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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

6ea061  No.8150585[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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Q's Latest Posts

Friday 02.14.2020

>>8141119 ————————————–——– Tweet from CJTruth (Cap: >>8141145, >>8141182, >>8141241)

>>8141007 ————————————–——– Tweet from Axiom Report (Cap: >>8141073)

>>8136552 ————————————–——– Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? (Cap: >>8138353)

>>8136003 ————————————–——– Only Horowitz's 2018 McCabe referral charges dropped, not Durham (Cap: >>8136282 )

>>8135724 ————————————–——– Q image glitch (Cap: >>8135840)

>>8134255 ————————————–——– Watch what happens next! (Cap: >>8134294)

>>8134066 ————————————–——– Sometimes a leak turns into a flood. (Cap: >>8134093)

Thursday 02.13.2020

>>8125536 ————————————–——– Tweet from Jim Jordan (Cap: >>8125556)

Wednesday 02.12.2020

>>8116930 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC! (Cap: >>8116986)

>>8113583 ————————————–——– CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER

>>8113417 ————————————–——– Highly sophisticated 'State-level' attacks [v 8kun]

>>8113297 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues... (Cap: >>8114074)

Tuesday 02.11.2020

>>8105541 ————————————–——– Potus Interview (Cap: >>8105637, >>8125928)

Monday 02.10.2020

>>8093281 ————————————–——– Attacks will only intensify

>>8093185 ————————————–——– Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff cannot walk down the street? Imagine that!

>>8093066 rt >>8093005 ————————— Q3596

>>8093002 ————————————–——– Thank you for playing (Cap: >>8093049)

>>8092721 ————————————–——– How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public? (Cap: >>8092740, >>8092817)

Sunday 02.09.2020


Saturday 02.08.2020


Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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6ea061  No.8150593

Global Announcements

>>8099282 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

>>8139388 , >>8139368, >>8138996, >>8129996 CM - Thinks he's fixed the issue

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>8150382 Zuckerberg wants more government oversight.

>>8150321 Bloomberg heckled by gun rights activists in Virginia.

>>8150307, >>8150444 Planefag updates.

>>8150224 POTUS may stop exporting GE jet engines to China.

>>8150167 Biden: 3 million deportations under Obama were 'a mistake'.

>>8150126 Marines Tweet.

>>8150084 CBS 'news' story on call of Barr to resign.

>>8150055 Navy Tweet: Trident missile.

>>8149971, >>8149983 Bloomberg and other's connections to Soros.

>>8149956 Wa. State attempted kidnapping.

>>8149937 Esper: China is a top concern.

>>8150521 #10433

#10432 Baker Change

>>8149791 Human trafficking/prostitution bust in Colorado.

>>8149727 How the Stone sentence came to be.

>>8149720 Mass grave full of bodies found in Burundi.

>>8149616 RINO gov. endorses other Republican candidate.

>>8149606 More accusations against Prince Andrew.

>>8149521 Obama repeatedly intervened in ongoing trials.

>>8149201 Clapper pointing at Obama again.

>>8149206 Chinese national speaks out about medical disaster in the making.

>>8149192, >>8149310 Sam Donaldson makes rare Democratic 2020 Presidential endorsement.

>>8149179 Planefag updates.

>>8149153, >>8149188 POTUS / Scavino hot mic post.

>>8149144 Obama visits NBA players in Chicago.

>>8149768 #10432


>>8148375, >>8148381 fresh shitpost scribbles from cartoon anon

>>8148450, >>8148514 New DJT - thank you David (Trumpin At The Airport)

>>8148403 Parents sound off ovr graphic child rape, gay sex scenes in school books for 10-year olds

>>8148623, >>8148627 New DJT - years ago the had the money to build the wall

>>8148649 New DJT - Daytona 500 tomorrow

>>8148659 New DJT - Big Progress!

>>8148681, >>8148698, >>8148888 Scavino - this may cause #TDS

>>8148696 New DJT - thank you @JackBrewerBSI

>>8148807, >>8148822 Scavino - Happy Presidents Day Weekend- Trump Rushmore

>>8148855 also 2 year delta was another attempt on POTUS Q drop - so on Feb 15 2018 and 2019 first car 2018 then missile 2019 (Q drops)

>>8148839 Judges says Ghislaine Maxwell can be served court summons via email, as she "has disappeared off the face of the earth"

>>8149015 #10431


>>8147983, >>8148057 planefaggin

>>8147661 Who's In Charge? Top Military Media Outlet Puts 28-Year-Old Who Hates Trump In Charge (icymi)

>>8147616 1 year ago today - Q post 2729 at 5:04am eastern and todays DJT at 8:04 am eastern (it happened on the west coast say anons wanting nom nom)

>>8147996 Mike Pompeo RIPS Globalits at Munich Security Conference Speech

>>8147568, >>8147910 Greece, Israel, Cyprus sign EastMed gas pipeline deal

>>8147816 In testimony Binney says that Wiki-leaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian gov. intrinsic metadata shows that the data was put on a thumb drive and phys taken

>>8148109 Michael Bloomberg launches China-linked rival to Davos gathering. New Economy Forum focuses on emerging world order in challenge to WEF

>>8148133 Trump ad to be aired during Daytona

>>8147569 Dick Morris Warns Mike Bloomberg: ‘Before You Put Hillary on Your Ticket, Better Hire a Taster’

>>8148268 #10430

Previously Collected Notables

>>8145198 #10426, >>8145905 #10427, >>8146664 #10428, >>8147446 #10429

>>8142104 #10422, >>8142886 #10423, >>8143671 #10424, >>8144451 #10425

>>8139060 #10418, >>8139853 #10419, >>8140610 #10420, >>8141362 #10421

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6ea061  No.8150596

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC


>>8137179 Romania Thread Started

>>8127322 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cypru

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#96 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>8124222

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6ea061  No.8150599

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

'''* QClocks anytime at q-clock.com

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

53 >>8128395, 52 >>7854142, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

2020-Feb mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

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6ea061  No.8150605

File: 55f2dce1a5b674e⋯.png (540.21 KB, 1076x714, 538:357, nightshiftspecops.png)



Baker Requesting Handoff

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48f40f  No.8150621

File: 53352ba959fd26e⋯.png (323.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


fucking mason jar beers for everyone

and pizza!!

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f8109b  No.8150634

File: 3be6b7e9534d5cf⋯.png (69.33 KB, 259x420, 37:60, 3be6b7e9534d5cfd8d927cdd59….png)

tanks bakes

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7c16b5  No.8150637

File: 023a0e93c1f12c8⋯.jpg (262.9 KB, 600x338, 300:169, BAGA-.jpg)


Gotcha, snipeanon

Awesome bakes. Thankyou.

Confirm handoff?

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293e98  No.8150643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Entire French 'Oscars' management quits over Polanski nominations"

"The “collective resignation” of the management team behind the Cesars Awards has been announced just two weeks before the ceremony, following protests over elitism and nominations given to statutory rapist Roman Polanski."

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56c222  No.8150647

File: 506245445c7dd5b⋯.jpg (255.76 KB, 760x507, 760:507, tgmab.jpg)

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1fa7be  No.8150648

File: 26ee24b3faf27d9⋯.png (335.56 KB, 508x684, 127:171, Firefox_Screenshot_2020-02….png)


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c5ccaf  No.8150650

"Wow, I'm sick of doubt

Live in the light of certain


Cruel bindings

The servants have the power

Dog-men and their mean women

Pulling poor blankets over

Our sailors

I'm sick of dour faces

Staring at me from the TV Tower

I want roses in

My garden bower; dig?

Royal babies, rubies

Must now replace aborted

Strangers in the mud

These mutants, blood-meal

For the plant that's plowed

They are waiting to take us into

The severed garden

Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful

Comes death on a stranger hour

Unannounced, unplanned for

Like a scaring over-friendly guest you've

Brought to bed

Death makes angels of us all

And gives us wings

Where we had shoulders

Smooth as raven's claws

No more money, no more fancy dress

This other Kingdom seems by far the best

Until its other jaw reveals incest

And loose obedience to a vegetable law

I will not go

Prefer a Feast of Friends

To the Giant family."


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46b369  No.8150651


Thank you sniper baker

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6ea061  No.8150652

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)



Handoff confirmed

Have a great weekend everyone. o7

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d2dc36  No.8150653

File: 1218de66495722f⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 280x419, 280:419, tyb.jpg)


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46d4a6  No.8150654

File: 20f573b0012f1cc⋯.png (804.35 KB, 699x500, 699:500, nightshiftyellow.png)

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4d1460  No.8150656

>>8150562 pb

Yup. I used email starting in 1974

And that was a year BEFORE UNIX arrived at my uni.

I even used it from some remote buildings where there was a terminal that used a telephone modem with an acoustic coupler connected at 110 baud. The baud rate was up to 33600.

Some folks had IBM VM\370 systems with email well before that.

And after UNIX arrived they hooked the email up to the old system, to other uni systems on VM\370 and even to the Arpanet. I remember a mate who was working at Ford who dialed in from the Arpanet. I ran around the terminal rooms looking for him when I saw him online. Duh...

All before the Internet Protocol was developed.

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95fdd6  No.8150657

File: 701538aac637404⋯.jpg (118.46 KB, 640x792, 80:99, 701538aac6374040f833500b43….jpg)


751 TY B

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59592b  No.8150658

>>>Cybersecurity center opened in New York City called CyberNYC, which is an actual massive

intelligence operation being organized and operated by the world’s most feared spies known

as Unit 8200



>>>the Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence and code

decryption—is the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world that stands on a par with

the US National Security Agency (NSA) in everything except scale—whose elite spies are called

“Israel’s equivalent of Harvard, Princeton and Yale”




>>>and whose $100 million CyberNYC public-private funding was 70% financed by multi-billionaire

American hedge fund manager Paul Singer


>>>the same Paul Singer who warned last March 2019 that “socialism is on the march again”


>>>a warning followed a few months later, in September-2019 by Republican Party mega donor Paul Singer

using his Elliott Management Corporation (EMC) to buy a $3.2 billion stake in the telecommunications

giant AT&T, most notable because this company owns the anti-Trump fake news network CNN




>>>an Elliott Management Corporation whose tactics traumatized the chairman of a German company who

described them as “psycho-terror”


>>>and when the Unit 8200 operation CyberNYC went active this past week, saw Singer then using

these “psycho terror” tactics when his Elliott Management Company took a major stake in the

Japanese multinational conglomerate SoftBank Group



>>>the significance of which now gives Unit 8200 a media arm to use (CNN) as well as an international

bank (SoftBank) it can utilize to keep its funding hidden from prying eyes—thus making the Unit 8200

run CyberNYC operation more powerful than the CIA and FBI combined—a power now fully commanded by

President Trump

>>>who during his showdown meeting with Governor Cuomo, had at his side acting US Department of

Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf


>>>the same Secretary Wolf, who immediately after this Trump-Cuomo showdown ended, ordered

“Elite Tactical Agents” deployed to 10 socialist Democrat Party iron-grip controlled sanctuary cities


>>>“elite tactical agents”, however, most other nations call “death squads”.

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28d3c9  No.8150659


What in the blair witch project

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f5bb92  No.8150660

File: eda540fb01ce848⋯.jpeg (87.8 KB, 828x503, 828:503, 523A8841-DD95-4758-A48A-7….jpeg)


Boom bakes

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c561e0  No.8150661

File: 0eb267a84cb199f⋯.jpeg (21.19 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 0eb267a84cb199f33bc1943d7….jpeg)

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7c16b5  No.8150662

File: 365d3b4941f30ab⋯.mp4 (15.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, POTUS-BAKE-THIS-COUNTRY-SA….mp4)

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9984e4  No.8150663

File: 8a9c31cc08e5cf5⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 580x464, 5:4, Comfy Bateman.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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bb9861  No.8150664

>>8150243 (LB)

>"The fetal DNA levels in a child after being injected with fetal-manufactured vaccines reach the same level that triggers autoimmune rejection of a baby by mother"

There a re citations all over this doc. But this key claim does not have a citation.

And it's odd to see so many non-English sources cited. It makes checking this much harder.

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c561e0  No.8150665

File: 7ec008c5a351e70⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ecm9Jf7uQbPfcNzW.mp4)

Brennan, Clapper, and Comey started distancing themselves from the "Intelligence Community Assessment" in 2017.

Brennan claimed that "professional" intel and law enforcement officers wrote it.

Why add that part (with no names, of course) if he thought it was real?


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eae51c  No.8150666

File: 007b89ef6eea03b⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 658x987, 2:3, x3wufploq4h41.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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d0a82b  No.8150667

File: 42f266b4bf93d25⋯.png (47.05 KB, 2475x1196, 2475:1196, tetrahedronmodifiedbyvecto….png)

I will apologize ahead of time

i am getting mad

i am sorry if I shut down kun again

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0f6141  No.8150668

>>8150625 LB

China + a bio weapon has always been the Cabal's plan

The Middle East Nuke exchange is the part that has been diverted by the White Hats so far

Hillary was supposed to have won

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cf2b0e  No.8150669


thank you tiny titty, crazy bitty.

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7c16b5  No.8150670

File: 0112c3600d539d7⋯.jpg (309.18 KB, 700x1063, 700:1063, 3344899c25b575604d66a7358e….jpg)


Back atcha Baker.

Have a great weekend.


New baker confirmed

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000000  No.8150671




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017514  No.8150672

File: 1f0c6b29c23a3b1⋯.gif (135.04 KB, 399x152, 21:8, pepe snipes you.gif)




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9984e4  No.8150673

File: 9f44ebed145f8d1⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 652x373, 652:373, Comfy bath.jpg)

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92eb89  No.8150674

Last Bread


Fuck Fungus, that's 5 ips you have active on this board.

Why do you find it necessary to lie, talk to yourself on various IP's to try and push the same stupid shit of the last 2 + years. You've gained ZERO traction you self important idiot.

Seriously, using IP alts, especially the quantity you use to manufacture consensus, violates trust among anons, and no group can function without trust.

Yet you would violate this sacred principal to gain what you seek.

Tell me, you blithering idiot, where in Q's posts does he recommend using the enemies tactics to acheive the plan. Also, show me where he wants loathsome scum like you around.

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92f0f3  No.8150675

File: e14d6ef24113572⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x850, 666:425, night shift 26.png)

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d0a82b  No.8150676

File: 27227833513a044⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 408x630, 68:105, 9781974542741_p0_v1_s1200x….jpg)


i don't give a fuck about politics at this point 1.35 billion deaths!!!!

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a878eb  No.8150677

File: 337dedbd3afa782⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 723x489, 241:163, 3m67.jpg)

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193329  No.8150678

Last year, large-scale anti-government protests erupted in Hong Kong. The Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party considered these to be a grave threat to the integrity and stability of the motherland. The U.S. government and the EU both knew that the Chinese were secretly working on a biological agent that was supposed to make the protesters docile and obedient. Without going into detail, I worked on that project. We tried to develop a sort of spray that could be dispersed from helicopters or drones and that would lead to mental retardation and behavioural change.

Naturally, as Hong Kong is one of the most open and international cities in the world, the Party decided that it was too risky to release the agent in Hong Kong without first testing it. For this, it needed a great number of human guinea pigs. Two groups were identified for this.

First, we rounded up a large number of so-called "islamic radicals" in Xinjiang Province and took them to what we called "training camps". We had already been using these camps for human experimentation for several years, but the Hong Kong protests meant that we redoubled our efforts. We exposed the inmates to various "alpha" experimental agents. As these were odourless and invisible, the subjects were not aware that they were taking part in medical trials. The resulting high rates of cancer, premature dementia, suicidal depression and death by organ failure could easily be suppressed, as the camps are located in very remote parts of our motherland.

Once the initial experiments had yielded a "beta" agent, it was transported to Hubei Province, where it was deployed in a special military testing facility outside the city of Wuhan. This was not even a particularly well-kept secret: the existence of this facility has been reported in international news. Even the fact that it is located close to the wild animal market is a known fact.

By then our President had already introduced a "social credit" system that allowed us to identify disloyal, counter-revolutionary and bourgeois elements in our society. Using the social credit scores — which are taken from online activity, electronic shopping behaviour and reports from informers in civil society — we selected some of the worst offenders. These included human rights lawyers and activists, Christians, homosexuals, artists, intellectuals, people who speak foreign languages, and other undesirables.

Read more here:


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6dbee8  No.8150679

File: 7d356edb325a1c4⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 2zdms0.jpg)



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0f6141  No.8150680

File: 6285d03e023a88e⋯.jpg (63.29 KB, 650x540, 65:54, addtext_com_MjE0NTE1NzkzNw.jpg)

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dffafc  No.8150681


Where are you getting that number, and wouldnt that be almost all of china if true…..?

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1fa7be  No.8150682

File: 305724d361e2d32⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 657x464, 657:464, 1580352781473.jpg)

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92eb89  No.8150683

File: 6d99d17ac884f9f⋯.jpeg (42.29 KB, 474x896, 237:448, a_073.jpeg)


Tanks Bakes

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c2c0cc  No.8150684

File: af307cf3fab32d6⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trumperland640.mp4)

Golden Oldie from Sep 4, 2018


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95893f  No.8150685

File: 60de65b460ac836⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_4161.JPG)

>>8150523 (LB)

I wish a grower would cater to us with some great names. GEOTUS OG, KEKwillsIT, Qkush... the possibilities are limitless!

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017514  No.8150686

File: 781db6ffa10398c⋯.png (385.59 KB, 646x595, 38:35, pepe sweating for da ladie….png)



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51cfb0  No.8150687

File: 14975458c987c69⋯.png (1.13 MB, 955x619, 955:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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88235e  No.8150688

File: e14112baa83bee0⋯.png (623.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ns.png)

File: a402753c3bbed1e⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1713x1071, 571:357, NSjfk.PNG)


wielkie dzięki, piekarz!

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4910c6  No.8150689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Energize your Night Shift

Power up your memes

Bring the heat

(You) are the key

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5f39ff  No.8150690



badass baker

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7656d9  No.8150691

File: f5c146345177143⋯.jpg (63.93 KB, 837x613, 837:613, CampDeltaNS.jpg)

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d0a82b  No.8150693

File: f0fdf373be3b7bd⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 9937cd959ba63bcebbdf55ee09….jpg)


9 billion on earth

15 % mortality by original papers

/1.35 billion

but may just be 80 percent infection rate so

1.08 billion

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0f6141  No.8150694

File: 93d0b2db02a3cdd⋯.png (238.03 KB, 800x533, 800:533, checkedrbg.png)


Evil breast

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569cc1  No.8150695

File: 44cfbe61ec88665⋯.png (346.39 KB, 612x661, 612:661, dUrAcO.png)

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569a57  No.8150696

kek at thinking kung flu is anything more than an excuse for china to arrest dissidents

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0a3f7f  No.8150697

File: 97190eadea77490⋯.png (2.01 MB, 2280x1276, 570:319, 16-00 Popcorn.png)

WH Tweet re: Popcorn Connects to Q#16

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9984e4  No.8150698

File: 0c156b12d49a3e6⋯.png (222.91 KB, 655x692, 655:692, Chinese Hazmat.png)

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4910c6  No.8150699

File: 5863e3f0277c2ca⋯.png (242.25 KB, 605x336, 605:336, GOODNIGHTJOHN.png)



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dffafc  No.8150700

File: 0948c262441b767⋯.jpg (122.73 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, 1crack.jpg)


Wow, you're a confirmed faggot.

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d52fa3  No.8150701

File: 07c8aa3d0b6ddae⋯.png (520.51 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8150641 lb

>Be seein you

you wont be seeing shit till you wipe that cum out of your eyes. you aint got shit nigger. go back to your communist circle jerk chat room on reddit. be sure to put something infront of your door tho, wouldnt want mommy walking in on your "political gender discussion"

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09c093  No.8150702


8 billion tops

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469793  No.8150703


Can you prove any of this?

Do you even have a citation?

Or is it CNN?

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4e2edb  No.8150704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dios mio

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136837  No.8150705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not typically one for posting video, but this just dropped from Bill Still. Exposé by Lt Gov of NC on Dems strategy for lawfaring their way to redrawing constituency boundaries and retake the Senate and state legislatures. Something to be taken seriously.

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569cc1  No.8150706

File: afe15aebece0b57⋯.png (512.87 KB, 612x593, 612:593, shalom__.png)

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c561e0  No.8150707

File: ba629c5e8d424bb⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 255x243, 85:81, 9fee679062f02508e6c6af166c….jpg)

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33d022  No.8150708

File: f0bd1b9b64d3e9b⋯.gif (4.5 MB, 440x440, 1:1, D6A3479B-A267-4B6F-A9EC-FA….gif)


Cambio de noche. Todos listos? Viene la tormenta.

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d0a82b  No.8150709

You all are not even doing your research!

epidemic rate is every 7 days.


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b0d78d  No.8150710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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51cfb0  No.8150711


the golden throat!!!

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28d3c9  No.8150712


Could you imagine if everyone was kung flu fighting and their kicks were fast as lightning and that was the cure to a bad hangover

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e7e13e  No.8150713

File: 0df23af4970bd5e⋯.png (338.96 KB, 768x724, 192:181, BC14BE35-BAF2-45E4-8C39-78….png)

>>8150619 (lb)

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d8ec8c  No.8150714


So great. I love this place.

