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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

61726d  No.8240988[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 02.24.2020

>>8239046 ————————————–——– What Country was the true intended target? (PDF: >>8239080)

>>8238822 ————————————–——– Think: re: why [no] arrests (justice) yet? (Cap & Vid: >>8238831, >>8238853)

Thursday 02.20.2020

>>8200814 rt >>8200718 ————————— You have come far, Anons (Patriots). You are ready. Prepare for the storm (Vid: >>8200841, >>8201027)

>>8200590 rt >>8200492 ————————— Primary purpose of referencing 'Twitter' accounts? TOGETHER you are invincible

>>8200462 ————————————–——– The puzzle is coming together. (Cap: >>8200480, >>8200552)

>>8194912 ————————————–——– What happens when billion dollar media co's attack & miss? All for a 'conspiracy'? (Cap: >>8194927)

>>8194744 rt >>8194659 ————————— [PS], what 'visibly' happens [re: [hidden] rats] during a fire?

>>8192087 ————————————–——– [Epstein] [Wexner] The story goes much deeper [darker] (Cap: >>8192206)

>>8191403 ————————————–——– Justice (Cap: >>8191490)

Tuesday 02.18.2020

>>8179800 ————————————–——– Qanon - Ask The Q video (vid: >>8179815)

Monday 02.17.2020

>>8168745 ————————————–——– To be blunt….GAME OVER.

>>8168706 ————————————–——– Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against POTUS and nothing will happen? (Cap: >>8168736)

>>8166492 ————————————–——– Q #3176

>>8166443 ————————————–——– [ILLUSION OF DEMOCRACY] (Caps: >>8166480, >>8166510)

>>8163987 ————————————–——– Clinton Lynch Tarmac: It's going to be a very hot [spring/summer]. (Caps: >>8164006, >>8164036, >>8164110)

Friday 02.14.2020

>>8141119 ————————————–——– Tweet from CJTruth (Cap: >>8141145, >>8141182, >>8141241)

>>8141007 ————————————–——– Tweet from Axiom Report (Cap: >>8141073)

>>8136552 ————————————–——– Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? (Cap: >>8138353)

>>8136003 ————————————–——– Only Horowitz's 2018 McCabe referral charges dropped, not Durham (Cap: >>8136282 )

>>8135724 ————————————–——– Q image glitch (Cap: >>8135840)

>>8134255 ————————————–——– Watch what happens next! (Cap: >>8134294)

>>8134066 ————————————–——– Sometimes a leak turns into a flood. (Cap: >>8134093)

Thursday 02.13.2020


Wednesday 02.12.2020


Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61726d  No.8241000

Global Announcements

>>8227327 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>8240307 , >>8240341 US Counterinsurgency Policy co-authership graph

>>8240350 , >>8240393, >>8240505, >>8240747 Counterinsurgency Guide digs

>>8240787 , >>8240932 Counterinsurgency Guide digs II

>>8240347 On "Backgrounds are important": Huber >> IG (Horowitz) >> Storch

>>8240744 Hussien, Blagojevich and Jarret's position negotiations

>>8240824 Obama team kept list of Muslims for top jobs, excluded non-Muslims

>>8240616 , >>8240638 The K-Club line in the Nate Cain interview

>>8240851 Q comms to Nate Cain that his whistleblower package was well received?

>>8240897 Insurgency Guide by USAID was part of the 16 year plan and funded by CF

>>8240769 , >>8240778, >>8240792 PapaD: Hunters Become The Hunted: A trap

>>8240632 , >>8240636, >>8240679, >>8240711, >>8240729 Caps from the Ceremonial Welcome

>>8240629 Rudy Giuliani: Episode 9 on Ukraine

>>8240606 , >>8240907 Planefag Watch

>>8240850 , >>8240872 Badass video of POTUS arriving at ceremony in India! 12min in for best part

>>8240573 POTUS live from India: Arriving now for Ceremonial welcome of President

>>8240565 Tesla Director-founder of Valor Equity Partners sold $68.86m: Feb 20

>>8240424 Fresh DJT

>>8240422 US Chamber of Commerce: Corporate Aid Tracker for Coronavirus

>>8240394 Informative interview with Philip Haney

>>8240367 Pentagon police arrest man acting suspiciously in parking lot

>>8240339 , >>8240375 WH tweet: POTUS & FLOTUS at the Taj Mahal

>>8240313 , >>8240329, >>8240353, >>8240843 Hussein's tweets seen in new light

>>8240309 , >>8240912 Reported shooting near Maryland Heights Community Centre

>>8240300 Turmoil In Malaysia after Prime Minister Mahathir's shock resignation

>>8240299 , >>8240418 The National Reconsaissance Office had larger budget than the CIA

>>8240284 All of the 'Cain' Qdrops and Bill Binney

>>8240585 , >>8240618, >>8240880, >>8240934 Kobe & Scott Daehlin digs II

>>8240283 , >>8240502, >>8240520, >>8240530 Kobe & Scott Daehlin digs

>>8240985 #10550


>>8239733 Q doc preface by Eliot A. Cohen, writer for The Atlantic

>>8239581 , >>8239615, >>8239838, >>8239903, >>8239913 Eliot Cohen: Reasons NOT to have a wall on border

>>8239966 Officials who signed the letter rejecting any need for wall on border

>>8240070 , >>8240077 Signing Ceremony for U.S. Government Counterinsurgency Guide

>>8239904 , >>8239983 On Q's doc

>>8239636 On "What Country was the true intended target?"

>>8239645 Video: 15 minutes on the Muslim Brotherhood in America

>>8240028 The Muslim Brotherhood: About the Betrayal Papers

>>8240099 Abedin Muslim Brotherhood ties and WH/State Dept Celebrate Ramadan 2012

>>8239747 2017: Rep. Gohmert statement on radical Islam infiltration of USA

>>8239559 Past POTUS tweet: Always capitalize 'Country'. Q's earlier post does the same

>>8240124 Weinstein said his favorite film is "The Godfather"

>>8240074 , >>8240189 A Trump appointment presages a purge at our intelligence agencies

>>8240005 Nate Cain and connections to Q Posts

>>8239965 DEFCON tweet "ping": Past Q Post [PING]

>>8239895 POTUS on the Coronavirus

>>8239743 Nate Cain on spiked FBI investigations into Clintons

>>8239740 Is the Intel Community planning to meddle in 2020 election?

>>8239716 One Super Tuesday State setting itself up for voter fraud?

>>8239709 , >>8239712, >>8240086, >>8240038, >>8240180 Planefag Reports

>>8239644 Pentagon roll out ethical guidelines on using AI on the battlefield

>>8239620 Trump starts implementing ban on welfare-dependent immigration to U.S.

>>8239598 Chinese tech in U.S. funnels data to Beijing's intelligence services

>>8239556 FBI’s ‘Case Agent 1’ responsible for most significant FISA abuses ID'd

>>8240230 #10549

Previously Collected Notables

>>8237091 #10545, >>8238358 #10546, >>8238701 #10547, >>8239464 #10548

>>8233912 #10541, >>8234704 #10542, >>8235514 #10543, >>8236258 #10544

>>8230886 #10537, >>8231624 #10538, >>8232419 #10539, >>8233182 #10540

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61726d  No.8241001

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8127322 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>8137179 - Romania Thread

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#96 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>8193567

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61726d  No.8241002

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

53 >>8128395, 52 >>7854142, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

current mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Feb mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61726d  No.8241009

File: 614f948aa5c569e⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 614f948aa5c569e81f2c8b257b….jpg)




Baker requests handoff.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d299b6  No.8241018

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

444cb7  No.8241022

Been thinking about non-standard decodes of evergreen…


Main shipping line is US → China

Founder born in China

Founder died Jan 2016 (may be nothing)

No more sauce yet but wishing that decode was making progress. Digging for more non-standard definitions…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

024403  No.8241037

File: ee08a637c0b6f72⋯.jpg (148.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fbi.jpg)

A friendly reminder to periodically wipe your harddrive.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ba668e  No.8241043

File: 8e3f0dbd8f5c4cb⋯.png (836.02 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, _02-22-06.41.57.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ce89db  No.8241048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

beck says philip haney always wore a thumbdrive around his neck

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e5f3d  No.8241050

Resignations in the news 2/22/2020 to 2/24/2020 - part 1

Clarke Circuit Court Clerk Helen Butts retiring after 57 years at courthousehttps://www.winchesterstar.com/winchester_star/clarke-circuit-court-clerk-helen-butts-retiring-after-years-at/article_a08050ba-e06f-5c3c-afb5-4dcf1e0991eb.html

Grown Rogue's Chief Strategy Officer Resigns


Audubon Schools CEO is stepping down at end of the school year


Expert advisers to Newfoundland and Labrador government resign in protest


Dzulkefly Ahmad Resigns As Health Minister On Twitter After Making Covid-19 Update


Nova Scotia Liberal resigns from caucus over impaired driving charge


Minerva schools superintendent retiring in November


Magistrate Fired After Denying Protection Order to Woman


Miami beach economic development director resigns


Dotson resigning from 30th Judicial Circuit bench in August


Kiddy retiring as BW principal


Director: St. Vincent de Paul employees fired for stealing


Faced With Political Turmoil, Malaysian PM Mahathir Sends Resignation Letter to King


Bellevue fire chief Mlnarik resigns


IA REPORT: Former Soddy-Daisy chief resigned amidst allegations of affair with officer's wife


Bank of America veteran deal-maker Boueiz resigns after 21 years: source


Bowers & Wilkins CEO resigns, restructuring expert appointed


Gentrack CEO Ian Black resigns days before AGM


Boeing directors Liddy and Zafirovski resign


Cheer coach fired after arrest on child molestation charges


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a8dd25  No.8241051

File: ac31618b6e6fb80⋯.jpg (525.31 KB, 521x800, 521:800, fef954110aca5aa0ec69c36b3d….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e5f3d  No.8241052


Resignations in the news 2/22/2020 to 2/24/2020 - part 2

Casey Urlacher resigns from Illinois Civil Service Commission


Former WH press secretary Dee Dee Myers exits Warner Bros. role


Winamac High School principal resigns while on administrative leave


Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools finance chief resigns over unapproved $767,070 contract


SG presidential candidate withdraws day before first debate


Diane Abbott to stand down from Labour frontbench after leadership election


Allegheny Co. Democratic Committee Vice Chairman Austin Davis Steps Down


Longtime GOP Sen. Luther Olsen stepping down


ABC 7’s Rob Nelson exiting anchor gig after becoming a father


Bernie Sanders Staffer Fired for Mocking Warren, Buttigieg on Private Twitter Account


MLA Hugh MacKay resigns from Nova Scotia Liberal caucus


Vice chancellor for enrollment management Albert Colom has stepped down in the midst of an investigation.


Wartrace fire chief resigns under fire


Homie CEO resigns after allegations of sexual harassment from job applicant


Ionia County Road Advisory Board Personnel Committee chairman resigns


New Braunfels Police lieutenant facing child pornography charges resigns


Concordia men's basketball coach Hemmingsen resigns


David L. Jahnke To Become Chair of the First Interstate BancSystem Board, James R. Scott to Step Down


Aliquippa school board member resigns after reportedly threatening students


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3e5f3d  No.8241054


Resignations in the news 2/22/2020 to 2/24/2020 - part 3

Expert advisors to Newfoundland and Labrador government resign in protest


Department on the Status of Women director resigns


Cellcom Israel Chairman Ami Erel To Resign


College police director resigns amid legal disputes with campus cops


Top Waterbury school official resigns after 8 months


Rutgers University-Camden chancellor to step down


Tom Stahl retiring at Dundee, Milan High Schools at end of year


Cole County Emergency Management director retiring


Second executive board member resigns from SGA this year


HuomaoTV employee fired for match fixing attempt


Jefferson Middle School principal resigns, cites 'campaign of harassment'


Fifth Odyssey Charter School Board member resigns


Mayor of McFarland resigns


History prof. Walter Licht will step down as Civic House faculty director in June


Ternopil Administration chairman resigns due to panic in region around evacuees from Wuhan


New Boulder Transportation Director Resigns After Only 6 Weeks


Attleboro Farmers Market in limbo after board members resign


Diane Abbott to step down from shadow cabinet


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5f32d6  No.8241058

File: dd8c8096cca3d27⋯.jpg (899.6 KB, 1078x1305, 1078:1305, Screenshot_20200122-222118….jpg)


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930f1a  No.8241059

Schiff Live on Kimmel and it's AMAZING


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fff20a  No.8241060

File: 2c16ab54e00fc0e⋯.jpeg (72.56 KB, 500x546, 250:273, 900C9FCD-DBBF-401A-8F55-8….jpeg)

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27814d  No.8241061


gy baker here

just got here, but can take it in 5

came thru the index, catalog at 111 again….

handoff confirmed?

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930f1a  No.8241062


And it's over.

We need that footage to surface in short, sharable clips, plz.

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8945a3  No.8241063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nunes argues why reducing bureaucracy in intelligence agencies is crucial

Ingram asks Nunes why now for Grenall to clean and reduce DNI officials.

Nunes: This was Gen Flynn’s plan from the beginning.


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5bf571  No.8241064

File: 1b556564b96f635⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


To go with that naan bread


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be78e7  No.8241065

>>8240948 >>8240954 >>8240959 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3


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3b3d6d  No.8241066








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4fa4ad  No.8241067

File: ee2ba562a281941⋯.jpg (81.31 KB, 952x487, 952:487, 3xzsofj4w.jpg)

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89e589  No.8241068

File: 665ff223ac18f54⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, D5540C71-9E10-43F2-9080-83….png)

File: c7f1d3cfb3e747b⋯.gif (5.86 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 844EDBBD-257B-4028-AD02-34….gif)





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346b1d  No.8241069


Nuclear Toilet!!

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77cfca  No.8241070

File: 5e69f2508602cf8⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 500x281, 500:281, sexual chocolate.gif)

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cb461b  No.8241071

File: bfd3ffe305e5af8⋯.jpg (70.17 KB, 700x432, 175:108, 700x432_nachttreinen.jpg)

File: efb12120d24116b⋯.png (772.48 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, efb12120d24116bf26b0ecdddf….png)

File: 6ed8e69d0027643⋯.jpg (187.16 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, NS1122.jpg)

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27814d  No.8241072


gotcha, anon - tx.

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61726d  No.8241073

File: 7e84ee8f82a8426⋯.jpg (359.1 KB, 691x1032, 691:1032, 7e84ee8f82a8426a000fc59dea….jpg)


Thanks baker, dhanyawad ;)

Handoff confirmed

Have a great nightshift baker, anons.


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dcb99c  No.8241074

File: 72904e7f045aaf2⋯.png (728.25 KB, 632x716, 158:179, 72904e7f045aaf214cec75860d….png)


Thank you baker

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d15ba7  No.8241075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doing the needful, for the baker.

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1cbc03  No.8241076

>>8240944 (pb)

Very nice words, anon. Backatcha!

If you are interested in next level consciousness and spiritual growth, you should check out:


Astral Projection or Out of Body Experiences are the real deal, involve no drugs and the basics can be learned and practiced in a month's time. You would be surprised at the number of millions Worldwide who travel and even meet up in the Astral. I have a Reiki Remote Healer whom I've never met, who lives far away, comes at night to heal my back. After the first time, she described my bedroom, compass locations of door, window closet, bed and even sent me a pic of my exact duvet cover, or very close to it!

Give it a look see!


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be78e7  No.8241077

>>8241054 >>8241050 >>8241052 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3


Sorry for >>8241065 didn't see them reposted this thread!

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27814d  No.8241078



tx for the late nite bake.


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558f5d  No.8241079


Outstanding job Baker and thanks for the fresh link. So many rookie bakers don't do that even when the catalog is wonky

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930f1a  No.8241080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



To make up for the unintentional cocktease, here is:

Saten & Jezus

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27814d  No.8241081


tx, i saw. appreciate it.

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63c924  No.8241082

Day 2 of Trump's India visit: Crucial bilateral talks today

5-minute video


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5bf571  No.8241083


You know your bowels could use a good cleansing

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0552b9  No.8241084


I found this too, GenZ is pretty much awake or knows something is wrong but is really brainwashed by socialism

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f962c8  No.8241085

Fuck Q

>>8239046 pb

You want to tell us that Hussein ordered this shit and had it on his desk all in the same day? https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/119629.pdf

How stupid do you think we are? This shit took YEARS of planning before publishing on January 2009!!! So stop fucking with us you jooish piece of noahide law shit!!!

The insurgency planned against the United States is by none other than America's "friend" ISRAEL!!! So Fuck Q!!! The Great awakening is woke and the Christians you plan to shoot and kill will get you FIRST!!!

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31e03b  No.8241086

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797a4c  No.8241087

File: 05034fcc48ca377⋯.jpg (6.49 KB, 203x300, 203:300, 1577400673663.jpg)

Anyone else watching all the India goings on and realizing you actually really like the Indian accent?

I haven't made a 'poo in loo' joke the whole time.

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7138dd  No.8241088

File: f8a93a294d2f304⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 649x375, 649:375, 34534swide.jpg)


another mason theme meme for (you) goatboy

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8800a8  No.8241089

File: 80be6766022b8ae⋯.gif (3 MB, 296x461, 296:461, BOOBS.gif)

File: 9d0499e750c72f6⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 500x347, 500:347, MOREBOOBS.gif)


Not enough boobs

Bless the baker!

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365ebe  No.8241090


bernie brahs are closer to our side than they think…its only a matter of a few truths and they'll catch on

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89e589  No.8241091

File: 26bba0a4c06020a⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 8889669C-320E-43FD-9582-F1….gif)

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e4dd00  No.8241092

Sooo, Katemazz is big time connected to Flynn via Family confirmation and it’s just crickets on here! I thought she was bad? Flynn was praying for Her and So glad Vincent was inspired to paint again! Wtf?

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ce89db  No.8241093

I knew this EO was to get at falsifications in background checks

Trump Executive Order 13869 of April 24, 2019

Transferring Responsibility for Background Investigations to the Department of Defense

By the power vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Findings and Purpose. Section 925 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (10 U.S.C. 1564 note) provides that the Secretary of Defense has the authority to conduct security, suitability, and credentialing background investigations for Department of Defense personnel and requires the Secretary, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, to provide for a phased transition to the Department of Defense of the conduct of such investigations conducted by the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB). Implementing that legislative mandate while retaining the benefit of economies of scale in addressing the Federal Government's background investigations workload, avoiding unnecessary risk, promoting the ongoing alignment of efforts with respect to vetting Federal employees and contractors, and facilitating needed reforms in this critical area requires that the primary responsibility for conducting background investigations Government-wide be transferred from the Office of Personnel Management to the Department of Defense.

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d299b6  No.8241094


I had an Indian calculus TA and I'll never forget how he said, "the Jacobian of f of x…"

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f565a4  No.8241095

File: 886ed6b7e308803⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x689, 1024:689, CATONLOG.png)

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797a4c  No.8241096

File: f9beeb39c7edba6⋯.png (9.02 KB, 233x217, 233:217, 1576299972026.png)

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89e589  No.8241097

File: 90f921e310241d2⋯.gif (4.76 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 21660378-E976-4D8F-9B00-AD….gif)

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a55685  No.8241098

>>8239046 (pb)

>What Country was the true intended target?


Frens, I been out workfagging. Was there any consensus/good answers to this question (above) posed by Q?

Many thanks for any info.


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d03667  No.8241099


once the gulag is settled….they go into ours….

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821c4d  No.8241100


I haven't been to India but I have watched the Simpsons and Apu is pretty cool.

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ca077a  No.8241101



>You want to tell us that Hussein ordered this shit and had it on his desk all in the same day?

Wow, look at this retard.

The same people that ordered Hussein ordered this. That's how it was available the moment he took office. Same people that ordered HRC to step aside for the SoS position, same people the ordered you to post this garbage.

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558f5d  No.8241102


Come on Anon we have a India theme going here, keep with the plan, dark nipples only in honor of India

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cc3140  No.8241103

I'd appreciate if Q would explain why the supposed "jews" are in cahoots with the MB. Or are these "jews" that have taken over every major industry in the US, not actual jews? Are we dealing with Nazi's and/or their supporters/cohorts and that is why they are in bed with the MB and not with Israel?

