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Mass migration has driven Britain’s foreign-born population to nine million and the ethnic minority population to 13 million in just 20 years, according to new figures from Migration Watch UK.

The massive shift in demographics has come about as a result of the fact that “foreign migration has been running at about 300,000 per year for the past 20 years” — Britain’s Armed Forces are comprised of around 159,000 personnel, trained and untrained, for comparison’s sake — coupled with generally higher birth rates among the migrant and migrant-descended population, with the report noting that “34 per cent of births in England and Wales in 2019 involved at least one parent who was not born” there.

The report notes that “the non-UK born population [has] double[d] to nine million” over the last 20 years, while “the ethnic minority population, whether or not born in the UK, has more than doubled to thirteen million, increasing their share of the population from 10 per cent to just over 20 per cent” — this figure includes “those who identify as ‘Other European’ (mainly from the EU)” as well as so-called “visible minority ethnic” or VME individuals.

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Its a dumb topic like seriously its a retarded topic there is just no need to talk about something we cant change comrade….

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