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f5bb92  No.8150715

File: 539cbac64865def⋯.jpeg (172.7 KB, 828x820, 207:205, 1DA6EF76-68C7-40AA-ACE1-C….jpeg)

File: 9bd9885b7b9b42b⋯.jpeg (139.9 KB, 828x422, 414:211, F99BAF09-E91E-44F1-AAC8-D….jpeg)

File: 497fe1d0289a009⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB, 828x538, 414:269, 037871C6-B98F-4690-9A80-B….jpeg)

File: 090e710e69b3f11⋯.jpeg (82.22 KB, 828x650, 414:325, 7A1A5335-CD6A-41CA-8647-8….jpeg)

File: 4f18b2faca28a14⋯.jpeg (109.37 KB, 828x661, 828:661, 6BA1224F-265B-4DEE-B64D-F….jpeg)

Godspeed Patriots!!


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6e665f  No.8150716

File: 0de07912729abcd⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 323x393, 323:393, 0de07912729abcd0579d1c6d85….jpg)

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4e2edb  No.8150717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e8f0c1  No.8150718

File: 62825f2c666b423⋯.jpeg (196.4 KB, 665x498, 665:498, 62825f2c666b4238e6960a2e5….jpeg)

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27e1d9  No.8150719


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50b38d  No.8150720

File: 2a01a6aa9ea98b5⋯.png (177.98 KB, 601x693, 601:693, dildodecahedron.png)

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92eb89  No.8150721

File: 658ae6bc273ce6d⋯.gif (821.49 KB, 498x294, 83:49, reaper.gif)

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d99202  No.8150722

File: 594cb198fc0eeb1⋯.png (19.51 KB, 750x289, 750:289, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8150189 lb me

I really hoped there was a grammar nazi in the house…I guess I am one now…

Biden looses ground > loses ground


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d0a82b  No.8150723



about 20 studies.

any fucking recent lancet study and harvard and yale etc.


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7c16b5  No.8150724

File: 3326cdf5723649c⋯.jpg (230.82 KB, 828x838, 414:419, 3326cdf5723649cce0cd8ee321….jpg)


>power up

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7656d9  No.8150725

File: cf6cb88d4469e68⋯.jpeg (14.12 KB, 255x252, 85:84, received_1784565825003966.jpeg)

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50b38d  No.8150726

File: ed645782831894e⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 356x341, 356:341, witch.jpg)

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ea8403  No.8150727


She looks like she is enjoying herself

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cec0a3  No.8150728


Does in come with it’s own collider

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92eb89  No.8150729


They're fucking mezmerizing.

I literally did a u turn and stopped for 10 full seconds

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c5ccaf  No.8150730

File: 58a00f6b628a4e0⋯.jpg (234.01 KB, 513x824, 513:824, Screenshot_20200215-214409….jpg)

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7be552  No.8150731

File: 77c33d8b385978a⋯.png (95.5 KB, 500x894, 250:447, NightShiftBackfire.png)

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74beee  No.8150732

>>8150526 (lb)

you have a point

but you are not stating it correctly

cannabis has a range of active "cannabinoids" along with the infamous delta 9 THC (tetra hydro cannabinol) are many cannabinols, cannabidiols and other molecules that help balance out the effects of using that particular strain of weed. that's why some will wake you up, some will relax you and put you to sleep, make you laugh or give you the munchies, different weed strains have different effects

when the breeders select for one specific molecule (THC usually) they lose some of the others that help balance out the effect

so, the THC isn't "more potent"

the weed just has more of one specific component or another and less of the overall balance the older more heirloom weeds have

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5f39ff  No.8150733


That's Penny Marshall and Rob Reiner's Grandniece, Emily Rose Marshall Nauert, ANTIFA, why post?

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7be552  No.8150734

File: e9348f8594575e0⋯.png (74.63 KB, 585x427, 585:427, NightShiftZombies.png)

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978ef6  No.8150735

File: b46d6823eefd33e⋯.png (782.26 KB, 1903x3935, 1903:3935, ClipboardImage.png)




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7c16b5  No.8150736

File: 27838f07c50a90b⋯.png (379.92 KB, 639x426, 3:2, #Lemmy.png)

Early early notes

Lemmy know

>>8150665 Brennan, Clapper and Comey started distancing themselves in 2017

>>8150658 CyberNYC, Israel, NSA, Paul Singer digs

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4b8140  No.8150737

>>8149216 (pb)

>I need an answer, please.

>No matter how deep I go digging, I can’t figure out why (((they))) need so many children.

It’s a Quid Pro Quo for dark spiritual power in this world

Adrenochrome is a slide

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d0a82b  No.8150738


I don't give a damn if I do - this stupidity must stop.

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28d3c9  No.8150739


We must locate Jessie and Chester to find the continuum transfunctioner device

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92eb89  No.8150740


<Voice of James Earl Jones

That was CNN

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60f2c3  No.8150741

File: 3403edfbf42df96⋯.jpeg (397.64 KB, 1090x1011, 1090:1011, 3403edfbf42df96275ce7fb33….jpeg)


>lancet study and harvard and yale

you haven't learned anything here, have you?

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017514  No.8150742

File: a75b622c37f399c⋯.png (825.86 KB, 654x439, 654:439, nightshift sniper helo d.png)

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7f14c0  No.8150743


What a waste of…

a parsnip

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723c46  No.8150744

File: 8ea0aa00335b73a⋯.jpeg (123.7 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, 60B11A04-0271-4F2C-9C1D-6….jpeg)

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92f0f3  No.8150745

File: cb79d1f3b981226⋯.png (633.19 KB, 700x467, 700:467, pete buttigieg faggotry in….png)


I'm always productive in several directions here, WTF are you doing besides making shit responses to art better than yours?

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7656d9  No.8150746

File: c127c65a725d2b0⋯.png (198.42 KB, 384x382, 192:191, butthurtrelief.png)

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dffafc  No.8150747

File: 1c8d49a5deab4b4⋯.png (416.76 KB, 488x337, 488:337, 1c8d49a5deab4b4e13d9f90109….png)

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7be552  No.8150748

File: 86e933404ad1130⋯.png (45.23 KB, 512x488, 64:61, NightShiftFatGuy.png)

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ea8403  No.8150749


This is tough to look at laying in bed next to the wife….but she has told me to wait a bit and I will get at least a handy.

The wait is getting to me some…cant deny.

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92eb89  No.8150750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hide in the Rainbow

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0f6141  No.8150751

File: bb67d37d892240c⋯.jpg (87.72 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1nunes1.jpg)


Maybe that will teach you not to go to glory holes?

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7be552  No.8150752

File: a5bc24f4e94bd2f⋯.png (66.29 KB, 500x627, 500:627, NightShiftDank.png)


Nobody gives a fuck about your divisive nightshift memes..

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4910c6  No.8150753

File: 22450f0763cefe7⋯.png (581.62 KB, 585x585, 1:1, maythesourcebewithyou.png)

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92eb89  No.8150754

File: fbc2d40f9591f30⋯.jpg (30.08 KB, 300x384, 25:32, acostaKF1.jpg)

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7be552  No.8150755

File: ad2f3bdf5d14fe8⋯.png (72.73 KB, 571x437, 571:437, NightShiftUglyJew.png)

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26325c  No.8150757

File: cab2c3278512f14⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 848x480, 53:30, crapper.webm)

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6f85bd  No.8150758

File: 667d679dcbdf186⋯.jpeg (256.86 KB, 1242x423, 138:47, BB896ACD-6F9C-4B6D-8967-3….jpeg)


Fucking kek.. she would have THE WORST smell in her nose after that.

Couple breads back talk of numbers you see all the time, said i see 44 all the time case in point

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97e65f  No.8150759

File: 5c5cc8586e614f4⋯.png (562.01 KB, 650x649, 650:649, Night Shift_DigDog.png)

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d2c556  No.8150760

File: e890bfe0247a448⋯.png (745.42 KB, 694x483, 694:483, v you.PNG)

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4e2edb  No.8150761

File: d6199cd0f2cf65f⋯.png (4.93 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, frazettaNS.png)

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d0a82b  No.8150762


you are so smart you have not been watching real life have you.

The studies are just trying to catch the fuck up and god damn 2 weeks late with a doubling rate of 7 for each and every infected - Nothing can stop this nothing. The are sick, Justice.

no image anons know

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f8109b  No.8150763

File: 51a5c0ba920c93c⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 51a5c0ba920c93c75d5a94432d….jpg)

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6e987d  No.8150764

File: 3ed811ce5bc0bb9⋯.png (447.36 KB, 887x486, 887:486, dn15.PNG)

File: df250a83535df04⋯.png (621.64 KB, 805x553, 115:79, Nightshift pf.PNG)

File: 844f1ca5a3d717c⋯.png (722.53 KB, 814x567, 814:567, nightshift924.PNG)

File: 45b227377631562⋯.png (588.51 KB, 934x702, 467:351, QRNS.PNG)

File: 7d743aa3707cdf5⋯.png (707.93 KB, 695x454, 695:454, nsen.PNG)

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7be552  No.8150765

File: 988a173b0e4e338⋯.png (66.53 KB, 500x534, 250:267, NightShiftLosers.png)

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7656d9  No.8150767

File: 4e7104c5e36cf56⋯.jpg (315.94 KB, 640x877, 640:877, ChrystalBallPepe.jpg)

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92f0f3  No.8150768

File: a8915d32f34579c⋯.jpg (96.21 KB, 681x383, 681:383, donald trump dont make me ….jpg)


You lose faggot.

Go tell your overlords Earth is ours again, bitch.

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c2c0cc  No.8150769

File: 97628d61c217cf7⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Realtrumperland640R.mp4)


Hmm, only a partial vid. Will try again.

This should have the whole vid now.

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0f6141  No.8150770

File: 46c1df35f3d592c⋯.jpeg (268.83 KB, 1024x1046, 512:523, 46c1df35f3d592c3dd64cc6e0….jpeg)

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7c16b5  No.8150771

File: ae6b81d84c6d824⋯.png (811.06 KB, 913x624, 913:624, ae6b81d84c6d8247fffd24ad91….png)


Hate Nightshift?

Yet come every night?

Why TF are you here nigga?

You must go back anon.

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c5ccaf  No.8150772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Run, rabbi run

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0f6141  No.8150773

File: 2c257219bb816f7⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 377x240, 377:240, 2c257219bb816f7dfdded6deae….jpg)

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97e65f  No.8150774

File: 59119caa97cf5f2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1154x826, 577:413, THIS is CNN.png)

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d0a82b  No.8150775

File: 49f4b8f35fd5e26⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Dumbass.jpg)

never ever

loose situational awareness you never know where the threat comes from.

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33d022  No.8150776

File: 42812ec5f87f822⋯.gif (8.62 MB, 440x440, 1:1, E1F3CFB7-2305-43E9-9646-57….gif)

I love this pandemic slide rn. So obvious it’s a giant fucking slide cause of Pandemic on Netflix. The image association attempt is average at best. Anything to invoke fear and empower the force of fear. Have faith anons. The light has already won.

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ea8403  No.8150777

File: 0ff98291c989390⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 564x750, 94:125, f75d0b18ec5a644108ae0082a9….jpg)

Enjoy the perfection of the female form.

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92eb89  No.8150778


How the fuck did you see that?!?!

I didn't even look and knew it was close.

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f5bb92  No.8150779

File: b6e8357eeff836f⋯.jpeg (87.48 KB, 828x418, 414:209, E53B7EA5-C7B7-44DF-92E6-D….jpeg)

File: c28bff12537d305⋯.jpeg (75.99 KB, 828x546, 138:91, 2D56FCDC-9C90-4F2F-B4CC-E….jpeg)

File: fd78115733eee2f⋯.jpeg (184.91 KB, 828x718, 414:359, 6A274F58-334A-43DC-897F-2….jpeg)

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7656d9  No.8150780

File: 4e7be145754a182⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 494x700, 247:350, NightShiftAlien.jpg)

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7cb45d  No.8150781

File: 53f45b1be098f72⋯.jpeg (69.28 KB, 800x500, 8:5, AFFAC494-409D-4DC7-88BB-B….jpeg)

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dffafc  No.8150782


Theyre shitty useless memes…….

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d0a82b  No.8150783

File: 84f6cfff4148b90⋯.png (12.9 KB, 728x668, 182:167, EQ16k70WsAAOvPG.png)

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cca284  No.8150784

File: 1205c4592e41da0⋯.png (577.67 KB, 573x709, 573:709, mofi.PNG)

File: a5621b8caae0f88⋯.png (523.97 KB, 484x707, 484:707, fireyy3.PNG)

File: 566df1a07648a0f⋯.png (1.36 MB, 818x819, 818:819, mofi(22).PNG)

File: a4cf98fd207c8b5⋯.png (655.46 KB, 709x463, 709:463, fireyy2.PNG)

lite it up

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1fa7be  No.8150785

File: 4890bd0cd2585c5⋯.jpeg (9.26 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 4890bd0cd2585c572e527d58a….jpeg)

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000000  No.8150786

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bb9861  No.8150787


>doubling rate of 7

Explain, in your own words, what that means.

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500c93  No.8150788


Mike BllomTurd’s meme army is hear studying how to make deep state dollars. Fucking kek you LITERALLY HAVE NO CHANCE attacking NightShift meme’rs.. you were done before you even started.

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3b443b  No.8150789

File: 8db851dc4e9c675⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 749x500, 749:500, its on.jpg)

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92eb89  No.8150790

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg)

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9145b7  No.8150791

File: e1441e45ce4e398⋯.png (398.34 KB, 963x625, 963:625, RACHEL CHANDLER 7940037.png)

Since Ray Chandler wants this particular image scrubbed from existence, I just wanted to do my part to repost it again.

>>7940037 pb


<If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.

<Watch the news for Rachel Chandler.

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7be552  No.8150792

File: 8ca8aed24a7a762⋯.png (49.4 KB, 562x444, 281:222, NightShiftHeadUpAss.png)


<you must go back

You have no power here.

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df22dd  No.8150793


I was never much of a weed smoker.

Tried it a few time in my teens and in my 20s.

(In my 50s now)

But a couple of years ago I went to Las Vegas and went to a dispensary and bought some chocolate. It looked like a Hersheys Chocolate bar, divided into small squares.

I only ate one of the squares.

That shit made me super paranoid, and freaked out. I hid under the bathroom sink of the hotel room for 2 hours and covered myself with the bathroom towels. My legs turned to rubber and I couldn't even walk. I couldn't wait for it to wear off. Even the next day, I could still feel the effects of it.

I have nothing against other people using it, but I have no interest in going through that again.

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33d022  No.8150794

File: dfd78962ab011e0⋯.gif (7.19 MB, 440x440, 1:1, D65FADFD-EF33-4115-83FB-74….gif)


Only shills attack other anons memes.

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7656d9  No.8150795

File: 416fc34695ea7e5⋯.jpg (96.85 KB, 500x461, 500:461, MomsBasementEmpire.jpg)

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28d3c9  No.8150796


fucking 007

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7f14c0  No.8150797

File: c7f04ca0a595320⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 800x1201, 800:1201, marble_vii_by_endegor_d5yu….jpg)


Trips of truth

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f8109b  No.8150798



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dffafc  No.8150799


No, you're just a moran who likes to make up shit rules out of thin air.

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978ef6  No.8150800


^This motherfucker needs a nap

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33d022  No.8150801

File: 0928d19d9039288⋯.gif (852.62 KB, 250x141, 250:141, 5A9BDF31-BB38-4122-8776-02….gif)


Whoa you got me hooked anon tell me more. The panic is setting in.

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7cb45d  No.8150802

File: dbb0bb64953921e⋯.jpeg (315.34 KB, 1536x755, 1536:755, CA760659-03EC-44DA-B47E-6….jpeg)


fuck off outta here, attack/division shill glownigga

go and suck obama's kenyan cock

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4e2edb  No.8150803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Fuck it. The neighbors already hate me.

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017514  No.8150804

File: 433996ecba090b5⋯.mp4 (477.34 KB, 640x338, 320:169, rainman faggot sperg.mp4)



and you do?


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969b45  No.8150805

File: a7b371edc532c7f⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 600x350, 12:7, pepe777e62edb591ba1c4e3ab5….jpg)

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d0a82b  No.8150806

File: f0f93042122cf22⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 363x485, 363:485, specfialopk9.jpg)


Well I thinki that is low unless it means an infected spreds to 7 each day. Scientific is like b0 that says each spreads to 7 during course of disease

But you can't kill of China with that rate in 90 days.

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2256ed  No.8150807


pedo swirl memes?

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7be552  No.8150808

File: 4f83253f4de43cf⋯.png (46.91 KB, 527x473, 527:473, NightShiftIdiots.png)


We'll just slide the whole bread with night schitt memes.

For every one idiotic meme you can make, I can make 10 more.

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264678  No.8150809


Lmfao! Well enjoy the handy!

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7cb45d  No.8150810

File: a27091f5822b1ef⋯.jpeg (10.12 KB, 255x255, 1:1, E6813FC2-C11E-4B6F-9056-8….jpeg)


tripz chkd

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33d022  No.8150811

File: 00be79eec019c42⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 498x268, 249:134, 9748A58E-4C59-472F-862E-98….gif)


Pointing out your repetitive behavior is hardly a rule. I’m sorry you’re upset by my observation but you’re just here to stroke the lines of division. In the battle of light v dark and good v evil we are all united. We are all one. WWG1WGA

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48f40f  No.8150812

File: 7d42639755073d0⋯.png (666.43 KB, 400x612, 100:153, ClipboardImage.png)


deadpool and punisher did crossovers like strange and punisher did

hope strange is doin ok

you be by new partner for naow

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0f6141  No.8150813

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63fa89  No.8150814

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)

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dffafc  No.8150815




Holy fuck you guys are such butthurt babies. I didnt attack legit memes, just your stupid "NIGHTSHIFT" ones. They dont benefit anything other than make you feel like you did something, when you didnt do shit. Im sorry about you feelings. I really am. I promise…………………………………………………………………………………

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f8109b  No.8150816

File: 5e338ae1f7fb375⋯.jpg (132.35 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, budweiser_2016_logo_detail.jpg)

anyone else see a 93?

Cult 93 faggin

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7be552  No.8150817

File: 7e646ec36d5984b⋯.png (41.18 KB, 584x427, 584:427, NightMemesForTheDead.png)

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92eb89  No.8150818


Fungus is now proper triggered, anon.

Just let him Rope-A-Dope himself.

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a076f5  No.8150819


Trash BS article

Total Disinfo

Stop posting that Shill Shit

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52ff0b  No.8150820

>>8150562 (PB)

I seem to recall that he has a patent on it.

>>8150603 (PB)

Yeah, it's another public spectacle that I don't bother with.

>>8150609 (PB)

It's a quote from the movie "Annie" of a few years past.

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f5bb92  No.8150821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the pedoshills and DS CabAl kidfucker cult.

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97a2e4  No.8150822


fail cause not a gif..

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dffafc  No.8150823


Please anon, show me this repetitive behavior you speak about, other than this little drummed up bullshit. Ill fucking wait….

Oh wait, you're just making more bullshit up.

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9145b7  No.8150824

File: 2b475b0e1317b26⋯.jpg (149.46 KB, 897x538, 897:538, 7940037.jpg)


Screenshot of the original post 7940037 from qresear.ch

"…Ray Chandler hired legal counsel and filed copyright complaint with amazon regarding an image on qmap. …"

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0f6141  No.8150825


10 more per Anon? Um Ok let me have what you are smoking

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92eb89  No.8150826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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978ef6  No.8150827


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"

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2cbc91  No.8150828


Can someone please shop a Solemani hand on that statue?

On muh mobile so pictureFagging is not possible

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911ab0  No.8150829

File: 540a3b7f3b5a597⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 703x634, 703:634, captcha_doggies_midnight.jpg)


midnight doggies say, in unison:

"rough rough rough,


really roofff"

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33d022  No.8150830

File: 7432e32814f868f⋯.gif (818.18 KB, 311x480, 311:480, 6DA2557F-E9E9-4D80-8C73-D5….gif)


Really what’s your point? You’re a bread slider and shill either by design or accident. Shills reveal themselves on their own in time. Only a fool draws more attention to them.

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7c16b5  No.8150831

File: 1dd9f7bf2c9b307⋯.jpeg (32 KB, 300x300, 1:1, d49b3039b826a009a99ba53a2….jpeg)

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4d1460  No.8150832


Hey, what if the criminal masterminds in the USA are hiding in their armed compounds, or bunkers and we need some serious firepower to go in and get them. What do you do? If you send in SWAT teams or National Guard, then MSM goes ballistic about Trump's police state attacking prominent American citizens who support the Democratic party.

But what if something different happens?

What if Israeli tactical teams go in, surrounded and protected and backed up by the US national guard, and just as the big bangs begin to frighten the neighbors, Pompeo goes on TV and tells the American people that the USA has graciously offered assistance to the Israeli government to allow them to go in and take out Israeli criminals who are curently hiding out in the USA. Furthermore, Pompeo shows evidence, with identities blacked out, showing that these criminals were financing and sending arms to ISIS.

What does MSM do? Raise hell and name names? Pompeo kep that confidential. Aren't their laws against that kind of thing? What if the Israeli tactical teams also go after the Israeli minions, many of whom work in MSM. Then what can they say?

Tonight Trump sent in Israeli armed thugs to arrest your trusted journalists who you know and love because they are critical of Trump's racist agenda and abuse of caged children at the border.

Meanwhile Pompeo is telling Americans that ONLY foreign criminals are being apprehended. Any American associates of these criminals are being protected from harm while HSI concludes their investigations. Who do you trust?


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d2dc36  No.8150833

File: 62e1f338d36e277⋯.jpeg (21.39 KB, 244x255, 244:255, believing.jpeg)

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92eb89  No.8150834

File: 34e6a5006e8565d⋯.jpg (138.46 KB, 1600x918, 800:459, jb.jpg)

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7cb45d  No.8150835

File: 802545b13be333c⋯.jpeg (36.75 KB, 280x358, 140:179, B0BE721A-E73F-4953-AB93-E….jpeg)


glownigga : filtered

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d0a82b  No.8150836

The basic message is don't be stupid - it is here and spreading- no crowds, no planes not cruises, once the CDC shows it is in 2 cities by testing minor flue i am putting my family on shut down.