Clearly the MB and Nazi's were in bed with each other, but now they seem to be in bed with "American Jews". Confirmation one way or another would go a long way in digging and understanding.

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4fa4ad  No.8241104


I really like how they talk, and their choice of words.

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bb612b  No.8241105

File: dd504a23550704e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1342x1262, 671:631, ClipboardImage.png)

going thru lots of images and saw this. same publisher, HOUGHTON MIFFLER, of $10,000,000 book deal that no one will read.


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bd3054  No.8241106


You think obama was the first bad guy? He was just the one to implement the plan. no shit it didn't just begin on day 1 of obama

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c75a93  No.8241107

File: d9facfc7cfd4544⋯.png (191.81 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Good drop, anon.


Don't forget, at 4:20 in Nunes casually mentions, "slowly but surely, some of the reports are being…



Prepare for the storm….

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f8a39e  No.8241108


It's not fuck Q, it's catch the people who implemented the plan

The plan was set forth many years ago, good vs evil and anyone responsible for carrying out the plan is but a puppet

The evil that made the plan will sacrifice every last puppet to escape justice

Good vs Evil

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fc76b9  No.8241109


From the start, McChrystal was determined to place his personal stamp on Afghanistan, to use it as a laboratory for a controversial military strategy known as counterinsurgency. COIN, as the theory is known, is the new gospel of the Pentagon brass, a doctrine that attempts to square the military's preference for high-tech violence with the demands of fighting protracted wars in failed states. COIN calls for sending huge numbers of ground troops to not only destroy the enemy, but to live among the civilian population and slowly rebuild, or build from scratch, another nation's government – a process that even its staunchest advocates admit requires years, if not decades, to achieve. The theory essentially rebrands the military, expanding its authority (and its funding) to encompass the diplomatic and political sides of warfare: Think the Green Berets as an armed Peace Corps. In 2006, after Gen. David Petraeus beta-tested the theory during his "surge" in Iraq, it quickly gained a hardcore following of think-tankers, journalists, military officers and civilian officials. Nicknamed "COINdinistas" for their cultish zeal, this influential cadre believed the doctrine would be the perfect solution for Afghanistan.

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31e03b  No.8241110

let's get gay for cheezus

so i can share mah tranny collection

i am gonna pass around some lotion samples

while i am doxxing you and fapping mah fronthole


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f962c8  No.8241111


>same people the ordered you to post this garbage.

The person who ordered me to post "this garbage" is Jesus Christ!! You fucking hate filled semite.

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ca077a  No.8241112

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226a43  No.8241113

File: 7690a57ee3c04c9⋯.jpg (208.2 KB, 914x1766, 457:883, 20200215_231914.jpg)


She is bad. Anons remember

Doesnt matter what you post. It is what it is. Thise who need to know who she is and what she tried to do….know

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082794  No.8241114

File: dce7bfa00701d27⋯.png (397.88 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


judy greer

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db4c42  No.8241115

File: 85fe9a29611b821⋯.png (262.47 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Space Station Live Feed Captures Unidentified Flying Object

Did ISS Live-Feed Accidentally Capture "Top Secret" Hypersonic Vehicle Test?


NASA officials 'baffled' after space cameras catch UFO following ISS for over 20 minutes


Full 22 minutes of UFO At space station, Feb 21, 2020, UFO Sighting News


watch this from 27:00 and then from 01:22:00


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f82f83  No.8241116

File: 80eabdbe08627e0⋯.png (960.11 KB, 829x1297, 829:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

Disgruntled ex-Goldman Sachs employee dropped Bloomberg recording 2 days ago

‘Bang-bang-bang’: Bloomberg says he’d DRONE his critics & shield banks if elected president in leaked audio


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dcb99c  No.8241117

File: 91994b2ac1e1918⋯.png (98.95 KB, 581x287, 83:41, escalated quickly.png)

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346b1d  No.8241118


You Kiss Your Savior With That Mouth Judas?

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6069db  No.8241119

File: 213b9659a984235⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 768x512, 3:2, haiti-orphanage.jpg)

File: 41dc6ba380e7b5d⋯.png (386.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, usaid-grant-CoBU.png)

Church of Bible Understanding - 2 Haitian Orphanage Fires

was one of ==23== orgs given federal funding thru ==US AID==

per latest Q post


"Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region."

in pdf….

USAID programs are designed to enhance institutional capacity and ameliorate the root causes of conflict; community-level programs in particular have a good track record in addressing the grievances that fuel insurgency


feeding the poor and saving the children vs counter insurgency COIN (telpro)

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888c97  No.8241120


its a satellite there are a shit ton of them out there

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ed6107  No.8241121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meet Naomi Seibt - The 19-Year-Old, Blond Antidote To Greta Thunberg

In what is a somewhat shocking lead article, the Washington Post has written a feature on Naomi Seibt, a German climate skeptic and YouTuber that WaPo describes as “…19-year-old German who, like Greta, is blond, eloquent and European.”

Naomi denounces “climate alarmism,” calls climate consciousness “a despicably anti-human ideology,” and has even deployed Greta’s now famous “How dare you?” line to take on the mainstream German media.

Of course, there is a reason why WaPo decided to show Naomi to the world… to set the narrative - that she is a climate-denying, right-wing racist…

In addition to climate change, Naomi echoes far-right skepticism about feminism and immigration.

The German media have described her as sympathetic to the nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD), the biggest opposition party in parliament, whose leaders have spoken of fighting “an invasion of foreigners.”

Naomi says she is not a member of AfD - she describes herself as libertarian - but acknowledges speaking at a recent AfD event.

Seibt was interviewed by Sky News Australia last week to discuss her story.

“What the climate skeptics, or climate realists say, makes a lot of sense to me, scientifically,” Seibt said in the interview.

“And that's how I became really passionate about the topic.”

“I think this entire climate mainstream narrative is not about science at all. Because I would say that more than 90% of the people, especially the young people, who go to those Fridays for Future protests, they have no clue what they're actually talking about. They don't know anything about the science behind it. All they know is, this is the mainstream, and they are actually scared many of them I think that the planet is going to end like 12 years from now. And so, this is not about science. This is about politics. This is about controlling us.”

As WaPo reports, Naomi said her political activism was sparked a few years ago when she began asking questions in school about Germany’s liberal immigration policies. She said the backlash from teachers and other students hardened her skepticism about mainstream German thinking. More recently, she said that watching young people joining weekly “Fridays For Future” protests inspired by Greta helped spur her opposition to climate change activism.

“I get chills when I see those young people, especially at Fridays for Future. They are screaming and shouting and they’re generally terrified,” she said in an interview.

“They don’t want the world to end.”

Later this week, Naomi is set to make her American debut at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, a high-profile annual gathering just outside Washington of right-leaning activists.


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3fa61f  No.8241122

The other night, I opened my front door to look up at the stars & at the corner light, some guy in a red truck gunned it to turn left onto my street, freaked me out enough that I quickly stepped back into my house.

About 2 seconds later, he stops right out front & then a police car turns on their lights right behind him.

She went up to his window, she said something about his going through the light.

He took out something, larger than a wallet or anything, it seemed like a tablet or laptop, could have been paper and it shined because she had her flash light on it.

Anyway, she pauses then I here he say "Ok, then you have a good night"

And she went back to her car.

She pulled him over & only talked to him for maybe 2 minutes tops.

See something, Say something. It was weird is all I'm saying.

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cc3140  No.8241123


Makes zero sense. Unless its simple money laundering for her future defense funds and a payoff for being a good little traitor who was paying the rent for terrorists in forge in countries. Out of all the Deep State hacks who testified, her and Vindman are on another level of cunts.

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5d59fe  No.8241124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Greatest Awakening - Major Patriot

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797a4c  No.8241125

File: e61c2ca479fcef2⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 8y4ODL2__400x400.jpg)


I'm almost fully convinced Bernie is on our side behind the scenes and guiding the redeemable left-leaners in this direction away from the Democrats.

Enemy of my enemy type thing. If he loses the nomination, runs as an independent and splits the vote it would make even more sense.

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31e03b  No.8241126


i can be president

of the fart tasters union


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5cda5a  No.8241127


What Country was the true intended target?


Gobsmacked at the number of anons who did not immediately know the answer is the USA.

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ab53f7  No.8241128



Also, you catch the line by the spook where he says they aren’t sending their best? Found it funny since it’s said here a lot.

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5d59fe  No.8241129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where we go one we go all - Abbey Cooke

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ed6107  No.8241130

Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief'

On Monday, hearings took place for the extradition of imprisoned co-founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, facing charges of espionage and computer hacking following the 2010 leak of classified materials relating to military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are planning to introduce evidence in Assange’s extradition proceedings that suggest the involvement of Richard Grenell, the new intelligence chief in the US President Donald Trump administration, in an alleged plot to arrest Assange on the order of Trump, according to Politico.

Representatives for Assange’s defence team are intending to argue during the hearings this week in London that the extradition process of their client was abused at an early stage. They are reportedly expected to introduce recordings and screenshots of communications of Arthur Schwartz, a Grenell associate, in addition to a secondhand claim that the official was fulfilling Trump’s orders.

The team is also expected to claim that Grenell’s involvement was extensive and that it corrupted the extradition process early by agreeing to exclude a particular sentence before allowing a trial and sentencing to take place.

Arguments by Assange’s defence team reportedly cite an ABC News report from April 2019 which alleges that Grenell, then the US ambassador to Germany, asked the Ecuadorean embassy in the UK to hand over the Australian citizen, promising not to pursue the death penalty.

The attorneys are expected to provide evidence that will reveal how Trump politicized the extradition process.

Those materials were given to the defence team by Assange defender and former Sputnik employee Cassandra Fairbanks and will be introduced to the court as soon as Wednesday, according to Politico, citing a source.

Australian national Assange is currently sought by the US for extradition to face multiple charges of espionage, following the leak of classified materials relating to US military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2010.

If brought to and convicted in the United States, Assange could face a prison term of up to 170 years. The ongoing initial court hearing in London will likely continue for the rest of this week, with a second hearing set for May.


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cc3140  No.8241131



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bd3054  No.8241132


>its a satellite there are a shit ton of them out there

you should watch it anon. Satellites don't normally jet out into space under power, it wasn't just floating there tracking with ISS, that wouldn't be baffling to nasa.

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346b1d  No.8241133


Its a Bolshevik/Nazi Move!

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c3c48b  No.8241134

Did anyone else assume Cain met with Kash Patel to give Nunes the first thumb drive?

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116495  No.8241135


Enforcing the space alien programming.

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c75c25  No.8241136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You lie, lie, lie.

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888c97  No.8241137


when shit like that happens, document

license plate number

record video with phone

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f962c8  No.8241138


They are the smartest minds on earth imo

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27814d  No.8241139

>>8241059 Schill life on Kimmel and it's AMAZING

anyone got a clip on this, anons?'

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ca077a  No.8241140


>The person who ordered me to post "this garbage" is Jesus Christ!! You fucking hate filled semite.

Then you should pray to Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior to open your eyes to the tricks of the CFR because their handwriting is all over that document.

Also, it isn't Christians that immediately accuses a voice of dissension on this board of being Jewish, it's that other abrahamic religion that doesn't worship Mohamed

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f8a39e  No.8241141


Didn't need to be said

Only shills answered and incorrectly

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31e03b  No.8241142

it's not easy

wearing peanut butter to a larp

and no one will listen to willcock

i hid his watch up my ass

for four frickin novels


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54c164  No.8241143


Sounds reasonable.

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4fa4ad  No.8241144


I imagine it's to keep her quiet, since Yovanovitch is certain to be arrested at some point.

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89e589  No.8241146

File: f09a617603761f1⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 601x681, 601:681, 51205A1E-968C-483C-B9B5-B9….gif)

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841d8b  No.8241147

File: a1df93aa2201e58⋯.png (147.24 KB, 478x491, 478:491, Screenshot_2020-02-25 Sput….png)

Australia’s intelligence chief sounds alarm of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat


A week to remember…

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72fa51  No.8241148


When Q first mentioned Evergreen, Q drop # 1279 26 Apr 20118, there was much discussion of the US - China shipping line.

I was kind of surprised when this last time that Q mentioned Evergreen, I didn't see any discussion of the shipping line.

Back in 2018 a lot of anons were convinced that the shipping containers were being used for human trafficking.

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117d50  No.8241149

>>8240912 pb

Maryland Heights is basically Ferguson. That things have been quiet there this long is moar notable.

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ed6107  No.8241150

File: 4202798c138b61d⋯.png (606.26 KB, 419x668, 419:668, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f6cce0e34c67c7⋯.png (74.23 KB, 728x909, 728:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 162607d65f81bc8⋯.png (52.93 KB, 757x652, 757:652, ClipboardImage.png)

Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along

Western mainstream media outlets simply cannot show the results of the recent liberation of Western Aleppo in Syria without first doing much editing and damage control work on the television screen. While Western outlets continue the tired line that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is “killing his own people” and that the poor democracy-loving “freedom fighters” armed, trained, and directed by the Western powers are nothing more than victims, scenes from Syria easily challenge any perceptions western audiences may have had regarding recent events there. In fact, any claims that the Syrian people are opposed to the government’s liberation of Syrian territory is completely rebuffed with the pictures currently coming out of Aleppo.

Hello Western media!

Why aren’t you showing us these beautiful scenes of Syrians jubilantly celebrating the full liberation of #Aleppo from the clutches of Al-Qaeda, marking an end to 8 years of relentless terrorist shelling of their homes, schools and hospitals?#Syria pic.twitter.com/moct2ulump

— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) February 17, 2020

Syrian soldier meets his mother for first time since six years after the Syrian army liberated his village in Aleppo countryside pic.twitter.com/JcZ215A3sE

— Yusha Yuseef (@MIG29_) February 18, 2020

On February 16, Al-Masdar News reported the following regarding Aleppo:

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has officially captured the last remaining areas under jihadist control in Aleppo city and its surrounding area, ending a nearly eight-year-long battle.

According to a field source in Aleppo, the Syrian Army’s victory came this afternoon following the capture of the Layramoun and Kafr Hamra sectors, which were under the control of the jihadist rebels for most of the war.

In addition to capturing Kafr Hamra and Layramoun, the Syrian Army also took control of the Al-Zahra’a Association Quarter, which was the main battlefield in Aleppo city for most of the war.

At the same time, the Syrian Army has also captured the last towns in the Anadan Plain, including Hraytan, Babis, and ‘Anadan.

The loss of these areas will be devastating for the jihadist rebels in western Aleppo, as they now find themselves with virtually no presence near the provincial capital.

Shortly after the liberation, President Assad gave a speech congratulating the Syrian people and the Syrian military on the victory and promising more victories to come as the Syrian government seeks to make good on its promise to “liberate every inch of Syria.”

He said:

When Aleppo city was liberated at the end of 2016, I said that what was before the liberation of Aleppo city will not be the same as what will be after that, and I based that on my knowledge of where the members of our Armed Forces are aiming with their hearts and minds. I based that on my conviction that the patriotism of the people of Aleppo and their fealty to their homeland and the homeland’s army will overturn the calculations of the enemies.

. . . . .

This is what happened, but Aleppo had to pay a great price equal to the greatness of its people and the patriotism of its position; years of violent and barbaric shelling that affected most neighborhoods, tens of thousands of martyrs, injured people, orphans, people who lost children, and widows. Years of siege without water or electricity or other life necessities, all for Aleppo to kneel and for her people to surrender.


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5cda5a  No.8241151


Maybe shills. Or newbies. Still…

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116495  No.8241152


Then there should be several images from space showing that shit tion of them out there.

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bac2e1  No.8241153


u could take that watch out of your ass..

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76c15b  No.8241154


Just look, anon

look at the people surrounding trump

look at the generals

look at the heads of state

look at the senators

open your eyes and see

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ba4c19  No.8241155

Hello Q.

Wake up anons.

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888c97  No.8241156


I dont know but Cain is getting more biblical

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346b1d  No.8241157


That Think The Dirtiest Water on Earth Will Cleanse Them???

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539690  No.8241158

Do you RELY on God?

That is a good way.

You get what you need, the more you need the more you "get".

Even Stevens.

What happens when you WANT?

Demand it?

In scripture you?


One battle or all won?


"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need"


The ROLL after Rock.


God will show you the way.

Trust IN.


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31e03b  No.8241159


luciferian sacrifices

really make the eyes glow huh


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5bf571  No.8241160


Somebody posted this the another night and I watched it.

Pretty cool, and that fucker is fast.

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c75a93  No.8241161


Just imagine where we would go if their average standard of living allowed them to fucking UNLEASH it!! That may be in the works.

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f8a39e  No.8241162


cool pic

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ba4c19  No.8241163

File: bf10ab94de3bca8⋯.jpg (116.59 KB, 2500x1250, 2:1, Cicada-3301-agent-Q.jpg)

Time to wake up.

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ab53f7  No.8241164


That was my thought. No actual basis for it, but it crossed my mind for sure.

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31e03b  No.8241165


used a fancy pen

praise the lard

and velvetta


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797a4c  No.8241166


Being sneaky? What's Q then?

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365ebe  No.8241167


threat iden>action taken

meaning that blue whale dude was arrested

Kate is still free and posting (meybe too much and dramatically) about it on the twat

but to be fair if your named was slandered

how would you act?

this is war.

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558f5d  No.8241168

File: a576e90be88942a⋯.png (13.47 KB, 255x249, 85:83, probing.png)

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31e03b  No.8241169




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dcb99c  No.8241170

File: dece3526cb5f222⋯.gif (4.46 MB, 480x366, 80:61, think of the children.gif)


Both of these little kids should just shut the fuck up.

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5d59fe  No.8241171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qanon =The music video by Larz Kaos

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1cbc03  No.8241172


Israel has a Deep State also. They are the Zionists. The Zionists are in league with the MB and our Deep State, when they want to be.

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5142a0  No.8241173


There was discussion about those this time as well anon. Was on the breads at the time.

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d03667  No.8241174

File: d3a7e674fea84d5⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 255x186, 85:62, d62fbd2ba07fdd68d20863fafe….jpg)

Sergeant Coach Benson is doing one hell of a job whipping these new fags into shape

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bac2e1  No.8241175


just trying to get to mordor…

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ce89db  No.8241176


"backgrounds are important", Q

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8800a8  No.8241177

File: 36404ca5628e2f2⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 321x450, 107:150, DESIBOOBS.gif)



YIKES, my bad. Apologies Baker and Anon.

Have some Desi

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116495  No.8241178


>Maryland Heights is basically Ferguson

Exactly. Both were staged by Deep State.

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f962c8  No.8241179



>Just look, anon

>look at the people surrounding trump

>look at the generals

>look at the heads of state

>look at the senators

>open your eyes and see

Take your own advice anon. 99.99% of the people surrounding Trump are Jews. He is a Zionists and is public about it, it is no secret. 30 states have made antisemitism a crime. Are you fucking kidding me?

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acc679  No.8241180

File: fe0eb5987c8289d⋯.jpg (160.85 KB, 1080x715, 216:143, D3KcUfLla3ru0y.jpg)



>>8240158 (all pb)

Kate Mazz wasn't kidding. She fucking owned this board last Tuesday. Primetime too.

>>8180465 (the lulz)

Take a peek

Didn't have a load to shoot left pussies

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bb612b  No.8241181

File: 1841bfd212984ed⋯.png (274.82 KB, 739x777, 739:777, ClipboardImage.png)

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0442a5  No.8241182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I assume Google and Music mafia are league with each other?

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dc85a6  No.8241183


Yeah, being out-competed by yet another country with a billion plus population will be so great.

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bd3054  No.8241184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just for you. around 2.50 mark. Don't know the channel, just the first clip i came across


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77cfca  No.8241185

Mallinckrodt proposes $1.6 billion opioid deal, Chapter 11 for generics unit

Mallinckrodt Plc (MNK.N) is finalizing a settlement proposal of at least $1.6 billion that would place its U.S. generic drug business into bankruptcy to address the debt maturities and liabilities arising out of the opioid crisis, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

The proposed deal includes a Chapter 11 filing covering the generics unit and a resolution of claims from state and local governments, the newspaper said. citing people familiar with the matter. The settlement would offer $1.6 billion to state and local governments over eight years and warrants to buy an equity stake in the company, according to the report.

