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File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q research.jpg)

3b293f  No.8081050[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 02.08.2020

>>8079763 ————————————–——– The first will send a shock wave. (Cap and vid: >>8079801)

>>8079342 ————————————–——– Confirmed. (Cap: >>8079401, vid >>8079683)

>>8079097 ————————————–——– An informed public threatens those in power. (Cap: >>8079139)

>>8074677 ————————————–——– Cheese Pizza (Cap: >>8074695, >>8074746)

>>8074542 ————————————–——– Brought to you by the letter Q (Cap: >>8074687)

>>8074053 ————————————–——– Trust and believe in yourself (Cap: >>8074076)

Friday 02.07.2020

>>8062147 ————————————–——– Is it really so hard to believe [F] actors are able to bribe those in key positions within the US to betray their Country? (Cap: >>8062198, >>8062419)

>>8061906 ————————————–——– RUSSIA DID NOT 'HACK' [penetrate] THE DNC SERVER (Cap: >>8061943)

>>8061713 ————————————–——– The BEST IS YET TO COME (Cap: >>8061753, >>8061749)

>>8057691 ————————————–——– It's time to wake up (Cap: >>8057730)

>>8057450 ————————————–——– [illusion of democracy]

Thursday 02.06.2020

>>8057064 ————————————–——– BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE, How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?

>>8056704 ————————————–——– Common denominator: China, Russia, and Iran: Closed financial systems? Logical thinking

>>8056165 ————————————–——– Accountability is coming. (Cap: >>8056211)

Wednesday 02.05.2020

>>8041940 ————————————–——– Letter of investigation into Hunter (Cap: >>8041978, >>8041986, >>8042172)

>>8037506 ————————————–——– Revival (Cap: >>8037526)

>>8036471 ————————————–——– Antifa burning US Flag pic, HRC being uncivil (Cap: >>8036486, Vid: >>8036511)

>>8035891 ————————————–——– Buckle up!

>>8035785 rt >>8035466 ————————— Dems at SOTU

>>8035738 rt >>8035547 ————————— rt SOROS behind Shadow

>>8031718 ————————————–——– It's going to be Biblical (Vid Cap: >>8031731)

>>8031606 rt >>8031593 ————————— Sometimes the future can find the past.

>>8031555 ————————————–——– Sometimes the past can find the future (Cap: >>8031566)

>>8031268 ————————————–——– What happens when the mass pop witnesses [no political spin][FAKE NEWS cannot censor SOTU address] the 'anti-American' actions of the LEFT firsthand? (Cap: >>8031297)

Monday 02.03.2020


Saturday 02.01.2020


Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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3b293f  No.8081053

Global Announcements

>>7993702 New bakers/note-takers: plz tag notables & other key info to dough post

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>8080181, >>8080183, >>8080694 Q #3846 and the National Governor's Association (joint owner of Common Core)

>>8080197, >>8080360, >>8080948 Pizzagate/CP review

>>8080205 Trump Supporters Attacked After Van Plows Through GOP Voter Registration Tent In Florida

>>8080237, >>8080417 US military confirms 2 troops killed & 6 injured in Afghanistan by ‘individual in Afghan uniform’

>>8080260 FLOTUS used an incorrect Twat acct & never corrected it

>>8080263 House Dems to Give Illegal Aliens MORE Rights Than American Citizens Have

>>8080273, >>8080389 Judge Jeanine: announces 'anon' leader?

>>8080313, >>8080316 NYPD: Officer Shot, Wounded in ‘Assassination Attempt’

>>8080377 Iowa Democratic Party reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precincts

>>8080487 MEDIA BLACKOUT: No WH Officials Invited on Sunday Shows After Triumphant Week for President Trump

>>8080528 ScavinoFB: #BehindScenes SOTU

>>8080589 Q #3847 & POTUS tweet: 5 sec delta

>>8080562 Scavino twat mentioneding Pelosi & pizza

>>8080590 From 7-31-2015: MOU between HRC & DNC [new]

>>8080642 Thai soldier kills at least 10 people in shooting rampage

>>8080675 On what Russia, Iran & China have in common (twat thread)

>>8080682 corona vid clip; not from animals but from Wuhan lab (Chinese w/English subtitles)

>>8080714 Macron seeks leading role in post Brexit EU nuclear strategy

>>8080717 Giuliani predicts Trump will be 'totally vindicated' by 'smoking gun' in Hunter Biden probe

>>8080731, >>8080749 Anon: CBS fake reporting on Puerto Rico Coal Ash

>>8080733, >>8080745 Romney's Links to Burisma

>>8080793, >>8080776 Nigeria’s Disease Control Agency ‘investigating strange illness in Benue’

>>8080812 Scalise: I've seen classified information showing 'people ought to go to jail' over Durham investigation

>>8080890 Hollywood Stars’ Award Acceptance Speeches Written by Obama, Hillary Clinton Alums

>>8080916 Durham County deputies make record number of arrests in hotel prostitution sting

>>8081000 Facebook Hack: Social Network Confirms 13.4 Million Follower Twitter Account Compromised

>>8081001 350 ft long battleship inspired superyacht concept

>>8081021 James Woods twats

>>8081045 #10343

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c063dd  No.8081054

File: 5543f4827b4d489⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 639x391, 639:391, 3oncc9.jpg)

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3b293f  No.8081057

#10342 reposted in #10343

>>8079182, >>8079323 Communist China has a list and @SecPompeo has seen it! Busted! Holy Crap did your State take dirty Commie $ (Q Linked)

>>8079208 MP4 clip from Sec. Pompeo speaking to Nat. Governors' Assoc 2/08/2020 (Q Linked)

>>8079241 Full 18min vid of Pompeo to the Governors Association

>>8079244 Obama Admin ‘Laundered’ U.S. Cash to Iran Via N.Y. Fed, Euro Banks ~ Pompeo 2016

>>8079295 New details from Sec. Pompeo on the exact mechanism Obama admin used to send $400M then $1.3B cash to Iran

>>8079288 Guiffre vs Maxwell update ~ More court filings

>>8079318 TOM TUGENDHAT: Why Britain needs a new law to punish treason

>>8079347 Seoul considers skipping international military drill amid #coronavirus outbreak

>>8079371, >>8079667, >>8079616, >>8079649 POTUS Twat ~ Thank You! (0 DELTA?)

>>8079362 This is the governors meetup Pompeo talks about website

>>8079387 Julian's Rum Status ~ C_A SEC of State NK Iran Russia China MX… (Q Linked)

>>8079427, >>8079389 Nat'l Gov Assoc/CPAFFC Inviting Intn'l/Domestic Banks, Investors, Industry Gov Leaders/Attractive Investment

>>8079477 U.S. Marines Twat ~ I'm on my way

>>8079480 Several 7th SFG(A) Soldiers were injured or killed during combat operations in Afghanistan on February 8, 2020

>>8079736, >>8079694, >>8079616 Zero Delta on Q Post and POTUS Twat

>>8079810 The Best is Yet to Come vid

>>8080872 #10342


>>8079064 DHS briefs Kansas lawmakers on business, agriculture threats

>>8079029 Fox live stream.

>>8079017 Mexico deploys elite marines to fight drug cartels.

>>8078996 Prince Andrew still working in the royal circle?

>>8078837, >>8078934, >>8079078 Russia's anti-GMO policies.

>>8078917 Pompeo warns governors of Chinese infiltration into US.

>>8078859 Anon gives a recent recap of lib. media insanity.

>>8078852, >>8079031 POTUS Tweets.

>>8078812 Kazakh authorities declare state of emergency in area of clashes.

>>8078807 POTUS Tweet: Great lineup on Fox this evening.

>>8078796 Yahoo 'news' headline and Yahoo Sports 'story' on POTUS's recent Tweet.

>>8078478 Portland continues to enable Antifa.

>>8078522 Dig into CM Rayne quote.

>>8078558 Robert Conrad dead at 84.

>>8078637 WH Tweet on terrorism.

>>8079096 #10341

#10340 Baker Change

>>8078211 Cleaning out the French swamp.

>>8078152 POTUS Tweets.

>>8078119 Father-in-law to Breitbart hit by two cars in LA and killed.

>>8077996 Maggie: A handful of R. Senators tried to stop Sondland firing.

>>8077991 Coronavirus update: Britbong edition.

>>8077871 Reports of a nuclear reactor explosion in Russia were likely a social media hoax.

>>8077811 Conspiracist accused in Gambino boss killing goes on bizarre courtroom rant.

>>8077755 Anthony Edwards (actor) documents his sexual abuse.

>>8077722 Pete Rose's gambling scandal.

>>8077700 Bloomberg's campaign accused of plagiarizing their policy plans.

>>8077689 New Rudy. (video)

>>8078311 #10340

Previously Collected Notables

>>8077623 #10339

>>8074543 #10335, >>8075271 #10336, >>8076070 #10337, >>8076814 #10338

>>8071418 #10331, >>8072243 #10332, >>8073041 #10333, >>8073774 #10334

>>8068407 #10327, >>8069194 #10328, >>8069919 #10329, >>8070687 #10330

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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3b293f  No.8081060

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#95 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>8072056

Q Graphics all in EST


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3b293f  No.8081065

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.1: https://pastebin.com/dN5FhHCv

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

52 >>7854142, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

2020-Feb mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>>/qrb/10809

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/40905

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c063dd  No.8081070

File: c072535b38ca1c2⋯.jpg (108.37 KB, 690x342, 115:57, IMG_20200209_100506.jpg)

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c063dd  No.8081075

File: 585914dfaa7df8e⋯.jpg (125.31 KB, 500x694, 250:347, IMG_20200209_100434.jpg)

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c063dd  No.8081077

File: 90e3516459a4cb1⋯.jpg (122.93 KB, 479x594, 479:594, IMG_20200209_095930.jpg)

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3b293f  No.8081079

File: e654388f2b4ff3f⋯.png (214.89 KB, 378x379, 378:379, pepe unusual.png)




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000000  No.8081080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)





The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The sons of the Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims are JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) do. These crimes are so indefensible all they will do is try to distract and confuse.

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud


Share this information the best you can.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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c063dd  No.8081081

File: 6d7f42715544622⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3ohxr1.jpg)

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000000  No.8081082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

JIDF will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


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ed0e45  No.8081085

File: f1988b21f70e0a1⋯.jpg (330.72 KB, 1000x752, 125:94, JIDF_aggots.jpg)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do.

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4ff977  No.8081089


U need help baker or u guud man?

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000000  No.8081090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jews “prepare their matzah… with the blood of children" - Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque

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000000  No.8081093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.8081095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king".

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c7008e  No.8081096

File: 640991c170825e5⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 285x177, 95:59, 3k24jh2kjh2kj2hkj234h.jpg)

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3b293f  No.8081097


I will ghost if you do not wish to bake

It's ok either way


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681a1c  No.8081098

File: 3678959e1db3709⋯.png (514.3 KB, 1370x1190, 137:119, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

File: 835b5ee07ee1959⋯.png (541.67 KB, 1342x1190, 671:595, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

Shock Wave

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ed0e45  No.8081101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)

JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do.












Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)

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f9df5a  No.8081103

File: 42f362279aa7007⋯.jpg (339.12 KB, 1350x971, 1350:971, Naomi-Campbell-64.jpg)

Fruity and flavorful female

Boomers know…

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1aca31  No.8081104

File: 285c219dd5b5112⋯.png (146.23 KB, 302x552, 151:276, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27310d375599c04⋯.png (30.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25bb03000230af7⋯.png (56.32 KB, 645x210, 43:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Signal flag "Quebec, " called the "Yellow Jack" is a simple yellow flag that was historically used to signal quarantine (it stands for Q), but in modern use indicates the opposite, as a signal of a ship free of disease that requests boarding and inspection.

a yellow flag, designating the letter Q in the International Code of Signals: flown by itself to signify that a ship has no disease on board and requests a pratique, or flown with another flag to signify that there is disease on board ship.


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ed0e45  No.8081105

File: eceab9bb254dad0⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 17021696_1863414470586431_….jpg)

File: 02b7eb2091eabd0⋯.jpg (88 KB, 420x465, 28:31, 1488917570107.jpg)

File: 54bcdd8b62696fc⋯.jpg (102.61 KB, 580x584, 145:146, patton.jpg)

File: f2244be3e86ffa5⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 474x323, 474:323, patton.jpg)

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4ff977  No.8081107




Il bake the bred ,you can take a break

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e9f10b  No.8081110

File: 18be672f8732a94⋯.png (2.21 MB, 3792x1240, 474:155, 17StormsAndAllIGotWasThisL….png)

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ed0e45  No.8081111

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB, 1500x832, 375:208, canaaitess.jpg)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB, 426x854, 213:427, canaaitess.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, canaaitess_synagogue of sa….jpg)

File: c6379da683a7272⋯.jpg (185.88 KB, 1200x667, 1200:667, canct.jpg)

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57356c  No.8081112

File: 5bb1364eeaf262a⋯.png (1014.38 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, 5bb1364eeaf262a07cd5ccd3e6….png)

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ed0e45  No.8081113

File: 101aae4eadf34a8⋯.png (360.32 KB, 640x503, 640:503, com.png)

File: d4978d4dd4844bc⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 474x335, 474:335, comm-jude.jpg)

File: 9c81b1eeb6b7f0d⋯.jpg (207.76 KB, 715x477, 715:477, comm-judeb.jpg)

File: cf3e15a76891218⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 672x373, 672:373, danger.jpg)

File: 303c9fccf6344cd⋯.jpg (187.52 KB, 722x402, 361:201, inborn.jpg)

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56363e  No.8081114

File: dae63258b5d2c92⋯.png (303.12 KB, 592x305, 592:305, dae63258b5d2c92a3c2fdd303f….png)

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d275be  No.8081115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9256f1  No.8081116

File: d8c86e5bc9373b6⋯.jpg (340.44 KB, 1302x1209, 14:13, phoenix10.jpg)

government [transparent]

public [check-in]

access [unprecedented]

project [classified]

sub-project [phoenix]

wellness [classified]

domestic threat level [6]

int'l threat level [8]

security [3]

confirm [y]i9

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e9f10b  No.8081117




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ed0e45  No.8081118

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, __protocols skip baker 1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, __protocols skip baker 2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, __protocols skip baker 3.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, __Protocols skip baker 4 F….png)

File: bf4362a786c659b⋯.jpg (130.8 KB, 1094x749, 1094:749, __protocols skip baker 55.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081119

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 9d8acd16a87c8c9⋯.jpg (621.86 KB, 719x983, 719:983, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

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c7008e  No.8081121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nothing compares to Q

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c8e1ce  No.8081122

Imo. First arrest will be someone known, enough to shock, but relatively small fry. This will however be the first drop in the flood to follow. One by one they’ll fold on themselves More arrests and more investigations. The odd suicide. Avalanche towards big players.

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3b293f  No.8081123


handoff confirmed

tx baker fren.

plz ghost if ya get tired

am bakers should be here in 2 or 3

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ed0e45  No.8081124

File: 32302597cae9089⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 600x840, 5:7, kickedout.jpg)

File: 42793d80f18af6a⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 479x337, 479:337, kickedout2.jpg)

File: 999563f992059e1⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 460x560, 23:28, kickedout3.jpg)

File: 3c83cc8c49df93c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1162x9616, 581:4808, kickedoutlist.png)

File: 3ad972cc05cb22c⋯.png (175.95 KB, 400x266, 200:133, kikckedout1.png)

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d99caa  No.8081125

Considering Q's last drops involving Pompeo and knowing which governors have sold us out, I suspect the first arrest will be either Newsom, or Cuomo, even Schiffthead or Feinstein are possibilities.

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ed0e45  No.8081126

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

File: 7ddd9e7418fd0aa⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, (_molcock.png)

File: 86e040921117113⋯.png (64.73 KB, 485x457, 485:457, (_molcockk.png)

File: 5384ac0197f318f⋯.png (291.46 KB, 1584x765, 176:85, ().png)

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c063dd  No.8081127


I'm thinking Podesta or Hillary.

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ed0e45  No.8081128

File: 246876b6fcaf533⋯.jpg (404.6 KB, 1070x815, 214:163, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 52b1d27b345332d⋯.jpg (506.11 KB, 1023x748, 93:68, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: bec94a93809f3ff⋯.png (813.5 KB, 719x719, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

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c8e1ce  No.8081129


Either way I expect it’ll be obvious so every normie can see it coming. Hardly going to be kicking down doors at dawn type of shit - in the early days at least

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c063dd  No.8081130

File: c07b49a038bf524⋯.jpg (164.74 KB, 500x720, 25:36, IMG_20200208_162902.jpg)

Matches pretty well I'd say.

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ed0e45  No.8081131

File: 4919039ad6cab0c⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Anti-semitic, its a trick ….mp4)

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it














Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

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9256f1  No.8081132

File: 246aaecdb70b9d2⋯.png (70.48 KB, 648x683, 648:683, ClipboardImage.png)

new game

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d275be  No.8081133

At this very moment, I'd be happiest seeing Schifthead go down. Then HRC and Obama.

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ed0e45  No.8081134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.















How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

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6ac461  No.8081135

kansas speech was like the godfather making an offer the governors can't refuse. he knows who is dirty & gave them the opportunity to do the right thing. made a point of saying they are undermining (treason) america if they don't accept his offer of assistance.

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ed0e45  No.8081136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31ffa4  No.8081137

File: 85f5f86bef13cac⋯.png (894.21 KB, 1242x1348, 621:674, 8AEEAC03-CB76-4BC0-A228-45….png)

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f9df5a  No.8081138

File: bf6f643289cfd46⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Future_Heroes_-_Archangel_….mp4)

>>8080969 lb

I was looking at the wrong year for the beginning of Cicada

Assuming that it really is Emerging imminently

Turns out that this is what happened about 17 years ago:


March 12

The World Health Organization issues a global alert on severe acute respiratory syndrome when it spreads to Hong Kong and Vietnam after originating in China.

March 20

The Iraq War begins with the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and allied forces.

And Q's musical piece might point to March

It comes to a close at 3:17 and then a final crescendo rises at 3:22

Could refer to

Genesis 3:17-22 which ends in the Skull And Crossbones favorite

Or maybe it is John 3:17-22 where new hope is the message

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d99caa  No.8081139


I doubt it. Too much too soon. Remember, Q is trying to acclimatize the normies to reality gradually or at least as much as is possible.

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f312c2  No.8081140


>he knows who is dirty & gave them the opportunity to do the right thing.


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1aca31  No.8081141

File: cac48a544d8777f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 920x613, 920:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05ca331175ec434⋯.png (1012.79 KB, 768x517, 768:517, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump launches 2020 reelection campaign with 'wild' rally

The Associated Press Updated 9:48 am EDT, Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Melania Trump kicks off 2020 campaign in bold yellow jumpsuit worth $2,790

Yahoo Lifestyle Hope Schreiber


Yahoo LifestyleJune 19, 2019


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3b293f  No.8081142






It's gonna be biblical all right

if i ever find out who did it

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ed0e45  No.8081143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

















Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

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c063dd  No.8081144


There would be mass riots claiming its fabricated. So would need to be a lower level criminal. Maybe a few more Hollywood stars then political ones.

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ed0e45  No.8081145

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: e77de944762d781⋯.jpg (496.59 KB, 718x664, 359:332, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e53992ab850ad72⋯.jpg (893.95 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

File: b1c8acd7a111d2e⋯.jpg (146.9 KB, 737x664, 737:664, edb4a8bd39411b.jpg)

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bf57a7  No.8081146

File: 8224d2e0f45a0b5⋯.jpg (159.4 KB, 768x384, 2:1, ffu.jpg)

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0eca0d  No.8081147



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ed0e45  No.8081148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz



















Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

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f9df5a  No.8081149

File: aa506298928ec34⋯.png (38.76 KB, 1285x725, 257:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45efd19c1029ced⋯.png (35.44 KB, 600x300, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Reminds me of these two logos

Each of which features 5 ORANGE graphic elements

Pointing down to…

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0eca0d  No.8081150

File: 8f3f131fe74a8ab⋯.mp4 (131.59 KB, 640x256, 5:2, Q video It's going to be b….mp4)

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c063dd  No.8081151

File: 91ff746e3e14dca⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 255x138, 85:46, a4a0b51046307b9383dd299be9….jpg)


I do it because it triggers the enemies. They get reminded of what's coming and they lose their minds in fits of rambling hysteria.

