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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

30579c  No.7906212[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 01.23.2020

>>7893008 ————————————–——– State_funeral. (Cap: >>7893152)

>>7892407 ————————————–——– Worth following. [precursor] (Cap: >>7892421)

>>7891764 ————————————–——– The Great Awakening! (Cap: >>7891793)

>>7890949 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>7891061)

>>7890598 ————————————–——– Rubber bullets sting but do not last.

>>7889793 rt >>7889726 ————————— Article lacking source doc (Caps: >>7889823, >>7889876)

>>7889726 ————————————–——– Correction will be needed: ALL SURV re: POTUS [hops] (Caps: >>7889743, >>7890195, >>7890255, >>7890381)

>>7889231 ————————————–——– Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS. (Cap: >>7889367)

>>7886759 ————————————–——– Congratulations, UK Patriots! Globalism dead? (Cap: >>7886825)

>>7884140 rt >>7884113 ————————— "What storm, Mr. President?"

>>7884016 ————————————–——– Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?

>>7883925 ————————————–——– Truth and facts will prevail. (Cap: >>7883960)

Wednesday 01.22.2020

>>7878541 ————————————–——– Castle clean.

Tuesday 01.21.2020

>>7867006 rt >>7866980 ———————-— [SEC] server re-routes create delays. [F]

>>7866867 ————————————–——– Delta? (Cap: >>7866983)

>>7866857 ————————————–——– They are attempting to protect themselves from prosecution.

>>7866851 ————————————–——– Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise within the [D] party (Cap: >>7867380, >>7867026)

Monday 01.20.2020

>>7864137 ————————————–——– Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. (Vid: >>7864144)

Sunday 01.19.2020


Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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30579c  No.7906223

Global Announcements

>>7844760 New bakers/note-takers: plz tag notables & other key info to dough post

>>7808819, >>7808821 Jim Watkins: 88 of his domains were deplatformed by Network Solutions, DIGG UPDATED 1/14/20

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>7906097, >>7906131, >>7906158 Initial dig on Payson, AZ Piper P28A plane crash.

>>7906083 Dubin retiring from hedge fund amid fury over Jeffrey Epstein ties.

>>7906031 WEF debuts framework for Central Bank digital currency.

>>7905861, >>7905898 Small plane crashes today. California and Arizona.

>>7905858 YouTube forcing moderators to sign document acknowledging possible PTSD

>>7905787 Notable, strange or unexpected deaths.

>>7905779 Boris: UK has crossed the 'Brexit finish line'.

>>7905781 Dunford joins board of Lockheed Martin.

>>7905754 Continued Space Force logo discussion.

>>7905617 POTUS's weekend schedule.

>>7905608 Another Lemon sexual assault accuser.

>>7906198 #10117


>>7905315 Corona virus dig.

>>7904869 Australia's first coronavirus case confirmed in Victoria.

>>7905186 Presidential proclamation on imports of aluminum and steel articles.

>>7905154 Hannity stream. (live)

>>7905031, >>7905109, >>7904904, >>7904916, >>7905275 Anons discuss Space Force logo.

>>7905062 POTUS Tweet storm.

>>7905022 Sekulow Presser: Defense begins Saturday 10am with three hour preview.

>>7904978 2015: “Lab-made coronavirus triggers debate”.

>>7904938, >>7904949 Syria update.

>>7904922 Wuhan not under lockdown?

>>7904890, >>7905074 Planefag updates.

>>7904799 Impeachment is extremely unpopular.

>>7905161 #10116

#10115 Baker Change

>>7904527 California threatened with funds loss over abortion coverage.

>>7904474 Bidens are back in the crosshairs of POTUS legal team.

>>7904356 Chili protests: Chile woke up.

>>7904563, >>7904473 China outbreak worsens.

>>7904447 Marines Tweet: Bring Me The Horizon.

>>7903989, >>7904084, >>7904250, >>7904285, >>7904597, >>7904672 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a coronavirus pandemic exercise. Dig on Pirbright.

>>7904167 Planefag update.

>>7904149 Illegal campaign violation convictions.

>>7904128 U.S. senator presses for declassified report on Khashoggi's slaying.

>>7904011, >>7904134 New DJT Tweets.

>>7904065 New q anon hit piece about coronavirus

>>7904655 #10115

Previously Collected Notables

>>7901627 #10111, >>7902341 #10112, >>7903106 #10113, >>7903904 #10114

>>7898505 #10107, >>7899339 #10108, >>7900095 #10109, >>7900863 #10110

>>7895368 #10103, >>7896081 #10104, >>7896947 #10105, >>7897783 #10106

>>7892309 #10099, >>7893134 #10100, >>7893869 #10101, >>7894624 #10102

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

30579c  No.7906224

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>7556525 Impeachment Counter Offensive Thread

>>7865835 Impeachment Scam

Bernie Memes mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#94 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>7899930

Q Graphics all in EST


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30579c  No.7906227

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools: https://pastebin.com/6XuDuHYu

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

52 >>7854142, 51 >>7598105, 50 >>7375690, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7827937

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7687826

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30579c  No.7906237

File: baca5ce141c08c4⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1540x992, 385:248, nightshiftstealth.png)



Baker Requesting Handoff

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0d78a9  No.7906238

File: f6b1efe51abd512⋯.png (70.52 KB, 792x622, 396:311, Newanons.png)


Ice the MuhJoo Shills.

Filter them now.

Do not respond to them at all.

Entire bread.

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26e557  No.7906243

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, kek mass lg.jpg)


can bake ye

though shall pass the dough

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7e465d  No.7906246

File: 996af7cf062a6a3⋯.jpeg (392.94 KB, 750x1021, 750:1021, E769B127-B8AE-44A2-A912-A….jpeg)

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ed59b3  No.7906249

File: da925f9cfd271f2⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 473x631, 473:631, fcc26f19fa32dfd112930660f5….jpg)


can bake to gravey if needed

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26e557  No.7906252


can i handoff to yo next brad?


and i bakes dis one?

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ed59b3  No.7906258


sounds good to me


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fd75ff  No.7906262

File: 0497aae77d85fc4⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 263x269, 263:269, 1.jpg)

File: cbe6affd2e0f5c5⋯.png (823.72 KB, 1280x655, 256:131, gayhitlerhollywoodplusplus….png)

File: d01a4b31b28973f⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 633x625, 633:625, hitlerbear.JPG)

File: 88c8961141ae330⋯.jpg (58.36 KB, 644x387, 644:387, monkey.JPG)

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73d31e  No.7906264


Always curious if earthquakes are natural or purposefully destroying something. 6.7 is pretty large.

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30579c  No.7906270


Handoff confirmed.



Thank you bakers.

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02d8ae  No.7906271

File: 002a0367d1d01bf⋯.png (330.07 KB, 513x576, 57:64, ClipboardImage(54).png)


Thanks Baker.

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ff5a6f  No.7906272

File: 891ac0914c5d8d1⋯.png (50.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, swamp_people.png)


Thank you brilliant Anon!!!!…This is very relevant!! Seattle needs some serious change!

NW Anons stand up and sign.

Currently 90,325 have signed. Let’s get to 150,000!


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119e5a  No.7906273

File: 66fd702d5066141⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 500x347, 500:347, 66fd702d5066141efbb1ec26b8….jpg)

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05ba00  No.7906274

File: 6de763ce6649375⋯.png (220.51 KB, 585x585, 1:1, VICTORYDANCE.png)



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f97e91  No.7906275

File: 8ea98ad44a34246⋯.png (532.02 KB, 498x487, 498:487, kc.png)

Thread Titles should be:

Q Research GENERAL #10xxx (whateverthefuckyoulike here)

You mis-name and/or mis-number every fucking bread you bake.

You are NOT fooling anybody you fucking clown faggot.

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26e557  No.7906276

File: 42f49d94a4a081d⋯.png (378.7 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks, funko

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a6a7da  No.7906277

File: 21080474513fcb5⋯.png (647 B, 59x23, 59:23, ClipboardImage.png)

these sinners came from spam

and to spam they return

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d42285  No.7906278

File: c52ea69015598be⋯.png (435.38 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)


The late pedophile openly declared his plans to wed Celina Dubin, the daughter of former Miss Sweden Eva Andersson Dubin, who had dated Epstein for 11 years until the early ’90s, sources told Business Insider.

The pair had developed an “especially close relationship” when Celina was just 12, with “Uncle Jeff” at times having “substituted” for her dad, the Palm Beach Post has previously reported, citing a profile made by Epstein’s lawyers.

Epstein was telling associates in 2014 that if he ever married, it would be to Celina — who was 19 at the time, sources told Business Insider.

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a64c00  No.7906279

File: 76d3696e8529e5f⋯.jpeg (227.4 KB, 1200x699, 400:233, F0E7E146-7075-4849-801B-8….jpeg)

Is Q shooting blanks?

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c0abee  No.7906280

File: fc3688b4f71cf5f⋯.jpg (994.36 KB, 1990x2634, 995:1317, CastleClean11.3Marker.jpg)

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d971fd  No.7906281

File: a5722b4a32775c1⋯.jpeg (627.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D26BB414-B956-45CC-9A9B-6….jpeg)

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252287  No.7906282

File: 0ec83edd53468da⋯.jpg (391.02 KB, 960x942, 160:157, nightshift cat SEMPER FI.jpg)

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d42285  No.7906283

File: 1f9f31ac81561ca⋯.png (514.23 KB, 600x377, 600:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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54d478  No.7906284

File: 46024ec89a3e876⋯.jpg (108.71 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 3fk712rf1.jpg)

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edd259  No.7906285


⬆⬆don't run from this baker, you'll only die tired

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225ef9  No.7906286

File: 425fb393676e1a0⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 680x414, 340:207, EPAVTyAU8AIonUD.jpg)

"You'll see"

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c5680f  No.7906287

File: 8fb225758f34144⋯.jpg (88.16 KB, 927x613, 927:613, ns -72.jpg)


nice shot

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e82c40  No.7906288

File: f2be34bfd201e0d⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 540x546, 90:91, NavyMenStand.jpg)

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cce234  No.7906289


Nightshift Edition?

What a creative baker that is…

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26e557  No.7906290


you left out the colon

which suprises me since you like it in the colon

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d971fd  No.7906291

File: 2d26f3c01e40cd2⋯.png (3.12 MB, 2202x1470, 367:245, 74376245-A1D8-4EC3-9D9C-E0….png)

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cce234  No.7906292

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)



As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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a6a7da  No.7906293

File: 2dbecbc7f2b2108⋯.png (6.41 KB, 552x56, 69:7, ClipboardImage.png)

fractionally distilled joo porks of judas fehgel fag actor nihlisms of baalzebub are the post modern satan swine piggies of teh future upside down hogg heaven

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316159  No.7906294



Didn't the planefags pick up some helicopters hovering behind Mandalay bay that were deceptively labeled as passenger jet flights but could not have been because of altitude and hovering?

I remember something like that but I did not save it.

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d0a641  No.7906295

File: 6a9df6b2612f85a⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, pepenomacron.jpg)


Yellow vest Muslim? Kek.

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a1488f  No.7906296


How fukin funny, preach and no practice fool…the answer is here, now backstroke rude lil' tadpole.

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8fa270  No.7906297

File: da03b80d861aecd⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 433x266, 433:266, 4f2325a9286037c156ed0f703c….jpg)

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26e557  No.7906298




gonna have to have a talk with Lion-O

he fucked up the bread names and we've been copypasta ever since

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c5680f  No.7906299


pb newfy

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ed59b3  No.7906300




bro's, fam, always first


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7d690f  No.7906301

New Border patrol boss.


I am pleased to announce the selection of Rodney S. Scott as Chief, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

As a 27-year veteran of the Border Patrol, Chief Scott has earned the respect and admiration of agents, colleagues and partners alike. Chief Scott brings an exceptional depth and breadth of experience and knowledge about the border security mission and a commitment to service to the nation and the Border Patrol workforce.

Prior to his selection, Chief Scott led the men and women of San Diego Sector, one of the most diverse, complex, and challenging operational environments in the country, including 60 linear miles of border shared with Mexico and 931 miles of coastal border.

San Diego Sector’s 2,200 agents demonstrated tremendous law enforcement results on Chief Scott’s watch during the previous fiscal year, including 58,000 apprehensions and the seizure of 9,000 pounds of illegal drugs.

Chief Scott entered on duty with USBP in 1992. His first assignment was at the Imperial Beach Station in San Diego, California. Chief Scott has served in various leadership positions within USBP and CBP. He previously served as Chief Patrol Agent of the El Centro Sector; Deputy Chief Patrol Agent at San Diego Sector; Patrol Agent in Charge at the Brown Field Station in San Diego Sector; Assistant Chief in CBP’s Office of Anti-Terrorism in Washington, D.C.; and Director/Division Chief for the Incident Management and Operations Coordination Division at CBP Headquarters.

Chief Scott is the absolute embodiment of the U.S. Border Patrol’s motto, “Honor First,” and I am confident that under his leadership, the men and women of the Border Patrol will be well served, the laws of this nation will be enforced, and our borders will be secured.

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bd59bf  No.7906302

Shannon Bream looking fine tonight, yum yum

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e1c179  No.7906303


No, But it doesn't look like the peach mint in the Senate is going to be the venue that Treason will be exposed

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a6a7da  No.7906304

File: fb0df7572c30c0e⋯.png (15.79 KB, 619x124, 619:124, ClipboardImage.png)

todays hogg fag actor is tomorrows fractionally distilled gaylord joo bacon

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9c3ebf  No.7906305

File: edf68dc65c97c41⋯.jpg (61.01 KB, 850x565, 170:113, sniper.jpg)

This fucking baker man…Snipah!!!!!!

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edd259  No.7906306


Lisa Page said she was with McCabe throughout LV, as she was through Boston Marathon

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6c8b0d  No.7906307

File: 5340c38612238c7⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 400x432, 25:27, squirrel.jpg)

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cce234  No.7906308


Why would anons stay silent when the board is flooded with propaganda?

Is that exactly what clowns want?

Do they only post this propaganda so researching anons look like nazis? Is this the other side of the coin of MSM attacks on Q?

When anons just stay silent, do they give lurkers and MSM the impression that this is just how anons are?

Filter if you like, but do not just stay silent, call out this propaganda for what it is!

Calling out clowns makes them visible.

Visible clowns have no effect.

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252287  No.7906309

File: 5e44321e79d9871⋯.png (248.43 KB, 496x439, 496:439, plane fag tag ditl.PNG)


affirmative. on a different comp that is long gone though. they hovered at the SW corner for a long time.

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6ac3cf  No.7906310

Trump impeachment: Half-empty spectator gallery puzzles senators

The Senate spectator gallery was at least half-empty throughout the first week of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and senators serving as the jury in the marathon sessions are taking notice — some stunned that there aren’t more people watching history unfold, while others understand the public avoiding the repetitive proceedings.

“I’m really surprised at that because this is kind of historic and I would think this would be an opportunity for people to get in there regardless of whose side you are on,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told The Post Friday.

Journalists aren’t allowed to bring cellphones or cameras into the gallery, so the noticeably small audience is known directly only to people able to access the chamber.


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e779ba  No.7906311


Go to bed, Sean. You're well past your bedtime.

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186c44  No.7906312

>>7906296 Please put pb. Cannot thank you enough for your compliance. Carry on.

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47a1aa  No.7906313


>Side_by_Side (graphic form):

I wonder if Q has additional tips to guide us.

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3d6d1e  No.7906314

>>7906261 lb

Is that Fiona with Putin? Seriously? Damn, that traitor is dumber than dumb.

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119e5a  No.7906315

File: ecf68beeef35157⋯.png (214.88 KB, 273x528, 91:176, 002a0367d1d01bfa6e1cf5171f….png)


Ready for the memefags.

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c9670b  No.7906316

File: c39d95dc2e053ee⋯.png (350.36 KB, 514x342, 257:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39366d90731bbb5⋯.png (36.06 KB, 1256x238, 628:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1597fbb65237801⋯.png (27.59 KB, 1116x133, 1116:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1b1da7a710dc51⋯.png (748.02 KB, 696x408, 29:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Corona Vaccine under development

Here's Why Moderna Stock Rose as Much as 10.8% Today



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d0a641  No.7906317



There are videos with visible muzzle flashes from those helos as well.

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55ff36  No.7906318

File: ab1aa6c6268f6b6⋯.png (214.45 KB, 572x516, 143:129, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden confirms his interference in Ukraine in 2014 in his memoir "Promise me, Dad"


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d8dc0b  No.7906319

File: 2a877f940b1f7c5⋯.jpeg (114.74 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 227F733B-302A-45F6-9C14-D….jpeg)

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cce234  No.7906320

File: febcb1924ea1257⋯.png (13.92 KB, 386x312, 193:156, ClipboardImage.png)


Propaganda is not research.

Clowns are not anons.

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5c13d4  No.7906321

Redpilling like a whore entertaining sailors on shore leave.

Have waited two years for this.

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85e24f  No.7906322

File: 72158d6abf765dc⋯.png (98.62 KB, 722x909, 722:909, 72158d6y.png)

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1af4aa  No.7906323

File: 3660c0b98ed7b9b⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1842x1344, 307:224, ClipboardImage.png)


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0bb808  No.7906324


Ya me too. Like NK underground nuke facilities having their nukes remotely detonated.

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247f37  No.7906325


if its such a problem memorize last four digits of new bread and dont click below that number

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dbfbc0  No.7906326


3 for 3

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225ef9  No.7906327

Jimmy Carter gonna die tomorrow?

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a6a7da  No.7906328

File: 6640025398ab8df⋯.png (5.31 KB, 423x55, 423:55, ClipboardImage.png)

it was the lutherans that figured out draccos like the sweet taste of pedophiles lamenting in poor investments

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ec2fea  No.7906329

We have more than we know

>>7906218 LB

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a1488f  No.7906330


You got the message, no need to keep sulking. Thank you carry on

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8fa270  No.7906331

File: 614efa7b43569e9⋯.png (186.91 KB, 501x392, 501:392, 1579753875.png)

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5c13d4  No.7906332

Poodles. It's Friday already, isn't it.

See y'all Monday mid-morning.

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abbe81  No.7906333

File: 29fb6b950125bd0⋯.png (304.28 KB, 916x692, 229:173, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)

File: 337675dbe89594e⋯.png (866.58 KB, 704x700, 176:175, ANtiFA Portland Satanic Me….png)

Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.


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7d690f  No.7906334


look up the story behind this photo it is a hoot.

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ed59b3  No.7906335


nik'd for a future bake

really good



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ff9800  No.7906336

File: 94619f24fde481c⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, aipac.mp4)


by the 31st

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faec40  No.7906337

File: c5414027a7b5718⋯.jpg (52 KB, 780x440, 39:22, 191027-A-F3754-902.JPG)

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d8dc0b  No.7906338

File: df2ca9b1e527466⋯.png (630.06 KB, 757x482, 757:482, E3C3FAB3-CFDE-40E4-B5F2-70….png)

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7158f8  No.7906339


We can hope….I kind of want one of the Clintons.

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872c55  No.7906340


If not fully exposed it will at least definitely be the introduction of evidence that leads to trials for sedition and treason. Read between the lines. The stage is set and we take the screen in the morning! This leads to durham +++.


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119e5a  No.7906341

File: 5106af24a43a53e⋯.png (102.46 KB, 655x598, 655:598, ecc9ddd31f2676b5ca30cdd536….png)

File: c849d3276925807⋯.png (90.11 KB, 686x526, 343:263, c849d327692580741eaf687285….png)


>Corona Vaccine under development

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a86057  No.7906342

File: 124a8f2fcb87d8b⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 517x821, 517:821, bbg2.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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225ef9  No.7906344

where does Svetlana Lokhova fit into the picture? Is she /ourgirl/?