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7656d9  No.8150837

File: 5319b2dc6f709e6⋯.jpeg (46.02 KB, 496x403, 16:13, received_718546268532710.jpeg)

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017514  No.8150838

File: b43e8af82219ab7⋯.png (124.26 KB, 500x469, 500:469, sand in vagina 1.png)


>didnt attack legit memes

sure faggot you are the supreme authority of what is legitimate and not.

KYS again


cry moar

you two should get a room so you can fuck each other..I've pared you up here so you can talk. Now both of you GFY's

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7be552  No.8150839

File: 4481cc462c9ad70⋯.png (53.87 KB, 500x555, 100:111, NightShiftJewTalkie.png)


You're clueless, aren't you faggot.

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b7c028  No.8150840

File: 440ddf6aba6f4a7⋯.jpeg (335.93 KB, 2303x1535, 2303:1535, 225415C1-9446-4EB3-95F5-0….jpeg)

Should POTUS have “drained the swamp” and “locked her up” in 2017?

Pros of 2017 hammer drop:

- Swamp drained

- Less “resistance” when governing

- Symbol of strength

- Restoration of law and order

- Idea of justice restored

Cons of 2017 hammer drop:

- Opinion that POTUS weaponized DOJ

- Not all swamp rats would be smoked out

- Not all Crimes/corruption truly exposed

- Foreign swamp still exists

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4e2edb  No.8150841

File: 9fdcd29dc42956b⋯.png (894.86 KB, 1250x703, 1250:703, 5X5.png)

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dffafc  No.8150842


I made one statement. You guys decided to slide. I've just had some coffee and dont like whiny little cunts.

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92eb89  No.8150843

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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95547d  No.8150844


I see 93 If you drink enough and see double its 186

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28d3c9  No.8150845



Ill turn this fucking car around and take my belt off if yall dont stop being little bitches

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4910c6  No.8150846

File: 5d67f85b45c3441⋯.png (308.84 KB, 590x590, 1:1, comfywithgd.png)


So comfy

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cca284  No.8150847

File: 836864a71c21697⋯.png (241.19 KB, 614x493, 614:493, blastup.PNG)



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911ab0  No.8150848

File: ca42db95361ab16⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 355x335, 71:67, crapster.jpg)

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0ac1f3  No.8150849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD Influence On US Policies

How Billionaire Zionists Influence US Government to Benefit Israel.

Wall Street Journal 1998:

Titans of Industry Join Forces To Work For Jewish Philanthropy

When movie mogul Steven Spielberg, Seagram Chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. and former hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt met at Mr. Steinhardt's Manhattan apartment last month, the main topic was neither films nor high finance but: being Jewish.

The three men, among others, were convened for a meeting of the "Study Group," also known informally as the "Mega Group," a loosely organized club of 20 of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen.

The Mega Group was founded in 1991 by Wexler and Charles Bronfman, to add greater clout to the Israeli lobby, by establishing an informal, but all-powerful policymaking group, able to deploy billions of dollars in "charitable" funds for the maximum effect on U.S. policy toward Israel, the Mideast, and other issues of paramount importance to the Jewish mega Billionaires.

Sauce: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB894240270899870000

Mega Group members has deep ties to organized crime, which was largely led by notorious American mobster Meyer Lansky.

Mega Group members are major political donors in both the U.S. and Israel,  with close ties to the Governments of both countries as well as their Intelligence communities.

The Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present Prime Ministers with deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community. 

In 1983, Ronald Lauder — whose only professional experience at that point was working for his parent’s cosmetics company — was appointed to serve as United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs.

Soon after his appointment, he served on the Dinner Tribute Committee for a dinner hosted by the Jewish fraternal and strongly pro-Israel organization B’nai B’rith, the parent organization of the controversial Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in Roy Cohn’s honor. During his time as deputy assistant Secretary of Defense, Lauder was also very active in Israeli politics and had already become an ally of future prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Lauder would go on to be  a major financier of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party.

Lauder was also US Ambassador to Austria.  Jeffrey Epstein had an Austrian Passport with his picture and a fake name, found by police who raided his Manhattan residence.

Lauder himself has been alleged to have ties to Mossad, as he is a long-time funder of IDC Herzliya, an Israeli university closely associated with Mossad and their recruiters as well as Israeli military intelligence. Lauder even founded IDC Herzliya’s Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy.

The Mega Group was formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner. A loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness,” with membership dues upwards of $30,000 per year.'''

The World Jewish Congress — whose past president, Edgar Bronfman, and current president, Ronald Lauder, are both Mega Group members — and B’nai B’rith, particularly its spin-off known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)'''. The Bronfman brothers were major donors to the ADL, with Edgar Bronfman serving as the ADL’s honorary national vice-chair for several years.

Mega Group Members:

Lester Crown- founder of General Dynamics.

Laurence Tisch- owned CBS for several years, founded Loewes. worked for the OSS (precursor to C_A)

It is also worth noting that Unit 8200-connected Tech start-ups are being widely integrated into U.S. companies and have developed close ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex, with Carbyne being just one example of that trend. 

As MintPress previously reported, Unit 8200-linked outfits like Team8 have recently hired former National Security Agency (NSA) Director Mike Rogers as a senior advisor and gained prominent Silicon Valley figures, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, as key investors.

Many American technology companies, from Intel to Google to Microsoft, have merged with several Unit 8200-connected start-ups in recent years and have been moving many key jobs and operations to Israel with backing from key Republican donors like Paul Singer. Many of those same companies, particularly Google and Microsoft, are also major U.S. Government contractors.

From an excellent looong article:

Sauce: https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/

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92eb89  No.8150850


>Theyre shitty useless memes……

You would know

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33d022  No.8150851

File: 23237a81d0a3c93⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 440x440, 1:1, E48E5107-1FC4-4B55-865E-B9….gif)

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0f6141  No.8150852

File: 7ad58b8af7ace10⋯.jpg (185.22 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7ad58b8af7ace10cecda8c2133….jpg)

Top shit poster Anon has spoken, he hates Night Shift meme's

We better stop before he really gets triggered

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7c16b5  No.8150853

File: c5dacd96598c753⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 818x547, 818:547, Leafy-Nodick.jpg)

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26325c  No.8150854

File: ce9a316c313368f⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 1200x744, 50:31, frenk.gif)

you faggots ruin night shift its feels fake like day shift now with all the forced night shift memes.

Low Quality earned you is this here free GIF[T]


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97e65f  No.8150855


Too much. Reduce. 1/4 square. Too bad.

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469793  No.8150856

File: 7c5cf9d1d1664e7⋯.jpg (64.39 KB, 572x500, 143:125, commiechinavirus.jpg)


Deaths outside China are single digit

There is a black out of real news from China.

Timed for their Winter Vacation.

If it was real why would they bother telling people, If it was real they would hide it to avoid panic.

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cd9545  No.8150857

File: 07a0bc2bc17001d⋯.jpg (161.45 KB, 1064x651, 152:93, fuck-yes.jpg)

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948729  No.8150858

File: 9372b354e095b1f⋯.jpg (243.19 KB, 1038x576, 173:96, shill memes.jpg)

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ea8403  No.8150859

File: b90dae499b0d8fc⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 564x845, 564:845, a409d2f4108b6c19075fb26df9….jpg)

Damn old school. Have an old school boob

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7be552  No.8150860

File: 756e3a4e76b62c8⋯.png (43.66 KB, 521x479, 521:479, NightShiftPanHead.png)


Ooooh, you're so scary.

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7834f0  No.8150861

File: f717673886b315e⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 251x255, 251:255, whoa pepe.jpg)

>>8150450 (LB)


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a1f718  No.8150862

File: 07deacbc6a69a8c⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB, 750x926, 375:463, A8346B09-B76B-49E9-B084-8….jpeg)

File: 35408a46e1c8c04⋯.jpeg (138.49 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, A4E5B491-B540-496B-A27E-9….jpeg)

Gives a whole New Meaning to Flynn Knows where the bodies are buried! Sara A. Carter article is from 2015 retweeted by Flynn https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/11/12/mass-grave-yazidis-iraq-tells-horror-story/75640706/ similar to today’s Aljazeera Report https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/6000-bodies-burundi-mass-graves-200215135841417.html

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44450d  No.8150863


wtf r u talking about

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d7c096  No.8150864

File: 1fc95762967a967⋯.png (577.48 KB, 975x542, 975:542, ClipboardImage.png)

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33d022  No.8150865

File: f0f062e392b072d⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 260FB2B1-B809-49B7-9B85-07….gif)



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d0a82b  No.8150866

File: ffd13e24e33d360⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 185x255, 37:51, 3b1e197d44fc530290f89d375c….jpg)

i wish you well

i wish you health

i hope you do not loose loved ones

but I know - and all your bs don't panic shit will just make me chuckle.


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92eb89  No.8150867


>Holy fuck you guys are such butthurt babies

Hate to break it to ya Fungus, bui trannies are GUYS dipshit

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92f0f3  No.8150868

File: 5973c6ce2f76d53⋯.jpg (125.8 KB, 1280x700, 64:35, marlon wayans faggot detec….jpg)


Youve probably done nothing all day but sit around with your thumb in your ass.

GFY and take your shit level criticisms back to a platform that better suits your inept faggotry.

Dont respond to me again because youre fucking dead to me nigger.

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f5bb92  No.8150869

File: bb90a8e7ae4b1e1⋯.jpeg (72.05 KB, 828x626, 414:313, FD429E5C-6719-4CDD-9797-D….jpeg)

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d0a82b  No.8150870


60 days since clinical

incubation 24 days .

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0c60cc  No.8150871

File: 0ce6b1605651d6d⋯.png (93.38 KB, 621x582, 207:194, OCT2017Q.PNG)

File: e6a1d1b2fad1faa⋯.png (93.51 KB, 858x586, 429:293, OCT2017Q2.PNG)

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51dd7d  No.8150872

File: e6a204c57f6fc87⋯.png (3.45 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 56F4960E-7686-48A8-AA28-4D….png)

The judges signature was CUT AND PASTED on warrants.

KEk, small fish in a big pond

Wonder where she learned how to do that?


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0126d0  No.8150873

File: 2234568306312d4⋯.png (81.76 KB, 262x268, 131:134, 2018-08-05_14-58-29.png)


Not that I care…

but what's the significance of having the ray.chandler photo out there?

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7c16b5  No.8150874

File: 517b4d54704ba85⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 517b4d54704ba85caf7ef1c47e….jpg)

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168b52  No.8150875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4910c6  No.8150876

File: e28f0c909721a99⋯.png (282.13 KB, 585x585, 1:1, supernighthf.png)

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0f6141  No.8150877

File: c710f0a01ed5e3c⋯.jpeg (134.62 KB, 633x654, 211:218, c710f0a01ed5e3c7496290bc6….jpeg)

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bb9861  No.8150878


> an infected spreds to 7 each day. Scientific is like b0 that says each spreads to 7 during course of disease

You're thinking of R0. It's about 3.

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d0a82b  No.8150879


Bitych anons research.

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dffafc  No.8150880

File: 565f12f0a850d5e⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 565f12f0a850d5e63c38272e2e….jpg)


Ill do what i want, fuckface cuntchops. Here, have a legit meme.

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7be552  No.8150881

File: ec6f6cc052a9d5d⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 571x437, 571:437, NightShiftBMIdiot.jpg)


Oooh, a tough guy.

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88235e  No.8150882

File: eabd05c38a2c56b⋯.png (531.3 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, NSmort.png)

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60f2c3  No.8150883

File: 6ab35e12352df88⋯.png (178.42 KB, 1254x1109, 1254:1109, ClipboardImage.png)

moar at link


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cca284  No.8150884

File: 513d256f8b505d3⋯.png (236.02 KB, 542x709, 542:709, blastup (2).PNG)

File: f368360b7b7c290⋯.png (664.35 KB, 1040x609, 1040:609, blastoff5 (2).PNG)

File: 5b85bcdbdb7a6ea⋯.png (579.66 KB, 820x574, 10:7, blastoff3 (2).PNG)

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193329  No.8150885


Is that your opinion or based on fact?

What are the facts?

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26325c  No.8150886

File: be51a9b5f0ef0f1⋯.jpg (23.86 KB, 512x384, 4:3, walter-bishop.jpg)

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6f45a5  No.8150887


Who dat?

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6e987d  No.8150888

File: 19d001e7810c07b⋯.png (730.92 KB, 851x735, 851:735, NIGHTSHIFTFLIGHT.PNG)


So all the other memes I make about voter fraud, calling the media out, memes about Nancy Pelosi,Nadler,Schiff etc. illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, etc. is all ok but the nightshift memes made in between are no good? Hmm sounds like Communism to me, not to mention all the jew slides,porn slides,and division slides going on, just sayin. Have another, they're free : )

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92eb89  No.8150889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the misty morning

on the edge of time…

Children of the Sea

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0c9a67  No.8150890

This was just introduced in Illinois - making it child abuse to refuse vaccinations for your kids. This needs to be stopped dead in its tracks


State of Illinois

2019 and 2020


Introduced 2/14/2020, by Sen. Heather A. Steans


Amends the School Code. Removes language exempting children from medical examinations and immunizations on religious grounds. Makes other changes. Amends the College Student Immunization Act. Removes language exempting proof of immunization if specified persons object to immunizations on religious grounds. Amends the Consent by Minors to Health Care Services Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a minor who is 14 years of age or older shall have the right to have administered to the minor an adequate dose or doses of an immunizing agent, vaccine, or booster shot for communicable diseases, regardless of whether the minor's parent or guardian consents to the administration of the immunizing agent, vaccine, or booster shot. Amends the Communicable Disease Prevention Act. Removes language providing that the Act does not apply if a parent or guardian of a child objects to immunization of his or her child for conflicting with his or her religious tenets or practices. Amends the Immunization Data Registry Act. Provides that specified persons shall (currently, may) provide immunization data or provider reports for patients less than 14 (currently, 18). Amends the Adoption Act. Removes language providing that a child shall not be considered neglected or abused for the sole reason that specified persons failed to vaccinate, delayed vaccination, or refused vaccination for the child due to a waiver on religious grounds. Repeals the Mercury-Free Vaccination Act. Effective July 1, 2022.

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911ab0  No.8150891

File: 5761ce489aab133⋯.jpg (426.61 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, moonbeamriders.jpg)


dumb ass many of those are made by . . . who are . . . in danger . .

so f off with your crap . . . made from military photos found in military tweets and very very cool to see.

Proud to witness it.

you are , and this is geting to be a habit saying this, operationally clueless.

no wait you're prob AFLB and you''ll post a link with all the fools who took you serious and a little 'ha ha'.

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44450d  No.8150892


Nice find

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d7c096  No.8150893

File: f0a8308baa7fa79⋯.png (373.82 KB, 546x339, 182:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aee818f8e4a96cc⋯.png (548.19 KB, 511x579, 511:579, ClipboardImage.png)

Seen Out and About in Washington DC: #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson Meets Peter Strzok for Lunch at the Bistro Bis

NeverTrump leader Rick Wilson, a favorite of the left, was seen out with fired FBI hack Peter Strzok this week in Washington DC.

Wilson is a regular on CNN.

Strzok is a dirtbag.

The two were seen out dining at the Bistro Bis.

Rich Higgins posted this on Friday.

or the record… Rick Wilson works with George Conway at the Never-Trump den of sore losers at The Lincoln Project.


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d0a82b  No.8150894

File: 2eac82294ff2d09⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2560x1287, 2560:1287, 61rocruise.png)


Well Diamond Princess 1 patient 61 infected in 12 days.

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0f6141  No.8150895


Think it will all come clear under testimony and Standard Hotel soon

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92f0f3  No.8150896

File: 5e72d0c259d691e⋯.jpg (191.09 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, cary grant acid good trips….jpg)

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156474  No.8150897

File: d5ac297dc87c4e0⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Fukken_saved_Pepe.jpg)



Pretty sure I already have it but just in case.

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f5bb92  No.8150898

File: fd8ee257ff259fc⋯.jpeg (388.73 KB, 828x959, 828:959, BC9D5FA2-0A95-46E3-8E05-D….jpeg)

File: 8adf9c3576ad1e2⋯.jpeg (439.86 KB, 828x1136, 207:284, F694428C-6B87-44E9-B790-4….jpeg)

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4e2edb  No.8150899

File: ecb488991fe6602⋯.jpg (48.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NICE TRIPS.jpg)

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9304e7  No.8150900


Who here remembers FIDONET?

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85ff5a  No.8150901

@realdonaldtrump is the news now.

He has been really driving a Retweet Storm.

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92f0f3  No.8150902


Saved and will recirculate.


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54718f  No.8150903

File: 5543f4827b4d489⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 639x391, 639:391, QCrumbsWeHaveServers4.jpg)

File: 01821e22aa3442d⋯.jpeg (306.47 KB, 1438x1304, 719:652, ClintonFoundationTaxRetur….jpeg)

File: 1a4a45eb6e6d730⋯.jpg (212.86 KB, 1024x588, 256:147, Comey:HillarySlapOnTheWris….jpg)

File: 10560831d667406⋯.jpg (212.88 KB, 1023x569, 1023:569, qnewsvaultHillaryEmailsLap….jpg)

File: 72679d88cadadde⋯.jpg (123.64 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ComeyHillaryFixWasIn2.jpg)

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46d4a6  No.8150904

File: 75946b271b0b880⋯.png (354.54 KB, 559x446, 559:446, israelforlast01.png)

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0f6141  No.8150905

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92eb89  No.8150906


By nailing all of your IP alts Fungus?

Projecting again dipshit.

Ain't an anon here thinks you're doing shit but causing problems.

I told you. I warned you.

Now you fucking GLOW

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97e65f  No.8150907

File: 09529d49ff410cd⋯.png (772.33 KB, 772x579, 4:3, Neo Night Shift.png)


It's practice for the really good memes we make that you see in the wild.

Free Speech is alive and well here at 8kun.

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5e74cc  No.8150908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Luv U Faggots!

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dffafc  No.8150909


Did i make you stop making them? I just said theyre shitty. Lots of assumptions on your part. Seems like you may be about insecure about them.

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54dde0  No.8150910


I remember the first time I saw this but don't remember that painting(?) in the background. Tiffany & Co.?

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469793  No.8150911


I see what you are saying.

The potency of the THC is increased.

But not per molecule. There are just moar molecules of it.

I don't see how the distinction makes a difference, but whatever. It's just grammar, definition issues.

New style is more dangerous, especially to certain people with particular genetic make-ups. It's targets a specific group.

Another point is this:

A person who is not going to come down with mental illness from it, will notice the negative effect and stop taking it.

A person whose judgment is already compromised will keep taking it, as they get worse and worse, and not be able to distinguish their condition.

So think: Someone with serious mental illness does not see it. That's part of the problem

Also, applies to TDS

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4910c6  No.8150912

File: 3341e043bda07f5⋯.png (316.31 KB, 540x540, 1:1, KunFDer.png)


TRUTH: >Only shills attack other anons memes.

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54718f  No.8150913

File: 6edc1c7a80ad66f⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 500x415, 100:83, Eschatron.jpg)

File: c8ace1c9534751d⋯.jpg (383.9 KB, 1008x693, 16:11, QCrumbsTimelinesChange.jpg)

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d7c096  No.8150914

File: e8426074b7671b2⋯.png (582.28 KB, 768x449, 768:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3617cc600157f70⋯.png (60.09 KB, 807x697, 807:697, ClipboardImage.png)

400 Million Indian Users to Be De-Anonymized; UK Launches Social Media Monitoring Program With Ofcom

All over the world governments are now threatening to monitor social media users’ posts online. Now, India is joining the effort with a new law expected to go into effect later this month that threatens Indian users’ privacy.

Social media companies will have to reveal users’ identities if Indian government agencies request their data, according to the country’s controversial new rules for social media companies and messaging apps with 5 million active users, which is expected to be published later this month, Bloomberg reported.

The new rules would signal blanket cooperation with Indian government inquiries, and would not require a warrant or judicial order. Further, if the law goes into effect, social media companies would be required to trace the origins of a post within 72 hours of a request. It isn’t clear if foreign users would be subjected to this treatment or how such actions would be handled in other countries.

Which, if this author is being honest, it may not be as easy as the Indian government thinks it is to trace users, given the existence of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). In fact, we may see the sale of VPNs like Private Internet Access skyrocket in India alone.

Tech companies like Facebook’s WhatsApp have expressed they will not comply with such requests, saying it threatens their users’ privacy and security.

WhatsApp will “not compromise on security because that would make people less safe,” the company said in a statement, adding its global user base had reached over 2 billion. “For even more protection, we work with top security experts, employ industry leading technology to stop misuse as well as provide controls and ways to report issues — without sacrificing privacy.”

Other tech company executives, from Mozilla Corp., GitHub Inc. and Cloudflare Inc. opposed the rules, writing in an open letter to India’s IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad that the guidelines could lead to “automated censorship” and increased surveillance. In order to be able to trace the originator of content, platforms would basically be required to surveil their users, undermine encryption, and harm the fundamental right to privacy of Indian users, they said.

India isn’t the only country that is now seeking to surveil their internet users. The UK just this week announced Ofcom, an existing communications watchdog, is its pick for enforcing rules around “harmful speech” on social media platforms. This comes after the UK last year established the world’s first independent regulator to keep social media companies in check.

