6a⋯.jpg (283.55 KB,613x873,613:873,1231984320.nojo_play05.jpg)

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File: 11d0b79514b09e0⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,855x1219,855:1219,1238476676.nojo_drunktiger….jpg)

File: bf746f563631103⋯.jpg (143.05 KB,858x1218,143:203,1238476758.nojo_drunktiger….jpg)

File: 482cad2167f5193⋯.jpg (172.59 KB,859x1222,859:1222,1238476813.nojo_drunktiger….jpg)

File: 4cbe3c825ee0832⋯.jpg (134.97 KB,867x1221,289:407,1238476869.nojo_drunktiger….jpg)

File: 084834dcd1e56d6⋯.jpg (200.12 KB,860x1222,430:611,1238476951.nojo_drunktiger….jpg)

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File: b122db09b104509⋯.png (717.57 KB,700x1367,700:1367,catbutt.png)

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File: 2715bf1e6f21acb⋯.png (205.72 KB,1067x1280,1067:1280,madamsquiggles_Minotaur_1.png)

File: d88b807d1bb3021⋯.jpg (221.26 KB,1056x1280,33:40,madamsquiggles_minotaur_2.jpg)

File: 5d3f61c3ad325d5⋯.jpg (292.33 KB,1280x1239,1280:1239,1465462033.madamsquiggles_….jpg)

File: ed1eaaf2b92d9bd⋯.png (1.13 MB,1486x1500,743:750,mmm_lilithtaur_by_madamsqu….png)

File: fa3ec90695b83f9⋯.png (1007.37 KB,1050x1043,150:149,1426436470.blyzzarde_chels….png)


Why would anyone mind Preggo Cow Girls?

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>you will never have a girl yell at you in broken English as she turns you into a dog

Why even live ;~;

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Does anyone have jitenshas my pet chipmunk?

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File: 174a57cee9b4b5a⋯.png (387.92 KB,750x900,5:6,1471328604.aygee_step1.png)

File: 421687d70a57677⋯.png (384.56 KB,750x900,5:6,1471328696.aygee_step2.png)

File: 3fb21dfb848fa44⋯.png (387.73 KB,750x900,5:6,1471328790.aygee_step3.png)

File: 9b1255a2e4fa098⋯.png (421.9 KB,750x900,5:6,1471329005.aygee_step4.png)

File: 8ad388ef150e6a6⋯.png (407.91 KB,750x900,5:6,1471329257.aygee_step5.png)

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File: 6ab4b1dff286d13⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,495x477,55:53,12974797431.jpg)

Do you know which doujinshi this came from?

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File: 7af777b8fc0b8eb⋯.jpg (85.44 KB,977x944,977:944,1496031020.z-ray_lyn_snow_….jpg)

File: 433051c942ed20b⋯.jpg (927.94 KB,1200x1004,300:251,1496101828.timidtabby_rach….jpg)

File: e24fe4acce551f5⋯.png (436.92 KB,1100x850,22:17,1496535275.lilithrose_may_….png)

File: c38ee3d705b7483⋯.jpg (161.33 KB,794x1280,397:640,1496635126.deegecamaro_ono….jpg)

File: fb5f77a432ad8af⋯.png (775.43 KB,600x784,75:98,1497129590.drpickelle_phot….png)

I can't believe I made this thread three years ago :0

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File: f35f7c859afffd0⋯.jpg (220.94 KB,1280x753,1280:753,1497558980.darkwarlock_icy….jpg)

File: 28ea16c2bf6f220⋯.jpg (153.85 KB,1280x639,1280:639,1497540832.biobasher_akuor….jpg)

File: 2512df1aa2a63e7⋯.gif (288.35 KB,3127x600,3127:600,1497331183.lordmagicpants_….gif)

File: cab0e647da5f614⋯.jpg (1023.52 KB,2347x1200,2347:1200,1497243319.lewdydoo_naito.jpg)

File: b64609a12b35558⋯.jpg (279.59 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1497483449.kemonoruka_drul….jpg)

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File: 29a4a1af64d7bf2⋯.jpg (601.42 KB,2625x2879,2625:2879,IMG_20170922_101640.jpg)

RIP board

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File: 750e97d354e2f4e⋯.png (1.19 MB,1163x1280,1163:1280,1475323061.scissorsrunner_….png)

File: 800db3de7d030bc⋯.png (1.62 MB,1429x824,1429:824,1506825468.png)

File: 17d903e5925441a⋯.png (845.53 KB,1500x532,375:133,com___welcome_to_the_hare_….png)

File: 5fdea38b73294dc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1320x1176,55:49,loss_wolf.png)

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File: 3712d3e6f7f6d54⋯.pdf (2.84 MB,本編_by_Mokushi.pdf)

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Thank you, good sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Cheers, Anonymous. Thank you for your gift to us.