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1b26f0  No.7906345

Good news Christians! Your happening is happening.

>Pestilence ← You are here




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d0a641  No.7906346


They don't even hide the Satan worship.

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c5680f  No.7906347

File: b88efa6e1b614ec⋯.jpg (455.94 KB, 700x652, 175:163, ns bob.jpg)

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e82c40  No.7906348

File: 57b9bcafeb56b98⋯.png (83.21 KB, 500x654, 250:327, white-pepe-doctor-comes-up….png)


everyone ready for your vaccine??

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6c8b0d  No.7906349


We'd rather be at a Trump rally.

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f97e91  No.7906350

File: b45a24d7ee94117⋯.png (422.26 KB, 498x487, 498:487, kcs.png)


Only two possibilities:


2- New CLOWN BAKER SUCKS SAME DICK and deliberately fucks up thread titles.

Don't believe it? Look at the Catalog, their antics are obvious.


Clown, not creative


The colon is of no consequence to search parameters nor does it alter sort order in that position. It is only there for your amusement, it serves no purpose, righteous or otherwise.

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26e557  No.7906351

File: 088a11da5b4c5e2⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, castle funko.jpg)


i got the dough

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66f16a  No.7906352


Yes that was pointed out. An Anon did a video about the angle from a cop car or two lights i the sky and compared at an intersection.

An anon also compared photos of the accused Paddock and how he looked like a cadaver. So likely he was a dead patsy. Several windows had flashes of rounds of bullets from the hotel.

Holes all over the narrative, but normies drank that kool aid.

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fbee49  No.7906353

File: e044b96eceb02a3⋯.jpeg (157.17 KB, 1158x652, 579:326, 1EFB7504-3F7D-40FA-9D07-F….jpeg)


Fine job anon.

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fbc4a5  No.7906354

File: 680be62fb7f5b21⋯.jpeg (337.55 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1E712A0A-25BD-43CB-B476-1….jpeg)

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a6a7da  No.7906355

File: 855594f797f9cd5⋯.png (5.77 KB, 330x87, 110:29, ClipboardImage.png)

sweet gaylord fag actor joo bacon is full of homo valor and catharsis

trust sriracha sauce

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5e08a5  No.7906356

File: 341944be9b1fc71⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 624x500, 156:125, JBtold.JPG)

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119e5a  No.7906357

File: 82eeca716cbdf2b⋯.png (138.69 KB, 460x457, 460:457, 82eeca716cbdf2b2e71b0b3d23….png)


>look up the story behind this photo it is a hoot.

sauce it, faggot.

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ec2fea  No.7906358

File: 1cbc182cafcf88e⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 440x644, 110:161, subdes2.JPG)



tag team rabbis

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186c44  No.7906359

>>7906325 That’s stupid. Stick to decorum.

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247f37  No.7906360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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530711  No.7906361

when this all comes the reverse of containment…..be scared


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e2f5b3  No.7906362

File: 192187df8b9b80b⋯.png (481.54 KB, 944x510, 472:255, _01-24-11.16.13.png)

File: 7c5ae0bce4d4abc⋯.jpg (141.46 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200124-230219….jpg)

Future proves?

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15f976  No.7906363


what do you think that proves rabbi?

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d0a641  No.7906364


Bill Gates can fuck himself on that needle.

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48459c  No.7906365

File: d0c5de6caef5e4a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 970x546, 485:273, Screenshot_2020-01-24 BREA….png)

BREAKING: Feds Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer, Report Says

Federal prosecutors reportedly have evidence showing that Jeff Bezos’ girlfriend, Lauren Sanchez, gave text messages to her brother, which Sanchez’s brother then sold to the National Enquirer for $200,000 and were featured in its article about Bezos’ affair with Sanchez. “The evidence gathered by federal prosecutors includes a May 10, 2018, text message sent from the phone of Lauren Sanchez, Mr. Bezos’ girlfriend, to her brother Michael Sanchez containing a flirtatious message from the Amazon chief,” The Wall Street Journal reported. “The Enquirer quoted the text in its January 2019 article about Mr. Bezos’ extramarital affair with Ms. Sanchez. A July 3, 2018, text message sent from Ms. Sanchez’s phone to her brother’s includes a photo of a shirtless Mr. Bezos.”

Recent news reports suggested that Saudi Arabia could have been behind a hack that “obtained the messages from Bezos after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman messaged Bezos over WhatsApp. “The text messages reviewed by the Journal, as well as a $200,000 payment Mr. Sanchez received from the Enquirer under an October 2018 contract the Journal also reviewed, supports American Media’s earlier statements that he was the source for the National Enquirer’s article,” The Journal added. “The Saudi government said the allegation that the crown prince hacked Mr. Bezos’ phone was absurd and called for an investigation.” Manhattan federal prosecutors had been investigating whether Bezos’ phone was hacked.

The Saudi Embassy in the U.S. responded to the allegations by tweeting: “Recent media reports that suggest the Kingdom is behind a hacking of Mr. Jeff Bezos’ phone are absurd. We call for an investigation on these claims so that we can have all the facts out.” A spokesperson for American Media, which owns the National Enquirer, told The Journal that '''“In September of 2018, Michael Sanchez began providing all materials and information to our reporters” and that any claim that Saudi Arabia, or any other third party, was involved was “false

VICE broke the story earlier this week on the allegation that Saudi Arabia was behind a hack of Bezos’ phone. “The report, obtained by Motherboard, indicates that investigators set up a secure lab to examine the phone and its artifacts and spent two days poring over the device but were unable to find any malware on it. Instead, they only found a suspicious video file sent to Bezos on May 1, 2018 that ‘appears to be an Arabic language promotional film about telecommunications,'” VICE reported. “That file shows an image of the Saudi Arabian flag and Swedish flags and arrived with an encrypted downloader. Because the downloader was encrypted this delayed or further prevented’study of the code delivered along with the video.'”

The report assessed that “Bezos’ phone was compromised via tools procured by Saud al Qahtani,” who is a friend and top advisory to MBS. VICE added, “He was also president and chairman of the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming and Drones and was known to procure offensive hacking tools on behalf of the Saudi regime, among them tools made by the Italian company Hacking Team.”


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f97e91  No.7906366


>i got the dough

Any remote possibility you might correct the title?

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874f89  No.7906367


CORONA Satellite, CORONA Virus, Space Force Logo…so much to keep up with

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ed59b3  No.7906368

File: cce8fec9fb596ee⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 292x366, 146:183, cce8fec9fb596eea190b797701….jpg)


be guud to da hood yo

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a6a7da  No.7906369

File: 56a0291c1801c89⋯.png (8.47 KB, 560x65, 112:13, ClipboardImage.png)

this "send cash gaylord" inversly stated as "all your base are belong"

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02d8ae  No.7906370


This beauty snuck me past captcha security. Hiding in plain sight.

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1d47e2  No.7906371

File: f786f615a6d15a3⋯.gif (21.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 00a.gif)


Half of the call outs are Clowns calling out legitimate anon digs. Be careful; not a hard a fast rule.

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cce234  No.7906372


that is why the clown baker named the edition "nightshift".


is what all the mamson clowns say all the time.

they spend hours into making memes that have no value at all for the Q movement, these kind of memes are bs and not waking up anybody.

they are only used bc those masons need some kind of symbolism for everything they do.

Does is look organic if these memes are posted 50 times a bread?

Does it look organic when some IDs say

<nightshift, yeah, nightshift!

in the middle of the day?

Does it look like anons when IDs ask

>is it nightshift yet?

>hey nightshift, where are you?

>nightshift, yeah, we in here now!

It´s clowns.

And of course those clowns are masons, bc masonry is what the deep state is based on. being a mason is what all the bad actors have in common.

BO is a clown, many bakers are clowns.

Clown bakers hand off to clown bakers and in many cases even refused to hand of to others.

Enablign controlled opposittion in the kitchen is exactly why BO got rid of checking bakers and makes sure to never ever post as BO.

And yet, anons win and clowns melt down on a regular basis.

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5c13d4  No.7906373


Ebot probably just gave the equation for free energy, but we're not clever enough to get there.

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a86057  No.7906374

File: eeb4d1eee4326a7⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepeIdiot.jpg)

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7286fc  No.7906375

File: 875d82d088736c8⋯.png (262.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, angrypepe.png)

>>7906218 lb

Reliving old q's is like ripping a bandaid off the wound. Fuck this better be resolved with justice.

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43e4cf  No.7906376

File: bc7035d9af6e78e⋯.png (414.98 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, filt.png)

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e82c40  No.7906377

File: 66a186cec6d515e⋯.png (359.69 KB, 390x468, 5:6, 66a186cec6d515eb5e4af398af….png)


my guess…is yes, or another big name at some point….and state funeral (or some other big habbening) to be on 2/17/2020 (President's Day)…

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26e557  No.7906378


take it up with management nigger

thundercats, hoe

they baked the edition edition

its fixed by the next bake

unless i feel the need to trigger you some more

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d0a641  No.7906379


That guy looks more like the type to collect action figures as an adult than be an Air Force Lt. but good for him.

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252287  No.7906380

File: fdc125b9caf8628⋯.png (673.53 KB, 1562x745, 1562:745, YANK01 guardrail western L….PNG)

File: 4b5cd54e4106e02⋯.jpg (30.29 KB, 750x457, 750:457, beech guardrail.jpg)

YANK01 Beech Guardrail surv in western Lithuania

this had been done by two planes previously.

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980a2d  No.7906381



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ed59b3  No.7906382


you're prolly right

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a6a7da  No.7906383

File: 64e6cdb3b425f17⋯.png (4.1 KB, 341x55, 31:5, ClipboardImage.png)

this one proves that larping harry drumpf larps to a foreign crown as a franchise might be collusion

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6ac3cf  No.7906384

File: 29c0016d28c807b⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Cl….mp4)

Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

Adam Schiff (D-CA) angered Republican senators at the Trump impeachment trial Friday night by citing a CBS News report claiming an anonymous Trump “confidant” had said any GOP senators who voted against Trump would have their heads on pikes. There was audible grumbling and cries of “not true” heard by reporters in the gallery. Schiff managed to alienate Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) one of the few Republicans whom Democrats and the media believe are persuadable on impeachment.


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e779ba  No.7906385


Im more on the team of calling them out just wastes bread and makes you look like a shill yourself. Just leave them be, and if an anon asks questions, then say something.

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310d9c  No.7906386


Media really going out of their way to make something of this. Glad he posted that.

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faec40  No.7906387

File: 97ef3470868dee7⋯.png (302.25 KB, 644x429, 644:429, Screenshot_2020-01-25 will….png)

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247f37  No.7906388


No, anons improvise, adapt, and overcome.

We are selfless and innovative, can fix problems on our own.

When I phonefag, I remeber the OP number and dont click links below it.

I also never need to post put lb/pb please.

problem fixed

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252287  No.7906389

File: 444288dab0ef1fa⋯.jpg (445.91 KB, 516x863, 516:863, rainman eat a bag o dicks.jpg)

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8ce1e2  No.7906390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just watched. Informative. Scary this guy can catch em and cops can't.

The vigilante paedophile hunter exposing online predators

Jan 23, 2020

_60 Minutes Australia__

How would you know if your children are being groomed online? Preying on kids has exploded in the digital age as social media makes targeting victims chillingly easy for paedophiles. Their false identities and shifting online profiles mean police face an almost impossible task to catch them. The statistics are frightening. But now vigilantes are using the paedophiles’ own techniques against them. Leading the chase are people like Stinson Hunter, the Paedophile Hunter. This Sunday, Allison Langdon joins Stinson on the hunt for paedophiles and while the ethics are questionable, the results are undeniable.


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7d690f  No.7906391


walsl are ok if you are the right protected class.

But the USA can't protect itse;f because that's racist. I propose a law, you can't have a voice in USA politics if you have dual citizenry with any country: that means Canada, ISreal, Switzerland, the UK..

The reporter in the vid didn't take it far enough.

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8a072a  No.7906392


the propellant on the space plane is hydrazine…it is very toxic. That's why the hazmat suits.

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a6922e  No.7906393

File: 6c5d41fef8fd9d8⋯.png (27.08 KB, 814x139, 814:139, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)

Chinese doctor battling coronavirus on ‘front line’ of outbreak epicenter in Hubei dies as death toll hits 41

A 62-year-old doctor helping to beat back a fast moving coronavirus in China, Liang Wudong, has died of the illness while working in its epicenter in the city of Wuhan, Chinese state media has reported.

The fatality comes as Beijing scrambles to contain the deadly outbreak – which has so far taken some 41 lives in China and infected over 1,300 worldwide – with hundreds of doctors and other healthcare workers calling off their new year celebrations to race to the virus’s point of origin in Wuhan.

Liang Wudong, a doctor at Hubei Xinhua Hospital who had been at the front line of the #CoronavirusOutbreak battle in Wuhan, dies from the virus at age 62. pic.twitter.com/W6RmzLnioS

— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) January 25, 2020

A group of 135 medical workers from Guangdong province penned an open letter earlier this week explaining their motives for running directly into danger, stating “the responsibility of safeguarding our people falls to no others but us.”

Overworked staff in Wuhan have been on around-the-clock shifts, with some doctors seen collapsing from exhaustion amid the aggressive containment effort. Quickly running out of desperately needed supplies – such as surgical masks, scrubs and protective goggles – hospitals across the city have reportedly been relying on public donations between resupplies.

#wuhan medics suffering from burnout and mental breakdown. The woman’s crying and screaming “I can’t stand this anymore!” Doctors, nurses, patients, they are all crying. Wuhan is a hell on earth now https://t.co/FweThGZZTg

— Stella HK (@Stella_7799) January 24, 2020

While the World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed the novel coronavirus an “emergency” in China, the international body held off designating it a global threat after two days of meetings in Geneva this week. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus noted “it may yet become one,” however.

Med What happened to an overworked doctor at a hospital in China pic.twitter.com/V9Nuo2fLxo

— Med : ON (@medicalfess) January 18, 2020


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a6a7da  No.7906394

File: bf54bc0ca9c14d4⋯.png (1.71 KB, 163x45, 163:45, ClipboardImage.png)

more proof of licking jewhole bad

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edd259  No.7906395


…the truth of LV wasn't ripened enough for primetime like it is now

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6f90e6  No.7906396

File: da0fbf068a3ef4c⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 360x360, 1:1, buseswtf19220233.webm)



A series of police vehicles are escorting a few school buses through Fort Wayne at the moment. It's an escort to the circus taking place at the @acwmc this weekend.

6:09 AM - 24 Jan 2020

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310d9c  No.7906397

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7158f8  No.7906398


You sure its white? Gates is a kike.

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231551  No.7906399



some anon said "post your formulas anons" or some shit like that in the last bread and ebot grabbed his SEO toolkit and ran with it.

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1af4aa  No.7906400

File: c21064326cb3278⋯.png (921.5 KB, 1200x1232, 75:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Some weird things going on in Davos….



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bd59bf  No.7906401

File: 6e56181fcab5ba9⋯.png (222.15 KB, 423x671, 423:671, KSSC.PNG)

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05ba00  No.7906402

File: ae5ec021b3863e8⋯.png (412.96 KB, 531x522, 59:58, AFFrens_NightShift.png)

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ed59b3  No.7906403


but but but…….6 gorillion!

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96ea8c  No.7906404

File: 26a6977c99a62ac⋯.png (897.27 KB, 640x512, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

For you, Bakes

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cce234  No.7906405


it´s often fake handoffs.

clown baker shills, get´s called out, does handoff to clown baker…

if anons don´t like how this board looks like and if they don´t like a clown BO, they can let Jim and Ron know:

@CodeMonkeyZ, @isitwetyet (Ron)

@infinitechan (Jim)

Patriots would act…

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fbc4a5  No.7906406

File: 808c3320b7b46f8⋯.jpeg (581.28 KB, 1212x782, 606:391, BED2E2E3-D339-498D-BF4F-6….jpeg)


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1d47e2  No.7906407

File: 995a792c1fff54c⋯.png (256.16 KB, 989x644, 43:28, 995a792c1fff54c42044ef8d5b….png)


Too many people prolly couldn't trust themselves to stay quiet and not burst out with Schumer's the devil or GTFO Schifty.

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a6a7da  No.7906408

File: d34a0b9d5be9be5⋯.png (3.17 KB, 361x45, 361:45, ClipboardImage.png)

old fags know

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5c13d4  No.7906409


Ebot's a good egg.

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84b065  No.7906410

File: cf2b8efe47ab8d4⋯.jpg (21.87 KB, 144x540, 4:15, melaniaapril28-a~2.jpg)


Thank you baker.

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8fa270  No.7906411

File: 97319e4c38f3439⋯.jpg (111.68 KB, 500x509, 500:509, .jpg.jpg)



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fbee49  No.7906412

File: ead4feb7920bbb4⋯.jpeg (765.08 KB, 1350x1074, 225:179, C7DBABAE-D695-4C14-B4CC-5….jpeg)

Stick to comedy lard-ass.

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9299a5  No.7906413


And the security guard kept changing his story about when he arrived, when he notified others, I forget exactly what he said but it was not credible any of the times.

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ff9800  No.7906414

File: a44a7b7a1b60bb9⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 480x366, 80:61, i eat paste.gif)


sideshow bob 2nd best to Ralph!!!

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247f37  No.7906415


Yes Fiona Hill gave the Protocols of the elders of zion slide.

Were almost there

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5c13d4  No.7906416


Pop up some symbolic logic. It might come back…

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310d9c  No.7906417

AS's pain starts tomorrow. Hope the 7.8m was with it.

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d573f3  No.7906418

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.


Support Scott if you can

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316159  No.7906419


Depends on how hot it gets for Dems, they may have to thaw him out sooner than later.

He's pretty solid at the moment.

A laser thermometer, or flir cam at the funeral would be interesting.

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d971fd  No.7906420

File: aa3f13f80f6e567⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 763018BB-5C8B-4A63-AB9D-57….png)


night shift in here

you say the same dumb shit every night

don't you have something to dig, meme on or pray about?

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095b32  No.7906421


spittin image of the short dude evil prince in shrek - the one who was after fiona (you cant make this shit up…lol)

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0bb808  No.7906422


Good job idiots. Eat anything else. Bats.

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5c13d4  No.7906423


Read that sideboob bob.

Might be friday night.

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a86057  No.7906424



>It is only there for your amusement, it serves no purpose, righteous or otherwise.

You're projecting Fungus. You serve no purpose.

Did you lose another glory hole gig?

How many IP's you planning on harrassing Bakers tonight, you worthless maple nigger scented moose fucker.

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a1488f  No.7906425

File: 38b3e7af29985fc⋯.png (125.39 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Notice the shill Clown melt downs now

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fbc4a5  No.7906426

File: c579868a95416f4⋯.jpeg (634.1 KB, 1208x1032, 151:129, 8B1E088A-5062-4C45-A749-7….jpeg)


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cce234  No.7906427

File: da5b76de9190a85⋯.png (257.39 KB, 532x560, 19:20, Natanyahu_attacked_by_Huss….png)

File: 3515fb7ebbebd28⋯.jpg (104.39 KB, 560x768, 35:48, Racism_is_stupid.jpg)


so you think this


is just an anon?

you don´t think it´s a desperate propaganda clown that tries to make the Q movement nazi?


and you would rather like the fake nazi push to be successful?