The agency which will now be headed by Ofcom will be designed to make the Internet a safer place. The new regulation firm was jointly announced by the Home Office and Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The government white paper, titled Online Harms, published in the UK, outlines “plans for a world-leading package of online safety measures.”

“The White Paper proposes establishing in law a new duty of care towards users, which will be overseen by an independent regulator. Companies will be held to account for tackling a comprehensive set of online harms, ranging from illegal activity and content to behaviors which are harmful but not necessarily illegal,” the release reads.

All social media companies, file-hosting sites, online forums, messaging services, and search engines will be required to tackle the following issues:

Incitement of violence and the spread of violent (including terrorist) content

Encouragement of self-harm or suicide

The spread of disinformation and fake news


Children’s access to inappropriate material

Child exploitation and abuse content

However, according to TechCrunch, Ofcom will not be investigating or adjudicating on “individual complaints” like that of the India organization.


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9304e7  No.8150915

File: b09083ea997c1f3⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 672x371, 96:53, MatrixVirus.jpg)

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51cfb0  No.8150916


b'nai b'rith moving money from taxpayers to their own. and public's confidence in the legal system is questioned once Barr going to go scorched earth on the traitors!!!

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0f6141  No.8150917

File: b6e3b7245bac9bd⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 300x300, 1:1, addtext_com_MjMzMTUxODI2Ng.jpg)

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7c16b5  No.8150918

File: 0b051b774c1bcb7⋯.jpg (80.71 KB, 400x612, 100:153, BAKETEAM.jpg)


In like Flynn

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4c468c  No.8150919

>>8150702 Even that is questionable. All population figures are political in nature.

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d5afd3  No.8150920

File: a0ca6883f446ada⋯.png (893.74 KB, 1260x632, 315:158, 1579982463.png)


My Sharona killed us ded.

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92eb89  No.8150921


Do you even have a clue just how fucking stupid that word salad sounds?

Well if you wanna be laughed at, fine by me.

Always up for a joke at your expense Fungus

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7cb45d  No.8150922


saved and will re- post

chandler = ch / andler

child handler

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4e2edb  No.8150923

File: 0a966c2b39f7b45⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 500x269, 500:269, unnamed (1).jpg)

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c395fd  No.8150924

File: d45074ac929f0ba⋯.jpeg (9.57 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 84FD2A16-2836-4C18-B3CC-D….jpeg)

File: 028a4e32a41a7f7⋯.jpeg (83.18 KB, 540x810, 2:3, CD0921C0-9AD3-46D9-8B07-9….jpeg)

File: 02b902e61e5a7bb⋯.jpeg (145.49 KB, 1349x906, 1349:906, 8F2D1246-083B-494B-9B26-6….jpeg)

File: 2d940e9f4571c19⋯.jpeg (27.94 KB, 640x425, 128:85, 513A1193-A896-410F-80FA-3….jpeg)

File: 65abb131743841c⋯.jpeg (67.46 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 462103DC-32E6-49A4-9852-5….jpeg)

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54718f  No.8150925

File: 4ee8b8a16c81503⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1600x1712, 100:107, SoothingPeperationP.png)

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8849df  No.8150926


Update Feb 16 11 am

Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)



2 Toronto,Ont., 4 British Columbia, 1 London,Ont. total 7+12=19

Feb 6/2020 Japan reports 41 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship

near Tokyo, raising ship's total to 61

Feb. 7/2020 — 3 more confirm Tolal at 64

Feb. 8/2020 — 6 more confirm Total at 70

Feb. 9/2020 – 65 more confirm Total at 135

Feb. 11/2020 - 38 more confirm Total at 173

Feb. 12/2020 - 44 more confirm Total at 218

Feb. 15/2020 - 67 more confirm Total at 285

Feb. 16/2020 - 70 more confirm Total at 355

There are 416 American passengers on board

There are 215 Canadians on board



Rumor is

Jakarta, Indonesia actually has over 20 confirmed cases right now

but has a tight lid on everything

Laos has over 30 confirmed cases, again tightly controlled narrative


JHU press release about the development of the dashboard:


Save this Preparedness and Response Plan offline and share with your local docs and hospitals:




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7be552  No.8150927

File: 9dc63cfa6e8977f⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 377x374, 377:374, BurtLaugh.JPG)


>I warned you

What are you gonna do stud?

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b9d8ac  No.8150928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f93769  No.8150929

File: 975a1ff87340de5⋯.jpg (394.01 KB, 1813x1210, 1813:1210, White house flag.jpg)

Is that a Q flag @ WH?!


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c561e0  No.8150930

File: 43f965d9a5922fe⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 478x360, 239:180, slF6GOzUvehLN3Gn.mp4)

What in the fuck is this?!

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dffafc  No.8150931


Awww, is english not your first language? Call me fungus all you like, idgaf. Its whiny little morans like you that have turned this board to shit here lately.

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bb9861  No.8150932


People trapping on a cruise ship is an unusual case.

And R0 3 is only the average. Some people will spread it to no one else. And others will spread it to a dozen.

It doesn't matter anyway if it can't be contained. It's just a bad chest cold. The point is to slow it down enough that the hospitals don't get slammed.

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df22dd  No.8150933


Yes, spouse anon, who has much more experience than me, said stick to one hitters.

Spouse anon ate the rest of the chocolate bar, btw, and had no problems.

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d0a82b  No.8150934

File: 35cd17b0c9e0c37⋯.png (254.93 KB, 561x556, 561:556, 35cd17b0c9e0c371e86db20986….png)

I really don't care what you all do.

old days yes I would

but not the same.

I have done the research and watched it grow - 80 percent infection.

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33d022  No.8150935

File: 6489906355c36bf⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 20405076-D612-4E77-857C-FC….gif)


We seeeee youuu qt

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74beee  No.8150936

File: 269174214c2ddac⋯.jpg (281.04 KB, 680x758, 340:379, miceTHC.jpg)


I understand

I've seen it

I look at it this way

there is a difference between chewing coca leaves and smoking crack but they are both cocaine

one rarely causes psychosis even after prolonged use, the other often does after just short periods of use

the modern weed is more potent and has a higher concentration of the psychoactive delta 9 THC

so it's natural that it would have stronger and more pronounced effect which includes the bad effects

the stuff isn't harmless

but it isn't the killer weed Mr Anslinger warned of

everybody knows drinking isn't good for kids

same for smoking tobacco

so why should weed be different?

weed is bad for kids

not gonna kill 'em but it will permanently alter their brain structure

but for us old fux…

check out US patent 6630507 from 1999 and especially who owns that patent


>pic related


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911ab0  No.8150937


didn't you understand his perfectly clear post?

wow you have very bad reading comprehension.

maybe you just never understand it because you aren't speaking in a vernacular English like real people in North America often do.

there is plenty to think is messed up about Fungus, but he always gives you a good sweet little hug in the end if he 'gets ya'

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9304e7  No.8150938


Now we're talking.

Those were the days. Busy signals for hours.

Mine was gone long before telnet became a thing.

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4d1460  No.8150939


He is assuming the earth's population in 1900 and the Georgia Guidestones attempt to reduce the population to .5 billion

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d99202  No.8150940

File: 3836db8ee24d1c3⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1918x1027, 1918:1027, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5bb92  No.8150941

File: 4daf6787b344b9f⋯.jpeg (82.09 KB, 828x324, 23:9, 9A77FFCD-8E42-492F-8F1F-1….jpeg)

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e8ed9b  No.8150942




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01db2f  No.8150943

Don Jr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World.

About John Bolton

"It'll last about 2 more days"

This is about 8:34

Sounds like 2 days until John Bolton gets back in the news cycle and all this Bolton shit goes down the drain.

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017514  No.8150944

File: f5c7f06e40e8e83⋯.png (35.11 KB, 634x776, 317:388, pepe hoverround.PNG)


let's see…rainman iss till on the "I'm the authority in here"..kick

in the ensuing time frame I went out and had a smoke, cold beverage and to my utter astonishment..not..you're still a faggot.

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6e987d  No.8150945


All good pics

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d0a82b  No.8150946


Golf clap this an anon

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333be5  No.8150947


Hottie Alert

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4d1460  No.8150948


You and your mates of course. Bye bye birdie.

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01db2f  No.8150949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don Jr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World.

About John Bolton

"It'll last about 2 more days"

This is about 8:34

Sounds like 2 days until John Bolton gets back in the news cycle and all this Bolton shit goes down the drain.

Shit sorry forgot to add the link to the video kek

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b06b1b  No.8150950


still there

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7be552  No.8150951

File: 44a45f30e25f015⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 500x333, 500:333, SpongeBobJews.jpg)

File: fa739e926496009⋯.jpg (39 KB, 401x272, 401:272, SpongeBobKabbalah.jpg)

File: beef20fba08f2ad⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 455x326, 455:326, SpongeBobKabbalahII.jpg)

File: df4a0600fad07cd⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 625x362, 625:362, SpongeBobKabbalahIII.JPG)

File: 651bd93ce57295b⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 455x258, 455:258, SpongeBobKabbalahIV.jpg)


Fuck off Shiva kike.

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7c16b5  No.8150952

File: dd97e2a1f4202dd⋯.png (616.08 KB, 706x726, 353:363, D3HzSPFWAAAFQK9.png.png)

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69f9c3  No.8150953

File: a346a32733df453⋯.png (197.98 KB, 1612x572, 31:11, 1 POTUS Archive RTs 2-15-2….PNG)

File: 0c04f8e702eea58⋯.png (187.94 KB, 1783x548, 1783:548, 2 POTUS Archive RTs 2-15-2….PNG)


>He has been really driving a Retweet Storm.


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948729  No.8150954

File: de496bc19fd18b4⋯.jpg (243.34 KB, 800x409, 800:409, Leary2.jpg)

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dffafc  No.8150955

File: 8ca7523bc053b49⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 265x265, 1:1, 35842389_1738598326220796_….jpg)


Wow, im so hurt. You're so amazing with words……..

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d7c096  No.8150956

Google is tabulating votes

Google forms is a cloud based service, hosted remotely on Google’s servers meaning they host and have complete control over user data. Users authenticate with Google servers to login and access forms and data.

The Democrat Party is consulting with Google to build their web form.


Nevada Democrats will use a Google Forms-based calculator accessible through a web browser on a party-purchased iPad to transmit early caucusgoers’ presidential preferences back to their home precincts on Caucus Day and submit the final results of each caucus to the party.

A party official said Nevada Democrats consulted with Google on how they plan to use the company’s technology to carry out the caucus process and have been assured by them that it is a “secure process” and that the company is “comfortable” with it. The official added that Google did not specifically develop anything new for the caucus calculator and that it is “off the shelf technology.”

This is horrifying.

Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies:

“I worked at Google for 8 years.”

“I felt that our entire election system was going to be compromised forever by this company (Google) that told the American public that it was not going to do any evil.”

“In fact if you brought this up without this document they (Google) would say this is a conspiracy theory”

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”

Aug 14, 2019


Veritas Re-Uploads Google Exposé Taken Down By YouTube Ahead of White House Social Media Summit

Jul 11, 2019


The un-redacted version of this video is still on BitChute: www.bitchute.com/video/re9Xp6cdkro/






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60f2c3  No.8150957

File: d00e4725246d9f2⋯.png (889.92 KB, 630x630, 1:1, d00e4725246d9f200a5a5a5fd6….png)

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92f0f3  No.8150958


His rendition of Mary Faggins?

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5f39ff  No.8150959


Jr's been pretty quiet, all /ourguys/ have been for 2days

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e8ed9b  No.8150960

File: 56c15c89b807eb3⋯.png (566.13 KB, 1159x640, 1159:640, 71F16930-BD47-4C45-AA7F-6A….png)

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7656d9  No.8150961

File: 03ca83cd2e92765⋯.png (203.47 KB, 776x550, 388:275, BagODicks-YOU-1.png)

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e1ef8c  No.8150962


How about this I will name one of my projects "The 45"

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97e65f  No.8150963


First date?

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017514  No.8150964

File: 03e781ff65a6351⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 800x532, 200:133, Digital bow.jpg)


I know…..you are not

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d0a82b  No.8150965


Think think what does that mean?

That means it is aerosol

that means it is carried by wind currents.

just down the street - across the street you are infected.

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d7c096  No.8150966

File: d2e3c74f5bea58c⋯.png (670.48 KB, 630x860, 63:86, ClipboardImage.png)


Today another US patrol tried to cross an SAA checkpoint but was stopped & turned around.

US commander tells the Syrian officer "we are here to bring peace just like the Russians" , Syrian officer replied " Wherever US goes it brings death& destruction, u are not welcomed here"

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7be552  No.8150967

File: 9d575d7040e3fb1⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 605x412, 605:412, Psychotic.JPG)


How about a meme war between dayshift and nightshift.

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c395fd  No.8150968

File: 62858edbc9897e3⋯.jpeg (276 KB, 1242x1222, 621:611, 641286B7-5457-4C34-8672-D….jpeg)


Dark? Calm?

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33d022  No.8150969

File: 58490ca372fdfdf⋯.gif (6.27 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 0732E505-B18A-42C3-9C37-34….gif)


I’ve been waiting for you to switch to this face

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9c0a8a  No.8150970


MIA flag

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7cb45d  No.8150971

File: daad958bd1a1a54⋯.png (178.74 KB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, E18599D6-D7D6-4850-9DDE-D3….png)


this article linked below is an interesting angle on corona

biological attack against chinese food/protein chain

swine flu + fish virus + chicken virus

corona is of japanese origin is plausible revenge

japan has a history of bio/chemical attacks on china


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911ab0  No.8150972

the foreign nationals involved in this should be rounded up and prosecuted as a spy and for election tampering.


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f5d043  No.8150973

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)

Not sure what it takes to get to a smoothly running /qresearch/ board again, but anon surely misses it.

Thanks for everything, all who do the heavy lifting. Do long for the old days now and then. (Yea progress.)

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d1aed8  No.8150974

Be Vegan, You'll Taste Better

(put that text with your best relevant picture and send it to Bloomberg)

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9b811f  No.8150975





>The MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD Influence On US Policies

> Unit 8200-linked outfits like Team8 have recently hired former National Security Agency (NSA) Director Mike Rogers as a senior advisor and gained prominent Silicon Valley figures, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, as key investors.

is this what we're fighting for?

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dffafc  No.8150976


>astonishment..not..you're still a faggot

Ill be sure to put that masterpiece in my collection. Missed parenthesis and all. Fucking moran…….

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8849df  No.8150977

File: 5cf0c58693ad929⋯.png (331.73 KB, 2042x992, 1021:496, 2020-02-14 11 pm.PNG)

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d7c096  No.8150978

File: 7d4efc7df9a2670⋯.png (443.69 KB, 843x750, 281:250, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian shock artist arrested in France days after leaking sex tapes of Macron party ex-candidate for Paris mayor

Self-exiled Russian shock artist, Pyotr Pavlensky, has been detained in France over a knife attack. The arrest came shortly after sex tapes he released forced a Paris mayor candidate to withdraw from the race.

Pavlensky was arrested by police after he left his hotel in Paris on Saturday, Le Parisien reported. BFM TV said that the artist had been wanted over “banditry with the use of dangerous means” since an incident at a party on January 1.

At the time, the Russian reportedly had a heated argument with a group of people and grabbed a knife to add weight to his stance. He ended up injuring two partygoers, but was himself hit in the head with a bottle.

The artist insisted that he had to face off against around a dozen adversaries and used the knife only to scare them off. He said he then dropped the weapon on the floor without wounding anybody.

He’s already serving a three-year suspended sentence for setting the entrance to the Bank of France on fire to decry “tyranny” and encourage a new revolution in the country back in 2017.

French law enforcement had a month-and-a-half to apprehend Pavlensky, but they decided to move against him at a really curious moment.

The man was making headlines in the country due to his role in the sex scandal involving Paris mayor candidate Benjamin Griveaux from President Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche party.

On Valentine’s Day, Griveaux announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy a month before the election in order to shield his family, who had been the subject of “defamatory statements, lies, anonymous attacks, exposure of secret private conversations, as well as death threats,” from further harassment.

The politician said the final straw was the publication of sex tapes by Pavlensky’s website, Pornopolitique. However, he neither denied nor confirmed the authenticity of the materials leaked by the shock artist.

Pavlensky accused Griveaux of being a hypocrite, saying that the father of three ran on a platform of family values while actually leading a completely different lifestyle.

He backed those claims by releasing what he said was the politician’s correspondence with a young woman. It included Griveaux allegedly confessing that he considered marriage a “prison” as well as some of the intimate photos and videos he sent to the female.


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4e2edb  No.8150979


That's like the tail gunner fighting the pilot, fren.

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01db2f  No.8150980


"open the B52 bay"

"Release the MOAB" kek

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95547d  No.8150981


Cannabis oil refluxed with acetic anhydride supposed to be 14 times more potent


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5ae186  No.8150982

192 federal judges appointed by Trump as of Feb 12

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bb9861  No.8150983


>That means it is aerosol.. that means it is carried by wind currents… just down the street - across the street you are infected.

You're a moran. I'm done trying to reason with your.

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d2dc36  No.8150984

File: 52550e5bbaab7d0⋯.jpg (168.55 KB, 1242x454, 621:227, whendoesaleakbecomeaflood.jpg)


gonna last two more days. gonna be biblical. seventeenth day of the second month.

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50b38d  No.8150985

File: bf353259a87d639⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 497x750, 497:750, trips x.jpg)


trips Czeched

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b980b0  No.8150986

Nosso Lar. Highly recommended movie. The ending is absolutely something, in a less anticipated way.

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d0a82b  No.8150987



Q - they can't walk the streets.

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7c16b5  No.8150988

File: b75cae1cbc4ecfb⋯.jpg (717.55 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, b75cae1cbc4ecfb5fac8885dec….jpg)


Send you more NS memes

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58ca25  No.8150989


Chelsea Handler

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550f36  No.8150990


Some researchers are investigating the volume of THC that is contained in modern strains, but also the delivery method.

Smoking a high THC strain, even 1 or 2 puffs will knock first timers out. But, doing a dab hits or from vapor pens has a much higher concentration. We may not be wired to be taking in so much THC at one time.

Sativas like Amnesia Haze will significantly impair most humans for over 3 hours.

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60f2c3  No.8150991

File: 3e758ca1dcc5e8b⋯.png (100.7 KB, 989x707, 989:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7394e904e4c31c⋯.png (79.4 KB, 987x498, 329:166, ClipboardImage.png)


moar at link.

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48f40f  No.8150992

File: d58ea200e86f690⋯.png (203.71 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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bb9861  No.8150993


*with you

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d0a82b  No.8150994


good luck get on a plane

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caa038  No.8150995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@WhiteHouse 2:14 PM - Feb 15, 2020:

Daria Ortiz is the granddaughter of 92-year-old Maria Fuentes, who was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant in Queens.

Sanctuary city policies failed their family.


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7ee5ca  No.8150996

File: a0b62333f53190f⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 630x630, 1:1, BFYTW.jpg)

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3b443b  No.8150997

File: b93f317e151f7c6⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 544x459, 32:27, fuck off faggot.jpg)

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54718f  No.8150998

File: af8a4b9f1508e51⋯.png (129.98 KB, 1000x603, 1000:603, ClipboardImage.png)


No, there was an EO last month to fly the missing in action flag alongside the US flag on federal buildings.

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e1ef8c  No.8150999

File: e1e102dea7fdcff⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x768, 5:3, meme-impossible2.png)

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2b6258  No.8151000

Left is rewriting history again. This time slandering George Washington. The author of the Notorious RBG has just released a book about GW where she claims he was an illiterate liar who beat slaves


My money is betting that S0r0s funded this little venture…

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ea8403  No.8151001

Ever wonder if the Dems were depending on lots of illegal aliens voting? But maybe it is run by MS13 or other gangs at the street level? Could one of the reasons the Dems are so panicked about Trump kicking out the criminals is that our guys have a list of what illegals are getting paid to run these fraud systems? And we are kicking them out.

I wonder about a lot of States that were close before might be blow outs for Trump not just because the economy but also lots of the pay men on the street will be missing.

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7c16b5  No.8151002




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017514  No.8151003

File: a261eca49bfaa9b⋯.jpg (137.86 KB, 950x500, 19:10, pos.jpg)


nothing you ever say will be in anyone's collection.

Same shit different night with you. Mix it up a bit hmmm?

Nahh that would be too easy.

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7be552  No.8151004

File: 632e6cfb3e70495⋯.png (64.26 KB, 586x426, 293:213, NightShiftKikes.png)

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d1aed8  No.8151005

File: 1142af20698cae1⋯.jpeg (23.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trippy pep.jpeg)


Ecclesiastes 1:9 basically says there is no such thing as progress (hinting to time being an illusion?) drop them if you got them

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92eb89  No.8151006


>I made one statement. You guys decided to slide. I've just had some coffee and dont like whiny little cunts.


You've been running MUILTIPLE IP alts for the last three breads, attacking everyone here, because your stupid life choices have left you miserable, lonely, but most of all angry and jealous. You spend hours of your life planning your multi ip attacks here, but have ZERO to show for it. All you've managed is to make yourself the lamest and most prolific troll on this board. And they hate you on half/pol as well.

You must be proud of yourself, because no one else is.


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97e65f  No.8151007


know your dosage.

less is more.

good advice.

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6b2437  No.8151008

#47 car with driver Ricky Stenhouse Jr won pole in Sunday's Daytona 500 Race (2/16). He used to drive the #17 car.

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4e2edb  No.8151009

File: 485d535179f03a7⋯.jpg (911.26 KB, 3831x2554, 3:2, TBDS2.jpg)

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6f45a5  No.8151010


Back in the day (the 70's) our weed was crushed leaves with seeds. Maybe get a small bud or two, but not often. It was much much better. This shit today doesn't even give you the munchies. Just fucks you up.