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This is the first time I'm visiting this board. I never realized how many people had the same fetish as me. I thought I was the only one…

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Here is a bunch of files I have got from different threads and websites hope you enjoy!


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Oi, wanted to make sure that someone thanked you for this. It's in dire need of organization, but I managed to pull like a hundred images relevant to my interests I'd never seen before to be organized in my own folders.

So yeah, thanks.

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File: 31596043222a302⋯.jpg (50.22 KB,539x295,539:295,ss (2018-05-14 at 08.21.13….jpg)



Same here; though I only kept 10% of it (and also found a couple of 'bonuses'), it was worth downloading.

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Computer says file is corrupted. I tried to redownload today but its gone.

Could you reup please?

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Lil reup please? Mega for nuked

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File: f82cd7287752c7d⋯.jpg (419.6 KB,720x1113,240:371,15252579805231656051-720--….jpg)

File: 52c9eb54c9429eb⋯.jpg (425.61 KB,1266x1280,633:640,1527970186_transform-fan-c….jpg)

File: c2476990d95e96b⋯.jpg (534.32 KB,1199x1280,1199:1280,1529181325_transform-fan-c….jpg)

File: 5872a3e59df10b3⋯.jpg (306.82 KB,718x1113,718:1113,1526509127_transform-fan-c….jpg)

File: 56701c31451da0e⋯.jpg (395.44 KB,720x1007,720:1007,15252643633376203591-720--….jpg)


Some could share some of these jobs

I would appreciate it very much: D

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I believe I might have posted to the wrong thread originally, so I'm going to put it here too, just in case.

I'm looking for Arania's Donation Artwork, any sequence from any year, does anyone happen to have any of them?

I've been looking for a while, but haven't seen them anywhere so far…

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File: 143c086590d7b21⋯.jpg (172.66 KB,656x1280,41:80,1454228382215-0.jpg)

File: 7bbccdeefa05c94⋯.jpg (173.54 KB,725x1280,145:256,1454228382215-1.jpg)

File: a9090c47a524e93⋯.jpg (159.06 KB,761x1280,761:1280,1454228382216-2.jpg)

File: a7d6c05cd6fa3fb⋯.jpg (174.59 KB,624x1280,39:80,1454228382216-3.jpg)

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File: 70a87ed1428c1b3⋯.jpg (139.17 KB,723x1280,723:1280,1477931599.fauvfox_commiss….jpg)

File: fc5720c562d3896⋯.png (137.86 KB,1280x806,640:403,1531389843.romyvdhel_olifa….png)

File: f4e92e7bc7e53bf⋯.png (6.22 MB,2084x4071,2084:4071,1531794463.watsup_headpats.png)

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File: 23b4ba475df504a⋯.jpg (289.93 KB,758x1055,758:1055,animalization_by_locofuria….jpg)

File: 3ec79e0dd2f188e⋯.jpg (211.75 KB,751x1063,751:1063,chavin_stone__4_by_locofur….jpg)

File: f9a3435cbcf2fe0⋯.jpg (218.19 KB,751x1063,751:1063,feline_powder__6_by_locofu….jpg)


Anyone have (that can share) or know where find?

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File: d3266dacefae33c⋯.pdf (15.56 MB,見世物小屋の饗宴5.pdf)

I meant to post this a month ago. Also I can't seem to get it around 16MB without butchering the quality.

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Thanks a lot!

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Someone has becumming 6 and/or 7?