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d42285  No.7906428


>It's an escort to the circus taking place at the @acwmc this weekend.

The what now?

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225ef9  No.7906429

Can we trade Romney, Murkowski, for Manchin, Sinema??

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16f5b0  No.7906430

File: 37ae940fdf4e770⋯.jpeg (105.7 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, shitstorm.jpeg)

File: 617c5a8b45c75d7⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 892x878, 446:439, President don't start shit.jpg)

File: b50278b658e1fb2⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, shit hit fan.jpg)

File: 3199e0035a4b62f⋯.jpg (23.46 KB, 473x403, 473:403, Shit news on TV.jpg)

Fuck it….I would say, get your rain coats on and subpoena everyone…open up Pandora's Box and sit back and watch the shit hit the fan and get all over everything…it would make great TV!!!

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a6a7da  No.7906431

File: 9e4a97345e3593b⋯.png (5.01 KB, 387x55, 387:55, ClipboardImage.png)

more proofs

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15f976  No.7906432

File: 6ac2fdb6ffaa3f9⋯.png (997.04 KB, 1333x1992, 1333:1992, Screenshot_2019-03-01 Meli….png)


oh just fuck off rabbi

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d42285  No.7906433


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835ac7  No.7906434

File: 10277f46358d5ac⋯.png (358.4 KB, 1199x1199, 1:1, 05e1064f516426d553f5ec72e8….png)

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d0a641  No.7906435


They also eat live baby mice.

Fukking disgusting.

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f7d527  No.7906436


Time stamp confirms

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a48227  No.7906437

File: 28eaedaaf7a7c7f⋯.png (795.59 KB, 713x663, 713:663, ClipboardImage.png)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉


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574f85  No.7906438

Support 8 Kun. Buy some Official 8 Kun Merchandise.


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119e5a  No.7906439

File: 5790c4e9fcaded9⋯.png (273.9 KB, 1250x1404, 625:702, a12474cb2bbc1e2a356fe79ead….png)


>Too many people prolly couldn't trust themselves to stay quiet and not burst out with Schumer's the devil or GTFO Schifty.

Dis anon would have reeeeeeeeeeeee'd.

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a6a7da  No.7906440

File: 62680cfd7e7119c⋯.png (5.99 KB, 268x119, 268:119, ClipboardImage.png)

here is prrof that the quuuuuuueers tried it too

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c5680f  No.7906441

File: 4c68c8c7f295ca7⋯.jpg (46.19 KB, 573x640, 573:640, im a tarist.jpg)

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247f37  No.7906442

File: 02e01ef069d364c⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_7132.JPG)

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0bb808  No.7906443


Mice triggers the disgust reflex. Can’t be associated with food.

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e1c179  No.7906444

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e779ba  No.7906445


The fuck else are you gonna do? Waste bread yelling at a bot/the bo? Good luck with that. This is a free speech board. You're just gonna be a slide as bad as they are.

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7be2eb  No.7906446


i always filter the muhjoos and the anime and the fags that post the same crap that they proudly ID with a worn out meme

however its ok to call out the fags like you did or with a denial or pithy retort w/o engaging and i have found more hostility to commands to do this

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aaf313  No.7906447


Phrase 'clown baker' added to permafilter. See you again never.

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c66ac2  No.7906448

File: 934874098771128⋯.png (300.53 KB, 944x712, 118:89, triangle 2.png)

File: dd0fb933dfc3677⋯.png (370.73 KB, 896x716, 224:179, triangle 1.png)

File: e4fea47d1f70a67⋯.png (137.64 KB, 1401x758, 1401:758, Soros2.png)

File: 2b5bfac2184eabe⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2010x1775, 402:355, sor3.png)

The Puppetmasters collection

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225ef9  No.7906449

Eye The Spy is back under a different name now :D :D :D

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a6a7da  No.7906450


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5e08a5  No.7906451

File: 3888874cd8304ab⋯.jpg (153.27 KB, 900x541, 900:541, clokfag.jpg)


Nice work, Anon

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faec40  No.7906452

File: e0e05c90bd995cd⋯.png (291.63 KB, 511x699, 511:699, Screenshot_2020-01-25 Pier….png)

Today is the yearly trip to the Shrine Circus in Fort Wayne. The children & bus drivers were escorted by police. This trip has been the highlight of 3rd graders for many, many years 🤡🐵🦁🦓🐘🐅 @mizpahshrinecircus



>a few

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8fa270  No.7906453

File: d916b1ba2a1827d⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 1250x650, 25:13, We see it now.jpg)

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c247cc  No.7906454

The weirdest stuff to me so far is probably the innuendo in the drops about Hussein. I've rsch'd his family extensively over the years but some of the stuff in the drops w FANTASY LAND and NK Gardens in them are pretty crazy. Remember all of the digging we had to do into the flowers to understand the symbology of what they were trying to say about him? Then to have Q skirtedly admit he was groomed to be President by Dopey. They sort of leave us hanging there. Some think he may be a clone of someone because if I remember the flowers translated into him being a demigod on earth. Again may need oldfag back up.

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a6a7da  No.7906455

File: 792a702dbbc49a4⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 220x229, 220:229, AGAR7580.jpg)

gaylord jooproks have double gasketed features

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247f37  No.7906456

File: ba52dcf5aeddde5⋯.png (25.74 KB, 623x169, 623:169, ebotsgoodegg.png)



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c704aa  No.7906457

File: d7066dfd908c724⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, NSgremlin.jpg)

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a86057  No.7906458

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)



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55442a  No.7906459


They've been working on this since SARS. Same family of virus.

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5c13d4  No.7906460

File: b64fafd67859b0f⋯.png (46.09 KB, 579x212, 579:212, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)



Love is love, botty. <3

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d42285  No.7906461

File: 6ded906a2a6e5d4⋯.png (580.73 KB, 634x597, 634:597, ClipboardImage.png)



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fbc4a5  No.7906462

File: 88f0703188f67bc⋯.jpeg (559.69 KB, 1248x815, 1248:815, C87AF310-7839-4183-AFD8-7….jpeg)


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abe750  No.7906463

File: 3f1b514a1f364e4⋯.jpg (214.01 KB, 720x454, 360:227, brock.jpg)

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e82c40  No.7906464

File: 7853c33ebc1baaf⋯.jpg (124.84 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 7853c33ebc1baaf8b6306baa4c….jpg)



whoa, damn,,,

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0bb808  No.7906465

File: 09340fb1a3b50f8⋯.jpeg (88.35 KB, 600x317, 600:317, 4AE5A118-6F90-43A6-94BF-9….jpeg)

File: f6ea70e3f0d6629⋯.png (791.69 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 538F51EA-CDA3-428B-9686-2A….png)

>>7906437 Prepare Uranus.

Riders on the storm

Into this chan we're born

Into this dig we're thrown

like a dog without a bone

Give your memes a home

Riders on the storm

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a6a7da  No.7906466


> double gasketed features


> double gasketed features


> double gasketed features


> double gasketed features


> double gasketed features


> double gasketed features

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7286fc  No.7906467



*that's my fetish*


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44681f  No.7906468

No, I think it was him

in civilian clothes.

Why wouldn't he be at the back?

>>7906236 pb

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225ef9  No.7906469

Huma Abedin has been quiet.. REAL quiet. for a LONG time

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26471f  No.7906470

File: ba2d4e77a36ac6e⋯.png (2.54 MB, 2041x1513, 2041:1513, 68431076435217.png)

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7158f8  No.7906471


I dont believe any of it. There is no fucking virus.

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ff9800  No.7906472

File: 6db7de0b14d3f9c⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, yuck3.mp4)

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272582  No.7906473

File: 158c6f4cff1fb7a⋯.jpg (483.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nightshiftf15E.jpg)

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119e5a  No.7906474


When are you going back to the peanut butter and pickle sammiches, ebot?

I'm kinda hungry.

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1af4aa  No.7906475

File: 65b09973cced93d⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1194x1204, 597:602, ClipboardImage.png)


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8fa270  No.7906476

File: 2d77107f600f9f6⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 2d77107f600f9f6abe04b65fa7….jpg)

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d42285  No.7906477

File: 596b5e7cc4881f4⋯.png (267.82 KB, 375x500, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0a641  No.7906478

File: 522ef331ac70b9b⋯.png (161.03 KB, 757x482, 757:482, amanbaby.png)

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ed59b3  No.7906479

File: 906f42552830afd⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 906f42552830afd7b98962dd98….jpg)

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47a1aa  No.7906480



Any additional guidance for the graphics?

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5c13d4  No.7906481


23 Pain.


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12961e  No.7906482

File: 88902e680ee154a⋯.png (718.91 KB, 774x473, 18:11, 88902e680ee154a8f68a535f97….png)

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252287  No.7906483

File: 04cdd0bc72db94c⋯.png (404.25 KB, 1646x809, 1646:809, RUMMY02 01 KC-135R 825pm p….PNG)

File: 9583014f62e23e9⋯.png (999.36 KB, 800x558, 400:279, rumsfeld 1.PNG)

RUMMY11 02 Boeing KC-135R into Milwaukee

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3d6d1e  No.7906484

The dems, media, all the coup forces ain't getting much sleep tonight. Unless they drug themselves out that is. But, tonight is different for them than yesterday was. It's gong to take a lot of drugs.

Then, if they take enough drugs to get a few hours of sleep, what they going to do when they wake up tomorrow and have to face the day? What's going though their minds? They never thought she would lose. (she lost). They never thought they would lose.

Tomorrow they face TRUTH.

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1af4aa  No.7906485

File: 484fac86e250b51⋯.png (1.07 MB, 802x1238, 401:619, ClipboardImage.png)


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15f976  No.7906486

File: 8645fc5ddac7336⋯.png (472.7 KB, 1333x2372, 1333:2372, Screenshot_2019-03-01 Jame….png)

File: 42d6a1345452504⋯.png (577.46 KB, 1333x3136, 1333:3136, Screenshot_2019-03-01 John….png)

File: 2d574cdc5b72ada⋯.jpg (120.39 KB, 728x546, 4:3, israeli-syrian-air-and-sam….jpg)

File: 21a1a20fd75f33b⋯.jpg (111.51 KB, 728x546, 4:3, israeli-syrian-air-and-sam….jpg)

File: ea2ae9f4211a358⋯.jpg (8.26 MB, 3999x2592, 1333:864, map-gilo-settlement-jerusa….jpg)

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0ec0fa  No.7906487


Because its….Never mind.

Careful what you believe 100%.

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6c8b0d  No.7906488

File: 08c8742bcc115ad⋯.png (937.05 KB, 908x606, 454:303, GTFO.png)

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7b9e3f  No.7906489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you did the same shit back in 2018. blah blah blah

People like you will Get Cancer.

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e1c179  No.7906490

File: d2e1555c8005f53⋯.jpg (243.09 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, d2e1555c8005f53a53911dce57….jpg)


What a douche

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9299a5  No.7906491

File: dee615e6875dadc⋯.jpg (126.5 KB, 1065x571, 1065:571, QCrumbsTreasonSchiffWas_it….JPG)

File: f3bb83a250dce7f⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 386x218, 193:109, Was it worth selling your ….jpg)

File: eb17995e8ed8d45⋯.jpg (234.14 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, SaveTaxpayersMoneySchiff1.jpg)

File: 201f944d0990cff⋯.jpg (136.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PackedForPrisonSchiff.jpg)

File: 0f966877dcca78b⋯.jpg (153.97 KB, 568x1123, 568:1123, ForSaleSchiff2.jpg)

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d42285  No.7906492


>Any additional guidance for the graphics?


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f97e91  No.7906493



>The colon is of no consequence to search parameters nor does it alter sort order in that position. It is only there for your amusement, it serves no purpose, righteous or otherwise.

Triggered by a reasonable sane, logical answer?

Wasn't my intent to trigger you or a clown baker, only bring y'all up to speed so you could help the common cause if you had any desire to do so.

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a2acf4  No.7906494

File: 53f1d17f07f1637⋯.png (243.06 KB, 655x445, 131:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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54d478  No.7906495

File: a2f5df51189bd0f⋯.jpeg (12.27 KB, 474x320, 237:160, thvgmj.jpeg)

WASHINGTON — "Until recently, Lockheed Martin employees manufacturing the C-130J may have been exposed to harmful chemicals, and the Defense Department may have ignored worker concerns, a U.S. senator said Thursday.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who leads the Senate Finance Committee, is calling for an investigation by the Defense Department’s inspector general due to the worker claims, which were made by multiple whistleblowers, Grassley said in a statement.

The whistleblowers claimed that using PR-148 in aerosol form created a “large blue cloud” of particles that was equivalent to being exposed to and inhaling “industrial strength airplane glue,” according to Grassley’s letter.

Employees brought health concerns and, later, health issues they believed to be caused by the chemical to Lockheed, but were ignored, he wrote."


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095b32  No.7906496

>>7906372 true to form - going with fake and crusty singing ace of bass 'i saw the sign' (recap RUSSIA)

if they could only get it perfect just one MOAR time – they win the meme wars

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8fa270  No.7906497

File: dcb3fa89003c354⋯.gif (667.71 KB, 500x209, 500:209, Non-human enemy combatants….gif)

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ff9800  No.7906498

File: 2243bd43175ff0e⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 204x360, 17:30, elmo.mp4)


you think you are going to lime cat me!!!!

i lime cat you!!!

i cant repeat an image!!!!

racist elmo to the rescue!!!

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b2207c  No.7906499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ed59b3  No.7906500


Do you wait for the shit to drop to commit suicide or off yourself before it drops?

That is the question.

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26471f  No.7906501

File: b9d244b1cdba387⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1341x905, 1341:905, 09877656542154356.png)

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a48227  No.7906502

File: d98401bc45d6bda⋯.png (532.98 KB, 848x589, 848:589, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought Flynn's lawyer said she had something EPIC today?

Did i miss it?

no change on cover pic

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d42285  No.7906503

File: b71d71386efcf9e⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2048x1364, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)



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26e557  No.7906504


and digits too

epic timestamp fagging

im -1 on my synch

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0e6e2b  No.7906505

File: 73d87db7fb78a41⋯.png (432.24 KB, 793x500, 793:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf63a3  No.7906506


"They also eat live baby mice. "

reptilian heritage / Draco constellation cuisine

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530711  No.7906507





shit happens

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247f37  No.7906508

File: 385e2ca07dcc9d5⋯.jpg (257.89 KB, 700x525, 4:3, IMG_2134.JPG)


This slide is moldy

it belongs in the trash

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afd6ca  No.7906509


Being courteous never goes out of style.

It's chan etiquette to post lb or pb

even Q does it, plus he adds a little extra (/pb)

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66f16a  No.7906510


The security guard, who arrived at the room first agreed to go on ELLEN show and seemed scared shitless. Ellen is scarey.

The rug in Paddocks room was similar to the military rugs and had no burns from the spent shells falling while shooting untold rounds alone. Also that Padock could easily have used a freight elevator to transport many bags of guns and ammo up to his room without security catching him.

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8fa270  No.7906511

File: 0a649d7e01fa08b⋯.gif (3.55 MB, 600x338, 300:169, orangemanbad.gif)

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26471f  No.7906512

File: 9e0197de5e84a4c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 958x1000, 479:500, 09078219643.png)

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cce234  No.7906513

File: 78957b717f28d15⋯.png (1.04 MB, 695x693, 695:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c16647239fa5e8⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1579x1048, 1579:1048, ClipboardImage.png)




People that are much engaged in antifa of course know they are not fighting nazis.

They continue anyway bc they are masons and work on "the craft" (= global NWO socialism).

Same with many other protesters, pussy hats, black lives matter, green deal.

Many of them are knowingly pushing for the NWO agenda and are subverting society by claiming they just say their opinion.

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6c8b0d  No.7906514

File: 3b46298b2ae34a1⋯.png (334.05 KB, 636x768, 53:64, PussInPoint.png)


The time has come.

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15f976  No.7906515

File: 4f63bd63467b84d⋯.png (159.87 KB, 500x1006, 250:503, rememb-sgt-tyler-ziegel-wa….png)


fuck off rabbi

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1af4aa  No.7906516

File: 22cb4044236dc15⋯.png (467.55 KB, 806x804, 403:402, ClipboardImage.png)



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9299a5  No.7906517

File: 37c5f954632c601⋯.jpg (48 KB, 343x343, 1:1, Schiff Traitor 1.jpg)

File: 80e06239bcb4ea8⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 343x343, 1:1, Schiff Traitor 3.jpg)

File: 32cb1cd9e97d34d⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 343x343, 1:1, Schiff Traitor 4.jpg)

File: dacdc680c07aa07⋯.jpg (76.2 KB, 963x712, 963:712, SchiffTraitorLeaker.jpg)

File: 02356556a2463e5⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 175x214, 175:214, Traitor Schiff 22.jpg)

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ff9800  No.7906518


are those sharks with lazer beams on their heads???

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05ba00  No.7906519

File: d39fe5171119112⋯.png (237.58 KB, 557x583, 557:583, booktitle.png)

Anybody recognize this book? It's on Jim Watkins' shelf. I'm interested in the subject matter, but there are many books about the Antediluvian. I can't quite make out which title this actually is.

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df6358  No.7906520


Because you always keep eyes on and body's surrounding a VIP asset. He would have been in the middle, the most protected spot. He definitely would not break off to the right at the end with one other unarmed guy.

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5e7ea1  No.7906521


probably over 250,000 infected by now based on non-government info getting out…

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48459c  No.7906522

File: e65d614e9c94c87⋯.png (451.81 KB, 770x304, 385:152, Screenshot_2020-01-24 Gate….png)

File: c720f82d7ce471e⋯.png (268.09 KB, 870x1675, 174:335, Screenshot_2020-01-24 Gate….png)

Gates Foundation funds Livestock Antibody Hub at Pirbright

Highly collaborative work will address needs of livestock research community while bridging requirements of vaccine industry. Researchers from The Pirbright Institute in the U.K. have been awarded $5.5 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to establish a Livestock Antibody Hub aimed at improving animal and human health globally. According to the institute, the ambitious program of work will see extensive collaboration among multiple U.K. research organizations in order to utilize research outcomes in livestock disease and immunology to support human health as part of the "One Health" agenda.

Six leading scientists from Pirbright will be involved in the project, including John Hammond, Venugopal Nair, Simon Graham, Elma Tchilian, Munir Iqbal and Erica Bickerton. Their combined expert knowledge will drive the study of cattle, pig and poultry antibody responses at high resolution to expand the understanding of protective immunity in species that can also be used as models for a range of human infectious diseases, the Pirbright announcement said.


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835ac7  No.7906523

File: 122d8204faff65f⋯.jpg (158.66 KB, 1195x500, 239:100, 372bhx.jpg)

File: 5c5389302202756⋯.jpg (85.4 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 353muz.jpg)

File: d9864e918749dc6⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 727x485, 727:485, 348zgu.jpg)

File: 41a706d7430f582⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1403x787, 1403:787, Q research night shift exp….png)

File: 56b4fbe2428dc6d⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 266x190, 7:5, 56b4fbe2428dc6dd42b5f0ad1a….jpg)


Fuck off you idiot.

Anons make the Night Shift memes,


You are just like a Democrat.

You have to try to ruin everything, like a lame ass Party pooper or a Debbie Downer.

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5c13d4  No.7906524

The Senate galleries are empty because it's a sham. Everyone knows.

If Schiff goes down in the morning, no one will be watching, but anons will know.

What an interesting plan.