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0f6141  No.8151011

File: e94417b3a5c0c07⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 400x224, 25:14, religionofpeacefukthat.mp4)

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63cb9e  No.8151012


Is fungus programmed in your liddle brain? You sound like a two year old. Mama's calling go to fucken bed.

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dffafc  No.8151013

File: 99bd4eced300e8f⋯.jpeg (492.49 KB, 1657x1755, 1657:1755, 99bd4eced300e8fd48f4c4e59….jpeg)


I'm so glad you think you know who this is, Cord. You've got no idea, though.

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e7b1d6  No.8151014


They will:

- Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you, to derail research

- Concern-troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings

- Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.

- Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, "reverse psychology", or promoting propaganda

- Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the law

- Act as hall monitors, pretending to be an authority on what is or is not acceptable

- Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to dissuade research

- Have fake arguments among multiple IDs attempting to inject an ad hominem emotional character to the bread

Topic Sliding: If information of a sensitive nature has been posted, they try to quickly remove it from public view by topic-sliding – submitting many unrelated posts to dilute information that they hope you won't notice. Operators can control several fake IDs via bots. They also use bots to mask their intent. Although the sensitive information wasn't censored, it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus posts.

Seeding Bad Information: Operatives insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill-set and mission needs. A common ruse is providing information backed by bad evidence, in the hope that you don't check the "source of the source." This serves several objectives: resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.

Astroturfing Consensus: Attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed premise or compromised information. Related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected to dispute or discredit the current consensus, and push it towards a desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, aiming to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.

Cultivating Tacit Approval ('Silent Agreement'): This technique tries to convince users to ignore, or not respond to, bad information or false assertions. The goal is to reduce pushback against the above-mentioned tactics. This tactic weaponizes the board's own reply-filtering mechanism against anons, by persuading us to employ software filters, so we won't actively dispute operators seeding of bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why operators try to condition users into filtering material they disagree with.

Dealing with Clown Bots


Responding just wastes bread with their responses, and hands them a target to programmatically lock onto without handler interaction. One way to foil bots is to point them out by proxy: copy/paste the bot's ID as a quoted reference, while intentionally breaking its post link in your response, and/or answering it with a meme until they start misfiring because they can't parse the response to lock onto a target correctly. This can also make the bots look artificially erratic and easier for other anons to spot.

What Is Known About Clown Bots

- Facilitate topic sliding, manufacturing consensus, obfuscation of intent, and general disruption

- Require a handler to watch for and be in the thread

- Cannot enter threads themselves

- Respond to replies and each other, and can create replies

- Activate on lists of trigger words which change over time

- Use a combination of legit pasta, pre-written points, or spam targeted at various objectives

- Have unwittingly pasta'd supportive replies

- Are employed mostly at night and on weekends (US time)

- Add to bump limits

- Can be filtered by ID once they are observed (unless they are using the shared Tor ID 000000 and you don't wish to filter legit Tor anons)

- Are not perfect and can be easily spotted

- Were deployed starting on the /CBTS/ board

- Have certain flaws that can cause them to misfire, sometimes comically

- The handlers can make bogus clown threads, but also can be confused by accidental ones

- Handlers still cannot access the servers

- Have still not succeeded in their mission

- Still cannot meme

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33d022  No.8151015


The “SWAT” for e of the DHS being deployed should have drawn more attention to itself than it did. Why would DHS need to deploy a tactical strike force in to cities. I agree anon there’s more to this then we know. But this whole operation is being ran so smoothly that people won’t have enough time to question it.

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92f0f3  No.8151016

Somebody mustve done or dropped something to make all these snakes slither from the shadows.

whatever it was, we should amp it up to 11.

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26325c  No.8151017

File: c0eeedb3b6aa0b1⋯.png (279.44 KB, 933x890, 933:890, GROIDDET.png)




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6e987d  No.8151018


We knew this 3 yrs ago, they were paying them to come in, get licenses and vote

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dffafc  No.8151019


I just got on at the end of last bread and post 4 times about weed. You may wanna lay off the crack, moran. It's making you a paranoid knowitall

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5877cb  No.8151020


tried to do the Rick Simpson oil for Lyme and had the same super paranoid, Wolf-of-Wall-Street 'cerebal palsy' phase with it - total rubber legs, couldn't speak and worse

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8849df  No.8151021

U.S. to evacuate Americans from Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined in Japan

"The aircraft will arrive in Japan the evening of Feb. 16," passengers were told in an email from the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo.

The plane would land at Travis Air Force Base in California and some passengers would then continue on to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, it said.


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1fd3c7  No.8151022


finger shadow makes it look like a colon fifteen

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f93769  No.8151023



Thanks for the info

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7c16b5  No.8151024

File: 19446b1538d066f⋯.png (102.46 KB, 446x580, 223:290, 19446b1538d066f19efcaf348b….png)


What if I told you

Nightshift IS the Dayshift.

Chillin time.

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17afd1  No.8151025


Notables last nite

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7cb45d  No.8151026

File: c9f474fb0de3525⋯.jpeg (87.18 KB, 828x492, 69:41, D22FCA49-5313-4CDD-AE32-C….jpeg)

File: 70edd683f65dbcc⋯.jpeg (81.3 KB, 828x613, 828:613, 66947B99-7EF7-4B61-AA69-C….jpeg)


night shift rocks !


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28d3c9  No.8151027


Timelines are just a construct based on where you are ours is based on 365/6 days it takes us to revolve around the sun but in reality there is no such thing as time it bring structure to everything we know thats why its invaluable to humans so much it brings meaning/purpose to everything we do we keep track of time beginning at birth to constantly remind our self that in fact we are all running out of time Timelines can mean a variety of different things but it all leads you right back to the point of beginning and a definite end point then you realize that the timeline never mattered but you wasted time thinking about the timeline and to say that a timeline changed is absurd who controls the timeline can you see the timeline is it layed out in front of you can you draw it on a piece of paper. Essentially we are a spaceship floating through the galaxy headed to destination unknown believing we have a slight grip on the unfathomable impossibility that we are even here in the first place lol

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911ab0  No.8151028



does she ever write about her own forefathers?

RPG: my origins in the Blandk Hanzz mvafia

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92eb89  No.8151029


It's frightening that Fungus thinks this works.

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017514  No.8151030

File: cba86a52e1d2d1e⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 500x226, 250:113, pepe leaf explosion.gif)


like I give two shits who you are.


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7656d9  No.8151031

File: 555161b03f49143⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1000x1475, 40:59, EvilBeGonePepe.png)

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9c0a8a  No.8151032


>act as hall monitors

so are you a clown?

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97e65f  No.8151033



JA is safe.

Thank you Mr. Binney

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b69c04  No.8151034

File: d95eb4ec219bb95⋯.png (628.63 KB, 1027x561, 1027:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fe9e17c1d3070a⋯.png (79.76 KB, 1027x414, 1027:414, ClipboardImage.png)



pow.mia flag anon

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d0a82b  No.8151035

File: 84a90af19195656⋯.png (742.48 KB, 727x554, 727:554, 84a90af19195656c16c0291495….png)

you kids are stuck Q will solve it all.

Are very confused when reality fucks that up.

Reality is in 2 weeks USA will need N95 masks that were made in China.

We ill have few..

TP done, etc

That is why I can have a fucking beer.

you are in abx

are you alive or dead?

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6b720d  No.8151036

File: 00d182144e6fe9f⋯.png (150.54 KB, 347x442, 347:442, clowns!.png)

>>8148381 pb

KEK! Solid scribbles anon!

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7be552  No.8151037

File: a7bad6178d5d014⋯.png (62.84 KB, 574x435, 574:435, NightShiftMom.png)


Grow up and get outta Mom's basement.

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52ff0b  No.8151038


Yep … and Dogpatch

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dffafc  No.8151039


Well you're the one throwing names around, so you must. ;)

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92f0f3  No.8151040

File: 9d0ee318262a883⋯.png (575.07 KB, 582x666, 97:111, rick wilson peter strzok t….png)

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d0a82b  No.8151041


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d7c096  No.8151042

File: 13d294937f8e093⋯.png (2.38 MB, 998x904, 499:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ee33e8834f0ac0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 624x732, 52:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ed35eb05d36661⋯.png (1.15 MB, 622x759, 622:759, ClipboardImage.png)


Syrian Army Eliminates Turkish-Affiliated Field Commander In Southeast Idlib

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has eliminated a military commander of the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL), opposition sources revealed on February 15.

The commander, identified by his nom de guerre “Abu Muslim Taoum,” was killed on February 9 in clashes with army units in the town of al-Taliyah in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

Abu Muslim was reportedly the commander of Jaysh al-Ahrar’s Special Forces.


New Batches of Displaced Families Return to Syria From Lebanon

In framework of the efforts exerted by the Syrian state for the return of Syrians displaced by terrorism, new batches of displaced families on Thursday returned from Lebanon through the centers of al-Dabbousyia, Jussyia and Jdeidet Yabous in the countryside of Homs and Damascus.


Military Situation In Syria On February 15, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

Turkish-led forces shot down a Syrian Mi-8 helicopter near Sallum Mallah;

Pro-government forces liberated Kafr Naha, Urm al-Kubra, al-Muhandisin 2, the Regiment 46 Base, Urm al-Sughra and several nearby points;

Militants reportedly lost up to 4 pieces of Turkish-supplied military equipment in recent clashes near Kafr Halab and Miznaz;

The Syrian Army opened a new front in western Aleppo attacking militants near Sheik Aqil Hill and Kafr Basin;

The Turkish military stepped up its presence around al-Atarib;

The Turkish Army established positions at al-Jeineh in he western Aleppo and Deir Sunbul in southern Idlib;

Late on February 13, the Israeli Air Force bombed Damascus International Airport and Eastern Ghouta.


Army engineering units dismantle landmines and IEDs planted by terrorists on Aleppo-Damascus Highway



Syrian Government Forces Open New Front Against Turkish Proxies In Western Aleppo

On February 15, Syrian government forces opened a new front against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and other Turkish-backed militant groups in western Aleppo.

Additionally to advances in the areas of Urma al-Kubra and Kafr Naha, units of the Syrian Army (allegedly supported by the Kurdish YPG) attacked positions of Turkish-backed radicals near Sheik Aqil Hill and Kafr Basin. According to pro-government sources, army troops suppored by the Russian and Syrian airpower are aiming to encircle and clear militants remaining in the western Aleppo countryide.

For this purpose, they will need to take control of Kafr Basin, Babis and Qabtan al-Jabal. After this, the defense of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and their al-Qaeda-linked comrades will collapse. Supplies of MANPADs from Turkey are apparently not enough to change the situation strategically.


Turkey Armed Syrian Militants With U.S.-Made Anti-Aircraft Weapons: Russian Military Source

Turkish Armed Forces deployed 70 battle tanks, 200 armored vehicles and 80 howitzers in Idlib. A large part of these equipment is allegedly being handed over to HTS terrorists.

“It is of particular concern that Ankara had provided the militants in the Idlib de-escalation zone with Turkish military uniforms,” the source added, according to RT.


President Bashar al-Assad chairs a meeting on the national project for administrative reform

The Minister of Administrative Development Dr. Salam Safaf gave a presentation on the results of work in the preparatory phase for the implementation of the national project for administrative reform in the Ministries of Local Administration and Environment, Public Works and Housing,and Finance, especially in the areas of human resource management.

The Minister of Public Works and Housing Eng. Suhail Abdul Latif and Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Engineer Hussein Makhlouf presented the new organizational structure of their ministries, which dealt with the problems faced by old dinosaur like administrative structures .

The Minister of Finance, Dr. Mamoun Hamdan clarified the gaps in the current organizational structure of the ministry and the procedures being worked on to correct these gaps.


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74beee  No.8151043


>There are just moar molecules of it.


and fewer of the other cannabinoid molecules that buffer the effects

>Also, applies to TDS


so true

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92eb89  No.8151044


>anyone else see a 93?

as in Bottles of beer on the wall?

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4e2edb  No.8151045


good point!

It was an impulse meme

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2c928d  No.8151046

File: 783cc704ad08f2b⋯.jpeg (2.2 MB, 1242x1436, 621:718, E229A5E1-A4FF-4D1E-B6F7-A….jpeg)


Who the fuck are you? You aint anon.

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5f39ff  No.8151047


No, I mean, did you intend to DEVELOP her Antifa funded by Hollywood old money life, dickbreath?

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d1aed8  No.8151048


two year delta : post 765



15 Feb 2018 - 1:08:41 AM

Watch the water.


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cf8d16  No.8151049

File: c0aba8940233ff1⋯.jpeg (120.06 KB, 974x242, 487:121, 732BF5F6-5E19-4795-A1FB-9….jpeg)

Connection here? [slam-dunk]?


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92f0f3  No.8151050

File: 1631e40e16abd37⋯.jpg (102.73 KB, 800x450, 16:9, from dusk til dawn dick gu….jpg)

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562300  No.8151051

imagine being so desperate for attention that you start a war over nightshift

imagine giving a fuck either way

this place is fucking plebbit

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c6fd97  No.8151052

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8a2a7f  No.8151053

File: 21b1edb474daded⋯.png (1.05 MB, 857x821, 857:821, 21b1edb474dadedcaed08010c3….png)

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3abaa0  No.8151054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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33d022  No.8151055

File: 99ecbead6d7d4e5⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 440x440, 1:1, CFB537B5-ADE9-4D78-B2E6-91….gif)

File: 05a1a0ab249f38b⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 498x202, 249:101, 9508B971-B2B6-44C0-B074-B6….gif)

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92eb89  No.8151056

File: 7fb016762a430df⋯.jpg (86.47 KB, 495x700, 99:140, reaper32.jpg)


KeKs in Night Shift

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911ab0  No.8151057


and here you are, soaking it up.

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4665c1  No.8151058

File: 64a246f93192e14⋯.png (434.88 KB, 478x559, 478:559, otablet10.png)


its better that way, we dig Q 24/7

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ebbf83  No.8151059

File: 92f0023d37f2789⋯.png (522.8 KB, 616x467, 616:467, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c16b5  No.8151060

Notable Posts So Far

How we doin? Anything missed here?

>>8151042 Syria News

>>8150956 Google is tabulating votes

>>8150949 DonJr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World about John Bolton

>>8150894 , >>8150926, >>8150971 Coronavirus Watch

>>8150914 Governments to monitor social media users’ posts online

>>8150849 MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD influence on US policies

>>8150665 Brennan, Clapper and Comey started distancing themselves in 2017

>>8150658 CyberNYC, Israel, NSA, Paul Singer digs

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0f6141  No.8151061


That is a nice old one anon. Great memories

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10287b  No.8151062

Hubei Doctors Warn Of Even-Deadlier Coronavirus Reinfection Causing Sudden Heart Attacks

Doctors working on the front lines of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak have told the Taiwan Times that it's possible to become reinfected by the virus, leading to death from sudden heart failure in some cases.

"It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure," reads a message forwarded to Taiwan News from a relative of one of the doctors living in the United Kingdom.

The source also said the virus has “outsmarted all of us,” as it can hide symptoms for up to 24 days. This assertion has been made independently elsewhere, with Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan (鍾南山) saying the average incubation period is three days, but it can take as little as one day and up to 24 days to develop symptoms.

Also, the source said that false negative tests for the virus are fairly common. “It can fool the test kit – there were cases that they found, the CT scan shows both lungs are fully infected but the test came back negative four times. The fifth test came back positive.” -Taiwan Times

Notably, one of the ways coronaviruses cripple the immune system is via an HIV-like attachment to white blood cells, which triggers a 'cytokine storm' - a term popularized during the avian H5N1 influenza outbreak - in which an uncontrolled release of inflammatory 'cytokines' target various organs, often leading to failure and in many cases death.

The cytokine storm is best exemplified by severe lung infections, in which local inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia.

In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. (Tisoncik, et. al, Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm)(2012)

According to the 2012 study, "Cytokine storms are associated with a wide variety of infectious and noninfectious diseases and have even been the unfortunate consequence of attempts at therapeutic intervention."

If the virus can reinfect patients and cause cytokine storms and sudden death - possibly exacerbated by therapeutic intervention - treating the coronavirus which CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says will become widespread throughout the United States 'this year or next,' it is vitally important to understand exactly how COVID-19 works, and how to treat it. That would require cooperation from China and a CDC team on the ground in the epicenter. For some unknown reason, however, China still refuses to grant US scientists access to ground zero.


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017514  No.8151063

File: bc32be05712a8bf⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x247, 255:247, pepe asks a serious questi….jpg)


nope I don't…only you and your self-serving ego do. Now run along with that inflated sense of how important you think you are. Did you not get your meds recently?

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948729  No.8151064


Looking for the sex tape, can't find it

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d7c096  No.8151065

File: 09cc260e72b26dc⋯.png (905.11 KB, 876x788, 219:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 478117a4a9f4107⋯.png (147.82 KB, 875x909, 875:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d061e3cb368b024⋯.png (707.91 KB, 900x921, 300:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23e9388d88a1f7a⋯.png (721.65 KB, 864x897, 288:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61242b024a74788⋯.png (133.76 KB, 869x850, 869:850, ClipboardImage.png)

American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel?

No one is ever held accountable

One of the principal functions of a United States Embassy overseas is to provide citizen services, which includes coming to the assistance of Americans who are treated badly by the local government. It is a responsibility that most embassies take seriously, with the exception of the facility currently located in Jerusalem. One has to understand that that is so because the United States Embassy in Israel is like no other. In other countries, the American Embassy exists to support American travelers, businesses and a broad range of national interests. In Jerusalem the Embassy exists to support Israeli interests and to serve as an apologist every time the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes on a killing spree or does something else that is similarly outrageous, to include bombing neighboring Syria every other day.

America’s current ambassador, former Trump bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman, has funded Israel’s illegal settlements, which did not in any way complicate his confirmation as nearly everyone in Congress and the White House does not believe that the Palestinians actually are human beings. Since taking up his position, Friedman has defended Israel when its army sharpshooters have shot down scores of unarmed Gazans, including children, and has both praised and endorsed out-and-out theft by the Israeli government in Jerusalem, on the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

What the U.S. Embassy under Friedman will not do is put any real pressure on the Israeli government if its security forces or rampaging settlers kill, beat, maim or torture an American citizen, especially if said citizen happens to be of Palestinian descent. Indeed, Friedman is only the latest manifestation of Israel-first-itis among U.S. Ambassadors, the rot having started inevitably with Bill Clinton, who appointed Australian citizen Martin Indyk as the first Jewish ambassador to Tel Aviv. The two most recent ambassadors, Friedman and Daniel Shapiro, both political appointees, have also been Jewish. Shapiro so enjoyed being an Israeli that he decided to remain in the country after his appointment as ambassador was completed. He now works for an Israeli government funded think tank.

The Israeli army and police have in fact killed a number of American citizens without any real pushback from the Department of State or White House. The unwillingness to confront Israel on any level stems from the formidable Jewish power in the United States, which uses money and media control to corrupt the political system at national, state and local levels. The media and the chattering political class worry about Russian interference while ignoring the implications of a Haaretz article that appeared on February 12th entitled “AIPAC Must Stop Bernie Sanders – At All Costs!” AIPAC is, of course, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, widely regarded as the chief U.S. lobbying arm of the Jewish state.


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46b369  No.8151066


The dopest dope you’ve ever smoked.

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e44183  No.8151067

File: f39bd1b23c94865⋯.jpg (264.33 KB, 1200x1441, 1200:1441, Bloomberg in Epstein's Isl….jpg)

File: dd8e6a6fcf001a0⋯.jpg (194.5 KB, 999x1200, 333:400, Bloomberg and Eostein.jpg)

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92f0f3  No.8151068

File: d63e875302945ed⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1180x868, 295:217, pete buttigieg the pickle ….png)

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4e2edb  No.8151069

File: c39fad2cd184d92⋯.png (891.06 KB, 1250x703, 1250:703, 5X5.png)

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7c16b5  No.8151070

File: d81c6e653696151⋯.jpg (119.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d81c6e653696151c795f0d66b6….jpg)

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842ee4  No.8151071


Not sure what you're complaining of, anon.

Since CM's fix 24 hrs ago, it is running almost perfectly. Best it's been since the move to 8kun.

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14bda6  No.8151072

File: ccb721a96073e3e⋯.png (768.86 KB, 946x966, 473:483, ClipboardImage.png)



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6f45a5  No.8151073

Tyrus on the Greg Gutfeld Show is telling mini-Mike that with all his money, he's hiring very bad joke writers. As God is my witness, Tyrus said to mini-Mike. Hey man, hire me, pay me $250k and I will write your jokes.

Tyrus doesn't know himself very well. Nope, not well at all.

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26325c  No.8151074


That wasnt weed boomer you got ripped off kek

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0126d0  No.8151075

File: 41a6527a45d7436⋯.png (331.42 KB, 772x438, 386:219, 2020-02-15_21-27-24.png)

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7c16b5  No.8151076


Think that's the first NS meme

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7ed54f  No.8151077


Who is she?

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92f0f3  No.8151078



I hope we arent too late and they already got scrubbed.

Please find this shit!

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7be552  No.8151079

File: 35ebb4aa2059b4f⋯.jpg (40 KB, 618x363, 206:121, ChildMolestersKarma.jpg)

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2256ed  No.8151080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noah's flood.

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37a269  No.8151081

File: ea52b01a83c2273⋯.png (104.83 KB, 1006x451, 1006:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 802f08c4e01fcff⋯.png (18 KB, 652x299, 652:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b010586e680a3cc⋯.png (51.4 KB, 822x599, 822:599, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8148649 PB

The ad ends with the narrator pledging, "The best is yet to come."

