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/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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What would you do anon?

I think I'd finally learn to play piano, or draw.

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File: b70452591ff2d23⋯.png (66.42 KB,540x857,540:857,tuoc1.png)

File: 79aa4e40795c66f⋯.png (19.65 KB,540x522,30:29,tuoc2.png)

Screenshots, to save a click

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If EAs took over Earth, my priority would be to establish a self-governing off-world colony. She is right that working full-time turns people into a shadow of themselves, to a lesser or greater extent. Wage slavery is for slaves and more you more like one.

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Wage slavery isn't slavery, it's serfdom.

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*looks at the second image*

I must thank my racist and egoist impulses I guess I never gave a shit about EA.

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Do you work a full-time job? If so, then you're pretty much in the same boat as them.

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Yes but my life is a lot worse and my job is a lot shittier. It seems altruistic people in general have it on easy mode.

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I don't know if my life would be very different. I already don't work a full-time job, play lots of autistic games and practice sports. Maybe I would work on enjoying socialization more, since more interesting people would be available for it.

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