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/strek/ - Star Trek

Discussion about star trek shows, movies, vidya, etc.

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File: a50b4899a90f705⋯.jpg (275.44 KB,1231x800,1231:800,17ff7596-6dae-4c77-92e0-c1….jpg)

97865a No.28196 [Last50 Posts]

Did Soong make Data have a bigger dick to give other people the impression he had that big of a dick or did he give Data a smaller dick so he can feel better about his own?

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c632ea No.28197

File: 5ea941ca628298b⋯.mp4 (15.91 MB,480x360,4:3,Positronic Pimp.mp4)


Ask Tasha.

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7cce4b No.28198

Soong gave him a replica of his dick because that's exactly what Soong would do.

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aa8cd8 No.28203

Does anyone else agree that Berman's insistence on the pejoratively termed 'wallpaper' music has given late and post-TNG Trek a less dated feel than it otherwise would have?

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dcb7f5 No.28216


I'm more curious about Arik Soong, whether or not he genetically modified the Augments he stole to have bigger or smaller dicks. I wonder if he also gave some them larger breasts?

Arik was a wild one; he spoke Klingon and did business with the Orion Syndicate.

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a7ef66 No.28248


Well the lady augments were rather modestly endowed on screen so we have to assume he probably gave no augment a wang larger than his own. I don't think Soong was intending to use them all as sex slaves however. Too much risk of sullying the bloodline with his own unaugmented dna. Seems more like the type who'd go on vacation do a shitload of space coke and spend the night with a bunch of orion hookers and andorian boys until they're all defiled and battered and he has to pay them mountains of gold pressed latinum to keep their mouths shut about how truly sick he is, but not the augments. Never the augments.

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a1b42b No.28252

File: 3adc2ca01627dba⋯.jpg (103.63 KB,736x422,368:211,cutie.jpg)

Is it worth it watching JJ-verse movies for the sake of completion? I'm currently being bored boing sick, so it's not like I'm wasting valuable time here.

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a11330 No.28253


It's really not. There's nothing interesting or engaging about them, and aside from one or two peak retard ideas they aren't bad enough to warrant angrily complaining about them either. Just a complete waste of time either way, if you're bored you're better off pirating old Brando films.

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a4ee24 No.28254

File: 6ee15d6fc2a9904⋯.jpg (73.15 KB,495x700,99:140,6ee15d6fc2a9904c96c98b8b71….jpg)


> I'm currently being bored boing sick

Nah, fuck that JJ shit. If you're that bored, go watch Blake's 7 on youtube or something.

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def900 No.28255


I'll echo other comments. Into Darkness is pretty worthless and manages to completely get everything about Wrath of Khan wrong.

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1fc6a0 No.28256


>so it's not like I'm wasting valuable time here.

Opportunity cost. You could be spending that time watching something good. Or at least not-bad. It doesn't even have to be Trek, take your pick:

>Babylon 5




>Red Dwarf

>Dark Star

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a7ef66 No.28257


>sake of completion

they complete nothing. JJ Verse is a failed reboot in its own timeline. You should go back to Enterprise Broken Bow and watch everything in star date canonical order, series and movies, including the animated series, even enduring Voyager, all the way to Nemisis then stop and retire to the mountains to contemplate how strong you've become.

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5836a6 No.28259


What about STD?

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a11330 No.28260

File: 498a46dcf2c3ccb⋯.webm (280.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,i'm-gonna-say-it-real-slo….webm)

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dcb7f5 No.28286


I really liked Star Trek Beyond. I really loved the characters in this one and I loved the fact that many aspects of the story involved references to Trek. It's a shame that you need to watch the first two of the Kelvin Timeline movies to understand the background, but Beyond was fantastic.

No idea why it bombed in the cinema. Maybe it was too talky, maybe Idris Elba didn't bring in the teenage girls like Benedict Cucumber did. Perhaps it suffered from the reputation the first two in the series of films have it.


>gold pressed latinum

Sorry, but Ferengi commerce wasn't quite so widespread in the 22nd century. Maybe a few traders here and there, but the Alliance wouldn't make formal first contact until the early 24th century.

Arik probably used the Orion currency, or maybe even quatloos.

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97865a No.28299

File: 8ffef2ae51b0f0f⋯.gif (1.97 MB,691x1043,691:1043,8ffef2ae51b0f0f226f7ad8b4f….gif)

What's the point of having a job if you don't get paid for it? Why do you have waiters at ten-forward?

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dcb7f5 No.28302


Maybe because it's fun to basically get a free apartment in a military cruiser which could be under fire and destroyed by the Borg, Romulans or design flaws?

IDK, there's no reason for civilians to live on a military vessel at all. Sure, space stations exist, but those are much more of a commercial and trade hub than some military base for some organisation that controls most of the quadrant.

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6a4cf4 No.28305


Maybe it's to pay for passage to a colony world. Maybe a court sentence. Maybe it is a spouse of someone who is serving on the vessel and it is a way of passing time. Or maybe it is the delusions of people think the world would be a better place if every had a 120+ IQ(which is the world that Star Trek is portraying).

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afb060 No.28306

File: b3938eeb20d3d3a⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,480x360,4:3,Bridge Commander 1.mp4)

File: 694e8164a84b28c⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,480x360,4:3,Bridge Commander 2.mp4)

File: 1fefd07227c2991⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,480x360,4:3,Bridge Commander 3.mp4)

File: 7602532025dd743⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,480x360,4:3,Bridge Commander Starbase ….mp4)

Just wanna say this channel here has alot of old star trek music from various video games. Grab em while you can


I love this music, there's something about 90s music that use Sax and Oboes alot and that isn't around today.

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187cb6 No.28307


I'm sure the in-universe reason is they 'like to be waiters' or some shit.

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6a4cf4 No.28316

File: 55f559333ddb11d⋯.jpg (62.46 KB,500x500,1:1,black girl6.jpg)

Is this still considered species mixing in the 23rd century?

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dcb7f5 No.28319


>/pol/ discovers star trek

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7427f6 No.28351


>that saggy Romulan booty

Is she wearing a diaper? Damn those fucking Ezrifags


Have you ever waited at a high class joint before? You tend to get swarming with poon if you got the looks.

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05a629 No.28449

I seriously think we may be dealing with a silicon based lifeform on Earth right now. They sent us the transistor in '47 and we have been building the means for them to conquer us ever since.

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d8eb0e No.28450

Why is the Federation taking so much shit from the Romulan Empire. Couldn't the Federation and Klingons fuck them up pretty easiliy?

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5836a6 No.28452

File: 125e33d0a732f4c⋯.webm (286.34 KB,960x720,4:3,Data_Says_Jew.webm)

File: 5ffbb79bb67f631⋯.png (220.58 KB,611x447,611:447,swolecardfleshy.png)

File: fefaf7d13ecff10⋯.png (746.02 KB,966x631,966:631,fefaf7d13ecff106a10740b174….png)

File: eb29f500108a5ff⋯.png (79.12 KB,250x250,1:1,eb29f500108a5ff3f7a0ba9e1d….png)

File: f03791868574f2c⋯.png (424.3 KB,768x480,8:5,c73480335f967c0b2ef59e781a….png)


gtfo, newfag.

