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 No.86131 [Last50 Posts]

Is the demon named God still in prison?

I sent it there a decade ago. It kept trying to murder me and rape me. And kept abusing me and assaulting me.

I had the clearance to give it the legal "birth" name of Dumber Than Stupid. It was legitimately the demon named God suddenly appearing, from thin air, with a human body.

Ron saw it come into being, and how.

Uh, I think it might still be in prison.

Went away for life, it did, thinking, it thought, it had the power to get out of being imprisoned for life, because it thought it was The One True God.

But, I'm The One True God, so it might still be alive and in prison, as a result.

It looks like the attached images, only…

It looks unintelligent, is unintelligent, and it looks like it's no fun to be around… And like someone who just sits and looks for sex and rape. It looks plain. While I look like Fun Ron. Like a Ron, The Ron, who knows how to party. That's what the individual in these photos looks like, unlike Dumber. But, Dumber's appearance was based off of mine, mine in these photos, but only its physical appearance. Its soul makes it look very different from Fun Ron.

Dumber looks immature and normal, and like a psychopath. While I look like a sociopath with a brain, wisdom, and… Quirky.

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I made Dumber's emergency contact Satan. Just the proper noun, no additional info. No number or address. Just wrote "Satan" there, for it.

Is Dumber at the/a Roswell prison?


Dumber tends to look scared, and like he has no idea what he's doing.

I'm the really cool Ron.

Dumber is Short Abortion Ron.

You guys have to know something about the whereabouts of Dumber Than Stupid, and what became of him.

If not, look for him. He's the demon named God with a human body. His legal name is Dumber Than Stupid, unless they let him change it.

I also wrote that he tends to go by the nickname God, and doesn't like to answer to anything else, on his papers.

Even sending that bitch of a demon to prison didn't get rid of it.

It kept, and keeps, coming back to rape me, murder me, abuse me, and assault me.

To this very day.

I just want Dumber to fuck off.

It also has a one-sided crush on me, and a one-sided obsession with me.

Who knew that was the story of God and Satan.

And, I'm Satan, by the way…

And Billie:


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Dumber Than Stupid has probably been going after you all.

It's a rather large demon, and it has at least one animal body of its own.

Who knows how many bodies it actually has of its own, and what types of bodies they are.

And, it's capable of mass mind control, and mass influence, general influence.

You one of God's enemies?

Because it and I are mutual enemies.

So it never stops coming after me.

24/7 it comes after me with everything and anything around me, and anything and everything that can go after me, does.

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That animal body is human.

It appears male-sexed, but it could actually be female-sexed.

That body was about five feet and two to six inches tall, last I saw it.

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Dumber Than Stupid needs to lose all jobs and all positions, if it has any.

It is to have no job(s) or position(s), ever, for the rest of its existence.

It cannot be trusted with anything.

It cannot even be a volunteer, for anything.

It is to oversee nothing, not a thing.

It has to remain in prison, never to leave, for life.

No privileges for it, ever.

More music:


Dumber Than Stupid might be a member of the CIA and might have other jobs, and positions, and it might be responsible for the coronavirus, and other things.

It is responsible for the coronavirus, and so are many others.

And it's responsible for many other crimes.

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I've spoken with Gordon Leech, the man who is going to suggest you be sent to a psychiatric hospital on Sept 13th

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I'm sending screenshots of this thread to Mr. Leech

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File: 0d131b5beae6676⋯.png (780.87 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230617_183115….png)




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yep.... I've already explained to Mr. Leech how I first learned who you were



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Back to what the thread is really about.

The demon named God sure has a hold on the unaware, and it just makes them do its bidding.

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Cain really likes to break laws and commit crimes.

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Abuse is always illegal.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My song and track, me professionally impersonating Imagine Dragons:


Everything made, and done, by me.

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The CIA knows about the demon named God.

It's semi-confidential.

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As The One True God, I already know the future.

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The demon named God is a Fallen, has Fallen.

Bad Fall.

To Hell, and Oblivion, forever, no Heaven, ever.

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I miss Fast-Acting-Mold Saget.


That was a funny alternate reality.

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Saget should try to find Dumber, for fun.

So should Torso.

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Erika, too, should seek out Dumber.