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333be5  No.8151082


Hottie Alert

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e869f1  No.8151083

File: fe596904df5d233⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 603x689, 603:689, pepe biohazard moon.jpg)

I'm qualified for a job that Snopes is advertising to help manage their websites

1. Should I try to get it?

2. [Snopes]

3. Profit?

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1a7d61  No.8151084

File: 4a1e06861b86109⋯.png (898.43 KB, 870x427, 870:427, ClipboardImage.png)

all those HK protesters came down with a "sicknes"

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7986cb  No.8151085

I subscribe to several Chinese youtubers and they are all still posting videos (cooking, crafts, etc). Some have taken to wearing masks, others seem to be avoiding town gatherings. While I can't understand them there doesn't seem to be too much concern. At least not where they are.

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e72f2d  No.8151086

File: ed35e646c07b1d5⋯.jpg (295.19 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, KATE_MAZZ 1.jpg)

File: 63ce29be299f0f5⋯.jpg (292.73 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, KATE_MAZZ 2.jpg)

File: f8aa0dd735bf694⋯.jpg (327.64 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, KATE_MAZZ 3.jpg)

File: 7acd24c338dd64f⋯.jpg (272.87 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, KATE_MAZZ 4.jpg)

File: b53fdba6bbadf53⋯.jpg (156.75 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, KATE_MAZZ 5.jpg)

SerialBrain2 Article

- https://www.serial.rocks/post-84

Voat Article


Archived Kathryn 4chan Threads

-https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/149617648/ ( user ID -ZoafFv2X)

- https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/149616383/ ( user ID - IZ1f37O4)

U.S. v. Boyd | No. 4:18-CR-00281



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d0a82b  No.8151087

This is sad - please ignore snowflakes.

This the vision of what you will feel

a vision of what you will experience - silence

a vision of what you find - written on the walls.

So sad if you are not up to this crap just die or to to a camp.


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77d2ed  No.8151088


ty bro

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d1aed8  No.8151089


aka Piss Face

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562300  No.8151090


ignoring is not soaking

more like brushing droplets off my arm

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f5d043  No.8151091


Will mess around with browsers, then. Still getting posting errors.

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948729  No.8151092


All french article I find (I can read french) say it was put on a social media website Wednesday night, but doesn't specify which one.

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dffafc  No.8151093


It must suck to be this bad at what you're trying. Oh well, I'm bored. I never told anyone to do anything, just posted an unpopular opinion. Well, its not unpopular just that a few little pussies couldnt handle a little criticism wont shut the fuck up about it.. I'll happily stand my ground. Idgaf.

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3abaa0  No.8151094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2256ed  No.8151095


Earth has to be round for this to make sense.

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ea8403  No.8151096

What are the chances of a Q drop tonight? Hoping for one.

Or will we have to wait until Potus wins the Daytona 500 tomorrow?

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92f0f3  No.8151097

File: 1a9140147849ac9⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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33bfed  No.8151098

Anyone a Kim Clement Fag? I had a thought based on a question about how "David" cannot be Trump because Clement prophesices about the youth of this person casting a "Simple Stone- Remember the name"


f you would have told me that my faith in God would be restored thanks to Donald Trump, I would have laughed at you.

What words has Trump used to describe what is going on? A Witch Hunt. What if it's actually Donald Trump on a legitimate witch hunt?

I do believe that when I started putting all of this together, when I literally fell to my knees and begged God to forgive me for not believing… for knowing that the Devil's greatest trick was convincing me he did not exist- had worked.

I felt the Spirit of the Lord and He told me to pray.

Pray like you have never prayed before.

Pray for the President, pray for the Patriots fighting for me in this most important time.

I have come to believe we live in a world where luciferians are in charge.

We have been deceived for a long, long time. We allowed it.

They hid it well, very well, yes. They're all related by blood and marriage and tell us we're crazy when we suggest anything our mainstream culture says it is not normal- (the hollywood elite tell us what's real and not).

I realize now how our Nation was founded with God held most high. We as a Nation have turned our backs on God.

What I get out of Kim Clements prophesies (I've watched several and he was talking about Donald Trump in 2007).

God is FURIOUS and is ready to lift the veil of deceit.

What if our interpretation of Giant is different than Gods?

There are several giants in existence.

Is it possible Giants are God's fallen, who are able to walk among us in disguise? Is it a collective of people's energy controlled by one entity? IDK…

I could buy into a giant collective of energy being able to control institutions like banking and the department of justice. Follow along with me on this for a minute and put it into the context of the prophecy:

There are several Giants of whom Goliath was one- correct? Brother's of Goliath- Right?

I don't know if Trump is David, but I believe he could be connected to or in cahoots with.

There are other prophecies in which Kim discusses this and another Esther who will come and restore peace amongst us, that there are His own watchmen (one I believe to be Rudy Giuliani-based on another prophesy about God's revenge for 911)

The Stone David will use to take down Goliath's brother in the Department of Justice, could be Roger Stone….

When I hold him up they will laugh at him.

No one takes Roger Stone seriously on either side of the political aisle.

However, the treatment of him has been quite eye opening to anyone who believes in true equal justice under the law.

Donald Trump is possibly God's David- but I also think it could be the young acting AG, Matt Whitaker who was the man Trump uses to cast Roger Stone's injustice to bring down that Giant?

He was Acting AG when Roger Stone was arrested.

I don't know.

Kim's final prophesy was to not be afraid of NK or Iran because everything will change.

People will be praying for God to intervene in the United States and he will.

Our greatest enemies live among us and God is coming to deal with them.

If you are here- thanks for reading

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a9e440  No.8151099

File: 8f9cd6e4a75777c⋯.png (115.9 KB, 400x400, 1:1, patriot-q-heart-USA.png)

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f5d043  No.8151100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shitpost meets weezer

come on

have some fun

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97e65f  No.8151101

File: b30620e95f5458e⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 240x300, 4:5, Don't forget to bring a to….jpg)


Kekked out loud when the dude in the divesuit came in!

That place must be where Towlie was developed.

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e0317c  No.8151102



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842ee4  No.8151103


Here, I gibberished up your gibberish for you.

Timelines us to humans so much it layed is is back of you are timeline can mean a timelines can you right based on why it all leads you wasted on unknown but in then here and out you wasted out invaluable through thing we are end to humans so much to even hered on a slight based to the galaxy here everything at brings mean mean you right grip on unfathomable the sun but in front the to humans so much to the galaxy hered out of time beginning as to desting we are timelines are is no such to humans so

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972fd8  No.8151104


POW/MIA flag, Anon

> Until they all come home.

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4e2edb  No.8151105

File: dccbfcddeabbd9e⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 740x925, 4:5, 740full-katherine-timpf.jpg)

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74beee  No.8151106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

G'night all you glorious anons

here's an old western to fade into the sunset with

Audie Murphy

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7c16b5  No.8151107




We can all access gematria online and make up shit.

Go away.

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33d022  No.8151108

File: 23faf8e4829a3b7⋯.gif (13.09 MB, 440x440, 1:1, D564D437-370A-4B63-AF45-70….gif)


All bonds will be broken. You too will be transformed.

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5f39ff  No.8151109


kek @ I suit myself


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df22dd  No.8151110


I had the opposite speech reaction.

Kept repeating the same phrase over and over, much to spouse anon's amusement.

Wolf of Wall Street quaalude scene made me laugh so hard my sides ached.

I think, for the most part, I'm just gonna' stick to alcohol. But not vodka, that stuff messes me up. Tequila and rum much better for me.

I will avoid Rick Simpson oil, thanks for the warning.

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92eb89  No.8151111

File: 5cd619cdc40bac9⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, stel3.jpg)

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017514  No.8151112

dffafc (17)

> I'll happily stand my ground. Idgaf.

that is why you are still responding. 'cause you don't care. Fuck off back from whenst you slivered into here from

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7c16b5  No.8151114




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f8109b  No.8151115


This bitch is fucking crazy

Notable AF

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333be5  No.8151116


The dirty things me and her could do

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d0a82b  No.8151117

expect lock-down in USA in about 13 days.

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4774eb  No.8151118


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Matthew 7:7

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ea8403  No.8151119


She looks younger here. Very nice shot.

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28d3c9  No.8151120


Naw bitch i didnt studder

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dffafc  No.8151121


I was saying idgaf about standing behind what i said. Reading comprehension is your friend, anonwannabe

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842ee4  No.8151122


Is the end user in control of encryption, or is the data to be held in cleartext on the Google servers?

Relevant point, needs to be addressed in evaluating this

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92eb89  No.8151124


Been done stupid.

When you post on this board you fucking glow.

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b892c2  No.8151125

>>8132176 PB

This was from bread #10410 yesterday afternoon. I've been reading this off and on in my spare time.

The Spooks Choice: Coup plotters and CIA agents fill Pete Buttigieg's list of endorsers

Why are so many intelligence veterans throwing their weight behind a young Indiana mayor with such a thin foreign policy resume?


There are 3 pages of signees to this endorsement. So who are all these people? According to the title many are intelligence veterans.

I've looked at the first 3 signees so far. First one is a highly educade SJW, second one is a PhD Nuclear Policy Expert.

Third one was on the finance committee for both of Obama's presidential campaigns and later nominated by Obama for ambassador to Finland and was confirmed and served in that capacity.

Not sure if any of these are intelligence veterans. I just like to see if the signees to these things are real people. You never know.


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e1ef8c  No.8151126

File: 76a321c23d28441⋯.png (989.54 KB, 900x650, 18:13, kids-fighting-car2.png)

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a68bcb  No.8151127

>>8150055 PB

The sub launching the Trident is the USS Maine (SSBN-741) The USS Maine (ACR-1) was sunk in Havana harbor in Feb 1898, reportedly by Spain. This gave rise to "To hell with Spain- Remember the Maine." The Spanish-American war ensued and that is why we own a piece of Cuba called GITMO.

Strange bunch of coincidences, huh?

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92f0f3  No.8151128


I was gonna suggest to try the French thread, but I just checked and dont see one.

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8849df  No.8151129


This decision was taken because of the extraordinary circumstances faced by passengers on the Diamond Princess and to lighten the burden on the Japanese health-care system. We are working closely with Carnival Cruise Lines and the Government of Japan to assist in this evacuation.

The aircraft will bring passengers from Japan to Canadian Forces Base Trenton, after which they will be assessed and transported to the NAV Canada Training Institute in Cornwall, Ontario, to undergo a further 14-day period of quarantine.

Before boarding in Japan, passengers will be screened for symptoms. Those who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 will not be permitted to board and will instead be transferred to the Japanese health system to receive appropriate care.


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f5d043  No.8151130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meet flyover country.

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37a269  No.8151131

File: ccb55b2ace49b03⋯.png (158.24 KB, 960x585, 64:39, ClipboardImage.png)




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4e2edb  No.8151132

File: 43217e08b984caa⋯.jpg (168.55 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 716aefed0d4300f30d16d97059….jpg)



I always liked her as well

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5ae186  No.8151133

File: 751a784bf969ab8⋯.png (26.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 03f3174f064c6881eaed78d2ed….png)

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e869f1  No.8151134

File: e2f8c050cc7da33⋯.png (520.23 KB, 544x868, 136:217, pepe biohazard i dress mys….png)



Im talkin about takin down snopes from the inside though

imagine it

Item 9 is the best strain ever

Fact check: TRUE

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09c093  No.8151135


The extra 12 Canadians?

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017514  No.8151136

File: d391641fe26fd94⋯.png (577.01 KB, 698x525, 698:525, walmart people 3.PNG)

that means so much coming from you..I'm just heartbroken, really I am

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92eb89  No.8151137


Well, technically speaking, no one would be stupid enough to pay Fungus to post. Which makes him a troll.

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f5d043  No.8151138

Definite posting problems still.

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9304e7  No.8151139

File: 4ad5dd247c1c443⋯.jpg (337.23 KB, 1142x1522, 571:761, Satanic_Q_Sent_me.jpg)

Saw this on Faceberg.

Apparently they're scared enough to be mocking Q publicly.

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4b8140  No.8151140

>>8150539 (pb)

>They are behind legalization to fry kids brains. Fact.

[They]? You mean Soros funding NGOs like the Drug Policy Foundation?

Here is the irony about Soros. Yes, you are correct. Soros, like the delusional Prohibitionists, does think legalization will lead to “kids frying their brains.” That’s why Soros supports it. He is a psychopath who makes his money by destabilizing countries and then taking advantage of the chaos. But those he funds are largely intelligent people, many even from law enforcement who have seen how these laws do far more harm to people’s lives than using the drugs themselves. Others are libertarians and economists who understand how black markets create opportunities for people with few options in life to make vast sums of money. For example, none of the powerful and dangerous drug cartels would exist if drugs were available legally. This is where most of the violence originates in our world.

Alcohol is a very dangerous and legal drug, yet most people do not drink and work or drive. And parents do not condone their children consuming alcohol and if they did and were caught , they would be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Legalization would also take away the mystique of some drugs. For example, there is very little difference between the quality of cigars produced in the Dominican Republic versus Cuba, yet people seek and pay more for Cubans for no other reason than that they are prohibited.

Thus, there is nothing inherently evil in something that is prohibited by some outside authority, the evil arises in the act of prohibition.

If you are worried about kids being exposed to powerful psychoactive drugs during their brain development, then you should equally be concerned about psychiatrists prescribing chemical straight jackets to children and parents too brainwashed to realize what’s happening.

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588ce1  No.8151141

File: 29eb1911426a159⋯.gif (247.89 KB, 500x333, 500:333, B707C8CA-CF43-47CE-BF20-A3….gif)

File: 5a2e85b96276e47⋯.gif (355.14 KB, 500x281, 500:281, E1094527-0850-460B-97F0-90….gif)

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842ee4  No.8151142


I've explained this repeatedly to dayshift.

There could be errored copies of the site's javascript (prior to the fix) in your browser's local web cache, or in intermediate web caches within your ISP's network.

To pull the corrected JS from 8kun's servers you need to:

1) Clear your web cache and cookies for 8kun

2) Restart your browser

3) If site is still funky, use CTRL-F5 or forced refresh to tell your browser to pull the HTML and all ancillary files from the host bypassing copies that may be in web caches.

Fixed the problem for most dayshift users. They stopped complaining after I told them what to do.

It should not be necessary to change browsers.

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7c16b5  No.8151143

File: b5a1c0d95f51f00⋯.jpeg (179.08 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, b5a1c0d95f51f00df9d37f6c2….jpeg)

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d1aed8  No.8151144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

appropriate late night shift song and pay close attention to the lyric - turn it up loud

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6f45a5  No.8151145


She's 31 years old anon.

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d0a82b  No.8151146

File: 5bfa180518a62db⋯.png (70.89 KB, 1024x559, 1024:559, FEMA regions.png)

process - CDC finds multiple ill then does not report - then they test random healthy - then 1 day FEMA engaged.

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95fdd6  No.8151147

File: e30553cc81693d3⋯.png (293.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, e30553cc81693d39f455f9f13a….png)

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333be5  No.8151148


soooo hot

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7be552  No.8151149

File: 025c01a2d5684c7⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 403x375, 403:375, CHLUke.JPG)


Eat a dick.

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b892c2  No.8151150


Suzie Abdou is the first signer.

Suzie Abdou

Principal at Ma’at Global Strategies

Greater Los Angeles area



Ma’at Global Strategies


Ma’at Global Strategies

Jun 2015 – Present4 years 9 months

Greater Los Angeles Area

Johnson & Johnson

NPI Plan

Johnson & Johnson

Jun 2016 – Aug 20193 years 3 months

U.S. Department of State

Franklin Fellow

U.S. Department of State

Aug 2016 – Jun 20181 year 11 months

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

Program Manager

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

Apr 2013 – Jun 20152 years 3 months


Los Angeles County Department of Health Services

Government Affairs & Policy

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services

Aug 2009 – Mar 20133 years 8 months

Greater Los Angeles Area

Women's Voices Now

Director of Global Programs

Women's Voices Now

Mar 2011 – Oct 20121 year 8 months

Greater Los Angeles Area

Suzie Abdou

Principal at Ma’at Global Strategies

Greater Los Angeles area


University of California, RiversideUniversity of California, Riverside

University of California, Riverside

Master’s DegreePolitical Science

2003 – 2005

Emphasis in International Relations

Thesis: Coptic Women, Muslim Women and the Makings of a Feminist Movement in Egypt

Emphasis in International Relations

Thesis: Coptic Women, Muslim Women and the Makings of a Feminist Movement in Egypt

University of BalamandUniversity of Balamand

University of Balamand

Master’s DegreeOrthodox Theology

2011 – 2017

St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology

Thesis: Social Justice in 4th Century Patristic Texts

St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology

Thesis: Social Justice in 4th Century Patristic Texts

Loyola Marymount UniversityLoyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University

Bachelor’s DegreePhilosophy & Ancient Greek

1994 – 1998

Honors Thesis - Nietzsche's Theory of the Will to Power: Brute Force or Creative Instinct?

Honors Thesis - Nietzsche's Theory of the Will to Power: Brute Force or Creative Instinct


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07efe7  No.8151151

File: 2992089d9c0ed97⋯.jpeg (189.74 KB, 597x745, 597:745, MeetMeAtTheBottom.jpeg)

File: a9ebbb8c95c68de⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 599x350, 599:350, Poccahauntus_beer.jpg)


Meet you at the bottom!

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33d022  No.8151152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Y’all ready?

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e869f1  No.8151153





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f5d043  No.8151154


Non anons first rodeo. De caches stay cleared. De clean starts are legendary.

But thanks for being you.

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842ee4  No.8151155


I don't understand why anyone admires the memes that feature death images

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ce05ff  No.8151156


I fell in love with UNIX in '90. Miss the old BBS days.

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f1ef5a  No.8151157

File: 807778716c44be8⋯.gif (987.61 KB, 500x450, 10:9, 31bae487d0702f92-may-wallp….gif)

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a4346a  No.8151158

File: 3ecabc1682417ae⋯.png (168.63 KB, 452x358, 226:179, 3ecabc1682417aef758f2cb4f6….png)

How to win the LONG game?

Firstly , Do absolutely everything.

Do all of it.

Nothing is wanted.


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f5d043  No.8151159


Like anon said, young.

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60f2c3  No.8151160

File: 613e16cbb2cfb98⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 432x243, 16:9, Like a hotdog down a hallw….gif)


yeah…hot dog

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b892c2  No.8151161


Next is Dr James M Acton, Nuclear Policy Expert. A British academic and scientist, Acton earned his PhD in theoretical physics from Cambridge. According to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_M._Acton

Then Charles C Adams, JR. Former ambassador to Finland. He ties to Obama. Practiced international law abroad, was co-chair of Americans Abroad for Obama, also served as a member of the National Finance Committee of Obama’s 2012 campaign and 2008 campaign. Nominated by Obama for ambassador to Finland in 2014, confirmed in 2015. According to wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_C._Adams_Jr.


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4910c6  No.8151162

File: 8bf0561e52d6c5a⋯.png (316.19 KB, 540x540, 1:1, lightbansdrke.png)

Breads becoming increasingly electric.

All the breads belong to patriots now.

Shills are unwelcome guests.

Shills exist on borrowed time.

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d0a82b  No.8151163

File: 54b1f40c68e9887⋯.png (174.15 KB, 511x413, 73:59, 9fda81d08c574231.png)


Let's run an election during a pandemic - that will work.

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168b52  No.8151164


are those bullet holes in the sign?

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88235e  No.8151165

File: a6723ab1b20ae0b⋯.png (307.96 KB, 808x909, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)


No One Knows Why Epstein’s Secret Bank Account Moved Millions Since His Death

By John Vibes

A judge in the Virgin Islands has recently questioned the lawyers of Jeffrey Epstein’s estate, after an old bank account registered to Epstein received millions of dollars from the estate in the months since his death. The account was opened by Epstein in the Virgin Islands in 2014 and was reportedly intended to be used for an international banking firm that he planned to develop.

On his application, Epstein said that he wanted to pursue the “dynamic discipline of international banking.” Meanwhile, on that same application he glossed over his very serious criminal history and his status as a registered sex offender, saying that he dealt with a previous legal challenge but the case was discontinued.


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842ee4  No.8151166

File: c4611b2c93f0373⋯.jpg (527.36 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, BestIsYetToCome2.jpg)

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948729  No.8151167

File: 114753f95a937b9⋯.png (173.91 KB, 820x447, 820:447, griveaux sex tape thumbna….png)




name of site the sex tape was first posted on Pornopolitique.com, but already taken down.

Looks like it was pornhub yesterday (pic related), but already taken down.

Best dig I've ever done.


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10287b  No.8151168

George Washington was an 'illiterate LIAR who cheated his way to the top, wore dentures made from hippo ivory, beat his slaves and lied about freeing them', new biography claims

George Washington was an 'illiterate, unread' liar who the other Founding Fathers couldn't wait to see the back of, claims a new biography on The Father of his Country. Buying teeth from his slaves at a third of the market price,refusing to free them, and causing conflict that eventually led the the start of 'humanity's first world war' are among the many ethical and moral missteps the country's first president made, claims new book 'You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington' by historian Alexis Coe. The book was released this Presidents' Day weekend, coinciding with the broadcast of the History Channel's new three-part series 'Washington', on which Coe was also a consulting producer.


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333be5  No.8151169


sorry you feel that way

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447ac8  No.8151170

File: 604f427bf4b87ae⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 645x645, 1:1, STAT_China_HongKong_Wuhan_….jpg)



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f5d043  No.8151171


Lesson learned the last two years:


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7c16b5  No.8151172

Notables @ 500

Bringe em on. Anything to add?