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5836a6 No.28454

File: 2941c0d79ddbbea⋯.png (444.52 KB,800x570,80:57,2941c0d79ddbbea135424105de….png)

File: 2fe9f106bf95b96⋯.png (186.12 KB,359x472,359:472,972ac472c60db2aa6cba2e9a9e….png)

File: b0f0f438f150597⋯.png (166.75 KB,359x472,359:472,823f8371611cd9f7f4b0647ef3….png)

File: 172ce3b562fd895⋯.png (541.43 KB,1024x765,1024:765,172ce3b562fd895cdff84ce586….png)

File: 68cd990d4b0848e⋯.png (134.21 KB,261x404,261:404,68cd990d4b0848efcf09453984….png)

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886526 No.28455


They don't want to upset the supply of Romulan qt maids.

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2343a1 No.28456


Romulans are highly advanced in their military science. Even as late as the 24th century, the Romulans would probably have the technology to detect a large cloaked invasion fleet.

Plus, the Federation is not about leading a war of aggression. Most wars the Federation have been in have been defensive in nature. Dominion War is the most murky of waters, since the Federation presence in the Gamma Quadrant is controversial. That said, the Dominion was highly aggressive.

The Federation was more interested in détente with the Romulan Star Empire. That said, the Federation wanted to politically influence the Romulan people, in order to drive political change from within. The Romulans on the other hand resorted to clandestine operations in order to impact the Federation and other Alpha Quadrant powers. Even if the Klingons were willing to start a war of aggression with the Romulans, a lack of coordinated strategy would be the thing which the Romulans would exploit.

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5836a6 No.28457

File: 61ceb75313d905e⋯.png (1.47 MB,1819x571,1819:571,61ceb75313d905e729c989c644….png)

File: 9cb4cb03f2bfe5b⋯.png (114.79 KB,306x257,306:257,9cb4cb03f2bfe5b016bd8e56f7….png)

File: f8913e30ce65653⋯.jpg (182.88 KB,1023x885,341:295,removehasperat-uniform.jpg)

File: fb1d0102aa5eb34⋯.jpg (7.67 KB,171x200,171:200,fb1d0102aa5eb34a509d3070ff….jpg)

File: da6c8086d36cfe4⋯.jpg (197.64 KB,565x431,565:431,da6c8086d36cfe4563193b0981….jpg)

bonus pic in here

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5836a6 No.28458

File: d49b7b5b5bf89db⋯.jpg (224.67 KB,900x338,450:169,d49b7b5b5bf89dbd9e32d4bc61….jpg)

File: ad79f013c8164b2⋯.jpg (24.05 KB,350x314,175:157,ad79f013c8164b241cea18edd9….jpg)

File: a4c7004c32cca06⋯.jpg (12.88 KB,250x250,1:1,a4c7004c32cca0621ada4bda62….jpg)

File: 109197c67991372⋯.jpg (29.29 KB,400x390,40:39,109197c67991372b6bbe90d8d7….jpg)

File: 03598ffb4420312⋯.jpg (65.02 KB,525x469,75:67,03598ffb4420312c91098ae624….jpg)

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5836a6 No.28459

File: 94e7fc46214c972⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,400x402,200:201,94e7fc46214c972e3ab28c1317….jpg)

File: 7b6fc998f92cb74⋯.jpg (213.24 KB,960x540,16:9,7b6fc998f92cb74186d79bf315….jpg)

File: 5e0ddd7daa6f073⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,400x397,400:397,5e0ddd7daa6f073c1df08a4dde….jpg)

File: 4de20b2ef296ede⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,600x684,50:57,4de20b2ef296ede280bc19caec….jpg)

File: 4d420d3e4d2ce12⋯.jpg (50.06 KB,509x756,509:756,4d420d3e4d2ce128d3a454ad46….jpg)

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44d823 No.28464


>Federation is not about leading a war of aggression

Yeah because when you forcefully push into another's territory it's wrong when they try to defend their Clay?

Nearly every if not every canon war the Federation has been involved in was a direct result of reckless Federation expansion.

Federation-Klingon War

>Klingons attack Federation after giving them an extremely wide berth but Federation choose to expand towards Klingons regardless

Federation-Cardassian War

>Cardassians are forced to annex worlds like Bajor and attack Federation after Federation decide to settle resource rich worlds essential for Cardassia's survival that was essentially in Cardassian space

Dominion War

>Federation decide to open up and start expanding into Gamma Quadrant without even bothering to check who's backyard they might be wandering into first - reminder that the Ferengi were the only ones who were sensible enough to try and approach the Dominion and ask if it was okay if we can start trading in your neighborhood first; which the Dominion allows - When Federation told to stop coming onto their property without permission Feds told them to get fucked defacto declaring war on Dominion

And this is a story repeated time and time again with all the wars Federation have been involved in. Hell even the Earth-Romulan War was about unchecked human expansion without regard to who's territory they might be expanded to. Federation didn't want to start shit with the Romulans because the Romulans were about the only power with effectively enough strength to beat them at their own game.

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00642f No.28469


That is one sharpened anti-federation point of view you've got. Now, I'm hardly a federation supporter myself, being that I think it does more to undermine sovereignty than to support it, but come on now.

>They "expand[ed] towards" Klingons

Meaning they didn't invade them, or colonize Klingon space, but merely approached it, and in doing so triggered a completely deserved war? Was this a "neutral" zone like with the Romulans? I think not. This was just sporadic Klingon aggression, something that's historically triggered by anything and everything.

>Federation decide to settle resource rich worlds

They settled unclaimed planets which someone else might have wanted in the future, but had no claim on, and in doing so deserved that war? Also very convenient of you to blame the Federation for Cardassian annexation, surely their aggression is because they were simply forced to! There's no way they could go on living without occupying other planets! Must be that no crops grow on Cardassia. Those poor bastards, I wonder how the Federation caused that too.

By this way of thinking you've got, defending yourself against the Borg is wrong because the Borg claim all life and all technology as theirs. By existing you're inviting aggression from the Borg and so, it's your fault. If it isn't clearly marked as yours, if it isn't agreed that it's "your space" there's no claim to violate and therefore no reason for war and no expectation for it.

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ab6d2a No.28474

File: 715e2afb12e55ab⋯.jpg (106.33 KB,960x678,160:113,nato.jpg)


Someone using a vague version of my copypasta I see?


What Federation are guilty of in most cases is the equivalent of pic related.

>Federation vs Klingons

The Klingons funny enough showed tremendous restraint when dealing with the Federation when more than one occasion they were more than justified to go to war. It was a case of Klingons told Feds "Don't expand towards us and we won't expand towards you?" Feds naturally decided to not listen and wonder why Klingons gave them a bloody nose. In TOS there's several references to this how KDF are being pressured into a corner by the Federation.

>Federation vs Cardassians

Ah, this is a case that can be summed up as so:

"The war was caused by the vile Cardassians and their villianous Empire building!"

"Anon the Federation at present covers a quarter of the Alpha Quadrant, while the Cardassian Union consists of a small Kanar Brewery on Bajor! I fear we cannot be absolved from blame on the expansionist front."

Nothing about the war with the Cardassians paints the Feds in the right really considering the vast portions of territory they control. What's even more equally retarded is Feds expand towards a known expansionist and potentially hostile regime in more than one occasion I might add forming colonies they just can't defend and wonder why it doesn't go well.

>Le Borg

Funny enough Feds and Borg are almost identical in their ideology just different approaches. Both want to assimilate new life and technology into their collective. Feds just use insidious diplomacy while Borg use force. The Feds have an attitude that everyone should be part of their regime and that it's only a matter of time till they join.