Mallinckrodt did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Shares of the company closed down about 19% at $4.17 after falling as much as 43% following the WSJ report. A number of U.S. states and local governments have filed lawsuits against opioid drugmakers and wholesale distributors holding them accountable for a national drug addiction epidemic. The company had said last year it was focusing on separating its generics unit, which sells opioid drugs, from its specialty business.

OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP in September 2019 filed for bankruptcy to halt about 2,000 lawsuits and allow Purdue to negotiate legal claims with plaintiffs under the supervision of a U.S. bankruptcy judge.

Mallinckrodt is among several opioid manufacturers and distributors set to go to trial next month over allegations brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James related to the marketing and distributing of opioids.


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654998  No.8241186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8241024 lb

Yeah he wants to bring back the ottoman empire. Imo he wants that ceasefire in order to build up his numbers and get an influx of jihadists from Pakistan. Meanwhile he's telling Assad not to shoot at his occupying forces.

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346b1d  No.8241187

File: 5e22143345cc211⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 255x198, 85:66, redpill.jpg)


Somebody who wants you to think for yourself!!

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d8fcc3  No.8241188

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a55685  No.8241189



Thanks, Anon.

Makes sense.

I can also appreciate that the swamp runs so deep, after 8 years of Hussein, that simply making arrests is essentially pointless. The perps would all skate like McCabe, Comey and all the others have done so far.

Undoing all that BS and draining the swamp is a mammoth task. Thank GOD for POTUS, Q and Partiot Anons.

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af9dd3  No.8241190

File: d95860bcda01122⋯.png (212.65 KB, 1428x1422, 238:237, ClipboardImage.png)



luuv the spooky eyes on this one… more frome watch the water … sum investor water hub dig

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841d8b  No.8241191

File: b320b8fcde3f3e3⋯.png (251.23 KB, 478x492, 239:246, Screenshot_2020-02-25 Sput….png)





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72fa51  No.8241192



I didn't see it

I was wondering about that bc it was discussed so much the first time.

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6e3166  No.8241193


All I hear are silly words from a bitch without the balls to pull the trigger.

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89e589  No.8241194

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226a43  No.8241195


You clearly were not here watching that day. I was. Q was. USSS was.

Doesnt matter what you post. It is what it is. She did what she did. She is scared. That's why she keeps going screeeeeee….screeeeeee….screeeeee

Anons remember

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ab53f7  No.8241196


Define Zionist for me, just curious as to what you think it means.

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cb461b  No.8241197

File: ec9f061f98df809⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 170x180, 17:18, 1565572523351.gif)



I'm gobsmacked by the Nate Cain interview I just got a chance to finish.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

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ed6107  No.8241198

File: ff7e9b96746ff30⋯.png (53.81 KB, 736x751, 736:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c584536ddd2fa25⋯.png (283.88 KB, 523x509, 523:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93c4374ed223da0⋯.png (57.53 KB, 680x828, 170:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c70227bf2a6cba7⋯.png (21.36 KB, 493x354, 493:354, ClipboardImage.png)

'He's Dangerous!' Newly-Appointed Intel Chief Richard Grenell Bashed Trump in 2016, Supported Kasich

President Trump's new acting director of national intelligence, Richard Grenell, who the media has wrongly labeled a Trump "loyalist," supported John Kasich when it mattered most in 2016 according to newly unearthed deleted old tweets.

From Politico, "Trump's new intel chief was a Trump critic in 2016":

In 2016, before the New York real estate mogul became the GOP presidential nominee, Grenell called Trump "dangerous" and spoke out regularly in favor of then-Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to deleted tweets recovered via a joint inquiry by POLITICO and the cybersecurity firm Nisos.

"He's dangerous!" read one deleted Grenell tweet from March 24, 2016, the day Trump tweeted that "NATO is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as some of the things it is currently focused on!"

The tweets underscore a key irony of the Trump era: Some of the president's fiercest critics during the 2016 race have since transformed into his most passionate defenders, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who warned that Trump would be an "authoritarian president"; GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, who denounced Trump as "a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot" who would destroy the Republican Party; and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who called Trump a "terrible human being" right before the 2016 election.

Grenell seems to have undergone a similar evolution.

It's remarkable how Trump claims to value loyalty above all else and yet surrounds himself almost exclusively with people who didn't support him when it actually mattered.

It should be noted these "passionate defenders" only support him when he's doing the will of the establishment and their donors.

"Trump is dangerous. Wake up. He's reckless," he replied on another occasion to a user who had written "vote Trump." He urged his followers to read Trump's interview with The Washington Post editorial board, in which Trump said, "I think NATO as a concept is good, but it is not as good as it was when it first evolved … I'm not even knocking it, I'm just saying I don't think it's fair, we're not treated fair."

"NATO needs reforming. But Trump is questioning its usefulness," read another deleted Grenell tweet from March 24, 2016.

Grenell hated Trump for the things Trump was most right about (of course, Trump pivoted on NATO and sided with the establishment on the issue after getting into the White House).

Five days later, in another since-deleted tweet, Grenell wrote, "If you think Trump knows foreign policy issues then absolutely yes, you are stupid." Vox highlighted some of Grenell's criticisms in March 2017, when Trump was considering nominating Grenell to be U.S. ambassador to NATO. POLITICO and Nisos were able to recover more than 1,000 deleted tweets belonging to Grenell's account via analysis of open source information through a proprietary capability that extracted and screen-captured archived tweets via the Wayback Machine.


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5bf571  No.8241199


I got into Bollywood thanks to Netflix like 8 years ago and yeah, its different but its cool.

I love when they wear all the armbands and they make that jingly sound when they move around.

It really does something to me.

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dcb99c  No.8241200


I knew you were going to .gif it.

What's your story?

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888c97  No.8241201

File: 9d41fd7d60fe630⋯.gif (896.74 KB, 434x333, 434:333, NancyBTFO.gif)

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797a4c  No.8241202

File: 2deee418db6eeb6⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 630x847, 90:121, 1575832696997.jpg)


Many have alluded to near-utopian conditions at the end of all this. I remain skeptical, but it would be nice to visit a super-advanced and peaceful India or Congo or Afghanistan.

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5d59fe  No.8241203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qanon Tribute for Global Freedom - Shelby Cobra

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116495  No.8241204


Enforcing the space alien programming.

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346b1d  No.8241205


She'll Make a Real Nice Cleaning Lady in a Few Years!!

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23c7a7  No.8241206

File: 93cfc52497c2801⋯.gif (5.19 MB, 600x250, 12:5, 8198a10cfe18a0421e9b076997….gif)

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fe6d30  No.8241207


shut up and go away.

define pest

define shill

define gang staulking.

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f962c8  No.8241208


That's what I think too anon.


India is different from China anon. They had 200 years of servitude to the UK, just like America - now coming out from under king George. You have more in common with India than you know.

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797a4c  No.8241209

File: 3a7ae090068c31e⋯.png (52.03 KB, 270x344, 135:172, 1570341776033.png)


You're gonna feel silly when it turns out I'm right.

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226a43  No.8241210

File: f726507b37352fd⋯.jpg (227 KB, 1080x1767, 360:589, 20200215_220751.jpg)


Keep screaming. It's all the rage now with your kind. Watch Schiff. He does it too. He will get his. So will 'Kate'

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76c15b  No.8241211



Have you ever considered the idea that the Jews don't want you dead? Did it ever cross your mind that evil would embody the very thing that evil detests?

Look at those "Jews" you speak of. why do they not look like the jews that are raping babies? Harvey Weinstein? Spielberg?

Think, Anon…

clear your head and really think about this.

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f8a39e  No.8241212


the level of terrorism by the FBI was insane

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27a52a  No.8241213

File: 82fdab7601d2587⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 418pagPDvnL.jpg)

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bd3054  No.8241214


what? Never even talked about aliens, i disagreed that it was just a satellite, nothing more

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23c7a7  No.8241215

File: f5c5e49ed0468db⋯.jpg (213.49 KB, 808x1200, 101:150, CbpKxU8UsAAkMHz.jpg)

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558f5d  No.8241216

File: 08e584404787791⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 800x480, 5:3, checkedmodi.jpg)


Nice dubs to boot

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444cb7  No.8241217


Thanks, will assume incorrect if not confirmed then

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9a5a2c  No.8241218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb461b  No.8241219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moving in Trump Time

Trump has placed an expedited order for 1,000,000,000 N95 masks.

The masks will be manufactured by the 4 US companies that make them here at home.

This is a response to China seizing all the masks that 3M makes inside of mainland China.

3:20 seconds in the video for the part about the masks, but the whole video is important information.

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c75a93  No.8241220


Your thinking is so pathetically miopic.


Get a brain and grow up.

It's about advancing HUMANITY, nitwit.

Expand your thinking, moran.

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fe6d30  No.8241221

File: 14d5f0f0c0f9935⋯.jpg (403.7 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Indian_Trump_Rally_Dancers….jpg)

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ab53f7  No.8241222



Define spelling? Now fuck off nigger, wasn’t talking to you.

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f962c8  No.8241223


United States

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fc76b9  No.8241224


These soldiers led an insurgency of their own against the Pentagon bureaucracy. They championed the adoption of a counterinsurgency doctrine, frequently referred to by the acronym “COIN,” and hence became known as “COINdinistas.” Kaplan draws vivid portraits of the colorful characters that comprised this intellectual and bureaucratic rebellion where the battlefields would be the hallways of the Pentagon, the classrooms at the U.S. Army’s Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth or the plush upholstered offices of the White House. Three of the more significant characters Kaplan outlines include John Nagl, H.R. McMaster and David Kilcullen.

H.R. McMaster, a brash and outspoken Army officer, had boldly published a book early in his career titled Dereliction of Duty which bluntly criticized the Joint Chiefs of Staff for failing to oppose President Johnson’s conduct of the Vietnam War. When McMaster’s promotion to brigadier general was threatened by the old guard, the COIN network came together to rejigger the protocol for the promotion board ensuring that McMaster and other COIN supporters were elevated. (“If McMaster weren’t such a smart-ass, he would have been promoted a long time ago,” groused Army Chief of Staff General George Casey.)

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365ebe  No.8241225


can you put it here


as well?

there is a tarded vegan/meateater debate that has been sliding the alien bread for a while now

errybody can eat these crumbs



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23c7a7  No.8241226

File: eec752e87316a7c⋯.gif (4.73 MB, 480x480, 1:1, D6KCTL7.gif)

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a784aa  No.8241227

File: 63a2be9b7878722⋯.jpeg (109.43 KB, 1025x549, 1025:549, 10A426F2-3AC7-4FEA-96AF-E….jpeg)


>Good drop, anon.


Thx anon!

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a6f638  No.8241228

File: 4497626b33122ca⋯.png (542.43 KB, 1135x737, 1135:737, Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at ….png)

And now here’s Very Good Christian and Biblical Scholar Pete Buttigieg praising baby butchers and thanking them for the excellent job they do in killing human beings


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116495  No.8241230


I didn't say you did.

I was referring to the bastards who created that clip and fed it to the gullible masses.

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fe6d30  No.8241231


define operator

define person who just want to tag you and call you a bad person for the gulag

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385996  No.8241232



>Been thinking about non-standard decodes of evergreen

Why? Seriously this has been dug to death. This horse corpse is now just gore and bones, yet it is still beaten. Hillary, shipping line, coniferous trees, auto contract renewal…keep it in mind if it pops up somewhere odd. But FFS there's gotta be something more interesting than this severely blundgeoned dead horse.


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5d59fe  No.8241233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be readey - Abbey Cooke

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3fa61f  No.8241234

File: c51597b07d94bb4⋯.png (334.93 KB, 420x676, 105:169, Firefox_Screenshot_2020-02….png)


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dc85a6  No.8241235


Because trusting others not to bury us has gone so well, huh?

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72fa51  No.8241236


Is that you, Arnold?

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346b1d  No.8241237


At Least Ours Will Really Work!

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23c7a7  No.8241238

File: b63342b8d23ceff⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 236x274, 118:137, e7519dbd805e16400d24829f7b….jpg)

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89e589  No.8241239

File: 26cf52ee773783c⋯.gif (4.83 MB, 440x440, 1:1, F49D8F17-A50D-426F-BD9C-8F….gif)



Cereal Brain

Mmmmm just gonna chill here consume news on my own and see what I figure out. (YOU) free is their worst fear. Think for yourself.

God speed patriots.


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8d4d19  No.8241240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8240347 (lb)

>>8231756 (pb)

moar sauce/related:

an anon posted the 'late' 'Philip Haney' being interviewed (May 2017) by John B. Wells yesterday.

If you go to around the 3:15 mark Wells mentions that a source of his explained that virtually every level of our Security Services have been infiltrated by Islamics/Muslim brotherhood, listen to Philip Haney respond.


-Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower during Obama era, found dead, police say-

updated yesterday

Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower who was an outspoken critic of the administration of former President Barack Obama, was found dead Friday, about 40 miles east of Sacramento, Calif., local authorities said.


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ca077a  No.8241241

File: 540725fa3261018⋯.jpg (837.59 KB, 1095x2607, 365:869, Screenshot_2020-02-24 Feds….jpg)

File: d20e4ad9c99e748⋯.png (33.57 KB, 396x454, 198:227, Screenshot_2020-02-24 QMAP….png)

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8c0702  No.8241242

File: 2428c06c05633d8⋯.jpg (8.8 KB, 197x255, 197:255, images (21).jpg)

File: 6a1657837d9c79a⋯.jpg (9.51 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images (22).jpg)

Image result for obituary joseph O. Daehlin 1983

TWA pilot "dad"of Scot Daehlin Kobe interview witness TWA hat

found on page with the search for

obituary joseph O. Daehlin 1983

Scott Daehlin "dad"

SCHOOL KILLERS SPEAK A Comprehensive Examination of Perpetrators, Events, and Characteristics of K-12 School Violence in America

Gordon A Crews, Ph.D.

G. Crews, Ph.D.


Image result for obituary joseph O. Daehlin 1983

Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry …



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7b4165  No.8241243

File: dc820465a9e9f79⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bag-o-dicks.jpg)

Being an Anon is probably the greatest thing ever in the world. That being said…

…choke on a bag of dicks you low life scrotum chewing shills.

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89e589  No.8241244


You are the oddest script running on here.

How often do you cycle back to these images and why? I’m just aware you’re on a pattern but I can’t seem which pieces you’re feeding to who.

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981723  No.8241245


Psychopathic jew, as if there are any other kind, Harvey Weinstien rushed to the hospital after being convicted.

As he is a jew, he will probably end up in Tel Aviv (pretending to be in prison) like all of the other jews that are convicted of fucking over the goyim, but we can all hope that his heart actually stops and he is sent back to hell, where all jews are spawned.

Death to Weinstein and the rest of the jews.

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ea2b2f  No.8241246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Philip Haney wore a thumb drive of secret docs around his neck?


Well…guess they gone now.

@ que: 5:58

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346b1d  No.8241247


Or A convenience store Clerk? Not Joe Either!

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23c7a7  No.8241248

File: 550908a0267d2b7⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 540x280, 27:14, original.gif)

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c75a93  No.8241249


Man, you're way behind. You really need to catch up.

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cb461b  No.8241250

File: e3fde31576cd501⋯.png (6.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca1db2959e67b0e⋯.png (4.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 780a11b72b50531⋯.png (565.47 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d46b40b25d9dd60⋯.png (1.21 MB, 962x642, 481:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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5cda5a  No.8241251


Agreed. I watched this the other day. Stunning bullshit.

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a55685  No.8241252


>Gobsmacked at the number of anons who did not immediately know the answer is the USA.

I must admit I had a brain freeze. The audacity of the thing.

Do you think we can assume the House of Saud, Roths and Soros were all behind Hussein?

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8c0702  No.8241253


>Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry …




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082794  No.8241254

File: eb3362d4348e114⋯.png (521.1 KB, 537x500, 537:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaf1d28776f84a3⋯.png (229.73 KB, 1098x544, 549:272, ClipboardImage.png)

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f962c8  No.8241255


>Think, Anon…

>clear your head and really think about this.

Do you really think that I don't think!? Do you think that I just came out of an egg shell and am spouting things I don't know? I have listened to your Rabbis that teach you people to HATE the Goy. 99.99% of you Jews believe what your Rabbis teach you, don't you? They teach you to HATE the Goy and enslave them. Your religion believes in slavery!!! You need to go back and learn the antiYahwahist religion that parades as Judaism. And ALL of you Jews follow your Rabbis like obedient little sheep.

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c75a93  No.8241257


>Well…guess they gone now.

They gone, anon. They gone.

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a784aa  No.8241258

File: 3e55296bcf945dc⋯.jpeg (55.82 KB, 512x512, 1:1, FDBB117D-0F3F-4417-BF8F-1….jpeg)


>Also, you catch the line by the spook where he says they aren’t sending their best? Found it funny since it’s said here a lot.

Yes! Thx anon!

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3b0bf0  No.8241259


you should probably look this up, but, i remember skimming through bilderberg guest lists and remarked on how many publishers and other general media were participating.

future proves past…

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539690  No.8241260

Mick: Satan Sells.

Cash on Satan

So Ya, Thought Ya, Might like to, go to the show.


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27814d  No.8241261


i'm trying to listen while baking so i'm up on it…




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9dae1a  No.8241262


Is that not Capt Kirk>?!>?!

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a55685  No.8241263


>United States

Of course.

TYVM, I didn't think it through.


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116495  No.8241264


You think he's a jew. That would almost be cute if it wasn't so tragic.

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dc85a6  No.8241265


The stress of living in third world America has destroyed my brain. I'm sorry we can't all be insulated from reality.

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ed6107  No.8241266

File: 3e767c1fc9643fe⋯.png (918.82 KB, 1023x525, 341:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b62835a1c6303a5⋯.png (80.8 KB, 942x881, 942:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25f08f7c86e3431⋯.png (36.56 KB, 939x417, 313:139, ClipboardImage.png)

How to Know If America Is Your Enemy

If your country is friendly toward Russia, China, or Iran, then today’s American Government is probably applying subversion, economic sanctions, or maybe even planning a coup, or (if none of those will succeed) probably is war-gaming now for a possible military invasion and permanent military occupation, of your country. These things have been done to Russia, Iran, China, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Ukraine, Georgia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and some other countries.

However, after the 9/11 attacks in America, the U.S. Government has added another system for selecting countries to immiserate, and those are mainly the countries that already suffer the most misery — some of them are countries that were listed above, but others (many others) are not, and are selected instead largely because they are already in misery, and also because America — that is, the Deep State which controls it, America’s hundreds of billionaires, who control international corporations and the press in America, and not just control the politicians who win public offices — wants to control the given target country in order to extract its natural resources or simply in order to place some of U.S. military bases there so as to be better able to invade other countries.

This relatively new category of America’s targeted enemies was invented, mainly, in 2003 and 2004, by Thomas P. M. Barnett, a Professor at the U.S. Naval College and columnist and writer for various popular magazines, as well as of best-selling books. His 2004 book The Pentagon’s New Map, presents that map, to show the areas, mainly around the Equator and including all of Central America; plus all of South America except Chile, Argentina, and Brazil; plus all of Africa except South Africa, all countries of which are supposedly not connected to globalization — i.e., they are Third World instead of First World — and he says that they are unstable and therefore need to be policed by the world’s policeman, which is the U.S. Government, to serve there as the judge, jury, and executioner, of anyone who lives there and who resists that judge, jury, and executioner. His key statement is on page 227, “A country’s potential to warrant a U.S. military response is inversely related to its globalization connectivity.” Here is the map, which shows which countries are supposedly high globalization connectivity and therefore inappropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy; and which countries are supposedly low globalization connectivity and therefore appropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy:


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7138dd  No.8241267


Operator: video game enthusiast who is obsessed with military combat style video games and masturbates to Chuck Norris Posters

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9dae1a  No.8241268

File: 976ba783476415f⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 806x667, 806:667, Girls-Volleyball-e15368514….jpg)


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23c7a7  No.8241269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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29dd7c  No.8241270





"Not all Christians?"