>>8151065 American citizens killed and tortured by Israel?

>>8151042 Syria News

>>8150956 Google is tabulating votes

>>8150949 DonJr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World about John Bolton

>>8150894 , >>8150926, >>8150971, >>8151062 Coronavirus Watch

>>8150914 Governments to monitor social media users’ posts online

>>8150849 MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD influence on US policies

>>8150665 Brennan, Clapper and Comey started distancing themselves in 2017

>>8150658 CyberNYC, Israel, NSA, Paul Singer digs

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92eb89  No.8151173


Wow, ya used 3 alts on me Fungus.

Didn't work.

You've used this tired old shtick for nearly 3 years.It's as thread bare as your favorite pair of fapping panties.

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5877cb  No.8151174


the funniest thing was while this was all going on - Wolf of Wall Street and that scene came on

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caa038  No.8151175



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33d022  No.8151176

File: d79ad16e92032cb⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 440x440, 1:1, 2A7E204F-9A49-4476-ACF0-36….gif)

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4e2edb  No.8151177

File: fa79ece61e4e6bf⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 474x296, 237:148, 53-47.jpg)

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92f0f3  No.8151178


Funny, we were just talking about this hooker last night.

I forgot about that Q crumb

>Subject: Threat to POTUS thwarted.

Theres a lotta work in this and the shills dont seem to like it.

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51cfb0  No.8151179


and he chopped down that tree too. Fuck off!!!

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4ac926  No.8151180

File: 82c86467a77ace9⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, george-washington-61-46-89.jpg)

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5f39ff  No.8151181


…I'm still fkn chortlin' 💚

now the coonskin-hoody Q sent me guy

I might survive this

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a9e604  No.8151182

File: c129ab6c8889368⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Trumperland Joke China.mp4)


And a follow up.>>8150769

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972fd8  No.8151183


Attack. Subvert. Earn money.

Who knows? Maybe honesty will become a thing again.

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60f2c3  No.8151184

File: ee6231bf1f8c065⋯.png (508.73 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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7cb45d  No.8151185


I've found that 8kun does not function well on apple Ios devices: very glitchy

windows devices function well

gonna try linux tomorrow

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28b2a9  No.8151186

File: c9f8fe10b1d86d1⋯.jpg (439.12 KB, 3223x1494, 3223:1494, Night_Shift_005.jpg)

File: 3e301825026c4b2⋯.jpg (439.04 KB, 2845x1340, 569:268, Night_Shift_004.jpg)

File: fa1e7c3c7bdefe6⋯.jpg (158.48 KB, 1340x1006, 670:503, Night_Shift_003.jpg)

File: bdd0200b078d899⋯.jpg (279.87 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, Night_Shift_002.jpg)

File: 06ca7968cd52db9⋯.jpg (790.01 KB, 3025x1403, 3025:1403, Night_Shift_001.jpg)

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caa9ef  No.8151187

File: 103d41f0ede6e9f⋯.jpg (260.11 KB, 1200x1094, 600:547, BestIsYetToCome1.jpg)

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f5d043  No.8151188


Donut anon is the man.

Anyone else recall donut anon?

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10287b  No.8151189


Call to dig on this Coe person?

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92eb89  No.8151190


Yeah I remember my first chocolate edible.

And by remember, I mean the first 30ish minutes.

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4910c6  No.8151191

File: 6a37d44a660f66e⋯.png (290.99 KB, 531x531, 1:1, MYSTICK.png)

File: e4803905d9ce403⋯.png (294.01 KB, 531x531, 1:1, EYEoftheSTORM.png)

File: deef822ff158dc2⋯.png (347.25 KB, 531x531, 1:1, GodWins.png)

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caa9ef  No.8151192


Linux + latest Firefox working very well over here.

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d0a82b  No.8151193

File: 540a9407ef01cc6⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x226, 255:226, 8b4546ebf8b0aec80dc269e58a….jpg)

it is not even worth shutting you down

you all are useless.

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3eb7c8  No.8151194

File: 3a2ff4869ce8307⋯.jpg (121.12 KB, 760x561, 760:561, mike2020.jpg)

Bloomberg's shills are actually defending his love of morality legislation. This is amazing.

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b892c2  No.8151195


This was a very moving statement. POTUS tried to help her stay strong. It looked like he wanted to hug her at the end. She just needed to get off that stage after that emotional statement.

SECOND the notable.

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0f6141  No.8151196


I remember someone posting a short video of her at her house in the snow last year. And a video of her meeting that guy in his truck at some lake

Anyone still have that?

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77d2ed  No.8151197

shivaposter is a fag

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a4346a  No.8151198


All of it.

The reason is also, then no-one else has to do it.

Jesus? He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. He literally did All of the bad stuff so no body, no soul had to do it.

He did it all.




So you did not have to.

All we are waiting for now is, for that to be learned across all the wavelenght`s.

Not long Anons before that happens.

See a bad person?

Tell him thank you. why? Because he took it for you.

The question left to ask is; What are we preparing for to have those hard times?

Hard times make strong men.

What comes next that have to have strong men?

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e1ef8c  No.8151199


That process is actually quite dangerous and requires an inert environment.

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8849df  No.8151200


if they tested positive they stay in Japan

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28b2a9  No.8151201

File: ccc9861e719668f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1130x1326, 565:663, ClipboardImage.png)


>Alexis Coe

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f5d043  No.8151202


Meditation teaches the same.

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d1aed8  No.8151203

File: 3107b73ff426a64⋯.jpg (81.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cat D5.jpg)

is Daytona 500 D5? (we know the first one got postponed by the Bush funeral and even Q tipped the hat to the cabal as well played)

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92eb89  No.8151204


So Monday then

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97e65f  No.8151205


Based AF

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cc4d64  No.8151206

File: 083b22ac2899e39⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 634x1164, 317:582, Elizabeth-Warren-w-doll.jpg)

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7f14c0  No.8151207

File: 464b500b802fc8c⋯.jpg (288.63 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, chosen-for-a-reason.jpg)

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33d022  No.8151208

File: e86db9aade84456⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 640x198, 320:99, F395AFE8-FBD8-46A4-90A8-19….gif)

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b93f6e  No.8151209

File: a0d9d803842fdc3⋯.jpg (265.74 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, QCrumbsWakeUp567.jpg)

File: 423fe27ac649956⋯.jpg (317.55 KB, 1200x828, 100:69, QCrumbsEqual.jpg)

File: 92e29acb342432a⋯.jpg (189.65 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, QCrumbsGA-strong.jpg)

File: 4277b46793804c3⋯.jpg (261.05 KB, 632x948, 2:3, QCrumbsSafety.jpg)

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293e98  No.8151210


>whiny little cunts.

Anon, did you just watch "The Coldest Game" on Netfuks, did ya? That's a line out of the movie. Great flic, BTW, about a fictional chess match between Manhattan Project burned out alcoholic genius Bill Pullman's character and a Russian subgenius stooge. Match is set in Warsaw Poland during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Great directing, acting and period production. Pullman must have inked a deal with the debil for this sudden resurgence in his career. Plays a great, nuclear physicist genius turned skid row con artist drunk. Re-watched it immediately.

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92f0f3  No.8151211



>Best dig I've ever done

Good shit, anon.

too bad they got taken down but maybe they will get put back up somewhere else.

Still got some the video header screenshots out of it.

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bbcfcd  No.8151212

ever think that the anon that you are calling a fag/shill today… you are being friendly with the next day… it is pretty cool

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a1f718  No.8151213


For 33 (Freemason) years served ALL of the previous administrations, even securing Haiti for The Clintons and WAS FIRED For LYING under @realdonaltrump administration…that’s all I need to Know. I don’t follow the stars and narratives made by lifelong Democrats! FLYNN Family lifelong Democrats. He knows where the innocent bodies are buried! Effing Sad! Seems like Sara knows to according to that 2015 article talking about chicken coops. Shake my damn head.

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9304e7  No.8151214

File: 7b5379cbc781912⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 540x303, 180:101, ClownWorldVision-Same.jpg)

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3b443b  No.8151215

File: 22915d4561fa3d0⋯.jpg (55.74 KB, 514x485, 514:485, 3pcjji.jpg)

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b93f6e  No.8151216


Anons were asking this question hours ago. No one knows really.

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92eb89  No.8151217


>What if I told you

>Nightshift IS the Dayshift.

He's right you know

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98e2ef  No.8151218


I agree. I actually prefer the Mexican brick weed from college versus this crazy shit today. It was actually enjoyable back then. Now the dispensary shit is just too much

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dffafc  No.8151219


I did not. Sorry to disappoint. Tv and movies aren't my thing at all.

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e0317c  No.8151220





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01db2f  No.8151221


No I don't…

I went offline for a whle while Australia outlawed 8chan after the NZ shooting….

Then I got tired of waiting and got a VPN and came back, only to have 8chan taken down WW. kek

so I missed a couple months of kekdom

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b93f6e  No.8151222

File: df7dd06912fcde2⋯.jpg (492.04 KB, 2323x1146, 2323:1146, LizWarren'sBlackfaceKitche….jpg)

File: 1c841f4d658ba09⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 353x489, 353:489, WarrenClevelandIndian.JPG)

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5b717f  No.8151223

File: d319a278f4ad5bc⋯.png (394.64 KB, 600x775, 24:31, e9c7a898e7ce05b955eae03c35….png)

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28b2a9  No.8151224



archive in queue (wip still)


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4ccbde  No.8151225


she and I

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447ac8  No.8151226



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a4346a  No.8151227

File: ed55594f1425032⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 564x629, 564:629, 4b30702c8a88be2a0b5453d3be….jpg)

File: c77029e62bafc33⋯.jpg (105.12 KB, 734x960, 367:480, 72041357_176466903531879_8….jpg)

File: f958c550af91c06⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 480x712, 60:89, 71074043_2469689263123417_….jpg)


33 stands for All 33 vertebraes.

It is frequency. literally another dimension overlapping another.

Things look different there.

Like; eating a peanut?

The principle is then that a peanut is a baby.

It is not grown. Get it?

So, eating only grown things makes you what?

What you eat you become?

Ffs anons, dont stay down here.

We are all rising, get out of the chamber will Ya?

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4774eb  No.8151228

File: a520c97c7c30039⋯.png (476.25 KB, 598x699, 598:699, Screenshot_2020-02-16 The ….png)

Loosening cocaine's grip on Colombia: Warren Buffet's son Howard has pledged to spend $200 million from his foundation to help one of the South American country's most-dangerous territories turn from coca cultivation to legal crops.


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017514  No.8151229


sometimes this habbens but not with the regular crew of shills/"guests". they all glow too hard and out themselves too quickly.

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333be5  No.8151231


I could die a happy man

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07efe7  No.8151232

File: 9005e6490094545⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 420x306, 70:51, oz.gif)

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9304e7  No.8151233


Looks to me like burn marks, bullet holes, and (fake?) blood

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7f14c0  No.8151234

File: ef58bd51d953b13⋯.jpg (279.83 KB, 1200x792, 50:33, work-together.jpg)

File: fbeb1055ec26f4c⋯.jpg (112.32 KB, 1200x912, 25:19, all-shifts.jpg)

File: 18afbe57a6c33ec⋯.jpg (264.47 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Q-NIGHT.jpg)


What's "night shift" to US anons is "day shift" to European anons

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b69c04  No.8151235

File: a03edeff62b925c⋯.png (853.02 KB, 862x509, 862:509, ClipboardImage.png)

The sudden collapse of the Bronze Age around 1200 BC took with it virtually every civilized society throughout the Peloponnesus, the Aegean world, and Asia Minor, Minoan Crete, Mycenaean Greece, Homeric Troy, the Hittite Empite and numerous kingdoms across Anatolia and the Near East were toppled, and Pharaonic Egypt slid into a decline subsequent dynasties would be unable to check.

Thus freed from the domination of these suddenly defunct superpowers, other peoples waiting in the shadows filled the commercial vacuum by exploiting trade routes pioneered and guarded by their deposed predecessors. History remembers them as Phoenicians, a Semitic folk residing in Canaan, a region roughly corresponding to the present-day Levant of modern Israel, Palestinian territories, Lebanon, and the western parts of Jordan and Syria.

The Phoenicians were the Canaanites, and the ancestors of todays Lebanese, concluded geneticist Spencer Wells in 2004, after an extensive DNA study of Phoenicians origins sponsored by National Geographic Magazine. Their name is Greek-Phoinike-for people of the purple (which has already been explained), and imported from the Levantine city of Tyre. Phoinike derived from the earlier Mycenaean po-ni-ki-jo, itself a derivation of the still older Egyptian fenkhu, denoting Asiatic Semites.

This lineage of nomenclature demonstrates how the Phoenicians were already well known to the outside world for exportation of costly items, only at their cities of Tyre on the shores of Lebanon, and Mogador, in far-off Morocco long before their rise to prominence in the12th century BC.

They never called themselves Phoenicians but identified instead with any one of their numerous cities. Hence they were Tyrians, Sidonians, Carthaginians, and so forth. They nevertheless comprised, in the aggregate, an identifiable entity. According to the 2011 census, only 12 percent of today's population in Lebanon are Arab. DNA studies reveal overwhelming genetic similarities between Phoenicians and most modern Lebanese.

The ancient Phoenicians built a loose confederation of casually affiliated, ethnically and culturally related, if independent urban centers. These were collectively known as Khna (the ancient equivalent of "Corporate Empire") or, to outsiders as "Phoenicia", that spread from the Levant to the Atlantic coasts of Iberia and North Africa. It was organized into politically self-contained, metropolitan states, collaborating in leagues or alliances, dominated by whatever was the most economically influential city at the time.

Phoenicians were less warlike than mercantile, chiefly interested in amassing riches not territories, and conquest by foreign trade, not military invasion.

Frank Joseph "The Lost Colonies of Ancient America"

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7be552  No.8151236

File: 3edf457804e59b8⋯.png (54.19 KB, 500x629, 500:629, NightShiftRLA.png)

File: f2c4fc27195af4f⋯.png (68.02 KB, 567x440, 567:440, NightShiftRLAII.png)

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51cfb0  No.8151237


daily mail runs it once it clears the butterteeth crown….dont bother.

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6e665f  No.8151238

File: b37f22670d47341⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 500x220, 25:11, 3TBW.gif)

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d1aed8  No.8151239


this balloon is ready to pop and ol' 4/10/20 looms like a dark cloud in the horizon

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df22dd  No.8151240


Did it give you amnesia?

Amnesia freaks me out.

Happened to me a couple of times from drinking too much alcohol.

I don't like being told by other people the next day, the stupid shit I said and did the night before, and having no recollection of it.

Also have Versed for minor surgical procedure once and was freaked out about that for about 6 months afterwards.

I'm a lightweight.

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94f0d5  No.8151241

File: 7576e2ba3c7fddb⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 587x565, 587:565, rip.jpg)

The Happening WILL NOT BE TELEVISED - 600 Americans Already put in LOCKDOWN

Americans being rounded up as I type this


Give up your guns for everyone safety

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5f4c0a  No.8151242

File: e75d4dbaeb311da⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 597x418, 597:418, 3pck9n.jpg)

dayshift going to bed. thanks nightshift for your dedication.

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14e663  No.8151243


Nah just put on some Coe and forget about this narrative changing faggot

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562300  No.8151244




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dffafc  No.8151245


It happens more than most think. I was a normal anon last bread, but posted something unpopular and have been called every name in the moran book since. Will go back to being a normal anon next bread. Just how it goes.

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60f2c3  No.8151246

File: 47237c36e86dd95⋯.png (132.1 KB, 903x282, 301:94, ClipboardImage.png)

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614969  No.8151247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HIDDEN CAMERA: Police interrogated me about my Justin Trudeau book. They didn’t know I videotaped it

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cc4d64  No.8151248

File: b31778d0915f244⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 643x685, 643:685, Golliwog.jpg)

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f5d043  No.8151249


Had a think about some of this today.

Fish eat fish.

What if humans really are the perfect food?

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447ac8  No.8151250


hey cat.

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7f14c0  No.8151251


I hope you're joking

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7c16b5  No.8151252


Any missed? Don't ask nest bread.

#10434 Baker Change

>>8151140 [They]? You mean Soros funding NGOs like the Drug Policy Foundation?

>>8151065 American citizens killed and tortured by Israel?

>>8151042 Syria News

>>8150956 Google is tabulating votes

>>8150949 DonJr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World about John Bolton

>>8150894 , >>8150926, >>8150971, >>8151062 Coronavirus Watch

>>8150914 Governments to monitor social media users’ posts online

>>8150849 MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD influence on US policies

>>8150665 Brennan, Clapper and Comey started distancing themselves in 2017

>>8150658 CyberNYC, Israel, NSA, Paul Singer digs

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156474  No.8151253

File: 64a2ae5e696fc09⋯.png (472.65 KB, 500x656, 125:164, rickWilson.png)

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3eb7c8  No.8151254


This will be useful, thanks anon.

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b93f6e  No.8151255

File: 66c41dd488e41f1⋯.jpg (756.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PresidentialPledge3.jpg)

File: 93ee3f57a4e4110⋯.jpg (303.09 KB, 1279x1061, 1279:1061, DigitalMilitiaRedPill.jpg)

File: 051ed8975b16551⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 626x418, 313:209, MemewarsSoldierDigitalMili….jpg)


If there's one thing we've learned over these 28 months it's patience. Determination. Tenacity.

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0f6141  No.8151256


kek there are days like that indeed

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97e65f  No.8151257

File: ac8d503e6463b14⋯.png (602.66 KB, 882x642, 147:107, kate.PNG)



Is this the same one?

From 2018

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7cb45d  No.8151258


good to know

am going to dig up my old dell laptop that runs Kali linux

probably well out of date, version wise

will put Dissenter browser on & see how it runs

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33d022  No.8151259


The fact that you needed to associate yourself with this (1) poster calling this out makes me roll my eyes right out of my head

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55b960  No.8151260

File: 478450b88e9e52c⋯.png (169.17 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020-02-15-21-5….png)


I think some of what may be at issue is that Dr. Deisher is actually doing some of the needed research herself.

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b93f6e  No.8151261


Current software versions always recommended over obsolete unsupported ones.

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92f0f3  No.8151262

File: d24dd9f5f49735b⋯.jpg (402.92 KB, 1152x1192, 144:149, killer kate.jpg)


Yup, thats the beast

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bb9861  No.8151263


A virus cannot reinfect you days after your body eliminates it.

Did no one here pay attention in high school biology?

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a1f718  No.8151264


Oh goodie Devine serpent, what about the dead people….Can you save them now? Did you have someone perish under these generals fatt3ning their pocketbooks off wars! Stfu…go away with your colors and bs pretending our children didn’t die… Hat is wrong with you??? Oh our spines have 33 vertebrae so it’s okay that people were killed/ sacrificed for this elite BS!

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f5d043  No.8151265


Well before that.

So glad you are still here! Shadily.

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6f45a5  No.8151266



Don't know what to call it. Maybe: Oldie but goodie: news anchor gets trumped on air. Or something.

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28b2a9  No.8151267

File: 78af4b03d93e3aa⋯.jpg (153.8 KB, 1143x865, 1143:865, CerealBrain2.jpg)

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dffafc  No.8151268

File: 325f4203aed5451⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 696x960, 29:40, 37131785_129092741336355_5….jpg)


Must suck to care so much about it. You could just move on. Ill do what i want, but thanks for trying.

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b93f6e  No.8151269

File: a533583184336e8⋯.jpg (129.7 KB, 762x1048, 381:524, QCrumbsBeVigilant.jpg)

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10287b  No.8151270

Ukraine's president vows to end war, invites Trump to Kyiv

MUNICH (AP) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy vowed Saturday to end the separatist conflict in the east of his country, where fighting between Russia-backed rebels and Ukrainian troops has killed more than 14,000 people since 2014.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Zelenskiy said he hopes to end the conflict by the end of his presidential term in 2024.

“If in five years, we will end the war, bring our people back, then I did (became president) for a reason,” he said.

The conflict in eastern Ukraine erupted in April 2014, weeks after Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, and has devastated the country’s industrial heartland.

Thanking the United States for supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, Zelenskiy expressed hope to “start afresh” Kyiv’s relations with the U.S. now that proceedings for President Donald Trump’s impeachment are over.

Ukraine and Zelenskiy were at the center of the impeachment hearings. In a phone call in July that triggered a congressional inquiry, Trump pressured Zelenskiy to investigate the involvement of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company.

In Munich, Zelenskiy said he wants to visit the White House, and he invited Trump to Kyiv.

“We have a good relationship with the U.S., and I’m grateful to Americans for their support,” he said.


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9671c8  No.8151271

File: c0d9f080f10bf11⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 1D161712-882C-42B3-A6B1-EB….png)

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562300  No.8151272


yes, but honestly, does it matter?

im nobody, who gives a fuck what i think about europe

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2256ed  No.8151273


Fake, mutual agreed media stunt.

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95547d  No.8151274


It would be good optics to distance POTUS from when shit hits the fan if he was at such a public televised event ? POTUS did nuffin he was at Daytona doing laps in the Beast

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09c093  No.8151275


Hanta acts kind of like that. You get sick then you get better then you get real sick and die.

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d1aed8  No.8151276


things just can't create one another because it leads to ex nilhilo eventually, leaving the only thing left which is everything just is, always was and aways will be which must be why Jesus was always saying "look at the birds, they don't give a fuck, why do you?"

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63cb9e  No.8151277


Not Notable

A notable is something new, something worth noting. Not something that been played millions of times. This place fucken sucks now

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92eb89  No.8151278


>Not sure what it takes to get to a smoothly running /qresearch/ board again, but anon surely misses it.