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d2ff4b No.28476

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Plus, the Federation is not about leading a war of aggression

Correction, feddies are not about leading a war of aggression without plausible deniability.


>Funny enough Feds and Borg are almost identical in their ideology

Reminder that the only thing Michael Eddington did wrong is lose.

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dcb7f5 No.28489


This is a great summary of things.


>Federation is expansionist meme

Unlike the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire or the Cardassian Union, the United Federation of Planets is a voluntary political union of various homeworlds and species who voluntarily join the UFP in order to benefit from it.

The UFP is kind of like a weird mix of the UN, the EU and NATO, but still very different.

Planets are still allowed to make their own laws and rules, and they're allowed to do whatever they want. They receive military protection from Starfleet and they also get the opertunity to send representatives to the Federation Council. Federation planets also get to vote for the Federation President.

The Federation is also a trade union, as planets can trade their resources, technology and other such things freely with each other. Trade deals with the Federation bloc are considered big deals by non-Federation planets and powers, including the confusingly names First Federation, which is a close trading partner with the UFP (although the First Federation remains neutral in most conflicts).

When even Triskellion does trade with the UFP, you know there's something going on. Hell, even the Tholians, for as much as they hate all humanoid life forms, sell their silk to the UFP.

It's been hinted at that UFP members can leave the UFP if they wish to. I don't know if it's been really considered before. The Axanar project intended to focus on Vulcan considering leaving the UFP because they believed that if they did, they would no longer be caught up in the Federation-Klingon War. Discovery had the "Logic Extremists", who blew themselves up, but they were against UFP membership as they considered the UFP to be a "human project" and a "failed project". There were also other UFP members who threatened to leave the UFP if demands were not meant. My guess is that this was a negotiating tool for making the UFP do what you wanted them to, especially if you had an important strategic position.

We also know that planets not in the Federation but basically surrounded by UFP space are left alone…. for the most part. Orion is left well alone by the UFP, but the actions of the Orion Syndicate as well as Orion Slavers aren't tollerated outside of Orion sapce, though their space is dwarfed by the UFP. The UFP does respect the sovereignty of inhabited planets and space during peace time, but if there is space and there are uninhabited planets… well, the UFP is going to want to colonise. Expansion into unclaimed territory is mostly the UFP's focus, especially in the 23rd Century. I get that by the 24th Century, this becomes a political issue for the UFP, especially as colonies which were once surrounded by empty space, now find themselves on the border with another Alpha Quadrant power.

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042b08 No.28499

In unrelated news, ST4 director have moved onto other projects and the movie itself has been shelved, effectively killing the Kelvin timeline. STD also starts up again so look out for puff pieces on that.

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ee9d98 No.28504


if YouTube conspiracy theories are to be believed, the entire existence of CBS nuTrek is in part a scheme to keep the Kelvin timeline licensing agreement on life support as the reboot film series began to fade. If they don't keep making something, it lapses. So people are guessing that Discovery was actually a Kelvin timeline project for all intensive porpoises and statements about it being "prime timeline" were just marketing spin.

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3e278e No.28538


I think it was just an attempt to keep the Trek license altogether.

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bc49aa No.28574

Do you think that Sulu and Kirk ever went antiquing together?

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6446ea No.28584


>the United Federation of Planets is a voluntary political union

It's not voluntary if you can't leave, bud.

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dcb7f5 No.28588


Just because we've never seen a homeworld leave the Federation doesn't mean it's impossible.

As I said, the threat of Vulcan leaving the UFP was a plot point in the C&D'd Axanar fan project, and a very similar, if not near identical plot point has appeared in Discovery (whether or not you want to accept that).

Because we've never been read out the full Federation Charter or any other founding documents, we can just speculate. But let's put this clearly. The prospect of leaving the Federation in the late 22nd and early 23rd Century would have seemed viable. By the late 23rd century, after far more plants/homeworlds joined, the idea of leaving it would have become nearly insane, especially if the Federation guarantees trade, protection from attackers and some other things. Why leave a political, economic and military union with some 100-200 other homeworlds? You'd end up having to trade with them anyway, plus the chances are that your own diplomatic relations would be limited to only a handful of systems around your homeworld.

The main reason why homeworlds like Vulcan could threaten leaving the UFP was because the Vulcans had already established diplomatic ties with many worlds and political forces like the Klingon Empire, long before the UFP was founded. Meanwhile, the Andorians, who were much more focussed on military operations instead of diplomacy, found the UFP to be much more beneficial, as they now were able to be a part of a much larger military force. The Tellarites, for example, were far more involved in trade and engineering. Avoiding a war with other powers, as well as securing key trading rights would have been the thing keeping Tellar Prime in the UFP.

I would honestly like to see a plot line in some sort of Star Trek series where a homeworld decides to leave the UFP for some reason, and Starfleet as well as the Federation has to go through the complicated process of removing all their presence from that part of space.

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6d0355 No.28589


>Just because we've never seen a homeworld leave the Federation doesn't mean it's impossible.

>what were the Maquis

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05a53d No.28617

File: bef61358d92599c⋯.webm (390.37 KB,640x360,16:9,You_Serious.webm)

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82de47 No.28618


The Maquis are a splinter consisting of various people not representing the government of any one planet.

The Maquis is not a homeworld. It's not Betazoid, it's not Andoria, it's not Trill, it's not Tellar Prime.


Also, the Maquis were a terrorist organisation which carried out violent attacks against both Federation and Cardassian targets. For the Cardassians, this was a diplomatic incident, as these are people who came from Federation worlds and commited these attacks. For the Federation, these were insurgents who were carrying out brutal attacks with no legal justification (i.e. not as an act of war).

The Maquis were stripped of their Federation citizenship, and there have been worlds which were ceeded to Cardassian space on which people voluntarily gave up their Federation citizenship in order to continue living on those worlds.

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d2db1f No.28619


>The Maquis are a splinter consisting of various people not representing the government of any one planet.

Semantics. It's irrelevant whether the Maquis are present on homeworlds or colonies, they tried to secede and were denied for it. If the Feds actually valued self-determination it shouldn't matter whether the seceding party is a homeworld or not.

>Also, the Maquis were a terrorist organisation which carried out violent attacks against both Federation and Cardassian targets

False. At least initially, the Maquis actively avoided confrontation with the Federation, and even warned the Feds about some of their attacks so that they wouldn't be caught in the damage. It was only after the Federation began attacking Maquis for the terrible crime of rejecting paradise that the Maquis retaliated against them.

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44d6b1 No.28620


>they tried to secede and were denied for it

The Maquis had no authority anyway. They were not a unified government of Federation member.

Examples of a unified government would be the likes of the United Earth or the Vulcan High Council (previously the Vulcan High Command).

The Maquis commited acts of terrorism, and therefore became an insurgent force.

Just as a side note: I just realised that Star Trek has never actually made it clear how we refer to planets/worlds/species on a political level. As far as I can tell, we've only really been told about the official names of the governments of Earth, Vulcan, Cardassia, Romulus, Qo'nos and Bajor. At least, I think so. We've also never really been told what status colonies have, whether or not they're under the jurisdiction of their inital founders, Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar Prime, Betazed, Borlarus IX, Ardana, etc. or whether they fall under the direct jurisdiction of the Federation directly. There's nothing in alpha canon, and I don't even want to wade into beta canon, since that's a quagmire of contradictory books, comics and games.