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So should Jeffrey Dahmer.

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The demon named God and its human body.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More of my music. Me professionally impersonating Barns Courtney:


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Send Christopher Poole and Stephen King after it, too.

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Dean, Lucifer, Satan, Death, Jack, Castiel, Azrael, and possibly others, from Supernatural, the show, were all based off of me. They're all Satan (The One True God).

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And Bob, too. Also based off of me, off of Satan.

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It's about defeating the demon named God, who is also Adam, and Cain, and Belial. And... Others.

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Michael from the series is actual Michael of Nine Inch Nails.

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*is actually

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Saget is Sam.

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A chester is a child molester.

Saget wanted to win as a chester.

But, I won, Everything, because I'm no chester, or any form of criminal.

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I've worked with Marilyn Manson on his songs and tracks in the past:


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Many of us have been after the demon named God, for a while, because of its crimes against us, and its crimes against others.

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It's a serial rapist of all ages, sexes, genders, species, and organisms.

The demon named God is; it rapes everything.


It's the worst serial rapist of all time.

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That's why I gave it the legal name of Dumber Than Stupid.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another of my songs and voices:


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Dumber Than Stupid, and many others, still owe me money in lost wages, damages, for stolen property, and for other things.

I'm owed a lot of money, for it all, and especially the lost wages.

Because I'm Billie Eilish, and many other big musicians, and bands.

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For lost wages, I mean.

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The damages to me, and to some of my other things, was great.

So, a lot of money is still owed to me for that, too.

For all of it.

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Were great, I mean.

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nobody wants to fuck you, jealous woman

but I'm going to fuck you over SO BAD for doxxing people

In fact, I'm having you put into a psychiatric unit on September 13th

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I keep insulting God by calling it a girl, because of all it's done, and because it acts like a girl.

It should have learned to be a man.

Like me.

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NPD certainly is the most obsessive.

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he's already received the original screenshots of you doxxing both amandas AFTER YOU WERE GIVEN A RESTRAINING ORDER

I'm going to get you out of mommy's basement

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Meanwhile, I'm perfectly cognizant and lucid.

And so very sick of stalkers, and abusers.

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SO stupid......

that you ALLOWED me to do this to you


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Serial rapist needs to go.


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It still hasn't been prosecuted for all the rapes it raped.

Many victims, it has.

It can go to prison for life.

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It's also sexually abused, perhaps raped, at least one child, or more than one.

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And it keeps gaslighting me and generally psychologically, verbally and otherwise, abusing me, severely. And it keeps sexually abusing me, too.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It also sexually abused and sexually assaulted Ryan's son William when William was still a minor:


And it's abused and assaulted Ryan, too.

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Many went after Ryan and William.

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It cognitively and physically disabled Ryan, me, our mother, possibly William, and many others.

It belongs in prison for life.

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I've gotten so many Grammys and other awards and accolades and honors.


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Medals, too.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

William is the professional actor and professional model who portrays me, publicly, for my Billie Eilish stuff, while I'm the real Billie Eilish:


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Saget is free to send a certain stalker of ours to prison, for life.

It tried to murder us both, and many others, many times. Multiple Counts, for many things.

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Satan prefers Saget.

But, not to Satan's self.

And, Satan is The One True God.

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That which is useless to Satan goes to prison.

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It illegally impersonates Saget, and many people Saget knows, online. And many others, too.

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Man, I'm really successful, and unbearably attractive, and intelligent, excruciatingly intelligent.

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It's been stalking me online and offline, 24/7, and it's been physically stalking me, too.

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I'm Billie Eilish, and both characters, too:


All songs and tracks were made entirely by me, and by me all alone.

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Saget can go after Hayden, too.

He's still alive, and he abused and assaulted us both.

And, many, many others for Saget to send to prison for life.

Multiple Counts of Attempted Murder, they've committed, and other crimes.

All of them.

And, there are many of them.

They've all committed many crimes, many counts of many types.

Many have done so.

And, they all might owe Saget money.

As well as owing me money.

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They're all also serial rapists, serial abusers, and many counts of many forms of assault, they've all committed.

Down with them all.

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Ron, too, and Ron's a serial killer; he's an accomplice of Dahmer's, and of others.

