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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _qresearch_png.png)

271f33  No.8712707[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

*Remove once Qposts resume*

Special Note: Below posts are 404d out of order due to Qs posts in UK/EU breads being retained longer.

They are being retained for historical timeline.

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). (Cap: >>8645430)

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

Friday 03.27.2020

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

Thursday 03.26.2020

>>8573290 ————————————–——– [infiltration instead of invasion] (Cap: UK bread >>8573366 )

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

701 posts and 427 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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87266c  No.8713524

You're already nearly locked out of society when you opt out of a mobile phone, now imagine when you don't take the 'vaccine"

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d62245  No.8713525



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74ab1a  No.8713526

File: 6075d73012202a6⋯.png (368.81 KB, 503x579, 503:579, ClipboardImage.png)

when are these evil groups going down? I actually went to school with the person who posted this on facebook….google oxfam child trafficking.

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47e118  No.8713527


Agree. And ALICE is the tunnel digging machine.

I think, too, Building 666 5th Ave is an important tunnel node. Only a hunch, though. Going by the chan exchange one night by a poster who very well could have been JK. Poster say the location was critical, or someyhing along those lines.

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5e1dbc  No.8713529


I have nothing good to add, but really wanted to reply to this information. This is so intriguing, I don't even know where to begin.

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274ed5  No.8713530


Got a link?

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fb38cb  No.8713531

File: 1a2a5f889efecb8⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 600x368, 75:46, So_youll_go.jpg)

File: 329367b7def2bb5⋯.jpg (47.18 KB, 905x503, 905:503, tucker_trump_h1b_visa_outs….jpg)

File: 0eeffed0fada06f⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 403x403, 1:1, zach_disgracesnike.jpg)

File: 51ebc49c5224734⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 662x515, 662:515, inflation.jpg)

File: 2552f5030ffcace⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 400x280, 10:7, job_security_nosofunny.jpg)


I lost my great job to one of these fuckers. H1B IS NOT MAGA. Offshoring is NOT MAGA.

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f753ca  No.8713532

In the alternate timeline where their faux candidate won (either Jeb or Bitch), would the media be making a big deal about deaths? I think NO.

In the alternate timeline where their faux candidate won (either Jeb or Bitch), would the media be making a big deal about deaths? I think NO.

We would all be focusing on something else ( war with Russia over Ukraine or with North Korea ) and the WHO and Demonrats would keep us complacent while diseased masses crossed the borders of Europe and USA and Oz.

The plague would be worse possibly too— one of those samples the Harvard doc was caught trying to smuggle rather than the unfinished relatively harmless version going around.

If HCQ cured it, the media would NEVER mention it. Some doc on Infowars would tell us about plot and also advise us to burn down 5G towers and then anyone else who mentioned it would be silenced or arrested for spreading “fake news.” To

We would all be focusing on something else ( war with Russia over Ukraine or with North Korea ) and the WHO and Demonrats would keep us complacent while diseased masses crossed the borders of Europe and USA and Oz.

The plague would be worse possibly too— one of those samples the Harvard doc was caught trying to smuggle rather than the unfinished relatively harmless version going around.

If HCQ cured it, the media would NEVER mention it. Some doc on Infowars would tell us about plot and also advise us to burn down 5G towers and then anyone else who mentioned it would be silenced or arrested for spreading “fake news.”

By the time the virus was unstoppable, the media would bleat about it at last, and the NWO would be pushed through to “save” us.

Thank God we are in this timeline and not theirs.

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1d7d20  No.8713533

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


4) Mr. President, isn't it true that the Invisible Enemy

America and the world are fighting isn't actually a germ?

Doesn't Invisible Enemy refer to the insidious system of

obscene generational wealth, closely held among a few ruling families?

Have they secretly controlled almost every aspect of our lives?

Should we be calling our struggle to regain our freedom

the 2nd American Revolution?

What do you say to that, Mr. President?


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?


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807c2d  No.8713534

File: 5eba3fd62e9dcb4⋯.png (470.08 KB, 760x476, 190:119, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Prayer has been the great source of strength to me’: Cardinal Pell looks forward to Easter

Washington D.C., Apr 7, 2020 / 08:54 am (CNA).- After more than 14 months in prison, Cardinal George Pell said he was always hopeful about the High Court decision which acquitted him of all charges and released him from incarceration on April 7.

Shortly after his release from prison, the cardinal told CNA that, while he had kept faith he would be eventually exonerated, he tried not to be “too optimistic.”