All we know for certain, is that the way the UFP works, is that planets join the UFP in order to join into the political, economic, trade and military union, while maintaining a very high level of sovereignty over their own homeworld. Whatever might be the concern on a certain continent of some certain homeworld isn't going to be of concern to the Federation. Indeed, Ardana specifically was highly unco-operative when Starfleet turned up demanding a mineral for the synthesisation of a medicine to deal with a plague/disease on a colony. Not only did Starfleet have limited powers over the government of Ardana, but Ardana could even demand that certain Starfleet vessels must leave orbit. That's a very high level of sovereignty, even if Ardana has surrendered (voluntarily) its presence in space to a larger organisation.

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6446ea No.28621


>The Maquis had no authority anyway. They were not a unified government of Federation member.

And this matters because…?

If the thesis of your argument is "Maquis are just colonists they have no rights lel" you're not doing a very good job of defending the Federation.

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9c55d7 No.28622


So I guess America has no right to exist in your books?

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44d6b1 No.28626


As colonists, their legal position is different to that of a homeworld.

The Maquis waived their rights when they carried out terrorist attacks.


America has a different history. What makes any comparison to the United States different is the fact that the United States became a recognised country. Other countries treated it as such.

The Maquis were not recognised by any existing power. Not the United Federation of Planets, not the Cardassian Union, not the Klingon Empire, not the Romulan Star Empire, not the Ferengi Alliance, not the First Federation, not the Tholian Assembly, etc.

Furthermore, the Maquis were not an organised power, but rather an insurgent group. There were no key leaders, no structure of government, no founding documents, etc.

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f865d5 No.28631


I thought the Klingons and Maquis allied against the Cardassians. That would strongly imply diplomatic recognition.

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44d6b1 No.28635


I'll look that up, but I don't believe the Maquis were ever recognised as a power/organisation/government.

It's all irrelevant anyway, since the Maquis were all but wiped out by the Dominion.

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11d604 No.28637


>There were no key leaders, no structure of government, no founding documents

Wrong on all counts.


Klingons gave the Maquis heavy aid to the point the Maquis were using Klingon Distruptors.

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44d6b1 No.28640



>The Maquis considered themselves an independent state and were going to formally declare their secession from the Federation, but these plans never materialized, because they were eventually defeated by one of Cardassia's prime allies, the Dominion

As far as Alpha Canon goes, the Maquis were never formally organised. I'll admit that they did try to get as far as true independence, but they never actually achieved it. Also, the UFP did have a legal case against them, up to the point where Maquis members were stripped of their Federation citizenship, at which point it became a conflict against an insurgency.

Let's not forget that the Maquis, under Eddington also possessed biogenic weapons and planned to use them against Cardassia Prime, effectively commiting genocide.

As for the Klingon weapons, my best guess would be that during the brief Klingon-Cardassian War, the Klingons left weapons and equipment to the Maquis under "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy, and basically tried to go with plausible deniability (comparable with the Soviet Union arming nations with AK pattern weapons).

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62c3df No.28643


>America has a different history. What makes any comparison to the United States different is the fact that the United States became a recognised country. Other countries treated it as such.

Err, no? The Maquis and US has an almost identical history. The US was not formally recognized until about 1812, around 40 years after it's declaration of independence. Until then it was referred to as "Colonies" in the majority of the world and not seen as a proper nation.

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44d6b1 No.28645


First, the Maquis never got as far as a formal declaration of independence. The Maquis were organised into cells, with little connecting each cell with each other, except for a common cause.

What was different with the United States is that they did have a formal declaration of independence, which was recognised by at least one major power, France.

Outside of plausible deniability and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" during the Klingon-Cardassian War, the Maquis weren't really recognised by any major power in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants.

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11d604 No.28647


>As far as Alpha Canon goes, the Maquis were never formally organised.

Neither were the Bajwerans but they did have leaders and did possess some manner of government.

>but they never actually achieved it

They were about to

>the UFP did have a legal case against them, up to the point where Maquis members were stripped of their Federation citizenship, at which point it became a conflict against an insurgency

Which is actually illegal in most laws and paints the Federation as the aggressor since it labels them as a separate entity. Congrats, Feds have just recognized them as a foreign power outwith their control. So there you go, Feds recognized the Maquis as their own nation in their war of aggression against them.

>Klingons plausible deniability

Klingons pretty much backed and supported, quite possibly fund them. If there was a formal declaration of independence then Klingons would have recognized them.


>that they did have a formal declaration of independence, which was recognised by at least one major power, France.

You mean the country ten years after that declaration ceased to exist as a country so it's declaration would not be valid? You mean how Catalonia has declared independence but is being oppressed by Spain?

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44d6b1 No.28649


>Neither were the Bajwerans but they did have leaders and did possess some manner of government.

The Bajorans formed the Provisional Government after the end of the Cardassian occupation. Bajor became an organised political structure. Even if most of the politicians were former insurgents and religious figures, the fact of the matter was that Bajor formed and established a diplomatic government. The Maquis did not establish such a political structure, nor a political capital/centre.

>They were about to

But they didn't

>Which is actually illegal in most laws and paints the Federation as the aggressor since it labels them as a separate entity.

There was precedent of people surrendering their Federation citizenship. Case in point was the Native American tribe which settled in the DMZ and then whose colonised planet was ceeded to the Cardassian Union following peace treaties.

If the Federation Council (which consists of government representatives of all the UFP member governments) decided to state that the decision to live in the DMZ automatically lead to the loss of Federation citizenship, then that would be the Federation's legal defence. A mix of precedent and a decision made by the Federation members.

>Congrats, Feds have just recognized them as a foreign power outwith their control.

If the Federation considers them to be outlaws and traitors, then they're not a foreign power. Remember, most of the Maquis leaders were Starfleet officers, who have already commited court martial offences, such as dereliction of duty, disobeying direct orders, and so on.

>Klingons pretty much backed and supported, quite possibly fund them.

This was during the Klingon-Cardassian War which was prompted by a Founder posing as Martok misleading the Klingon Empire, as well as Chancellor Gauron basically struggling to keep his supporters. The Maquis were probably a useful tool in trying to attack Cardassian targets.

It's probably worth noting that the Klingons most likely gave up all Maquis ties when they re-instated the Khitomer Accords.

>ceased to exist as a country so it's declaration would not be valid?

France's history and it's weird nature to change its kind of government going from monarchy to republic, then to empire, then to monarchy then to republic, and then to a different republic again has little impact on the significance on France's recognition of the United States.

>You mean how Catalonia has declared independence but is being oppressed by Spain?

You mean how the guy who signed the declaration basically immediately left Catalonia? You mean how a large part of the population basically boycotted the vote? You mean how literally no nation has recognised the unilateral declaration? You mean how Catalonia is basically normal right now?

There is no "Spanish oppression". Catalonia continues to exist as it has done for the last 40 years after the end of the Franco era, to the point where you can just travel to Catalonia, and the most you will see are just posters and flags. Are people upset? Yeah, but they're also upset with Puigdemont who basically bailed out as soon as he could. Even the Spanish government is basically doing nothing, not since they released the poltical leaders they arrested after that referendum. There are legitamate grievances, there are legitamate issues, but Catalonia is not being "oppressed". If you want to know about actual Catalan oppression, then go to Barcelona and learn about the Spanish Civil War, learn about the Franco era.