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fe6d30  No.8241271


you thought you had one on your hook.

what would you have said if he'd given you a definition.

what definition do you use?

do you read from a sheet when you try that humiliation bit?

does it bother you that the topic isn't important here, just your methods of intimidation piss off the anon?

I've seen it: they don't like what the person says, so next thing they call them a worst case partisan. Then they want to send them to the gulug

oh and all they have is 'you speellleeedd that woonnngg'

your fish got away.

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116495  No.8241272


What makes you assume that he's a jew?

Research Operation Paperclip.

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ce89db  No.8241273



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89e589  No.8241274

File: f1ca0bac4c74190⋯.gif (4.63 MB, 427x427, 1:1, BDE41427-896F-4522-96FE-9D….gif)


Grew up Pentecostal (Not Religious this way)

Love anime (sailor moon)

Love Trump / Family


Anymore details would be a doxx.

Watched bread for 3 years

More less know what’s human or what isn’t what’s shill what’s anon

Still hazy / some shills are nasty deceptive

Each bread is a new day

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27814d  No.8241275

>>8241198 Anti-Grenell article; anons plz digg a little on this. What is this pub?


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444cb7  No.8241276


KEK! Newfag here and thanks for the summary. Will look for unexplored horse carcass areas to beat

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5cda5a  No.8241277


Bush 1 = New World Order

Bush 2 = How to take over a country

Obama just used the roadmap provided by the Bushes.

>can (we) assume the House of Saud, Roths and Soros were all behind (the Bushes) Hussein?

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365ebe  No.8241278


i was there that day

and have read all possible on the whole drama

it is my assessment.

biggest proof is that she is free

and blue whale assassin was arrested

scrreeeeeing seems to be coming from shills

trying to slander

in all cases

shills gonna shill

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346b1d  No.8241279


Kinda Young -Pedo Pusher!

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ab53f7  No.8241280


Your mom has your warm soy milk ready, bernie bro. Time for bed. Shame I took those trips from you, now you have another (you) to make up for it. And the operator comment, is perfect projection. Well done faggot, commies trained you well.

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981723  No.8241281


He's a jew. Get over it. The Goyim know.

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5d59fe  No.8241282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you feel it coming? The storm is here. - Seeking Truth

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3fbf3a  No.8241283

File: c1b7a87d59ea999⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 5371BCE4-CCB6-4ED1-9CB3-C9….png)


US officials say they have uncovered a Russian disinformation campaign spreading conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.

Officials told Agence France Presse (AFP) that thousands of fake Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts have been found spreading theories that the US is behind the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Posts reportedly included claims that the virus was a bid to "wage economic war on China," that it was a bioweapon engineered by the CIA, and that it was fostered "to push anti-China messages."

For full story follow the link below:


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23c7a7  No.8241284

It's funny, for a bunch of reptilians to be so afraid of one man.

Make a move you fuckinf pussies.

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6069db  No.8241285


Grants were awarded to 23 non-profit US based organizations… distributed over 23 countries

organizations that received the funds-

ACTS Int'l

Amigos Int'l

Batey Relief Alliance

Catholic Relief Service

Center for Int'l Health

Children's Hunger Fund

Church of Bible Understanding


Convoy of Hope

Coprodeli USA

Counterpart Int'l

Cross Int'l

Evangelist Int'l Ministries

Fabretto Children's Foundation

Feed The Children

Food for the Hungry

Haiti Vision

Int'l Partnership for Human Development

Int'l Rlief & Development

Int'l Relief Teams

Nascent Solutions

Project Concern Int'l

Resource & Policy Exchange

World Help

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116495  No.8241286




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dcb99c  No.8241287

File: e9ecf12dd3f800b⋯.jpg (119.59 KB, 1350x1080, 5:4, g9u0yE.jpg)


It was a great interview.

The government's concern with Q was also interesting. I didn't think they would take it so seriously. I understood media go bonkers over Q. But I thought g-men on a mission would try to cut out the "noise." Call me naive.

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cb461b  No.8241288

File: a951a6ee34985fe⋯.jpeg (15.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1a9ac7d462fd80f8051235020….jpeg)


Holy mackerel!

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ed6107  No.8241289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund? Chpt 3: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Chapter one revealed the historical timeline, involving three former U.S. presidents, of the creation of the Global Fund and PEPFAR, in addition to the big players that put this into motion, along with numerous NGOs that jumped on board this gravy train. It also exposed two huge factors of how AIDS evolved. Chapter one is a must read before continuing. Chapter two disclosed the three factors in determining if this is a fraud and a slush fund, and dove deep into the Global Fund and the scandals that surround it.

In this chapter, we will explore the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation connections to this $90B taxpayer slush fund, show how money is moved around, Gates’ other charities and investments, huge conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, health policymakers, universities, and some major scandals involved. By the end of this chapter, there will be no doubt as to who all controls the entire health industry worldwide.

“Gates has created a ‘cartel,’ with research leaders linked so closely that each has a vested interest to safeguard the work of others. The result is that obtaining an independent review of scientific evidence is becoming increasingly difficult.” – Dr. Artara Kochi, former head of the WHO’s malaria program.

Bill Gates friend and partner, Warren Buffett, who has endowed $30 billion in Berkshire Hathaway shares to the Gates Foundation, had this to say in 2011, regarding the extraordinary tax breaks they receive:

While most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks. Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as ‘carried interest,’ thereby getting a bargain 15 percent tax rate. Others own stock index futures for 10 minutes and have 60 percent of their gain taxed at 15 percent, as if they’d been long-term investors. These and other blessings are showered upon us by legislators in Washington who feel compelled to protect us, much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.

The amount of money that flows through the Gates Foundation from taxpayer dollars, is shocking. How it is disbursed between his multiple charities, on to friends with NGOs, and UN factions, is staggering. The documentation that the Gates Foundation pays for from universities, foundations, institutes, and George Soros, to bolster their agendas, is alarming. What is revealed in this 29-page report will stun you!

To continue reading this chapter and learn all about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the AIDS slush fund, become a Patron & get FULL ACCESS to the entire book!

All contribution levels receive access to each chapter of the book in PDF download, as well as updates, podcasts, interviews, and video reports on numerous other topics. There are 25+ chapters rolling out over the next several months. It is going to blow the lid off this industry!


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558f5d  No.8241290


Just further proof DOJ is fucking comped 100% needs to be blown up

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821c4d  No.8241291


It will be interesting to see if some of the deep state criminals head to non-extradition countries. We haven't seen it yet really. They are not "on the run" at all at this point.

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797a4c  No.8241292

File: ac2db1fcea47bd0⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 444x332, 111:83, 1571865767235.jpg)


Half those girls have probably had more sex than you have, tbh.

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a381d8  No.8241293


Don't forget the adrenochrome angle…

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81c89b  No.8241294

File: 4c2c2a68aa02932⋯.png (611.37 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 194af7b45652ab6⋯.png (72.59 KB, 427x324, 427:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b156c6eeaaac9b⋯.png (63.77 KB, 853x265, 853:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bbd24a241ab2bf⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 647x889, 647:889, 52592567_2652606044755995_….jpg)

File: e5e4ab27a9c3816⋯.png (16.78 KB, 637x346, 637:346, ClipboardImage.png)


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5cda5a  No.8241295


>US officials say they have uncovered a Russian disinformation campaign spreading conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.

Can any US government agency (IC) be trusted?

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024403  No.8241296


>US officials say they have uncovered a Russian disinformation campaign spreading conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.

Gee, I hadn't even noticed..

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fe6d30  No.8241297


don't een have to read past the 'your mom' .

thought you wanted to discuss the other anons definition of commonly used words.

you are a baby and shouldn't be here with adults.

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981723  No.8241298

File: 0d385fec618160d⋯.png (244.38 KB, 578x431, 578:431, operationpaperjew.png)


← Here's your operation paperclip, jew.

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5d59fe  No.8241301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Storm Song - W R Q

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db4c42  No.8241302



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930f1a  No.8241303

File: b3803beda8b901e⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SchiffStreetProblems.mp4)

Schiff on Kimmel Live talking about the "not so positive" reactions he's been getting!

Also, his daughter mocks him for having a pencil neck that's so obvious it can be spotted from a distance.

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81c89b  No.8241304

File: 1bbc5d97831ec76⋯.png (398.43 KB, 960x575, 192:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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226a43  No.8241305


Kate's #1 problem is she is stupid. #2 problem is she is crazy.

Her plan failed because stupid. Too stupid to know not to pull her stupid shit. Too stupid to succeed. Now too stupid to shut the fuck up.

She is crazy and feeds on the drama, craves the so-called, made up 'danger'.

Just another failed Twat famewhore. And she sucked you in.

I just watch the rats scramble. That's all

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930f1a  No.8241306


sawce (my b)


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23c7a7  No.8241308

File: ba39ab32fd739ff⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 570x928, 285:464, il_570xN.1921239733_1f5q.jpg)

You send the bottom of the barrel because you are fucking scared.

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444cb7  No.8241309


Nonstandard definition of evergreen, but something the ss would be aware of/come up with, relevant because Q brought it up again. Since I have you, have poetic meanings of "green" already been beaten to death? Envy? Money? Illness? Little green men?

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082794  No.8241310


top half

or bottom half?

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57d23c  No.8241311

File: d415e066e57430e⋯.png (435.46 KB, 1437x1358, 1437:1358, Q.png)

We are an integral part of The Plan

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5bf571  No.8241312

File: 3b39e9f1d96f995⋯.png (1.31 MB, 900x894, 150:149, trump doom the swamp runs ….png)

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385996  No.8241313


>Thinks fresh bread links are necessary.

>Insults all bakers who don't cater to his laziness as rookies.

>Blind to his newfag glow

Muh Catalog!

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f8a39e  No.8241314


all still puppets

Bushes were owned

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346b1d  No.8241315


Not Likely, I prefer a little MOAR Time From When THEIR PARENT'S LAST HAD SEX

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dcb99c  No.8241316


Thanks anon

>Love Trump / Family

I've noticed. Been following you for the last couple of days. Godspeed patriot.

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6e3166  No.8241317

I thought it was “game over” you fucking losers?

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e410d5  No.8241318

File: 4e6b342195b034e⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1314x1314, 1:1, 4b0871c740e56ade8d0585b119….jpg)

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8c0702  No.8241319



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db4c42  No.8241320



>Satellites don't normally jet out into space under power

Strange thing is it what pretty close to ISS. Also, can't find any official explanation.

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539690  No.8241321

So 40+ years ago God told Anon to study R and R.

To look and see The Bible.

What is Good and what is Evil.

Awhile ago God told Anon why.


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ab53f7  No.8241322


How big of a fucking moran do you have to be to type what you did? I asked a question, politely. Have your bot answer it. I’m still waiting for the original op to reply. All I have is your dumbass with my hook fully through your mouth and coming out your eye. You took it hook, line and sinker, zeb.

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54c164  No.8241323


It is.

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5d59fe  No.8241324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sheep no more - Qanon Trump and Patriots Tribute Video (Land of Confusion 2020)

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31e03b  No.8241325

File: 9ae2a531f16075e⋯.gif (9.82 MB, 469x640, 469:640, 2018_12_24_12_16_IMG_4913.GIF)

buy mah lotion

it's tavistock soy based

works on fronthole fart noises


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116495  No.8241326

File: 9a173570127283c⋯.png (151.65 KB, 516x424, 129:106, cogdis.png)


I feel bad for you.

Go learn the difference between real jews and liars. And then go learn why the liars keep calling themselves jews and how that serves their agenda. You have so much to learn.

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81c89b  No.8241327

File: 8086d89bcadae45⋯.png (169.16 KB, 507x387, 169:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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797a4c  No.8241328

File: efef37f98eec84a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 940x727, 940:727, 356756764765.png)


Once you see it..

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6e3166  No.8241329



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8c0702  No.8241330

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f8a39e  No.8241331


I missed one today, couldn't find the thread, had to wait for index to come up, got called a new baker, kekked like mad, doesn't happen often but it happens

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72fa51  No.8241332

File: 58c6118b679073f⋯.png (36.11 KB, 390x756, 65:126, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efb24018ec64bef⋯.png (412.66 KB, 408x1066, 204:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bf57665781e674⋯.png (18.43 KB, 405x303, 135:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6536226248447ca⋯.png (65.54 KB, 404x532, 101:133, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't think that anything was confirmed.

Still speculation as far as I know.

Here are the 4 Q drops that talk about Evergreen

Also, on a side note, it has recently been discussed that Pritzkers own Hyatt Hotels.

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23c7a7  No.8241333

Get off this board and do something, you DRACO faggots.

Lightning cant hurt that bad.

Level up.


Accept your fate.

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fe6d30  No.8241334


I get to the first insult and stop reading.

I'm not here to argue but to put you off when you have your teath in someone's neck.

you don't care about us, you are here to insult us and cause grief.

go away, you do not belong here.

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d39eca  No.8241335


Oddly enough, The Standard Hotel is right across the street from there.

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5d59fe  No.8241336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The storm has arrived - High Fives

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797a4c  No.8241337

File: 42c17adf716c678⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 179x320, 179:320, 1573180337756.gif)

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8c0702  No.8241338





harvey weinstein?

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89e589  No.8241339


Melania is flawlessly FLOTUS

Ivanka is angelic

Don’t get bad vibe from Jared

Shame shills here/msm distasteful shameful

Prayer for you and your loved ones always

Im just a simple image farmer anon

Just a simple man…

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54c164  No.8241340


Good defense.

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365ebe  No.8241341


yah well..

I'm really good at shitposting…

ho hum

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f962c8  No.8241342

Why I HATE Joos

1. My first experience with a Joo was a doctor who did an analysis on my learning disabled child. She referenced the race of my child in her report and stated that he was not academically inclined! I couldn't use the report.

2. My friend had a Jooish girlfriend. He told her I was a Christian before I met her. The moment I met her she went off on me about how Joos didn't crucify Jesus. I was shocked and stunned as I had never met the bitch before nor told her anything about her or her people!

3. My next experience with a Joo was a Messianic Joo. Sat next to him at a library and porn came up on his screen and he said he didn't know how it happened - I hadn't even noticed until he started jabbering about it. He invited me to his church, I told him I'd go if he comes to mine. He said ok. I went to his church. When I invited him to my church he said he had to ask his rabbi's permission. He never came.

4. Another Joo did a second analysis on my child. The report said that my homeschooling my child is doing more damage to him than putting him in school. I couldn't use that report either.

5. What I have learned since about them has caused me to despise them with a passion. They are liars and shit disturbers. They cry antisemitism when there is none. They cry racism when there is none. They cry holocaust when more have been killed by Communists than in the holocaust. They commit crimes against their own and blame it on the goy. That is despicable. Then on top of that, adding insult to injury, they killed Jesus Christ and put the blame on the Catholic!!! They have never taken responsibility for their own crimes. They truly are the Synagogue of Satan!!!

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6e3166  No.8241343


It’s not even in the same city anon. Downtown la vs Hollywood and highland.

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0ccb90  No.8241345


Bet taken.

Now, it is me against you?`

You seriously have no idea whom you are writing to.

The zero-point. Think you can get into that before you start spinning again?

come on bro. its about you, not us. Do`h

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558f5d  No.8241346


They never have just one. Hopefully he had a deadman switch. We should know in about a week

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981723  No.8241347


I don't feel bad for you or your kind.

You all deserve what you will be getting soon.

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a381d8  No.8241349


He's pretty cheerful for somebody who is supposedly going to face arrest.

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23c7a7  No.8241350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f82f83  No.8241351


Anything. Anywhere. If (((they))) don't like it.


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27814d  No.8241352

#10551 Notes so far

>>8241050, >>8241052 >>8241054 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3

>>8241082 POTUS in India, Day 2: Crucial bilateral talks today

>>8241063, >>8241107 Nunes interview: "Slowly but surely, some of the reports are being DECLASSIFIED"

>>8241130 Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief' (Sputnik)

>>8241147 Australia’s intelligence chief sounds alarm of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat (Sputnik)

>>8241150 Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along

>>8241185 Mallinckrodt proposes $1.6 billion opioid deal, Chapter 11 for generics unit

>>8241224 The Pentagon's Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Rise and Fall of the 'Coindinistas

>>8241240 More on John B. Wells interview of Philip Haney (infiltration by Islamics)

>>8241245 Weinstein is rushed to hospital 'suffering chest pains'

>>8241246 Blaze interview with Philip Haney (clip)

>>8241283 Bus Insider claims US officials have found a connection between corona "conspiracies" & Russia

not quite at the bottom but here are early notes

baker walked in cold anons didn't get a chance to look at notables, etc

so if you see dups of stuff not searchable in qresear.ch, lemme know

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ab53f7  No.8241353


Then fucking define it. You are pure entertainment for me due to your absolute inability to articulate a damn thing.

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23c7a7  No.8241354

File: 265a196883b644c⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 797x898, 797:898, ROFL.jpg)

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346b1d  No.8241355



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841d8b  No.8241356


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Qpost 54

Nov-02-2017 3:39:41 PM -03

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acc679  No.8241357

File: 330cc9d9f9a5d4c⋯.jpg (309.81 KB, 934x1559, 934:1559, Tn353Rp5t0iDIyNAm.jpg)



What other incorrect decode was there? Q was replying to someone about Kate Mazz & the gay ass theory she wanted to hug POTUS to poison him. Fucking retards

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31e03b  No.8241358


touch mah peepee daniel

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27814d  No.8241359


tx anon, got it!

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5656fe  No.8241360

File: 705dcd56139f551⋯.png (174.63 KB, 474x451, 474:451, 1830500fc0e.png)

>>8239046 pb


>flooding certain areas with "refugees",

>putting "fellow travellers" in charge of land management/forestry etc.

>Shitbags like Soros funding elections in small towns and counties all over the country to get "their" people in as prosectutors, judges, etc

all part of it.

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674400  No.8241361

Harvey Weinstein taken to hospital on way to prison

The ambulance carrying former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein to prison was instead redirected to a hospital.

Weinstein was on his way to Rikers Island when the ambulance went to Bellevue Hospital, Weinstein spokeswoman Juda Engelmayer told CNN Monday evening. The reason for the hospital visit was not immediately clear.


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bd3054  No.8241362


but hes replying to 976, the newfag comment is 977…those 2 posts arent linked

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4fa4ad  No.8241363


Certainly that move is anticipated by Trump, and there must be measures either in place or planned to prevent them from escaping. They seem to be waiting as long as possible with hopes that day will never come.

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b89c90  No.8241364

File: 4167ec3a67f8700⋯.png (197.91 KB, 615x615, 1:1, 1582043493.png)


Fuck off.

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89e589  No.8241366

File: 2b5d2e6c657c6d3⋯.gif (8.12 MB, 640x640, 1:1, BAF61FFB-609F-4E66-9FE5-DE….gif)


Should be watch carefully

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31e03b  No.8241367

for an extra $50

he can watch me

homo too


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6e3166  No.8241368


Was that your retard way of saying you’ll be my huckleberry?

Look stupid fuck, The “game” is retarded. Q’s drops are retarded. The morons behind this psyop have nothing put empty words.

They are sackless pieces of shit. Man up cunts or stfu forever.

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ab53f7  No.8241369



Missed the trips again, engrish much, zeb?

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116495  No.8241370


My kind???? I'm a hispanic American business owner and raising a well-rounded civilized Christian family. Too bad you can't say the same for yourself. I feel really bad for you. Look at everything you typed on this bread. You're a tiny little man with a damaged mind. Get help.

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27814d  No.8241371


never baked with index

so if catalog isn't working

ur prolly gonna think i'm a new baker too

we'll see

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fe6d30  No.8241372


you proved yourself a shill.

my work with you is done.

you're either here to help and uplift and resolve conflict, or you do what you did.

try me another bread later if you are really sincerely looking for opinions, but you won't know who I am.

if you really want to be a participant here, be less of an obvious shill.

you're hopeless as of now.

but you can learn to respect people and not spout out insults and maybe we'd be talking about real things.

but you just were wanting to distress someone who said somethings you didn't like, and you so you became task master and asking for him to define a contriversial word.

so you revealled yourself.

either IP hop or wait till the next bread. you've ruined your effectiveness in this one, sorry.