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225ef9  No.7906525


Nothing burger. Nothing happened today, and yes she did say something huge was supposed to happen today

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2d9c9a  No.7906526


DOJ "found" more files for them to pore over, so likely filing got pushed back. I think their new deadline is noon on Monday, but I could be wrong. Either way, just more tick tock blue balls, for now.

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9299a5  No.7906528

File: 45e312d86d296ca⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 640x420, 32:21, Traitor Schiff 23.jpg)

File: c8558dc4f6a3210⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Traitor Schiff 26.jpg)

File: 3d783e610cc6642⋯.jpg (119.89 KB, 642x455, 642:455, Traitor Schiff 30.jpg)

File: 629e392b53c0f15⋯.jpg (96.52 KB, 813x540, 271:180, Traitor Schiff 31.jpg)

File: 3ca010f064cd1c8⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 748x557, 748:557, Traitor Schiff 53.jpg)


I KNEW anons had memed the $7.8M.

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e779ba  No.7906529



This thread should explain most of it

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d8dc0b  No.7906530

File: cb2cdd5469cb2ec⋯.jpeg (107.81 KB, 680x680, 1:1, F8EABB0C-BE31-41B2-8043-4….jpeg)

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fbc4a5  No.7906531

File: c790b44122e695a⋯.jpeg (868.9 KB, 1252x1775, 1252:1775, 978871F9-3ADF-4C81-86CE-3….jpeg)


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5c13d4  No.7906532


So often we don't know for several days later.

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252287  No.7906533

File: 8c90b22e2251bba⋯.png (696.27 KB, 681x437, 681:437, POTUS scavino faggot call ….PNG)

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8fa270  No.7906534


>are those sharks with lazer beams on their heads???

no, they're fricken lasers

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ff9800  No.7906535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donovan mentions them in this song

The antediluvian kings colonised the world

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119e5a  No.7906536


>The Senate galleries are empty because it's a sham.

I'm guessing they'll be packed when POTUS team starts hammering back.

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5c13d4  No.7906537


But we knew this would happen.

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1af4aa  No.7906538

File: 0f2503152d4523c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 790x1008, 395:504, ClipboardImage.png)



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26471f  No.7906539

File: 1c85ad2b45e8e1c⋯.png (805.19 KB, 1073x990, 1073:990, -098927007321278.png)

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cce234  No.7906540

File: f963852e3204ff8⋯.png (1.69 MB, 923x1200, 923:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b06aff7ef878eb⋯.png (410.96 KB, 650x649, 650:649, ClipboardImage.png)


this is why Q´s plan works so well.

he seperates the secret society [cult] traitors from the common-sense people.

this is happening ww.

masons claiming they just love high taxes, open boarders, sanctuary cities and they think everyone is a nazi that does not agree with Greta are far away from reality and visible oust themselves.

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5e08a5  No.7906541

File: b52485988b91b8f⋯.jpg (40.43 KB, 480x480, 1:1, cureP.jpg)


>I dont believe any of it. There is no fucking virus.

Curious isn't it.

Gotta know they'll find a cure- or at least they'll say it is.

Wonder if that'll be a mandatory thing?

^^all rhetorical thinking aloud

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316159  No.7906542


Bandaid on the finger also.

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c5680f  No.7906543

File: d0e98a80428ce97⋯.png (320.5 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, RISK (c).png)

File: 36dc53444c1577c⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 465x312, 155:104, George npc UR.jpg)


what we call "Russia" was born a thousand years ago in Kiev.

the overwhelming ignorance is overwhelming

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6ac3cf  No.7906544


MINUTE ORDER as to MICHAEL T. FLYNN granting 157 Defendant's Second Motion to Continue Briefing Deadlines. The parties shall adhere to the following modified briefing schedule: (1) Mr. Flynn shall file his "Supplemental Motion to Withdraw for alternative additional reasons" by no later than 12:00 PM on January 29, 2020; (2) the government shall file its response to Mr. Flynn's motion and supplemental motion by no later than 12:00 PM on February 12, 2020; and (3) Mr. Flynn shall file his reply brief by no later than 12:00 PM on February 18, 2020. Mr. Flynn's supplemental motion and the government's response shall address the following: (1) the standard in this Circuit for a defendant seeking to withdraw a guilty plea before sentencing; and (2) the need for an evidentiary hearing where the parties would present all testimony and evidence concerning the issue of whether Mr. Flynn can show that there is good cause to set aside his guilty pleas, see United States v. Cray, 47 F.3d 1203, 1206 (D.C. Cir. 1995), including testimony from Mr. Flynn and other witnesses under oath, subject to cross-examination, to show any "fair and just reason" for this Court to grant his motion to withdraw, Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(d). Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on 1/24/2020. (lcegs3)


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0d78a9  No.7906545

File: 87a8c5eacdfefde⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, Standard.png)

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6c8b0d  No.7906546

File: a510cc4cbcd3157⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1594x796, 797:398, NS-J18-1.png)

File: 1bc6828f989da9b⋯.png (704.77 KB, 793x398, 793:398, NS-J18-2.png)


And it's Night Shift when we SAY it's Night Shift.

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7b9e3f  No.7906547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Foreign JIDF Shill detected: incorrect use of "how"

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ef6f76  No.7906548

Whatdda Mean I dont support YOUR system……

I go to court when I have to …….

It's still WE THE PEOPLE ……. right ???

SARS and Corona is a globalist control grab ( SCAM )

Peace Sells - but - Whos Buying ?

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5c13d4  No.7906549


How can (((they))) even pretend that we don't know?

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8fa270  No.7906550

File: 582c4f47201f559⋯.png (93.85 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ooooocat.png)


Ooooo, he's gonna get so rich!

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c247cc  No.7906551


My best guess so far of the real story is that it was a failed hit attempt on D5 or at the very least MBS(the vid that has gone around isn't him though). This is the rumored meeting that was set to take place that night. When the hit went bad they needed cover to get their operatives out of town so they sent one of the teams to Paddock's(weapons procurer for operations that night, used freight elevator to go straight to Dopey and Gates owned floors w the guns) room to shoot down on the concertgoers to cause a melee that would provide the cover needed for their teams to escape. I think the random shootouts across the city were the good guys and bad guys shooting it out as they were trying to escape the city. We found out the men who shot down on the concert goers from Paddock's room escaped from Mandalay Bay through a tunnel system they have connecting it to another hotel( i forget). They were then picked up in choppers at this hotel and from there I don't know what happened to them.

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f017c3  No.7906552

File: 21f3ab7c72def25⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB, 828x350, 414:175, 06847B16-BAE6-4005-8B9A-9….jpeg)


>Some weird things going on in Davos….


euphemistically known as “naval gazing.”

technically known as “solipsism”

essentially “satanism” without the popularized attributes (eg child sexual abuse, sacrifice, symbols, black magic rituals, etc.)

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a5c1cf  No.7906553


Doesn't he always answer questions that are posted on instant message chat, from anyone who joins his live broadcasts? Someone should just ask him what books he has, or to show them closeup on camera

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b664f6  No.7906554

File: a82018e5ca2fb5c⋯.png (340.35 KB, 641x483, 641:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6795fba1f7172f4⋯.png (446.14 KB, 531x450, 59:50, ClipboardImage.png)

where they go?

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84b065  No.7906555

File: 0805933eee69797⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 590x1117, 590:1117, men-at-work-64b6aabfb2~2.jpg)


The mullahs thank you.

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225ef9  No.7906556


This is also true

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a6bfdf  No.7906557

File: fe6715295a0113c⋯.png (49.48 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 3m0nc1.png)

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26225c  No.7906558

File: 26fba3799791ea7⋯.png (841.05 KB, 1303x681, 1303:681, 952.PNG)

File: cc94868e0bc4144⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1781x925, 1781:925, 954.png)

File: 3ac1084b8eda5a9⋯.png (648.53 KB, 869x650, 869:650, 955.png)

File: c75f9852cd10cbe⋯.png (356.14 KB, 1984x478, 992:239, 957.PNG)

File: 008c2c50bdc4b1f⋯.png (239.1 KB, 1176x815, 1176:815, 959.PNG)

Bread #10116

>>7905031, >>7905109, >>7904904, >>7904916, >>7905275 Anons discuss Space Force logo.

Bread #10117

>>7905754 Continued Space Force logo discussion.

7905031 lb

The two star back drop off 10 & 12

Probably the two constellation

that the two voyager probe are heading toward



>>7905754 lb

>>7905847 lb

Ok next possibility

look at their logo graphic

was made with different layer that our glue

why have the same constellation with different layer

be much easier to do all at once


>>7906036 lb

Are they telling where they have been already

so which layer was they visiting

7905953 lb

the constellation on the left pretty closely resembles the Pleiades.

the one on the right looks more like Lyra than anything else to me.

In the 'exopolitical' studies literature, many researchers have tentatively concluded that modern humans are descended from visitors from those two constellations, so maybe the USSF logo is a tip of the cap to those 'ancestors'.

>>7905973 lb

Haha, maybe there was some truth to the SERPO story after all

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b425c4  No.7906559


> I propose a law, you can't have a voice in USA politics if you have dual citizenry with any country: that means Canada, ISreal, Switzerland, the UK..

This right here. All in, or nothing. We lead like that, and others will do the same. The end run is it creates identical ideologies.

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0ec0fa  No.7906560


He so fucking stupid. He did blow it in the word way. Love the boomerangs. "I don't know if this is true" LOL Referencing a CBS fake news article "quoting" an anonymous GOP confidant! Ironic he wrapped up with this….It sums up their entire case.

They have nothing


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12961e  No.7906561

File: 7c96fdfea21960e⋯.png (171.16 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-24 Mari….png)

File: 9f3e4238b4d701c⋯.png (152.6 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-24 SEVE….png)

Nat Rothschild's PLANET NINE is now passed Barbados and heading southwest. Current course puts Tabago as probable landfall and the "TTTAB" entered for destination seems close to Trinidad and Tobago to me. Meanwhile,Spielberg's SEVEN seas in hanging out at La Paz, Mexico

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02d8ae  No.7906562

File: 79344701919c57e⋯.jpg (200.15 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Blue-Danube-River-Cruise-T….jpg)

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5c13d4  No.7906563


Great image, anon.

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d971fd  No.7906564

File: 9dbc1d5d360f3cc⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 8EC28D01-D23C-4C73-BE02-B2….png)

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316159  No.7906565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Peace Sells - but - Whos Buying ?

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d25da4  No.7906566

File: 95b729acdd7660a⋯.png (212.99 KB, 739x529, 739:529, jimmycarter.png)


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e82c40  No.7906567

File: 3357d065cf54df4⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 499x499, 1:1, kwhw73T.jpg)

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ed59b3  No.7906568

File: ad4470f62322fb0⋯.png (368.57 KB, 635x393, 635:393, ad4470f62322fb0d024cc7f417….png)


shit nigger, peach mint on, rayciss abound, who you gonna call now, bitch!

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835ac7  No.7906569

File: aca2aa5df00fd45⋯.png (343.98 KB, 669x690, 223:230, e09972d9d7333c1604ae0e5086….png)

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dd0193  No.7906570


So his Space Command patch goes back to 2005.

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fbc4a5  No.7906571

File: 771b58bbf9571b0⋯.jpeg (805.9 KB, 1272x1790, 636:895, 203A87B5-D834-4C30-B27D-5….jpeg)


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ff9800  No.7906572



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225ef9  No.7906573


That happened last week. Powell said something big was going to happen today

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bd59bf  No.7906574

File: 3ed811ce5bc0bb9⋯.png (447.36 KB, 887x486, 887:486, dn15.PNG)

File: 5e390d8da182f36⋯.png (399.55 KB, 572x701, 572:701, NightshiftEngaged.PNG)

File: daddb4c9930dd81⋯.png (245.16 KB, 602x547, 602:547, NSGallows.PNG)

File: e90be6275913ef7⋯.png (239.32 KB, 625x388, 625:388, nsl.PNG)



Yeah we do! F the naysayers

Night Shifters are meme makers taking a break, they hate Unity

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5c13d4  No.7906575


You been sneezefarting with ebot?

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9b7444  No.7906576

Even before the George Stephanopolis story today where he is signaling to cut away from an interview with one of Trump’s impeachment defense team, I was expecting the MSM fake hacks to pull every trick in the book to limit the exposure of the normies to their ample supply of Red Pillls.

Just another reason end this charade ASAP. The MSM will not allow us to see the truth, so just cut to the vote, forget questions, witnesses and documents and end this farce at the first opportunity!

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05ba00  No.7906577


My research does seem to be pointing me to the fact that Atlantis was indeed a reality and after a cataclysm the people's were dispersed and became new civilizations like ancient Egypt. It seems that most of the mythologies and holy stories are derived from the ancient knowledge of that civilization. The rabbit hole gets deeper.

Still would like to find out that book title too. Though it's not like I don't already have enough to read.

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d0a641  No.7906578


We know this is a lie because you can tell Pompeo doesn't yell. He's the silent type who stares at you until you want to shit your pants.

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48459c  No.7906579


Do you have sauce for that anon?

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ef6f76  No.7906580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MEGADETH - State Funeral Edition


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530711  No.7906581

first to know

first to act

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44681f  No.7906582

>>7906008 pb

Why would Comey say "head on a Pike"

Simple answer: He's a freak

It was an open code that they want to kill the POTUS

He's not working for POTUS !

Also, 2 + 2 =4 .Everyone says that.


Why are [D]s attempting to block the counting of 'illegal' immigrants?

2 + 2 = 4

What is the total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?

What is the 'real' total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?

By flooding coastal States controlled by [D]s does this 'pull' votes out of the Heartland?

At what point will your voice and your vote become null and void?



somehow I don't think Shitty was referring to "Q team"


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2b0b1d  No.7906583

File: 51cf16637dd04ef⋯.png (345.71 KB, 727x763, 727:763, 2345 A phone was present..png)

File: c5f197af0fdbd70⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 255x230, 51:46, Fein Art KAV.jpg)

File: 0700203e2ae80c2⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1440x794, 720:397, soon dianne feinstein d be….png)

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eff51c  No.7906584

File: 7d7321086c54e69⋯.jpg (110.17 KB, 1839x638, 1839:638, 3.02 Coming Soon.jpg)


Patriot Anon

Just in case if it helps

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5c13d4  No.7906585


Anon's been researching cataclysms? Do Malta.

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f7d527  No.7906586

File: deda6a4a7c7fe8e⋯.jpg (744.93 KB, 934x444, 467:222, InkedScreenshot_2020-01-24….jpg)

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a48227  No.7906587


23 stars

23 letters


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d91ac4  No.7906588

File: 11628d7de48ce5a⋯.png (279.88 KB, 1408x790, 704:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d9a5681811ce5e⋯.png (352.3 KB, 1262x816, 631:408, ClipboardImage.png)

Hilldawg Diggs

Sorry if posted before, but the FBI Vault has new HRC docs:



Part 38 has some State Dept emails from Sean Misko (Schitt's butt boy staffer!) and correspondence between Strzok and NASA about some meeting with Killary and a DVD.

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d42285  No.7906589

File: 710efdf9184cc42⋯.png (283.4 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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05ba00  No.7906590


Oh! Hey thank you anon!

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7b9e3f  No.7906591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and iirc Bill Gates' father was in the Malthusian Society aka kill off all the useless eaters.

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d0a641  No.7906592

File: 7a65fff94669780⋯.jpg (796.37 KB, 2558x1337, 2558:1337, SR-71B.jpg)


Blessed is our baker. o7

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1af4aa  No.7906593

File: 829c3e2d0d1ec82⋯.png (591.34 KB, 958x936, 479:468, ClipboardImage.png)

Warren denies what we all heard her say.

There is no end to the lies from her.


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ef6f76  No.7906594


Anons ///

Tip of the information spear

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d0a641  No.7906595

File: 6520a00f60bc153⋯.png (211.54 KB, 480x645, 32:43, ClipboardImage.png)


Double tap.

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30db7b  No.7906596


Date extended because of news carter page fisa’s were unjust.

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edd259  No.7906597


….here it go

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47a1aa  No.7906598



Any additional guidance on starting to collect graphics?

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8a072a  No.7906599


Donald J. Trump




China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!

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6ac3cf  No.7906600


Happened today, look at the date it was signed by the judge

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bd59bf  No.7906601


correction: (((they)))

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24c200  No.7906602

File: 92181e09c1cda98⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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530711  No.7906603

first to know

first to act


mirror that boss

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735518  No.7906604

File: 8e4fc843af57161⋯.jpeg (46 KB, 650x954, 325:477, 3B63A5B3-EA15-461E-912F-A….jpeg)

All of (((you))) are retarded as fuck.

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758e77  No.7906605

File: 15fbeb16ba8d4db⋯.png (622.69 KB, 500x707, 500:707, ClipboardImage.png)

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d573f3  No.7906606

Would you like brain damage with that? America’s favorite cooking oil causes neurological changes, says animal study

Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Genetics.

New research has shown that despite being marketed as a healthy alternative, soybean oil, America’s most popular oil, causes neurological changes in the brains of mice, and may contribute to autism and dementia in humans.

Extracted from the seeds of soybeans and used in everything from fast food to animal feed and even baby formula, soybean oil is easily the most widely consumed oil in the US, ubiquitous in the national cuisine.

It’s in McDonald’s fries, Pizza Hut crust, and the “healthy” 9-grain bread used for your Subway sandwich.

A research team from University of California, Riverside has been studying the impact of soybean oil for several years. They previously found that it induces diabetes and obesity in mice, hardly surprising given that vegetable oils are high in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. By now, most people know that eating too much fried food is bad for your ticker.

But what is really shocking about their latest findings is the effect soybean oil seems to have on the brain.

From Alzheimer’s to autism

The study is published in Endocrinology, a scientific journal, and it shows that when soybean oil is fed to mice it has major impact on their hypothalamus, an area of the brain crucial for regulating mood and behaviour.

More worryingly, it even affected over 100 of the mice’s genes, including one for controlling oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone. Soybean-fed mice showed lower levels of oxytocin in the hypothalamus. Other genes affected had to do with metabolic and hormone pathways, including the insulin pathway, synonymous with diabetes. There was also upregulation of genes associated with anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.

Considering the evidence, the authors believe that soybean oil could increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism. However, there is no concrete proof yet that soybean oil causes these conditions, since this research was conducted on male mice only. But mice are used as a model organism for human health for a reason, as a mammal species they have similar tissues and genetics to us, and it is reasonable to provisionally project some of the authors’ health warnings onto humans.

Lead author Poonamjot Deol said: “If there’s one message I want people to take away, it’s this: reduce consumption of soybean oil.”


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44681f  No.7906607


Was that the big news on Hannity?

When the commercials come I can't watch, then I forget to go back

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d42285  No.7906608

File: 5cc24bfbaeb5003⋯.png (266.01 KB, 612x251, 612:251, ClipboardImage.png)


>Any additional guidance on starting to collect graphics?

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a1488f  No.7906609


that adds up to 5:5 :)

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a6bfdf  No.7906610

File: 0d833e00594fe9a⋯.png (87.33 KB, 888x499, 888:499, imagination.png)

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247f37  No.7906611


Memes that doxx yourself and expose all your accounts are the best memes.

like the questionnaires that make you answer your secret questions when you lose yur password,

normies BTFO

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d8dc0b  No.7906612


Constitutionally Sound.

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231551  No.7906613



I was thinking earlier.

Some quality memefag(s) needs to make some memes of shifty's head on a pike… googly eyed.

Seems like now is about time to share my thoughts.