On Tuesday morning, the High Court issued its decision, granting Cardinal Pell’s request for special leave to appeal, quashing his convictions for sexual abuse, and ordering that he be acquitted of all charges.

As the decision was announced by the court, several hundred miles away the cardinal watched from his cell in HM Prison Barwon, southwest of Melbourne.

“I was watching the television news in my cell when the news came through,” Pell told CNA, in an exclusive interview shortly after his release on Tuesday.

“First, I heard that leave was granted and then that the convictions were quashed. I thought, ‘Well that’s great. I’m delighted.’”

“Of course, there was no one to talk to about it until my legal team arrived,” Pell said.

“However, I did hear a great cheer from somewhere within the jail and then the three other inmates near me made it clear they were delighted for me.”

After his release, Pell said he spent the afternoon at a quiet location in Melbourne, and enjoyed a steak for his first “free” meal in more than 400 days.

“What I am really looking forward to is celebrating a private Mass,” Pell told CNA before he had the opportunity to do so. “It has been a very long time, so that is a great blessing.”

The cardinal told CNA that he had lived his time in prison as a “long retreat,” and a time for reflection, writing, and, above all, prayer.

"Prayer has been the great source of strength to me throughout these times, including the prayers of others, and I am incredibly grateful to all those people who have prayed for me and helped me during this really challenging time.”

The cardinal said the number of letters and cards he had received from people both in Australia and from overseas was “quite overwhelming.”

“I really do want to thank them most sincerely.”

In a public statement at the time of his release, Pell offered his solidarity with victims of sexual abuse.

“I hold no ill will to my accuser,” Pell said in that statement. “I do not want my acquittal to add to the hurt and bitterness so many feel; there is certainly hurt and bitterness enough.”

“The only basis for long term healing is truth and the only basis for justice is truth, because justice means truth for all.”

The cardinal told CNA on Tuesday that as he readjusts to his life as a free man and prepares for Holy Week, he is focused on what lies ahead, especially Easter, and not behind.

“At this stage I don’t want to comment further on the last few years, only to say I have always said I am innocent of any such crimes,” he said.

“Holy Week is obviously the most important time in our Church, so I am especially pleased this decision came when it did. The Easter Triduum, so central to our faith, will be even more special for me this year.”


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4977cf  No.8713535


I called out his snuff post and then …

But that's not mentioned in the paperwork


slow like chinese water torture

"Watch the [drip drip drip] Water"

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567fed  No.8713538

File: 559475b5d3d1346⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 532x400, 133:100, 1533525508.jpg)

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a51a25  No.8713539


HR 748 had the Bill Title amended. The original bill was

Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019

"To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage."

List of bill titles as they changed by amendment. in the Senate

COVID-19 Pandemic Education Relief Act of 2020

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020

Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Health Response and Agency Operations

Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act

Sometimes Congress will totally change a bill content by amendment and often change the bill title.

Exampleof bills completely changed from what was introduced

HR 1865 "National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act"


was replaced with an appropriations bill that was over 10 weeks past the fiscal year

"Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020"




after amendments to replace ALL text the amendment to change the bill title, became

H.R. 3590 Obamacare


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a64ded  No.8713540

File: e9ad3c504188bff⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 501x700, 501:700, zombies_world_health_organ….jpg)



Putting all eyes on them.

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73121c  No.8713541

File: 59cb3143b276868⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 640x433, 640:433, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


reflections stretch more the lower angle you photograph at, and the farther they are away from the 'center'

Even the flag stripes line up

>type right corner of overlay is missing

for fuck sake do it yourself and do it right the first time then I wouldn't have to do your work for you. some photoshop fag, just because you can map text to path?? there's no hidden text, and the reflection isn't manufactured. Its exactly what it should be with a low camera angle. Including stretching toward the top

Have some pic related reflection distortion you absolute mong. 4 days in a row your bullshit, you could only be clown

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87266c  No.8713542

File: ca00b3c5982c088⋯.png (578.34 KB, 1112x672, 139:84, amazon.png)

Okay Amazon

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d37486  No.8713544


Who is the she he is talking about? Did he mean AG Lynch?

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23a6af  No.8713545


This is a discussion that has been had here in the last 2 weeks. After Q got his first tripcode, he posted a revised, "official" graphic compilation of his actual posts on 4/pol/ (pre-tripcode). That is how we know which early posts were actually Q, and all archives are based on that. You can see the post and the graphic Q posted for yourself.

