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/techbunker/ - Technology (Bunker)

Technology (Bunker)

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/tech/ is shit, 4chan doesn't have a /tech/ so why would anyone use it? /g/ is the only technology board that matters.

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what exactly was so hard about this?

if it was just made from the get go, even with no posts from the original, most of the original posters would have come back right away, instead of taking a literal year to do nothing


/g/ is /g/ay and you're /g/ay

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>what exactly was so hard

it was impossible for a long time

the moment it was discovered to be possible, someone did it

(and then that useless faggot tried to close the board and send people elsewhere)

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Definitely not an active chan. Tech is not back

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Ofc it's dead. Who needs tech anyways.

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Playing online games is one way that I like to relax after a long day at work; https://run3online.io is a particularly engaging and visually appealing endless runner game.

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