I bet Terry could get a teaching gig at ASU if he lays off the N word.
But in the meantime Terry should try to get 2-5 students with at least 4 courses
in programing and one course in X-86 assembley to sign up for his weekly TempleOS campus tutorial.
Classes should cover 1) Installing the temple, 2) Basic commands and file operations 3) HolyC and its distinction from C/C++ 4) Programming assignment in HolyC 5) Assembly in the Temple 6) Programing Assignment in ASM 7) Advanced commands and system operations 8) Final Project.
Terry can make up a list of 10 possible term projects students can pick from.
At the end the students revieve a certificate of completion . Course registration should be something like $200-$300USD and run over the summer months from May-August.
That way students who like computer science can do something fun over the summer, and Terry can make some cash on the side, as well as get out of the house once a week. Also Terry will develop usefull tools to add to the temple by assigning the term projects.
See if you can get this course added to the ASU curriculum through either continuing education or as a special topics course for seniors /4th year students.