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File: 7c781636d1db5a3⋯.png (88.29 KB,861x914,861:914,1619532076970.png)


Why do you think the West hates China? Because it is a culturally homogenous country, because the young people respect their elders, they have traditional values (it is even frowned upon for women to have multiple partners) and the people are united.

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File: ef382d60799f0b8⋯.jpg (72.99 KB,811x660,811:660,1490746722333.jpg)


they hate what they can't achieve with there own retarded ideology :)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


China has never been a threat to the West. Because China is not a political subject. It is an object and puppet of the World Financial System. They are not interested in freedom, so ordinary Uyghurs are severely repressed

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