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c6bf74  No.8241373

File: 963f98212c4b45f⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 500x439, 500:439, 963f98212c4b45f4bfcc872c1a….jpg)



Both of (you) take your shitty little soap opera back to reddit.

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23c7a7  No.8241374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You listen to purple rain, I listen to this…


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4fa4ad  No.8241375

Melania is now visiting a school in Delhi. "Happiness classes".

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7138dd  No.8241376


The Masonic Lemming Contest !

(coming soon to a theater near you)

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57ff31  No.8241377

File: fe0b83bd0dad935⋯.png (227.75 KB, 600x439, 600:439, (jooidff).png)

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cb6b83  No.8241378


He is going to get "special treatment"..


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31e03b  No.8241379


rub that treasonous pedo in mah face

like you are a walrusjew

tavistock lotion is soybased for fart noises


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f8a39e  No.8241380


lots of that

like the whole spray/bloom/death bloom

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23c7a7  No.8241381

Melania is a dude.

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981723  No.8241382


Sure you are.

Doesn't matter "Hispanic Business man." The writing is on the wall. Read it.

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226a43  No.8241383


I watched what she did at the end of that rally, and what happened when she did it.

Doesnt matter what you post

She is a scared, batshit crazy, famewhore loser. Look to Twitter. Look at ALL her accounts, past and present. Bitch is insane. And doubtful that she is even a she. Dumbasses indeed

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ab53f7  No.8241384

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1498c4  No.8241385


I'm reading Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien and there's a passage in there about Evergreen (written by Mark PHillips, the guy who helped free her from being an MKUltra slave.)

He's speaking about his past working in Alaska with this guy - "This rigid fellow had a long, colorful history working for other CIA controlled airlines. Among other jobs, he had held top executive positions of authority with the infamous air support section of the U.S.

Forestry Service, Air America, and ==Evergreen (CIA) carriers==

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3fa61f  No.8241386


CC again C2

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fe6d30  No.8241387


don't care what you think, I did a good job outting a creep who is here just to distress people.

It hs to be done or they get will ful.

they do think they are our masters, some of them.

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31e03b  No.8241388


i am writing a book too

"my life with thrill kill buttplug cult"

has lotion coupons


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116495  No.8241389


I read it. You need help.

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f962c8  No.8241390


So you can't argue with anything I said so you resort to ad hominid attacks and call me a shill. Go kys u piece of shit!

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da7231  No.8241391


he's always been a globalist

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f8a39e  No.8241392


works same way as catalog

not as fast, imo

started one today in catalog, was working when I got on, then it wasn't

had to go to index to find,

comes up but not as quickly

can start a thread from there but slower, plan extra 30 posts ahead

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31e03b  No.8241393



again i daniel

was full of trannys joos

and fooled you


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8d4d19  No.8241394

File: a8d3a027bdad731⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 744x698, 372:349, a8d3a027bdad731d8319f17ba8….jpg)

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a381d8  No.8241395

File: a52324587b506bf⋯.png (208.3 KB, 469x452, 469:452, pistol-pepe.png)


Go home Lynn, you're drunk.

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981723  No.8241396


Comfort yourself with that thought.

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cb6b83  No.8241397


Evergreen is a shipping company by ship and air.

CIA owned I bet.

Trafficking a specialty.

That's my almonds burping a tingle-jingle

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27814d  No.8241398


yes, a lot about Evergreen Air in that book

did u check qresear.ch to see whether it's there?

Should be, many anons know about this

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39b47a  No.8241399

File: a7713d787dd6ddd⋯.png (157.41 KB, 1035x563, 1035:563, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 49534c574701d12⋯.png (903.99 KB, 1157x580, 1157:580, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 11e5cacc3563188⋯.png (422.97 KB, 1077x597, 359:199, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


>>8240710 pb

>23.041502, 72.564603

check the coordinates

Patel stadium in India


Mogul = DJT

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a8db4a  No.8241400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons catch recent NASA spoopies?

UFO on ISS live feed.

They didn’t cut the feed.

Shows all 22min of it. (vid rel)

WTF dat thing?

Reminds me of Black Knight. (pic rel)

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8c0702  No.8241401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is someone pulling a Epstein relaese/cover story?


I found this while digging on Scott Daehlin

don't even know why it came up?

look at dates and note it is older but refers to TODAY 25th but posted on the 12th?

MOGUL: Harvey Weinstein (disgrced Mogul)

did we miss this?

who is speaking?




▶Anonymous 02/12/20 (Wed) 17:17:54e04e93 (4) No.8118472>>8118535


{23.041502, 72.564603}




MOGUL > Well Insulated > 100%





Attorney Gloria Allred speaks on disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein guilty verdict

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31e03b  No.8241402

File: 05024f5a66e7dba⋯.jpg (249.25 KB, 1022x1024, 511:512, 2018_12_24_19_01_IMG_4947.JPG)

must gib daniel

soy based lotion shekels


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346b1d  No.8241403

File: e13214c210f8817⋯.png (304.29 KB, 480x345, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)


He Knows About Epstein, Right??

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27814d  No.8241404


yeah, i can usually figure out something

in early nov, the breds weren't dropping for up to 15 mins

this should be easier

but might miss the fresh bred post

never know til it happens, kek

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fe6d30  No.8241405


game over means you, the player, must stop playing. and face the future without any more quarters for a replay.

that's what it means.

it means stop imaginging that you have anything that you can do to stop what will come, if you deserve it to arrive in your life for what you did.

game over, you're out of tokens. the arcade is closing. better go home and go to bed. you might have to go to court in the morning.

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57ff31  No.8241406

File: 44cfbe61ec88665⋯.png (346.39 KB, 612x661, 612:661, dUrAcO.png)


Big talk coming from a space lizard faggot.

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a8db4a  No.8241407

File: b068cb1556335d3⋯.jpeg (56.96 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 0B9CEDF9-AD2F-4913-AAA0-C….jpeg)



pic rel

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31e03b  No.8241408


touch mah fronthole

has fart noises


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cb461b  No.8241409

File: 95343f9bd69dce0⋯.png (293.32 KB, 597x551, 597:551, ClipboardImage.png)


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acc679  No.8241410




Kate was on on 4 ch pol before Q. They ran an op on her.

Q mimicked the way Kate used chan

Attached thread fills in the blanks. If you haven't read it get your head out your ass before you look more a fool. Uninformed fuck.


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024403  No.8241411



Why would HRC have been given a code name based on this in 1992?

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082794  No.8241412




you can search evergreen cia and get plenty of articles, theyve been written about for years

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797a4c  No.8241413

File: bb9a05a63c82ab5⋯.png (175.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1574816169980.png)

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31e03b  No.8241414


>touch mah fronthole


>has fart noises



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23c7a7  No.8241415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can't wait to kick DJT's head off of his fucking shoulders.


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db4c42  No.8241416


wat dat

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f8a39e  No.8241417


we've both baked through some pretty gnarley shit it's when you aren't ready for it, it gets you


live and learn

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c6ba9c  No.8241418


i remember there was an old evergreen dig

Evergreen International Airlines was a charter and cargo airline based in McMinnville, Oregon, United States with longstanding ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It operated contract freight services, offering charters and scheduled flights, as well as wet lease services. It operated services for the U.S. military and the United States Postal Service, as well as ad hoc charter flights. Its crew base was at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York.[2]

Evergreen also maintained a large aircraft maintenance and storage facility at the Pinal Air Park in Marana, Arizona that the company acquired from the CIA's Air America fleet.[3][4][5]

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4f2e32  No.8241419


that's a lot!

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23c7a7  No.8241420




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17916d  No.8241421

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons has anyone dug on Qinetiq ( pronounced Kinetic) looks like it is the center of Military Industrial Complex, the Queen owns 30% of this so can never be investigated. sauce https://aim4truth.org

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31e03b  No.8241422


>touch mah fronthole


>has fart noises



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da7231  No.8241423

India talking about being stewards of the earth

while you can cut the air with a knife it's so dirty.

Pretty sure potus was asking a delegate at tree planting, wtf was going on with the air pollution.

Global warming morons. Fuck the UN.

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116495  No.8241424


You exposed yourself.

I olny helped you keep talking.

It's not too late to go figure it out.

Good luck. Get help. You need it badly.

You have anger issues, delusions, and you hate hispanic American Christian families. You said so yourself. Shame.

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981723  No.8241425


It looks suspicious as hell. Clearly, it was planned. Other than that, I really don't know what they real story is. Whatever the real story is, we won't ever know.

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5d59fe  No.8241426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Abbey Cookes lastest video dated 2-20-2020

We Must Unite…

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4fa4ad  No.8241427

MirrorNow mentioned that there is a village named after Carter, Carterpuri. He once visited and brought them a television. Commentator admitted there was likely no electricity in the village at the time. kek

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f962c8  No.8241428



Showing your Jooish love for the goy I see.

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346b1d  No.8241429


Above My GS!

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226a43  No.8241430


Nobody gives a FLYING FUCK about Kate Spazz. She is a famewhore who wont ever stop because she cant. She is batshit crazy, waving her crazy flag high so everybody can see. Dont give a shit what she is doing or why. She is stupid and has no place on this board. We are anon. Kate Spazz chooses not to be anon. Not our problem

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3fa61f  No.8241431


Shut Up Kate.

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444cb7  No.8241432


Yet no confirmation – presume Q hasn't seen the proper decode yet? What if it refers to a serious illness – evergreen = always sick?

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8c0702  No.8241433


hmmm that is interesting


why was it on the board on the 12th?

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fe6d30  No.8241434


aand filtered

you aint who you pretned to be

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27814d  No.8241435


i never think i'm ready

but somehow, it all works out (eventually)

prayer helps, kek.

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1498c4  No.8241436


Yeah. I just thought it was interesting to see it on a page of a book I was currently reading that isn't Qresearch.

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981723  No.8241437


Sure, Moishe. We know how this game is played.

Good luck with that.

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acc679  No.8241438


Don't you know Flynn is bad now too by their logic. If Flynn is praying for Kate Mazz they'll go after Flynn. Its a fucking op. They won't concede. They'll target Flynn instead

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cb461b  No.8241439

File: c806e3bd0801294⋯.png (988.21 KB, 1196x1176, 299:294, ClipboardImage.png)




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23c7a7  No.8241440

Lol I'll do the same to Maleania and Barron

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a55685  No.8241441

File: fff37d9d45b7727⋯.png (331.45 KB, 474x324, 79:54, ClipboardImage.png)


>← Here's your operation paperclip, jew.

Top kek!

Listen to all the JIDF/Black cube faggots on here crying that Weinstein is not a joo.

What a fucking joke.

Money pissed into the wind.

Literally no-one convinced.

Cry harder (((kikes))), I can't stop laughing.

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ab53f7  No.8241442

Q brings up mb and islam and the moojoos go full reeee. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Hey Q want to bring up china again? Should provide for more entertainment from the shills.

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31e03b  No.8241443

File: 5b75272cba0a159⋯.jpg (307.58 KB, 915x1024, 915:1024, 2018_12_24_12_47_IMG_4915.JPG)

File: 79d85edd32dbeec⋯.jpg (239.65 KB, 800x1093, 800:1093, 2018_12_28_15_53_IMG_5048.JPG)

buy mah lotion

and help prevent

KYS bacterias

soy based tavistock lotion

must gib daniel shekels


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116495  No.8241444


My name is not moishe.

My name is Saavedra.

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f8a39e  No.8241445


faith and fast thinking

alertness without panic

don't tap, keep at it

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23c7a7  No.8241446




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57ff31  No.8241447

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick-a-kike.jpg)


>Showing your Jooish love for the goy I see.

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39b47a  No.8241448

File: 965a5b67cd79ab5⋯.png (331.22 KB, 726x566, 363:283, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 2a03e634e239daa⋯.png (249.74 KB, 798x608, 21:16, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


looks like it hit the news on 12th maybe?

see date. India time pic 1

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539690  No.8241449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go back :)


P.S. Do you remember the wording in the contract Satan? "No direct interference". 1 chance used. My turn :)

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7138dd  No.8241450

File: f360314693bfa0a⋯.png (90.78 KB, 460x228, 115:57, da2749ce048b82d4e7bfe4c4da….png)

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8c0702  No.8241451

anon solved it? coordinates for India





▶Anonymous 02/12/20 (Wed) 17:17:54e04e93 (4) No.8118472>>8118535


{23.041502, 72.564603}




MOGUL > Well Insulated > 100%





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fe6d30  No.8241452


a shill pretending to be a delusional head injury victim as part of a 2 year larp.

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23c7a7  No.8241453

File: 4578e50b518e4a9⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 540x225, 12:5, tumblr_inline_p82vn77DAV1s….gif)

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981723  No.8241454


It shows how effective this board is, and how desperate (((they))) are.

They have their nuts in such a tight bundle, they have no idea how STUPID they sound.

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57ff31  No.8241455

File: f1988b21f70e0a1⋯.jpg (330.72 KB, 1000x752, 125:94, JIDF_aggots.jpg)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews" or any variant thereof they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

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27814d  No.8241456


>never tap

the only real Fight Club rule of baking

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346b1d  No.8241457

File: 9971c97bfc55506⋯.jpg (189.77 KB, 625x462, 625:462, badslide.jpg)


Gotta be hotwheels!>>8241446

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981723  No.8241458


>My name is Saavedra

The Reckoning is upon you "Saavendra."

Have fun with that.

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23c7a7  No.8241459

File: 35ba8175ea9d5d5⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 540x225, 12:5, tumblr_p2xe1yfvVB1rv1d8ho4….gif)

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a381d8  No.8241460


Evergreen → Adrenochrome

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23c7a7  No.8241462


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116495  No.8241463


Saavedra. Spell it correctly, clown.

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f8a39e  No.8241464


try the next bake from the index

get comfy with it

slo bread is best time to try it out

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082794  No.8241465



Holy Shit

Funny but Scary

They were trained by the same puppetmaster

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117d50  No.8241466


Looks like most Project Managers. Pert, Receptive and udderly clueless.

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444cb7  No.8241467


Newfag question: do anons often discuss a decode at length only to have it confirmed later upon rehash? Or is Q pretty quick with the uptake – confirms relatively quickly or not at all?

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024403  No.8241468

File: 0ab296f1bbba22e⋯.png (135.06 KB, 857x804, 857:804, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: f4412cac6007fef⋯.png (50.07 KB, 811x638, 811:638, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


Is QMap Maker around? There is an error on page 898. the Anon post Q was replying to seems to have the wrong post number.

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264c40  No.8241469


Isnt that dude like a pedo who likes to dress up like a furry? Ew.

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b89c90  No.8241470

File: 62fa0fb87e6cd08⋯.jpeg (335.08 KB, 686x612, 343:306, 1582480153.jpeg)

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981723  No.8241471


See??? You exposed yourself, JIDF.

I know you think that the goyim are stupid, and we are, but not as stupid as you jews.

Eat it, bitch.

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226a43  No.8241472


They all are. Beto was too

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346b1d  No.8241473

File: 75d233177ffeb53⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 403x314, 403:314, buckofwheat.jpg)



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558f5d  No.8241474


kek luv that meme

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4f2e32  No.8241475


Salvatore Cesar Pais

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082794  No.8241476


Ryan Saavedra?

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3b0bf0  No.8241477

File: c61931c7a604cd2⋯.png (315.46 KB, 666x438, 111:73, husseinTwatElijah.png)

File: 43eeb78b1410bcf⋯.png (190.98 KB, 669x447, 223:149, bCTwatElijah.png)





been watchin twats from HRC BC and BO.

lb discussed the conversation HRC and Hussein are having and the interwoven code they are exchanging.

Just checked out BC's twatter and he and Hussein have been reaching out to @repjohnlewis.

Reading all three's twats, they are all interwoven with the same discussion. Unreal.

Bill Clinton



Feb 21

Happy 80th birthday, @RepJohnLewis

. I'm grateful every day for your leadership, friendship, and example.

note the next twat and see how "was more important than his own life." is associated with "leadership, friendship, and example."

Barack Obama



Feb 21

Happy birthday to one of my heroes — someone who believed our right to vote was more important than his own life. Thanks for making good trouble for 80 years, @repjohnlewis

The call out to john lewis was followed up today with HRC and Hussein having an interesting exchange just hours ago.

see the posts above for fuller picture.

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57ff31  No.8241478

File: b1261c024b68955⋯.png (800.36 KB, 960x960, 1:1, bern-dont-know-mags.png)

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edd3a7  No.8241479

File: a3ac091e43d8110⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1498x999, 1498:999, Pepe Trump India.png)

File: fd4ef86408f5864⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1500x999, 500:333, Pepe Trump India 2.png)

File: d7eb5235f472596⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1500x995, 300:199, Pepe Trump India 3.png)

File: 00bba7f624e7d66⋯.png (1.64 MB, 962x1205, 962:1205, Pepe Ivanka India.png)

File: 8b94b1a3878e8fa⋯.png (1.64 MB, 962x1199, 962:1199, Pepe Ivanka India 2.png)

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23c7a7  No.8241480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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116495  No.8241481


>See??? You exposed yourself, JIDF.

I know you think that the goyim are stupid

Hispanic American = JIDF in your delusional mind. Check. Get help.

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fe6d30  No.8241482


why? what equation gave you that conclusion?

I didnt' really filter him, I just said I did because I figure well, he's a bit off his game and it fake, I know that. that's not the guy that they want you to think it is.

no, I don't have a namefag persona here. but sometimes I get in 'these shills . . . these mean mean shills . . . dorggg nabbit' mode and just let it loose so that they lose it. fun and it needs to be done to some of the more willful twittish newbee shills. They could be foriegn operators we can win over to realize that their bosses aren't giving them the best assignments.

and as far as the fake one, obviously he baits us with unfailed rage.

it's gotta be an act.

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23c7a7  No.8241483

File: ebb0ccf82c338b7⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 540x225, 12:5, 207139.gif)

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a14ca0  No.8241484

File: 17d021817a211bf⋯.png (51.01 KB, 387x500, 387:500, Corona1.png)

File: 65f7d60b6f3a207⋯.png (44.47 KB, 386x447, 386:447, Corona8.png)

File: e2aa2c41cdd91f1⋯.png (48.22 KB, 383x507, 383:507, Corona16.png)


I am aware it is an old name for the satellites.

However, it is the only thing that makes logical sense from posts.

There is a reference to Snow White 7, and "coronas" going offline!

Remember, Q cannot openly mention classified CIA satellites as it would touch on current CIA programs.

There is probably a different name for a more current satellite program that cannot be revealed.

Using an old satellite program name that is unclassified does NOT threaten our national security.

Logical Thinking

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e33820  No.8241485

Q3882 digg on Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (wiki)

The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) is an agency within the United States Department of State that bridges the Department of State with the Department of Defense. It provides policy in the areas of international security, security assistance, military operations, defense strategy and policy, military use of space, and defense trade. It is headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs. Tina Kaidanow currently serves as Acting Assistant Secretary

According to the Department of State website, the Bureau secures military base access and overflight permission to support the deployment of U.S. military forces. It negotiates the status of U.S. military forces and International Criminal Court non-surrender agreements. It is also responsible for coordinating the participation of coalition combat and stabilization forces, and assisting other countries in reducing the availability of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), which are shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles.

The Bureau seeks to create and manage defense relationships with allies of the United States, regulate arms transfers, control access to military technology, and combat the illegal trafficking of small arms or light weapons. It also is responsible for training and equipping international peacekeepers and other military personnel.


US Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs


Reports (4 available)



https://www.state.gov/end-use-monitoring-report/ 2018 and 2017


Older reports are availble at State Dept Directorate of Defense Trade Controls


Appears the primary function of the State Department agency Bureau of Political-Military Affairs is coordinated military aid, training and arms trade with foreign nations.

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346b1d  No.8241486


No original wheelchair porn BO at 8chan!

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ab53f7  No.8241487


Project projection in full reeeeee mode. You see that drop earlier about the mb? Or the one long ago about hussein’s faith? Of course you did, it’s why you are here doing what you’re doing. True Patriots have known for a long time what was going on, the blades of grass were only waiting to reveal themselves. You lost because it was your destiny.