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ed0e45  No.8081152

File: 656d6e1f0e00476⋯.png (417.83 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, ps.png)

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56363e  No.8081153

Keep your heads up Anons spring is just around the corner. Just this weekend i seen cradnials in my yard and heard a woodpecker

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bf57a7  No.8081154

File: 4eee6a6b395cfdf⋯.jpg (248.42 KB, 819x735, 39:35, shillarillius.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081155

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, hen.jpg)

File: 65e17c0903ee7b4⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 780x762, 130:127, henn.jpg)

File: d3e86b7057a77b5⋯.jpg (224.59 KB, 729x480, 243:160, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny.png)

File: 0ffa1b5bddd7840⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x740, 64:37, heny__.png)

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d99caa  No.8081156


It's going to have to be someone high enough to force the normies into the reality that this shit is serious but not enough of a shock to send them into panic. Remember, there are generally two responses that people have when their world view or paradigm is shaken. Fight or flight.

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a066b8  No.8081157


I was just elaborating on both your thoughts…didn’t Lefaggot James have Newsom on as a guest for his stupid barber shop show? Blacks would show out for his bitchass simply bc “Lebun James told meh so”

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9256f1  No.8081158


Good. Reclaim appropriately.

5 orange elements? I see the 5 orange elements in the images you posted, but not in the original

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ed0e45  No.8081159

File: 78c2807e26d782c⋯.png (760.22 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, ClipboardImage.png)

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189824  No.8081160

Can we collect $150 from the Bloomberg campaign if we something nice about him on qresearch?

Just wondering, honestly I can not think of anything nice to say about him (especially for a mere $150).


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bf57a7  No.8081162

File: 647d4646b4212f0⋯.jpg (283.45 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, shillarius.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081163

File: 735c9358ac25988⋯.jpg (150.02 KB, 720x675, 16:15, billy.jpg)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, henny_.png)

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, hennyY_.png)

File: a16e6e611a67353⋯.png (513.37 KB, 1202x691, 1202:691, key.png)

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

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681a1c  No.8081164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed0e45  No.8081165

File: 44cfbe61ec88665⋯.png (346.39 KB, 612x661, 612:661, dUrAcO.png)

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31ffa4  No.8081166

File: 9a1a171f72d6091⋯.png (676.68 KB, 1242x1875, 414:625, F782D02C-B37C-4311-B842-E1….png)

Halo Virus News.

Simply amazing Shina Math.


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4ff977  No.8081167

File: 9025c34aa095330⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 898x1200, 449:600, IMG_20200125_184018.jpg)

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2151e8  No.8081168

File: a7e372c0aa81ce7⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 329x177, 329:177, 330px-Spinal_Tap_-_Up_to_E….jpg)


I have already left instructions to have that tune played at my memorial service when I croak.

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e555ec  No.8081169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shit runs downhill. >>8080988 lb


Going to need Justice at the top to turn this ship around.

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ed0e45  No.8081170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44944c  No.8081171


NO riots over Podesta.

Hillary can wait. Podesta would be a great one to arrest first. It would match with the original Q drops and match with Pizzagate.

It would shake up the world.

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67a2b3  No.8081172

File: 8780ab1d5339ca3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 362295main_ARC-LCROSS-Flyb….mp4)

File: 01a1b4ab19c15dd⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 362692main_VIS2-compressed.mp4)


Ever heard of RFGs? Tungsten rods coated in ceramic, dropped from low earth orbit?






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c7008e  No.8081173

Since China has been investing heavily in Africa, perhaps this was meant to get rid of more than simply the unwanted Chinese Protester types with terrible social credit.

Maybe it was engineered primarily to decimate the population of African nations that China wants to ultimately colonize. Nations that are NOT prepared to deal with anything like this….

Optics matter to [them] just like it matters to Q.

Any real culling beyond War and even War, would have to look like a natural happening….

I hate it when muh doom feelers tingle….

'We're definitely not prepared': Africa braces for new virus

The new virus that has spread across China has yet to be confirmed in Africa, but some health workers on the ground warn they are not ready to handle an outbreak



February 8, 2020, 9:09 AM

8 min read

"LUSAKA, Zambia – At a Chinese-run hospital in Zambia, some employees watched as people who recently returned from China showed up with coughs but were not placed in isolation. A doctor tending to those patients has stopped coming to work, and health workers have been ordered not to speak publicly about the new virus that has killed hundreds around the world.

The virus that has spread through much of China has yet to be confirmed in Africa, but global health authorities are increasingly worried about the threat to the continent where an estimated 1 million Chinese now live, as some health workers on the ground warn they are not ready to handle an outbreak."


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d275be  No.8081174


Bribing people now? Is that even legal as a candidate? How low can one go?

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4b23a9  No.8081175

File: fe83ddcef77fac8⋯.png (31.75 KB, 666x387, 74:43, 2790.png)


>"…yellow jumpsuit worth $2,790"

Q Post 2790, 02-18-2019, 14:10:50 (EST)


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424a79  No.8081176

File: 5e677626e767942⋯.png (691.13 KB, 560x605, 112:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73fde23be564f12⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1020x574, 510:287, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone notice how much he's aged in 2 1/2 years? The hair color alone struck me. He looks gaunt from all the stress. 1st pic is from the hearing the other day and 2nd pic is from when he was sworn in.

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ed0e45  No.8081177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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387621  No.8081178

File: 6e7fbe9a6f48215⋯.png (8.28 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


wtf is a cradnial? You saw a poodwecker?

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bf57a7  No.8081179

File: f1169f3a97c6c78⋯.jpg (57.88 KB, 364x276, 91:69, cps.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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97f78a  No.8081181

File: 9951505b5e5b939⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, Jesus Popcorn01.png)


>I do it because it triggers the enemies.

it also pisses the baker an Some Anons off. Please show the courtesy to wait for the dough Anon

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e9f10b  No.8081182


Playing the part.

I'm sure he's shit you couldn't even imagine.

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ed0e45  No.8081183

File: 2615040a73e3359⋯.png (306.97 KB, 612x344, 153:86, dUrAcO-1.png)

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f9df5a  No.8081184

File: 79a7b7ef3f92ace⋯.jpg (615.46 KB, 1537x2048, 1537:2048, EpiphanySeeksTheDevoted.jpg)

File: 4dccd04fdd90682⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, High-Five.mp4)


St. Michael the Archangel

Is also called Archistragus

Which means Commander-in-chief

And the image on the Archangel video

Is reminiscent of this Cicada video

Epiphany Seeks the Devoted

Is the catchphrase of Cicada

Epiphany is a Greek word meaning

A manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being

It literally means Shining Upon

This makes me wonder if Cicada's Special Club

Is the Q army, since both are connected to 17

And then the emergence

Would be Trump rising up and shining forth

Not merely as POTUS

But as Commander-in-Chief of this Q army

Of us, the Q Anons.

We know that Q's drops have been a training school

Now is the time, to emerge from our chrysalis

To spread our wings and go public

And isn't that Q's message

In today's video?


Look at this .. See the two points?

Those are two people

When each raises a hand as they come together


And do a…


Do you see the marker that Q gave us?

Future proves the past

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40bc3d  No.8081185


This muh Jew shill “ ed0e45 (22) No.8081111” u prob have it filtered.

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c8e1ce  No.8081186


It’ll be someone like him or less. The initial shockwaves are equally, if not more directed at the ds

Oh - and fuck that server took too long shit for every post attempt. Infuriating

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a066b8  No.8081187


Follow the drops, for real this time. Q said arrests for the peedos will follow POST FISA. You can’t start with the peedos, people aren’t awake yet.

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c7008e  No.8081188

File: e8d6e00ea9f1ff8⋯.png (402.13 KB, 902x980, 451:490, 1212xwa.png)


conditioning for the next move?

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ed0e45  No.8081189

File: 5055f92a5ab56a4⋯.jpg (316.96 KB, 722x475, 38:25, 0judaism_satanis1.jpg)

File: aaec79f225fb718⋯.png (456.53 KB, 500x614, 250:307, Satanic-Talmud.png)

File: 2a0fed7271daffe⋯.png (388.07 KB, 831x856, 831:856, tally.png)

File: 1ffdb312dc00980⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 728x558, 364:279, talmud.jpg)

File: 4c3fe6669b7f998⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 474x827, 474:827, wicked_talmud.jpg)

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e9f10b  No.8081190


Well that's lame.

See you at 8082222!

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31ffa4  No.8081191

File: b196794572e73eb⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FBB73525-238E-4751-97BA-F6….png)

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ed0e45  No.8081192

File: cb86288a5081a20⋯.png (227.72 KB, 600x439, 600:439, (jewidff).png)


>muh Jew

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189824  No.8081193


KEK, that's ironic seeing the two logos together

last week watched a RadioFreeEurope video from Sept 25, 2019. In an interview with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, he stated he was present during the July 25 phone call and there was no pressure placed on Ukranian President Zelensky.

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bf57a7  No.8081194

File: 5cbad668c024791⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 258x193, 258:193, 247.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081195

File: 020273cd764dab4⋯.png (417.48 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, pt.png)

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9256f1  No.8081196

[.][silent war]

pulse [one]

system [key][.]

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43ed2f  No.8081197

File: e59fb0cc0d36ec9⋯.png (54.37 KB, 1108x314, 554:157, ClipboardImage.png)

This is the guy who set up the lab

India researchers claim hiv inserts present

Bannon had a whistleblower on his podcast claiming 250 million in quarantine 50k dead. Out break began around Dec. 17 (spoopy, I know) I pray POTUS is right and they do have a cure for aids.

If this is real look for mass graves and funeral pyres.


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3b293f  No.8081198

File: d1627dfc6a69a54⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1385x1062, 1385:1062, yv acte 65.png)

French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests


With protests against the French government ongoing on Saturday, 32 demonstrators were arrested in France, police said.

Protesters gathered at the Palais Royal Square despite the police ban. The demonstration, held under intense security measures, ended without any trouble.

Paris Police Department said, besides arrests, 140 people were fined for participating in the demonstration without permission.

Meanwhile, protesters clashed with the police in Bordeaux. Police used tear gas and plastic bombs to disperse demonstrators. Some protesters broke windows of some restaurants and banks.

Saturday marked the 65th week of Yellow Vests protests, which started in reaction to fuel hikes and economic conditions and spiraled into deadly anti-government riots.

Protesters use yellow vests, part of the standard safety kit in French cars, to make members more easily visible.


Yellow Vesters never give up!

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ed0e45  No.8081200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5f7956  No.8081201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons been keeping up with Rudy's podcasts?

The last 8 mins starting around the 25min mark are pretty good, IMO. He's laying out the case against Biden, and ties it together well with 3 "Biden as point man" assignments (Ukraine, Iraq, and China) that all failed in their US diplomatic missions, and yet were a windfall for the family business dealings. He describes this as a classic RICO case, that could be called "Biden Family Enterprise".

In the last minute or so he warns that

"…it's just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger, and you're going to be surprised how big it gets"

He also mentions that Whitey Bulger "was a fugitive for I think 17 years."


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e9f10b  No.8081202


When is Macron's term up?

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ed0e45  No.8081203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"



























PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"

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aa5094  No.8081204

File: ea7c71ea71c8945⋯.png (461.19 KB, 899x783, 31:27, ea7c71ea71c89450d6ffd4a5c8….png)

File: cc77e907c62e366⋯.png (551.38 KB, 1714x1080, 857:540, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

>>8080273 lb

At the 25 second mark of President Trump's tweet and the 1:03 mark of the full 35:02 video, Judge Jeanine meant to say "a non-leader" but instead said, “Permit me to introduce you to Anon Leader!” …interesting pronunciation, Judge…

1:03 delta

Q 10:17

POTUS 11:20

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04c9e2  No.8081206

File: c33f5553ee7622c⋯.png (645.64 KB, 1272x714, 212:119, Screenshot_2020-02-09 A da….png)

File: 3b4fcfda48c06b9⋯.png (334.2 KB, 791x1792, 113:256, Screenshot_2020-02-09 A da….png)

A dark web tycoon pleads guilty. But how was he caught?

The FBI found Eric Marques by breaking the famed anonymity service Tor, and officials won’t reveal if a vulnerability was used. That has activists and lawyers concerned.

When the enterprising cybercriminal Eric Eoin Marques pleaded guilty in an American court this week, it was meant to bring closure to a seven-year-long international legal struggle centered on his dark web empire. In the end, it did anything but. Marques faces up to 30 years in jail for running Freedom Hosting, which temporarily existed beyond reach of the law and ended up being used to host drug markets, money-laundering operations, hacking groups, and millions of images of child abuse. But there is still one question that police have yet to answer: How exactly were they able to catch him? Investigators were somehow able to break the layers of anonymity that Marques had constructed, leading them to locate a crucial server in France. This discovery eventually led them to Marques himself, who was arrested in Ireland in 2013.

Marques was the first in a line of famous cybercriminals to be caught despite believing that using the privacy-shielding anonymity network Tor would make them safe behind their keyboards. The case demonstrates that government agencies can trace suspects through networks that were designed to be impenetrable. Marques has blamed the American NSA’s world-class hackers, but the FBI has also been building up its efforts since 2002. And, some observers say, they often withhold key details of their investigations from defendants and judges alike—secrecy that could have wide-ranging cybersecurity implications across the internet. “The overarching question is when are criminal defendants entitled to information about how law enforcement located them?” asks Mark Rumold, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that promotes online civil liberties. “It does a disservice to our criminal justice system when the government hides techniques of investigation from public and criminal defendants. Oftentimes the reason they do this kind of obscuring is because the technique they use is questionable legally or might raise questions in the public’s mind about why they were doing it. While it’s common for them to do this, I don’t think it benefits anyone.”

Freedom Hosting was an anonymous and illicit cloud computing company running what some estimated to be up to half of all dark web sites in 2013. The operation existed entirely on the anonymity network Tor and was used for a wide range of illegal activity, including the hacking and fraud forum HackBB and money-laundering operations including the Onion Bank. It also maintained servers for the legal email service Tor Mail and the singularly strange encyclopedia Hidden Wiki. But it was the hosting of sites used for photos and videos of child exploitation that attracted the most hostile government attention. When Marques was arrested in 2013, the FBI called him the “largest facilitator” of such images “on the planet.”

Early on August 2 or 3, 2013, some of the users noticed “unknown Javascript” hidden in websites running on Freedom Hosting. Hours later, as panicked chatter about the new code began to spread, the sites all went down simultaneously. The code had attacked a Firefox vulnerability that could target and unmask Tor users—even those using it for legal purposes such as visiting Tor Mail—if they failed to update their software fast enough. While in control of Freedom Hosting, the agency then used malware that probably touched thousands of computers. The ACLU criticized the FBI for indiscriminately using the code like a “grenade.”

The FBI had found a way to break Tor’s anonymity protections, but the technical details of how it happened remain a mystery. “Perhaps the greatest overarching question related to the investigation of this case is how the government was able to pierce Tor’s veil of anonymity and locate the IP address of the server in France,” Marques’s defense lawyers wrote in a recent filing. In the original indictment, there is little information beyond references to an “investigation in 2013” that found a key IP address linked to Freedom Hosting (referred to in the document as the “AHS,” or anonymous hosting service). Marques’s defense lawyers said they received only “vague details” from the government, and that “this disclosure was delayed, in part, because the investigative techniques employed were, until recently, classified.” Peter Carr, a Justice Department spokesperson, said the letter is “not in the public record.” The defense attorneys did not respond to questions.


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31ffa4  No.8081207

File: 3847ba5e823e3e9⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1213x1890, 1213:1890, 3ACCC83E-9848-4111-A0D1-CB….png)

Pakistan’s parliament passed a resolution Friday that calls for the public hanging of convicted child killers and rapists.

AFP reports that the resolution, which is non-binding, comes after a number of high-profile child sex-abuse cases have scandalized the South Asian nation in recent years, leading to major outbreaks of unrest and riots.

Parliamentary affairs minister Ali Muhammad Khan, who presented the resolution in the lower house of the legislature, said that child killers and rapists “should not only be given the death penalty by hanging, but they should be hanged publicly.”

“The Quran commands us that a murderer should be hanged,” the minister added.

While the resolution was swiftly passed by a majority of lawmakers, human rights minister Shireen Mazari has emphatically stated that it does not enjoy the backing of the government.


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ed0e45  No.8081208

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 4fb63bb2ad2784.png)

File: 8cab4d0dead8d31⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 346x555, 346:555, 9ce137cab2d26bb.jpg)

File: b9b82eed3f1244b⋯.jpg (170.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9ce137cab2d26bbb.jpg)

File: 204ea17bc35c773⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, syn.jpg)

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

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000000  No.8081209

Description of what happened with the North Carolina State University Confucius Institute, now closed

Another Confucius Institute Closes, December 17, 2018


NCSU, which opened its Confucius Institute in 2007, hosted one of the largest Confucius Institutes in the United States. The Institute sponsored classes on campus for students and the public and has also served as the umbrella for four offshoots called “Confucius Classrooms” at two high schools and two other colleges in North Carolina. Its website boasts that over ten years, the Confucius Institute taught more than 30,000 students, saw 636,000 people attend its events, and trained 1,330 Chinese language teachers. Not a bad investment for the Chinese government’s cultural diplomacy.

But NCSU’s relationship with its Confucius Institute also became notorious. In 2009, the Institute pressured the university into disinviting the Dalai Lama. Despite the ensuing opprobrium, NCSU clung to its Confucius Institute.

Since then, NCSU has become strangely secretive. Two years ago, I went searching for the memoranda of understanding that the university signed with the Hanban (the Chinese government agency in charge of Confucius Institutes) and Nanjing Normal University to set up their Confucius Institute. NCSU claimed its signed memoranda were accessible and transparent, but its website linked to a university database open only to those with university email addresses. A professor there agreed to check the database for me, but even he could find nothing at all related to the Confucius Institute.

Then there’s this curiously defensive language on the NCSU Confucius Institute’s website regarding its “Cultural Resource Room:” “As the People’s Republic of China (China) is a large and diverse country, there is no way that the books in this space will highlight all elements of Chinese language and culture.”

That appears to be a defense against the oft-cited (and true) complaint that Confucius Institutes leave out Tibetans, Uyghurs, and other minorities in an effort to showcase only the Han majority.

The website also claims that “None of these books or decorations have any political and controversial intent and thank you for respecting this Cultural Resource Room.”

But China has long selected “facts” to serve its propaganda, and Confucius Institutes are well-known to present politically divisive claims as basic truths. Consider Taiwan, the self-governing republic that China claims belongs to the People’s Republic. Earlier this year, China forced several American airlines to erase Taiwan from their lists of destinations and shade their maps to show the island in the same color as mainland China. Confucius Institute-sponsored conferences have gone so far as to physically rip out conference program pages that mention Taiwan or edit references to Taiwan from a speaker’s biography. Would NCSU consider the convenient elision of all reference to Taiwan as evidence that nothing in the Confucius Institute has a “political intent?”

Still, NCSU has made the right call in parting ways with its Confucius Institute—and it deserves praise. In the process, it is moving more of its Chinese-language instruction in-house to the domain of its faculty. This is where university instruction belongs. Perhaps North Carolina State University should have made this decision years ago, but, to its credit, it has eventually done the right thing.

Now it’s time for more American universities to part ways with their Confucius Institutes.

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f9df5a  No.8081210


The original is probably just innocent art

But the two logos are Clowns In America operations

Part of the Cabal

And they use the Cabal color and symbolic coded comms.

Seeing the orange phoenix jus made me realize that the two Clown logos

Are playing off the phoenix theme

Orange means ENDING

They are all about ending things, fomenting revolution

But when their destructive phase is over

They expect the NWO to rise from the ashes.

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3b293f  No.8081211


heading out now, just want to do a post

to remember the Yellow Vests

always hard to find decent (or any) news

blackouts every week

G'night & Godspeed

baker & anons.

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ed0e45  No.8081212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf57a7  No.8081213

File: 6197bf66a5eab59⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 258x193, 258:193, finklemr.jpg)

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ed0e45  No.8081214

File: a3b27d3c050977d⋯.png (420.96 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, bingo.png)

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4b23a9  No.8081215


Could there be a missing s for feeling?

Previous missing t in Impeachment would give us:


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bf57a7  No.8081216

File: 57e465b36d05ead⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 258x193, 258:193, finkleblue.jpg)

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fe71d7  No.8081217

The Pentagon confirmed this week that it has, for the first time, armed some of its submarines with long-range nuclear missiles which have a lower destructive power compared with existing warheads. These so-called “mini-nukes” represent – despite the diminutive-sounding name – an increased risk of nuclear war.


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4f6884  No.8081218

File: c14e0ee53051ac7⋯.jpg (256.19 KB, 600x1576, 75:197, c14e0ee53051ac70acd7c19c68….jpg)


>funeral pyres

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4ff977  No.8081219

>>8081211 already got ya. enjoy the break

#10344New baker

>>8081173, >>8081188, >>8081197, >>8081209 Eyes on coronovirus operation

>>8081141, >>8081175 Yellow suit symbolism

>>8081198 French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests

>>8081201 Rudy's podcasts about Biden family corruption

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ed0e45  No.8081220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed0e45  No.8081221

File: d63e798396cd51a⋯.png (417.37 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, gay.png)

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f312c2  No.8081222


And she has a mischievous little smirk in the lead-up to that moment.


