>the collective of the species
Which species?
>one where it benefits the collective of the species and all other intelligent life in the universe
If there is other intelligent life in the universe and your idea really is effective, I'm sure you're the first person to have come up with it.
>the social and economic classes will be slowly abolished
Of course you're a damn egalitarian… Every time.
>the good of the species
Again, which species? Negroids? Caucausoids? Mongoloids? One of the various minor species running around?
>it cannot be abolished straight away anyway because the weak and stupid must be dealt with first
Careful now, that sounds pretty genocidal.
>this type of communism will only be economical as my social policies are more spartanist where every citizen is disciplined and told to self-improve and improve
That sort of social goal is very much a part of regular communism, I hate to break it to you. It turns out that most people typically have no motivation to do those things if there's nothing material to gain from it, except within those narrow avenues of improvement which appeal to them as a unique individual.
>basically stage one of this system is to ensure that within a few generations the whole population will have the endurance/body of an Olympian
>post-scarcity society
>super fit population
Pick only one. If there's an unlimited supply of fatty foods and/or sweet foods, rest assured that about half the population is going to bloat up like a balloon. More than half if you're talking about niggers.
>the intelligence of a genius and the discipline of a spartan
Intellectual potential is an inherited genetic feature and you'll see virtually no discipline in a post-scarcity society. Look at the warm weather climates where the people can walk outside and pick wild fruits to eat. Those are the places where the native people have almost no self-control. Now look at cold climates where hard work means the difference between survival and freezing or starving to death. The native peoples of those climates tend to be very disciplined.
>Also lab grown meat will replace traditional meat over time during our biological stage.
Good luck convincing a population of geniuses with the physical strength to effortlessly break bones to eat science meat instead of natural meat. I'm sure that will go over well.
>there would still be a governmental system and a hierarchy, it would just be about bettering yourself and your fellow man
I'm sorry, but that quality doesn't fit communism or any form of egalitarianism.
>think of it as something similar to society in Star Trek
Star Trek was dystopian.
>the knowledge that they had played their part should be enough for them
Your understanding of human nature is severely lacking.
>Religion will also be abolished and replaced with science
What's the benefit of censoring an entire branch of philosophy?
>If they are intelligent then they will get their eggs or sperm taken from them before execution
You do realize that severe criminal behavior can be a hereditary trait, right? There's a reason that the descendents of Bantu Africans are quite possibly the most violent demographic on the planet.
>In fact i encourage intelligent people to become polyamorous to ensure maximum reproduction efficiency
Your quantity will rise, but your quality will fall. Mental illness and criminal behavior will increase as a direct result of absent fathers.
>we could be genetically engineered to become hermaphrodites
I don't think you understand how biology works. Good luck coming up with a new genetic framework that can support the necessary levels of hormones for the successful development of both sets of reproductive organs, among other things.
>of course we will need to make sure the genepool stays fresh, inbreeding is just as bad or worse than breeding with an unintelligent person
You don't understand how genetic diversity works either, apparently.
>an AI calculating the best path for us and guiding us
All praise the Omnissiah!
>Are my friends right and I am just batshit insane or retarded
You're retarded and delusional for so many reasons. Not the least of which is that DNA is the single most complex mechanical object in the known universe. There are literal microscopic gears turning inside of every micron of your body right now, and your stupid ass wants to try to reinvent the wheel and make something "more efficient." Do you have any fucking idea the level of physical data compression that DNA achieves? That's not even mentioning the redundancy.
Newsflash: Your own stupid idea would select you out of the gene pool. You might want to go ahead and get a head start on that.