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db4c42  No.8241488


they say it was a space blanket

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39b47a  No.8241489

File: cb34bd10b935af7⋯.png (111.13 KB, 651x533, 651:533, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 82cbf764c60d7cb⋯.png (168.02 KB, 861x537, 287:179, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: aa4a87a57973d12⋯.png (78.39 KB, 613x273, 613:273, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 8a2f1b19e3b8458⋯.png (85.48 KB, 777x407, 21:11, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


posting anon looks shilly

pic related

wouldn't dismiss entirely though

also posted other coords and

<How many of you faggots are ready to smash the fash and be a hotboy for Bernie?

<Itchy_Butt > Stank_Phalanges

<[53.484691, -1.211447]

<Week[END] to remember!

<{38.975833, -86.656944}

<Imagine the smell!

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4fa4ad  No.8241490

MirrorNow: "Thirty-seven companies of paramilitary have been deployed across northeast Delhi."

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d5af2c  No.8241491

File: 08fb398759046a1⋯.jpeg (425.94 KB, 1536x304, 96:19, 86FD6F1D-5106-4053-AE3F-5….jpeg)


Just occurred to me what this might mean in part (multiple meanings)

Did you see this brute’s post yesterday with it’s torment about dehydration?

It reminded me of the Bush’s buying up land in South America that boasted massive water reserves.

Bear with me here…

I have a dog that is terrified of thunderstorms. So much so, my life comes to a full halt during a storm. Dog came to me via my sister and we were talking about thunderstorms and I asked could she remember we always had them especially in summer, (Melbourne Australia) but that we hadn’t had any for ages… until I got this dog. Just my luck right? It was a joke we had.

Then it occurred to me.

I got this dog around the time of the Trump presidency.

Were they controlling the weather with a view to redirecting water placement? With a view to dehydrate us to death? And the total absence of thunderstorms was part of the process?

And that’s what WATCH THE WATER means… watch the storage levels rise. See water flow back to its natural places.

Australia has been burnt out with the assistance of massive accumulation of ground fuel due to green policies. The refusal of politicians to listen to reasoning by farmers, conservationists and fire services is profound. Then while the place is burning down around our ears, we are swamped with wave after wave of storms.

If what I’m suggesting is right, then thank you on behalf of all Australians. My firefighting brother informed me today that they are still burning but are contained.

Did Patriots turn the spigot back to normal?

This is the most ‘out there’ theory I’ve proffered here.

Gonna shout meself a store bought tin foil hat.

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116495  No.8241492


No. Look how many Saavedras there are in America. Very common Hispanic American surname.

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edd3a7  No.8241493

File: 15faeabe4867460⋯.png (808.19 KB, 667x1092, 667:1092, india pepe 2.png)

File: f6e13dba650f43c⋯.png (602.94 KB, 681x1022, 681:1022, Pepe india 4.png)

File: 1f31012b035e666⋯.png (779.52 KB, 897x1350, 299:450, Pepe india 6.png)

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981723  No.8241494



Assuming what you say is true (and it's not because JEWS ALWAYS LIE), you should consider converting, immigrating to Israel, and joining the JIDF, you daft motherfucker.

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23c7a7  No.8241495

File: 77572e2b45a9196⋯.gif (618.59 KB, 720x780, 12:13, 77572e2b45a919628e37757214….gif)

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821c4d  No.8241496


If /they/ were smart, /they/ would have fucked off in Jan 2017. /They/ aren't.

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981723  No.8241497


Go tell your rabbi.

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a38c5d  No.8241498

The economic function seeks to provide essential services and stimulate long term economic growth, thereby generating confidence in the government while at the same time reducing the pool of frustrated, unemployed young men and women from which insurgents can readily recruit.

Re-written for the deep state:

The economic function seeks to undermine essential services and stagnate long term economic growth, thereby generating a lack of confidence in the government while at the same time increasing the pool of frustrated, unemployed young men and women from which we can readily recruit.

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116495  No.8241499


I hope someone who knows you has you committed before you harm yourself or someone else. You need mental help.

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acc679  No.8241500

File: c0753cb46f24751⋯.jpg (112.58 KB, 1079x1060, 1079:1060, Screenshot_20200225-013756.jpg)

File: 2672fd8f77dd292⋯.jpg (656.54 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20200225-013906.jpg)


Did you know Q posited "the world is about to change" immediately following Jeff Boyd's confession to secret service?

What's up CIA mofos?


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b89c90  No.8241501

File: ff7dee41cd5f5c0⋯.jpg (139.8 KB, 872x573, 872:573, IMG_20200205_222352_774.JPG)


Shouldn't you be at the CAIR fundraiser?

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23c7a7  No.8241502

File: c345da106fd223f⋯.gif (3.15 MB, 620x349, 620:349, DefiniteImpossibleGiraffe-….gif)

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346b1d  No.8241503


The Overcompensation for Strength and Power!

opposite of Frail and Bound to wheelchair sex!

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c75a93  No.8241504




Meaning: new, unskilled


Word, homie.

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27814d  No.8241505

#10551 @430

>>8241050, >>8241052 >>8241054 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3

>>8241082 POTUS in India, Day 2: Crucial bilateral talks today

>>8241063, >>8241107 Nunes interview: "Slowly but surely, some of the reports are being DECLASSIFIED"

>>8241130 Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief' (Sputnik)

>>8241147 Australia’s intelligence chief sounds alarm of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat (Sputnik)

>>8241150 Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along

>>8241185 Mallinckrodt proposes $1.6 billion opioid deal, Chapter 11 for generics unit

>>8241224 The Pentagon's Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Rise and Fall of the 'Coindinistas

>>8241240 More on John B. Wells interview of Philip Haney (infiltration by Islamics)

>>8241245, >>8241361 Weinstein is rushed to hospital 'suffering chest pains'

>>8241246 Blaze interview with Philip Haney (clip)

>>8241283 Bus Insider claims US officials have found a connection between corona "conspiracies" & Russia

>>8241303, >>8241306, >>8241059 Schiff life on Kimmel and it's AMAZING

anything missing, anons?

Don't know whether this is notable or not –

>>8241399, >>8241401 POTUS as 'mogul'? Weinstein as 'mogul'?

But since POTUS is in India and just went to the Taj Mahal, might do a dig on the Moghul emperors…..

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dcb99c  No.8241506

File: 1b1e362f8b7feb1⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 300x350, 6:7, jfk5x5.jpg)

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365ebe  No.8241507


I saw that when it happened

there was another one same id with coordinates to popcorn, indiana

which i thought was kekable but larpy

screenshot didnt make the cut

sorry now tho

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082794  No.8241508


yeah dont really care about all the trivia just wanted to know if Ryan Saavedra is here

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ab53f7  No.8241509


Thanks iman.

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346b1d  No.8241511


Swamp Gas!

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23c7a7  No.8241512





a7 to 35

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f962c8  No.8241513


Fashionista Pepe modeling some nice clothes. kek

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fe6d30  No.8241514


it doesn't mean anything, dude, I'm not him.

how do you put him and sex in the same sentence?

you got some joystick issues, there anon.

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981723  No.8241515


I hope some rabbi doens't mutilate your penis and then suck it. Opps. To late.

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31e03b  No.8241516

File: b75894fc4a88506⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2694.PNG)

File: 1e3401ce55020b2⋯.png (1.64 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2697.PNG)

File: 4a6ebcd63910cc2⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 180x277, 180:277, IMG_5001.JPG)

and there i was

rolling hard on chan

to mordor


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116495  No.8241517


No. That's not me. He might have eyes on here - many in media do. But he's not me, anon.

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981723  No.8241518


Your welcome, jew.

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4fa4ad  No.8241519


Probably were assured by those like Brennan that 'everything is under control', and 'we will take care of him one way or another'.

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bb612b  No.8241520

File: c168c6955a93d0f⋯.png (395.81 KB, 445x398, 445:398, ClipboardImage.png)

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1498c4  No.8241521


If you lived in California you would have thought that too.

Since President Trump has been in office we literally have been watching the water levels rise. Especially because of the snow pack in the Sierras but our stupid Governor still thinks it's great to dump water into the ocean.

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57ff31  No.8241522

File: 2615040a73e3359⋯.png (306.97 KB, 612x344, 153:86, dUrAcO-1.png)


>Shouldn't you be at the CAIR fundraiser?

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ab53f7  No.8241523


No problem zeb.

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a38c5d  No.8241524

Ultimately, the

desired end state is a government that is seen as legitimate, controlling social, political,

economic and security institutions that meet the population’s needs, including

adequate mechanisms to address the grievances that may have fueled support of the


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23c7a7  No.8241525

Without JFK's speech, and the R post, I would be nothing.

I owe them a Golden Age.

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365ebe  No.8241526


thats right it was the

stank phalanges that made me not

save the other screen shots

glad to see you were on it anon

kek worthy no doubt

but methinks I smelly freddys stank fingers all over that


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116495  No.8241527



I've never had one.

You aren't helping your case at all.

Get help, you're delusional.

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a381d8  No.8241529

File: 58431204a7fe76b⋯.png (710.4 KB, 1260x838, 630:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Bernie Sanders Won't Speak at AIPAC. Could That Hurt His Presidential Quest?


Yesterday, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, announced he would not speak at next week’s annual conference hosted by the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The vigor of the rejection invoked criticism by the lobby and its allies. If elected, Sanders would be the first Jewish president in U.S. history.

“The Israeli people have the right to live in peace and security. So do the Palestinian people. I remain concerned about the platform AIPAC provides for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic Palestinian rights. For that reason I will not attend their conference,” tweeted Sanders, who lived on an Israeli Kibbutz for several months in 1963. “As president, I will support the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians and do everything possible to bring peace and security to the region.”

The committee’s response was immediate. “Senator Sanders has never attended our conference and that is evident from his outrageous comment,” they said, describing their coalition as intersectional and diverse with different political, racial, and religious backgrounds. “By engaging in such an odious attack on the mainstream, bipartisan American political event, Senator Sanders is insulting his very own colleagues and the millions of Americans who stand with Israel. Truly shameful.”

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c75a93  No.8241530


Pickle Farm products.

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981723  No.8241531


Glad you agree, Schlomo.

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c6ba9c  No.8241532

>>8241418 (me)

they have the spruce goose, was some bankruptcy & howard hughes stuff. mcminneville is near the i-5. can drive from mexico to canada on the i-5.

was right around the time fbi raided medicure and the airstrip on an eastern time zone alaskan island was closed.

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346b1d  No.8241533


his Filipino hookers are stroking sump tom

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23c7a7  No.8241534

File: 425e14f91435b3c⋯.png (20.02 KB, 1300x780, 5:3, 1300px-United_States_civil….png)

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2e7264  No.8241535

File: c6bc9945026f4ae⋯.png (433.12 KB, 663x486, 221:162, obama1.png)

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edd3a7  No.8241536

File: 1430b8f08be94fa⋯.png (346.99 KB, 794x1164, 397:582, Little Navy pepe (2).png)

File: 9250ecf6294b351⋯.png (242.95 KB, 371x676, 371:676, Marine Pepe 1.png)

File: 7c1cf9ff7b267e3⋯.png (223.31 KB, 343x699, 343:699, Marine pepe 2.png)

File: 4cfd2731137e299⋯.png (478.86 KB, 993x1500, 331:500, Pepe beach boy 2.png)

File: 6ac1cd9b30f4aca⋯.png (155.45 KB, 269x575, 269:575, Pepe trenchcoat 2.png)

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81c89b  No.8241537

File: 25e7dcf900372b7⋯.png (251.72 KB, 385x272, 385:272, ClipboardImage.png)

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a14ca0  No.8241538



April 10, 2020?


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444cb7  No.8241539

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f8a39e  No.8241540


Bigger question would be does he really think that will help him?

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981723  No.8241541


Your desperation is almost palpable for an "Hispanic." Are you a Crypto jew?

If not, you should convert.

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acc679  No.8241542


When the board moved to 8chan very few autists migrated. They stayed on half chan. The collevtive IQ & decoding skills plummeted. Never assume they get anything right in here let alone the first time.

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5d59fe  No.8241543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Revival Land of the Free, Home of the Brave - Axiom Report

This video is beautiful not too many followers…maybe give a like to help him out…

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b89c90  No.8241544

File: d8c15e4f43002b9⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 595x572, 595:572, IMG_20200208_080211_321.JPG)


You can't even argue with yourself in a coherent manner.

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539690  No.8241545

Wiser than Daniel.

Through The Bible it's a "thing".

Oh there are PLENTY wiser.

I Daniel know WHEN to play dumb.


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3b0bf0  No.8241546


@repjohnlewis twatter is the new "Resistance" headquarters.

it appears that everyone in the [D] party is posting on his twat except him.

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72fa51  No.8241547

File: 6bbc5ecf7281577⋯.png (172.04 KB, 320x290, 32:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Have you considered a Thundershirt for your dog?

It makes them feel safe, like they are being hugged.

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ab53f7  No.8241548


Good night cuckcake, don’t let the goats bite.

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8800a8  No.8241549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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082794  No.8241550


Mogul refers to the Mughal Empire of India that existed between 1526 and 1857

Early Mughal emperors claimed a heritage dating back to the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan.

The modern meaning of the word is supposedly derived from the storied riches of the Mughal emperors, which, for example, produced the

Taj Mahal

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3b3d6d  No.8241551


Trump just was in Colorado opening the reservoir to California farmers up in the part of california nobody gives a fuck about. Until food runs short, that is.

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23c7a7  No.8241552

File: ff1ffb779295346⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 268x268, 1:1, tumblr_oxczaqhe3X1snteogo4….gif)

I have severe flaws, but the GOOD believe in me.

I will deliver. As those that R good have.

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ce89db  No.8241553


fema camps, shtf coming soon

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31e03b  No.8241554

it says in the book of daniel

that three old faggot jews

had to change their names

cause they were throwing children in a furnace

must gib daniel lotion shekels


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fe6d30  No.8241555


look, the larp has gone on long enough.

no one takes that much meaning from one speach and some shit posts. Not even a muscle head head-injury victim who might really just be CGI AI.

your fake

fake fake fake

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981723  No.8241556


Good nite, jew. Dream about what it would be like to have an intact penis.

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a8db4a  No.8241557



High frequency gravitational wave generator

Patent number: 10322827

Abstract: A high frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas filled shell with an outer shell surface, microwave emitters, sound generators, and acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities. The outer shell surface is electrically charged and vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate a first electromagnetic field. The acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities each have a cavity surface that can be electrically charged and vibrated by acoustic energy from the sound generators such that a second electromagnetic field is generated. The two acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities are able to counter spin relative to each other to provide stability, and propagating gravitational field fluctuations are generated when the second electromagnetic field propagates through the first electromagnetic field.

Type: Grant

Filed: February 14, 2017

Date of Patent: June 18, 2019

Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy

Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais

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23c7a7  No.8241558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e7264  No.8241559

File: 7dcfa148b59bb73⋯.png (270.86 KB, 541x391, 541:391, obama butt reaming faggot.png)

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3b3d6d  No.8241560


Every day I get up

head to the shitter

enjoy a toilet

and thank God I wasn't born Indian.

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cb461b  No.8241561

File: 5baa8cc3a481087⋯.png (1.34 MB, 961x641, 961:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ae923  No.8241562

File: ef8e6e74d2ba5d8⋯.png (321.55 KB, 480x453, 160:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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23c7a7  No.8241563

File: 2637b9d1f608534⋯.gif (186.81 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, photo0.gif)



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f962c8  No.8241564


Nice anon!

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cb461b  No.8241565

File: 96cb88ad2c852a2⋯.png (768.5 KB, 542x775, 542:775, 1581985028891.png)

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33c97f  No.8241566

File: ab7da5a4dc698dc⋯.png (403.72 KB, 641x680, 641:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a732ab70c8efb⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Scary.mp4)


Was just going to post that.

If you didn’t think Pete is an EVIL man then watch this.

Pete is a Hussein 🤡 stooge


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fd571b  No.8241567


>and thank God I wasn't born Indian.

you weren't, but your grandkids will be.

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93de6a  No.8241568


Yeah he had the same training.

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39b47a  No.8241569

File: f9bb945809c0a31⋯.png (265.86 KB, 790x598, 395:299, 1notSimplyAnotherFourYearE….png)

File: c2c7c1afc1c9ff2⋯.png (350.77 KB, 795x589, 795:589, notSimplyAnotherFourYearEl….png)

File: 7ab94aa129f52af⋯.png (14.75 KB, 424x141, 424:141, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: d910d6832f3829a⋯.png (19.82 KB, 423x176, 423:176, notSimplyAnotherFourYearEl….png)


all caps

Jan 28 Q posted only a link to

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

searching for "year election" first post was on 11/20/18 and included

This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.

Seems like these sigs progress and the all caps has some significance.

You often get several instances of the same sig then all caps, either nothing or a variation

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f8a39e  No.8241570


that would be a great Q

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31e03b  No.8241571

flat turd earth texas

needs mah lotion

its soy based tavistock lotion

must gib daniel lotion shekels


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db4c42  No.8241573


i keked

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23c7a7  No.8241575

File: 5ca563e56527eed⋯.jpeg (87.92 KB, 828x558, 46:31, 5ca563e56527eed7fbc13ec91….jpeg)

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5d59fe  No.8241576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Sent me #WWG1WGA - Multi real life

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acc679  No.8241577



Q pointed us to Kate. Because she may very well have saved our President from harm. He called her VIP. That's not fame whoring. She didn't ask to be stalked by an armed whack job & she had no choice in being Q'd. You sound fucking jealous. Kate's braver than all you fucks who hate her.

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a381d8  No.8241578

File: 26ca285e9fa4ac2⋯.png (349.24 KB, 704x352, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

China said it would relax its lockdown of Wuhan's 11 million residents, only to immediately reintroduce it


The city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak said it would ease quarantine restrictions on its 11 million citizens, only to reverse the decision just hours later.

Wuhan announced on Monday that some people who are deemed healthy will be allowed to leave the city, whose transport links have been severed since January 23.

But authorities later said that announcement was not authorized, and called it "invalid."

China's decision to lock down Wuhan and nearby cities is the largest quarantine in human history, with the World Health Organization calling it an unprecedented step that's it's not sure will work.

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024403  No.8241579

File: d206b7c45c006db⋯.png (234.77 KB, 945x362, 945:362, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


Go directly to tard jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 keks.

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39b47a  No.8241580

File: 3e63e3221d20212⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 2952x3047, 2952:3047, HONK_HONK.gif)


noticed the fag doing Hussein voice the other day.

Same training

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31e03b  No.8241581

File: dd7547292bbea4b⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 255x184, 255:184, IMG_0784.JPG)


it was a dude

i fooled you again

i am full of tranny jooos


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116495  No.8241582


TOPKEK! Keep talking. What else would you like to regurgitate on this bread? This is all from you. You have no idea how retarded you are. Epic.
















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29c8cd  No.8241583

File: 81f7423626bb1f6⋯.png (64.17 KB, 857x542, 857:542, ClipboardImage.png)




The audio was reportedly sourced from a Goldman Sachs event on June 15, 2016. The person who leaked it to CNN claimed he worked for the company for 14 years and called on Bloomberg to drop from the race.

The now-2020 Democrat additionally appeared to joke about what his platform would be for a future presidential run.

“Well, to start, my first campaign platform would be to defend the banks, and you know how well that's gonna sell in this country,” he said.

Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser said the banking comments were meant as a joke. The former mayor also joked about how, if he were president, he could use Predator drones against people who had “annoyed me or screwed me.”

“It would have been a great job,” he said. “No, I mean, you think about it. You have Predators, and the Predators have missiles, and I have a list of everybody that's annoyed me or screwed me for the last 74 years, and, 'Bang, bang, bang, bang.'”

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fe6d30  No.8241584


whose kate?

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ce89db  No.8241585


a billion expedited face masks, why?

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e4dd00  No.8241586


Thank You, I’ve know For almost two years! Freaking stupid stuff on this board. Any dirt I have on Flynn never gets acknowledged.