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a066b8  No.8081223

James Comey, John Brennan, Andy McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page are all qualified to be the first arrest/indictment.

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6ac461  No.8081224


Who's Khamenei referring to in U.S. gov that are undermining @realDonaldTrump's "maximum pressure" campaign?

"Some smart folks" in U.S. gov have said we shouldn't deprive Iran's economy from oil sales, "we should create a back channel" & leave open a path to let them sell oil.


video included with subtitles

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42d114  No.8081225

It's the Communist's.

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ed0e45  No.8081226

File: 7fc4eb580a1427e⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 640x596, 160:149, isil_mossad.jpg)

File: 4d8338bffe2519a⋯.jpg (433.13 KB, 630x549, 70:61, isis.jpg)

File: 43ebe05ec2b41ea⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 474x462, 79:77, isis_control.jpg)

File: d53ce6a837b566d⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1812x1812, 1:1, Islam-fastest-growing-reli….jpg)

File: 31f3e0692cb0027⋯.jpg (381.86 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, islin.jpg)

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3b293f  No.8081227


Yellow's popular these days….

baker over & out.

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ed0e45  No.8081228

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4ff977  No.8081229

File: 5d018048304c2c4⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1105x737, 1105:737, 5d018048304c2c4a2237fb8dd4….png)

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c7008e  No.8081230


911 truth made it real fucking hard for me to accept a Flipped/Freed "Mr. 911 terror terror 911!" but yeah….

I was also happy to see him using Paine….

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424a79  No.8081231


Oh I'm sure. But whether you trust Wray or not, it's interesting to see the physical manifestations of the job. Think he's aged more in his time as director than Comey did in his. POTUS is the only one that seems to get younger kek.

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bf57a7  No.8081232

File: 05f10daef7f7638⋯.jpg (145.07 KB, 596x393, 596:393, tpr.jpg)

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ca9ab5  No.8081233

Thank you Ron, Jim and Limthenick

Grateful to all that you do. Thank you.

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f9df5a  No.8081234

File: 6cd4355f3a54bb8⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1062x772, 531:386, Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at ….png)


Gina's in charge now

And she has the rest of the Clown blackhats


Find the photo of her congratulating Trump at the SOTU

Look at the message in her dress.

5-petalled WHITE flowers surrounding all the 4-petalled BLACK poppies. The opium poppies are being overwhelmed through force of numbers.

If this makes no sense to you, then join Twitter and read everything that user @CodesUcq has ever posted. Check out some of the discussions where he replies to other people, because the other folks are sharing knowledge on the coded language of colors, symbols, images that the Clowns use.

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681a1c  No.8081235

File: 0d8d1fb202a22df⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB, 1626x914, 813:457, Screen Recording 2020-02-0….mp4)



I am kind of freaked out.

Can this be a coincidence?

What are the odds?

In one minutes time…

Laura says 17…. the word "cue" and then references Donald Trump….

On July 26 2010

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5aca1b  No.8081236

File: f95c7cfa860b36f⋯.png (321.96 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple US casualties in Afghanistan after attack during military mission, officials say


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e9f10b  No.8081237


Wray speaks ins True Statements.

Everything he says is a technicality.

Who was wrong?

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e8d9c9  No.8081238

File: 6f2eac34d31ac43⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 700x733, 700:733, 10 seconds and counting.jpg)

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681a1c  No.8081239

File: 97a407d69f891fd⋯.jpg (489.12 KB, 828x1179, 92:131, IMG_5303.jpg)

Rudy tweeting at 3:17 AM

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6126a5  No.8081240


The shoe fit did it?

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e3ced0  No.8081241

File: 10fdc9b097e3fa9⋯.png (53.34 KB, 373x373, 1:1, 2019-11-20_16-59-51 2.png)


Whoever it is, it has to be done publicly.

Otherwise the fake and corrupt media will hide it from the masses like they do everything else.

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fda6af  No.8081242

3:10 am here in northeast Texas but might as well be broad daylight in spite of the thick clouds covering our moon. Eerily quiet. Definitely something different in the air!

What's up?

Relieved to see the place is open again.

Thanks CM!

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42d114  No.8081243

The boogyman you are looking for are the Communist's.

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9256f1  No.8081244

File: 5455c2194c75e90⋯.png (11.77 KB, 300x822, 50:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Yea. those symbols are not "cabal symbols". the phoenix goes way back. get over it. "the cabal" didn't invent the phoenix. cabal doesn't own the color orange either.

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43ed2f  No.8081245

>>8081218 Funeral pyres in Wuhan China?


Add to corona bun plz

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e9f10b  No.8081246

Dear sweet fuck…

VQC actually showed up.

When he said he would.

With maths.

Let's see if the Nerds can take this where it needs to go.

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db2ef7  No.8081247

File: 362f62413395905⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Syria1.jpg)

Remember this stuff. Long time ago now.

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c7008e  No.8081248

File: 88176ba1db826c8⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, D31wkNJU4AACl8d.jpg)

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a066b8  No.8081249


“The first will send a shockwave”

Andy McCabe was in charge of the Russia Probe, so if they take his bitchass out, they’ll all shit themselves. It would be a clear signal to these cabal faggots that they


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6126a5  No.8081250

File: 7e12c1439d9c202⋯.png (150.91 KB, 262x320, 131:160, ClipboardImage.png)


> the Communist's.

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4ff977  No.8081251

File: 342aa2205d70dd3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1350x960, 45:32, 3390b9884f6f77e51d20fc904d….png)

File: 56093d6f1f6f877⋯.jpg (307.72 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 56093d6f1f6f877697e93e1c15….jpg)

File: a7ee2b8353f7ee1⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 255x161, 255:161, a7ee2b8353f7ee1ab117dea129….jpg)

File: d5b4179e7b597fb⋯.png (838.49 KB, 749x939, 749:939, d5b4179e7b597fb631c6f3f1b6….png)

Take down the brown james first . Take all his money and lock that asshole up in a cage where he belongs.

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000000  No.8081252


hey, baker,


is about ncsu and the confucius institute (not corona virus)

thank you

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c7008e  No.8081255

File: 4671ad6901e1ac8⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1838x990, 919:495, QCOLORSMT.png)



why you always gotta trigger muh right before you leave! :D

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a066b8  No.8081256



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387621  No.8081257

File: 904e2b761582b56⋯.png (44.5 KB, 573x435, 191:145, comeylynchplaytime.png)

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42d114  No.8081258

The flood that crashes this site is the Communist's.

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424a79  No.8081259

File: 56311b1b84a754e⋯.png (63.77 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 1429754697810.png)


Rudy lurking last bread kek. Hi Mr. Mayor!


Lawyer-speak, so lawyers are never wrong kek.

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c28237  No.8081260

File: 9ed61f858705383⋯.png (253.5 KB, 1484x456, 371:114, TexasSniper.PNG)

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e555ec  No.8081261

File: 93bd368c8f2eefd⋯.png (221.77 KB, 398x523, 398:523, Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at ….png)

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a066b8  No.8081262



>ripple effect

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629cd0  No.8081263

>>8080589 (PB - Notable)

Can someone explain to me why a 5 second delta is important or notable?

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db2ef7  No.8081264

File: eda86b7a31e1158⋯.jpg (118.52 KB, 960x925, 192:185, CaptMGreen1.jpg)

File: a13ab2b39759df4⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CaptMGreen2.jpg)

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f312c2  No.8081265

File: 676d1b7b93dc9b6⋯.png (979.1 KB, 1910x955, 2:1, Screenshot from 2020-02-09….png)

File: c53b78e6491c353⋯.png (1019.65 KB, 1912x956, 2:1, Screenshot from 2020-02-09….png)


Looks generally similar to the NOx distribution, which is also associated with automobile engines.

We can't interpret this without comparing it to past data. Windy doesn't have tat.

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42d114  No.8081266

The Jew and Christian haters are Communist's.

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4ff977  No.8081267

File: 46a47949e2d29af⋯.png (339.89 KB, 432x640, 27:40, 3cddb0907bfdd81c7baf922b9d….png)

Make shit rite

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9256f1  No.8081268

File: ce128ffff0522ae⋯.png (33.24 KB, 408x1062, 68:177, ClipboardImage.png)


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aa5094  No.8081270

File: 5de8367ba294c94⋯.png (74.7 KB, 1202x356, 601:178, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

File: 8edf896068b9e7b⋯.png (101.34 KB, 1042x500, 521:250, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

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283dea  No.8081271

File: 2a89d4b1369889b⋯.jpg (79.75 KB, 423x398, 423:398, cabal.jpg)



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46e683  No.8081272

File: cfc7e636380d310⋯.png (202.27 KB, 909x1242, 101:138, web_archive_org_web_201310….png)

File: ada021eded79eed⋯.png (1.06 MB, 841x4196, 841:4196, techrepublic_com_article_c….png)

File: f0a8d95d52ad996⋯.png (288.27 KB, 808x1031, 808:1031, the-scientist_com_the-nuts….png)

I'm speculating here. I can't help but wonder if the Austen Heinz suicide has some relationship with all that is going on with respect to alleged manufactured viruses. His name suggests a possible connection with certain key players in world events. His company, Cambrian Genomics, laser-printed DNA. The company appears to have folded following his suicide.


The site has been archived on archive.org. A 2013 capture has a DARPA emblem on it, which would imply some kind of military connection. There must have been a video in that black box that has now been deleted.

Here's an article on what they were doing:


"'We print life. Life is very simple, it's just code. Four letters – we print that.'

"Those are the bold words of Austen Heinz. He invented a 3D laser printer that prints custom DNA sequences, and it has become the foundation of his new startup, Cambrian Genomics."

This is an obituary:


Perhaps the technology was stolen because it was too "good", if you get my drift? I'd like to know what happened to his employees.

Do you recall some months ago in L.A. that there was that military "exercise" in Korea Town in which they seized a cache of biological agent? Perhaps someone knows where to find those posts where it was discussed. Gotta wonder what was in it….

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6126a5  No.8081273

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, JewCouldItBeNow.jpg)

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c28237  No.8081274


Please notice response time was less than three minutes. We aim to only improve from this standard. Sincerely, Texas Continental Defense Force.

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c7008e  No.8081275

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 0 CONSOLE.jpg)

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0 LAUGH.png)


totally coincidence :D

Wanna hear my story about meeting a 90+ year old anon who said POTUS was his 17th president and the greatest ever?!

just one coincidence after another….

good thing math is not our forte or we might really be freaking out together! Hold me! :D

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8b1572  No.8081276

File: d0ce82f307f0ef5⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x498, 1:1, pepepopcorn.gif)


Dub dubs confirms that it's Popcorn Time!

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1df03c  No.8081277

File: f4c42b26edee68e⋯.gif (3.8 KB, 452x523, 452:523, guess_who.gif)

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db2ef7  No.8081278


Cream of steel me

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f9df5a  No.8081279


Yeah, what ever happened to the Li people?

They seem to be the main drivers behind Chinese expansion,

Forming much of the overseas Chinese communities in Asia

And the Li were emperors of Japan and Korea and China.

So why are they hiding themselves as Han?

China is incredibly diverse, both ethnically and linguistically

Not to mention genetically.

You cannot recognize a random stranger as Chinese.

All the other groups of SouthEast Asia are recognizable with a bit of training

But Chinese are so diverse.

Many of them appear to be Caucasians with epicanthic folds on the eyes.

And maybe that is actually what they are

Since the epicanthic fold is a dominant genetic trait

That you can even find on North Europeans like Germans and Swedes

To see what it really looks like you need to check out Koreans and North Eastern Siberian peoples.

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24b3eb  No.8081280


Over the past few years, I have come to the point where I would not be surprised if there is a time machine available to take stuff from the future back into the past, and that we may be living in just one of many timelines.

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42d114  No.8081281

Satan is the leader of the Communist's.

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9256f1  No.8081282

File: 363a4771260344d⋯.png (7.82 KB, 247x542, 247:542, ClipboardImage.png)


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24b3eb  No.8081283


I DO want to hear the story.

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c7008e  No.8081286

File: e04d47060e4c7d6⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0 TRUMP PEPE1.jpg)


not a clue

i get $3.50 everytime i make a little (you) pop up by my name is the only reason i even come here…….

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db2ef7  No.8081287



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aa5094  No.8081288

File: d5f2a45813a7ec3⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB, 320x180, 16:9, We Must Fight - President ….mp4)

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."

"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."

-Ronald Reagan

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85f710  No.8081289

File: 9b460b4e2b993e2⋯.jpg (80.29 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, pence bush.jpg)

shock and awe


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2151e8  No.8081290


Here, go buy some cheap beer.

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db2ef7  No.8081291

File: d669a0cb119a1bb⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 1221x915, 407:305, Oprah-Car-Giveaway-4.jpg)

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4ff977  No.8081292

File: ce0b8f8174db059⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 883x1200, 883:1200, D0CgiQrU0AA5LUm.jpg)


wu wuh wat?!

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629cd0  No.8081293


>not a clue

It seems random posts without an explanation or solid theory are now notable.

>i get $3.50 everytime…

I'll be honest, I'm not in the mood for sarcasm tonight.

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43ed2f  No.8081294

File: f3e38a14c4d7515⋯.png (328.55 KB, 1053x736, 1053:736, ClipboardImage.png)



Add to corona bun plz

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fe71d7  No.8081295

File: 493dadfea8001b1⋯.png (591.37 KB, 675x626, 675:626, ClipboardImage.png)


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42d114  No.8081296

Walmart made the Communist's wealthy and a huge military force against good people.

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7e7e0b  No.8081297

>>8081239 What is this Pete Rose thing really about?

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424a79  No.8081299

File: 79c4876aa037e67⋯.png (275 KB, 900x577, 900:577, ClipboardImage.png)


Loch Ness Monster, dat you?

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9256f1  No.8081300

File: 6e446ea3b97b640⋯.jpg (125.96 KB, 519x770, 519:770, bs165.jpg)

File: ea7bac6015aeda1⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 488x317, 488:317, bs169.jpg)

File: 240d7f8ab99a83e⋯.jpg (306.09 KB, 1606x1092, 803:546, bs167.jpg)

File: 32f769ff05c99e5⋯.jpg (257.31 KB, 1188x1068, 99:89, bs157.jpg)

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f4b60d  No.8081301


You got me thinking. Maybe it it's not just a matter of who, but where and when. Trump has been getting some practice at rubbing it in people's faces when he's got a "captive audience" at a public event.

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8db8c2  No.8081302

File: c938a41e7cff41b⋯.mp4 (8.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, flatearth rob skiva table ….mp4)

Why we see what we see with ships and sun.

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43ed2f  No.8081303


Twotterfag made mention that there were interdasting correlations between pete's stats and q drops

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31ffa4  No.8081304


Natives named all the Full Moons.

February was called Snow Moon b/c it's the

" moon" with the most snow.

Farmers Almanac.

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f312c2  No.8081305



I think the word she is looking for is "speculating". An American lawyer who wrote a law doesn't know.

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ca9ab5  No.8081306


We made Walmart wealthy, therefore we were funding our own demise…

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8b1572  No.8081307

File: 7019c9bb44c8c23⋯.jpg (210.09 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, spill-the-beans-plain.jpg)


I wanna hear the story too kek. Spill the beans anon.

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97f78a  No.8081308







Have twenty one bucks.

Should get you a covfefe and some sushi

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936623  No.8081309

The first will send a shock wave.


Good to see the archives are up again

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).


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7e7e0b  No.8081310


that's enough to give me a headache. Thanks for letting me know..

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42d114  No.8081311

Communist board shills are quickly gathering to discuss how to fight anti Communism on the Q forum.

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9256f1  No.8081312

fk it.

go full corporatacracy.

build the oligarchy.

president <3> requires <2/3 vote> for executive decision.

president/CEO is appointed by board of directors/elders.

Fuck power to the people.

Turn this son of a bitch authoritarian until the next moon.

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1aca31  No.8081313


POTUS Tweet: Red Carpet; It's Time!;


T - Minus

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9607e2  No.8081314



Likely coded message or clues. Or, could be a way to help win Ohio in nov. ?

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2151e8  No.8081315


>(not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).



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a066b8  No.8081316


Now wouldn’t that be some shit to watch Dubya get YANKED out of his compound first…I’ll never forget the smile on his face as he told Jeb he was FUCKED at the funeral. It was almost as if the skull and bones prick flipped. Rudy and Trump keep talking about Pete Rose…didn’t Dubya play baseball for Yale? Didn’t he throw out the first pitch in Yankee stadium after his mass sacrifice?

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f9df5a  No.8081317


This is old news and a bunch of random items

All mashed together like soggy potatoes

Without any reasoning at all.

China has 1.386 billion people

50k is such a teeny tiny speck of water vapor

Far, far less than even a drop in the bucket

Let's consider a number that is a bit easier to wrap you head around

13,860,000 is about 13.8 million

And that is 1% of the population of China

They could lose that many, and it would only reduce traffic jams.

Wuhan is 11.08 million so 1% is 2.7 million more than that city.

Shanghai is 24.4 million

Chongqing is 30 million

50k dead is nothing. Stop trying to scare people with

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

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c7008e  No.8081318

File: 769a6fa12ac65a0⋯.png (1.22 MB, 907x1316, 907:1316, 0 Q SEES Q PEOPLE BETTER.png)


I just told ya silly, it is a very short story, the question was rhetorical! :D

ancient anon might be in this meme and may not be in this meme, I dunno! :D

Maybe I will recant the true tale of ancient anon some day when we write this history book…. I dunno!

prove me right, big bad future!


at least you are in the mood for that shit! kek

damn it that shit was funny I do not care who you are!

don't dox me, scro! :D

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4b23a9  No.8081319


>The first will send a shock wave.

Double meanings exist.

The first of the month?

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5aca1b  No.8081320

File: c29d72259d83241⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 428x443, 428:443, Capture.JPG)

Harmonie-Rose is a determined young girl who won't let anything stand in her way!


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fe71d7  No.8081321

File: f9b3423a6f7855c⋯.png (650.21 KB, 601x616, 601:616, ClipboardImage.png)



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aa5094  No.8081322

File: d7db499fa0bd556⋯.png (45.1 KB, 832x416, 2:1, Screen Shot 2020-02-08 at ….png)

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fe71d7  No.8081323


also known as a storm moon


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629cd0  No.8081324

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1aca31  No.8081325

File: 44aa28ca1fca92f⋯.png (262.88 KB, 536x536, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cacd500cebe2a35⋯.png (241.47 KB, 960x371, 960:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05c81234eafeead⋯.png (211.58 KB, 623x544, 623:544, ClipboardImage.png)


It's Time!

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9256f1  No.8081326

[climb] the communist pyramid.

[become] the gatekeepers

[perpetuate] the best communist policy

the [key] is purity

run the purity [test] over. and over. and over.

I am a [collectivist]. I believe in collectivizing my effort with my neighbors to [produce] a good/service to be sold in a [FREE-MARKET]

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f9df5a  No.8081327


This is a good thing because cleaning up the city

Burning garbage, medical waste and the people who die


Because it slows the spread of disease

It makes people healthier overall

And that also slows the spread of disease

This cesspool city with open sewers

And other problems

Has needed a cleanup for a long time.

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7d57b0  No.8081328


Where's VQC?

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1aca31  No.8081329

File: 18c205af22cf0ab⋯.png (308.12 KB, 690x960, 23:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18cd03b7d861564⋯.png (173.65 KB, 590x574, 295:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74163cc48ff021c⋯.png (279.9 KB, 733x591, 733:591, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ac461  No.8081330

anyone save the video from post 1989?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3p7aqtUSJc not available on youtub


post 1963 was

The FBI informed Feinstein, the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, about five years ago about the staffer and allegations that the staffer was a spy. The source who confirmed the incident to the San Francisco Chronicle said “Dianne was mortified” upon learning about it

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269c88  No.8081331

File: c039df285a12574⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1348x1289, 1348:1289, Space_Force_Extreme_Reee_M….png)


>storm moon

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e9f10b  No.8081332


Last he claimed… Brexit territory.

But who knows since then.

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93bbf9  No.8081333


"Big Red Machine"

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f9e31a  No.8081334

File: 4237c9ff7e3dc3a⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 646x640, 323:320, spillbeans.jpg)

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c7008e  No.8081335

File: fce678f6567a4c6⋯.png (200.33 KB, 413x393, 413:393, treefiddy.png)

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424a79  No.8081336


Normie baseballfags getting red-pilled by the latest cheating scandal are again pissed off at the blatant hypocrisy of MLB's perpetual shunning of Rose. I listened to sports talk radio for the first time in months today and I swear fans are angry. Worse than during the steroid bullshit. Like maybe anthem-kneeling angry this time.