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d0a641  No.7906614


Dec 2015 you say?

Isn't that when Satanic Stzrok & co went to UK?

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530711  No.7906615


first to know

first to act


mirror that boss

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6ac3cf  No.7906616

File: 308dc99fbc362c0⋯.png (380.64 KB, 1000x965, 200:193, Air_Force_Space_Command.png)

File: 96aa36cc76e4612⋯.png (328.41 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Seal_of_the_United_States_….png)


Air Force Space Command (1982–2019)


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5c13d4  No.7906617


Well at least we aren't faggots with a tranny bro/sis.

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ff9800  No.7906618

File: f89d9e109c5415d⋯.jpg (125.82 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, teehee.jpg)

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ed59b3  No.7906619

File: c3ec126c5b3a98f⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 500x750, 2:3, EIrxF-yU0AAYKTR.jpg large.jpg)

File: f9c997d630e180e⋯.jpg (96.37 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, f9c997d630e180ea73e1d855cc….jpg)


And it's always Night Shift somewhere!

Consider the vastness of the universe.

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3d6d1e  No.7906620

Lev Parnes is their savior. Lev is their life-line. They holding to Lev for all their worth. Carl Bernstein has the biggest hold. What a sickening sight.

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d0a641  No.7906621


Tick Tock!

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d42285  No.7906622

File: e8acf8676348bd1⋯.png (2.35 MB, 900x1314, 50:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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622551  No.7906623


It’s necropedia…a satire/joke site with fake obituaries.

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310d9c  No.7906624

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b664f6  No.7906625

File: 53562b78fbbd3b4⋯.png (44.18 KB, 228x313, 228:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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758e77  No.7906626

File: edc292b6f053e2a⋯.png (474.53 KB, 875x285, 175:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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abbe81  No.7906627

I had to look up what a "pike" is.

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47a1aa  No.7906628


Oh thank you fren.

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909c09  No.7906629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DAVID GATES (of BREAD) performs "If" (Live in 1975)

Love is our true nature, love all of you.


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ec2fea  No.7906630


>hope they did a head count before & after. The Royal Order of

Jesters are Shriners sub order & many are NAMBLA

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b2207c  No.7906631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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735518  No.7906632


Well at least we aren’t muh muh muh muh muh shut the fuck up

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5e7ea1  No.7906633

File: c871a9671c393cf⋯.png (118.43 KB, 602x863, 602:863, 47544a39-6c63-3902-9567-50….png)

File: 9bd33bb153fef0c⋯.png (107.16 KB, 600x883, 600:883, 0490a573-a426-dc05-0d70-b4….png)

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ef6f76  No.7906634


EVERYONE should answer ALL Census questions …. what could go wrong ?

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44681f  No.7906635


Must be scripted.

It's not yet the 25th.

Where did he die?

in Asia?

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fbc4a5  No.7906636

File: c1f5cabac89852b⋯.jpeg (798.21 KB, 1292x1189, 1292:1189, 189C5E97-3472-4F8C-8B38-D….jpeg)


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310d9c  No.7906637

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d42285  No.7906638

File: 1093e5207134157⋯.png (734.83 KB, 992x557, 992:557, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c8b0d  No.7906639

File: 370b44a41255b7b⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1440x1076, 360:269, Vastness.png)



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44681f  No.7906640


Death hoax.

Maybe it will foreshadow, who knows?

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c708d3  No.7906641

File: 201b81853f6d46f⋯.jpeg (749.33 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ECC008D8-20FE-4E4B-A6D9-A….jpeg)

File: 5d030148510aa37⋯.jpeg (32.95 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 8608F362-357C-4BD0-8D5D-A….jpeg)

File: f815c422bfd699b⋯.jpeg (85.86 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 004E29A9-C247-41BF-A18C-6….jpeg)

File: b2613e56e746686⋯.jpeg (137.95 KB, 705x400, 141:80, 55693295-72B9-4276-B542-4….jpeg)

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24c200  No.7906642


soybean oil is very xeno estrogenic. So far not much good research on whether it is also mutagenic. That would be a very bad combination.

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e82c40  No.7906643

File: ea99ce1a1ce9d5b⋯.png (10.48 KB, 255x248, 255:248, ea99ce1a1ce9d5bd07cc6dc1ea….png)

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c5680f  No.7906644



>Where did he die?

in the vast wasteland you use for a hatholder and not much else

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48459c  No.7906645


Oh never heard of that..kek

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231551  No.7906646

shit's head on pike… was the 7.8m worth it?

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ef6f76  No.7906647

TODAY , is a new moon.

Followed by a CRESCENT moon .

Towel-head bat signal for mayham

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8fa270  No.7906648

File: 5888edb319384b6⋯.mp4 (263.18 KB, 320x320, 1:1, HolyShit.mp4)


coming in low, coming in fast

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d8dc0b  No.7906650


Sekulow should be interesting tomorrow morning.

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1af4aa  No.7906651

File: 42f3094a1639383⋯.png (180.49 KB, 1090x302, 545:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Nancy Pelosi Sucks Commemorative Pen (Limited Item)


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26e557  No.7906652


off by one

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5e7ea1  No.7906653


soy also causes seizures in some people

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c247cc  No.7906654


Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.


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2b0b1d  No.7906655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ec2fea  No.7906656

File: 3011bb3f01a4d78⋯.png (324.77 KB, 960x686, 480:343, pepecorona.PNG)


Dat timestamp..

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a78440  No.7906657

File: 737b425e581caa7⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 498x338, 249:169, wuhan explosion.jpg)

Anons know if the Wuhan explosion video has another link or source? Saw it with my own eyes, but it's a dead link now.

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ed59b3  No.7906658

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d971fd  No.7906659

File: 22a2dbb369754a6⋯.jpeg (49.09 KB, 600x280, 15:7, 9FDF76DC-3632-4C8F-B7C1-E….jpeg)

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124b3a  No.7906660

File: f37c89ecddc34ff⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 5236x1688, 1309:422, PROFITS CAUSE CORRUPTION.jpg)

File: 21e43d67323fccc⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2660x1634, 70:43, truth needs to b told.jpg)

File: f04007b6559f43b⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 636x572, 159:143, HELP JULIAN OUT TRUMPY.jpg)

File: f1e0c235df0991a⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 413x394, 413:394, RR SQUEAL.jpg)

Hello retards… hows that manufacturing of consensus going for you…..Keep at it… Always need a name….lol

Huge ego's can't be anonymous it would seem….lol. .. or is it the fact you all have one shriveled up sultana for a testicle and have a few "issues" from it…..lol.

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252287  No.7906661

File: d5da995e58f50dc⋯.png (1.4 MB, 796x803, 796:803, USSF badge dd.PNG)

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308a58  No.7906662

File: 06ceb9642dade61⋯.jpg (167.32 KB, 2048x1187, 2048:1187, key1.jpg)

File: 10f6692387fd3b8⋯.jpg (261.48 KB, 2048x1179, 2048:1179, key2.jpg)

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, anon.png)

File: f8c175835535f6f⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1522x1222, 761:611, f8c.jpg)

File: 73066315e7814e7⋯.jpg (315.98 KB, 1200x891, 400:297, a40.jpg)

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7158f8  No.7906663


They are operating on the old system. With total media dominance they think they can just keep repeating their talking points and the public will just eventually come around and give up.

They counted on America to be passive……..they counted wrong.

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ef6f76  No.7906664


i shat a lil bit

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a48227  No.7906665

File: 74d63c375797553⋯.png (239.37 KB, 1200x142, 600:71, ClipboardImage.png)


i can see lines, but no connections


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d42285  No.7906666


please source that with real

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26e557  No.7906667



>>7906380, >>7906483, >>7906561 planes and boats

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.

>>7906437 new Scavino - 1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉

>>7906544 Flynn updeate ICYMO - motion dates updates

>>7906384 Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

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fbc4a5  No.7906668

File: 56a253b3e47efa8⋯.jpeg (961.21 KB, 1004x1166, 502:583, 08395587-30BE-4AAF-8CE0-5….jpeg)


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44ece6  No.7906669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what's really going on, insider info on china's coronavirus disinfo

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c247cc  No.7906670



14 Nov 2017 - 6:25:29 PM

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


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316159  No.7906671


>AS's pain starts tomorrow. Hope the 7.8m was with it.

My interest in the dems presentation faded rapidly, but I will be watching every minute of Trump's team.

Strange to be excited for what would normally be a horrible event.

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de223e  No.7906672

>>7906504 thanks, nice hit yourself. I’m -1 as well, and it can vary.

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73d31e  No.7906673



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afd6ca  No.7906674

File: b0c910b8a185f1b⋯.png (305.21 KB, 609x479, 609:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8dc0b  No.7906675

File: 98a63ef9298e9b5⋯.jpeg (137.52 KB, 1204x774, 14:9, CAA2A84B-1A6A-4BAA-8830-1….jpeg)

File: 5425629527b96d6⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1887x1007, 1887:1007, C21C6A3C-04CD-4DFC-9BD3-B2….png)

File: 07a76eeb8b42456⋯.jpeg (123.02 KB, 855x500, 171:100, D7B044E2-0BB4-4240-A708-A….jpeg)

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530711  No.7906676


first to know

first to act


mirror that boss


loving this now

first to know first to spear

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735518  No.7906677

AS is one of the best they have…think about that KEK

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44681f  No.7906678


look at his little smirks. while he's saying all this

He thinks he's a pisser.


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1af4aa  No.7906679


>Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

John Brennan?

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e82c40  No.7906680

File: 28d61d557060249⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 680x680, 1:1, EPGY-A3X4AIe24y.jpg)

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bd59bf  No.7906681

File: fc7a9ccc4005bbf⋯.png (627.89 KB, 655x636, 655:636, Gone.PNG)

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a6922e  No.7906682



…some moar thinking out loud…

in all the articles that i've been reading on this thing, the fear porn is heavy but the specifics are super light….especially in what they are saying the symptoms are. It started out as fever, cough, traditional flu-like symptoms. But today that narrative got switched up to be:

-may or may not have a fever

-may or may not have a cough

-may or may not have the sniffles

-may or may not have the sneezes

-may or may not have muscle aches

-may or may not have gastro issues

-may or may not have headaches

….fuck. so anyone can now be considered potentially infected if they have any of those symptoms?! thats most people at any given time of the year. fuck that noise.

also, in the articles that i've been reading, you get the reaction quotes from the "scientists" studying this thing, and they are usually expressing some form of "i've never seen this before", "i'm so scared", "this virus is chilling in its implications".

ok, buy why? what is it specifically about this thing that is creating these reactions (if they are sincere). not one fuckin' article says WHY this is such an issue….even a smart-layman's explanation of what makes this so different…no reason given for the level of pure panic that we are asked to swallow.


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abbe81  No.7906683

File: dc9bf1e8cc635ac⋯.png (101.88 KB, 556x711, 556:711, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)

Twitter kissing Schitt's ass tonight.

("Brilliant" "In tears" "Schiff for President")

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0f69c5  No.7906684

File: 55662157f734c0e⋯.png (224.26 KB, 698x796, 349:398, ClipboardImage.png)







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fbc4a5  No.7906685

File: f028b08e4a60c9a⋯.jpeg (617.38 KB, 1395x1248, 465:416, 523A90B4-FD28-4110-80A8-D….jpeg)


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27d313  No.7906686

File: fa6a09bc6f0ac5b⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 330x421, 330:421, popcorn.gif)

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d8dc0b  No.7906687


>counted on America to be passive……..they counted wrong.

The Gipper

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de223e  No.7906688

>>7906504 I’m OP, switched devices, should’ve mentioned in first reply.

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9b7444  No.7906689


As of late, Ingraham has had more exclusive breaking news than Hannity. She is pushing the news that the whistle blower EC signed in a bunch of Ukrainians into the Obummer WH for a meeting between a bunch of Biden’s people and the Ukraine prosecutors. Subject, Burisma.

Game over, Joe.

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15f976  No.7906690

File: e7f02a5f4c43abb⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1550x754, 775:377, e7f02a5f4c43abb6404f4ac4e2….png)

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26e557  No.7906691

File: 5975fadfd8c2c8d⋯.jpg (336.85 KB, 1750x1742, 875:871, Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-6.jpg)

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6c8b0d  No.7906692

File: de830ba2fcf4167⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, swipe.jpg)

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b02221  No.7906693

File: 13fe189a1791156⋯.jpg (401.28 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, QClock45.jpg)


Thx Anon!

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25a530  No.7906694

File: 2a150913f9f5930⋯.jpeg (24.01 KB, 750x120, 25:4, 79899A08-72FE-4AC4-82BF-E….jpeg)


Pencil neck commemorative impeachment pencils.

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cce234  No.7906695


clown, using that (((muh jew echos))) will not make you masons look like "the joooos".

fuck off.

break free from the cult or go down.

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c5680f  No.7906696



now that will be a slappy fight between two narcissistic bitches

that i would pay to see - at least one of 'em has to lose.

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5c13d4  No.7906697


ThanQ anon. Always an honor.

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d42285  No.7906698


He sounds infected.

Put him in a bag.

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3d6d1e  No.7906699



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3a1a11  No.7906700



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53ac6a  No.7906701

File: c7885461a2e2668⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 620x349, 620:349, escena-lost-barco-kR6E--62….jpg)

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735518  No.7906702


Someone tell this high school educated faggot who they made the “GOAT” before he even stepped on the floor to go break his neck. He’ll literally never be the GOAT so I don’t know why he’s still playing. His son absolutely blows too

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a6bfdf  No.7906703

File: 3fab8fa668b6c7a⋯.gif (4.92 KB, 300x180, 5:3, _695142_hands2_300[1].gif)


not to forget by looking at the same finger, its length is that of a man.

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6ac3cf  No.7906704

File: d36f5df8886b2ca⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mr. Peanut dies in new Pla….mp4)


RIP Mr. Peanut

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05ba00  No.7906705

File: 615829eff585f2d⋯.png (90.39 KB, 262x192, 131:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b0b1d  No.7906706

File: 3f698d53af208f3⋯.jpg (11.24 KB, 400x273, 400:273, Soon Feinstein Sessions.jpg)

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ef6f76  No.7906707

Just ADD some CORONAvirus……

The song remains the SAME.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.""The First Global Revolution",

A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.

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26e557  No.7906708

File: 1d5a1e7356b1483⋯.png (94.86 KB, 157x291, 157:291, tulsi.png)

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5c13d4  No.7906709


Yep. With a 17. Love it.

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308a58  No.7906710

File: 06d8702aafc1bd3⋯.jpg (13.92 KB, 267x200, 267:200, ad3.jpg)

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8300df  No.7906711



It’s a cover story for what they already know.

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a3c13b  No.7906712

File: f655e36cf6800ba⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 745x500, 149:100, Rains rain tears.jpg)


Wah wah wah, everybody I don't like is a clown.

GTFO rainman. Night Shift was here from the start. Collected some pretty old memes and here is just one of them.

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8802e4  No.7906713


>Lisa Page said she was with McCabe throughout LV, as she was through Boston Marathon


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530711  No.7906714

first to know first to spear

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7560f5  No.7906715


hahaha what an idiot

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abbe81  No.7906716


Fake. CGS.

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504f44  No.7906717


Nothing "epic" has happened in over 3years so when someone says that we ignore them

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fbc4a5  No.7906718

File: da7c894167d0f53⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1536x1859, 1536:1859, 0234B289-C076-4584-A837-F….jpeg)


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15f976  No.7906719

File: 62765a2e0d10ddc⋯.jpg (232.6 KB, 754x585, 58:45, 1572489407318.jpg)

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de223e  No.7906720


You think? Will AS’s pain be loud and clear?

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1578bb  No.7906721

File: 05ffee1d3ff691d⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1109x1286, 1109:1286, 05ffee1d3ff691dfeb9f8d4776….png)

There's going to be some must see TV tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

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d87d72  No.7906722

File: 4f0785bf434e6a1⋯.jpeg (542.28 KB, 1756x1682, 878:841, 601F6F41-F408-4749-B686-6….jpeg)

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abbe81  No.7906723


Interesting?? It's going to be kick ass and I can't wait.

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b02221  No.7906724


A=1 S=19

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252287  No.7906725

File: 8e0dea1d7c2fc1e⋯.png (1001.44 KB, 566x821, 566:821, pepe ace of dd gold outlli….PNG)

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27d313  No.7906726

File: 6aad197aa00383c⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 800x598, 400:299, right.jpg)

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1f9472  No.7906727

File: ba4dcbae1ebb962⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 399x400, 399:400, ba4dcbae1ebb96241f9822bf83….jpg)

Nothing will habben tomorrow.

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afd6ca  No.7906728


That makes sense.

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15f976  No.7906729


"moderate" traitors

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94d783  No.7906730


Apparently i have lady hands, thanks anon

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8300df  No.7906731


Except it should have Heiroglyphs

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ec2fea  No.7906732

File: 678dae66eaa4cc8⋯.png (806.14 KB, 738x484, 369:242, ClipboardImage.png)


Dat timestamp..>>7906437

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44681f  No.7906733

File: 79c2eecbc7a42cf⋯.jpg (276.55 KB, 1200x1054, 600:527, schiff.jpg)

He's holding back the laughter

Think when POTUS tweeted (?)

That Shit goes into a back room with friends and laughs his head off.

POTUS said he would laugh in private.


Is he SES? is that what makes him so bold?

Also, The "Pike" work might be a wink at Comey?

They both used it.



I've got him on a rack.

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5c13d4  No.7906734


It's so comforting to identify the enemy. No one said anything about jew. You inferred the offense. Sensitive much?

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d8dc0b  No.7906735

File: 24f91ba183e7e73⋯.png (1.36 MB, 895x805, 179:161, 8DF92527-1320-477A-AAA3-94….png)

File: 15b92eb7758db90⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1000x585, 200:117, FCE455FB-064A-4E20-9EE8-0E….png)

File: 4e2792b920866a4⋯.png (416.07 KB, 639x336, 213:112, BD8471B9-CA5B-45F7-8FF2-E9….png)

File: 8d6956a8c00809d⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1500x926, 750:463, E3EF0BAD-2FBA-4BE6-85B0-F1….png)

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b664f6  No.7906736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

obama on snowy

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247f37  No.7906737


Alan Dersowitz will talk constitutional History the majority of the time.

Trump said Saturday tv is like death valley

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77fbb5  No.7906738

File: f587073cfd39661⋯.png (690.07 KB, 724x710, 362:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Website showing pandemic exercise at J Hopkins

Had DS playing roles of WH Admin

Jamie Gorelick (Lesbian HRC Club)

Tom Daschle

Check out their website


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eff51c  No.7906739


Patriot Anon

Nov 10 2017 was on a Fri

Jan 24 2020 is on a Fri

3:02 AM will be on Jan 25th 2020 Sat (Coming soon)

Dan posted a clock that shows 3:00 clock

None of the watches are close to 3:00 clock so 3:02 AM is the closest to 3:00 clock What will POTUS know at 3:02 AM Sat Jan 25th 2020

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ef6f76  No.7906740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Report From Iron Mountain = a global threat ( real or fake ) serves to unite humqnity and dissolve national borders.

NWO playbook = THEY LIVE

Read William Coopers work >>> It Gives anons the " SUNGLASSES "

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77fbb5  No.7906741

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12961e  No.7906742

File: 0e12549799273bd⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 669x447, 223:149, SPS-10 Radar on SPA-25 Coo….jpg)


Boatfag has been around for hours and fading, can you give up a little more to go on? The Watch List now has 27 large merchant ships, 11 yachts, and 23 ports. Watching the boats are easy, the ports get scanned for "interesting" vessels. Takes time to pick up port call patterns and other little signifiers of "hmmm, might want to watch this one for a bit" so come on in, plenty of boats for everybody.

