No.34501 [Last50 Posts]
Wanna get in /vg/ or /d/elphi. Haven't seen anyone active in /d/ and can't even get on lehon.
What do? SL gets boring when you don't have a set place to fuck around at. (Figuratively and Literally)
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Go make some friends elsewhere, you don't want into these retard brigades, trust me
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I dunno if they are retard brigades but all of the active people in either have been playing and getting to know each other for like 2-6 years so coming in as a newbie seems hard to break in.
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The problem with the groups is we haven't had new people in quite some time and nobody seems to realize that's a bad thing. Message the admins/mods of either group for an invite.
On topic, it's a lack of the /vg/ thread that's caused the sudden slowdown of new members. Sure it was a cancer ridden shit flinging contest, but it did two things- It got people active, and anyone who saw the thread passing by on the front page of /vg/ could see a glance and had the chance of being interested. I'm not sure why it went away other than a lack of content, but we've been shitposting at a near constant rate since the board came back, I really don't see why a /vg/ thread couldn't be revived, unless the group really is THAT dead and inactive.
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Well I managed to get into /d/ so there's that. But I know what you mean, seems less active lol
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The problem with the /vg/ thread on halfchan was the inevitable furry autists would shit it up
Since they pay for things with their unlimited autismbuxs and SL costs real money people will tolerate retard furries who pay for the sims, despite their degeneracy
The real goal to creating a good community in SL is have everyone participating be a content creator in the game, in textures or models or scripts or whatever, the groups always stagnate and die when there's more leeching retards than there is content creators.
It's important to build a thriving community with a thing to do, not one about memes and perpetually deeper in-jokes and ERP.
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On a vaguely unrelated note, what's the best 3rd party viewer?
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I'll agree, but its either that or let the groups fade off the grid
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Firestorm or Black Dragon I guess? Used both. They're aight.
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Welcome to imageboards.
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>not one about (...) ERP.
No that's sorta exactly what one of the groups is supposed to be about.
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most of the content that would go into that thread ends up here instead. unless people crosspost it would fall off the board pretty fast.
I wholeheartedly agree about the new members thing. I know a bunch of people that i'd like to invite to /d/ but I worry that they wouldnt know what to make of the members already there and end up gettting trolled.
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What's bad about that though? Both /vg/ and /d/ are kind of shit groups.
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you posted a pic of guts. whats ur account name inworld? throw me a message. I'll hang with u
Mazahtl rain
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The reason nobody's active at /d/ is because /vg/ came in and drove everyone out, replaced everyone there, then just stopped coming. In essence, new /d/ is destined for death because of them and because the administration is too placated and on their side to kick them out. If you want to join /vg/, I won't stop you, but know you're joining a group of people who will kick you to the curb the moment you stop being of use to them. Cruel, cowardly, vile beings whose idea of fun is to rip others apart and see who can bring the most shame to another. /vg/ is nothing more than a disease upon these lands. Figurative and literal cancer that has spread and become terminal, causing other places to be shut down as it crawls onward and takes over. You're welcome to join their ranks of the damned. By all means, make the mistake. But you should at least know about the people you're going to be hanging out with. The truth, distilled from the perspective of someone who has seen the darkest sides of their ilk. Someone who simply cannot stand them. A shadow that serves as little more than to be the one person on this board willing to call them out on their bullshit and not step down when they fling their insults. They don't know who I am and it pisses them off, I reckon; The anonymity is a barrier through which they can only guess my true identity with no definitive proof of who I am. Anyways.
You should know that /vg/ participates in a culture of "bants", that is to say, codespeak for "be an asshole to each other as much as possible and try to pass it off as friendly teasing". Ever since the destruction of Stern months ago, they have been steadily on the decline, barely hanging out in their precious "new stern" that they constructed hastily after their land dried up. In an effort to seem perpetually relevant and not die out (since you know they all feed off of the attention), they've found new pleasure in harassing and tormenting /d/, since they're goodie-goodie with the admin there and know they can get away with it. Since they outnumber /d/ regulars there now, they in essence, run the place and can do anything they please. Why would they do this, you ask? For fun. To make people angry. No real reason, really. They're the embodiment of chaotic evil and I'm sure they know it. These are the people you are considering joining, OP. I do advise that you think carefully before you do; I'd have to have to watch you from the shadows and call you out on your bullshit when you eventually get roped into going out and causing trouble, then wind up despised by everyone else because of it.
TL;DR: If you're too lazy to read all of that, then I can't do anything for you. I'm just going to sit here and wait for the inevitable stream of /vg/-tards to come in and try their worst, guess my name and fail, or try to disprove my point by any number of fallacies or insults. They're too chickenshit to try to debate logically, after all.
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Same as >>34561
I just got back into sl, so I 'm more than happy to hangout!
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Why don't you take their cock out of your mouth a bit buddy? /vg/ isn't shit and their average members are whiny furries who will deny their furry tendencies vehemently and get really butthurt whenever they get griefed. I've seen even people they all worship like Sovot having a tantrum because people would rather hang out with the groups that bully them. /vg/ are all a bunch of beta shut-ins and half of the moderators suck each other's shark cocks. To say they are anything besides a clique of petty idiots who act like teenage girls is going a bit too far.