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e555ec  No.8081337


how about V-jay

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9607e2  No.8081338




Given the “bottom half were instructed”.

Could “first” possibly mean “the person who originally gave the instructions”. ?


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85f710  No.8081339

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e9f10b  No.8081340


or did you mean /where/?

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fe71d7  No.8081341

File: 94b62ba9ae7d0aa⋯.png (20.75 KB, 599x133, 599:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8af48d3489b80f⋯.png (17.22 KB, 400x304, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)



full moon

rising sun

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42d114  No.8081343

Communist think tank is quickly gathering to discuss how to fight back against the looming wave of anti Communism on the Qanon forum.

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9b387f  No.8081344

File: af208bebbbe53cd⋯.png (244.13 KB, 689x512, 689:512, ScreenHunter 407.png)

Map and list of remaining Confucius Classrooms in the US

(couldn't find date of last update)


Asia Society's Confucius Classrooms are a national network of exemplary Chinese language programs selected through a competitive application process. The network currently comprises more than 35,000 students studying Chinese in more than 100 elementary, middle, and high schools located in 27 states and the District of Columbia.

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4ff977  No.8081345


IMO most people i know would NOT care if obumer spied on pres T. Obama is a literal god to them and can do no wrong. The TV controls the narrative and the Worlds opinion up to this moment . Satan's Television vs General Trump and his Army.

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db2ef7  No.8081346

File: 9457855897eb415⋯.jpg (154.7 KB, 600x350, 12:7, TheCali.jpg)

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9256f1  No.8081347

The American Socialist [COLLECTIVIZES] their labor with fellow [CITIZENS] to [PRODUCE] goods and services with a right-to-work [EMPLOYER]. The American Socialist [IMPORTS/EXPORTS] products in the [FREE-MARKET], which ought be totally [DE-REGULATED]. The American Socialist understands taxation is theft and the government is [PRONE] to [WASTE]. The American Socialist understands the church is the primary mechanism to function in the name of social good. The American Socialist does not [GOVERN] their fellow citizen. The American Socialist believes in the [ELIMINATION] of corruption and waste.

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42d114  No.8081348


You get it.

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f9df5a  No.8081349


Didn't say they own them

I said the USE them to communicate

So does Trump

The Intelligence business uses coded comms that were developed to keep secrets in plain site

And to function like a masonic handshake

So that people who were in on the secrets

Could recognize fellow crooks.

In order to attain the promise of JFK

We need to unveil these secret societies

That means tell everyone about the crooks

And set up proper oversight for the parts of government

That still need to keep secrets.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.

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24b3eb  No.8081350

File: 30097fc34160fa0⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 640x389, 640:389, Sheeple.jpg)


I agree. The left will only be enraged at Obama when the mainstream media tells them to be enraged.

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85f710  No.8081351

File: 97f47addb60dcb3⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 1300x724, 325:181, Bruce buffer its time.jpg)

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4b23a9  No.8081352

File: 516ae011b27507b⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 505x398, 505:398, Nasty Nancy.jpg)


Yest, the first can also imply a person. However since we are talking about the House, the 1st could refer to Nancy Pelosi.

What stood out was that the opposite of "bottom" is top but Q decided to use "first" instead.

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aa5094  No.8081353

File: b77b687c02ca245⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tweet_20190121_204202.mp4)

File: ee1ecc9d83db160⋯.png (44.29 KB, 834x430, 417:215, Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at ….png)


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43ed2f  No.8081354


The chinese got the bad news weeks ago. The wealthy flew out early. That's why it's in L.A. San Fran and NY.

I have been surfing the vids coming out of China looking for cracks in the narrative either way. Lots of contradictory info. People being forcefully removed from their homes to be taken to hospitals yet others complaining of unable to receive care when presenting their certificates. Lot's of spoopy video shaky angles, long shots. I have yet to see children, what's up with that? I don't know what's going on it's a mess. But, if it's real it's here quarantined on military air fields and brought in by commercial air travel.

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804c59  No.8081355

Happy 'Middle of the Night' to all you Anons that are awake.

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88f907  No.8081356


Comey or Brennan seem to fit.

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c7008e  No.8081357

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 0 CRY HAPPY.jpg)


you got $3.50? :D

honestly though, the whole story is multiple paragraphs and I wouldn't do it justice at this hour but i will one day and you will be the first to know!

"my 17th and the greatest ever!" he prolly thought we were making fun of him at first because we could not contain our laughter!


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e9f10b  No.8081358


Where are you? Anchorage?

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e5c295  No.8081359

File: 2eac82294ff2d09⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2560x1287, 2560:1287, 61rocruise.png)

Mornin Retards I see you got back up.

Sorry Not Sorry.

I told them - it is important 1.3 billion people.

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46e683  No.8081360


I was just looking at the post and had another thought about it. Is it a coincidence that Austen Heinz was educated in South Korea and the military exercise raid took place in Korea Town in L.A.?

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f9df5a  No.8081361


Wait until they learn about the crimes of the people who were shielded by their

God Of All Things

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42d114  No.8081362


You get it.

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9256f1  No.8081363

File: c9f270b0ff5a537⋯.png (154.92 KB, 503x466, 503:466, ClipboardImage.png)



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618df0  No.8081364

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

File: 71b83238cda257b⋯.png (843.09 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Peace_Deal.png)

File: 92ce0a8631885a4⋯.png (198.39 KB, 521x546, 521:546, muh_jew_clowns_BTFO.png)

File: f16a45202df9fd5⋯.png (699.2 KB, 866x1135, 866:1135, melt_down.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, secret societies and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).

Clowns try so hard to make anons leave this board by flooding it with bs (clown BO helps bigly), yet subborn anons stay the course and WIN.

If you want to let Jim Watkins (8kun owner) and his son Ron Watkins (codemonkey) know how much you like a clown BO and recommend a change,


@CodeMonkeyZ, @isitwetyet (Ron)

@infinitechan (Jim)

(MUCH DISINFO pushed right now, disinfo and clown accounts on twatter.)



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804c59  No.8081365


> Where are you? Anchorage?

New York.

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24b3eb  No.8081366


Well, did he give predictions of the future?

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db2ef7  No.8081367

File: a14723531e3e0f2⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 600x595, 120:119, Bean2.jpg)

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618df0  No.8081368


reality says otherwise.

many people are woke.

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629cd0  No.8081369



What if the MSM is included in the treason mess as well? Then they cannot spin it since they will also be indited/arrested/charged? I think a lot of people would wake up then.

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793825  No.8081370


What do you think would happen if the world saw Obama in full muslim garb with AK-47 in hand and surrounded by terrorists?

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9607e2  No.8081371


What if the instructions involved more than spying on him or the attempt to frame him re Russia ?

If the insurance file involves talk of assassination, and this could be traced to the top, then yes, the world would be shocked.

“I caught them in the act”

“I possibly wouldn’t be standing here today”


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e5c295  No.8081372

File: 54ed276d6544ed9⋯.png (54.07 KB, 2464x1184, 77:37, quarkgeom.png)

Twice now the first time accident this time ….

intentional. Listen Corona is real and very very bad

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000000  No.8081373

Communists and Socialists methodically infiltrating the South, hoping to flip red states to blue

notes and preliminary research focused on North Carolina, based on information in this article:

How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina—Huge Implications for 2020

by Trevor Loudon, The Epoch Times

December 12, 2019



Liberation Road, formerly known as Freedom Road Socialist Organization



keywiki.org page above claims Freedom Road/Liberation Road mostly works through a front group called the Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (RSCC) and that Freedom Road/Liberation Road is the guiding force behind Black Lives Matter



“Liberation Road has a strategy of destroying the Republican Party base in the South—what it terms the “New Confederacy”—by using the minority voting base to flip county by county, state by state to the Democrats. “

SOUTHERN STATES TARGETED : North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida and others


- university students recruited from Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh

- communist party members attracted from other groups including Communist Workers Party, Line of March, League of Revolutionary Struggle, Communist Party USA, Workers World Party (pro-Iran and North Korea).

- imported comrades from California, Massachusetts and New York for “a deliberate colonization of Southern states“.

- infiltration of existing organizations and creation of new ones such as Durham People’s Alliance and Durham for All.

- allies within the state include Democratic Socialists of America and voter registration organizations Down Home NC, Ignite NC and Blueprint North Carolina.


In the Triangle area, many FRSO/Liberation Road people lead key organizations that are able to mobilize several thousand people at a time.

- Bryan Proffit – teacher, NC Association of Educators board, past president Durham Association of Educators, Liberation Road, Durham People’s Association https://keywiki.org/Bryan_Proffitt

- Aiden Graham - Freedom Road, DPA board https://keywiki.org/Aiden_Graham

- Sendolo Diaminah – Freedom Road, DPA, Durham School Board, resigned https://keywiki.org/Sendolo_Diaminah


- Durham People’s Alliance, https://www.durhampa.org/our_history is a derivative of the communist New American Movement, has approx 2000 members. Endorsements include David Price, GK Butterfield, Kay Hagan and “dozens of lower level politicians”.

- Durham for All, https://durhamforall.org/about/our-history/ was created by Liberation Road as a related group with local focus, (as are Richmond for All and Memphis for All).

“Durham For All plans to build a force in Durham of 10,000 people to first take control of the city, then the entire state. The first goals were to take control of the City Council in 2017 to 2019 then to flip the state to the Democrats in 2020.“


- Charlie Reece, Durham City Council https://keywiki.org/Charlie_Reece

- Jillian Johnson, Durham City Council https://keywiki.org/Jillian_Johnson

- Steve Schewel, Durham Mayor https://keywiki.org/Steve_Schewel

- DeDreana Freeman, Durham City Council https://keywiki.org/DeDreana_Freeman

- Vernetta Alston, Durham City Council https://keywiki.org/Vernetta_R._Alston

- Satana Deberry, District Attorney

- Clarence Birkhead, Sherrif



(so we all now know who not to vote for)

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a066b8  No.8081374


Chinese “Spy” aka Feinstein Associate aka Feinstein’s bes fwen

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000000  No.8081375



Fog rolled in. Looks like blank B&W TV screen.

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a066b8  No.8081376


Then they found out about Maggie Nixon..or they find out about Richard Branson and note their close friendship

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d275be  No.8081377


No one would be surprised but the US normies.

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f9df5a  No.8081378

File: 324d2c3d032472b⋯.png (123.43 KB, 244x207, 244:207, ClipboardImage.png)


e^{i\pi }+1=0

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24b3eb  No.8081379


The media does not have to spin it.

The ignorant masses will continue on their presently programmed trajectory until they are told to change direction.

Someone in the media of their choice which they "trust" has to tell them to start believing something different before they will.

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f9e31a  No.8081380

File: a91b75f7aa560c5⋯.jpg (5 KB, 180x178, 90:89, Schitt'sCreek.jpg)

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fe71d7  No.8081382

File: 034d78a4f4fef44⋯.png (36.03 KB, 599x330, 599:330, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba2f608fe9a2a19⋯.png (332.79 KB, 633x666, 211:222, ClipboardImage.png)

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9256f1  No.8081383

File: c0df20abe484cdc⋯.png (57.59 KB, 2360x752, 295:94, ClipboardImage.png)







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42d114  No.8081384


You get it.

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c11f0a  No.8081385

File: 9d3d30431d175d6⋯.png (469.31 KB, 1910x2986, 955:1493, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8081344 A paltry amount by Govt. standards, but Asia Society has rec'd nearly $3 Million dollars in govt. grants. Some of the money looks like it was spent in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. So glad we could help. SMDH


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4ff977  No.8081386

File: c28e22cf8fbc190⋯.jpeg (18.75 KB, 300x276, 25:23, 10b0f99549a45b2a3e441156e….jpeg)


I hope so but as another mentioned by anothernon the TV has to tell them to be enraged or not enraged. The satanic TV ,MSM, and social media have a complete lock down on 80 percent of people I run across . The dark ego is completely in control of the masses The TV has to show the change and tell them what to do next .The population is that destroyed mentally. Phone broke on the road I stopped in a place to ask for directions the girls there about 25ish several had NO IDEA how to tell me how to get just a few miles away. The older lady around 40 knew how to tell me how to get there thankfully .Wow It's scary out there.

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8db8c2  No.8081387

File: 372b7a84aa44187⋯.png (342.76 KB, 702x416, 27:16, i tweeted that shit trump.png)


pretty seemingly non-coincidental.

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e9f10b  No.8081388


Aight… so… the fuck you mean "middle" of the night, then?


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24b3eb  No.8081389


US liberal left would celebrate it, and claim that is exactly what he should have done for "freedom of minorities from oppression."

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a066b8  No.8081390

Every baseball player in the WORLD knows you DO NOT step on the fuckin base line at any point before, during, or after a game. Bush steps on to Yankee Stadium’s field to throw out first pitch after 9/11, and steps on the fucking line. He, a former baseball player for Yale, knows better. SICK FUCK.

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db2ef7  No.8081391

File: 8268de6394c7a9d⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 420x630, 2:3, DisneyDNA1.jpg)

File: 9455b90860f950d⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 900x488, 225:122, DisneyDNA2.jpg)

File: 1ab769107cfdfd7⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 474x355, 474:355, DisneyDNA3.jpg)

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e5c295  No.8081392

File: 3a5d1054bc6a310⋯.png (846.1 KB, 1141x641, 1141:641, lookingglass.png)


well ok 1/3.14 is basically an axis spin - a torus like the fabiconni. Thus if you are using it in the raised position you are amplifying that in the unit circle. The one is just to make it a real number - well kinda since it still Imaginary.

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b92666  No.8081393

File: 6223376b2ca08a3⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Pete & Re-Pete. Pete Rose ….jpg)

File: ae359cd8e56f4a7⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Put Pete Rose in the Hall ….jpg)

Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame!! God bless the Great Pete Rose, God bless QAnon, God bless Q Patriots, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA



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42d114  No.8081394


So brave!

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618df0  No.8081395

File: 40b2bdab0a468e6⋯.png (100.32 KB, 406x300, 203:150, Masons_1.png)

File: 6e7f9db62ac1fa6⋯.png (600.53 KB, 600x365, 120:73, Masons_7.png)

File: 56aaf0ba002b239⋯.jpeg (50.71 KB, 440x330, 4:3, mason06a.jpeg)

File: 88eb69f42c77174⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Masons_6.png)

File: aebd64e288f9baa⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 500x373, 500:373, mason04.jpg)

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c7008e  No.8081396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He said for all of us to keep doing good for goodness sake and (you) will always be a (you) and will never end up as a [you]!

and (you) do not want to be a [you] do (you)?

can an ancient giant lizard get a reeeeeee up in dis!?!?!?! :D

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e9f10b  No.8081397


CodeWuKong never did gibbs the Syntax Highlighting.

I let the Nerds know, in case your maths have gravitas.

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e9f10b  No.8081398


that reminds me, I need to update muh "altar" imagery…

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793825  No.8081399

File: 7aa945abd8665e2⋯.png (194.18 KB, 576x811, 576:811, aqRtf4c.png)

File: 00b954a2134456d⋯.jpg (32 KB, 499x541, 499:541, l9t2wag1fie41.jpg)



kek, I really underestimate the extent of their brainwashing

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24b3eb  No.8081400



This anon gets it.

Now, tell me the answer to what no one else on here wants to really think about:

What in the world do we do in future elections even if DJT and Q clean EVERYTHING UP in the USA?

We will end up in the same mess again, because the masses are just to stupid to figure out what to do with their votes.

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4ff977  No.8081401

>>8081395 The ego in it's full glory. Sick.


#10344New baker

>>8081217, >>8081236, >>8081321 US Mil tweets/ news

>>8081173, >>8081188, >>8081197, >>8081218, >>8081265, >>8081272, >>8081294 Eyes on coronovirus operation

>>8081141, >>8081175, >>8081255 Yellow suit symbolism

>>8081198 French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests

>>8081201, >>8081239 Rudy's podcasts about Biden family corruption

>>8081209 Confucious institute says. "were crosed."

>>8081373 How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina—Huge Implications for 2020

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9256f1  No.8081402

[DE-LIMINATION] of [INTERNAL] competition in the form of increased collectivization and de-regulated free-markets.

[I] and my [FAMILY] [EXPORT] our [SERVICES].

My family [POOLS] our income. This is different from a [TAX].

One Nation : One Product

Live Long and Prosper

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b00844  No.8081403



Oy vey!

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e5c295  No.8081404


e^{i\pi }+1=0

i divide by pi is spiral

in raised position just makes it unit circle operation (under one) - warping axis with i and raised function in a spiral DNA like function.

plus one just puts the number in real i.

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e9f10b  No.8081405


oh wait…

dat's just Euler's Identity.

thought it looked familiar.

my b.

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1aca31  No.8081406

File: 01c7045f0d6e0a2⋯.png (78.53 KB, 891x96, 297:32, ClipboardImage.png)

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618df0  No.8081407



>The bill would amend the Presidential Records Act to preserve Twitter posts and other social media interactions of the President of the United States, and to require the National Archives to store such items.

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2e5f17  No.8081408

File: 97ddf758f1fb2de⋯.jpeg (14.9 KB, 255x170, 3:2, F06973A9-7ADF-488E-BE1F-1….jpeg)

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e9f10b  No.8081409



You two would get along.

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f312c2  No.8081410


>We will end up in the same mess again

Full exposure of the last mess prevents this. People will know what to watch for.

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db2ef7  No.8081411

File: 26313d0524ffd96⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 400x248, 50:31, FakeNews1.jpg)

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42d114  No.8081412

After WW2 the Nazi's changed their name to Communists and continued their war on the world and no one noticed.

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e9f10b  No.8081413


I derped.



You two would get along.

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618df0  No.8081414


corona = MSM fearmongering / clowns sliding.

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e5c295  No.8081415

i/3.14 is basically defining the unit circle and axis warping.

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f9df5a  No.8081416

File: cd16ead6447bc63⋯.png (823.49 KB, 1280x992, 40:31, ClipboardImage.png)


It is not engineered

It is a normal virus

If you have ever heard of a very common blood pressure medication

Called an ACE inhibitor

You might want to look at this diagram of interactions

Before you read all about the 2019-nCoV and HIV medication treatments

At least you will have a clearer idea what angiotensin is.

We know so much about the mechanisms in these organisms

And we have ways, other than vaccines

To stop them dead

It's still a lot of work to methodically test things

But we live in a time when viral disease outbreaks will NEVER EVER again become global epidemics.

It's all good

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9256f1  No.8081417




[dollar strong counter-force against one world currency]

[push U.N. external]

[hold sovereignty internal]

narrative pushes dissolution of U.N.

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42d114  No.8081418


You get it.

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8db8c2  No.8081419

File: e8d75d53367550e⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 480x262, 240:131, Kat Timph-iphonepod.mp4)

File: 5b34daa323972b1⋯.png (145.53 KB, 601x874, 601:874, Urban Dictionary: jinn 202….png)

What the hell was this all about?

Kat Timph on Greg Gutfeld.

Demon jinn? Cotton gin? Stuff like this isn't random on these shows.

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6cea1b  No.8081420

If there is a pandemic coming to the US, it may coincide after a bunch of arrests. Imagine if the elites cannot escape prison with no bail AND corona virus gets in those prisons? Or they quarantine those prisons with no way out.

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010c4f  No.8081421

File: d576c6ebf8fa69f⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1280x1448, 160:181, ddd-gigapixel.png)

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8b1572  No.8081422

File: 9c1a7871ac0c48a⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 700x350, 2:1, einstein3.jpg)

File: 46dc1a2390ccbfb⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 700x350, 2:1, einstein4.jpg)

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e5c295  No.8081423


the issue is what is e - exponent or just variable?

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618df0  No.8081424

File: 6526199548a3adf⋯.png (20.5 KB, 386x429, 386:429, ClipboardImage.png)



this full moon is called the storm moon also.

(also there is a huge storm all over germany today)


christmal early?

POTUS tweet

>red carpet

it might be GO TIME.

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e5c295  No.8081425


opps sorry log or just variable?

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936623  No.8081426


the nazi party was started to battle communism before hitler was ever involved

they are exact opposite philosophies

if truth matters

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db2ef7  No.8081427


Is it.. log to the power of i\pi = -1?

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8b1572  No.8081429

File: d08aaba8bc9a1a8⋯.png (29 KB, 649x213, 649:213, DJIN.png)

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618df0  No.8081430


very interdasting!

also, see:


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99abb2  No.8081431


I rarely judge anons memes. But, wow these suck.

