Netflix show: niggers, white people bad, mansplaining mentioned unironically, unattractive women beat up everyone without problem
Anime: no niggers, white people good, jokes that would not pass in the west, cute girls
>anime… le bad!
they label anime fans trannies yet conveniently ignore the fact that the vast majority of trannies are into crap like FNF and steven universe and are plentiful in places like jewgrounds in wich the primary form of art produced there by individuals is that of westoid style art wich they have infiltrated, subverted and destroyed like so many other websites and communities and the only reason the westoid thinks trannies and anime is something mutually exclusive is because the faggots like to use anime girls in their avatars and use anime emojis to validate their tranny identity despite not actually consuming any form of anime and having a poor appreciation of it because all they understand is
>wow a cute girl for me to self insert as!
and ignore everything else, these types of people can hardly even be considered actual fans and yet the westoid sees them in their furry tranny platform known as pisscord and assume anime and transgenderism is mutually exclusive because their brains struggle to differentiate and grasp nuanced concepts so they just conflate the two things together cause its easier for their nigger cattle brains to process
Anime doesn't produce troons, it's just one of many forms of escapism for them. Do fighting games produce trannies? Of course anime certainly doesn't help them by distorting their world view but literally any form of media can do that to someone who is already mentally ill. It's like saying alcohol produces vagrants or and thus no good can come from it.