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File: f4ed7438975e0f0⋯.png (9.81 KB,164x100,41:25,tor_logo_2x.png)


This thread will quickly explain how to use the Tor Browser after connecting to a VPN.

1. Read this thread first so you'll configure IPTables properly: https://8ch.net/slackware/res/10.html

2. $ cd $HOME/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/ (or wherever the Tor Browser is installed)

3. $ cp torrc torrc.orig (make a backup of torrc)

4. $ /sbin/ip -c a (check which ip address the VPN interface is using; the network interface should be tun0 in most cases, so check the ip address right after "inet" from the tun0 interface)

5. Add to the bottom of torrc "OutboundBindAddress" (without the quotes and replace with the ip address obtained from step #4).

6. Run Tor Browser.

7. # ss -utapn | grep -i tor (yes, do this as root or use sudo; verify that "OutboundBindAddress" is listed, and that it is connected to the "Guard" by looking at the Tor Circuit List; go to https://check.torproject.org/ and click on the green padlock)

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