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ffc94c No.28651


>Reminder that the only thing Michael Eddington did wrong is lose.

Reminder that Eddington was a romantic and an egotist, and his over-inflated sense of self-importance led to his own death and the destruction of the Maquis.

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c6e80d No.28653


>You mean how a large part of the population basically boycotted the vote?

Come on, that's a bullshit answer. That's not how votes work.

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44d6b1 No.28654


Chakotay would have been a better leader, but that's assuming the Maquis would even have the military hardware to actually survive the Dominion.

Also, it's worth pointing out that the Maquis would never have actually surviving a real war with the Federation. For the most part, the Federation and Starfleet predominantly just kept them in check. I don't think the Federation really cared enough about the Maquis' existence to actually do more than send a handful of ships and spies to stop them from doing much other than smuggling or hiding.


And you'll know that the circumstances of that referendum were unusual.

I'm not going to voice much of an opinion on Catalonia, other than that Catalonia is still a province in the Spanish jurisdiction and that people continue to live their lives normally in Catalonia.

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d22aca No.28655

File: 19999168e9bd686⋯.png (678.69 KB,490x1015,14:29,autism.png)


The Maquis didn't sign the official papers so that makes it okay to genocide them.

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44d6b1 No.28662


1. The Federation didn't "genocide them", they just made their last hideout uninhabitable to humans, basically forcing the Maquis to leave the planet

2. The Dominion wiped them out

3. Because the Maquis were not an independent power with a unified government, they cannot commit acts of war, or declare war (and acts of war as well as declarations cannot be made against them).

4. The Maquis were planning to use biogenic weapons against Cardassia Prime, which was the main reason behind Starfleet chasing them down to their last hide-out.

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920c34 No.28688


>Because the Maquis were not an independent power with a unified government, they cannot commit acts of war, or declare war

So we've made no progress and are back to:

>The Maquis didn't sign the official papers so that makes what the Federation did okay

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a6b1ee No.28761

File: f285ad4c2db338c⋯.jpg (18.21 KB,442x293,442:293,terminator_2_t1000_liquid_….jpg)

What's the difference between a thing and a changeling that transforms itself into a thing? What physical difference is allowing them to see and hear and think that a tricorder can't detect?

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ab6d2a No.28769

File: ee450822f25f977⋯.webm (651.4 KB,960x720,4:3,No Intelligent Convo with….webm)









Excuse me what?

There's so much wrong with your posts I don't know where to begin but I guess I will start on the Burger War of Independence as it relates to later points.

American Revolution NEVER started out as a war for independence and was instead a rebellion against the UK Parliament. There's a HUGE difference here as they were rejecting the rule of Parliament not of Britain. Rebellion was going on since 1773 but it was not till 1776 did they announce independence after literally all other options had failed, and even then they did not full support of the 13 colonies. The US had nothing resembling formal government till around 1776 and even then it was essentially a bunch of rag tag militias occassionally working together. It was also not untill the Treadty of Paris in 1783 did the US have anything resembling recognition as a nation, and even then it was only really the French and Spanish that recognised them as a nation while most other nations of the time did not; so Britain, Russia, Germany a.k.a. Holy Roman Empire, and Portugal for example did not really recognise the US. It was not until the Napoleonic Wars happened that really US was seen as a nation cause even until the 1800's the UK still occupied chunks of US territory due to trade disagreements and it was seen that the UK was going to forcefully reabsorb them at a later stage - which nearly happened in 1812 but UK was involved heavily a little Causican upstart so basically told Burgers to pay them and fuck off.

>What has this to do with the Maquis?

If you can't see the parallels between the Maquis and the 13 Colonies then you're a blind idiot honestly. The Maquis is a rebellion due to the state of affairs posed upon them because the Federation essentially fucked up during negotiations with the Cardassians and gave the colonists an unworkable deal. Many in Starfleet pointed this out that it could only lead to war down the line before the Maquis was a thing. When the Maquis start fighting Federation seem to act surprised but instead of trying to work out a new deal they instead stick to their unpopular old treaty which just pushes the Maquis further and further away from the negotiation table each time to the point they have no choice but to essentially declare independence which is what they were heading for down the line as the Federation clearly are making no attempts to work out a deal that is in their interests. Can label Maquis as terrorist all you want but that still doesn't change the fact they were formed out of the incompetence of the Federation and the aggression of the Federation was forcing their hand towards becoming their own nation.

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def900 No.28775


I agree with the thrust of what you are saying about the Maquis, but have a quibble

>1776 did they announce independence after literally all other options had failed, and even then they did not full support of the 13 colonies

The only State which abstained from the vote for Independence was New York, and that was because they were garrisoned by English troops and they feared what would happen if they voted for independence. The political and legislative leadership of all the colonies supported independence, especially after George III's heavy-handed response to their petition.

In terms of the Maquis, they were wiped out by a creative fiat to switch over to the Dominion War and eliminate all the currently open storylines. If the story had been allowed to progress, my guess is the Klingons or Romulans would have increasingly supported the Maquis, as both groups had reasons to do so.

In fact, I'm surprised the Romulans weren't balls deep in the Maquis. They have everything to gain by having a Federation civil war.

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ab6d2a No.28784


I wasn't talking exactly as a state by state basis. Perhaps my words were kind of poor there, but I was meaning towards the fact that not everyone in the colonies were anti-British; if I were to break it down in a simplistic average about a third were Rebels, third were Loyalists and a third did not care. Just because a colony voted for independence did not mean that it was 100% or even 50% committed, but that's Democracy for you.

The writers also fundamentally did not understand what to do with the Maquis or understand what they had written. There is no wiping out the Maquis. Despite the original group being eradicated, the friends and family of those who were ruthlessly persecuted and killed will never forget. You will get a next generation of Maquis fighters who will be ready for round two, especially in a post-Dominion war enivronment. The issue that caused the Maquis to rise was never addressed and at best, sweeped under the rug. Keep in mind we have insurgencies going on right now which the cause goes back hundreds if not thousands of years and you can sort of guess at what sort of longterm nightmarish problem the Maquis will become.

As for Romulans, I have given thought and even if it were in their direct interests they wouldn't show them direct support. More than likely third party support to make it seem help wasn't coming from them.

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44d6b1 No.28786


>the friends and family of those who were ruthlessly persecuted and killed will never forget

Considering that the Maquis crew of Voyager were either given commissions in Starfleet after returning home or in the case of Chakotay, received a promotion to Captain, it seems that for the most part the Maquis' main gripe was less with the Federation per se, but rather the aftermath of the Federation-Cardassian War and the many peace treaties which surrendered and traded territory between the Federation and the Cardassian Union.

In my opinion, after what was essentially the destruction of the Cardassian Union, the only thing the Maquis really had issue was with, was how the Federation was run. If the Cardassian Union no longer exists, the Maquis as a thing essentially wiped out and the Federation not really doing anything more, I'd guess that the Maquis would re-form themselves, at least not in the same way as they used to be.

Since it's basically confirmed that Cardassia Prime becomes a UFP member a few years after the end of the Dominion War, I'm just left thinking what the Maquis would really take issue with anymore. The way the Federation is run? If that's it, then those colonists could just go to some remote location or just not deal with the Federation.