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aa5094  No.8081432

File: cffce4fb9e600ff⋯.png (40.72 KB, 826x460, 413:230, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

File: 1c972f6fa6814a3⋯.png (74.62 KB, 892x510, 446:255, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)


Length 1:10

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e9f10b  No.8081433


I still see e as the opposite of n

0 to .00000~1


.999… to 1

It's the same gap.

But where does the bridge come from?

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e5c295  No.8081434


Basically that is the equation posted.

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db2ef7  No.8081436

File: 78c6db11462d5ec⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 212x255, 212:255, GrammarNazi.png.jpg)


… and it's 'too' stoopid.

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c7008e  No.8081437

File: a95c1f3dae8c628⋯.png (445.55 KB, 1116x1008, 31:28, 1212xwaa.png)

File: f66fcc6f07d900b⋯.png (50.81 KB, 1184x986, 592:493, 1212xwaas.png)

Coronavirus: WHO chief warns against 'trolls and conspiracy theories'

"The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that "trolls and conspiracy theories" are undermining their response to the new coronavirus.

WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters that misinformation was "making the work of our heroic workers even harder".

More than 34,800 people have been infected with the new coronavirus worldwide, the vast majority in China.

There have been 723 deaths in China and one death abroad, in the Philippines.

Of the 34,598 people infected within China, Dr Tedros said almost 25,000 are in Hubei Province - the region where the outbreak was first reported, which has since become the epicentre of the virus.

"I would also like to speak briefly about the importance of facts, not fear," Dr Tedros said. "People must have access to accurate information to protect themselves and others.""


also use it as a way to silence people

people like us

example news search:

Qanons say bleach kills virus

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47bf9c  No.8081438

And do a…



Biblically, 17 is very significant. It’s 1 and 7, which is a basis for the first of three primary biblical patterns. The three patterns are in Leviticus chapter 23. The sum of one day and seven days brings us to the eighth day. Why is the eighth day significant in scripture? And the eighth day also happens to be the place of the looking glass. We stand on the one side and raise up the left hand and the image in the glass lifts up the right hand.

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e9f10b  No.8081439

File: 1c8d24f74d6dab3⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sure you're seeking my Nerdier Goat Gruff


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793825  No.8081440


Nothing magic about it.. Kat can influence me any day of the week

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e5c295  No.8081441


it is an equation that spins the axis on the unit circle by the power of pi in the imaginary dimension.

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936623  No.8081442


cant believe that the only thing you decided post is meanness

wow you must suck irl

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f9df5a  No.8081443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You too

Can have a fibonacci torus

Origami style

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618df0  No.8081444



Q made clear that this is just show.

it´s illuminati at the top and many mason minions pushing for it, wheather it´s nazi, communism or green deal.

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2151e8  No.8081445


It's 2:17 on the Left Coast.

That would be "The Middle of the Night" here.

Chill out Spaz.

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354772  No.8081446


Sounds like they are both saying its time to bring in someone who has been on the outside for a while, after taking a loss. JFK jr? Paul Ryan?

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99abb2  No.8081447


>cant believe that the only thing you decided post

In this bread.

>is meanness

Critique is not meanness.

Grab a tampon for your pussy, and then return to Reddit.

Tits or GTFO

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793825  No.8081448


I saw a vid on twatter from a doctor who has contracted the coronavirus..

Amongst his video he said that there is a 30% chance of death.. We have been getting numbers of less than 5%..

I know there are many lies out there about this virus. I can't find the vid again as 8kun was down at the time.

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1df03c  No.8081449

File: 8485892e9b6c4a2⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 598x449, 598:449, garrison2.jpg)

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e9f10b  No.8081450


New York isn't on the lef…

Oh I see what you did there.

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936623  No.8081451


dont talk to me rainman

all your opinions are shit or lies

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42d114  No.8081452

This anti Communist warrior has to get a few hours of sleep but trust me…


If you can't see it now you will soon.

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24b3eb  No.8081453


You have more faith in the normies than I do.

I think full exposure will not wake them up.

The only thing that will wake them up is for their programmers to reprogram them.

But that will last only until they get reprogrammed again a different way the next day.

Don't you see how they do hard 180 turns from one day to the next as the Democrat party does hard 180 turns?

I think the puppet masters of the Dems have been taken out by white hats, and the white hats are pulling the strings. Otherwise, the Dems wouldn't be this nutty and obvious.


Here is just one tiny example: Pelosi said we must rush through impeachment because the President is a threat to national security. The Dem normies ate that up 100%. Then she said, "I am in control and will determine when I put the articles into the Senate." They ate that up as well.

Those idiots are (and I know this for sure because I have talked to some) scared to death to think for themselves, and scream phrases they learned in college to drown out any talk of common sense or rational thought.

They are completely mind-fucked, and worse than turning voting booths over to monkeys (which would, on average, cancel each other out). The mind-fucked humans will let the media turn them into a 50 million voting stamp for whatever their TV tells them to do.

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618df0  No.8081454


anon, do you really think it Q did something causing the virus that MSM would talk on it 24/7?

POTUS is not concerned at all, Q never mentioned corona.

why? bc it´s a normal virus, no danger at all for the vast majority of people, just like any other virus, just like the flue.

MSM and clowns here push this topic so hard to slide and distract, clearly, as the shit is about to hit the fan big time.

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db2ef7  No.8081455


Yeah I got to square roots of negatives and Diff from 1st Principles. Unlikely I'll go deeper, but who knows.

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4ff977  No.8081456

File: 3965b163a9a4e4b⋯.png (61.76 KB, 830x830, 1:1, Dzg2xi6X0AAJGzm.png)

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c28237  No.8081457

File: 542263b8384046c⋯.png (117.37 KB, 460x457, 460:457, e00001.png)

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e5c295  No.8081458

File: 90995b4a0cac870⋯.png (982.56 KB, 2560x1287, 2560:1287, 61ro.png)

File: c211c1f6084529c⋯.png (280.71 KB, 2560x1263, 2560:1263, coronalastcruise.png)


and sorry for shutting down kun for a bit but corona with 61/1 contagious rate 4 times worst disease ever seen is important- stay in your fucking basements.

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8b1572  No.8081459

File: dcc4ace06c813c4⋯.jpg (132.88 KB, 1075x668, 1075:668, rushblackbg.jpg)

God bless Rush. Hope you're getting the help you need big guy!

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726348  No.8081460


Tell that to the stacks of firewood in China.

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e9f10b  No.8081461


Let me know when 47.

(More reasonable.)

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43ed2f  No.8081462

Angels were created first, of light. They do not have free will and are obedient to God.

Jinn were created from smokeless fire. They were given free will, the earth and the ability to fly, Iblees (Satan) is a Jinn. They see us from a place where we can not see them.

Man was created from earth, given free will and a greater intellect. Given authority over the earth. The paragon of God's creation.

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c7008e  No.8081463


got it.

apologies as I think I meant the whole "outbreak" was engineered to happen and attack weak nations as opposed to it was an engineered virus, my fault for not being clearer.

I understand the sensitivity around the issue.

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618df0  No.8081464


so you telling anons what the elite tells the public was nnot a mistake, but a disinfo attempt by a clown?

you calling me a name is your only argument?


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db2ef7  No.8081465


You just have to gently unwind. Manage the anger, manage the crying.

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1df03c  No.8081466

File: 11cec74e996769a⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 698x1284, 349:642, Muh clown repeats..jpg)

File: 8430c0e92e5b899⋯.png (737.85 KB, 1080x2920, 27:73, 54abb0f98756c61691fe88fde8….png)

File: 3e2d7b900200c32⋯.png (409.32 KB, 1467x325, 1467:325, 6955efe96de2db159137b55d65….png)

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, anon.png)






He contributes so much to this board!!

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24b3eb  No.8081467


Thank you. Yes, I do know the difference. It was a typographical error.

Again, thank you. Yes, I do sincerely mean that.

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e5c295  No.8081468


blue brown makes it easy - check it out

really really again?


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b92666  No.8081469

File: fe574f5bc19085a⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, MAGA:FREEDOM:HAT.jpg)

File: 82c0d96f270f32c⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1776 Wall.jpg)

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936623  No.8081470


you aint hurtin no one but yourself

2 posts attacking anons

the world will be better when youre gone

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618df0  No.8081471


fake and gay, just like the fake garrison meme you posted two breads back.

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e5c295  No.8081472


you guys already mad and pushing took too long?

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804c59  No.8081473

File: 801e7bbb6d7a3b5⋯.png (210.37 KB, 640x451, 640:451, Qanon-Qresearch.png)


> It's 2:17 on the Left Coast. That would be "The Middle of the Night" here. Chill out Spaz.

I'm just saying that the best insights and ideas always appear 'in the middle of the night'…\

While the rest of the world is asleep, the genius of the anons come out.

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f9df5a  No.8081474

File: 8798c10739bca3c⋯.png (40.55 KB, 416x283, 416:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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31ffa4  No.8081475


A DIAMOND Princess?

V at are the chances of that?

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46361b  No.8081476

File: 8fdd4ce2407ff24⋯.pdf (147.11 KB, Mobile_Crematorium.pdf)

File: 49c4998bf7eb7b7⋯.pdf (166.1 KB, Multi_functional_cremation….pdf)


It is NOT like they have not been preparing for this for a decade or more.

Think.. Georgia Guide stones?

This mess is starting to concern me a bit.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzKkGFXBxr8&feature=

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24b3eb  No.8081477


No. i/pi is just a complex number.

What you are looking for is what does e raised to a complex number mean? It, too, is complex, in general.

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618df0  No.8081478

File: aa039aa65d72273⋯.png (88.36 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Slide_FAIL1.png)

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936623  No.8081479


> is your only argument?

why are you calling it an argument?

do you think i am debating facts with you?

rainman is ridicule, not debate

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db2ef7  No.8081480


I just envisaged that written in Caligraphy. Nice.

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97f78a  No.8081481

File: 0f4efb2541d79a4⋯.png (263.16 KB, 400x479, 400:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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1df03c  No.8081482

File: f8c175835535f6f⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1522x1222, 761:611, f8c.jpg)

File: 03901d75c2917b3⋯.jpg (138.17 KB, 755x600, 151:120, 03901d75c2917b3bfa1b9d909b….jpg)

File: 45055dd38745897⋯.jpg (179 KB, 810x685, 162:137, 45055dd387458975907a0b1bc0….jpg)

File: 9bef7ded78a7577⋯.jpg (100.17 KB, 350x314, 175:157, 9be.jpg)

File: b0f4709b1b3c540⋯.jpg (204.13 KB, 815x605, 163:121, b0f4709b1b3c5403797842fbce….jpg)

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99abb2  No.8081483


>you aint hurtin no one but yourself

I'm not out to hurt anyone… ? Projection ?

Please explain how posting on an anonymous image board is hurting me… or you for that matter…

>2 posts attacking anons

Is that you Shiva shill ?

>the world will be better when youre gone

You are really good at handling criticism. Kek.

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618df0  No.8081484

Propaganda is not research.

Propaganda clowns are not anons.


This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.



They want you DIVIDED.






















































This why clowns post that propaganda 24/7:

The elite, MSM, deep state cannot say

"POTUS is bad for us corrupt people so please don´t vote for him. also, no 2A, high taxes, jobs going to China, open boarders and sanctuaty cities is good, you stupid people just don´t get it."

So they say

"POTUS is a nazi, his movement is nazis, they are extremely dangerous to our democracy, don´t vote POTUS and resist!

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354772  No.8081485

File: f5a98ed302c34ca⋯.jpg (95.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe Nightshift.jpg)


Most exiting players of his generation (politics)

Paid for his mistakes with a too long exile (20 years)

It's not complete without him

He gambled but on his own team winning, and paid a decades (2) long price.

Time to put in JFK jr ….as the person to bring the public together and explain whats taken place…

Just a thought.

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1df03c  No.8081486

File: 5da4dd9fa550852⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 5da4dd9fa5508525d8ed0a4b3c….mp4)


You are the slide.

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5c8b5f  No.8081487

File: da73ee5b0072235⋯.png (4.6 MB, 1343x7545, 1343:7545, ClipboardImage.png)

U.K. cities refuse to fly flags for royal pariah Prince Andrew’s birthday


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db2ef7  No.8081488


The classroom experiment?

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000000  No.8081489


could be pointing at strzok ?

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f9df5a  No.8081490



What a year

That's the year that Gringott's Wizarding Bank was founded.

Run by gnomes, is this bank meant to represent a real banking bloodline?

The Gnomes of Zurich?


The Treaty of Utrecht is signed granting the German merchant clans access to England

Who was in Utrecht?

How does the Bourbon bloodline of Louis XVII tie in to this?

What about the Vanderbilt bloodline?

Remember that Payseur (Pesour) was just the banking/gold merchant family that helped the Bourbons.


Venice enacts a Patent Statute.

Hmmm, patents mean control of technology.

Suppressing technological invention leads to monopoly control

Monopoly control leads to profits flowing into the family coffers

Il fondo

Have you heard of the oligarchs of Venice?

Of the Galata Bankers?

Of the Baltazzi family who helped Rothschild into the Ottoman Empire?

The family who spawned the Austrian Vetsera, gave birth to Hitler and Walt Disney?

The Burgundian wars began in 1474

A conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy

Did someone decide that Switzerland was a safer place for their stash of gold?

And take it up the Rhine river, which connects to the Limmat river

Leading to Zurich

Could the Gold Fund have decided who would win the war?

Isabella I became Queen of Castile in this year

She and her husband Ferdinand had a coat of arms with the motto PLUS ULTRA

There are many ways to translate this, but I like BEYOND

They sent Columbus BEYOND the edge of the world to establish a New World.

The Duke of Burgundy had a dispute in Utrecht that started a civil war which ended in 1474

Burgundy had other territories like Bruges, where he founded the Order of the Golden Fleece

He who controls the sheep as his slaves, gets the gold?

Spain, Austria, oh dear!

Plus Ultra


A secret and better world beyond ours

This is what Spain and Portugal created in the New World

For a while

France's version was Arcadia

But then the English stumbled into New France.

Marsilio Ficino completes his book Theologia Platonica

He was a Neo-platonist.

This was the philosphical thread that spawned Darwinism

Social Darwinism




And finally, the Neo-platonist World Order (NWO)

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e5c295  No.8081491

File: 41e1b845465e0c4⋯.png (2.1 KB, 209x143, 19:13, images (1).png)

File: 42f266b4bf93d25⋯.png (47.05 KB, 2475x1196, 2475:1196, tetrahedronmodifiedbyvecto….png)

File: b2b5dd3f9c3fd40⋯.png (580.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iowarussis.png)


dudes it is not actually about this equation it is about matrix math

vector space


vector space is POV warp of 4D

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c59a9a  No.8081492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark times coming.

Are you ready for happening?

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3d0585  No.8081493

File: 2b212eb5d8f18b2⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Cincinnati_Union_Terminal,….jpg)

File: f484477c4c62277⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1315x1400, 263:280, Cincinnatus_Cincinnatorum.png)

File: 64ae121555d63bd⋯.jpg (146.58 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, Cincyskyline.jpg)


POTUS often talks of his time in Cincinnati.

He mentions it again in NC.

Awesome presentation.


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1aca31  No.8081494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From album "You've got the power", year 1982.

Third world - I wake up crying

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8b1572  No.8081495

File: 0dda3181d87e2bb⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 2384x2268, 596:567, WWG1WGA.jpg)



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9256f1  No.8081496

I want to pay [25] a month in taxes to the government. This comes to $300 a year.

I want to choose between a new T.V., a new phone, or a new computer. It should be the best on the market (from a few different providers/manufactures).




Produce Domestic, not in China. GUARANTEE.

If I an use the government to provide luxury goods at bulk-rates. why not?

why pay 1k for a new item i could pay $300?

who's tech? our tech. the tech. there is only one tech. reverse-engineer. forward-engineer. co-develop. develop co-equally. all bullshit. let's just get the new tech to everyone at reasonable rates.

[END OF YEAR] You don't want a product? You get your money back + interest.

The government should work for people.

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936623  No.8081497


your 2 posts have both conveyed negativity towards anons. that blackens your soul.

thats how you are hurting yourself

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e5c295  No.8081498


yes but a log raised to I/pi warps spins the unit circle in fractal dimensional axis

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618df0  No.8081499


yup, fake and gay. not garrison pics.

and it´s quite pathetic that you have to fake memes to push your propaganda, bc arguments alone make you glow bright af fuck.

maybe tell me again how Kushner, who sits in the office right next to the oval is an evil rabbi traitor and maybe tell me again how the subversive secret society all the deep state folks belong is not relevant at all…

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4b23a9  No.8081500


That's a counterfeit MAGA Freedom Hat because it has upside down stars. Upside down stars are pentagrams anon. On eBay you can see authentic MAGA Freedom Hats with the stars point up.

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000000  No.8081501

Let's pretend this is 8kun and this is a real bread.

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97f78a  No.8081502

File: fed584c6ea57650⋯.png (267.95 KB, 400x479, 400:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ac461  No.8081503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


china is using kung flu as an excuse to disappear people. hopefully those people are connected to university spy networks (like harvard last week) and the manufactured hong kong protests (symbolism was covering one eye). comply with usa intellectual property demands and usa will give you 100millions to fight kung flu. 100millions is great after usa tanked their economy. xi can save face after awful 2019 by saving the world from kung flu while removing bad actors on 2 continents.


comfy in van halen belt

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f9e31a  No.8081504

File: bd4879d502f610e⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 119x361, 119:361, Castle.jpg)

File: 376beb655e14b1b⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 345x485, 69:97, the castle.jpg)

File: 89603803509a7ff⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 249x256, 249:256, Allons.jpg)

File: e4c7a7254f12907⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 434x367, 434:367, beanscastle.jpg)

Coffèè beans



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99abb2  No.8081505


>your 2 posts have both conveyed negativity towards anons. that blackens your soul.

1. I don't believe in a soul. Please provide evidence that I have a soul that can be blackened.

2. I told you that your meme sucked. Take it like a man and improve instead of bitching like a little girl.


>Oh no "muh feelz".

Do you have any clue where you are ?

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e5c295  No.8081506

basically i/pi in raised position is a really condensed spiral.

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e9f10b  No.8081507

File: a1d6c02416ce20f⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2299x3009, 2299:3009, this_sunday-but_sharper.png)


If you only knew…

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5f7956  No.8081508

File: e1188eea752379d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 535x842, 535:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f08a3fc5c94672⋯.png (1.1 MB, 607x849, 607:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5368ce95151a1df⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa4c47bce747cc1⋯.png (1.24 MB, 608x951, 608:951, ClipboardImage.png)





It would be hard to believe he isn't keeping a at least a few 9/11 secrets that many would be angry with him for keeping. I just hope he has good reasons to explain it when this all finally comes unraveled.

I thought it was interesting that Rudy wasn't part of the WH impeachment defense team, but then I went digging for moar about Rudy and DJT's relationship and found an interesting Politico piece (from Oct 2019). It talks about their history, of course casting it in a negative light whenever possible. But it was enlightening nonetheless. I've capped a couple pics posted with that piece, which I hadn't seen before. Also linked is a YT clip of a comedy bit they did together for the "Mayors Inner Circle Press Roast" in 2000 with Rudy in drag and Donald trying to motorboat him, which is rather hard to watch. Between his Cigar Aficionado ads and the bulging eyes I can't watch Rudy without skipping around or just putting it on to listen instead of watch, but I think at this point Rudy has to be a trusted member of Trump's inner circle. IMO the fact that he hasn't said anything about Q only reinforces that he knows it's real.



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db2ef7  No.8081509


Not a job for me, but I am interested in Materials, Engineering, Architecture, Vectors, Chemistry, Technology. That's why getting to the bottom of September 11th 2001 is important to me. For humane reasons too obviously, and Rule of Law.

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1df03c  No.8081510

File: 90b81de5528249d⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 653x477, 653:477, ATOfRnm.jpg)

File: f7f25061dea570f⋯.png (608.87 KB, 500x610, 50:61, Anon!.png)

File: 4291707d4d4b126⋯.png (85.22 KB, 540x420, 9:7, 4291707d4d4b1263c148914655….png)

File: abd363dcd4e8ec5⋯.jpeg (465.96 KB, 1213x1032, 1213:1032, abd.jpeg)

File: 45c1e29b90b8ca8⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 875x582, 875:582, 45c.jpg)

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c59a9a  No.8081511

Shhhhhh operators. The AI's are talking back n forth. Watch….

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e5c295  No.8081512


moron when every country can sequence the genome it is not just a pr stunt.

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f9df5a  No.8081513


No easy answers but for those willing to study, the origins of Nihilism are described here.

Neoplatonism is a modern term used to designate the period of Platonic philosophy that begins with Plotinus' work and ends with the closing of the Platonic Academy by Emperor Justinian in A.D. 529. The name Platonism, often described as "mystical" or religious in nature, was developed outside the mainstream of academic Platonism. The origins of Neoplatonism date back to the Hellenistic syncretism era that engendered such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and hermetic tradition.