I don't care if you are shitposting, /vg/ being considered an "epik evil group" is as laughable as the idea that kopy will ever get his dear sweet Caroline back or that tizzers will ever transition into something besides a seabird.
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I'm going to be honest and say i didnt read anything more than the first sentence but:
>The reason nobody's active at /d/ is because /vg/ came in and drove everyone out,
>/d/ isnt active
>filled with /vg/
yep sure looks like it to me
But really OP and anyone else, just give me an im and ill give you an invite to /d/
Otherwise can we not have another 600 posts of worthless complaining, whatever your views on it either way, it did nothing.
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Polite sage for doubleposting.
What kind of stuff are you interested in because it's easier to find friends in this shitty game if you share common interests.
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Also on the note of low amounts of new blood, thats actually not really true either. the amount of people asking to join is on average two a day, with around a 3rd being turned down due to not being a good fit (usually not know what 4chan is and have no interest in lewd things)
Now the question of how many new member we retain is a valid one, but that I dont have exact hard numbers for
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tbh I miss posting pics of my adventures in the /vg/ thread
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Oh hey it's me.
Honestly, I used to be into the combat scene but that's gone from what I've seen. Then there's the cyber scene but INSILICO is ded, and other sims i used to frequent are ded.
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There seems to be a thing where more /d/ come on and there's a time where /vg/ comes around.
All you need to do is walk away when /vg/ comes around.
Then again, I suppose that's what's producing the illusion that /d/ is not there to begin with.
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Isn't that edgy chaos army still around? Would that scratch that combat itch? I know they accepted Van so they should take in pretty much anyone.
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to be fair van mellowed out a good bit
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Less crying, more killing yourself. chop chop.
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Wouldn't recommend vg outside of chiming in for 5 mins at a time, I've seen enough people turn out either burned or come out retarded to the point where they forget what it's like to have a normal conversation.
They're not all chaotic evil but there's parts of them that are. The problem is the ones that aren't wouldn't have a problem throwing you into the grinder for a laugh or stop them from tearing into you from fear of retribution. So don't get confused when they're nice around whoever they're orbiting because most likely they're assholes waiting to lash out at anyone that isn't already in the group.
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>the ones that aren't wouldn't have a problem throwing you into the grinder for a laugh or stop them from tearing into you from fear of retribution
You guys give them too much credit, they are a bunch of whiny cucks who bitch about lewd while sucking each other off.
But back to the topic, does anyone know any good combat sim so this poor chap doesn't have to hang out with /d/ or /vg/ like some plebeian?
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Just don't hang out with the groups as a whole, there are plenty of cool people just as a group /vg/ kinda blows nowdays
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/vg/ always blew, every single incarnation, even when it was called /v/ and consisted of a bunch of furries fighting over which one of them got to sleep with their lone ageplayer that day.
But where is this poor fella gonna hang out gang?
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>The problem with the /vg/ thread on halfchan was the inevitable furry autists would shit it up
I would've rather taken the furry autists than the cumposters.
>The real goal to creating a good community in SL is have everyone participating be a content creator in the game, in textures or models or scripts or whatever, the groups always stagnate and die when there's more leeching retards than there is content creators.
This is the actual truth of SL.
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I always found that when communities would get too big people would always get shitty and bigheaded about it and lead the community down the shitter. It's why I think smaller cliques seem like a better model even though sometimes they can be just as shit and drama ridden as larger groups.
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>/vg/ always blew, every single incarnation, even when it was called /v/ and consisted of a bunch of furries fighting over which one of them got to sleep with their lone ageplayer that day.
lmao kitaka
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The SLMC in general about a year ago was chock full of drama, especially if you dared gaze into The Fray. I don't know if it's still is, since I've long disassociated from it, but implications from a friend of mine who's still a part of it suggested that it's still drama heavy as it was before.
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SLMC is a good way to make life long enemies that'll spend entire days in a discord room coming up with ideas to dox you.
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tbh only 1 of those names went to /d/ often (and not Stern)
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I had one person that I didn't even know at all prior to us encountering one another, who obsessed over trying to antagonize me only because I was part of one specific military group.
I'm sure if anyone understood the SLMC at all, they would believe me right away there.
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infact most of these are OG /d/ regulars. and its okay to go to /vg/s sims ya know.
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nah that's not me.
That doesn't surprise me one bit, a lot of SL groups are like that.
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This is shallow. /d/ shouldn't have to fucking HIDE when /vg/ comes around. this is NOT their sim. This is NOT their home. /d/ is not their PLAYTHING to be USED AND ABUSED. It was never meant for them. Despite how much of a fucking sympathizer ssen is to their filth, know that everyone else fucking hates you and your pond-scum asses. I have said it many times before, I will say it again.
You're not welcome here, /vg/. Stay out.
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Just wanted fun times. That's all.
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There's no way this isn't someone trolling lol
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That sucks dude, at least you have decent taste in anime. We'll be able to find you a place to hang out in maybe, but maybe not because sl is full of shit in autists.
Agreed, it's been the same shit for years in an attempt to not appear to be the softest people on the grid.
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>/d/ is not their PLAYTHING to be USED AND ABUSED.
Maybe /d/ isn't but I sure am.
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