While scrapers don't include posts Q made without tripcode (mistake or mistaken tripcode pass), they are logged on the spreadsheet *IF* Q makes a subsequent or duplicate post in that thread with the same ID and the tripcode.

So there really are no apocryphs, as all is accounted for in multiple locations.

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44fc4c  No.8713546

File: 443bce1ae84baac⋯.png (7.74 KB, 686x226, 343:113, ClipboardImage.png)

7s everywhere. thanks China

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154ce3  No.8713547


Where's the "Go fuck yourself with this nonsense bullshit" option?

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1b1264  No.8713548



BluntDirect+TRUMP Time !

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73121c  No.8713549



no, the delusion is thinking that Q is going to do your responsibility FOR you

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bfe009  No.8713550



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de447f  No.8713551

File: c1d0a8fbbdb99e1⋯.png (73.7 KB, 1761x247, 1761:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out DJT's '17,000' tweet history

17,000 deaths = criminals arrested

1.7 MILLION CoVid tests = pounds of narcotics seized

6000 ventilators = MS13 arrested = military at the border

Did he just confirm the connection between CoVid and arrests?

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b93a50  No.8713552

File: 923c6c34ac06d7e⋯.png (329.18 KB, 714x602, 51:43, Baker_Fresh_Bread_2.png)






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5e1dbc  No.8713553

File: f7e0914014d96d8⋯.jpeg (54.08 KB, 490x550, 49:55, bug_twatter.jpeg)


make'uh fukey fukey

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c76a3a  No.8713556


Hahahaha cabal shill is butthurt

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9c11a6  No.8713557


Anons , please check CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE , RE Dr, Fauci > ABC reporter wink+nod comms attempt.

something screwy around here

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1b9859  No.8713558

File: 331002c344ca314⋯.png (344.24 KB, 534x575, 534:575, highestranking_anon.png)

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567fed  No.8713559

File: 8938bb5a537cf0f⋯.png (441.37 KB, 746x520, 373:260, 1559854068_1.png)

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1f22d3  No.8713560



I find the possibility of Hope Hicks being the new press sec interesting. Possible she left to be debriefed. Returns when POTUS and military take on a new phase of the operation?

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23a6af  No.8713562


I think you mistagged my post, anon. Nothing to do with your reply.


No archivist is going to log spoopy pseudo-Q posts as Q posts. I'm not sure how to make it anymore simple for you.

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000000  No.8713563

If I were going to attack the rich and famous, I'd target their water. Probably that really expensive water only rich people drink. Maybe I'd pollute the acquifer occasionally so that when it's pumped up and bottled certain people would get sick all over the world??

"Those you trust the most"

"Watch the water"


Vatukoula - Native tellurium crystal on sylvanite from the Emperor Mine, Vatukoula, Tavua Gold Field. Vatukoula (meaning "gold rock" in Fijian) is a gold mining settlement in Fiji, 9 km inland from the Town of Tavua on Viti Levu, the main Fiji island (home to the national capital Suva and its international airport Nadi). The Emperor Mines Limited (EML) shut down on 5 December 2006 due to low price of gold and the high level of capital required to sustain the mining operation. It sold its operations to Westech International, a private company based in Australia which, in turn, sold the mine to River Diamonds Plc (later renamed Vatukoula Gold Mines Plc), a Chinese company.


Fiji Water bottles water from Fiji and ships it overseas. The water is sourced from Yaqara, on the north shore of Viti Levu, the largest island of Fiji.

In November 2010, Fiji deported Fiji Water director of external affairs, David Roth, for "interfering in Fiji's domestic affairs,"[16] leading to the resignation of interim defence and immigration minister, Ratu Epeli Ganilau.[17] Shortly afterwards, an increase in the tax from one-third of a Fiji cent per litre to 15 cents per litre for producers over 15 million litres per month which at that point in time applied only to Fiji Water, led the company to shut down its Fiji Island offices on November 29, 2010. The purpose of the raise was to increase Fiji Water's tax contribution to the Fiji Government on the F$150 million (AUD 82 million) they exported each year from F$500,000 to F$22.6 million.[18] The next step for the brand was thought to be a move to New Zealand.[19][20][21] However, after threats from the government to give the well to another company,[22] Fiji Water announced its intent to resume operations and accept the new tax levy.[23]

