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/tan/ - Board-tans

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 No.406 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Does this board still has a BO or was it abandoned? If so, are you still going to use 8kun or are you going to move somewhere else?

Or do you plan on making /tan/ boards on other imageboards and moderating all of them?

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I'm still here, keeping tabs and rarely updating. A combination of AFK distractions and laziness has kept me from continuing to update the board, even though I got plenty more characters to discuss.

At the moment, I have no plans to port the board elsewhere or to set up clones (though it could quickly and easily be done if the need for it ever came up). With the webring boards being for the most part isolationist and even tribalistic at times (not to mention many of them dying often with little warning), sticking to 8kun for the time being still seems like the most stable option.

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The bunkers are where a lot of the userbase went. /monster/ and /tg/ both moved to bunkers. They seem fairly stable for bunkers. There's also 8chan.moe, the /v/ board of which get's a fairly high amount of traffic at least in comparison to here.

>isolationist and even tribalistic at times

Well, that's not much different from how 8chan was.

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It's good that those boards and anons found places to take them in, but it makes little difference for /tan/. I always intended for this place to be more of a repository of information than a community. A place for people to find out about their mascots or those of other boards, and maybe get some references in case they were making OC. In that regard, it is successful. I've seen mentions of the board across multiple bunkers whenever the topic of board-tans came up. People know where to find it.

Switching hosts would not only undo that, but also put the board at risk. Even if the next Discord cabal isn't trying to take down whatever bunker /tan/ might transfer to and turns it into collateral damage, anons on other bunkers might on principle refuse to visit the board because it's with "the competition". I've no interest in getting this board involved with webring politics. As much as everyone might despise the 8kun administration at this point, at least everyone can agree on its shared ancestry, which ironically makes this place the most neutral ground.

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Far enough, I suppose you’ve archived everything here?

> As much as everyone might despise the 8kun administration at this point

Can’t speak for everyone, but what I dislike about this place is the low quality posts. Particularly in /v/. I never liked /pol/ and every other board is dead. /v/ itself is pretty slow.

To be honest, I feel like some of the posts on /v/ are deliberately bad

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Everything relevant, whether images or text, is archived and backed up. Even if 8kun went down forever tomorrow, I'd be able to rebuild the entire board within a day of finding a new host.

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So what are your thoughts now considering the current state of 8kun?

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Admittedly far from ideal. I've heard it said images are now autodeleted after a week? Definitely not a good place for an archive then. But where on the webring would be a viable alternative? 8moe would be the most visible option, but plenty of others would recoil at visiting a board on Markchan. I've also neither the knowledge nor means to make my own specialised IB to add to the webring - which would also most likely be overkill for a topic so niche.

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>where on the webring would be a viable alternative?

Well I guess you should do some research on it.I would pick one with the highest traffic as long as the userbase isn't a bunch of shitposters who would shit up your board for the sake of it. You need a balance of traffic and userbase.

But really you could probably just pick any of them and be fine.

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Hey, long time no see.

You still around? There haven't been any new posts for a while. Thought I'd check up you, and I wouldn't have done so sooner but I couldn't get past the block.

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