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File: 4f0d4bfad9504fa⋯.jpg (353.92 KB,1420x2040,71:102,Card-Mirror-Garak.jpg)

File: f0e09f70788a042⋯.jpg (315.58 KB,1420x2040,71:102,Card-Mirror-Spock.jpg)

File: 2f4530ae4d5c39e⋯.jpg (335.25 KB,1420x2040,71:102,Card-Mirror-Sisko.jpg)

File: 61d1a824ddb8669⋯.jpg (494.84 KB,1420x2040,71:102,Card-Mirror-Regent-Worf.jpg)

ab1c02 No.25718

>dont watch the show

>dont read the books

>dont become in any way familiar with the franchise

>write yet another shit timeline

Jesus Christ when will this bullshit stop, it's angering me to the point of tears.


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ddc2de No.25721


But all of those characters are from the Terran Empire timeline.

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5dedd4 No.25724


What this nigger said.

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ab1c02 No.25745



I don't understand.

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c2a6cc No.25834


OP, what exactly is your problem, is it that you don't like these things or is it that you've never watched Star Trek?

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3c580e No.25835


That you have no watched Star Trek

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26a9ed No.25837


In the Mirror Universe (home of the Terran Empire at the time of The Original Series) Spock gets his alternate self to start spreading Federation values throughout the Empire. This inevitably leads to a monumental Cuckening until by the time of DS:9 (about a century later) the Mirror Alpha Quadrant has been taken over by an Alliance of Klingons and Bajorans who use the Cardassians as lackeys and keep 'Terrans' as slaves.

As we're shown in DS:9, in the Mirror Universe by about Stardate 46000 onward Worf is the Klingon 'Regent' in command of a fleet stationed around Terok Nor, Garak is his adjutant/whipping boy, Sisko is a Terran privateer/pet to Mirror version Kinky Kira and a total psycho.

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c2a6cc No.25838


yep i've seen teh episodes,i still dont know what we are complaining about though, is it the fact they are using the characters or…..?

i have never even given a cursory glance to timelines so i dont quite get what the pant shitting is about.

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eaa5b6 No.25842

You guys are retards. He's clearly bitching about Ciscovery. Aloow to to translate his original post:

>Ciscovery writers dont watch Star Trek

>Ciscovery writers dont read Star Trek books

>Cidcovery writers dont become in any way familiar with the franchise

>Ciscovery writers create yet another shit timeline

Jesus Christ when will this bullshit stop, it's angering me to the point of tears.



He's complaining that we got Ciscovery when we could have had a badass Mirror universe show if only they hired writers that weren't total shit.

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26a9ed No.25852


Hasn't discovery spent a lot of time in the Terran Empire Timeline? I only watched the first two episodes before forgetting that the show existed.

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eaa5b6 No.25856


I dunno. I aint gonna watch that shit.

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26a9ed No.25863


Hold up. Has anyone on this board actually been watching Sexually Transmitted Diversity?

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eaa5b6 No.25864


Plenty. They have two fucking threads about it.

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435a2e No.25865

File: 2ef12025a4f4154⋯.png (158.6 KB,321x450,107:150,321px-Cadet_Sylvia_Tilly_C….png)


>tfw the Tilly card doesn't even look like the actress

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e9e732 No.25869


I watched for Terran Empire arc. They ruined it.

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26a9ed No.25877


>The wide eyed, overly steady, stare of a psychopath

Did she just get back from torturing a kitten off-screen?

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b65770 No.25881

Mirror universe is faggot crap. It should have been a one-off TOS episode.

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496cda No.25882

File: 1741fa2ec62afed⋯.jpg (15.52 KB,240x200,6:5,enjoying my anger.jpg)


I watched up to episode 4 and get the rest of my knowledge from the one or two self-hating anons that have watched it all the way through.

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a43499 No.25890


It literally became faggot shit once DS9 got ahold of it. For all the bitching about the bad cgi Gorn in the Enterprise mirror universe episode at least we didn't have to watch the Grand Nagus beat off to a bitchy bulldyke Ezri while Worf threatened to rape Garak. Little did we know it was just a taste of things to come. Fuckin Jews.

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ab1c02 No.25897





I'm complaining about the nutrek storylines, not the fucking images.

>lacking reading comprehension this bad

Kill yourself low IQ dopterian.

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26a9ed No.25903


>Claims that they should use the Terran Empire timeline more

>While posting images of them using the Terran Empire timeline

<Someone points out that this is retarded


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ab1c02 No.25913


>something that clearly doesnt make sense

>decide thats what i meant

>tell me that it doesn't make sense

Maybe it's not what I meant, maybe you need to activate both of your brain cells and read it again.

This guy got it >>25842 and he's not a rocket scientist, the fuck is your excuse?

The denial is real.

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0ad86b No.25919


What new shit timeline? STD takes place in the prime Star Trek universe. (As damaging as that is)

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f0eefe No.25932

File: 88f231281476aa9⋯.jpg (87.74 KB,634x423,634:423,2AC5A7FA00000578-0-image-a….jpg)


>STD takes place in the prime Star Trek universe

Except it demonstrably doesn't, regardless of what anyone behind it says. They just say it does because they're under orders to revise/replace the prior source material (aka real Star Trek).

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43b76a No.25933



Then don't make terrible OP's

Simple as that.

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0ad86b No.25969



OK there

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396545 No.25986


>For all the bitching about the bad cgi Gorn in the Enterprise mirror universe episode

At least that CGI dude look better than the fucking Caitian in STV.

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a57fc3 No.25993



yes, strictly speaking, i am denying that this show that thoroughly breaks from established story and visual precedent is canon.

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