Marx mediated between two metaphysical

traditions: a radical form of Neoplatonism and mechanistic materialism, and

partially transcended both of these and developed idea which can only be interpreted

in terms of a Heraclitian or process view of the world; but Marx never fully

transcended either Neoplatonism or mechanistic materialism, and the consequent

inconsistencies in his thought have been manifest in the way Marxism was

developed and incorporated into Soviet society

As the neoplatonic Christian vision of the world was assumed by the aristocracy,

salvation came to be seen as the goal of life, and aristocrats came to see their lives

and the world around them as means to attaining this salvation.



While the conception of nature as mechanical did much to justify the increasing

efforts to control it in the interests of the developing economy and to discredit the

Hermetics, another important feature from the point of view of the emerging

capitalist socio-economic formation was to provide an analogy for understanding

humanity. This amounted to a dismissal of the higher, spiritual side of the Christian

neoplatonic dualism and the affirmation of its degraded side as the sole reality, both

in theory and in practice.

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aa5094  No.8081514

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97f78a  No.8081515


>If you only knew…

How bad things really are

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565ced  No.8081516

File: d18987ee252f331⋯.gif (122.63 KB, 252x252, 1:1, HypnoToad1.gif)

2020 first year of decade? NOT!

Let go all the way back to year 0, oh yea, doesn't start with year 0, starts with year 1. That makes the first decade from year 1 to year 10, second decade from year 11 to year 20, and so on. Then the 1st century is from year 1 to year 100, second century is from year 101 to year 200.

So this century started with year 2001 and will end with year 2100 (reason it's called the 21st century), the first decade is from year 2001 to year 2010 this decade started in 2011 and finishes this year, 2020. New decade starts next year, 2021 and ends in 2030, then year 2031 to year 2040.


Learn how to count years correctly.

Rant Over

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8ac4b4  No.8081517

File: 252973398208b28⋯.png (320.22 KB, 761x543, 761:543, Screenshot 2020-02-09 at 5….png)



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c59a9a  No.8081518

So anon's when the AI's get going. You can either ignore them… sure. Or you can jump in and Turing them. Do you want to watch the game? Do you want to play?

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e5c295  No.8081519

File: a7f63d93c99cd76⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 500x654, 250:327, 5b3dfc27244b804b73877d079c….jpg)


got it


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db2ef7  No.8081520

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e9f10b  No.8081521

File: fe2c51d6979eca8⋯.png (400.36 KB, 1131x1323, 377:441, QCActuallyShowed1.png)

File: 85ed02676d19ccc⋯.png (233.43 KB, 1079x740, 1079:740, VQCActuallyShowed2.png)



We both know you don't have the math to bullshit this.


pics related

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99abb2  No.8081522


Beep boop

You are giving AI too much credibility.

Beep boop.

We are no where near having the ability to have full conversations.

Beep boop

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973c41  No.8081523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't know if this has been posted before but it contains an excellent interview with Google Whistleblower, Zach Vorhies approx half way through. But worth watching the vaxx stuff at the beginning, too.

Mentions of "covfefe" and "belly of the beast" in whistleblower interview which grabbed my attention.

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db2ef7  No.8081524


Like the Silver market?

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f9df5a  No.8081525


You have a point there. The Cabal is clearly from a neoplatonic line of thought which culminated, in modern times, in Scientific Darwinism (British) and Nihilism (German) which led to Fascism, Communism and Political Correctness.

Plotinus, a NeoPlatonist, talked about nomos empsuchos and the King as Law. Not subject to the law, but being the law.

This is essentially Monarchy, which is another form of Nihilism/Communism/Fascism. It is fact that the Nazis had a subgroup that were monarchists. If you watch the TV series Babylon, Berlin about Weimar Republic times, it was a group of military nobles that created the NSDAP in the first place.

So maybe you are right about Nomos World Order.

Interestingly, Nomos is against Natural Law, which makes me think we should have been more suspicious about the postings called Ask A Rothschild where we hear that they spend a lot of time discussing Natural Law. Unless of course, the discussions are about constructing a Nomos that does not run foul of immutable natural laws, like the law of Karma.


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e5c295  No.8081526

File: bec3ab16494d789⋯.png (432.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 8f766a67886c8f33805cce20a6….png)



Q is looking glass AI

trying to sop this crap.

Terminator style.

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e9f10b  No.8081527


>How bad things really are

How great they COULD be…

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c59a9a  No.8081528


But you got dubs so….

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c7008e  No.8081529

File: 5bcf14796253b9e⋯.jpg (10.02 MB, 7504x6768, 469:423, ULTRA JPG L.jpg)


notable if not already

I once enjoyed using that style to splay open an article yet doing entire websites was even better, am I right? :D

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9256f1  No.8081530

The [install] of a [Christian Corporation] will have utilitarian value.

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99abb2  No.8081531


beep boop dubs

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88f907  No.8081532

Anyone know wtf is up with Snoop Dogg threatening to kill Gayle King? Different crime families or what?

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c59a9a  No.8081534

File: 7bf4d1e602350a0⋯.gif (658.06 KB, 625x609, 625:609, hazhonkler.gif)

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f312c2  No.8081535




Link is to 'BREAKING9LL '

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e5c295  No.8081536


1.3 billion people

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97f78a  No.8081537


WILL be Anon, will be my friend

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db2ef7  No.8081539


Why are they mean?

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c7008e  No.8081540



I believe he is our guy now

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aa5094  No.8081541

File: 2198034ab47b886⋯.mp4 (4.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, zaCn7dLxPm55GiYL.mp4)

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c59a9a  No.8081542


Why are responses pre-scripted? Must be some jenious IQ person disasterminding right?

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000000  No.8081543


Eigen Vector values

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e5c295  No.8081544

File: 956318bf22c9afd⋯.png (129.94 KB, 1031x1313, 1031:1313, cytokinestormdrug.png)

Real anons can figure out how to stop corona.

Clues Cytokine Storm

8 days later

Antibody vs Cell mediated

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c7008e  No.8081545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you didn't stand a chance, son….

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46361b  No.8081546



Not at all…

Just watched a couple vids that have me concerned is all..

Was hoping for info on why I should not worry, not to be called a "shill" basically.

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f9df5a  No.8081547

File: 043851043f47593⋯.pdf (1.64 MB, zollner1985.pdf)

File: 0740690596e8dbd⋯.png (618.65 KB, 708x592, 177:148, Neoplatonic.png)


Neo-Platonic World Order


IN THE 1533 edition of Agrippa von Nettesheim's De occulta philosophia is an extended version of a treatise originally written in 1510 under the same title.

To the earlier framework the author added new ideas

and new material mostly derived from the same

sources that he had used in 1510

the 8-page article is attached as a PDF

neo-Platonic world order is mentioned in the bit clipped out as an image for you to read more easily. In other words, this is not just my own cute idea. Neo-platonism is the root of the stream of natural philosophy that brought us Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest), Communism, Nihilism and the NWO

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c59a9a  No.8081548


Protip: elderberry is not the solution you want in this case.

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db2ef7  No.8081549


The way I see it is, is that 'Christians' have the hand in providing information to the 'world'. No strings attached. Just for the love of man and it's right. Good enough for me. Good enough for little punks bangin their heads to metal.

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e5c295  No.8081550


well yes - i am more bo than math. But yes.

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507282  No.8081551


Northam, thirty seconds after he signs that war making anti-constitutional dretch in Richmond

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db2ef7  No.8081552


Muh. Programming I like for a change.

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9256f1  No.8081553

File: 60f1e0791c54b5e⋯.png (19.59 KB, 459x543, 153:181, ClipboardImage.png)


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e5c295  No.8081554


death in Corona is not the virus it is the body over response to the virus.

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c59a9a  No.8081555


Christ on a cracker.

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9256f1  No.8081556


Pfft. Bind the hands of the state with the morality of the church.

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1ebd1a  No.8081557

File: a678a577102465e⋯.png (26.37 KB, 586x173, 586:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Catching up on notables didn't see this posted.


This was a huge attack, someone really wanted the site offline.


Looks like there was an attack on the site.

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c59a9a  No.8081558


Which tidbit you can buy right now pokes a hole in the virus?

OOOPS I just fucked up the New World Order


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e5c295  No.8081559


opps they did not want my corona data on here.

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b92666  No.8081560

File: 2897dc76a2d8b33⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_5868.jpg)

File: 8242bc885a384f9⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_5867.jpg)

File: 78fe083b2fbc07c⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_5866.jpg)

You are a completely, 100% wrong. There's only ONE place you can get this AUTHENTIC MAGA Freedom Hat and that is through the Trump Make America Great Again Committee. And any Patriot knows that the price you pay is a donation and that is why you would never buy it on ebay like you suggested. But since this authentic MAGA Freedom Hat that I have is sold out, it looks like you're out of luck. Do your research before you call out Patriots for having counterfeit MAGA hats.



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24b3eb  No.8081561


Yes, that is part of the point. The media controls the masses, and I don't ever see any hope for them to wake up. What has already happened should have been enough to snap them out of it. They don't want to snap out of it. It is like trying to get an alcoholic to stop drinking when they still want that more than anything else.

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f9df5a  No.8081562


You are looking at the wrong stuff

The dead people are dead

The criminals will be dealt with by the DOJ

With your skills you need to be looking at suppressed technology

LENR, catalysts, rare-earth elements, Thorium, Tellurium

And suppressed biology and chemistry.

Remember Trump's Covfefe tweet?

Well CoVFeFe magnetic material is only half of it

You will NOT BELIEVE what they hav been hiding from us

But when the Lunar Mining Colonies get built faster than anyone expected

You may begin to suspect…

Emergy is important too

Concrete for tornado and hurricane proof housing is vastly less expensive than wood,

Over the lifetime of the house.

Get it?

Lifetime of the house in a storm zone?

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8db8c2  No.8081563

File: 587788b6da6e1a2⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1212x682, 606:341, pete rose.png)


"Dig" and Watch The Water. Kek.

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415a10  No.8081564

File: 3e30e94e757ecec⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 47c813.jpg)


it was bad last night, ended in a shut down

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e5c295  No.8081565

File: 7452da8ab68543b⋯.png (798.29 KB, 3722x1972, 1861:986, thirddegreesep.png)


So far just don't get exposed - but that is almost total isolation.

Still working on how virus works - ACE2 and HIV1 - and the body response - cytokine storm is in there but because 8 days later may be more like a cat disease feline infectious peritonitis.

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1a6957  No.8081566

All roads lead to Terminus.

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e555ec  No.8081567


Your soul = Your mind, will & emotions. Have any of those anon?

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e9f10b  No.8081568


Best Timelines Forever


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9256f1  No.8081569

File: 599440f82a8233d⋯.png (38.25 KB, 668x696, 167:174, ClipboardImage.png)

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db2ef7  No.8081570


No one is asking you to do anything different except don't hurt people. Then there's stealing, lying, cheating blah blah. Chill out. No one cares. Pray to your God. It's not a pissing competition. (there's no 'pissing competition' art in search. It's all ferals pissing 'n shit. Gotta get this online search shit sorted. Fkn gross).

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c7008e  No.8081571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some of us know what habbened….

some of us do not….

but one thing is for certain….

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97f78a  No.8081572


>Well CoVFeFe magnetic material is only half of it

I looked at that and saw CoronaVirus Iron Iron

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46361b  No.8081573

File: b9b87b85b3eee7e⋯.png (252.06 KB, 428x467, 428:467, Q Qanon MSM CNN.png)




Guess I'll just stock-up on Purel and face masks then because posting actual concern here gets you called a fucking slide.


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c59a9a  No.8081574


I just gave part of the cure. Poke a hole in the virus. Excite the immune response.

Not being exposed is great but we are all now exposed.

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9256f1  No.8081575


u literally started a pissing contest with me. i wasn't talking to you but you took something i said personal. your problem dawg.

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c7008e  No.8081577

File: 9c30985b79c344d⋯.png (318.51 KB, 1880x974, 940:487, shilllives.png)

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565ced  No.8081578

File: 6d98fdcd80ebde3⋯.gif (669.56 KB, 447x250, 447:250, QuickOffensiveAbyssinianca….gif)


Not your son, boy.

More than likely I'm older than (You).

Learned the correct way to count years. No New Math or Common Core for me.

Most of the time I, see pic.

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6ac461  No.8081579


if your local airport is open, it's a pr stunt. just like measles, ebola, sars, west nile. bird flu, swine flu & deadly vaping.

mad cow was real, it was in the news for 5 minutes. fukashima was real, was in the news for about 5 minutes. kung flu is fake & gay.

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db2ef7  No.8081580


It's funny how Marxists put 'Acts of God' in their Insurances Policies….. isn't it?

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9256f1  No.8081581


o maybe i am stoned. i read that wrong lol.

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c59a9a  No.8081582


Hey dawg this like, chatter ya know, is like, fake and gay.

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1ebd1a  No.8081583


glad to see its back up now in that case .. and keks for the meme.

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99abb2  No.8081584


>Your soul = Your mind, will & emotions

Prove it ?

What does it mean that my "mind, will and/or emotions" gets blackened ?

Why call it soul then ? Why not just call it mind, will and emotions ?

The word "soul" has so many other connotations.

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e5c295  No.8081585

File: 84a90af19195656⋯.png (742.48 KB, 727x554, 727:554, 84a90af19195656c16c0291495….png)


antioxidants are always a good idea yes.

but like throwing spitballs at a steel wall in this case.

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f9e31a  No.8081586

File: 9f78f71c18d4e78⋯.jpg (55.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kinkaid.jpg)

Regin(ald) Kinkaid (no clue?)

Kink aid>Pao Ting>Aide de Camp>Dobro..dobro>Nema Problema>No-no>Novo

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9256f1  No.8081587


alright dog.

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e555ec  No.8081588


was posted in wrong bread before this one got rolling

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c7008e  No.8081589

File: 24d7b1b1e8c4d94⋯.jpg (90.74 KB, 642x378, 107:63, 0 NAC.jpg)


and that is like calling king kong a monkey :D

it was a play on what you were saying but since you are so smart….. KEK!!!!!!!

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c59a9a  No.8081590

File: 1d13fa27337da1d⋯.png (836.72 KB, 857x1202, 857:1202, nothingburger.png)


Are you suggesting this is a bioweapon? You sound like a… <cooof> conspiracy theorist.

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415a10  No.8081591


NP the witches woke me up a bit ago with some heartburn figured i would pray get on here and see if we were back. I think we are getting ready for a show if the shills are any indication. Bless and Meme on soldier

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b89a86  No.8081592

File: cdfc2cfaed7f761⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 553x379, 553:379, IMG_20200209_125646.jpg)

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4ff977  No.8081593

File: 7c01de7edcc21c3⋯.jpg (13.43 KB, 241x350, 241:350, 2d59b9a77bd2edaa3eae8f47f2….jpg)

File: 02b185d076ed17a⋯.png (93.4 KB, 713x584, 713:584, 7c9b1ac63cf12c6a21d72cf710….png)

File: b0fb014214683e3⋯.png (13.91 KB, 464x470, 232:235, a9fae5659b7562352b8d4162ad….png)

File: 26702f894899f5a⋯.jpeg (136.58 KB, 810x1998, 15:37, a9053d5dfc842ad2a4cdc8507….jpeg)

it's time !

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e555ec  No.8081594


Biblical - your are a spirit, you dwell in a physical body and have a soul. Feed your spirit you'll get it.

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d275be  No.8081595


Aren't most anons in agreement it was designed as a bioweapon?

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e5c295  No.8081596

File: 0a439e8453cd36a⋯.jpeg (496.42 KB, 1217x1080, 1217:1080, 0a439e8453cd36a4d4e92e7a1….jpeg)



bat soup

this virus has RO of 61

the worst in history is about 15.

so yea.

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c7008e  No.8081597

File: 66288d7e14a8c37⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1660x1380, 83:69, Q3821ROGERSQ.png)

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aa5094  No.8081598

File: a0e82bf22250dbe⋯.png (83.51 KB, 606x474, 101:79, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)


Slow drip > Flood

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24b3eb  No.8081599


Now that would be great, and might actually wake people up!

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db2ef7  No.8081600


Yeah I can see how ya'd think that. All good.

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f9e31a  No.8081601


Bayta Darell

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4ff977  No.8081602

File: 301dda723f17639⋯.jpg (269.54 KB, 1456x1559, 1456:1559, EJa7oDxWwAAZMLf.jpg)

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1df03c  No.8081603

File: 483b10cb4645823⋯.jpg (106.21 KB, 655x692, 655:692, 483b10cb464582387c9aeaf0c5….jpg)


I was insulting the person who called you a slide.

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c7008e  No.8081604

File: 4cf3cbf5ca6cbe1⋯.gif (748.81 KB, 360x225, 8:5, AAAZzzdcY3.gif)


$3.50 every time you use meme #2

Its a good deal!

Take it!

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b89a86  No.8081605


Greetings Admiral. When you allow access to your airspace, Angels will assist.

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99abb2  No.8081606

File: 02aa7695acfabf6⋯.png (320.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Biblical - your are a spirit

Give me a good reason that I should care?

According to the Harry Potter books some people are Wizards. What makes that more fiction than what the Bible says ?

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b89a86  No.8081607


Because Harry Potter is boring AF.

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24b3eb  No.8081608

I am ghosting for now.

Later, friends and anons.

Good riddance, bots and shills.

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e5c295  No.8081609

File: 5b89a71290586e6⋯.png (294.3 KB, 409x450, 409:450, 5b89a71290586e611e899a288b….png)

4 times more infectious than anything ever seen in history

Yup bat soup

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4b23a9  No.8081610

File: d9c274bf4f6199f⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 450x591, 150:197, Freedom-Hat-Front_450x.jpg)


I didn't say to buy it at ebay, I said to see it at ebay.

If it's authentic then they made a big mistake in the orientation of the stars.

On eBay, you can simply see the stars pointed at the tippy top.

This hat reminded me of the Hillary Clinton campaign rally when she displayed a huge US Flag and it contained pentagrams.

I found a archived webpage of the shops hat that features the stars correctly.


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c59a9a  No.8081611

File: c7820cbfa485e2c⋯.jpg (314.38 KB, 1290x960, 43:32, pangolin.jpg)


What the fuck did I ever do to you nigga?


I'm jus tryin to be the most endangered mammal on the planet.


Don't blame me.

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77f149  No.8081612

What's the shock wave gonna be… Barry?

We know he has retained counsel.

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1df03c  No.8081613

File: 9a42a1f4eaf02bf⋯.jpg (43.44 KB, 712x712, 1:1, 1580124688247.jpg)

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e555ec  No.8081614


The choice is yours. God sets you free. Witchcraft enslaves the practitioner.

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99abb2  No.8081615


Compared to the Bible it's a better story. Way more coherent and action packed. Kek

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4ff977  No.8081616

boards acting fucked up for me . posting latest notes just in case

#10344New baker

>>8081217, >>8081236, >>8081321 US Mil tweets/ news

>>8081173, >>8081188, >>8081197, >>8081218, >>8081265, >>8081272, >>8081294, >>8081437, >>8081458,

, >>8081476, >>8081544, >>8081554, >>8081565, >>8081579, >>8081596 Eyes on coronovirus operation

>>8081141, >>8081175, >>8081255 Yellow suit symbolism

>>8081198 French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests

>>8081201, >>8081239, >>8081446 Rudy's corner

>>8081209 Confucious institute says. " re crosed."

>>8081373 How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina—Huge Implications for 2020

>>8081487 U.K. cities refuse to fly flags for royal pariah Prince Andy's birthday

>>8081557 8Kun attack response from CM

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f312c2  No.8081617


>Aren't most anons in agreement it was designed as a bioweapon?

I can't speak for most anons. But I have found no reason to think that. The reasons presented all fall apart upon closer inspection. It could just as likely have been made in a lab as it could be the product of nature. However, a natural virus, that was collected for study, escaping a lab is quite plausible.

And it would be a very poor weapon. For a weapon you want something that is NOT contagious so you can hit a bunch of enemy troops with it and not worry about it spreading back to your own people. That is why anthrax is so ideal.

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c7008e  No.8081618


It is possible and Q is disinfo-ing us yet why though? and why now when it seems it is nearing reveal time?

I do believe Joe M might be Flynn' brother.

All Hero's whose bravery will never be forgotten.

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a67cf0  No.8081619

File: 8e1bd5d3a21c8fa⋯.png (230.15 KB, 572x430, 286:215, 5.png)

File: d791ad72c070595⋯.png (267.51 KB, 636x316, 159:79, EndOfRallySong.png)

File: 00c59d567a4946d⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 918x1100, 459:550, NoJR.jpg)

File: e3e6dba4656d8b6⋯.png (32.28 KB, 887x315, 887:315, SrJr.png)

File: aeaeb9828014cea⋯.png (1.88 MB, 897x1075, 897:1075, 1.png)

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565ced  No.8081620

File: 629c95f0fa1899b⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 531x251, 531:251, Laugh.gif)


was keking all the way.

forgot to add, my apologies.

