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Second Life

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File: 1447886700148.png (155.48 KB,304x624,19:39,butwhy.png)


I have an old account from 2010 with next to nothing on it and am about to make the horrible life decision of getting back into SL.

Should I bother with making a new account or just keep the old one?

Is there any benefit to using a brand new account?

Will I have a hard time getting help when I have no idea what I'm doing but made the account five years ago?

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pls respond

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Doesn't really matter. If you need help with anything, feel free to ask questions. If you want, you can always IM me. My username is shinodasan.resident

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Just keep the old one, account age is the ultimate e-peen.

Jk, no one probably cares.

But there are some places that don't allow fresh accounts for obvious reasons, trolling et al.

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File: 1447912800080.jpg (56.64 KB,327x320,327:320,tfw.jpg)

Where did you get that mask?

Also just keep your account.

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SL name is Smirnov Xaris, drop me a message and I can give you the details.

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