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27814d  No.8241587

The Mughal [or Mogul] Empire or Mogul Empire, was an early-modern empire in South Asia.[9] For some two centuries, the empire stretched from the outer fringes of the Indus basin in the west, northern Afghanistan in the northwest, and Kashmir in the north, to the highlands of present-day Assam and Bangladesh in the east, and the uplands of the Deccan plateau in South India.[10]

The Mughal empire is conventionally said to have been founded in 1526 by Babur, a warrior chieftain from what today is Uzbekistan, who employed aid from the neighboring Safavid- and Ottoman empires,[11] to defeat the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodhi, in the First Battle of Panipat, and to sweep down the plains of Upper India. The Mughal imperial structure, however, is sometimes dated to 1600, to the rule of Babur's grandson, Akbar, [12] This imperial structure lasted until 1720, until shortly after the death of the last major emperor, Aurengzeb,[13][14] during whose reign the empire also achieved its maximum geographical extent. Reduced subsequently, especially during the East India Company rule in India, to the region in and around Old Delhi, the empire was formally dissolved by the British Raj after the Indian Rebellion of 1857…..

Among the Mughal UNESCO World Heritage Sites in South Asia are: Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, Red Fort, Humayun's Tomb, Lahore Fort and the

Taj Mahal,

which is described as, "The jewel of Muslim art in India, and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage."[30]

Wikipedia on Mogal Empire


>>>8241529 Bernie's not speaking at AIPAC; will it hurt his campaign?

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797a4c  No.8241588

File: f87848e3588d80f⋯.png (145.52 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1575507220361.png)


Where muh seized assets at, Dan?

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81c89b  No.8241589

File: 525d70cdd524e06⋯.png (457.35 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8a39e  No.8241590


who gets them?

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910f63  No.8241591


The Manchurian Candidate 2020

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d299b6  No.8241592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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444cb7  No.8241593


Not encouraging for spending precious sleep hours getting acclimated here. Hat's off to you all. Think I could contribute in time but at huge sacrifice, got birds in the nest that are #1. But brain keeps spinning on this stuff. Hmmmmm

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c75c25  No.8241594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever been hit so hard you forget your own name?

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31e03b  No.8241595

i just want someone to love mah fronthole

after child genocides of coCIAne taxes

must gib daniel lotion shekels


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8800a8  No.8241596



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313593  No.8241597

My Question to you is this anons, If Q does not act, and if our Senate does not act, and if our Justice department does not act, are we going to allow those responsible, for killing our families, raping our children, destroying those who have exposed the corruption, to walk away from this untouched? I for one would not be able to live with myself. Would you????

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2e7264  No.8241598

File: 22c6350d087f014⋯.png (563.7 KB, 922x499, 922:499, obongo.png)


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5d59fe  No.8241599


Daniel…beloved Daniel are you human…can any of us ever meet you?

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fe6d30  No.8241600


it's the Potus might suddenly go live aspect that keeps me here.

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31e03b  No.8241601

fart noises lotion


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981723  No.8241602


Wow. You went to all that trouble just do I could point out how truly bad at this you are, and to say "Fuck you, Jew."

Tell your JIDF handler that you need moar training because you really suck at this.

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3b3d6d  No.8241603


>you weren't, but your grandkids will be.

fuck they will be

I pay muds to come beat on my children when I'm not home.

figure its kinder than them ever growing up to date one.

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599b29  No.8241604

File: 9c0ae7c8de1fd75⋯.png (96.34 KB, 291x516, 97:172, 2881_messages.png)

no sr names known

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c75a93  No.8241605

File: f37ca1f62351411⋯.png (92.79 KB, 229x220, 229:220, ClipboardImage.png)


Truth is, Q drops are pretty straighforward over the last year. The deep dives/jaw-dropping discoveries/shocking revelations/cryptic clues were nearly all in the beginning year. Since that time, drops are more straightforward, clear, unambiguous. So, the need to "decode" Q drops is minimal. This is intentional. Q had to let anons find out the truth by themselves, so just clues. Now that we've suckled the milk, we are on to red meat.

To answer your question directly, shit happens pretty quick. And often times nowadays (b/c anons have been properly trained), we make the connections and root out the secret shit faster than Q can repost a direction.

In short, Q confirms rarely, b/c there's no need to now. We can handle the shit spewed by the media or other deceptive outlets.

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e4dd00  No.8241606


I recognize a Warmongering General fattening their pockets using our children as target practice a mile away! Fuck Flynn!!! Q needs to drop that hammer 🔨

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81c89b  No.8241607

File: 547ea05de8dea45⋯.png (733.42 KB, 602x960, 301:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8db4a  No.8241608



Space blankets don't generally fly polar orbits.

They tend to follow equatorial orbits (since they are dropped from spacecraft that are flying equatorial orbits.

Nothing man-made flew polar at the time this space blanket was first discovered.

Space blanket /= Space blanket

Space blanket == Black Knight

Black Knight == Spoopy shit

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558f5d  No.8241609

File: 034f151b8e673d0⋯.jpg (119.31 KB, 1280x1290, 128:129, !123.jpg)

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226a43  No.8241610



Kate is insane. She was insane before the shit she tried to pull at the rally, and she continues to display her insanity still now.

Nobody on this board gives two shits about her. She cycles through here trying to get traction every few months, including posting her tits here. That didnt even work. She isnt anon and doesnt belong here. She can have her Twat drama on Twat. She isnt of this board. Keep trying - she will never pass anons' sniff test. She stinks

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346b1d  No.8241611

File: 3a56c75d88b40c4⋯.png (1.78 MB, 956x960, 239:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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797a4c  No.8241612

File: 6684e0ca87c0a2b⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1571847562077.gif)


I swear they grow these fuckers in a lab.

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116495  No.8241613


Clown. Thanks for playing. Try harder next time.

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31e03b  No.8241614

i'm wearing peanut butter

and a dress right now

must gib daniel lotion shekels


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8c17c4  No.8241615


our military has our six

we are being well taken care of

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27814d  No.8241616


anon, if your gonna self nom, you can at least in clude the headline so i don't have to search it out to copypasta

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5d59fe  No.8241617


I love these…they are fucking awesome…maybe one day they will hang in the White House….

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b89c90  No.8241618

File: e85687ad98107c1⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 568x564, 142:141, IMG_20200224_110411_057.JPG)

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f8a39e  No.8241619


Truth there.

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76c15b  No.8241620

File: d3daf13cc4b75b6⋯.png (726.23 KB, 1192x492, 298:123, nedaynow.png)

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444cb7  No.8241621


Hmmm you make a compelling point. Will pray on it. Blessings! Must sleeeep

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fd571b  No.8241622


>them ever growing up to date one.

when all the CEOs are Indian, guess who your gold-digging whore daughters and granddaughters would want to date?

the future is still brown.

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e11787  No.8241623


Baker notable

"no sr names known" possible comms in Q post #3881

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a7a92b  No.8241624

File: 3a4b8f4ac79b1da⋯.png (528.71 KB, 800x535, 160:107, Night Shift Donkey.png)


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39b47a  No.8241626

File: 2d7b60ab4bbe16e⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 709x1024, 709:1024, 2d7b60ab4bbe16eccac0c646c2….jpg)

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d299b6  No.8241627

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

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2e7264  No.8241628

File: 795b68e3b9be6dd⋯.png (296.88 KB, 636x832, 159:208, 2553.png)

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acc679  No.8241629


==So your proof is exclusively your recollection? And Secret Service missed her attempt then put away the wrong person…an innocent man? Kek to kekth degree.

Kate Mazz is a heroin whether you like it or not

That's Your medicine

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797a4c  No.8241630

File: e13964fc72d0dfe⋯.png (192.73 KB, 400x370, 40:37, 1570342796463.png)


Nah nigga.

My name was always Shamus.

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31e03b  No.8241631

File: c05258b9032431e⋯.jpg (104.88 KB, 960x952, 120:119, IMG_0978.JPG)

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f82f83  No.8241632


That's gotta piss them off

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a55685  No.8241633


>When the board moved to 8chan very few autists migrated. They stayed on half chan. The collevtive IQ & decoding skills plummeted. Never assume they get anything right in here let alone the first time.

All I heard was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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981723  No.8241634


You really do suck at this. Seriously, you are making the JIDF to be even bigger retarded clowns then they are.

You are giving a worse name to your uniform and the JIDF.

If American Tax dollars weren't paying for you and your fellow jews, it would be funny. But seriously, we goyim expect moar from our tax monies.

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2e7264  No.8241635

File: 46d6fb1e5c03959⋯.jpg (127.43 KB, 710x765, 142:153, 1581943594773.jpg)

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76c15b  No.8241636

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ce89db  No.8241637


probably fema camps will get them, people will have to go there for masks but will be tested, quarantined, embalmed if you are suspect of infection

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f4f537  No.8241638


You're a fkn idiot ay.

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d58211  No.8241639

Friends of Princess Anne found shot at Boris Johnson's old home trib.al/iNn1LSV

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acc679  No.8241641


Sauce on the tits?

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39b47a  No.8241644



I'm thinking not

Further investigating indicates stringer anon was a shill >>8241489

Though, posing as a shill would be a good way to get anons to ignore

and there was a reference to 2/25/20

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7138dd  No.8241645

File: 3f387a14c5edb78⋯.jpg (140.94 KB, 506x488, 253:244, eyebullet2.jpg)



your "storm god" has nothing but special effects

[HE] lied and deceived you stupid cucks, the same as you are taught to do to others

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e4dd00  No.8241646


Anon, I saw the drama from that crazy…before 7/31/2018 Stupid Crazy! But every bread is bow down to Flynn…All in for Flynn…When did Ramtha Cult, Jordan and JoeM take over. Wtaf?

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2e7264  No.8241647

File: 9262d120df412a0⋯.png (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, jdf.png)

they're here, I can smell their shill stank

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60b978  No.8241648

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9a6ffe  No.8241649

File: 5e87b4a2497c2db⋯.png (452.27 KB, 660x724, 165:181, EPelT.png)

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226a43  No.8241651


The word you are too stupid to spell correctly is 'heroine', Einstein. You stupid fucks will follow anyone. You didnt go dig all her Twat accounts, did you? She has MANY. She is batshit crazy. And stupid. It follows that you would have attached yourself to her. Dumbfuck. You're not anon either. Anons know better

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f8a39e  No.8241652


all guud till embalmed

might take my chances

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c75a93  No.8241653

File: f29b9bfda72eded⋯.png (257.84 KB, 368x349, 368:349, ClipboardImage.png)

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d58211  No.8241654



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f962c8  No.8241655


They're dropping like flies

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3b0bf0  No.8241656



after the wall came down in europe, it took some time for healing. like they integrated in time, so will it take time to rub the sleep from our eyes and regain our bearing as humanity.

people will learn to trust again.

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31e03b  No.8241657

File: 9e681bea80efc5e⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 550x245, 110:49, IMG_1600.JPG)

almost there

keep walking faggots

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c14056  No.8241658


Did you just say you are stupid?

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b89c90  No.8241659

File: ebec5cf307ac905⋯.jpg (81.82 KB, 875x566, 875:566, IMG_20200205_222532_225.JPG)


Like I said, you have no argument. We find your repetitious and boring posts insincere. It's why you suck. We'll be rid of you soon enough.

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024403  No.8241660



Please keep you feud to Twitter. This is not the place for it.

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57ff31  No.8241661

File: 3ff6aee33017c8b⋯.png (1.9 MB, 909x1300, 909:1300, 23747583-antique-poster-wa….png)


>You can't even argue with yourself in a coherent manner.

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8d4d19  No.8241662

File: 147646f51fdb58f⋯.png (614.86 KB, 636x978, 106:163, Screen Shot 2019-10-04 at ….png)

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226a43  No.8241663


Stupid people gonna stupid. I dont follow any of the Twat fucks. Zero

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3fa61f  No.8241664


Hmmm…No senior names Q knows or no Sr names WE know?

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082794  No.8241665


was your family killed or your children raped?

Do you personally know people who this happened to?

what did you do about it the 8 years before Q?

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e4dd00  No.8241666

>>8241197 trying to understand, in this case Cain is the Good Guy?

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024403  No.8241667

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4fa4ad  No.8241668

Joint statement with Trump and Prime Minister in about 30 minutes. Sounds like media will be there asking questions.

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2e7264  No.8241669

File: aec1063e9731668⋯.png (191.1 KB, 578x413, 578:413, clin4.png)

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e11787  No.8241670

File: 8de55c714591943⋯.png (71.66 KB, 413x232, 413:232, 3725.png)


Q references #3725 in the post.

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27814d  No.8241671


tx for feedback.

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76c15b  No.8241672


you fucking retard, we moved to infinite because half got pozzed by cloudflare and you retards were too fucking stupid to realize you were being surveilled and entered into a kill database by jewgle.

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9da72d  No.8241673

File: 9adda5f01d5ab01⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 800x490, 80:49, 9adda5f01d5ab0142d9f03daad….jpg)

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a7a92b  No.8241674

File: 67f657ea4b11a99⋯.png (540.09 KB, 984x899, 984:899, Epoch Times 02242020_1.png)

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3b0bf0  No.8241675


Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.

Truth will shock the WORLD.


The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.



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116495  No.8241676


Everyone's a jew in your delusional mind. You need to be committed. You shown that you have delusions, severe anger issues, and you hate Hispanic Americans. You a Bernie Bro? You sure act just like all of them. Is your name Kyle Jurek? Your commie tendencies are showing.

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e4dd00  No.8241677


Fuck, I got the 666

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226a43  No.8241678


I dont have Twitter. Didnt invite the Katefags here

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27814d  No.8241679

#10551 @610

>>8241050, >>8241052 >>8241054 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3

>>8241082 POTUS in India, Day 2: Crucial bilateral talks today

>>8241063, >>8241107 Nunes interview: "Slowly but surely, some of the reports are being DECLASSIFIED"

>>8241130 Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief' (Sputnik)

>>8241147 Australia’s intelligence chief sounds alarm of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat (Sputnik)

>>8241150 Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along

>>8241185 Mallinckrodt proposes $1.6 billion opioid deal, Chapter 11 for generics unit

>>8241219 Moving in Trump Time (N95 masks to be produced in USA not China)

>>8241224 The Pentagon's Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Rise and Fall of the 'Coindinistas

>>8241240 More on John B. Wells interview of Philip Haney (infiltration by Islamics)

>>8241245, >>8241361 Weinstein is rushed to hospital 'suffering chest pains'

>>8241246 Blaze interview with Philip Haney (clip)

>>8241283 Bus Insider claims US officials have found a connection between corona "conspiracies" & Russia

>>8241303, >>8241306, >>8241059 Schiff LIVE on Kimmel and it's AMAZING

>>8241479, >>8241493, >>8241536 Trump family & Pepe at Taj Mahal; plus special Pepes

>>8241485 Q3882 digg on Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

>>8241529 Bernie's not speaking at AIPAC; will it hurt his campaign?

>>8241578 China said it would relax its lockdown of Wuhan's 11 million residents, only to immediately reintroduce it

>>8241583 Bloomberg calls Warren 'scary' and jabs Obama in leaked audio from 2016 event

>>8241604, >>8241670 "No sr names known"; possible comms in Q post #3881

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f8a39e  No.8241680


evil trips but yes, he's the good guy

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346b1d  No.8241681

File: 4688900a207c938⋯.png (213.28 KB, 430x372, 215:186, ClipboardImage.png)

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c75a93  No.8241682

File: 803d39ea31157d5⋯.png (333.75 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




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8d4d19  No.8241683

File: 7151af64b3874c0⋯.png (18.85 KB, 859x310, 859:310, 7151af64b3874c0b316e50dea8….png)

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d58211  No.8241684

4 NY babies get herpes from Jewish circumcision rite in past 6 months

Cases reported since September from ‘metzitzah b’peh,’ infants were hospitalized, received intravenous antiviral drugs and are now recovering


Today, 7:27 am 1

JTA — At least four infants have contracted herpes in New York City in the past six months after undergoing a circumcision rite in which the ritual circumciser, or mohel, cleans the circumcision wound by oral suction.

Three cases of herpes have been reported since December and four since September from the rite called “metzitzah b’peh,” WPIX-11 reported, citing the city’s Health Department.


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3b0bf0  No.8241685


The Puppet Masters



11 Nov 2017 - 8:29:35 PM

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


Don't forget the satanism…

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e4dd00  No.8241686


And the 77? Holy Fuck…Flynn is a Dirty General! Gotta take this spotlight. Katemazz connected to Flynn Family…not cool with me! Go Q!!

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d299b6  No.8241687

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)

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444cb7  No.8241688


I like this. Makes sense with overall direction of the op, it seems. So applying to the Evergreen situation, Q seems to be saying the meaning is not yet understood, no? Or is Evergreen in reference to the shipping lines/clowns and he's just pointing back to what anons already dug on that? (This test case is helpful overall)

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f8a39e  No.8241689


outlaw shotguns and airplanes

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981723  No.8241690


Only the jews are jews in my clear, brilliant mind.

The trouble is, you are a deluded jew that believes the bullshit in your Talmud, and that having a mutilated penis has been scientifically proven to cause mental and emotional problems with those that have had their penises mutilated.

BTW, how does it feel knowing that the first blowjob you got didn't come from a woman, byt from a creepy pedo jew rabbi?

If I were you, I would have nightmares about that.

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fd571b  No.8241691



ain't me who started it, mate.

i still want to be respectful to everyone.

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d91cb0  No.8241692


That was me on a test flight of the V5AG. SF Jedi-Ranger "Razor" Roberts at your service.

o7 anons!

Keep up the good work!

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539690  No.8241693


What is the Constitution.

What POWER do The People have?

Think and act when it's time.

Right now Mankind has the upper hand standing down.

Q has said enough.


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72fa51  No.8241695


Obama 2.0

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cb461b  No.8241696

File: 1ad902edd284941⋯.jpg (117.78 KB, 558x640, 279:320, 1563309109671.jpg)


get behind me! srsy, listen. Cain is patriot of the highest order.

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c75a93  No.8241697


Yeah, Cain literally did everything by the book and nearly got his life completely fucked b/c of it.

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797a4c  No.8241698

File: e531dd068b605b8⋯.png (126.91 KB, 240x210, 8:7, 45674676846778.png)


>surveilled and entered into a kill database by jewgle

I'm on that list, it's a livin'

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a381d8  No.8241699

File: 88904e31870ac5b⋯.png (72.09 KB, 896x493, 896:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffd2b0cc148fcb0⋯.png (100.15 KB, 806x933, 806:933, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5165c52a31bd46d⋯.png (76.7 KB, 820x804, 205:201, ClipboardImage.png)



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e11787  No.8241700

File: 4ade0e6ec94a142⋯.png (72.08 KB, 413x232, 413:232, 3725.png)



Q references post 3725 so could be related to the departures in the Federal govt.

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31e03b  No.8241701

File: 2c823dd8bb08dd7⋯.png (315.48 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2100.PNG)

File: 123bfa10057d93d⋯.png (486.03 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2101.PNG)

File: efcbff0494a7980⋯.png (444.73 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2102.PNG)

File: 24465fe42b23fd8⋯.png (847.58 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2103.PNG)

File: 440c8ac03cdb0f7⋯.png (385.42 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2104.PNG)

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a4273a  No.8241702

Those who have ears to hear: listen!

Those who have eyes to see: watch!

February = The Start (Awakening, Storm, Justice)

March = Madness (financial and economic changes/b.swan)

April = Showers (new financial system, restart, rainmaker)

Followed by a hot summer and a red wave.

Happy 2020 - The best is yet to come!

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2e7264  No.8241703

File: fa0f9c1ba3150c2⋯.png (285.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1488.png)


congrats, faggot

plus, you got dubs 77

next time try for 88/HH dubs

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9b660b  No.8241704

File: 6d8cb7e922122cc⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1540x3053, 1540:3053, adrenochrome masonic.jpg)

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acc679  No.8241705

File: 59647c17b775177⋯.jpg (112.18 KB, 1080x1024, 135:128, Screenshot_20200225-020521.jpg)

File: b34f74193cfc567⋯.jpg (656.51 KB, 1080x1390, 108:139, Screenshot_20200225-020533.jpg)

Crickets from the peanut gallery




Faggots in here say nothing.

Seems to me Kate got all y'alls tongues.

Thousand pieces mother fuckers

Thousand pieces

Come fucking get it

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e4dd00  No.8241706


This is hilarious 🤣

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116495  No.8241707


Yet, you keep calling people jews who are not jews. OK, Jurek.

