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/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

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So many rationalists transition, this has to be the explanation.

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Why would an agp transition? No dysphoria no need, transitioning is for hsts. An agp transitioning is like cutting off your legs to satisfy your auto-amputee fetish.

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AGPs are dysphoric, and develop some of the most intense body dysphoria. Trust me, I'm a dysphoric AGP.

My model of how this happens is that it is comparable to permanently single people ("""incels"""; sometimes I call it the incel model).

Basically, allosexual people, as we all know, seek to be in relationships with other people, and will get distressed if they can't do this. Me might think of the "being in relationships" as actualizing your sexuality, and then generalize by saying that people get distressed when they can't actualize their sexuality. The equivalent actualization for autosexuals would be "being the opposite sex", and from this perspective it's not so weird that autogynephilies start being dysphoric.

(I have no idea if the incel model is correct, because I've never been an incel, so I can't compare. Also, since AGP competes with allosexual attraction, AGPs are probably not going to be great at comparing them, as they might not be sufficiently distressed about their inceldom.)

Also, there are people who cut off their own legs to satisfy their auto-amputee "fetish"; it's called BIID.

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Also, rationalist transitioners are *obviously* AGP. Heck, Ozy even publically talked about being autoandrophilic.

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>Also, there are people who cut off their own legs to satisfy their auto-amputee "fetish"; it's called BIID.

That's not rational, it's insane. Autosexual is dysfunctional. Trust me, I'm an AGP too.

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You're not thinking about this logically, though:

If AGP isn't rational, then why are so many rationalists AGP?

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It's not rational simply by association. Maybe some of the alleles that contribute to higher IQ also make erotic target location errors more likely.

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So smarter people are more AGP. This just proves the point about AGP being logical.

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Does it, dogg?

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I'm so fucking happy about not being a transfaggot

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>If AGP isn't rational, then why are so many rationalists AGP?

See the second half of >>5032

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god I miss Alone

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