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6446ea No.28789


>Can label Maquis as terrorist all you want

To add to your point, in modern parlance the American revolutionaries could be seen as "terrorists" as well–they tarred and feathered people, used guerilla tactics,


>In terms of the Maquis, they were wiped out by a creative fiat to switch over to the Dominion War and eliminate all the currently open storylines.

I think the Maquis also suffered because they were only really created to have a presence on Voyager ironically, the Maquis stuff was immediately pushed to the back burner on Voyager and rarely discussed past the pilot.

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e1a959 No.28790


>I think the Maquis also suffered because they were only really created to have a presence on Voyager

This is still dumbfounding to me. I can picture a VOY where a bunch of beleaguered Feds have totally given up on Starfleet protocol, or civs and SF officers having to share the ship and somehow make it work. But a bunch of SF and ex-SF who hate each other because of a territory dispute that otherwise has no bearing on the show, I just don't see how it was ever going to work.

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ab6ef6 No.28803


Voyager seems more like a holodeck training simulation for Tuvok in being the only sane person on a crew full of retards and insane people.

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31795e No.28809


A Human and some other alien race would have been more interesting.

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44d6b1 No.28810


That's the funniest thing I've ever read on this board.

Thank you, anon.

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bc49aa No.28862

Is data really dead? It seems like they set up B4 to eventually assimilate all the Data data, and fill the void left in nemesis.

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05a53d No.28867


Probably not.

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aa8cd8 No.29054

File: 4cf00b4cf148723⋯.jpg (13.35 KB,336x433,336:433,seal1-1.jpg)

Is Seal a black Zakdorn?

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a97a39 No.29055


>implying Lexx > JJ's nuTrek

That's a bit of stretch, it is funny though

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de8d4b No.29090


Imperfections in the copy process. In The Thing it's stated that the alien would replace cells silently, with no symptoms, which makes it hard to understand when exactly the infected stops being himself.

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5896e8 No.29125


Lexx is really overrated imo.

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4abf92 No.29228


It gets very repetitive and a slog to watch through unless drunk watching.

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ff610d No.29278




Isn't it a whole show's worth of German BDSM autism?

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c6c777 No.29328


Fags say that but have never really seen it. It's more bad vore fetish than anything.

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94c106 No.29694

File: 532976d119e984d⋯.png (482.79 KB,705x530,141:106,ClipboardImage.png)

Why is there no OC of Ezri in diapers yet?

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70fbac No.29699

File: 7575ac125905619⋯.jpg (480.25 KB,3066x2020,1533:1010,season-3-farscape-32199713….jpg)


Agreed on Lexx. I'd replace it in that list with Farscape.

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81b5ad No.29709


You know for entertainment purposes I feel like Farscape and Stargate share the same universe.

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4109f7 No.29717


Farscape felt like it needed a Trek crossover.

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70fbac No.29744

File: 2767b38737993b9⋯.jpg (58.38 KB,1024x576,16:9,tumblr_lckw8iJng31qea7fqo1….jpg)

File: ee72c013031e4b1⋯.jpg (41.53 KB,480x564,40:47,4a567f5f2bad93e36b39897143….jpg)

File: 018b5b8b6744a1c⋯.jpg (57.24 KB,799x533,799:533,SG1-1006-MGM-0050.jpg)


>You know for entertainment purposes I feel like Farscape and Stargate share the same universe.


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7973fe No.29763


>Method of travel in Farscape is Starburst

>Method of travel in Stargate is Stargate

Like pottery.

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3ab664 No.29848

Who had the best ass on Star Trek?

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70fbac No.29860

File: 1e05974407e7d40⋯.jpg (206.81 KB,810x1080,3:4,marissa.jpg)

File: 5a9eaabb169e7f6⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,1280x962,640:481,naomiwildman.jpg)

File: 8cbad40b17d2f82⋯.jpg (89.69 KB,1024x768,4:3,star_trek_miri.jpg)


>Who had the best ass on Star Trek?

That's a tricky one. I'd say it's a three-way tie, but I think Marissa just barely edges out the other two. (I've got a thing for ponytails.)

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11d604 No.29901



Wasn't she wearing diapers during takes so her ass was cheating?

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70fbac No.29906


I would disagree on that. I've freeze-framed and zoomed in on her butt many, many times, and I'm pretty sure it's all natural. A work in progress, of course, but often that's preferable.

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f98ddd No.29914


Only Beyond is worth your time.

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d39d27 No.29916


are there AOC laws in the future? asking for a friend.

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70fbac No.29921


What happens on the holodeck stays on the holodeck.

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827243 No.29974


Unless it malfunctions and you have to fix the killer robots.

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662e8a No.30346

Should /strek/ go full sci-fi?

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9f9076 No.30414

File: 67aec383f064c65⋯.png (269.73 KB,640x384,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Does O'Brien deserve a statue?

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a11330 No.30415

File: 051decebde7edc0⋯.jpg (32.96 KB,456x652,114:163,His_name_is_Chief.jpg)


He does, but he'd also absolutely refuse to have one erected, and we shouldn't dishonor his wishes.

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ab6d2a No.30416


Is this about the news on /vg/ where Dublin is planning on making a Chief O'Brien statue?

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e1a959 No.30418


Keiko would forbid it

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f1da43 No.30450

File: a9d97bddc23a2ef⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,480x360,4:3,Banned Clip - Star Trek pr….mp4)

Data confirms it, Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong.

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9ed131 No.30484

How does crime and punishment work in the Federation? Do people disappear? Do their potty privileges get taken away? Do they get forced to wear a red shirt? Cause all I've seen is they get sent to either a mental asylum or a daycare.

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38ebdc No.30491


They get sent to New Zealand, or if you are really bad you are locked in a black site high-sec prison that doesn't technically exist on-record.

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f1da43 No.30494


Or the Federation quietly sends bad goys to Tasha Yar's gang rape planet.

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f389dc No.30513


Tasha when she was younger made a politically incorrect statement. Which is why she was shipped to a rape planet.

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a4d03f No.30581






>Voluntary, like the UN, EU, and NATO

>Like these one-world government schemes that bomb the shit out of dissenting countries when they can get away with it or else engage in economic, financial, and media-based social coercion when they can't, and who are also engaged in low-intensity warfare on the population of their member nations.

Get a load of this goy. But you are right, they're alike because they only use explicit violence when they have the media to cover for them, otherwise they hide behind a facade of "non-violence" while coercing through soft power. And your little federation shell-game of denying the maquis self-determination because they're "insurgents" and insurgents aren't people is straight out of the globo-homo playbook; you have the right to leave if you have legal standing, you have legal standing if you do what we want, and we don't want you to leave.


What do they do with all the useless glasses that the replicator creates once they finish their drinks? Wouldn't they save space and an astronomical amount of energy by just replicating the drinks into reusable glasses?

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6446ea No.30583


DS9 establishes that they put used plates and glassware back into the replicator when finished, where they are converted back into energy. Since waste is pumped back into the replicator system as well, the net drain on the system is comparatively small.

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a4d03f No.30586


Well then that raises another question, if they have the technology to harvest energy from mundane materials like glassware (on the scale of the energy that a molecular assembly machine must use[!]), then why is there any fuss over planetary territory or resources?