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a14ca0  No.8241709

File: 34d7e21ad219516⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 470x377, 470:377, TimeObama.jpg)


This is why CNN covered cases like Casey Anthony, Drew Peterson, and George Zimmerman for 8 years. Distractions!

Obama was free to operate without media scrutiny.

Lax MSM gave rise to an America that believed Obama was the greatest/perfect president.

MSM propogates and incepts radical ideas into the minds of America.

Two party system forces the acceptance of new ideas into a party regardless of how radical.

Pro-Choice democrats always loyal to D party regardless of new ideas?

Free healthcare!—debt

Free College!—debt

Open Borders—crime/debt

What do these ideas have in common?

Democratic Party message to base = "Look at what we did for you. You must always be loyal to us."

D's attempt to control niches of society to constantly be re-elected to stay in control.

People forced to feel emotion and outrage over things they otherwise would have never heard about pushed over and over in the news.

U.S. must save the world from all of these major crisis' that have NO impact on people's every day lives.


America is persuaded to do whatever it is told by MSM!

Fall in Line

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797a4c  No.8241710

File: a3d5a7b3b7a7406⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 603x596, 603:596, 1581918832575.jpg)


Now these are some high quality, topical maymays.

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f8a39e  No.8241711


I'll bet you self notable a lot!

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7138dd  No.8241712


Many fond memories of dirt bikes and motocross

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f82f83  No.8241713

File: 753994a437988ba⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 474x437, 474:437, pepe04.jpg)

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e4dd00  No.8241714


Hitler ain’t my friend!

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d91cb0  No.8241715


It doesn't matter if Q, The senate, or whomever takes action. What matters is we the people take action. This mission is about connecting or disconnected people. Together WE are an unstoppable power that no amount of force can control. The brainwashing media needs to go down and be exposed. Sleeple will awaken and once that occurs its over for [DS].

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346b1d  No.8241716

File: 5ceb8ae17cf91af⋯.jpeg (173.29 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, eveniseeit.jpeg)


WOW See Something, Say Something!!

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39b47a  No.8241717

File: e985f1fbea095a3⋯.png (64.67 KB, 551x521, 551:521, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)

File: 5a19d228b75385b⋯.png (49.97 KB, 448x454, 224:227, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


>Why have there been no arrests?

check 3/3/19 Q post


references no arrests yet

includes 4-year election reference

includes "clean house"

>Kash Patel's mandate to Clean House Top to Bottom in the news a few days ago

several FBI DOJ mentions including

>How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?

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082794  No.8241719


Evergreen was CIA drug running

Bush Sr was CIA

Clintons became gov of Arkansas because Rockefeller Bush wanted to make Mena a hub.

Hillary was always the power, bill the player

Evergreen is a natural name for the bitch that made Mena Evergreen CIA hub work

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f8a39e  No.8241720


second that

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da7231  No.8241721


They're not MAGA

they're FAGA

POTUS said today "….corrupt pol"

reminded me of chan ded

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346b1d  No.8241722


What About Niggers?? And Clowns??

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c6ba9c  No.8241723

A dog trainer who worked for Princess Anne was found shot dead in a suspected murder-suicide attempt at the former home of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a report said.

Debbie Zurick, 56, was killed at the cottage where Johnson grew up in England, and her husband John was left in critical condition from a gunshot wound, according to The Sun.

“I thought they were happy together. They seemed to have the perfect life,” Debbie’s half-brother Phillip Townsend, 44 told the newspaper.

“They had a house, dogs, guns. They lived a life they loved in the country.”

Debbie was discovered with “severe injuries” outside the couple’s farmhouse on Saturday night. Officers attempted to revive her, but she was declared dead at the scene.

A “key witness,” also at the scene, was unharmed.

John Zurrick, 67, was found with a gunshot wound in another building.

He was taken to a hospital in critical condition.

The couple had trained and bred dogs together. They were part of a club where Princess Anne serves as president and trained her dog Sparkle, the Sun reported.


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3fbf3a  No.8241724

anybody know if Ann Coulter ever gets laid?

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2e7264  No.8241725

File: 72f46aef7dd9b5a⋯.jpeg (50.69 KB, 450x278, 225:139, muh obama.jpeg)



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3fa61f  No.8241726


The `st thing that popped into my mind was families. The Sr.

Trump & other press conferences the past few days have talked A LOT about blood & families.

I mean, POTUS even said something about getting a blood test. He said how they were 100$ 79$ or sale $39

Heritage.com/or hereditary.cpm i forgot) has a DNA test onsale for $39 regularly $79

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797a4c  No.8241727

File: 406c25414aeaa37⋯.png (114.96 KB, 500x367, 500:367, 45674567.png)


>financial system collapses in black swan event and completely restructures itself within a month

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93de6a  No.8241728

File: dc556871abcc501⋯.jpeg (6.01 KB, 178x283, 178:283, download (8).jpeg)


What about them?

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9a6ffe  No.8241729

File: bf86486638bc8f0⋯.jpg (480.34 KB, 1734x2149, 1734:2149, robin.jpg)


>Hillary was always the power, bill the player

Robin Bush was her birth name.

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116495  No.8241730


How do you feel about Kushner?

How do you feel about gulags?

How do you feel about #LatinosForTrump?

How do you feel about Americans being more unified under Trump than any other President in American history?

How do you feel about Trump's true Jewish grandchildren?

How do feel about your inability to recognize the difference between real Jews and fake Jews?

How do you feel about your choice to be willfully ignorant and hate-filled?

How do you keep living when your life is so worthless and pathetic?

What is holding you back from bettering yourself?

How many more hours will you be on here until your shift at Shareblue ends?

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e4dd00  No.8241731


Just shit stirring!

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8d4d19  No.8241733


don't know but mittens would be the first on my list.

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cb461b  No.8241734

File: 74bbe9bba385e4a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1886x1242, 41:27, FNMEOP.png)

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39b47a  No.8241735

File: 15dc44da0a5086f⋯.png (150.03 KB, 535x404, 535:404, niggas1.png)

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ca077a  No.8241736

File: ee293c9258276cd⋯.png (263.4 KB, 1615x637, 1615:637, Screenshot_2020-02-24 Virt….png)

File: 75bf42904850c3b⋯.jpg (74.18 KB, 800x494, 400:247, AC-130_Training.jpg)

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2e7264  No.8241737


are you volunteering ?

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024403  No.8241738


They called HRC 'Evergreen' because she already had a reputation for Arkansiding her enemies. She remains alive while everyone around her dies.

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9a6ffe  No.8241740

File: f5b47ad9f688c3c⋯.jpeg (194.41 KB, 1440x1443, 480:481, 23Me.jpeg)

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39b47a  No.8241741



sure seems that way


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3b3d6d  No.8241742


>i still want to be respectful to everyone

faggot and mud are terms of endearment here, anon. we're just out to break the spell. "abracanigger!" and all that.

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841d8b  No.8241743

File: fdaad199f2421e7⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 597x499, 597:499, fdaad199f2421e72c5d0a205ff….jpg)

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acc679  No.8241744



I didn't say WHY we moved

I said what happened WHEN WE MOVED

IQ plummetted. Boomers moved in

Not my problem they don't have research skills. They were fucking 50 when the net came out.

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e4dd00  No.8241745


Yeah I’m not planning on the time travel at 88 miles per hour!

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116495  No.8241747


I've never had a blow job, KEK!

Like I already told you.

That's not something that could've ever been possible. You're slow.

You have no idea what kind of people you're talking to on here.

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346b1d  No.8241748

File: 80ad6b1ab3f4805⋯.png (461.66 KB, 553x497, 79:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Muh Nigger!

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082794  No.8241749


are you a british indian?

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c75c25  No.8241750

File: 99bd1bebbca9655⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 506x493, 506:493, 3q7m5v.jpg)

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479b8f  No.8241751

File: 98f9304938f93eb⋯.pdf (1.53 MB, weird_scenes_inside_the_ca….pdf)

None of kids in Laurel Canyon got drafted, or enlisted during Viet Nam. They became musicians, etc. doing lots of drugs. They were part of the CIA created counter-culture. Grace Slick sings of white rabbit, Alice, LSD reference (pill, 10 ft. tall). More going on there than anyone could think of, except in retrospect. Jim Morrison's dad was a Navy Admiral. Sharon Tate's dad made movies for the military. Sure there are deep CIA connections in all this. Still digging.

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2e7264  No.8241752

File: b57c747465804e3⋯.png (57.97 KB, 198x255, 66:85, mittens.png)


Mittens is No Name 2

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dcb99c  No.8241753


>In short, Q confirms rarely, b/c there's no need to now.


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e4dd00  No.8241754


Thank You Anon! We need that Clean Castle!

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3b3d6d  No.8241755


>a livin

wouldn't have been if she had won.

if that bitch had won, we'd be fucked right now. absolutely fucked. Maybe, if we were lucky, still in the fight but it would be a hell of a fight.

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39b47a  No.8241756

File: 10277f46358d5ac⋯.png (358.4 KB, 1199x1199, 1:1, 10277f46358d5acc40f4fb0288….png)

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f962c8  No.8241758


You are full of hate aren't you? It is in your DNA!

"Israel first" who lives by that credo? The only real Israelite is a Shepardic one and you know it. If you have white skin you are a fake kike. A Kazarian.

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39b47a  No.8241760

File: 0cc199ec40b5169⋯.png (21.57 KB, 427x178, 427:178, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


>in this case Cain is the Good Guy?



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a71319 No.5631851 📁

Mar 11 2019 19:49:45 (EST)


Stay in the LIGHT.

Remain in open comms w/ Sen Graham & Grassley re: Whistleblower Protection Act.

They will take your phone calls.


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2e7264  No.8241761

File: b24402d4da204a3⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1336x1200, 167:150, aussie shitter.png)


g'day aussie

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b89c90  No.8241762

File: 94dc16818068244⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 377x399, 377:399, IMG_20200224_150235_105.JPG)

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e4dd00  No.8241763


Omg 747 a jumbo jet now! Omgoodness the numbers are mind blowing!!

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fd571b  No.8241764


we are taught british english in school.

i torrent british shows. and american movies. and listen to australian cricket commentators.

my english is a mixbag.

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7d8616  No.8241765

File: 8ec4ad514497d8f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 624x960, 13:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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4cea4b  No.8241767

File: 0e96e642f2e76e2⋯.png (761.62 KB, 3705x1936, 3705:1936, Superbowl_proof_1117.png)

File: 8aa2abbd4effee6⋯.png (1.87 MB, 2570x1579, 2570:1579, 02_19_20_Phoenix_WWG1WGA_1….png)

File: 3f202c3403e14ab⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2795x1398, 2795:1398, 02_21_20_PrayingMedic_1353….png)

File: 69cc449be5101be⋯.png (2.9 MB, 3824x1952, 239:122, 02_23_20_CrazyBernie_717_g….png)

February Proofs

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346b1d  No.8241768

File: 32515961067496d⋯.png (354.48 KB, 327x490, 327:490, ClipboardImage.png)


Ahmm! You Know the Rulz!


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c0ef5c  No.8241769

File: 7f3a5e50700f64f⋯.png (681.22 KB, 1418x713, 1418:713, YOUR PUTIN ME ON PEPE.PNG)

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27814d  No.8241770


>>8241050, >>8241052 >>8241054 Resignations in the news Pts 1-3

>>8241082 POTUS in India, Day 2: Crucial bilateral talks today

>>8241063, >>8241107 Nunes interview: "Slowly but surely, some of the reports are being DECLASSIFIED"

>>8241130 Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief' (Sputnik)

>>8241147 Australia’s intelligence chief sounds alarm of ‘unprecedented’ foreign espionage threat (Sputnik)

>>8241150 Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along

>>8241185 Mallinckrodt proposes $1.6 billion opioid deal, Chapter 11 for generics unit

>>8241219 Moving in Trump Time (N95 masks to be produced in USA not China)

>>8241224 The Pentagon's Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Rise and Fall of the 'Coindinistas

>>8241240 More on John B. Wells interview of Philip Haney (infiltration by Islamics)

>>8241245, >>8241361 Weinstein is rushed to hospital 'suffering chest pains'

>>8241246 Blaze interview with Philip Haney (clip)

>>8241283 Bus Insider claims US officials have found a connection between corona "conspiracies" & Russia

>>8241303, >>8241306, >>8241059 Schiff LIVE on Kimmel and it's AMAZING

>>8241479, >>8241493, >>8241536 Trump family & Pepe at Taj Mahal; plus special Pepes

>>8241485 Q3882 digg on Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

>>8241529 Bernie's not speaking at AIPAC; will it hurt his campaign?

>>8241578 China said it would relax its lockdown of Wuhan's 11 million residents, only to immediately reintroduce it

>>8241583 Bloomberg calls Warren 'scary' and jabs Obama in leaked audio from 2016 event

>>8241604, >>8241670, >>8241700 "No sr names known"; possible comms in Q post #3881

>>8241723 Friends of Princess Anne found shot at Boris Johnson’s old home

>>8241736 Planefags aloft

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c75c25  No.8241771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dcb99c  No.8241772

File: ad66feae7339c1b⋯.jpeg (101.93 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, http---o.aolcdn.com-hss-s….jpeg)


I heard when she gets laid it's DY-NO-MITE!

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e4dd00  No.8241773


Crazy cool 😎 coms!

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2e7264  No.8241774

File: 3a908af6c0cdc2c⋯.png (321.41 KB, 463x425, 463:425, bu.png)

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173e81  No.8241775


>25 posts

>admits to being dumb fucking whore

2nd thought, just get the fuck out, nobody wants to see your ugly ass tits you dumb whore

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c0ef5c  No.8241776

File: d8fab6f25f13246⋯.jpg (10.76 KB, 255x251, 255:251, hey mittens.jpg)

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539690  No.8241777

Be careful Satan.

Don't let the last chance burn in your pocket. :)


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39b47a  No.8241779

File: a28dadbd616686a⋯.png (46.12 KB, 443x382, 443:382, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


wondering if he's biblical?

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797a4c  No.8241780

File: 4ec1862f83cb94a⋯.jpg (137.51 KB, 792x844, 198:211, 4ec1862f83cb94a8c5b3ca6a0b….jpg)


From my understanding, we all would have been dead from nuclear annihilation by 2018.

In this timeline, all they can do is monitor and spy. Which they've always done anyway.

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2e7264  No.8241781

File: 3c65009e51b1b9f⋯.png (79.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, redditt.png)


go back

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116495  No.8241783


For the hundredth time. I'm brown. Hispanic American. And like you already said, you hate me and my kind. All we needed to know here about you. You're disturbed. I clearly am not the hateful one here. Do I need to post the bun of your commentary this bread again?

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7138dd  No.8241786


probably better than many Americans then

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797a4c  No.8241787

File: d62a7ac80faf15d⋯.png (71.83 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1566570630228.png)

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3fbf3a  No.8241788


Crazy how she’s all Christian but no husband.

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e4dd00  No.8241789


Interesting thoughts!

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d5af2c  No.8241790




Got one for sale! : )



Looking at CBD now if it’s available.

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d39eca  No.8241791


>Sleeple will awaken

I really don't care about them

Do you think that will change?

I would like to see them all gone.

I hope it changes, I don't like being indignant of others.

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173e81  No.8241792


No, you need to KYS and get the fuck out. Nobody wants you here, you dumb fucking thot. You admitted to being a girl and you continue to waste bread

>26 posts

just get the fuck out

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2e7264  No.8241793

File: 31d93cdfd0b7458⋯.png (48.73 KB, 166x333, 166:333, 7548859.png)

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116495  No.8241794


Not a liberal and not a whore.

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d91cb0  No.8241795


No she is an alien hermaphrodite. She humps herself. Check out the arms and the neck.

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5bf571  No.8241796


I just got done listening to it, and yeah he is.

Though not nearly as important as his story, I've actually been through a similar situation.

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082794  No.8241798


still digging?

rand corp had a hangout, look out mountain on the top, charlie manson around the corner


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f82f83  No.8241799

File: bad315c33c92d2d⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 900x900, 1:1, timmy.jpg)


calm yer tits anon

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4fa4ad  No.8241800


Scott Peterson trial coincided with attacking Iraq.

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39b47a  No.8241801

File: 3e2addea022a73d⋯.png (6.38 KB, 447x84, 149:28, Screenshot from 2020-02-25….png)


oh shit.

Look at the spouse



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9484a0  No.8241802

File: 9ff561c8fa2d65c⋯.png (52.71 KB, 738x472, 369:236, Screenshot_2019-11-10 SPLI….png)


She dated one of Lynn's ex-husbands kek.

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173e81  No.8241803


>27 posts


Tits or gtfo whore

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fd571b  No.8241804


>you hate me and my kind

qresearch only hates assholes.

and assholes, much like patriots, don't have any ethnicity, or any other skin-deep features.

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116495  No.8241805


You're standing up for the Bernie Boy.

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173e81  No.8241806


>28 posts

Tits or gtfo whore

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082794  No.8241807



the "Mate" is a dead give away

NO muricans say that (cept gay couples)

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116495  No.8241808


Holy Shyt. Lurk moar, faggot.

Go back and read what was said.

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29dd7c  No.8241809


>Robin Bush

and she never stopped

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e4dd00  No.8241810



That’s crazy. Awan?

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346b1d  No.8241811


Dats Not The Rule!

GenderWhore Put-up-or-Shut-The-Fuck-Up!!

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cb461b  No.8241812

File: c5ebed0d754ba2d⋯.jpg (143.52 KB, 640x853, 640:853, c5ebed0d754ba2dc0b452fc0ee….jpg)

File: 0fbfc26cd89adfa⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 5568x3712, 3:2, 1564705562236.jpg)

File: 9a33d969fe1e17e⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 4154x2825, 4154:2825, 1564705837603.jpg)

File: 02cb57276969958⋯.jpg (1 MB, 4842x3162, 807:527, 1564705602445.jpg)

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60b978  No.8241814


Nice work anon

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173e81  No.8241815


>29 posts

Tits or gtfo whore

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f962c8  No.8241816



Ah anon I didn't know you were a spik. But what I said about Joos stands. You need to do more research on the Kazarians and don't ever say you're a girl on here again. You must be a newbie. It's a no no to dox yourself on here.

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c0ef5c  No.8241817

File: 8406be79caf9173⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 3a45c7c142070d3dd6954d5f96….jpg)

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27814d  No.8241818

File: d286cb4a343f4c0⋯.png (293.27 KB, 531x510, 177:170, indian woman.png)

File: c2e36b9b5f0e237⋯.png (548.58 KB, 541x527, 541:527, steps up to bamboo.png)

path to the mysteries of India….





no catalog guise but you can take the secret path

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539690  No.8241819


I know right.

Only God.


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2e7264  No.8241820

File: 0415b332fd29bb9⋯.png (631.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kenyan faggot.png)

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c75c25  No.8241821

File: 1c730c4daf4eded⋯.jpeg (111.74 KB, 454x605, 454:605, 1c730c4daf4eded2acd43a867….jpeg)

File: 523e669e7741ce3⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 928x958, 464:479, 1574832995.jpg)

File: 534fc5e8ee98cee⋯.jpg (75.59 KB, 946x1000, 473:500, 1574832852.jpg)


Yeah, but now we know what is on the other side of the camera.

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797a4c  No.8241822

File: ff9f5eac6b6c3b0⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 957x960, 319:320, 1573353655531.jpg)

I hate weeknights when all the important people are sleeping.

Without them, night shift is just schizos projecting at each other for 8 hours.

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173e81  No.8241823


says the faggot not contributing and wasting dubs


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116495  No.8241824


1 - not a liberal

2 - I respect my husband unlike your wife, you poor fella.

2 - I'm not a whore, like your sister.

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5bf571  No.8241825

File: 9ab6bf071387918⋯.png (621.16 KB, 557x441, 557:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e7264  No.8241826

File: cb6e3a9ea0a63d0⋯.png (225.87 KB, 400x421, 400:421, 1582429477773.png)

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c0ef5c  No.8241827

File: 8d825e236f5a7b7⋯.png (141.07 KB, 255x235, 51:47, what the world needs now p….png)

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116495  No.8241828


Tell him, he said it. Not me.

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3fbf3a  No.8241829


Never know what is going to happen

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