Reason for Rant Over knew it would be a 'just me moment'.


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d275be  No.8081621


Thanks, Bakes.

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99abb2  No.8081622


>God sets you free. Witchcraft enslaves the practitioner.

More assertions without proof…

Prove either are even real… Please.

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77f149  No.8081623


You free yourself.

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6cea1b  No.8081624


Agree on the first point, plans do shift to events. Some things are not predictable.

On your second point, what if you're wrong and it isn't clowns or shills pushing the topic, given that it was being ignored by everyone until recently. Q has mentioned Corona in several posts. So, what if you are wrong?

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88f907  No.8081625


Calvinists never get paid out on insurance :(

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1aca31  No.8081626

File: 822556e6a77b4f2⋯.png (78.49 KB, 605x489, 605:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df7af1f7a194d32⋯.png (23.4 KB, 236x392, 59:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58b013c6637635b⋯.png (68.28 KB, 271x572, 271:572, ClipboardImage.png)

Charles Peete Rose Jr.




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c59a9a  No.8081627


Can you guys stop with your gay shit?

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a67cf0  No.8081628

File: 3a5a90bd1003b14⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1675x1077, 1675:1077, 3.png)

File: 345820f3decc896⋯.png (111.32 KB, 289x667, 289:667, 4.png)

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d275be  No.8081629


You do know it's patented, correct?

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e5c295  No.8081630

File: cdd82865ffe6a57⋯.png (576.85 KB, 1438x1700, 719:850, EPSX_WTWkAEqTJM.png)



but Kun needs to be on this - only solution.

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b06e03  No.8081631


You sound like the kind of person that would burn any non Christian if you could.

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1df03c  No.8081632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a67cf0  No.8081634


Very nice anon

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4b23a9  No.8081635

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, FRENS.png)


For what it's worth, like a minted coin with a serious flaw, this MAGA Freedom Hat might be worth extra if it is classified as a miss print.

I know there are a lot of rules for flag placement and usage, so I'm thinking those stars are a mistake.

Just my 2 cents anon.

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f312c2  No.8081636


>You do know it's patented, correct?

That's one of the things that fell apart upon closer inspection.

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629cd0  No.8081637


>this virus has RO of 61

What's RO?

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46361b  No.8081638

File: 898a01d347352cc⋯.jpg (171.91 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Q QAnon GITMO.jpg)

File: 63ae98262e8bdfb⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 960x500, 48:25, Q Generals.jpg)

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e5c295  No.8081639

File: 1c62eedc7f5137a⋯.jpg (333.76 KB, 700x513, 700:513, 1c62eedc7f5137a2afb4339189….jpg)


a patent does not equal a treatment or cure.

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9b3bbf  No.8081640

File: 6598c0437466a12⋯.png (117 KB, 735x740, 147:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edd8ab89a029aba⋯.png (103.24 KB, 739x608, 739:608, ClipboardImage.png)



ThankQ for ALL the HARD WORK BO CM & TEAM….


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c59a9a  No.8081641


It's a bioweapon faggot. We knew in December. The goddamn chicks fucked the fuck up. They are now making a new excuse using pangolin genomics to justify it not being a bioweapon. Just watch. It's a bioweapon. But the is the first time in history a modern one has been truly unleashed.

Moral of the story: Humans are gunna have to rethink what we allow governments to do.

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88f907  No.8081642


If we see [they] see. We don’t get any info they don’t want the enemy to have.

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aa5094  No.8081643

File: 3413d01267468b8⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3413d01267468b8d56ba8899d6….mp4)

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db2ef7  No.8081644



Calvinists (plural noun)

an adherent of the Protestant theological system of John Calvin and his successors.

"she was a strict Calvinist"


relating to the Protestant theological system of John Calvin and his successors.

"the Dutch state was still distinctly Calvinist"

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000000  No.8081645


how about licorice ?

combine with coconut oil ?

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3c5b6a  No.8081646


read 'R-naught'

it's the rate at which the disease spreads.

61 would be very high.

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e5c295  No.8081647



contagiousness rate

means one person infects 61

Flu is about 2.

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b06e03  No.8081648

File: b9c135b5b0fa082⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1903x8190, 1903:8190, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c295  No.8081649


evidence - research japan cruise

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aa5094  No.8081650

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1ebd1a  No.8081651


yep, and it did sound like it was bad. probably won't be the last time as we get closer to show time.

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db2ef7  No.8081652

Thanks. Learnt sometin. Typed this b4 but already hit post apparently.

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c7008e  No.8081653

File: 060f9cbf3ae07c1⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 305x165, 61:33, rogers321.jpg)


5:5 o7 Patriot!

As you were!

It is ok to impersonate Q I mean Admiral Rogers now as he is retired right?

Asking for a fren! :D

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c59a9a  No.8081654


Massive doses on monolaurin with massive doses of liposomal C. If you have HIV drugs, that'll help. But if your poor the supplements above are your best shot.

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629cd0  No.8081655

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e555ec  No.8081656


That's not something anyone can do for you other than Jesus(english for saviour) Christ. If you seek him you'll find him. It's a promise and I can attest to that and share it as well as pray for others but cannot make that decision for another. Child like faith also required… leave pride at the door.

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97f78a  No.8081657



as I understand it the R naught is a measure of infectivity.

for example R0=1 is for every person infected they in turn infect one other.

Measles at R0=10 one infected person will infect 10 others

R0=61 is biblical tier

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1ebd1a  No.8081658


was around 00:36 EST from my post up there

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189cd9  No.8081659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(mind worm)

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e5c295  No.8081660


I posted the numbers but in meme so cannot do again this bread - up at the top.

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4ff977  No.8081661

File: 2ded0400219afff⋯.jpg (370.66 KB, 1514x1080, 757:540, 77c4cd2d41af6c7bdf5a34a422….jpg)

File: a0ab181a6c994e9⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 494x554, 247:277, 99bb903314374b5867e1b3e676….jpg)

File: 54967867981bcee⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 1080x643, 1080:643, D1OnknJU4AEKIoK.jpg)

File: 519de75d0a709b2⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 1125x630, 25:14, IFqwFvpU.jpg medium.jpg)

File: b5c79947456f629⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 172x255, 172:255, 2dcad34979713dff1ff3d89f2a….jpg)


Thanks Q!

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db2ef7  No.8081662


You can still do what ya want…

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000000  No.8081663


got the lipo c - good stuff

>monolaurin ?

is there another name for this one ? never heard of it


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46361b  No.8081664

File: 8dd16aee7b68af5⋯.jpg (167.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q qanon.jpg)

File: c6d0a53d8897da5⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, FLAC WHEN OVER TARGET QAno….jpg)

File: c90e11ad253111d⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 1046x671, 1046:671, Trump qanon 8chan Capture.JPG)

File: 1f6771023e1a5e1⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 602x378, 43:27, Q cult think qanon.JPG)

File: 9669cb1e3207f88⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 431x513, 431:513, kennedy qanon.jpg)

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629cd0  No.8081665



Eat a dick.

>contagiousness rate

>means one person infects 61

>Flu is about 2.

Thank you, this is helpful.

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99abb2  No.8081666


> If you seek him you'll find him

Why would I seek something I have no good reason to believe ?

>It's a promise

Yeah, and I take personal promises from total strangers completely serious…

I have small bridge for sale btw…

>If you want to believe you will find the answers.

That's a catch 22 anon. And a willful exercise in confirmation bias.

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e5c295  No.8081667


basically at day 58 130 million or so are infected.

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9b3bbf  No.8081668

File: 801c65e14e5a93a⋯.png (14.65 KB, 894x195, 298:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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97f78a  No.8081669


all you gotta do is change one pixel

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99abb2  No.8081670

File: 5719d584938e05a⋯.jpg (122.55 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, 1568555033957.jpg)

>>8081666 (me)

Checking my own satan-trips because of the subject matter. Kek

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c7008e  No.8081672


understand anon yet what could they do about it?

tell MSM?

We know who Q is! kek

Since, nothing will stop what is coming, nothing…. I don't think it matters much to [them] anymoar really :D

I can always be wrong.

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793825  No.8081673


Some people will never get it anon. "Those with the eyes too see and the ears to hear"…. etc.

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4ff977  No.8081674

File: 99b2e587c63e0aa⋯.png (116.01 KB, 336x326, 168:163, b0239b7e72ea113d46f0ca071e….png)

File: bc77a08189d7382⋯.jpg (600.22 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, cSuWkoj8.jpg)

File: d0fb157f1d940b0⋯.jpg (381.87 KB, 1950x1300, 3:2, D_3tAz0WwAE6zT5.jpg)

File: 217ce6ab5a6253c⋯.jpg (6.36 KB, 219x206, 219:206, DxkQ_w7VAAASMpl.jpg)

File: ab8e143e9e5e665⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Dt-5xKYVYAAN4Ah.jpg)


come on home big QR

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72d5f8  No.8081675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a little more Fatima!? I have never seen anything covert in TV about this event, ecxept this right now!

It is, in my opinion, important to know as much as get about Fatima (Russia plays an essential part in the secrets). I can only encourage everyone to look a little deeper, what´s happened there!

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9b3bbf  No.8081676

File: 3bce11b0953a751⋯.png (35.02 KB, 812x426, 406:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6c218f9e870030⋯.png (30.99 KB, 790x190, 79:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d13d17d3e517ea3⋯.png (36.3 KB, 789x393, 263:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dc0a30f5269222⋯.png (31.79 KB, 787x183, 787:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c295  No.8081677


all you gotta do is look

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97f78a  No.8081678

File: 88ed5cf379e7af9⋯.png (157.19 KB, 300x424, 75:106, ClipboardImage.png)


checked devil trips

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4ff977  No.8081679

File: cfca993df94e4e0⋯.png (86.77 KB, 253x201, 253:201, untitled3.png)

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e555ec  No.8081680


It's the beginning of a relationship.

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e8b768  No.8081681

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 0F54CE20-2B5D-46F7-89D5-1B….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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9256f1  No.8081682

File: eed4e4e518fd2ea⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2576x2664, 322:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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97f78a  No.8081683


ok, you change the pixel and I'll look.

meet ya back here bro

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d275be  No.8081684


Back atcha, Fren.

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8db8c2  No.8081685

File: 7bac40fd5088035⋯.png (630.53 KB, 1151x819, 1151:819, R post JFKjr pic gone EDT ….png)

File: e044f7bbf933dcc⋯.png (73.52 KB, 822x375, 274:125, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

File: ebc275e0d355267⋯.png (91.03 KB, 1006x448, 503:224, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at ….png)

File: 0dbf6a230df13e0⋯.png (398.78 KB, 700x546, 50:39, trump kennedy landslide ne….png)


>JFK jr

R-post (6-23-18)

Time elapsed since then: 19m 17d

JFK born 1917

19m 17d also equals

1y 7m 17d (17 17, Q2?)

Since his "death": 246m 24d (24 6 24)

[14] on Qclock today is opposite [44] (2 4's)

Reverse "911" date today.

Red Carpet event tonight.

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e5c295  No.8081686


no so not anon


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46361b  No.8081687

File: a7ce66a8b899198⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, c6d0a53d8897da57f331486854….jpg)


I had to add a few missing Q to the planes..

I think I got them all?


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000000  No.8081688


Q mentioned Wizards and Warlocks for a reason.

It's a thing.

I think I'm a wizard, basically.

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99abb2  No.8081689


>I think I'm a wizard, basically.


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9b3bbf  No.8081690

File: 8331250041c530b⋯.png (433.87 KB, 400x730, 40:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ceab21f75d13784⋯.png (1.21 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4365e7555e93b95⋯.png (1.12 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)




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e5c295  No.8081691


I already did all the research i am not changing a god damn thing for you

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000000  No.8081692


eat massive amounts of the oil?

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f312c2  No.8081693



You're getting people to argue with you contradicting yourself. Classic slide technique.

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db2ef7  No.8081694

File: 3ff6904c34f6b19⋯.jpg (117.06 KB, 440x330, 4:3, NanoTech1.jpg)

File: 2300b59f20082b3⋯.jpg (106.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NanoTech2.jpg)

File: 33cb91f696036ad⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 2997x1686, 999:562, NanoTech3.jpg)

File: 89be04178f78bcc⋯.jpg (18.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, QWave.jpg)

It would be great if this targeted evil. Other than that, scary. Humans, all humans, are invaluable. It's just the 'road'.

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4ff977  No.8081695

File: cf349343f51cb09⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cf349343f51cb09192ae7f489a….jpg)


Don't tease us like that

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e5c295  No.8081696


not my god damn problem if you want to go to the mall.


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2efc6d  No.8081697



>QR ← huh?

Love the Eagle Landing!


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c7008e  No.8081698

File: 6e1459843912d13⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 92f06968ba33705e256354c927….jpg)

File: 99edb2debf949ad⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 911 general.jpg)

File: cb1577431679609⋯.jpeg (174.52 KB, 1440x1200, 6:5, mattis memes.jpeg)

File: 92034644cdc04b9⋯.jpg (408.99 KB, 1024x907, 1024:907, hk4xelj5j7tz.jpg)


you win meme war…. this time….

my generals are all scattered about!


5:5 07


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c59a9a  No.8081700

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97f78a  No.8081701

File: b78a61b97e0a536⋯.png (218.78 KB, 474x265, 474:265, ClipboardImage.png)


go on, you know you want to… just one little pixel, it's only wafer thin

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e5c295  No.8081702

as you can see I get pissed off by morons


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72d5f8  No.8081703

File: 3e8351c0c324d66⋯.jpg (259.5 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, CodemonkeyZ.jpg)

File: 8fdc7655c5a7aca⋯.jpg (832.17 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, Jim Ron.jpg)

File: 9733e2625bddff6⋯.jpg (93.78 KB, 550x404, 275:202, Jim Watkins.jpg)

File: 387ecfe85fd6d51⋯.png (408.99 KB, 650x422, 325:211, Jim Watkins1.png)

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2efc6d  No.8081704

File: f49794b3a2f2f4b⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FLYNN DIGITAL SOLDIERS.mp4)

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9b3bbf  No.8081705

File: e8a49cd5619158b⋯.png (262.97 KB, 400x264, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)


OH STOP WITH THIS JFK JR Coming to save the world Bullshit….

What happens tonight When JFK Jr. Doesn't show up ????

And then after the Election when it's still Trump/Pence …. ??? Wellllllll

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e5c295  No.8081706

my task is not to save you just to give you the information to save yourselves.


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000000  No.8081707


will look for supplement

thank you

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415a10  No.8081708

File: c0479693e22d835⋯.png (33.04 KB, 806x336, 403:168, Screenshot_2020-02-09 Jord….png)

saw this, the russia thing struck me as odd, i thought canada had "great" healthcare. I know this guy has sided with the enemy, the sad thing is i know he woke some people up and that journey continued past him. sadly many got stuck. This globalist something is up. Who gets to just go to Russia for treatments.

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99abb2  No.8081709

File: 125410b00896cdf⋯.png (433.57 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Flat-JfkJr.png)

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095501  No.8081710


Romney because Burisma money laundering scandal?

D voters won't complain so much if first arrest is R public figure.

Mittens trial brings evidence to public knowledge that starts the flood of D arrests?

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9b3bbf  No.8081711



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2efc6d  No.8081712


I would like to add that I'd shat a blue rubber bubble if JFK was alive.

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c59a9a  No.8081714


You haven't given information to help any normie.

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4ff977  No.8081715


General Flynn is at the top of Kek Mountain with the rest of the Qteam!

#10344 New baker

>>8081217, >>8081236, >>8081321 US Mil tweets/ news

>>8081173, >>8081188, >>8081197, >>8081218, >>8081265, >>8081272, >>8081294, >>8081437, >>8081458,

, >>8081476, >>8081544, >>8081554, >>8081565, >>8081579, >>8081596, >>8081648 Eyes on coronovirus operation

>>8081141, >>8081175, >>8081255 Yellow suit symbolism

>>8081198 French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests

>>8081201, >>8081239, >>8081446 Rudy's corner

>>8081209 Confucious institute says. " re crosed."

>>8081373 How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina—Huge Implications for 2020

>>8081487 U.K. cities refuse to fly flags for royal pariah Prince Andy's birthday

>>8081557 8Kun attack response from CM

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e8b768  No.8081716

Not Romney , it will look like retribution but it Will be a Republican >>8081710

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56363e  No.8081717


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e5c295  No.8081718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bored with you all now.

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e5c295  No.8081719


yes i did don't go to the mall.

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4ff977  No.8081720


He's alive with us in spirit and so is the Big Q in the sky. leaders don't have to be on Earth. He would have been on here for sure if he was alive and I think he is .

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8db8c2  No.8081722

File: b59e05f8f345832⋯.png (47 KB, 651x397, 651:397, feinstein 02092020.png)


original 8chan drop number arguably encodes "2-9" from both directions.

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56363e  No.8081723

supporting element

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31ffa4  No.8081724


Did they poison him with Radiation?

4 weeks in ICU?

Treatment in Russia now.

Evil Bastards.

God wins.

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b811d1  No.8081725

File: c48e6faa64a3cb6⋯.jpg (336.78 KB, 736x557, 736:557, 8kun id.jpg)


Crazy ride. Thank goodness we got CM

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c11f0a  No.8081726

File: a06ad3767c62efb⋯.png (467.22 KB, 1589x1174, 1589:1174, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8081209 Confucius Institute contributions to US Universities. There is differentiation in the DB between contracts and monetary donations. $10.8 Million Dollars total. The 23,000 line database here:


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599ec6  No.8081727


you've been promising arrests, going on the offensive, nothing can stop what is coming….

for over 2 YEARS !!


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9b3bbf  No.8081728

File: 5665ef28ae0567a⋯.png (600.12 KB, 590x413, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)




When I see him Walk out on STAGE w/POTUS45 and POTUS45 SAYS….. Hey Look WHO I FOUND…..


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e5c295  No.8081729

File: df02f3064165e8d⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 1197x1280, 1197:1280, 8210v_n95_respirator__4876….jpg)

but I am not suppose be talking to normies I am suppose to be talking to autists - they

can figure this out

how to stop

this odd cytokine/antibody storm.

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db2ef7  No.8081730


Does he really look like this?

1080 Snowboardin.

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d275be  No.8081731

File: 6c038e12a16bff5⋯.png (22.16 KB, 500x415, 100:83, hey-dickwad.png)

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99abb2  No.8081732

File: 4036ab5a8503f11⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1779x797, 1779:797, JFRonald.png)

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db2ef7  No.8081733


Who are you talking to?

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f312c2  No.8081734

File: 89860b28c2f4d4f⋯.png (725.81 KB, 1256x902, 628:451, Screenshot from 2020-02-09….png)



>Did they poison him with Radiation?


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c59a9a  No.8081735



Get the fuck out.

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415a10  No.8081736


Right? all for drug addiction. I know these pills are bad and one of my ex's was addicted to them and i do know its hard to detox and dangerous, alcohol as well. But to have to go to RUSSIA, fuck this guy hes a globalist stooge. But its interesting to see the players moving on the chess board.

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c11f0a  No.8081737

>>8081726 Fek. Forgot to add that the universities self-report. So it's possible that all contributions aren't accounted for.

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2efc6d  No.8081738

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e555ec  No.8081740

looks like Q from 2000 posts ago.

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000000  No.8081741


thank you

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e5c295  No.8081742


you got a gas mask or 100 filter just try wearing that in public - they will arrest you.

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31ffa4  No.8081743




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e555ec  No.8081744

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db2ef7  No.8081745

File: 3a626f9d1995a1f⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 962x628, 481:314, RussianRovs.jpg)

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56363e  No.8081747


Guess his green zone failed

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31ffa4  No.8081748


Read between the lies.

4 weeks in icu for Benzedrine?

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db2ef7  No.8081749


Bullshit. Formalise shit and I'll tell ya what happens. When normal?

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b06e03  No.8081750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Peterson Family Update - February 2020


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2efc6d  No.8081751

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, Q EARLY DAYS.jpg)

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56363e  No.8081754

Needed better over watch

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599ec6  No.8081755


sorry I wasn't awake at 4am on a sunday to reply to Q immediately.

srsly, tho. how long until we take a few scalps?

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e5c295  No.8081756

as I said - I gave you the info.

NMP now

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2efc6d  No.8081758


audible kek

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c59a9a  No.8081759

What's the best way to search /qresearch/ breads for a keyword given a date?