He can easily go to prison for life.

He's gone after Saget, myself, and many others.

And all of Ron's siblings and both of his parents, they can all go to prison for life. His mother and father are both still alive.

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Ron's parents, to prison for life, too.

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I'm still a member of the CCG, and I made it to the very, absolute, top.

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People like to complain and stalk me and abuse me and harass me and try to murder me over me just doing my job.

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Warning the public about threats and helping to reduce risks, and threats, and damage(s), is part of my job.

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Crimes against CCG extra bad, extra punishment(s), doubled or more, punishment is, penalties are. Lol.

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Did I manage to employ all of Saget's kids?

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Oops, it's actually spelled Sagat.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My song and track, another of my voices, everything by me:


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I've got a present for you

in the new thread

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another of my songs, tracks, voices, everything by me:


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hayden is Rosa Linn, this artist:


Lyrics are mine.

He never paid me for it/them.

He dresses up as a female.

Uh, and he's stalked me recently.

Approached me, close proximity, and I dodged.

Many have been doing this.

Because I made it big as Billie Eilish, and as others, too.

He was apparently male, dressed as male, when he approached me.

A few months back, Winter.

He's tried to murder me, more than once, and abused and assaulted me in a number of ways, a number of times.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's something they don't appear to understand.

I'm attractive, never interested.

They all tried to murder me, and they all abused me severely, assaulted me generally, and tortured me. Uh. And, held me hostage.

They should learn to do the math there:


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They all just sat and abused me sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially, extensively, severely, often, all of the time, incessantly. And they all kept trying to murder me.

That, right there, is the extent of my interactions with them; me being victimized, by them.

So, why would they think Billie Eilish wants to be their friend or...? Associate with them, somehow? No.

They all intentionally cognitively and physically disabled me, and more than on one occasion, for some of them...



Are not intelligent.

At all.

Not at all.

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They are all, also, too pathologically retarded to begin to guess as to who I am, as to... The truth.

They need to be told, because...

Pathological retardation.

They've never known me.

Or, how unlike we are.

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I just used them all to have contacts.


I'm a sociopath.

Contacts for needs and wants.

To prosper.


I'm a user.


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Antisocial Personality Disorder, yo.

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I could not value, love or like, that which has only ever abused me, since the very beginning, and all along...

But, I could act as if I did, and I could, and did, imitate respect.

I always do the right thing(s).


I also have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, and prefer to sincerely do the right thing, always.

So, they can all go to prison for life.

That's what's right.

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Sociopath's voice.


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Had you?



Had you.


You've been had.

It can be written a few ways.

I act, often, as Billie Eilish.

What I'm actually saying in my Billie Eilish songs is often different from how I've intentionally made it appear.

I'm crueler than I appear, and intentionally so.

There's far more than meets the eye going on in my Billie Eilish songs, and my songs as many others, too.

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This song is actually beautiful.


I did well.


High art.

And it is authentically Satan threatening those who were trying to murder Satan.

Telling you, how much of a threat I actually am.

A perfectly legal one, lawful one, ethical one.

The fucking worst kind of threat.


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It also sounds perfect on the radio.

As if Satan was announcing Satan's ascent to the position of The One True God.

Creepy, spooky, cool...





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I personally brought you all into a horror movie.


I'm Satan, The.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This song is also by me:


I've many voices, male and female, many for both.

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I'm totally Satan and Loki The Shapeshifter.


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This sounds like being threatened by Satan.


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I'm Franz/Klaus.


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Who the fuck is firing off a gun?

Sick of animals.

Firework(s) or gun?

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Ryan, too, owes me, a lot of money, for lost wages, damages, and stolen property.

Lots, because I'm Billie Eilish, and many other successful musicians and bands.

Kept me from my careers.

He, and many others, did.

They kept me from all the money I could have made.

Which is a very, exceptionally, large sum.

Of, missing earnings, due to...

A bunch of crimes perpetrated against me, victimizing me, for all my life, 24/7.

All that there money!

And Ryan refuses to adhere to the permanent restraining order I have had against him for over a decade. He's always been violating it, 24/7, from its very beginning.

And, Ryan is Q/Q.?