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c17aae  No.7906743

Graham was a Snake in the Making.


Then somebody was taken out.

Poor son of a bitch was looking over both shoulders.

He thanks God every day and every night for the Man in charge of protecting him.

A TOWERING Man with a Presidential mission.


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f017c3  No.7906744



Thanks for sharing!

But not at all surprised. Far bigger problems facing humanity relative to suppressed or hidden CURES for disease is 1) all the toxicity we are exposed to in the name of progress and 2) “Iatrogenic diseases” (those caused by unnecessary and dangerous medical treatments.)

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e02520  No.7906745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how's the bunker?

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b06a1d  No.7906746

Hey anons, help me out here


Am I wrong in thinking this is the first time we have tried a war enemy in a criminal court under civil jurisprudence, and sentenced them to prison??

War (and terrorists, which are extra-national enemy combatants) exist outside the United states statutory and criminal legal system. That is why we keep enemy combatants at Gitmo, so they aren't on US soil ..where they would suddenly fall under our legal system and hell would open up to spill out lawyers wanting to 'defend' them.

How did we end up sending an enemy combatant to a criminal trial under our court system? for something that happened outside the US, by extra-nationals, as an act of war?

And what does this mean for The Plan?

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c708d3  No.7906747


Who’s the dude dressed just like Mr. Scavino?

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27d313  No.7906748

File: ea854d2bed3c54b⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ISIS Libya.jpg)

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c5680f  No.7906749


howz bout a schiffhead on a pointy pencil?

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0d78a9  No.7906750


3.02AM Eastern would be 8.02 AM in the United Kingdom. Phillip/Queen

Look East.

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48459c  No.7906751

Vineyard spills 97,000 gallons of wine, polluting California river, officials say

A Northern California vineyard’s tank of wine popped open on Wednesday, unleashing 97,000 gallons — some of which flowed into a local river, state officials said. The leak was reported around 2:30 p.m. at Rodney Strong Vineyards in Healdsburg, according to a hazardous materials spill update from the California Office of Emergency Services. The caller who alerted authorities to the spill said that “a blending tank door popped out for unknown reasons and released 97,112 [gallons] of wine into Reiman Creek,” state officials said, adding that the spill ultimately made its way into the Russian River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean. “We are deeply concerned and are doing everything in our power to protect our waterways,” Rodney Strong spokesman Chris O’Gorman said Thursday, according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

State officials said the spill had been stopped and about 20 percent of the spilled liquid was contained. “Contractor and Rodney Strong Vineyards is conducting the clean up,” officials wrote in the hazardous spills update. The Healdsburg Fire Department and the Sonoma County Fire Services Department were responsible for handling the emergency, according to state officials. “The uncertainty was how much of that made it into the creek and how much into the sanitary sewer system inside the facility,” Sonoma County Fire Battalion Chief Mike Elson said, according to the Press Democrat. “But there was a large, substantial amount into the creek and river.”

The spill came after “a door near the bottom of a large blending tank somehow popped open around 1:30 p.m. and released all of the cabernet sauvignon it was holding into a sanitary sewer system on the property,” per the Press Democrat.

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7b9e3f  No.7906752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yet another America hating Jew with 0 Sauce.


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c247cc  No.7906753


Someone within the KSA royal family. My money would be on Dopey. Remember Q has been clear KSA has controlled most of our politicians for a very long time. It's sort of their role within the cult. They were taken out early due to Vegas. Dopey was hung upside down at the Ritz a month and 5 days after Vegas and Royals had at least 108 bil seized. Jamal K died a year to the day after Vegas. We are still unsure of the role he played but judging by his death pics it was a significant one.

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de223e  No.7906754

Zero Hour

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835ac7  No.7906755

File: 258af524a4b3dcb⋯.png (405.08 KB, 1028x469, 1028:469, aDAM sCHIFF TRAITOR LEAKER.png)

File: 3caf5d65a1d6a46⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1002x1500, 167:250, Adam Schiff chamber of sec….png)

File: 358d52cd209490a⋯.jpg (106.75 KB, 718x500, 359:250, 2b6zfh.jpg)

File: ca70fe36466c3b7⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 725x483, 725:483, 3c7kyt (1).jpg)

File: a4f71bce99e681d⋯.png (515.83 KB, 435x478, 435:478, Schiff the sick traitor.png)

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26e557  No.7906756


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239a2b  No.7906757

File: e11449dbf220b3e⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

The whole system is rotten.

All the IBOR mechanisms were rigged, and have been replaced by now. LIBOR, EURIBOR, SOFR, the whole lot of them.

But even worse look at Q drop #140

11 Nov 2017 - 8:33:51 PM

Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.

Inner TRI families will collapse.

TRI is Thomson Reuters

They managed the ISDAfix pricing mechanism that the 15 biggest banks rigged. But why was TRI never punished? They were the NWO, who would punish them?

Let's just get one thing straight. Most people who talk about Banksters, the Fed, financial reset, are asshole morons who haven't a clue about how things really work. It is not simply a few greedy bank owners manipulating things to keep control. The whole system is rotten and crooked at the core.

You have to read this article to understand

Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever

The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There’s no price the big banks can’t fix



Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world’s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.

You may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that’s trillion, with a “t”) worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it “dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets.”


See those pigs? Remember how some animals are more equal than others? See how they keep the scales of justice balanced? Now do you understand why the Department of Justice was so thoroughly corrupted?

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937461  No.7906758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFK JR returns.

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6c8b0d  No.7906759

File: 0eb32f68bf3cad0⋯.png (1.38 MB, 816x888, 34:37, GrabThePopcorn-1.png)

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5c13d4  No.7906760


Yeah. That's anon's instinct, too.

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f07bdd  No.7906761

>>7905725 pb

>The Plan

>House didn’t want to go to Court to enforce subpoenas and/or litigate POTUS invocation of Exec Priv. They say it was because of “urgency”, but I wager they had other reasons for not wanting to go to Court.

>So they sped thru their investigations and passed two Impeachment Articles. And now we’re in the Senate Trial.

>House Managers are now trying to slow down the Senate Trial and they want the Senate to subpoena witnesses. And they are again arguing the Senate should just do it instead of taking it to Court. McConnell “tabled” all of those requests.

>Guess they figure if the Senate – Trump’s firewall in Congress – issues a subpoena, Trump might feel cornered and capitulate. But again – why are the House Dems so opposed/afraid of litigation in court?

>Because they can get away with lying as long as this process stays within Congress. The second it goes to Court, they lose all leverage and the narrative falls apart under the studious scrutiny of the courts. Courts which DJT has spent three years stacking. SCOTUS, too.

>So here’s what might end up happening:

>House makes their prosecutorial case. Defense team makes their defense case. Senate deliberates. During deliberation, Senate may decide after all to hear from witnesses. Those “tabled” requests from Schumer come back up. House Managers get giddy. Subpoenas are issued, POTUS again claims Exec Priv. The MSM and Dems lambast the President.

>THEN… The Senate says “Ok, you can do that Mr. President. No prob. We’ll go to Court to enforce our subpoenas and see what they think of your Exec Priv claims in this case.” (Just like Lindsey Graham recently said he’d do in such a situation).

>House Dems get less giddy. Senate Trial goes on pause. Senate and POTUS go to Court in classified setting. What arguments and evidence would DJT bring out at that point? Has he been stonewalling all this time just to ensure he gets taken to court? Does DJT WANT to go to court for some other reason?

>“How do you introduce evidence?”


>So maybe fireworks happen in Court. DJT’s nasty evidence of traitors and swamp monsters FINALLY comes to light in a full judicial setting. Durham and Barr get called in. Moar holy fucks happen. The lid gets blown off of everything Q has been telling us. All those sealed indictments get unsealed.

>More trials spin out from here for all those indicted. DC is roiled in chaos and litigation. Congress is neutered – many members will have been named in the indictments. Those members will either be prosecuted or impeached (then prosecuted). Swamp bleeds, loses all control.

>Eventually, a ruling is made on the case brought by the Senate. It is determined that DJT was within his right to invoke Exec Priv and defy subpoenas, which kills the Obstruction of Congress peach mints. And by now, it will be understood why DJT has been making all these moves against the swamp, which kills the (already legally baseless) Abuse of Power peach mints.

>Senate Trial finally resumes for about an hour – just long enough to vote for acquittal, which nullifies the House impeachment forever. (Sorry Nancy)

>The country is rocked and shocked. The presidential race becomes wildly one-sided. Trump wins 90% of the electorate. Congress turns Red in both chambers at the next congressional election. DNC is all but dead and the party must rebuild its honor. (So long and thanks for all the keks!)

>The end. 🇺🇸

Bringing this back from couple breads ago.

Anon is on to something.

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73d31e  No.7906762

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9834c4  No.7906763


Some reference to Albert Pike, maybe? Albert Pike, noted Mason and occultist from Arkansas?

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07a93c  No.7906764

If the behavior is true of Pompeo, after the NPR interview, he should apologize.

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7d690f  No.7906765


Drunken fish, pre-marinated!

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b06a1d  No.7906766

Chinas top virus research facility is at the epicenter of the outbreak.

And they want you to think it was caused by bat soup?


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a533b4  No.7906767

File: 1fcfcef8e9ac50a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 986x1194, 493:597, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)

Larry Johnson hinting that LeBron James diddles kids.


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d42285  No.7906768



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26e557  No.7906769


my sycnh jumped to -3


i didnt even come close


see if im -1 here

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d8dc0b  No.7906770


I’ve followed jay since foundation of ACLJ. Brilliant man.

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5c13d4  No.7906771


Please let it be. Anon has nothing but time for the next few weeks. Will be happy to watch.

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1af4aa  No.7906772

File: b9b13a55cecbc22⋯.png (110.7 KB, 958x442, 479:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Rapper YG once kicked a fan out of his own show (a white kid, of course) because the kid refused to say "Fuck Donald Trump". . . Well today YG was arrested for robbery, just days before he was scheduled to perform at Grammy's . . . Must be that "poverty" issue, right?


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252287  No.7906773

File: 3b2ba1d6f764128⋯.png (113.3 KB, 373x204, 373:204, pepe time is up mark it.PNG)

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e82c40  No.7906774

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, f939f6067f668efb36d7a8ad31….jpg)


dub dubs…

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3d3809  No.7906775

File: 16955006f0e8b10⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 500x718, 250:359, ThingStory.jpg)

File: 9c85b6da5070ca7⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 523x477, 523:477, ThingStoryII.jpg)

File: 8d1b562fc98dec4⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 663x377, 51:29, ThingStoryIII.jpg)

File: a88535a5ea97bb6⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 500x598, 250:299, ThingStoryIIII.jpg)

File: 84124e15393abdc⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 710x351, 710:351, ThingStoryIIIII.jpg)

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be7fb6  No.7906776

File: 4a4649b33afb991⋯.jpeg (339.11 KB, 2048x1400, 256:175, EPGSk-XUYAA0rf_.jpeg)

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4e1e8b  No.7906777

Loved the tariff proclamation tonight. Thank you for hearing us mfgs of derivatives.

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8300df  No.7906778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It’s going to be Biblical

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1af4aa  No.7906779

File: 6b3fce230c68ca4⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1086x1354, 543:677, ClipboardImage.png)


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8802e4  No.7906780


Why is this relevant?

If the Sealed Indictments are generally about voter fraud, which is what I have heard/read, then a major arrest may have to do with voter fraud…..would it be soros for first arrest?

Q 111

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.


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ec2fea  No.7906781

File: 863ab7cf2c06c73⋯.png (729.99 KB, 600x633, 200:211, BTFO4GOOD.PNG)

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3d6d1e  No.7906783


As Jay Sekulow said in is presser today,


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f97e91  No.7906784


An old meme does not a good meme make.

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5c13d4  No.7906785


heads up

One second past midnight eastern standard time.

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44681f  No.7906786

File: 497241b78775ee6⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 706x708, 353:354, schiffprank.jpg)

File: 243cbb01ae1cb17⋯.png (691.66 KB, 776x461, 776:461, schiffblank.png)

I never understood the "pencil-necked" mockery


It doesn't make sense to me.

Is his penis like a pencil, as Epstein's is like an egg? I just don't get it.

Here's one that needs a caption.

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735518  No.7906787


Lol Lebron James and Kevin Durant are invested in pizza business. Durant went to Brooklyn to hang out with Jay Z and Abramovic

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be7fb6  No.7906788

File: b83ffbf04712e4e⋯.png (231.98 KB, 1436x1288, 359:322, Capture _2020-01-24-22-58-….png)

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de223e  No.7906789


I’m phonefagging now, it’s inconsistent. Will try a cst one from computer in 20 mins.

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73d31e  No.7906790


FFS they are lame.

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b664f6  No.7906791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trump got obamas records?

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574f85  No.7906792

File: 33349e4a6b1c4a6⋯.jpg (254.7 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, IMG_20191006_155659.jpg)

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1f9472  No.7906793

File: 954612542021f1b⋯.jpeg (76.83 KB, 720x398, 360:199, 954612542021f1bf1e265b0fb….jpeg)

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90c89c  No.7906794

File: 4951e9460faefd4⋯.jpeg (199.67 KB, 1219x655, 1219:655, ns somewhere.jpeg)


Roger that.

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48459c  No.7906795

File: ed6d4cc9b9fc3f1⋯.png (387.92 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Screenshot_2020-01-25 Vine….png)

Vineyard spills 97,000 gallons of wine, polluting California river, officials say

A Northern California vineyard’s tank of wine popped open on Wednesday, unleashing 97,000 gallons — some of which flowed into a local river, state officials said. The leak was reported around 2:30 p.m. at Rodney Strong Vineyards in Healdsburg, according to a hazardous materials spill update from the California Office of Emergency Services. The caller who alerted authorities to the spill said that “a blending tank door popped out for unknown reasons and released 97,112 [gallons] of wine into Reiman Creek,” state officials said, adding that the spill ultimately made its way into the Russian River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean. “We are deeply concerned and are doing everything in our power to protect our waterways,” Rodney Strong spokesman Chris O’Gorman said Thursday, according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

State officials said the spill had been stopped and about 20 percent of the spilled liquid was contained. “Contractor and Rodney Strong Vineyards is conducting the clean up,” officials wrote in the hazardous spills update. The Healdsburg Fire Department and the Sonoma County Fire Services Department were responsible for handling the emergency, according to state officials. “The uncertainty was how much of that made it into the creek and how much into the sanitary sewer system inside the facility,” Sonoma County Fire Battalion Chief Mike Elson said, according to the Press Democrat. “But there was a large, substantial amount into the creek and river.”

The spill came after “a door near the bottom of a large blending tank somehow popped open around 1:30 p.m. and released all of the cabernet sauvignon it was holding into a sanitary sewer system on the property,” per the Press Democrat. The newspaper also reported that “Rodney Strong contracted with two vacuum truck operators to clean up the spill, and tried to assemble a dam in the creek, Elson said. The containment measure was unsuccessful, since water was flowing faster because of the recent rains.”

Rodney Strong, a retired dancer, founded the winery in 1959, saying “I knew I couldn’t be an old dancer, but I could be an old winemaker,” according to the winery’s site. In 1989, the Kleins, a farming family in the region, purchased Rodney Strong Vineyards and updated the operation with modern technology, the site says. The winery, which focuses on Sonoma County grape-growing and wines, has 14 estate vineyards in the region, including the Russian River Valley, Alexander Valley, Chalk Hill and Sonoma County coast.


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84b065  No.7906796


Exclusive pre-Superbowl interview with POTUS.

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5c13d4  No.7906797


Extra vertebrae in is neck. An ancient bloodline anomaly.

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239a2b  No.7906798

File: f384393d083119b⋯.png (248.18 KB, 327x499, 327:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3171203ddfbd998⋯.png (321.28 KB, 450x300, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia

Why? Because Libor already affects the prices of interest-rate swaps, making this a manipulation-on-manipulation situation. If the allegations prove to be right, that will mean that swap customers have been paying for two different layers of price-fixing corruption. If you can imagine paying 20 bucks for a crappy PB&J because some evil cabal of agribusiness companies colluded to fix the prices of both peanuts and peanut butter, you come close to grasping the lunacy of financial markets where both interest rates and interest-rate swaps are being manipulated at the same time, often by the same banks.

“It’s a double conspiracy,” says an amazed Michael Greenberger, a former director of the trading and markets division at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and now a professor at the University of Maryland. “It’s the height of criminality.”

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia

How America’s biggest banks took part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy – until they were caught on tape


And it happened in the Obama Administration…

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d42285  No.7906799

File: 020713b24db1e90⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed59b3  No.7906800


A jury convicted Mustafa al-Imam last year of conspiring to support the terrorist group that launched the fiery assaults on the U.S. compounds but deadlocked on 15 other counts.

Conspiring to support is not direct, many have been convicted of lending support to ISIS, also training in US court, Clinton opened that can of worms

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d42285  No.7906801


big words for no source

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cad8c6  No.7906802


Do you have higher resolution image?

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a86057  No.7906803


Oh for Fuck's sake Fungus! You fucking insane, worthless piece of shit.

You do the same fucking shit over and over, what a disgusting little loser you are.

You are completed hated here. You have weasled your self into functions of trust. The idea of those trust positions is to be of service to Q and anons.

But your twisted, ugly, narcissitic mind has not only caused you to twist your body into an utterly non-passable, sad pantomime of a woman, but filled you with hubris.

Your hubris leads you to take the positions of trust, not for love of the cause, but as a source of POWER of other anons. You wield that power with vindictive self righteousness, so completely absorbed with your less than have baked, confused idealogical obsessions, that any harm you cause is justified. Like a dangerous religious, you believe so deeply in your importance to the universe, that no matter how evil, deceptive, false, unethical or immoral your actions are, you are justified in doing them.

I have no idea where you found such a belief in your ideology. I can't imagine how you persist in believing that you have some towering intellect, when your failures and alienation of others is legion.

Face it, Fungus, you're an uneducated narcissist, consumed with confused ideas. Your so mentally ill, you think taking female hormones and anti-androgens will make you a woman. And yet, you sit infront of a computer for endless hours, where nobody you interact with treats you like a female, and despite the effort to be passable, they cannot see you.

You're a sad, pathetic loser. And all of your problems are self inflicted. Yet your actions prove that you are essentially black of heart, a mean spirited liar and manipulator, who deserves no sympathy. What's the tranny KYS rate? That's your future. Rolling those KYS dice every day. All so you can ban people from an image board. An image board that would be you talking to your IP alts, all alone, if you ran it for any length of time.

A sad little man, dressed as a fantasy anime slut (and failing), sitting all alone in an empty room on an empty souless image board.

What a fucking piece of shit you are.

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ee89e0  No.7906804

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 975d496e5c90e58b8c2b49beec….jpg)


put me in the screenshot!

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74ec6c  No.7906805

File: 8a7c834aabe9c22⋯.jpg (3.28 KB, 131x87, 131:87, Carlos Hathcock.jpg)

Not from Fort Benning.

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1af4aa  No.7906806


Vegan donut?

What a precious woke snowflake.

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bd59bf  No.7906808


Any fish in contact will most prob perish because of the high acidity and it could change the PH, not good

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73d31e  No.7906809


Keep suckin that slave owner dick you weak fuck. He's so braindead. This is when I wonder why God gives jackasses like this a platform.