Understood. I take comfort from US soldiers in WWII. Nothing was ever where it was needed. State of the Art broke. Shit jimmy-rigged by a couple of farmers and a cowboy never failed. Two words symbolize it, SNAFU and FUBAR.

Situation Normal All Fouled Up

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

We lost our main base. Fought on as Guerillas.

Got a new base where the Normal in SNAFU is FUBAR. Yet we roll on.

I know it's toughest on meme farmers.

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7c16b5  No.8151279


We know POTUS will be distanced.

Re-read drops.

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44bd0a  No.8151280

File: fd98c72bb1e4f86⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, A1D22A71-4696-48A9-89A6-2….jpeg)

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4910c6  No.8151281

File: 7635af2c3d9bd9c⋯.png (187.02 KB, 387x387, 1:1, NIGHTSHIV.png)

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3eb7c8  No.8151282


God, I hope that happens. I hope they let him drive. I need to see that.

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8849df  No.8151283


Also The Westerdan cruise ship has over 450 american incoming also

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0f6141  No.8151284

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1kektear.png)

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ebbf83  No.8151285


So far not loading pics on catalog, Firefox, but at least it loads the catalog. That's more than I had before.

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33d022  No.8151286


Yes, what you said makes sense. Let’s just go with it

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10287b  No.8151287


Sounds like a subsequent autoimmune reaction with a primed system causing a massive cytokine release and autologous tissue damage.

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b93f6e  No.8151288

File: e1ce508164880b5⋯.jpg (332.96 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, ChinaCensorshipInAmerica.jpg)

File: 035e8b0d0b1f555⋯.jpg (294.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ChinaExploit1.jpg)

File: 7deb734b68786d2⋯.jpg (368.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ChinaUnderXi3.jpg)

File: 96fff4bca16b15c⋯.jpg (353.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ChinaUnderXi2.jpg)

File: 9fdff73c00f8e2a⋯.jpg (342.66 KB, 1201x768, 1201:768, ChinaStrategicIntentionsPo….jpg)

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7cb45d  No.8151289



I still have Win 95 running on an old Pentium 75, it runs pretty good

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7be552  No.8151290

File: 292eb2623bc3dbb⋯.jpg (61.53 KB, 514x729, 514:729, NightShiftShillsWarning.jpg)

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0f6141  No.8151291


Anonymous author is Obama ?

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21cd52  No.8151292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







She was just on YT and explained it all.

Showed how SB2 Fucked over a Patriot!!

Deacon has emails from SB2..he showed them…




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f27b72  No.8151293


So I can start a Twat account called SuperSpoopyScaryNews and say a gorillion Americans are locked up in the basements of Wal Marts, and if I make a map with red dots on it, people will just believe it's true?

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d52fa3  No.8151294

File: eb39f677a9c3652⋯.png (473.23 KB, 485x469, 485:469, ClipboardImage.png)


In 2017 Bayer and Monsanto merged in a 66 billion dollar deal. Howard's daddy Warren then bought 800mm in stock after the merger was proposed. I wonder where that 200mm is gonna go to supply the good farmers with "legal crops".


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55b960  No.8151295


Look at the date 1/10/17. "10/17" in particular .

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f5d043  No.8151296


Can work with this.

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92eb89  No.8151297


>That process is actually quite dangerous and requires an inert environment.

So are liquor stills and meth labs. Especially when the liquor still is INSIDE the meth lab. Wew lad. Lost my eyebrows on that one.

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dffafc  No.8151298


It actually does if you have a basic grasp of the English language. I'm sorry you cant comprehend it. Says more about yourself than it does me.

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4e6024  No.8151299



Baker, I highly recommend notable. a lot of work went into this. CALL TO SHOVELS!

Thank you Baker

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8849df  No.8151300


Coronavirus: US passenger from Westerdam cruise ship infected, Malaysia confirms

The 83-year-old woman flew to Malaysia with 144 fellow passengers after disembarking from the ship in Cambodia

The Westerdam had been stranded at sea for two weeks after being blocked by five nations over coronavirus fears, until Cambodia


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cca284  No.8151301

File: dd7b3bf7a5238ac⋯.png (268.92 KB, 406x582, 203:291, earth6.PNG)

File: 9b184dde8fc644b⋯.png (610.52 KB, 709x557, 709:557, earth3.PNG)

File: 5ea59b0ab829e4f⋯.png (218.72 KB, 390x458, 195:229, earth2.PNG)


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6b720d  No.8151302

File: d465204a22b2825⋯.jpg (177.97 KB, 748x600, 187:150, van-pepe.jpg)

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ebbf83  No.8151303


Firefox. Still won't load board or captcha. Can't find website.

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33d022  No.8151304


Tell me more.

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6f45a5  No.8151305

Kat's nailing it tonight. She shut Tyrus down with a look and only 4 or 5 words. He kept waving his arms and making facial gestures when she was talking. Her inner self is coming out and her inner self is GREAT. She's wonderful.

Anon believes she lurks here sometimes, maybe even comments. She discovered she is an anon. Thanks to us anons. Don't try to change my mind.

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28b2a9  No.8151307

File: 3b5f7a79b0ed7a7⋯.png (212.26 KB, 1342x914, 671:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c16b5  No.8151308

File: 1ed9286f363f18a⋯.png (20.76 KB, 307x271, 307:271, 1ed9286f363f18aedf636d8f42….png)

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3eb7c8  No.8151309


Some boards as late as AMD's AM2 still have Windows 98SE drivers if you want a blinding fast machine at the expense of features and peripheral support.

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92eb89  No.8151310

File: 3423ba95c5d96ac⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 320x245, 64:49, Black-Knight.jpg)

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b93f6e  No.8151311

File: 088094ca47c63f0⋯.jpg (296.05 KB, 964x771, 964:771, SimpleFarmerGodWins.jpg)


>I know it's toughest on meme farmers.

Meme Farmer here.

I am happy. For me the site is running smoothly. I am able to download 100% of the images I select by right clicking on 2nd image link, download link. Used to fail at 1.4 kb on about 10% of the images. Image uploads are working, 100% of the time. Site is smooth. Have not had any glitches at all for hours. Have been on for about 15 hours today.

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333be5  No.8151312


I was just thinking the same.. does she lurk in here?

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95fdd6  No.8151313

File: 557ab908e970546⋯.png (181.36 KB, 722x472, 361:236, Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at ….png)

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e0317c  No.8151314



THIS should be a NOTABLE.

Hell of a lot of work went into this. Great digging anon.



==Thank you Baker==>>

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4910c6  No.8151315

File: d3e1c8dd3f444a9⋯.png (113.16 KB, 529x385, 529:385, kek.png)

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50b38d  No.8151316

File: 3810bde358d3a60⋯.png (47.09 KB, 407x592, 11:16, unicorns.PNG)


>Baker, I highly recommend notable.

Cereal Brain?

Yeah, that's gonna fly.

Do unicorns exist?

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7c16b5  No.8151317


Get fuck'd

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28b2a9  No.8151318


Agreed it is SB2 shills that come in here all the time trashing Kate when Q answered it in 1805

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9671c8  No.8151319

File: 5ed93a126a9b9ac⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, D4981AD4-F0E1-4ABD-BB39-3C….png)

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db3ba7  No.8151320

File: ec2e5d08e5d68ca⋯.gif (3.82 MB, 320x180, 16:9, BidenMonkeyTrap_180p_12fps.gif)


that shit's hilarious

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7cb45d  No.8151321


but doesn't the current corona virus mutate so quickly, a newer variant will re-infect you, possibly within days ?

corona also has immune suppressant HIV inserted

double whammy

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55b960  No.8151322

File: 3b1a5f9bc8b301c⋯.png (433.76 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020-02-15-16-5….png)

File: 3e2e6d31145991c⋯.png (268.08 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2020-02-15-17-1….png)



I think we were correct off the bat to call the WUHAN FF virus scare "fear porn".

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cd9545  No.8151323



agreed not notable

imo the drama b/w fame fags is lame

but if this is shills trying to frame her, its been like this since the whole thing went down…just so much smear about her

<why is she not in jail when Boyd went to jail?

here is an alternate take

read thru all the evidence before you accuse and hop on the hate kate train


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37718d  No.8151324

File: 3ce864b710c1269⋯.png (138.38 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, Capture _2020-02-15-22-58-….png)

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7c16b5  No.8151325

#10434 Baker Change

>>8151140 [They]? You mean Soros funding NGOs like the Drug Policy Foundation?

>>8151065 American citizens killed and tortured by Israel?

>>8151042 Syria News

>>8150956 Google is tabulating votes

>>8150949 DonJr just casually dropped a crumb on Watters World about John Bolton

>>8150894 , >>8150926, >>8150971, >>8151062 Coronavirus Watch

>>8150914 Governments to monitor social media users’ posts online

>>8150849 MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD influence on US policies

>>8150665 Brennan, Clapper and Comey started distancing themselves in 2017

>>8150658 CyberNYC, Israel, NSA, Paul Singer digs

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4910c6  No.8151326

File: 37095ae25bbb0ae⋯.png (310.94 KB, 510x510, 1:1, yousgtdabreh.png)

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21cd52  No.8151327





YOU MORONS ARE LOOKING FOOLISH VERY… ANYONE CAN PUT TOGETHER SLICK GRAPHICS W/BULLSHIT… But when you have the actual story with video… and that guy is 100% psychotic… and the gun he has is shown… video back up by facts!!

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0f6141  No.8151328


Never, Luv Kat she can join in any time

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b69c04  No.8151329

File: 506832d5206b583⋯.png (1.61 MB, 940x1297, 940:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

notice the bicephalous eagle…

that is Montezuma

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f27b72  No.8151331




Does this vid explain why she tried to put her hands on POTUS at that rally that day?and does it explain why Q referred to her as a threat in a drop that day? Because I really doubt it does

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92eb89  No.8151332


See Fungus, I don't have to argue against your stupid lies, because you've proven yourself to be such a duplcitous, lying, back stabbing little nigger, no believes the bullshit you just spilled on the board.

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2bc59a  No.8151333

File: a6458633ec0f9f7⋯.jpg (145.24 KB, 754x1274, 29:49, QCrumbs415TogetherPatriots.jpg)

File: 9adc3b333ae7e64⋯.jpg (213.13 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, QCrumbsJourneyTogetherStep.jpg)

File: f6d27a14ce5be09⋯.jpg (181.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, QCrumbsTogetherWeWin.jpg)

File: e8c79e425347fcb⋯.jpg (189.63 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, QCrumbsMoreFriendsUnitedFi….jpg)

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8f7672  No.8151334


>How about this I will name one of my projects "The 45"

Love it! Let us know how it turns out!

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a24546  No.8151335

Watters give'n Cernobitch a (you)

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7be552  No.8151336

File: ebdc7891073c853⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 517x499, 517:499, 22TickTock.jpg)


The truth is coming, and it will shine a bright light into the darkest of places..

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5f0737  No.8151337


Wish I'd been there, fren. Some of us got lucky, and only need what most consider micro doses.

Got to ease into it, to find that out. MMJ here (pain), and we could have partied all night on that little piece.

Maybe next time… ;)

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7cb45d  No.8151338

File: a7db66cb657f254⋯.jpeg (40.72 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 2CDC4E6E-7B18-4693-9D6F-6….jpeg)

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db746d  No.8151340

File: 71e62714bf076fb⋯.jpeg (114.46 KB, 960x960, 1:1, A8F25E9A-8B78-435F-A5D6-8….jpeg)

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44bd0a  No.8151342

File: 3afa2704efb4424⋯.jpeg (131.14 KB, 682x500, 341:250, A3802113-F407-40E4-871F-3….jpeg)

File: 2acd03739980329⋯.jpeg (33.34 KB, 641x500, 641:500, DA680718-8B04-4DC9-A92D-C….jpeg)

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51cfb0  No.8151343


Scumbag Soros promotes this for so many benifits to him and the zionists. CSPAN had a show a few weeks ago where the main speaker on a panel to congress was all over the developing mind and high THC.

ssri's are no joke either. As soon as you see the school shooters are usually pumped with pills from the jump. So many just believe their doctor and turn to the script.

Out of 751 posts this place has some great info to look into each bread. Two days ago there were quite a few EVERGREEN posts. One linked to a chemtrail airport dumping Aluminum and other things to control the weather, change the soil of the earth and kill us with what is absorbed. I have heard from parents the aluminum in vacc's is what changes their kids to autistic. it is all definitely being done on purpose. This is where we have to wake from.


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5f39ff  No.8151344


….seriously, about 2wks ago, stats slipped out of Wuhan that the bulk of the infected were young asian healthy males, which is a prob for US Campesino mexicans, who are the same genetically.

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bbcfcd  No.8151345


>Does this vid explain why she tried to put her hands on POTUS at that rally that day?and does it explain why Q referred to her as a threat in a drop that day? Because I really doubt it does

that is exactly what I was thinking

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bb9861  No.8151346


>corona also has immune suppressant HIV inserted

You've been reading too much ZH.

It's spike protein has a few very short variations from SARS that are found in HIV. But these variations are also found in many other organisms… including other corona viruses.

No, it doesn't have "immune suppressant HIV" inserted.

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0f6141  No.8151349


Baker you missed the Flynn know where the bodies are and my video follow up

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df22dd  No.8151350


Hurry up and wait is the name of the game.

Be prepared, be patient.

Snipers. Wait for the kill shot.

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cd9545  No.8151351


Incorrect decoding.

Not the person.



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55b960  No.8151353


I started watching some videos on IT with Kim Clement. I liked them. I particularly liked finding out that Kim Clement came to appreciate Chuck Missler. Watching videos with both men has helped.me understand the present time and face it without fear.

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6f45a5  No.8151354



She definitely lurks here. Been lurking for a long time. As anon said: Kat discovered she's an anon.

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dffafc  No.8151355

File: dc820465a9e9f79⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dc820465a9e9f79b58f133bb1f….jpg)

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33d022  No.8151356


I remember this day well here. Put into focus the forces at play on this board. God be with us all. WWG1WGA

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92eb89  No.8151358



>Tyrus doesn't know himself very well. Nope, not well at all.

No he's right. Bloomies writers make Tyrus look genius. Seriously

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f27b72  No.8151359

File: f726507b37352fd⋯.jpg (227 KB, 1080x1767, 360:589, 20200215_220751.jpg)


I watched it go down live during the rally. And there was this from Q. Boyd wasnt the real threat. 'KATE' was

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2256ed  No.8151360


I thought that Deacon guy had links to Comey.

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0126d0  No.8151361

File: 5caa7e8f9f031d0⋯.png (356.84 KB, 1153x1092, 1153:1092, 2020-02-15_23-09-16.png)

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7f14c0  No.8151362


Very succinct and cogent explanation, thank you.

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cc23ee  No.8151365


Get off the bread Kate/Vincent

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60f2c3  No.8151367


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b892c2  No.8151368



Yep, happens to me that way, too. Always have to laugh when I get called a shill. If you only knew…

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5339a7  No.8151369


sauce: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3129.htm

"Trump Takes Command Of Worlds Most Feared Spies More Powerful Than CIA-FBI Combined"

A mind-blowing classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today …

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c6fd97  No.8151371


> Soros promotes this for so many benifits to him and the zionists.

Is Bibi a Zionist? You think they are on the same team, kek. Low IQ fuk.

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3eb7c8  No.8151372

File: d3e459c37accf03⋯.png (471.45 KB, 409x653, 409:653, napoleon complex.png)


$250,000 is not enough to write that man some good jokes. $250,000,000 isn't enough. Can you tell I slightly dislike him?

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92f0f3  No.8151373


I say we notable it to get more eyes on and then go back and do another dig on the whole damn thing ourselves.

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e5b165  No.8151374


And Gulags we're free government vacations for citizens

and Auschwitz was a theme park.

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5339a7  No.8151375



Meaning - not notable. Fiction.

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f27b72  No.8151376


Yeah, and before Crazy 'Kate' had time to cover her tracks, some of us saw her crazy, threatening multiple Twat accounts

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60f2c3  No.8151377

File: c09fe822a178bdc⋯.jpg (418.01 KB, 1249x991, 1249:991, harvey.jpg)

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4910c6  No.8151378

File: 573c3d7d6a244fc⋯.png (622.94 KB, 540x540, 1:1, SMAHIRO.png)


Oh yes. In fact, the light is here.

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0ac1f3  No.8151379


Bullshit. You don't just "make someone" a "Mind Controlled Slave" with a few posts on social media.

They start the kids as YOUNG as possible, babies , or at age 2. Never after the kids are age 6 because at that age, children start to form their sense of Self. so all MK Ultra/Monarch/Orion mind controlled slaves are programmed over many many years, and only less than 1/10th of 1 % survive and is "functional" enough to be used as a mind controlled slave.

Just getting an adult to "do something" does NOT make him her "mind controlled slave".

Absolute bullshit, total misunderstanding of the massive years and years of extreme torture, drugging and other techniques to make a MPD Multiple Personality Disorder person whose many hundreds of "alters" are each individually programmed.

This is a farce.

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7cb45d  No.8151380


aluminium has also been linked to alzheimers

my grandmother always cooked in aluminium saucepans,etc

she developed severe alzheimers

they are poisoning us in many ways

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550f36  No.8151381

We need more pelicans, life was great when they were here.

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5339a7  No.8151382


Don't bake the CyberNYC thing.

It's sorcha faal. whatdoesitmean.com

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775310  No.8151383


It's all love, always. Amazing memes BTW.

It's always night time somewhere,

It's always day time somewhere.


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6b2437  No.8151384

File: bb4d13c81172e52⋯.png (877.67 KB, 601x6432, 601:6432, trumptweetfail.png)

File: 220b49a935168d2⋯.png (955.87 KB, 611x3143, 611:3143, trumptweetfail2.png)

POTUS timeline is FUBAR

4 days old?

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42b1b2  No.8151385

Look no research here what so ever muh night shift…kek..sad

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33d022  No.8151386


I half appreciate the attempt to rebrand her rn. What is she gonna be Daytona?

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f27b72  No.8151387


She is NOT an anon. She is a crazy bitch

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bd9571  No.8151388

File: c2f1e044c77e123⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kathryn_showing_us_she_has….mp4)










Notable AS FUCK

She controlled Jeff Boyd's accounts… bitch is whack.

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92eb89  No.8151389


>Back in the day (the 70's) our weed was crushed leaves with seeds

UIgh, fucking hippie headache weed. I honestly believe y'all gave yourself placebo highs with that shit. Which is why when cocaine hit, and you're brains got his with real shit, Disco became all the rage.

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db746d  No.8151390

File: a8fc9ce6d404d1f⋯.jpeg (237.36 KB, 900x663, 300:221, 05E7F189-8198-4A4B-9430-8….jpeg)

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33d022  No.8151391


screenshot this. She’ll be there. And we see her.

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bbcfcd  No.8151392



As much as I think SB2 is a crackpot, I completely agree that this needs more eyes.

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144250  No.8151393

File: 2fe37b52b759e1f⋯.jpeg (319.06 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1_Matrix_Q_crumb_meme.jpeg)

File: d264054dc15ff8e⋯.png (19.23 KB, 462x344, 231:172, 2_Matrix_Q_crumb_original.PNG)

File: 05130a640c9ded5⋯.png (214.48 KB, 1482x2214, 247:369, 3_Matrix_movie_metaphor_an….png)

File: ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 4_Jewish_Rabbi_on_Goyim.png)

File: 1886845276b9d31⋯.jpeg (217.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 5_Interview_Harold_Wallac….jpeg)

Le Matrix

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4665c1  No.8151394


spray on deodorants have alot of aluminum also , when you spray you inhale which is the easiest way to get in your body.

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287931  No.8151395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"QAnon conspiracy theory spreads to political mainstage"

Another FAKE NEWS hit piece.

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01db2f  No.8151396

File: 44388ee8fd0c12a⋯.jpg (58.43 KB, 569x438, 569:438, 3pcluu.jpg)


>So glad you are still here! Shadily.

The honour is Mine anon.

Blessings to you all and ThanQ

This place brings so much joy to my heart… and kek's

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df22dd  No.8151397


Stuck on a cruise ship, bummer.

Souse anon was at a conference in Vegas and because of weather conditions where we live, was "stuck" there an extra two days. I had no sympathy.

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dffafc  No.8151398


Theyre talking about Kat, not Kate. At least i think that's who you were thinking about.

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017514  No.8151399

File: 87d9843effc4bf2⋯.png (13.14 KB, 510x161, 510:161, ADS-B 503.PNG)

ADS-B current status


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28b2a9  No.8151400


Wonder what faggots that can't think for themselves will do when SB2 goes away.


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ef41a8  No.8151401

File: 40bee884db0ac4a⋯.jpeg (162.23 KB, 1614x896, 807:448, potusnightshift.jpeg)

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f42fee  No.8151402

Iowa Democratic Party Names New Chair


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f27b72  No.8151403


She pulls this shit every so often. She posted her tits and that only made things worse for her. She is just nastiness personified, and theres nothing good about her

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6b2437  No.8151404



's timeline is showing tweets from 4 days ago.

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51cfb0  No.8151405


a mechanical engineer told me 20 years ago never use a non stick pan. all those chemicals end up in your food over time. We are not crazy!

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32a5e7  No.8151406


Same here.

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33d022  No.8151408


I’ve realized how hard this will fail. Since none of us fit the stereotypes they’re heaping. It’s just going to highlight their lies even more

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92eb89  No.8151409

File: 5273e0ba323afc3⋯.png (659.36 KB, 941x633, 941:633, BakerGirlBnWHot.png)

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dffafc  No.8151412


Was she the one that posted a pair in a shirt and when anons called her about for being a famefag she went on an insane tirade?

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