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File: b636e90f3d57a3f⋯.jpg (139.46 KB,1280x1280,1:1,SLV22a1r7qme9o1.jpg)

File: 39322bf18e8c760⋯.jpg (175.88 KB,1280x1280,1:1,slV22a1r7qme9o2.jpg)

File: 3a34f2a6cb54634⋯.jpg (216.71 KB,1280x1280,1:1,slV22a1r7qme9o3.jpg)

File: 8a7a65145abb8bc⋯.jpg (242.55 KB,1280x1280,1:1,slV22a1r7qme9o4.jpg)

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File: 2bddb747b152400⋯.png (1.7 MB,1920x1479,640:493,udmLHk3g.png)

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File: 3d5488a398efa06⋯.jpeg (178.84 KB,1200x955,240:191,Dt_tkflXcAI-xpZ.jpeg)

File: 600555de44014b4⋯.jpeg (178.26 KB,1200x1119,400:373,DuDiXpDW4AEOEex.jpeg)

File: a5e0369da78d59f⋯.png (1.71 MB,989x1200,989:1200,DuKVLY3W0AAX6X8.png)

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File: 512c5520ec250ac⋯.jpg (84.81 KB,850x356,425:178,sample_765de0416726762c5ef….jpg)

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File: e5bda2a27afdbfe⋯.png (1.59 MB,1479x1357,1479:1357,dd63ndg-f4ec8f52-7dec-4d05….png)

File: 9b803dbe87c7f88⋯.png (87.68 KB,600x720,5:6,tumblr_p13adaBAMp1uadivdo1….png)

File: c8d097a93fa08cf⋯.png (477.35 KB,1280x1111,1280:1111,tumblr_p2tyy6B3aS1rulkopo1….png)

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File: 9bdde086637fcda⋯.gif (1.84 MB,450x500,9:10,jo_016_aftereffects_by_juu….gif)

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File: 7923413d93d69da⋯.png (1.32 MB,1050x1120,15:16,corivas_D6w2542U8AA5-x7_tr….png)

File: 7ab9b7b95a5f682⋯.png (914.49 KB,925x1000,37:40,corivas_D6w2-wbUYAAgzTK_tr….png)

File: ea08d49bac43350⋯.png (1003.05 KB,840x1100,42:55,corivas_D6w2_-HUwAIRxrg_tr….png)

File: fa5293c669a6777⋯.png (1.08 MB,810x1000,81:100,corivas_D6w3CkEV4AAm5ZI_tr….png)

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Anyone have Lunate's patreon stuff?

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File: de614f39ddb9669⋯.jpg (221.53 KB,1200x1149,400:383,DthxoO_WkAEbOQb.jpg)

File: 29bd5f5be4ba066⋯.png (812.01 KB,491x1200,491:1200,Dthxp6xW4AEb4AI.png)

File: c4a56f8d4395bf7⋯.png (1.18 MB,1084x1200,271:300,DthxrBLX4AAHN73.png)

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File: 91ed6c95117847a⋯.png (1.17 MB,709x1000,709:1000,page 01 (corivas translati….png)

File: b143071dbb12d48⋯.png (1.37 MB,709x1000,709:1000,page 02 (corivas translati….png)

File: 1e6533c5a82cfec⋯.png (1.17 MB,709x1000,709:1000,page 03 (corivas translati….png)

File: 6ceb1ca64e15244⋯.png (1.41 MB,709x1091,709:1091,page 04 (corivas translati….png)

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File: 2baad2ab9ce9431⋯.png (793.35 KB,840x1120,3:4,corivas_DcW27L8VAAADDc9_tr….png)

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File: 606e8fcb9c5dcb5⋯.jpg (124.23 KB,868x1190,62:85,DdWzKHkVAAAWdAS.jpg)

File: 075faeb27604ade⋯.jpg (121.63 KB,868x1190,62:85,DdWzLDmVMAAfR36.jpg)

File: 60dc80f38e5b536⋯.jpg (134.51 KB,868x1190,62:85,DdWzL7XU0AARfXn.jpg)

File: a818666dfddfe2e⋯.jpg (119.59 KB,868x1190,62:85,DdWzMxUVQAEqPh4.jpg)

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File: 88b2f94398ee7f7⋯.jpeg (95.68 KB,347x448,347:448,52B0633D_78A3_464C_8628_F….jpeg)

Does anyone has the newest angrboda comic?

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That's the way the cookie crumbles

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File: f4087d760c33f6f⋯.jpg (152.12 KB,1047x1280,1047:1280,2452a93cf03b295f12dbe59a02….jpg)

Need more pics of 2 people tfing at once

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