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c704aa  No.7906810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Intense Deep And Persistent

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a533b4  No.7906811


Oh shit! KEK!

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308a58  No.7906812

File: 5a5712ad6892092⋯.png (1.07 MB, 997x850, 997:850, 5a5712ad6892092eac6e62f6b6….png)

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5e7ea1  No.7906813


I decline representation of vegans and vegetarians.

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d91ac4  No.7906814

File: a2c068bfe70116b⋯.jpg (376.91 KB, 1880x1160, 47:29, Vladimir_Putin_and_John_R.….jpg)


It's her, but I don't know when/why. She did go with Bolton and some others to meet with Putin and his gang before the Helsinki Soccer Ball Summit though.


Logic tells me no coincidences. The psychos are gonna psycho regardless kek.


Was thinking about that too.


Probably notable…

>Jamie Gorelick

Kushner's lawyer at one point. Partner at WH with Mueller too.


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48459c  No.7906815


Agreed..seemed like some coded messaging in there as well.

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26e557  No.7906816


are not endorsements


>>7906380, >>7906483, >>7906561 planes and boats

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.

>>7906437 new Scavino - 1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉

>>7906544 Flynn updeate ICYMO - motion dates updates

>>7906384 Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

>>7906278 Epstein was telling associates in 2014 that if he ever married, it would be to Celina Dubin

>>7906417 timestamp fag also rolls a Q digit says AS's pain starts tomorrow


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6f90e6  No.7906817

File: f4bbeb9f83fb896⋯.jpg (125.08 KB, 1052x692, 263:173, as4222753268.jpg)

File: 87c00e339abd685⋯.png (599 B, 57x43, 57:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c13d4  No.7906818


Remember when no anon could type little because it always showed liddle?

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2b0b1d  No.7906819

File: fa26b65b2cf1f5f⋯.png (997.33 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, Q Proof! Adam Schiff 7….png)

https://www.breitbart.com/california/2017/12/11/7-8-million-settlement-biomedical-companies-accused-profiting-fetal-tissue-sales/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialu/https://ocpolitical.com/2018/03/28/unholy-aliances-body-parts-trafficking-in-the-land-of-gracious-living/ $7.8mm?


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8fa270  No.7906820



why isn't #Ukraine51stState not trending?

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239a2b  No.7906821


Yep, it's showtime. But this is just cracking open the lid.

Once it becomes clear the magnitude, the scope and the breadth of the criminality, then everyone gains 2020 vision

And when you see clearly… well… just read the articles at the two links below. 10s of TRILLIONS of dollars



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1af4aa  No.7906822

File: 5c3452ad245ba86⋯.png (559.79 KB, 942x686, 471:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31d255aed0c1f34⋯.png (144.3 KB, 938x724, 469:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 594b3db4cac0934⋯.png (73.92 KB, 926x322, 463:161, ClipboardImage.png)



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937461  No.7906823


OooOoo that's that brown watch… One shill said

Muher fuca

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84a268  No.7906824


Thanks for posting this. I didn't put it together until seeing this.

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247f37  No.7906825

File: 35ae681661a7ee7⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 1200x1078, 600:539, IMG_4406.JPG)

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d42285  No.7906826


>2020 vision

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5c13d4  No.7906827


Have sauce. You aren't worth it.

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225ef9  No.7906828

Whoa!!! Flynn might get to testify soon

Judge sets high bar for former Trump adviser Flynn to withdraw guilty plea

To persuade a judge to let him withdraw his guilty plea, Flynn could be called to testify under oath and be subject to cross-examination during a hearing.

Federal District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan made clear Friday that Michael Flynn, who served briefly as President Donald Trump's national security adviser, has a high hurdle to overcome in persuading the judge to let Flynn withdraw his guilty plea.

Flynn pleaded guilty two years ago, admitting he lied to the FBI about his conversations with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. during the Trump transition. A year ago, the government said he deserved credit for admitting his misconduct and cooperating with prosecutors in investigating Flynn's former business partner. But prosecutors said recently that he failed to live up to the bargain and no longer deserves leniency.

Flynn's lawyers have accused the FBI of misconduct in how it has handled his agreement. That culminated in a motion filed earlier this month seeking to withdraw his guilty plea, which has delayed his sentencing.

In a brief order Friday, Judge Sullivan said Flynn's lawyers should file legal briefs addressing whether the court should hold a hearing "where the parties would present all testimony and evidence concerning the issue of whether Mr. Flynn can show that there is good cause to set aside his guilty pleas."

Such a hearing, the judge said, might include "testimony from Mr. Flynn and other witnesses under oath, subject to cross-examination, to show any 'fair and just reason' for this court to grant his motion to withdraw."

The judge's order cited a 1995 ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals that set a very high bar for withdrawing a plea. In that case, the appeals court said a defendant "must show either an error in the taking of his plea or some 'more substantial' reason he failed to press his case rather than plead guilty."

If a judge refuses to allow a defendant to withdraw a guilty plea, the appeals court said it would be "extremely reluctant" to overrule such a ruling unless a defendant can show that the judge clearly made a mistake. A defendant "has to shoulder an extremely heavy burden if he is ultimately to prevail."

Flynn's sentencing is now set for Feb. 27. Under federal guidelines, he could face zero to six months in jail, and federal prosecutors have said his sentence should be in that range. Flynn’s lawyers have urged the judge to sentence him to probation with no jail time.

The judge's order cited a 1995 ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals that set a very high bar for withdrawing a plea. In that case, the appeals court said a defendant "must show either an error in the taking of his plea or some 'more substantial' reason he failed to press his case rather than plead guilty."

If a judge refuses to allow a defendant to withdraw a guilty plea, the appeals court said it would be "extremely reluctant" to overrule such a ruling unless a defendant can show that the judge clearly made a mistake. A defendant "has to shoulder an extremely heavy burden if he is ultimately to prevail."

Flynn's sentencing is now set for Feb. 27. Under federal guidelines, he could face zero to six months in jail, and federal prosecutors have said his sentence should be in that range. Flynn’s lawyers have urged the judge to sentence him to probation with no jail time.

The judge's order cited a 1995 ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals that set a very high bar for withdrawing a plea. In that case, the appeals court said a defendant "must show either an error in the taking of his plea or some 'more substantial' reason he failed to press his case rather than plead guilty."

If a judge refuses to allow a defendant to withdraw a guilty plea, the appeals court said it would be "extremely reluctant" to overrule such a ruling unless a defendant can show that the judge clearly made a mistake. A defendant "has to shoulder an extremely heavy burden if he is ultimately to prevail."

Flynn's sentencing is now set for Feb. 27. Under federal guidelines, he could face zero to six months in jail, and federal prosecutors have said his sentence should be in that range. Flynn’s lawyers have urged the judge to sentence him to probation with no jail time.



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c5680f  No.7906829



>What a fucking piece of shit you are.

5,000 word essay single spaced.


i was so disgusted, i had to watch the whole thing

you are not only not charging rent for your headspace, but proud of it.

thanks for sharing, and for giving spore breath a you

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44681f  No.7906830



It's also a French Revolution reference?


Guillotines. Didn't they put the heads on pikes after they beheaded people, as a display

To show others. To make an example.

Isn't that what Pedesta said had to be done to the leaker, if or if not he actually did it, just to make an example.

They need to scare their troops into towing the (BS) line

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124b3a  No.7906831



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90c89c  No.7906832

File: cea8723edc4928b⋯.jpg (66.57 KB, 600x545, 120:109, GLOW CLOWN.JPG)


Glow harder tryhard.

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881be3  No.7906833

File: b3da831b8829af2⋯.jpg (195.12 KB, 705x960, 47:64, image004-1.jpg)

File: ebcb9925fffd579⋯.jpg (238.35 KB, 884x960, 221:240, image003.jpg)


Turkey has vast amount of underground tunnels going to some ancient cities.


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8802e4  No.7906834

File: 4455805af7c3d3e⋯.jpg (238.12 KB, 1501x707, 1501:707, john lewis .jpg)

File: 561e77c94d044e0⋯.jpg (26 KB, 320x197, 320:197, john lewis bridge.jpg)

2 recent stories on JOHN LEWIS

my bet for dead pool

There’s a better way to honor John Lewis than renaming the Edmund Pettus Bridge

Updated 9:10 AM; Today 9:08 AM

==A Tribute to an Icon: John Lewis

By NNPA Newswire Correspondent - ==

January 23, 2020

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8b8aa4  No.7906835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From Monkey 2016 to Dog 2018, Pig 2019

59 minutes ago (edited)

Allegedly Ashton Kutcher and a few others were behaving horribly with Brittany Murphy in on around 2002, while they were making the film, Just Married.

Later, Daddy Fayed (Daddy of Dodi Fayed who died with Princess Diana) was also mentioned in relation to her mysterious death and later the death of her British husband. BRITTANY Murphy went to open some show at Harrods for him, and according to gossip, she discovered some abuse in those circles.



7 hours ago (edited)

Ashton kutcher is also a freemason and those people are evil. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

SHOCKING ADMISSION! Epstein And The Elites! Cindy McCain Says WE ALL KNEW!

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26471f  No.7906836

File: 19488f8ac16d8aa⋯.png (1.2 MB, 903x875, 129:125, 08-721378906834.png)

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225ef9  No.7906837

Today, Judge Sullivan re-set Flynn's sentencing for Feb 27. That is the date on one of the two Q watches we havent figured out yet

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48459c  No.7906838


Baker, not sure if this was seen, however, it certainly debunks Bezos Saudi hacked me story.

>>7906365 BREAKING: Feds Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer, Report Says

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b664f6  No.7906839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

interviewer say obama muslim?


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8fa270  No.7906840


No, sorry. Just posting stuff grabbed over the years.

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d971fd  No.7906841

File: 1a1fc9d1abbbab5⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1784x1311, 1784:1311, 51E76B44-521E-47E7-9A4C-F9….png)



pain pain pain

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c708d3  No.7906842

File: f1eb1934270df12⋯.jpeg (85.95 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 4177F3AE-E724-4841-BF41-6….jpeg)

File: ab21dbf80ee1f66⋯.jpeg (145.73 KB, 920x613, 920:613, 37C54F2C-D5FD-4685-A5A0-8….jpeg)

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44681f  No.7906843


But could it have been protocol broken because unexpected / rushed situation?


Maybe they knew there was no one behind?

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b664f6  No.7906844

File: 76e4e718efb5b5d⋯.png (315.75 KB, 607x613, 607:613, ClipboardImage.png)

more snow


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5c13d4  No.7906845

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308a58  No.7906846

File: 81ac096ced7567a⋯.png (298.54 KB, 499x641, 499:641, 81ac096ced7567a346a886b0ba….png)



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ff9800  No.7906847


he sells alot of sprite and sneakers. But since Trump started stomping the NWO and China free for all on America with NBA and Nike dey all be quiets.

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2e7db1  No.7906848

File: 89821f35f46cd1e⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 750x750, 1:1, PepeChinatownRain.gif)



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124b3a  No.7906849

Back to being retards again… well… I suppose you tried… Back to filtering your totally pathetic worthless asses.


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26e557  No.7906850


>>7906380, >>7906483, >>7906561 planes and boats

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.

>>7906437 new Scavino - 1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉

>>7906544 Flynn updeate ICYMO - motion dates updates

>>7906384 Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

>>7906278 Epstein was telling associates in 2014 that if he ever married, it would be to Celina Dubin

>>7906417 timestamp fag also rolls a Q digit, says AS's pain starts tomorrow

>>7906738 Website showing pandemic exercise at J Hopkins Had DS playing roles

>>7906365 Feds Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer, Report Says (debunks Bezos Saudi hacked me story)


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ead8e7  No.7906851


Sounds like he's already dead. They are likely keeping him on ice right now until they need a big distraction

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316159  No.7906852




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124b3a  No.7906853

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag…and more

… Is Minion larping as Anti Fungal Leaf Bread(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy"

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

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ed59b3  No.7906854


this morning it was a Russian river

must have sobered up a bit

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a6bfdf  No.7906855

File: 8869b595f313a81⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1920x2314, 960:1157, FireShot Capture 113 - Pla….png)



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8a072a  No.7906856


Damn….I hope it's true.

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b06a1d  No.7906857


He's the most committed shill the Cia has and is assigned here permanently

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58ee13  No.7906858

File: c8e99ed1be06124⋯.png (129.31 KB, 949x386, 949:386, PAINlvlSG.PNG)

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26e557  No.7906859

File: 4d0a6cc0c0987c0⋯.gif (12.59 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 1 11.gif)

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308a58  No.7906860

File: 70646cf565ae5b4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x726, 500:363, 70646cf565ae5b4f26a482a84f….png)

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185149  No.7906862



Interdasting. emojipedia has those two emojis as "Three O’Clock" & "Spiral Calendar"


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530711  No.7906863

File: b3e54f739f29bdc⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 290x210, 29:21, oh-you-were-finished-well-….jpg)

spaghetti at the wall sums up the pelosi, shiff. nadler house argument for impeachment.

so now comes the PAIN..

pic related brothers in arms…

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84a268  No.7906864


Who is King James?

King James as in Bible?

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c247cc  No.7906865

A pretty f'd up drop. KSA's prior role was to sit around and scroll through US social media to locate kids to kidnap and sell to others in the cult. When they weren't doing that they were blackmailing our politicians and forcing them to carry out cult objectives. A different drop said 5,000 sex slaves were saved from KSA during the raids that took place in KSA the month after Vegas.


6 Nov 2017 - 1:50:59 PM

What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11?

Who authorized the departure?

Why is this relevant?

Was anyone else permitted to leave?


Was anyone else permitted to leave?

Was it a private plane?

What can private planes carry v commercial?

What airport did they arrive/depart from?

What was carried on a private plane to Iran?

Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?


How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family?

Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family?

What did they deliver?

To who?


What does money buy?

Why are the events in SA relevant to the above?

Who is the financial backer for human trafficking?

Who is the ‘broker’ for underage sex?

Think SA.

How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?

Think ‘Taken’.

Fantasy right?

Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes?

What is money laundering?

What does money buy?

Why is this relevant?

What other people were arrested in SA?

What are their backgrounds?

Are any connected to the Podesta Group?

Why is this relevant?

What do you need in order to prosecute senior political officials?

How do you avoid public misconception?

How do you justify counter-political attacks to the mass public?

Why is information so vital?

Is the country divided?

Why does the MSM portray the country as being divided?

Why is this relevant?


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a86057  No.7906866


How is calling out your tired tactic of using multiple IP's to harass bakers and anons a "triggering", you nigger fagging tranny?

Seriously Fungus, your hypocrisy is cringe worthy. You split the board with this bullshit far too often over the years, banning anons you don't like, using priveledge data to smear, dox and hurt anyone who doesn't worship the ground you walk on.

And you have the gall to bitch at a baker about a colon.

What a useless pile of human filth you are.

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6c8b0d  No.7906867


I wonder what was in that batch?

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e82c40  No.7906868

File: 1c99f7b0ce05375⋯.png (239.32 KB, 860x785, 172:157, 120-1208903_transparent-pe….png)


>This is when I wonder why God gives jackasses like this a platform.

God didn't….the cabal machine did.

He sickens me to the core.

Sad that he could have used his talent for good, and chose the opposite….

Oh, what # did he wear on the jersey???


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160da5  No.7906869

File: 36e6f01ffe2c837⋯.jpg (379.48 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, EPE6t6aX4AEFUnX.jpg)

File: aa51b1448cade2a⋯.png (189.58 KB, 711x380, 711:380, Screenshot_2020-01-25 us s….png)

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0f69c5  No.7906870

File: 38593dc1d5242b2⋯.png (196.39 KB, 1082x865, 1082:865, bepe_blank.png)

File: c520e18fa4764c5⋯.png (247.04 KB, 1082x865, 1082:865, bepe_corona.png)

File: 7afdc5c691953f1⋯.png (273.07 KB, 1190x1095, 238:219, bepe_eatme.png)

for my memefags out there

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55442a  No.7906871


>Jimmy Carter gonna die tomorrow?

Everyone is expecting that. So now They have to change their plans.

Jimmy should be thanking Q for keeping him alive a little longer.

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3453b8  No.7906872


dox yourself to the Watkins Mutants

no thanks

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7158f8  No.7906873


Its because it is not real….no one is sick with some mystery virus. China is a media controlled country totally. People over there might not even know the media over here are talking about a virus.

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e1c179  No.7906874


His head on a spike does have a nice ring to it

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48459c  No.7906875

File: 5530b4e95460dab⋯.png (294.87 KB, 600x405, 40:27, HAHAHA.png)

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d971fd  No.7906876


russian river runs right by bohemian grove

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1af4aa  No.7906877

File: 2344e620db9927b⋯.png (843.05 KB, 946x1000, 473:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Satire but very close to the truth.


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8802e4  No.7906878



what is on the phone?


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124b3a  No.7906879


Yup… so shattering to my consciousness… How will I ever live another day….Ho hum….as I said….Pathetic and worthy of filter…..next.

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fd318a  No.7906880

File: 8b7a1dab3312e47⋯.jpeg (104.93 KB, 1200x1005, 80:67, 88AF90D8-266F-4265-B701-8….jpeg)

A Defense of Liberty & a World Wide Declaration of Justice……

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1af4aa  No.7906881

File: 065b6c5a2250959⋯.png (866.47 KB, 960x970, 96:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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47a1aa  No.7906882

File: fa2487b4b4f6e44⋯.png (324.6 KB, 1578x1958, 789:979, ClipboardImage.png)




Is this more popcorn?

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56d551  No.7906883


Anyone seen Nancy Pelosi nearby?

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48459c  No.7906884

>>7906867 >>7906854

This entire article seems like some sort of coded message imho.

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8b8aa4  No.7906885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Notice NO MSM coverage of Cindy McCain saying the all knew about Epstein.

This small article leaves it out of the write up/

Sheesh, the MSM will not report………probably due to many involved and are trying to slow the roll…..THIS one reporter should be educated so he adds to his write up. Even if we get afew to do their jobs it will help wak people up.


Cindy McCain Talks Preventing Human Trafficking Ahead Of Super Bowl


Arizona businesswoman and philanthropist Cindy McCain used an appearance at Florida International University to draw attention to human trafficking in South Florida ahead of the upcoming Superbowl.

Speaking at the University's State of the World conference, McCain, who chairs the Human Trafficking Advisory Council at the McCain Institute, recalled a human trafficking awareness campaign she helped lead when Arizona hosted the big game in 2015.

“Our hotel industry was involved in it our tourism was involved in it, it was a statewide effort.” she said.

This year's Superbowl is scheduled to be played next month at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens. Authorities are bracing for a wave of out-of-town visitors by stepping up their prevention efforts. In South Florida, enforcement agencies including the FBI and Miami-Dade state attorney’s office are teaming up with the NFL to circulate anti-trafficking messages on public transit and social media, and to promote a new hotline to report suspicious activity, 305-FIX-STOP.

According to data from the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida, Florida is the number three state in the nation for human trafficking, while Miami-Dade sees more human trafficking than any other county in the state.

McCain, the widow of US Senator John McCain, told the crowd at FIU that awareness is the first step in getting rid of human trafficking.

“It begins with prevention and education, awareness and education," she said. "Because not all of these people who are being trafficked are coming across the border, they’re living in your neighborhoods.”

McCain said taboos around discussing trafficking have faded in recent years. “Human trafficking is now part of the conversation, where five years ago I could clear the room in a nano second if people knew I was talking about human trafficking.” she said.

