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File: 1e543fe75786447⋯.jpg (62.93 KB,1200x504,50:21,0298370289100.jpg)


this is showing how brainwashed and pro-government SOME Americans have become. Even with Lindsay Graham coming out this morning that he has tested positive to COVID-19 even after being fully vaccinated, these idiots think that those who are not vaccinated should be 2021 gas chambered because they are harming everyone who is vaccinated.

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You're an anarchist your a retard anyway take the vaccine you Imbecile

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File: e97db84a7271b91⋯.jpg (109.95 KB,960x500,48:25,2398789171.jpg)


The pro-vax libtards aren't even sentient beings anymore. They are pod people. It has literally become Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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so your telling me that you only hate pro-vax liberals wow sounds like commies are pandering to freedom fighters now.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.



Liberals are just fascists in a rainbow paintjob.

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File: cdf4f7eed5e8e26⋯.jpg (114.22 KB,1024x568,128:71,just_vaccine_sideeffects.jpg)


Maybe because it's a bad fucking idea to make untested drugs globally enforced? Look up the CDC website and find the VAERS data base. Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System. It’s climbing over 6300 deaths as a result of the covid19 experimental vaccine. And it’s estimated that it only captures between 1 and 10% of adverse effects and deaths. So you could conservatively multiply that number by 10. To contrast with other approved vaccines…. that’s more deaths and adverse effects than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. The FDA and CDC themselves noted numerous extreme and fatal symptoms from the vaccine but were pressured by the government and corporations to accept the drugs.

These vaccines are not made to nor do they prevent transmission, as was repeatedly said by the manufacturers, the CDC, NHS and Dr. Fauci. They only reduce it somewhat but not enough (up to 30%), depending on circumstances. Not so much with new variants. UK and IL reports from last week have the same conclusions.

According last week's AAP report (p.20), over 18 months a total of 335 children deaths with Covid out of 4 million official cases (however the 4 million may actually be exaggerated givene that hospitals have economic incentive - insurance money - to label anyone dead as a covid victim rather than a less profitable cause of death).

Even taking the 4 million at face value, that's 1/2 the 600+ annual child deaths from influenza

Not permitting someone to work in your home country is coercion (that's kind of a big deal when pondering the most basic medical ethics) While risks are officially "low", it is already known they're far from zero, and long term effects are unknown. You are talking forcing someone take a new kind of drug for which there is absolutely no long term safety data, in animals or humans. All produced by companies with long histories of unethical medical practices, and who are protected on a federal (and now global) level from any and all attempts to sue them in court for injury and death caused by their products. I won't even go into how the US government repeatedly spread Syphilis and radiation poisoning to people by claiming mandatory vaccines - (Tuskegee anyone?).

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