In December 2010, Fiji Water's Fiji plant had 400 employees.[24] Fiji Water has also established a foundation to provide water filters to rural Fiji communities, many of which lack access to clean water.[25][26]

In 2006, Fiji Water ran an advertisement stating, "The label says Fiji because it's not bottled in Cleveland". This was taken as an insult by the Ohio city's water department.[27] The Cleveland Water Department ran tests comparing a bottle of Fiji Water to Cleveland tap water and some other national bottled brands. Fiji Water reportedly contained 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per litre, whereas the tap water of Cleveland contained none.[27] In a 2015 test of Fiji Water bottled in November 2014, performed and reported by the company, the reported arsenic level was 1.2 micrograms per litre, below the FDA limit of 10 micrograms per litre.[28]

Owned by

The Wonderful Company

The Wonderful Company LLC, formerly known as Roll Global, is a private corporation based in Los Angeles, California. With revenues of over $4 billion,[1] it functions as a holding company for Stewart and Lynda Resnick and as such is a vehicle for their personal investments in a number of businesses. The company currently counts as business divisions the following brands: juice company POM Wonderful, bottled water company FIJI Water, Wonderful Pistachios and Wonderful Almonds, Wonderful Halos, JUSTIN Vineyards and Winery, Landmark Vineyards and Winery, JNSQ Wines, pest control company Suterra, flower delivery service Teleflora, sea freight company Neptune Pacific Line and in-house marketing agency Wonderful Agency.

The same company that uses 1.1 gal of precious water, from drought ridden CA, to grow a single Almond for export to Asia, imports bottled water from Fiji to sell to idiots.

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a51a25  No.8713564


Congress has a habit of completely changing bills. They will take a bill that makes it thru the House and then have the Senate make major or even complete text change to a bill. This way they can introduce something in the seante that would not have passed on its own merits in the house. Then the House just votes to approve the amendments.

2 bills where the text was completely changged by amendment and the the bill title was changed by amendment.

HR 1865 "National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act"


was replaced with an appropriations bill that was over 10 weeks past the fiscal year

"Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020"




after amendments to replace ALL text the amendment to change the bill title, became

H.R. 3590 Obamacare


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ca3837  No.8713566

File: 470dabf30d18e2c⋯.jpg (487.49 KB, 1080x1696, 135:212, 20200407_104408.jpg)

Kayleigh McEnany will replace Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary


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944400  No.8713568


So what did the idiot do to get himself arrested, no crime indicated

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a18bbf  No.8713569

File: 70228e4b0d8e36f⋯.png (92.21 KB, 317x386, 317:386, HI_AUSTFAG.png)


>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested (need verification)



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675038  No.8713571

>>8713164 This translucent niggah just found another opaque one he can trust.

TY, anon.

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536e83  No.8713572


Attorney for Defendant…

Benjamin Good?

B Good Kek

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e15648  No.8713575

File: fcd2b5bafdec76c⋯.png (668.17 KB, 743x645, 743:645, Quarantined_Copy.png)

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1b1264  No.8713576

File: b59a61821d49e74⋯.png (62.78 KB, 800x800, 1:1, SGT_KEK_OBSERVE_onDUTY.png)




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4ca706  No.8713577

File: 6ccdb0372e02a21⋯.png (1.28 MB, 884x761, 884:761, TREE.PNG)


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bcea9e  No.8713578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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215c2e  No.8713579

File: 7cd28e59567d425⋯.png (419.64 KB, 610x342, 305:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Cardinal Pell pedo was found guilty, did a small time in jail, and set free once judges reckoned they should have thought it might not have happened….


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5e1dbc  No.8713580


>why don´t you do what you dream ?

Bad people watching.


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c7fc92  No.8713582

File: 3642f172e4b344f⋯.jpg (146.14 KB, 901x450, 901:450, WHOpanic.jpg)

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a18bbf  No.8713583



Not only that but anons tried to help that retard by telling him so while he was breaking federal law… The entire time

He deserves everything he gets.

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8693b3  No.8713586

File: c54c8d32840f5d4⋯.jpg (177.91 KB, 1000x1002, 500:501, Never_Ending_Story.jpg)

Luck Draggin'$ N' Shit…

The Ride Ne'er Enns…..

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8f99b3  No.8713588


fuck California

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154ce3  No.8713593


Lel. I guess checking IDs is too hard.

Go yell at the sky, I'm just making an observation because glass-top table is STILL FLAT.


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