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78dff6  No.7906886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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abbe81  No.7906887


Dersowitz said he will speak for 1 hour.

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8802e4  No.7906888

File: 358038fe061a44d⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 616x366, 308:183, phone.jpg)


>what is on the phone?

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308a58  No.7906889

File: ac0444913e8f81e⋯.jpeg (190.74 KB, 1080x1260, 6:7, ac0444913e8f81e3aaeccf0da….jpeg)

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b664f6  No.7906890


weiner laptop

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73d31e  No.7906891


Checked. And hope he's wrong. Otherwise, it's time to lynch Gates and Co.

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7fedd5  No.7906892

File: feed750f7b08970⋯.png (163.77 KB, 636x773, 636:773, NPC Meme.png)

File: 2ecbe9c3650e265⋯.png (182.12 KB, 582x313, 582:313, 14 seconds.png)

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d91ac4  No.7906893

File: 48d32bf3d50c30a⋯.png (185.7 KB, 640x655, 128:131, 48d32bf3d50c30a2973221ec6d….png)


I will not eat the bats. Also saved kek.

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be8abe  No.7906894


watching this. It's very interesting.

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8b8aa4  No.7906895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



NO mention of "we all knew"!!!!

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c17aae  No.7906896



To Hell you say.


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26e557  No.7906897


>>7906380, >>7906483, >>7906561 planes and boats

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.

>>7906437 new Scavino - 1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉

>>7906544 Flynn updeate ICYMO - motion dates updates

>>7906384 Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

>>7906278 Epstein was telling associates in 2014 that if he ever married, it would be to Celina Dubin

>>7906417 timestamp fag also rolls a Q digit, says AS's pain starts tomorrow

>>7906738 Website showing pandemic exercise at J Hopkins Had DS playing roles

>>7906365 Feds Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer, Report Says (debunks Bezos Saudi hacked me story)

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c247cc  No.7906898

The day before Vegas revenge operations in KSA.


5 Nov 2017 - 8:56:55 PM

US Military = savior of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.


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ed59b3  No.7906899


it was something other than a straight up news thing, read through it but was baking, couldn't parse it out

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b425c4  No.7906900

File: 054744461f1f5d0⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 474x608, 237:304, Themis_BlindJustice.jpg)

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ead8e7  No.7906901


Fidel's kid's face in this pic: "If you only knew how bad things really are"

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6f90e6  No.7906902

File: 1e3f116f519e292⋯.png (256.45 KB, 666x230, 333:115, ClipboardImage.png)


theres a code here I just can't figure it out….

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07a93c  No.7906903



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5c13d4  No.7906904

Anon swears we did a thorough dig of the Edmund Fitzgerald, but online archive is sketchy.

Oldfags got anything?

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58ee13  No.7906905

File: 9b32929f8482171⋯.jpg (166.97 KB, 1093x500, 1093:500, NIGHT SHIFT SR71 Sled Driv….jpg)

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b02221  No.7906906

File: 3e307c7aaa93176⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 66471824_364843584411614_9….jpg)

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8b8aa4  No.7906907

File: 9832cc31afb77c7⋯.jpeg (29.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, sbst_0 (1).jpeg)

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881be3  No.7906908


Wouldn't it be a hoot if this Coronavirus (corona) shifts over to opening everyone's third eye. Vision. 2020…2Q2Q

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25a530  No.7906909

File: 638738a818688ba⋯.jpeg (201.07 KB, 971x647, 971:647, D9D2D396-9A03-463B-BBE3-8….jpeg)

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8802e4  No.7906910


no, civil rights icon , stage 4 cancer riddled John Lewis maybe

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b664f6  No.7906911

File: a1bddf1185b9fad⋯.png (86.03 KB, 603x348, 201:116, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c13d4  No.7906912


So digits are still worth something.

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247f37  No.7906913


I dont take lawyers for their word.

they love to lie,

and you can tell when a lawyer is lying when there lips are moving

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252287  No.7906914

File: 97a317ecc18dabb⋯.png (203.95 KB, 708x560, 177:140, pepe space rat sign boeing.PNG)

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27d313  No.7906915

File: 14899a141b4cad7⋯.png (18.96 KB, 400x160, 5:2, Q1827.png)

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44681f  No.7906916

His neck looks normal to me.

for a long neck, I 'll take A. Coulter


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1af4aa  No.7906917

File: 28c5565fa36498a⋯.png (703.66 KB, 944x948, 236:237, ClipboardImage.png)


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a86057  No.7906918



Fungus using these 2 plus three other IP's in one bread, on a Friday night.

Imagine the effort.

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7158f8  No.7906919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02d8ae  No.7906920

File: 350680d275dfe09⋯.png (82.22 KB, 425x225, 17:9, 350.png)

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a6922e  No.7906921

File: af9b4341301ce07⋯.png (164.17 KB, 641x476, 641:476, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at ….png)


Cisco phone menu


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239a2b  No.7906922

File: 06c62f81b1d02e7⋯.png (241.62 KB, 460x496, 115:124, ClipboardImage.png)


That should say 100s of TRILLIONS of dollars

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f6eb29  No.7906923

you fags are on fire tonight im loving this thread

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2e7db1  No.7906924


Bats are our bros

I live in the burbs, put a bathouse on a tree in the backyard

They eat a BUNCH of insects every night

They come out every evening around dusk, swooping around in circles and gobbling asshole mosquitos

Less mosquitos to bite me and the fam

Have cool sonar superpower navigation skills

Bats are hard-working mofos and our frens

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d8dc0b  No.7906925

File: 882080ec02a32e3⋯.jpeg (136.75 KB, 1082x865, 1082:865, E06B1378-3F4B-478D-A754-5….jpeg)

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43e4cf  No.7906926

File: ff3650ae187d5be⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1242x930, 207:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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44681f  No.7906927

Or Samantha Powers


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3453b8  No.7906928


and the goodclown/badclown circle jerk continues

should get a new act, this is boring

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5c13d4  No.7906929


For my money, Coulter is a Sinclair.

(Anon would pop up a long-armed LdR right now, but the stash is unavailable.)

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8802e4  No.7906930


coming soon

Fisagate Coming to a Theater Near You


q 2153

Fisagate Coming to a Theater Near You



11 Sep 2018 - 5:51:26 PM


Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you.


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8b8aa4  No.7906931

how can Cindy Noname even go out in public and lie to our faces?

follow the wives is an instruction to KNOW that the wives are just as dirt if not more so . >>7906885


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1f9472  No.7906932

File: 99810f47dff2fc9⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 99810f47dff2fc99a4361db435….jpg)

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5c13d4  No.7906933


Most fun in 24 hours.

Many thanqs.

Mañana, y'all.

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25a530  No.7906934

File: 140753d20074317⋯.jpeg (236.6 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 0CD05A0B-C55A-41FA-95BA-5….jpeg)

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881be3  No.7906935

File: b2099c283d585dd⋯.png (32.88 KB, 599x599, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b8aa4  No.7906936

how can Cindy Noname even go out in public and lie to our faces? just gross.

follow the wives is an instruction to KNOW that the wives are just as dirt if not more so . >>7906885


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8802e4  No.7906937


>coming soon


Coming to a theater near you.

Q 3509

Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and "Pedowood"



26 Jul 2019 - 1:54:22 PM


Coming to a theater near you.


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7fedd5  No.7906938

File: 6d85cbf60ba19eb⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1905x1067, 1905:1067, 35 seconds.png)

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b664f6  No.7906939


ref to the watch?


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faec40  No.7906940


ASs pain : pain in the ass


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a0f8a3  No.7906941

File: 4f41e6d84e09aa8⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunshineNow.jpg)

Sunshine's the best disinfectant~

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8fa270  No.7906942



those digits

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e82c40  No.7906943

File: 499d4e5adbe1608⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 1440x815, 288:163, 499d4e5adbe160871c16a74a31….jpg)

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578307  No.7906944

File: 1e0215c37b91ba0⋯.png (635.84 KB, 652x576, 163:144, KEKFORCE SEAL FINAL (1).png)


Kek. Love this. Thanks memefag.

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0f69c5  No.7906945


Yeah, I just been a meme night for me.

Can't wait for TOMORROW

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b425c4  No.7906946

File: a7df972e01f59db⋯.jpg (304.99 KB, 1106x1600, 553:800, 30a541d6c3bbf2d9c9cf875645….jpg)


That shit made me sweat my ass off. Real or not.

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310d9c  No.7906947


PAIN from CST as well. Sleep well.


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10630d  No.7906948

Was watching plane fags shortly after, there were planes coming in taxing to helicopter pad, too many tours helicopters, tour helicopters branching off, one over Mandalay, then going to what was a dirt lot not far away and briefly landing, planes leaving then dropping radar, one plane tracked to Texas neighbourhood and landing, shit going sideways! Nothing made any sense that night.>>7906294

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78dff6  No.7906949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yet we slather mayo on everything

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9834c4  No.7906950


Red blue blue? Arms down, hands folded, arms crossed?

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f6eb29  No.7906951


dubbbs confirm gewdnite!

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84b065  No.7906952

File: 8a7051d17c28cdf⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 750x999, 250:333, brad-parscale-inside-optio….jpg)


Thanks Brad.

You just keep up your end.

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eff51c  No.7906953


Patriot Anon

Remember when Q said State Funeral

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14a873  No.7906954


Legend…and they're going to make it illegal to carry on

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26e557  No.7906955


>>7906380, >>7906483, >>7906561 planes and boats

>>7906333 Rose City ANTIFA, the violent Portland ANTIFA cell, is trying to mobilize people against Scott Presler’s clean-up event.

>>7906437 new Scavino - 1/24/2020🕒 | COMING SOON🗓😉

>>7906544 Flynn updeate ICYMO - motion dates updates

>>7906384 Schiff Blows Finale: ‘Head on Pike’ Impeachment Trial Comment Angers Republican Senators

>>7906278 Epstein was telling associates in 2014 that if he ever married, it would be to Celina Dubin

>>7906417 timestamp fag also rolls a Q digit, says AS's pain starts tomorrow

>>7906738 Website showing pandemic exercise at J Hopkins Had DS playing roles

>>7906365 Feds Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer, Report Says (debunks Bezos Saudi hacked me story)

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316159  No.7906956

File: 329b889268ee9d8⋯.png (141.84 KB, 560x334, 280:167, ScavinoFBphoneZoom.PNG)



Best I could do.

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02d8ae  No.7906957

File: ec36473bdddcff2⋯.gif (4.57 MB, 498x280, 249:140, raw.gif)



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abbe81  No.7906958

File: 8b1792ef2ddc125⋯.png (494.38 KB, 626x447, 626:447, Cortez Border Fence Trump ….png)

File: 485d0c74fc3bd7f⋯.jpeg (76.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Trump 2020 Make Cortez Cr….jpeg)

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5c13d4  No.7906959



But it's bed time…

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d8dc0b  No.7906960



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a1488f  No.7906961

File: a13d1bdd88c6acb⋯.png (815.45 KB, 800x676, 200:169, ClipboardImage.png)

The federal Bureau of Prisons is planning to move Lamine N’Diaye to the role at FCI Fort Dix, a low-security prison in Burlington County, New Jersey, the people said. The move comes months after Attorney General William Barr ordered N’Diaye be reassigned to a desk post at the Bureau of Prisons’ regional office in Pennsylvania after Epstein’s death as the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general investigated.

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f7d527  No.7906962

File: 5cdf1c6796238b0⋯.jpg (313.68 KB, 1323x873, 147:97, Screenshot_2020-01-24 (18)….jpg)

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25a530  No.7906965


It’s probably the Q posts Dan has phrased up for tomorrow’s digs.

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44681f  No.7906966

File: 8f510843fdb051c⋯.png (342.02 KB, 502x585, 502:585, rothschildzuckerburg.png)



I know the Rothschild elongated skull

You can see it in this pic

Doesn't Nate resemble "Zuker"

And the Hapsberg chin.

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308a58  No.7906967





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f6eb29  No.7906968


Not so anonymous on this board i am

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b02221  No.7906969

File: d5ca1d460265cb8⋯.jpg (750.52 KB, 1996x2626, 998:1313, QClockQ.jpg)


11.3 marker lined up with Castle clean.

Lots of clockness going on.

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d8dc0b  No.7906972


Dan hands like catchers mitt

Holding ball safe secure

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8fa270  No.7906973


ikr, it even has correct exhaust patterns too.

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1af4aa  No.7906975

File: 931fefbfbb89d5c⋯.png (706.78 KB, 956x674, 478:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Slush fund money used to control Warren.


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b425c4  No.7906977

File: 043d3f4da4e918e⋯.png (6.04 KB, 275x183, 275:183, tear.png)


God didn't, son. Read this passage until you get it:

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

>All this I will give you

I will give you

Who owns this world, anon? What's really happening right now?

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6c8b0d  No.7906978


I was just about to respond to your other post.


I have personal knowledge of price fixing of oil/gasoline. Prices get set nightly based on gas station survey data (Lundberg) and light oil rack rates. Each brand knows where they fall in line. Exxon is the highest, other brands in the middle, and then smaller brands at the end. Each brand knows where it is in the lineup so prices can swing consistently based on the nightly pricing stats.

Meanwhile, free energy is available and technology is suppressed to maintain this trillion dollar industry.

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5c13d4  No.7906979


The inbreeding!

Yep. Keep going.

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14a873  No.7906980

File: d50fce4d572b1ea⋯.jpeg (86.47 KB, 750x756, 125:126, iu-3.jpeg)

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7560f5  No.7906982

File: 42b4349cc5d1cba⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 42b4349cc5d1cbae4dde694d63….png)

File: 02e2267c7e8de5d⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1174x489, 1174:489, 1543.JPG)

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 428x281, 428:281, questions.jpg)


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.


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74ec6c  No.7906983


"Attention Wal Mart Shoppers, would shoppers please return their carts to the designated places in the parking lots. Thank You".

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12961e  No.7906984


If a member of the House dies in office, does that rate a State Funeral? How's Mad Maxine feeling tonight?

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5c13d4  No.7906985


HFS. People get it.

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d65656  No.7906986

File: d2ce2bece43d3f2⋯.jpeg (168.09 KB, 828x1406, 414:703, 95F3CA0C-F440-4966-8099-2….jpeg)

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b425c4  No.7906987


Satan is holding us hostage. We're in the middle of a rescue.

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c704aa  No.7906988

File: 7e420a188ecb312⋯.jpg (142.29 KB, 960x635, 192:127, spaghtet.jpg)


no sauce

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8802e4  No.7906989



brennan twat 'contagion'

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7560f5  No.7906990

File: d070020783f725c⋯.jpg (181.05 KB, 300x500, 3:5, the sauce force 2.jpg)

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310d9c  No.7906991


[23] chek'd

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26e557  No.7906992

File: 275bd41347de4b9⋯.png (787.72 KB, 940x720, 47:36, racer bacer.png)

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f97e91  No.7906993


Rabbi, you obviously have me confused with someone else. Your powers of discernment are very seriously lacking.

I don't use multiple IPs.

I have no ability or desire to ban anybody.

I have no privileged data.

I have never doxed or hurt anybody.

I am but a lowly archivist. Trying to copy and save all this as it happens is time consuming enough with out having to go back and redo naming conventions simply because someone else is careless.

I don't give a damn about the colons, in fact I omit them, they don't matter. I didn't initially mention that at all, only responded to that because of a comment made by a queer clown.

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937461  No.7906994

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best youtube viewer without adds or signing in.


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1af4aa  No.7906996

File: 873317b43deca6d⋯.png (858.17 KB, 948x998, 474:499, ClipboardImage.png)

Be careful what you wish for


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73d31e  No.7906997


All of this is the gayest shit ever! I'm so beyond fuckin over this bullshit with Gen Flynn. THIS is what makes me want to go nuclear bc it's so completely out of control. Same with Manafort bullshit. They should be praying to sweet baby Jesus that Trump isn't removed bc then the gloves would be completely off and there'd suddenly be 63+ million snipers walking around looking for a swamp draining.

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4fe76d  No.7906999

File: 3cea7f4f4db041d⋯.png (503.18 KB, 605x412, 605:412, huhspaprog.png)

You poor space niggers…

Being manipulated into agreeing to sending the generations that come after you on to JEWISH DEBT.

There is a special place in hell of all of you well meaning Star Trek Bastards.

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d8dc0b  No.7907000


Epic fo sho


Biblical maybe

Even if it’s legal genius smashing bullshit rhetoric all over senate chambers

They’ve got custodians

We pay for ALL that

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14a873  No.7907001


circle and line shill

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413f09  No.7907002

File: aa4e0aeec6fe6d5⋯.png (495.85 KB, 1024x528, 64:33, POTUS Night Shift 01072019.png)

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c17aae  No.7907003

If you don't back God wholly.

God: ok then, see how you fare with that free will.


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1f9472  No.7907004

File: 73299efe2e43769⋯.png (176.22 KB, 907x650, 907:650, ClipboardImage.png)



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0f69c5  No.7907005

File: ecf6b8d10a9aba6⋯.png (170.71 KB, 600x500, 6:5, bepe_ded.png)

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a1488f  No.7907007



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8802e4  No.7907008


>ref to the watch?

maybe it is time to WIND THE CLOCK

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6f90e6  No.7907009

File: dfbad5da13acac8⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 757x500, 757:500, punisherpaincoming.jpg)

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466d0e  No.7907010

File: 09dc8a00f57374f⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 866x900, 433:450, EPBWoQAXsAA9mdw.jpeg.jpg)

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73d31e  No.7907011



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8802e4  No.7907013



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2b0b1d  No.7907014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3453b8  No.7907019

File: 542b08c15cda1d6⋯.jpg (36.87 KB, 600x779, 600:779, EKC7tmlVUAEW14W.jpg)


strings are being cut one at a time, and team mutant is pissed

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a1488f  No.7907020

File: da2a2bda6539567⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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247f37  No.7907021

File: 4a8e612fe46db2a⋯.jpg (214.92 KB, 586x756, 293:378, IMG_4273.JPG)

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10630d  No.7907023


Obama government overthrew the government of the Ukraine then plundered the country. Average monthly wage in Ukraine is 200.00, Hunter Biden 83,000 a month. These people are sick.

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a86057  No.7907024



Subtle, Noice

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308a58  No.7907025

File: fcb44f4bc343ac2⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2yua6o.jpg)

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55442a  No.7907027


>If a member of the House dies in office, does that rate a State Funeral? How's Mad Maxine feeling tonight?

When Cummings died not too long ago they let him lay in state in the capitol building for a day. But no full-scale state funeral. That's only for presidents, VPs, anyone who the current POTUS thinks deserves it (Neil Armstrong got one, for example)

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413f09  No.7907028

File: 8a1157108e12587⋯.png (35.45 KB, 713x467, 713:467, what chance does fear have….png)

File: 42c86ce8e1952e8⋯.png (631.81 KB, 510x680, 3:4, Cathrine Herridge 01242020.png)

File: 5aa5f841232d6f7⋯.png (195.11 KB, 889x447, 889:447, george stephanopoulos wiki.png)

File: f9c9278d53dc4d0⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 800x421, 800:421, Be kind.jpg)

File: 24384affd1bf6a6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 800x570, 80:57, Rudy Revere.png)

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27d313  No.7907029

File: de3c6f6c5b8f332⋯.png (211.68 KB, 1082x865, 1082:865, bepe_blank.png)

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9834c4  No.7907031



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b425c4  No.7907032

File: 1bf262c56fb6ca0⋯.jpg (128.91 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1566871233177m.jpg)

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