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56363e  No.8081760

Maybe 18 delta could have helped

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2efc6d  No.8081761

File: 7975da99dc42b53⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 644x407, 644:407, concern fag .jpg)

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044161  No.8081762


I tried to post a few times and couldn't. Error message said something like: "Flood detected."

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e5c295  No.8081763

File: 0b42fc1a30f9fab⋯.png (399.27 KB, 938x500, 469:250, 0b42fc1a30f9faba72bcafb133….png)

File: 21f9de2cbbd2ea3⋯.png (841.74 KB, 1024x968, 128:121, 14139544724bdd67d4b3c4153a….png)

File: 80889ea01cf3383⋯.jpeg (11.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c5fb8046b58fd3d7ed781c6a8….jpeg)

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db2ef7  No.8081765

Post the hierarchy of crims please and start at the bottom publicly. Get MSM to subtly admit to fuckery and ask who the fuck Q is and what all this US Military Intelligence (Q Drops)… uckin means. o7

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b811d1  No.8081766

File: c2cd89f7c1dc3d1⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 635x423, 635:423, bratton-marijuana.jpg)


Those perescription drug are dangerous.

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f4b60d  No.8081768


You are absolutely correct. I'm glad somebody else knows how it works and how to demonstrate it.

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f312c2  No.8081769


>4 weeks in icu for Benzedrine?

For pneumonia picked up an a different hospital.

@1:24 >>8081750

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1ebd1a  No.8081770

File: e2ec984b90de51f⋯.png (284.76 KB, 579x575, 579:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00780a65af9b9bd⋯.mp4 (15.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5pgrDOWvZX0BBvhU.mp4)


#Breaking: Police are looking for an older brown Chevrolet van the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said drove through a tent in a Walmart parking lot where Republican volunteers were registering people to vote


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c59a9a  No.8081771


Stop AI posting faggot.

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000000  No.8081772


i use


with key words

results are in reverse order by date, most recent at top of list

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044161  No.8081773


Interdasting, Anon. A public setting for Trump to announce high-profile indictments might also be the time and place for Trump to say those words we've all been pining for: "My fellow Americans, a storm is upon us."

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fbc64b  No.8081774

File: c0a3d6d651d46b7⋯.png (286.11 KB, 352x355, 352:355, hanks oprah gayle.PNG)


believe might be red carpet event for all to see

otherwise without the live coverage, corrupt media might try to cover it up

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db2ef7  No.8081775

One for the Aussies…


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4ff977  No.8081776

File: 2c6065f766e63b5⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 700x886, 350:443, 2c6065f766e63b57d731b2dd1b….jpg)

File: 43de815d7ecce33⋯.png (502.76 KB, 800x753, 800:753, 43de815d7ecce333d1293862be….png)

File: 1c08116d0866efa⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 255x226, 255:226, a2dacdcbb74d117e648028fdeb….jpg)

File: 274eca2e2e6060e⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a4f370e3c4a6c23aaf563615a5….jpg)

File: c8876548c7b309e⋯.png (779.37 KB, 686x800, 343:400, c8876548c7b309e55962d4f852….png)

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97f78a  No.8081777

Who the fuck are you talking to?

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e5c295  No.8081778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I need something cheerful.

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04e72e  No.8081779


Having lost both my sister and mother in 2019, that was very difficult to watch.

Prayers for her

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56363e  No.8081780


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c59a9a  No.8081781


Thanks bro. Found my post from January 23rd:

#7882269 at 2020-01-23 04:10:12 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #10087: Clean to Castle Edition

While you guys are fagging on about Q crap which neer happens… BDanon called a major happening while you all were sleeping:


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04e72e  No.8081783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e8b768  No.8081784


I doubt Trump announces them, he has to appear neutral.

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a39c98  No.8081785

File: 974f9c0587c2156⋯.jpg (241.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Pete-jumping-running-grass.jpg)

>So sure of his own team, he bets on it.

<Gets fucked for being so sure of his own team, he bets on it.

Why do Traitors deserve the needle? This is why.

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e5c295  No.8081786

4 two week cycles 56. - 13 million

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618df0  No.8081787


this disinfo slide again?

so desperate?

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415a10  No.8081789

File: e530b027c16c368⋯.jpg (231.41 KB, 1189x781, 1189:781, jordanglobalist.jpg)


sorry for your loss anon, but she is a coal burning horrible cunt, she left her child and family to go get new dick. Just another whore with daddy issues sadly. I had such great hope for Peterson.

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e3ced0  No.8081790

File: d58060d44bc1081⋯.png (118.32 KB, 313x334, 313:334, Qr_pep.png)

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9256f1  No.8081791

File: 0885dff555c0008⋯.jpg (119.18 KB, 470x586, 235:293, asvnmxscvnsdf.jpg)

File: 75befcf2d4e4f25⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 417x540, 139:180, bmxnvsdf.jpg)

File: 7096d36b1d36a37⋯.jpg (199.63 KB, 1437x885, 479:295, bcxvcvc.jpg)

File: 97d89bf93bef395⋯.jpg (210.63 KB, 982x652, 491:326, mv,mcxvs.jpg)

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c52748  No.8081792

File: 60737b9b885765b⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 1024x339, 1024:339, EvilBeGone.jpg)

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c59a9a  No.8081793


Guise… I posted the above january 23.


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9fa467  No.8081794

File: 678f27ab1fcbdb2⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 194E4FBE-407B-4303-9640-82….png)

File: c25a90e7340a306⋯.png (417.63 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 2C67A103-A0C0-4B0D-9EB5-B2….png)

File: 2dfff239bb5763e⋯.png (556.84 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 97BAB290-1E89-4408-A909-29….png)

File: 5cd3acdd01e9f20⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, E1A6C3C9-1DC7-4229-96DC-EE….png)

File: 5f05b802e99be76⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 4AC71D09-5941-44F8-88AB-70….png)

Susan Rice Tells Snoop Dogg to “Back the **** Off” Attack on Gayle King for Kobe Bryant Question


Maggie Habermann chimes in as well

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9e5f58  No.8081795

File: f83a751cc14740e⋯.jpeg (106.29 KB, 1080x735, 72:49, 1552488927.jpeg)

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726348  No.8081796



Pompeo calls out Governors for taking money from China.

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db2ef7  No.8081797

for off topic thread


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e5c295  No.8081798

operation fishing freedom.

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04e72e  No.8081799


Did not know that…

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4ff977  No.8081800

File: f6729b45e9726c3⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 480x504, 20:21, 51604602_2372711929616705_….jpg)

File: abc03ea3cebe6d9⋯.jpg (380.37 KB, 1032x692, 258:173, abc03ea3cebe6d9ced37f3319b….jpg)

File: 3fafca3e47997c0⋯.png (843.09 KB, 986x555, 986:555, aee18a49-2b66-4a83-a36f-7f….png)

File: 08a9b1ab57d719c⋯.jpg (192.38 KB, 1045x1200, 209:240, Dy_5bFCX0AU_Bsx.jpg)

File: 6e392ae5db10a45⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 360x360, 1:1, EGpLU5SVAAEh6ng.jpg)

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c52748  No.8081801

File: 30a877d20b3a8e4⋯.jpg (402.42 KB, 1600x1240, 40:31, Execution of the Lincoln c….jpg)

History repeats itself.

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8db8c2  No.8081802


>Evil Bastards.

Yeah… he's one of them.

Dig deeper on him. Unless he's some kinda double secret agent… not good. Most of us probably liked him to begin with. The shine is skin deep.


what you said.

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04e72e  No.8081803

File: e080605e3d79a5a⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 1630x890, 163:89, 2020-02-08_081849.JPG)


still pray for her…

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56363e  No.8081804

little birds no fast movers

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e5c295  No.8081805



but this Spanish flu will be 1.3 billion not 50 million

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117f96  No.8081806

File: 063762430e53202⋯.png (156.09 KB, 813x467, 813:467, ClipboardImage.png)

There is a direct connection between the U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit as described by Pompeo in Q#3847 and the CFR.

This is from the CFR anual report 2019:

"… In May, Senior Fellow Elizabeth Economy briefed governors and senior staffers on the dynamics of the U.S.-China relationship prior to the fifth annual U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit…."

In the same report the CRF also reveals how they work with journalist to push their agenda:

"…Local Journalists Initiative

This year, CFR launched a new initiative to reach locally based journalists and equip them with the resources and best practices needed to introduce a global dimension to their reporting on local issues. As part of this initiative, and with the help of a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, CFR held a pilot workshop in New York in January, which brought together nearly one hundred locally based print, digital, and broadcast journalists from across the United States and Canada for discussions with CFR fellows and other experts. The workshop included a conversation on the state of U.S. foreign policy and the media with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria…."



"…I was being invited to the U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit.

It was an event co-hosted by the National Governors Association and something called the Chinese People’s Association For Friendship and Foreign Countries. Sounds pretty harmless.

What the invitation did not say is that the group – the group I just mentioned – is the public face of the Chinese Communist Party’s official foreign influence agency, the United Front Work Department…."


The network comes to light.

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c59a9a  No.8081807


A. fuck you glowie

B. 100% fucking on point

C. Fuck the goddamn chinks - DECOUPLE NOW

D. Sorry for saying fuck you glowie, but your kinda a glowie

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8b6954  No.8081808


Kek. Orville Panic memes

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9b3bbf  No.8081809

File: 229748b668e3c30⋯.png (437.34 KB, 500x366, 250:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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69f439  No.8081810

Morning anons…

Great job night shift! So cool to see Q posts, dig on those a bit, then check notables and see a bun!

Great job on the Gov bun and tying that org to common core…holy shit! I guess the Gov's get "paid" some way and Gov almost more important that Congress to influence…

When the indictment unseal should be epic. How do Gov control their states? Masons? Would guess those networks are busted…LE? Breaking down now…Health Depts? A coming attraction…

4-6% of the RICHEST and MOST INFLUENTIAL will leave a big hole we will need to fill…nationally and locally…the local stuff will be both horrific and fascinating…who are the shit birds in your town? You will be shocked ;-)

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618df0  No.8081811


>what if you're wrong

clown, I will go with what logic says.

you trying to go for my feels is not going to work.

logic and facts say:

- MSM has been pushing a normal virus as "oh no, we all gonna die" a million times, every time, it was just like the flue.

- this kind of virus is no danger at all to the vast majority, to the normal healty people. just as the flue, it can become a problem for people with critical healht condition anyway.

- there have prolly been more people dead by car crash in china than from this virus (member China is huge, 1.4 billion people)

- MSM and deep state would obviously have high interest right now as FISA truth will hit in sliding with bs news and fearmonger

- it is pushed a lot here, mostly in a very agressive way and coming in waves (just what clowns do with other topics)

- there have been MSM articles directly attacking what they claim to be Q anon people for spreading ridiculous bs (e.g. drinking bleach)

- POTUS is not concerned at all, Q never even mentioned it

(also, corona is a virus family, whenever clowns post some documents from labs, you have to keep that in mind)

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b811d1  No.8081812

File: 6e2860f79febee5⋯.gif (536.24 KB, 480x200, 12:5, fight club.gif)



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415a10  No.8081813

File: afa08ff1ae8cd4d⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 792x1224, 11:17, JORDANPETERSONDEMON.jpg)


as others have said it was all surface level. When you dig deep into him you see how he tries to put the gnostic mason spin on things. He denies christ multiple times and can not even answer simple questions about authors he supports.

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a39c98  No.8081814

By the look of this bread.. Everyone's got a glowstick shoved up their ass. Some of them got it up there so far it's popped out of their mouths.

Normal Sunday am.

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117f96  No.8081815


R-Gov. Matt Bevin exposed working against the WH:

“This summit offers a tremendous opportunity for constructive dialogue that will pave the way for a brighter economic future in both of our nations,” said Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin, who plans to attend.


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db2ef7  No.8081816



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c59a9a  No.8081817

File: d26d0a8d2e924e0⋯.jpg (247.7 KB, 729x1430, 729:1430, wuhani.jpg)


Nothing to see here anon. I'm really sleepy. Don't you feel tired? I'm so tired. I can barely keep my eyes open.

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ab5e75  No.8081818



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e5c295  No.8081819

File: 49f4b8f35fd5e26⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Dumbass.jpg)

just so you know 56 day infection rate (56/61) is 92 percent.

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56363e  No.8081820

Carl Gustaf 4

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db2ef7  No.8081821



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8b6954  No.8081822


>4-6% of the RICHEST and MOST INFLUENTIAL will leave a big hole we will need to fill…nationally and locally…the local stuff will be both horrific and fascinating…who are the shit birds in your town? You will be shocked ;-)

I never considered Q's "4-6%" to be the upper echelons of society before. I'd always thought he meant of the brainwashed public there are 4-6% that can't be convinced.

Interesting idea.

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4ff977  No.8081823

#10344 New baker

>>8081217, >>8081236, >>8081321 US Mil tweets/ news

>>8081173, >>8081188, >>8081197, >>8081218, >>8081265, >>8081272, >>8081294, >>8081437, >>8081458,

, >>8081476, >>8081544, >>8081554, >>8081565, >>8081579, >>8081596, >>8081648, >>8081811

Eyes on coronovirus operation

>>8081141, >>8081175, >>8081255 Yellow suit symbolism

>>8081806, >>8081815 There is a direct connection between the U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit and Qdrop#3847

>>8081198 French police arrest 32 people in Yellow Vest protests

>>8081201, >>8081239, >>8081446 Rudy's corner

>>8081209, >>8081726 Confucious institute says. " re crosed."

>>8081373 How and Why Pro-China Communists Took Over Durham, North Carolina—Huge Implications for 2020

>>8081487 U.K. cities refuse to fly flags for royal pariah Prince Andy's birthday

>>8081557 8Kun attack response from CM

>>8081708, >>8081743, >>8081750, >>8081802 Jordan Peterson goes to Russia for emergency treatment

>>8081770 Floridaman BOTL Chevy van through tent where Republican volunteers were registering people to vote

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b811d1  No.8081824

File: 4dedf08836ee2b5⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 634x412, 317:206, coronoa powers.jpg)


>Don't you feel tired?

Since I've contracted the coronavirus I no longer require sleep. Nor doI need sustenance or have to take a dump. It's like a super power.

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ab5e75  No.8081825


dumbest post ive ever seen

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db2ef7  No.8081826

File: 345a5bf5f9705dc⋯.jpg (26.33 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Nag1.jpg)

Bit 'o product promotion to pay bills in future.

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69f439  No.8081829


top 1% control top 90% of wealth…where will it go? Think on that one :-)

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9234a6  No.8081831

File: e8ffa9fb800f2f6⋯.png (1.56 MB, 825x1100, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


fixed it, it's genuine now

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c59a9a  No.8081833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More whale-pilled than you.

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69f439  No.8081834


getting old board behavior…flood detected, no refresh…page counter has read ???..

you guys do an update?

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db2ef7  No.8081836

File: b3d67a33c5986c6⋯.jpg (29.07 KB, 204x255, 4:5, GoldPeps.jpg)


They'll still be rich. But they can just 'stay over there'.

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ab5e75  No.8081837

File: 16c633765de2707⋯.png (40.7 KB, 371x498, 371:498, ClipboardImage.png)

when you wake up to find whiteobama and red shoes trending

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618df0  No.8081838

It´s gonna be a POPCORN day I sense.

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00177e  No.8081839

File: 98da0cf73c8eff6⋯.png (36.9 KB, 646x205, 646:205, nyt q.PNG)


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c59a9a  No.8081841


Kinda based meme anon.

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ab5e75  No.8081842


bought mine directly from trump website and its identical to the photo

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793825  No.8081843

File: 9dcdc42678c5041⋯.jpg (251.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yd2ywv5rfbv21.jpg)

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db2ef7  No.8081844


Stolen from some wizkid.

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9b3bbf  No.8081845

File: 30a11c73087ecb6⋯.png (280.43 KB, 541x463, 541:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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93bbf9  No.8081846


mornin ass munches

Big Red Machine is a nickname for the Cincinnati Reds baseball team that dominated the National League from 1970 to 1979 and is widely recognized as being among the best in baseball history. The team won six National League West Division titles, four National League pennants, and two World Series titles


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b032d0  No.8081847


Super Moon

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93bbf9  No.8081848


The "Great Eight"

The eight players most frequently referenced as members of the Big Red Machine include baseball's all-time hit leader in Rose;[13] three Hall of Fame players in Bench, Pérez and Morgan; six National League MVP selections; four National League home run leading seasons; three NL Batting Champions; 25 Gold Glove winning seasons, and 63 collective All-Star Game appearances.[14] The starting lineup of Bench, Rose, Morgan, Pérez, Concepción, Foster, Griffey, and Gerónimo (collectively referred to as the "Great Eight") played 88 games together during the 1975 and 1976 seasons, losing only 19.[15]

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db2ef7  No.8081849


Oi! Completely ackin based faggot.

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c52748  No.8081850

File: 3c056ae12025fa9⋯.pdf (568.22 KB, Fusion GPS Part 01 of 01.pdf)


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9b3bbf  No.8081851

File: fb03f0d120fc26d⋯.png (3.12 MB, 950x1265, 190:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d8f85  No.8081854

File: d2a1c67cb174fbc⋯.gif (4.32 MB, 480x360, 4:3, shockwave.gif)

>Six o' clock can be dangerous.

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69f439  No.8081855


must have been a fun corona night…jeeezzz…

Is something going on in China? Yes…1000%

Could it be corona? Maybe 10% chance but likely SOMETHING ELSE…

When has China ever shut down markets and closed borders? Markets open tomorrow and that will be worth watching…

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fbc64b  No.8081856

File: e6b07c7d0cb262a⋯.png (398.37 KB, 519x374, 519:374, pete rose.PNG)


also played for philly, who won series in '80

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c59a9a  No.8081857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise I just finished Pompeo's speech below thanks to anon above.

POMPEO IS FUCKING BASED. Bad ass fucking speech. He shits on corporate faggots.

Thank you anon homie.

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db2ef7  No.8081858

If the smartest person in the world isn't Royalty or some kind of Bloodline, I don't care. This is a team. Wealth for toil….. if only. Jig is up. Settle into your niche and give 'power' the flick. Please.

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e3f47b  No.8081859


Best slide ever. Pete's a patriot is part of the meaning of all this.

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3c5b6a  No.8081860


the Big Red Machine was indeed a team to behold.

In fact, that team reminds me of Q Team because they are both all about WINNING.

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9c6e18  No.8081861


>When has China ever shut down markets and closed borders?

Uhhh, The Great Wall of China?

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00177e  No.8081863

File: f9f42a2388d59a2⋯.png (34.49 KB, 1078x260, 539:130, gold mean.PNG)

File: b29d8d5bb701c9c⋯.png (467.61 KB, 621x567, 23:21, gold.PNG)



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4ff977  No.8081864






AKRIT!! ^^

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34721f  No.8081865

File: 4fb4cd1fcb9ff45⋯.png (12.85 KB, 657x527, 657:527, PepeCereal.png)

File: 455e6191f982509⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 652x960, 163:240, reeeeeeCereal.jpg)


Is it legal to eat popcorn for breakfast?

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635944  No.8081867

File: 941c197d839ed5c⋯.png (398.42 KB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_20200209-062915.png)

The Iowa caucus was designed to screw Bernie. What they didn't count on was Bernie sending people out to record the results. He sends 5 laywers to the DNC and here we are.

My question was how they were going to pay Bernie off? He can't accept bad results because his people know the actual numbers and would revolt. I joked about common core, showing your work and writing about your feelings. Holy fuck.



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c59a9a  No.8081869


Holy fucking shit literally the coolest story on this board ever.

Is it real?


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93bbf9  No.8081871

File: d8462e4d2ef097d⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 598x803, 598:803, trejo.jpg)

Trejo's Tacos








Trejo's Tacos

& donuts

4 ur front hole




when baseball and America were tops!

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9e5f58  No.8081872

File: c7f3ce9e40f9ac5⋯.png (242.23 KB, 575x383, 575:383, 0063de47895597f0650a243518….png)

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635944  No.8081873

File: 05d71cff747f6d3⋯.jpg (181.22 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, feelings for pete.jpg)

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c59a9a  No.8081875


This is so much HUUUUGER than it seems.

It's majestic.

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4d8f85  No.8081877

File: 4c484bd696a79ea⋯.jpg (745.39 KB, 3555x2305, 711:461, 2f12453eb3624a6a7f6dc8b319….jpg)


whats wrong with modern architecture?

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00177e  No.8081880

File: db2973265d35235⋯.png (286.43 KB, 649x497, 649:497, game over potus.PNG)

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0de363  No.8081881


Fucking morans

It's Simple

Trump has the most hits and MSM is keeping him out of the hall of fame

Final Warning to MSM - drop the negative bullshit or die (figuratively)

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9e5f58  No.8081883

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

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