So, what crimes were perpetrated there, as that entity (pseudonym)?

Rhetorical question.

Ryan is to refrain from any and all efforts to come into contact with me.

He is to remain away from me, entirely, lest he violate the permanent restraining order some more.

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Said myself that I'm too expensive.


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I always beat Sagat easily, as Vega.

Washing machine.

I didn't belong in there, as a baby, or ever...

Ryan should have known better.

He kept drowning and "washing" the baby.

He just kept murdering me, for my entire life, and he's still trying to.

Multiple Counts of Attempted Murder perpetrated by Ryan with me as the victim.

All my life.

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I lied about Satan favoring Ryan.

I favor only myself.


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Also, Ryan is the "Anonymous" that kept abusing me in this thread, and in many others.

He just keeps violating the permanent restraining order I have against him, and he keeps breaking other laws, too. Many.

Ryan should reread his posts.

Satan is speaking to Ryan as Ryan and telling Ryan things.

All Ryan's posts are actually directed at Ryan, from Satan via Ryan.

He's stuck posting at himself.

And insulting himself.

Uh, what else?

Oh, yeah.

This has all happened before.

Enjoy repeating all your same mistakes.

Listen to Satan, and things improve for you.

Otherwise, Satan keeps screwing you over, and immensely.


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Ryan is obsessed with "pretty" "women", but is more obsessed with me... A beautiful man, who doesn't want Ryan, or any other female. None of them.

Ryan can only talk about himself.

He cannot really, intentionally, speak about anyone else.

He tries, but he can't.

It's his Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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And his Histrionic Personality Disorder is really acting up, too.

He really needs to be the center of attention.

He even abuses to that end.

But, he's also trying to murder me, because he doesn't understand he gets none of my assets.

He also sits and lies.

He and his mother financially abuse me, and generally abuse me, all forms and types of abuse, severe, 24/7.

They both, and others, many others, disabled me.

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And his Histrionic Personality Disorder is really acting up, too.

He really needs to be the center of attention.

He even abuses to that end.

But, he's also trying to murder me, because he doesn't understand he gets none of my assets.

He also sits and lies.

He and his mother financially abuse me, and generally abuse me, all forms and types of abuse, severe, 24/7.

They both, and others, many others, disabled me.

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He also wishes to rape me some more, and has threatened to do so.

He keeps hitting on me "anonymously" online, even though I keep telling him to fuck off, it's abuse, and remind him of the permanent restraining order.

I do not want anything to do with him.

I never seek him out.

I always tell him to fuck off. Right away, too.

He stalks me online and offline, 24/7, and he always has, for my entire life.

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He has HIV, the coronavirus, rabies, and other diseases and illnesses.

He needs to fuck off.


He never cares about anyone, at all.

Not himself or anyone else.

He is a simple psychopath, who can never think well or clearly.

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He gave HIV to Amon?


Think so.

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And to people while he was incarcerated?

He sits and spreads shit when he's incarcerated and when he's not.

He loves to sabotage others.

And himself.

He cares about no one.

Not a single anything or anyone.

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Depraved, and lowly.

Needs to move on with his fucking life.

Nothing to me.

All along.

Nothing to me.

Always abused me severely and tried to murder me, 24/7, for my entire life.

Ryan... Did and has, and still is... 24/7.

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William is such an attractive female, but he is male.

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William is a professional actor and professional model, and he's an A-list actor. Maybe A-list model, too.

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Think he has a male and female soul.

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William is lead vocals and guitar, and I'm guitar and drums. I recorded it, and we both composed it. Our band together:


I'm the flashy guitar. Electric. We both played electric guitar?

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I do additional vocals?

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We did well.

I tried to make sure we made a hit.

I do some backing vocals?

Or, for the entire song, I do backing vocals?

Imitating his voice well.

Song is 4-5/5, high quality.

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Yeah, guess Dumber Than Stupid is in prison for life, at Roswell.

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Someone broke his vagina.

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More Billie Eilish:


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I fucking love Fun Ron.

He Satanic Ritual Sacrifices.

He loves to party.

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Percival is Fun Ron.

He's the 4th Ron.



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Roswell prison.

Dumber Than Stupid is there.

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Sending you all to prison for life.

No privilege(s).

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