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There are two commands that I use to update Slackware 14.2 packages on Stable.

First: $ sudo slackpkg update

Second: $ sudo slackpkg upgrade-all

The "update" will download the latest package lists from a Slackware mirror selected in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors.

The "upgrade-all" will prompt which packages will be updated, and the user can select/deselect at will.

This method will not install non existent packages, neither will it upgrade your installation to Current. Check slackpkg's man page for more information.

A few important things to notice:

1. To use sudo, you need to add your username to /etc/sudoers like this (you have to edit as root):


## User privilege specification


root ALL=(ALL) ALL

username ALL=(ALL) ALL

There is a thread about visudo, which is the proper way to edit /etc/sudoers in Slackware. Check it!

If you don't know your username, try: $ id

2. Read the files in /etc/slackpkg. They contain important information on how to configure slackpkg, selecting a mirror (you need only one) and blacklisting packages.

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