More serious follow up question, if harvesting resources is the primary reason for colonizing a planet, then why does it seem like every colony is so sparsely populated? Usually they seem to cluster around a few million residents, I seem to remember TNG crew assisting one of tens of millions, but never billions. Earth supports billions now and yet we're not very close to having completely exhausted the earth's holding capacity, nonetheless it's total harvest-able supply of useful minerals, shouldn't they be concerned with getting more from what they have before moving on? Their efficiency would have to be immensely higher than seems possible in order to substantially deplete the resources of a planet like earth's with only a few million people.

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6446ea No.30587


Well, the materials over which there is fuss over (dilithium, latinum, etc.) are those materials which can't be replicated in-universe. If the desired object is too complex on a molecular level, replicators can't reliably produce it. Yes, I know that doesn't exactly make sense, since minerals have fairly simply crystalline structures compared to the large, complex organic molecules that you would see in food (which is replicable), but that's the explanation given. It's also never really specified whether replicators are using energy from the warp core directly to create their output, or if it's just drawing from an on-board supply of hydrogen which it simply converts to other forms of matter. If energy consumption is a concern, that's teh explanation that can be used instead.

> Their efficiency would have to be immensely higher than seems possible in order to substantially deplete the resources of a planet like earth's with only a few million people.

Remember that most colonists in the Federation aren't doing so out of necessity or resource scarcity back home, but out of a desire to explore and set roots down somewhere new. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that many colony planets are somewhat sparsely populated.

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e2ffc6 No.30595

Can Star Trek cure my masturbation addiction?

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076299 No.30597


Only if camel toes and khazar milkers turn you off. Also loli camel toes.

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72bb3d No.30598


Watch pre-Seven of Nine Voyager on loop for a few cycles. Before too long, your senses will be so dulled you can't experience any kind of pleasure at all.

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6d17c1 No.30599

File: 3aa1c786b9ec979⋯.png (1.15 MB,989x765,989:765,Red Squad.png)

File: 85efdfa0de9214b⋯.jpg (279.75 KB,1024x744,128:93,1475612714634.jpg)

Does this Red Squad guy from DS9 4x11 Homefront looks like Moot?

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5836a6 No.30608


Yeah, but way less faggy.

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2bbe98 No.30609


Moot or Red Squad?

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41618f No.30614

File: 2ef994fde0b2ea0⋯.gif (2.34 MB,516x406,258:203,Phlox_smug.gif)

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f1da43 No.30665


>khazar milkers

I need a visual reference to understand what you are talking about.

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d8eb0e No.30670


No, I think you need to lurk more.

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ac309c No.30678




We could hook you up to one?

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13617c No.30711


Take out your benis anon and we'll show you.

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ca1931 No.30731


Moot kinda looks like a thin Gahoole.

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f46293 No.30750


What if Gahoole ate Moot?

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8690b5 No.30781


What if Moot ate the original Gahoole?

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e6a8f0 No.30793


What if Mark ate them both?

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6e69b8 No.30976


>If they can shove matter into a replicator and have it turned into energy, why do they fuss over limited energy?

Entropy is laughing at you right now.

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e0f59e No.31155

Is /strek/ pronounced as one word "strek", or as "S. Trek"?

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6e69b8 No.31156


I always did the former, but who knows what everyone else does.

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8ea1ae No.31164


strek as in shreck.

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6e69b8 No.31267

File: 16592b3a73ec2fe⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,Aye.jpg)


>strek as in shreck

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6d17c1 No.31286


I always say "S. Trek".

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5836a6 No.31293


One word. STREK

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18a48f No.31295


This. S Trek.

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872d32 No.31296


It's one word.

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8712b2 No.31299

One word.

Check yourself, lest you /strek/ yourself.

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4abf92 No.31300

File: 5b59704953137ab⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,312x377,24:29,Worf with Panzerstrek.jpg)


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74a9be No.31302


>Well the lady augments were rather modestly endowed on screen so we have to assume he probably gave no augment a wang larger than his own.

Or he's just an ass-man.

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74a9be No.31303


>The UFP is kind of like a weird mix of the UN, the EU and NATO, but still very different.

And the UN, EU and NATO are all sovereignty-removing long-term state building organisations that paint their opponents as aggressive/expansionist while pressuring everyone to join their club and making escape de facto impossible even if it's entirely doable on paper.

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6e69b8 No.31322


You might have a point with the EU and NATO (except they're clearly and obviously regional and don't have any "opponents"; maybe you were thinking of the League of Nations?) but the UN includes literally every single country that exists. The only ones that aren't members are those that cannot prove they even have sovereignty.

As for "escape", just because Britain is stumbling all over their bloated bureaucracy trying to figure out how they want to leave the EU doesn't mean it's the EU's fault.

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a11330 No.31324

File: 523c44c5bce5c04⋯.jpeg (67.28 KB,720x960,3:4,Vote until you pick the r….jpeg)


>except they're clearly and obviously regional and don't have any "opponents

I'm going to pretend I didn't read that and give you a chance to rephrase because of how superlatively retarded this statement is.

>but the UN includes literally every single country that exists

How does that make it any less sovereignty-destroying? Are you so hopelessly naive that you think if an institution is big enough, it can't be used by globo homo to shove undesirable edicts and regulations down a country's throat? You don't think the UN is anything more than the bully pulpit of the US and faggot subversives? That's all right, you can just move to Rhodesia and ask them how they feel about the whole business. Oh that's right, you can't, *because it doesn't exist*. It was sanctioned out of existence by Jimmy Carter and his faggot puppets in the UN, cut off from global trade and diplomacy until it was overrun by communist jackals. No, no sovereignty destruction there.

>just because Britain is stumbling all over their bloated bureaucracy trying to figure out how they want to leave the EU doesn't mean it's the EU's fault.

>if you leave without following every one of our homo regulations we'll embargo you

>just keep having more referenda until you vote the way we tell you to vote you stupid goyim, why are you making this so difficult?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, there's no way even a commie can be this retarded. Have you slobbered over so much bureaucratic cock that one of them punctured your brain through the roof of your mouth?

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6e69b8 No.31341


Do you have any sort of cogent argument in there, or are you just going to keep whining and crying about commies and liberals and faggots and all those other people that trigger you?

>Rhodesia doesn't exist

They just changed the fucking name, you retard.

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75bb9c No.31347


>You might have a point with the EU and NATO (except they're clearly and obviously regional and don't have any "opponents"

NATO was literally formed to oppose the USSR and still regularly conducts major training operations with Russia as the simulated opponent, you'd have to be retarded to claim it doesn't have opponents. The EU, while also opposing Russia, is opposed economically to China and more softly to the USA. Both the EU and NATO have directly opposed Russia in Georgia, Crimea and indirectly in Syria post-USSR so this is not a historical thing. Their being regional is irrelevant to their attempt to build a state and both the EU and NATO have expanded wildly from their initial basis North Atlantic my arse and show no sign of slowing down.

>maybe you were thinking of the League of Nations?

Babby's first attempted-and-failed UN from 100 years ago? That'd be a strange one. It was also mostly just a European project, just including European colonies, so it'd be fair to describe it as regional. Not including the USA for one.

>but the UN includes literally every single country that exists. The only ones that aren't members are those that cannot prove they even have sovereignty.

Actually not true. Taiwan, for example, has been excluded actually dropped and replaced with the PRC from membership due to political concerns. Other states have in the past been ignored for similar reasons. The UN is as arbitrary as any other political body despite pretending to be neutral. This goes for territorial disputes also since it's all just based on consensus rather than consistent law.

