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File: 772e9730a021501⋯.png (46.07 KB,1079x674,1079:674,1541136305708.png)


China is obviously defect/defect, but is Japan cooperate/cooperate or cooperate/defect?

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Not everything is a prisoner's dilemma, sometimes another game-theoretic model is more suitable

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Sure, but when it comes to prosocial behavior, altruism and self-sacrifice I think the iterated prisoner's dilemma is a good model.

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File: 3178ab9560510ba⋯.png (33.63 KB,582x775,582:775,moral.png)

the Moral Machine thing seems kinda silly as a research project, but I do like the little sliders it presents you with after your take the survey. I feel these would work great as a personality classification system, similar to the MBTI or the Harry Potter Houses.

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Gender/species preference could be something from a furry porn site.

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The passengers are the ones that deserve death. They're the ones that opted to get into the car.

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>0 is the global average

Shit chart. Is the global average leaning towards saving the passengers or saving the pedestrians? If they wanted to lay out the chart like that, it would make much more sense for 0 to represent no preference in either direction.

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Agreed, but I imagine for the Chinese it's more like "MY car is supposed to protect ME, fuck the unwashed peasants who couldn't even afford one".

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