>As for "escape", just because Britain is stumbling all over their bloated bureaucracy trying to figure out how they want to leave the EU doesn't mean it's the EU's fault.

The EU was set up gradually through treaties that fundamentally changed what the EEC were supposed to do, federalism by the back door in order to make leaving nearly impossible on a practical level. The system for leaving was left deliberately vague specifically to do this under the assumption it would never be used. Hell after the EU referendum in bongland multiple major EU figures publicly called for a new EU treaty to make future referendums on membership illegal because it was 'irresponsible'. De facto impossible does not mean impossible as per the official rules. The way it's set up with all real power vested in an unelected Commission the only body which can actually introduce legislation and thus the only one who can really change anything long term required to put the EU's priorities above that of their nation's is deliberately designed to prevent the population of the member states from having actual influence because time and again polls have shown that Europe-wide there is no appetite for 'integration'. The joke powers of delay and amendment the parliament even has now were only acquired after twisting the Commission's arm and QMV shits all over those anyway.

Also the reason Bongland is such chaos is not bureaucracy at all it's actually the opposite: a complete lack of rules. There is no constitution in the UK leaving no formal rules for what to do when the PM and Parliament continually disagree short of calling a new election or forcing something through with a majority. There's also no real rules for how to hold a referendum or what legal weight the result has none, believe it or not, so they could quite happily just disregard the entire result. Westminster, with some very obscure exceptions to do with succession of the monarchy, has no structural rule beyond a majority vote of parliament: everything else is pure convention that is tradition so ingrained it's almost-but-not-quite a rule. For example the recent law stating you need a 2/3rds majority to call an early election could, on paper, itself be changed with a simple majority vote because it's just another law the same as any other. You can't even pass a law that binds future parliaments because they can either just vote it away or dissolve themselves and reform.

Where almost every other nation has a hard constitution and system of government the UK has one merely of convention that gradually formed from random events over hundreds of years and then a treaty between Scotland and England (The Act of Union, one of the few hard 'constitutional' documents of the UK). Remember that even Prime Minister is a made-up role that by convention means 'leader of the largest party in government'. They don't even need to be an elected politician or a politician at all, in the past they weren't.

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d4657e No.31355


>They just changed the fucking name, you retard

And killed all the whites you worthless nigger loving kike. Fuck you.

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a11330 No.31357

File: 2b55227c2d10f59⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,600x604,150:151,brain damage.jpg)


>I have no response so I'll pretend you don't have arguments

>lel ur so triggered XDDDD

>They just changed the fucking name

Yeah, it's exactly the same country. They just changed the name, changed the flag, changed the currency, changed the system of government, killed most of the white population, robbed and chased out the few that were left, destroyed every vestige of European culture (and along with it ever vestige of prosperity). Rhodesia is exactly the same country as Zimbabwe, even though they're different internally in all practical respects, even though one wasn't recognized by the UN and the other was, because they happen to share similar land area. Just like how the Roman Empire still exists, because Europe and North Africa still exist, right?

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6e69b8 No.31367


>you worthless nigger loving kike

This isn't /pol/. Stop pretending you're among friends. You're not.


>anime smug

This isn't /a/. Stop pretending you're among friends. You're not.

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a11330 No.31369

File: 2b171e0dc7aa31d⋯.jpg (132.16 KB,707x530,707:530,damar removes hasperat.jpg)

File: 89fc812f0ada5a5⋯.png (273.27 KB,567x501,189:167,innocent-roman-salute-mask.png)

File: e76c0d8f09e365b⋯.jpg (55.27 KB,420x560,3:4,grand_nagus_trump.jpg)

File: 8f7dc95448b66b9⋯.png (200.3 KB,411x529,411:529,Cardassian war crimes.png)

File: a645ceab993683a⋯.png (628.59 KB,640x430,64:43,remove cube.png)


>this isn't /pol/

No, it's pol/strek/, which much better.

>you're not among friends

Count the number of people agreeing with you, then count the number of people disagreeing with you (who for the most part after with each other), and tell me which of us is not among friends. I know arithmetic isn't a strong point for commies but I think you can muddle through this one.

>I have no response to arguments

>therefore I will make fun of reaction pictures and attempt social shaming

You're arguing an awful lot like a woman, as if there's estrogen in your system. Are you that far along on HRT already?

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5836a6 No.31371

File: 9345a3f96bc562e⋯.webm (194.32 KB,720x480,3:2,1435867084649.webm)

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ef6d36 No.31415

File: 3ee3d0a100e5463⋯.png (590.3 KB,600x737,600:737,charlize theron nigger tra….png)

How does the Federation function with so many single moms running around? We see what happens to civilization when women get rights, why would the Federation be any different?

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aa878e No.31432


Women fuck up so bad that she can make me feel sorry for the little nig.

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b4fdb0 No.31435


She wants a man to "Grow a pair" and ask her out.

10 years and counting.


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88f70d No.31444


They give the children to holograms.

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6e69b8 No.31480


>and attempt social shaming

Except that's exactly what you're doing. And poorly, at that. In know you're a pathetic beta male that's terrified of women, but you should realize just how hard you're telegraphing that when you go out of your way to insult them all the time. You're either an ACTUAL faggot, or you're an aspiring-wizard incel who is literally never going to get laid, with that attitude.

Also, anyone not joining the argument is more on my side (wanting you to shut the fuck up with the shitty memes that don't belong here) than on your side. But that's sociology, which is something you probably won't take until you graduate high school, so apologies if that's a bit more complex than your arithmetic.


>so many single moms

Can you list them? Because I can only think of a couple examples, so have to assume you're blowing this way out of proportion. Also, if we're talking about on board starships, then there's basically an extended family in place with a robust support structure. It's nothing like current America where there's a nuclear family and nobody else has close influence on the kid.

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2ec555 No.31502

File: df36915f773eb0b⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2560x1920,4:3,false.jpg)


>anyone not joining the argument is more on my side

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a11330 No.31505


The commie thinks he's in good company because this is a Trek board. I don't know what chromosomal bargain bin started the "star trek=DemSoc Utopia" meme but he deserves a stint in the Agony Booth for his crimes.

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2d079e No.31525


This isn't a Trek board, it' Cardassia Prime.

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dcac4f No.31747

This guy is making his own fan film and he is showing off the ships he designed. I think his take on the Daedulus class is pretty good.


Here is his version of the NX-01


Here is his post-Romulan war patrol ship


and finally this is his main ship that the film will be set on


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9f4fb0 No.31783


Depends on the waiter. If you're Guinan you get to "listen" and hand around your best bud Picard and occasionally get to play a role in the fate of this timeline. If you're the hot white chick with futuristic hair, you're cruising for some some officer dick, which might get you some replicator time or a shuttle trip. or if it's a naughty officer, maybe some romulan ale or fancy space drugs. If you're the black guy that plays poker with all the officers, you are secretly an immortal android keeping tabs on what Picard (friend of artificial life) and Data (artificial life almost ready to join "the club") are up to. (Read Immortal Coil, one of the best Next Gen books)

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9f4fb0 No.31784


fumble fingers fix: * hang around

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b0ac96 No.32074


I really miss the ship thread and model autism of this board.

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c06473 No.32861

My dad is really big into star trek should I introduce him to this place?

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f934d3 No.32864


That depends. Post some pics of your dad's anus to help us make up our minds.

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2acd7d No.32867

I've always wondered, exactly how many more credits does Picard make than Riker?

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